Web Usage Mining
MapReduce-based Emerging Pattern Mining in Hypergraph Learning
Xiuming Yu, Meijing Li and Keun Ho Ryu
Database/Bioinformatics Lab, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea
Web usage mining is a popular research area in data
mining. As the rapid growth of internet, more and
more log information is collected by the web servers
around the world. It becomes difficult to extract
useful information from these huge web log data.
Classic techniques of web usage mining are
performed with low efficency in large number of
web log data, because a lot of system resource is
needed to deal with large computation.
Most techniques of web mining are performed
based on assosiation rule mining or frequent pattern
mining, which aim to find relationships among web
pages or predicting the behavoir of web users. That’s
difficult to find some favourite web pages in
different web users.
In this research, we aim to find some favourite web
pages in different web users in large web log data.
We propose an efficient approach based on
hypergraph learning by considering the
programming model of MapReduce and the
techniques of emerging pattern mining.
Comparison with traditional pagerank method in
web mining, our proposed method which is based on
hypergraph learning can save a lot of cost in
computation by considering fewer nodes in
generated graphs of page links.
The programming model of MapReduce is used
to improve our proposed approach by counting
visiting time which accessed by web users in one
web page. It can greatly improve the efficiency of
Emerging patterns in web log data can be
represented as favourite web pages of different web
users, we can obtain useful information by
performing the techniques of emerging pattern
mining in web log data.
Web Usage Mining (WUM), also known as web
access, the web access pattern tracking can be
defined as web page history, the mining task is a
process of extracting interesting patterns in web
access logs. There are so many techniques of web
using mining have been proposed (Yu, 2011, Yu,
2012, Li, 2014). It is still a hot topic in the research
area of data mining.
A hypergraph is a specific graph whose edges
can connect more than two vertices or nodes.
Because of this characteristic, hypergraph is suitable
to solve the problem of high-order relation. In this
research, we consider that it can reduce the number
of vertices or nodes in generated graphs of page
links, to save the cost of computation in the process
of mining task. Hypergraph has been widely used in
the area of data mining, and there are many articles
(Xie, 2014, Pliakos, 2014, Chen, 2014, Yu, 2014)
about hypergraph learning have been published.
Hadoop-MapReduce (Narayanan, 2014, Ghit,
2014, Doulkeridis, 2014) is a programming model
and an associated implementation for processing and
generating large datasets, which processes large
datasets in parallel fashion. It allows users to not
worry about the nuisance details of coordinating
parallel sub-tasks and maintaining distributed file
storage. It greatly increases user productivity while
users process a large amount of parallel data. A
MapReduce program consists of two parts: a map
function, which processes a key/value pair to
generate a set of intermediate key/value pairs, and a
reduce function, which merges all of the
intermediate values associated with the same
intermediate key.
The discovery of class comparison or
discrimination information is an important problem
in the field of data mining. Recently, a novel kind of
knowledge pattern, called EPs (emerging patterns),
is introduced in (Dong, 1999). Emerging patterns,
defined as multivariate features whose supports
change significantly from one class to another, are
Yu X., Li M. and Ryu K..
Web Usage Mining - MapReduce-based Emerging Pattern Mining in Hypergraph Learning.
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
very useful as a mean of discovering distinctions
between different classes of data. By aggregating the
differentiating power of EPs, the constructed
classifiers are usually more accurate than other
existing state-of-the-art classifiers (Dong, 1999), (Li,
2015). EP-based classifiers also use this concept in
analysis of high-dimensional biomedical data for
rule discovery, diagnosis, prognosis and for better
understanding of mechanics of the disease.
Emerging patterns are patterns whose supports
change significantly from one dataset to another. By
using the techniques of emerging pattern mining, we
can find emerging web pages in web log data. This
technique has been applied in many articles
(Sherhod, 2014, Yu, 2014) and it is still a hot topic
in computer science.
In this research, we get large pages as vertices in
hypergraph from processed web log data, transform
original data set into hypergraphs grouping by web
users, and find emerging patterns in these
hypergraphs based on the programming model of
mapreduce. Our work flow is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Work flow of our proposed approach.
4.1 Data Pre-Processing
Web log data is automatically recorded in web log
files on web servers when web users access the web
server through their browsers. Not all of the records
sorted into the web log files are legal or necessary
for the mining task, so before analysis of the web log
data, the data cleaning phase needs to be
4.1.1 Removing Records with Missing Value
Some of the records sorted in web log file are not
complete because some of the parameters of the
records are lost. For example, if a click-through to a
web page was executed while the web server was
shut down, then in the log file only the IP address,
user ID and access time are recorded; the method,
URL, referrer and agent will be lost. This kind of
record is illegal for our mining task, so these records
must be removed.
4.1.2 Removing Illegal Records with
Exception Status Numbers
Some illegal records are caused by errors in the
requests or by the server. Although the records are
intact, the activity did not execute normally. For
example, records with the status numbers of 400 or
404 are caused by HTTP client errors, bad requests
or a request not found. Records with status numbers
500 or 505, are caused by HTTP server errors, when
the internal server cannot connect, or when the
HTTP version is not supported. These kinds of data
are illegal for our task, so the records must be
4.1.3 Removing Irrelevant Records with No
Significant URLs
Some URLs in the records consist of .txt, .jpg, .gif or
.js extensions, which are automatically generated
while a web page is requested. These records are
irrelevant to our mining task, so they must be
Figure 2: Common log format for web log data.
4.1.4 Selecting the Essential Attributes
As shown in the common log format of web log data
in Figure 2, there are many attributes in one record,
but for web-usage mining, not all the attributes are
necessary. In this paper, the attributes for IP address,
time, URL and referrer are essential attributes to our
task, so they should remain but the rest of the
attributes should be discarded.
4.2 Generate Large Page
A large page set is a set of frequent web pages. We
define frequent web pages as whose support
thresholds are greater than or equal to user specified
minimum support threshold.
In this paper, a web log file denotes a data set,
and one web page is defined as an event and LP
denotes the set of web pages that are accessed by
web users with enough frequency over a period of
time. An important definition for generating LP is
user session. Here the user session time is defined as
one hour for simplicity. Then, the example data is
grouped by one hour for each web user. According
to the experimental data, candidate event types are
extracted and their supports are calculated. To
calculate the support count for each candidate, we
need to count the visit times that are accessed by
different web users. Finally, a user specified
Minimum Support threshold for Large Page (MSLP)
must be defined. MSLP denotes a kind of abstract
level that is a degree of generalization. The support
value will be determined by the proportion of web
users accessing times of web pages. Selecting MSLP
is very important; if it is low, then we can get a
detailed event. If it is high, then we can get general
events. In this example, MSLP is defined as 75%. In
other words, if a web page is accessed by greater
than 75% web users, then this web page can be
denoted as a large page.
4.3 Generate Hypergraph
After generating large web pages, all of the large
web pages are defined as vertices in hypergraph. In
web log data, each web user is represented as a class
which may contain hundreds or thousands of
accessed records. For example, for one web user U1,
he or she visited 20 web pages {p1, p2... p20} in a
user session, we can get generalized graph of page
links shown in Figure 3. We assume that large page
set in Figure 3 is {p6, p12, p16, p19}, then for web
user U1, his or her hypergraph of accessed pages can
be described in Figure 4.
4.4 Emerging Pattern Ming in
Generated Hypergraphs
After generating hypergraphs for all of web users,
we aim to find emerging patterns in these
hypergraphs. An example of hypergraphs of some
web users is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 3: Generalized graph of page links of U1.
Figure 4: Hypergraph of user U1.
In the process of emerging pattern mining, we
will use the idea of
-EP and JEP (Jumping
Emerging Pattern). An example of emerging pattern
mining is presented using the example data shown in
Figure 5. We make the hypergraph in web user U1
Figure 5: Example hypergraphs of some web users.
as class 1 and other hypergraphs in other web users
as class 2. Table 1 shows that the items in these two
classes. Table 2 lists out all possible EPs, their
support and the growth rates of all EPs. If we set the
minimum growth rate threshold
is =1.5, there are
six EPs: Class 1 has four EPs ({p6}, {p12}, {p14},
{p16}) and five JEPs ({p6, p12}, {p6, p16}, {p12,
p14}, {p6, p12, p14} and {p12, p6, p16}).
Table 1: A sample dataset with two classes.
Class 1 Class 2
p6 p3
p12 p4
p14 p6
p16 p7
p6, p12 p10
p6, p16 p11
p12, p14 p12
p6, p12, p14 p14
p12, p6, p16 p16
p6, p12, p14, p16 p17
p7, p12
Table 2: Discovering Eps for
Items Support Growth Rate of EPs
Class 1 Class 2 Class 1 Class 2
p6 0.56 0.08 7 -
p12 0.56 0.17 3.3 -
p14 0.33 0.33 - -
p16 0.33 0.08 4.1 -
p6, p12 0.33 0
p6, p16 0.22 0.08 2.75 -
p12, p14 0.22 0.08 2.75 -
p6, p12, p14 0.11 0
p12, p6, p16 0.11 0
p6, p12, p14,
0 0 - -
However, JEPs ({p6, p12}, {p6, p12, p14} and
{p12, p6, p16}) are JEPs of class 1 with support of
not zero values in class 1 and zero in class 2. It can
be seen that these JEPs, appearing one in class 1 but
zero time in class 2, are not useful for classification,
especially when there are much noise present in the
In this section, we will perform our proposed
approach to web log data and do some experiments
to proof the efficiency of our proposed approach.
5.1 Experiment Data
In the experiments, we used weblog data come from
a NASA website (http://ita.ee.lbl.gov/html/contrib/
NASA-HTTP.html), which is cited in [18], because
that web log is large-scale temporal data with time
points. The event file can be generated from a web
log file including the URL requested, HTTP method
requested, the IP address from which the request
originated, and a timestamp.
Two web log files, NASA_access_log_Jul95 and
NASA_access_log_Aug95, were used as our two
experiment datasets. The first dataset was collected
from 00:00:00 July 1, 1995, through 23:59:59 July
31, 1995 (a total of 31 days). The second dataset was
collected from 00:00:00 August 1, 1995, through
23:59:59 August 31, 1995. The uncompressed
content of the first dataset is 205.2 MB, and it
contains 1,891,715 records. The uncompressed
content of the second dataset is 167.8 MB, and it
contains 1,569,898 records.
5.2 Analysis of Our Proposed
In this section, we want to evaluate our proposed
approach by three ways.
Algorithm based on mapreduce programming
model vs. traditional algorithm;
Prediction based on hypergraph learning vs.
generalized graph mining;
Accuracy of emerging pattern mining;
For the way of Algorithm based on mapreduce
programming model vs. traditional algorithm, we
want to get expected outcome which our proposed
approach performed with less time than traditional
For the way of Prediction based on hypergraph
learning vs. generalized graph mining, we want to
see our proposed approach can save a lot of time in
In this research, we propose a process of getting
large pages from processed web log data, define
these large web pages as vertices in hypergraph, then
transform original data set into hypergraphs
grouping by web users, and find emerging patterns
in these hypergraphs based on the programming
model of mapreduce. The main stage of the research
is that how to apply the techniques of web usage
mining, hypergraph learning and emerging pattern
mining to web usage mining. And in the stage of
experiment, we try to use right way to evaluate our
proposed approach, and do sufficient experiments to
prove our research points.
This research was supported by Export Promotion
Technology Development Program, Ministry of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (No.114083-3),
Basic Science Research Program through the
National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future
Planning (No.2013R1A2A2A01068923) and (No.
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