Ontology based Knowledge Extraction
with Application to Finance
Özgür Bağlıoğlu and Mesut Çeviker
Department of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Cankaya, Ankara, Turkey
Keywords: Ontology, Knowledge Extraction, Semantic Search, Information Extraction, Information Systems,
Knowledge Discovery.
Abstract: Public and private enterprise finance performance is reflected and affected by unorganized, unstructured
data such as news, reports (IMF, OECD and other periodical reports) as well as structured statistical data
extracted by Statistical Institutes and other organizations. The role of raw data in influencing performance
and decision making is not negligible. In this context, this paper presents knowledge extraction
methodology for precise and fast decision making in finance by using ontological tools. For this purpose,
we firstly design finance ontology and collect datasets. The aim of this ontology is to support the knowledge
management in the finance domain and to increase the productivity through evidence base, comprising raw
finance data to be retrieved from various operational sources. We then propose to populate the ontology by
using past project properties and project progress reports. After population of data, we plan to develop and
use a semantic search engine to gather meaningful data i.e. knowledge. The semantic search engine will
assist decision makers to make better decisions. The output of this work will be also used as an input for
decision making and scenario based future prediction for finance as this study is a part of a larger project
called “ontology based decision support system”.
Projects, constituting the majority of the new
initiatives, are the main activities for the continuity
of the organizations. Organizations should select
more plausible projects to accomplish their vision
and strategies. However, there are many different
factors and indicators to be considered while
planning projects and making investment choices. It
may be a challenge to decide useful activities
amongst many initiative proposals for organizations
having finite resources. Thus, financial management
is of key importance for the organizations for proper
management of funds.
In this work, finance domain is investigated from
strategic management perspective, with different
dimensions, namely planning, performance,
budgeting, process, accounting, control, and risk.
These aspects have different impact factors in
classification and success of projects.
Planning has a master vision (long term plans
and programs) guiding what type of activities
should be conducted.
Process defines the structure of activities
(projects, resources etc.).
Budgeting is high level financing of activities.
Accounting is generally about the realization of
financial transactions.
Control and risk are the environmental factors
that affect the progress of activities from the
finance perspective.
If all these aspects can be combined in a unified
knowledge framework, the evaluation and
monitoring of activities (projects) will become
This paper presents common domain ontology for
decision making. The aim of the ontology is to
establish core factors affecting performance in
decision making about projects (whether to invest, to
continue, to maintain etc.). The domain ontology has
been defined by domain experts using key phrases in
finance domain.
This research is now on population of ontology stage
using project dataset (consisting of project details
and progress reports). Population helps ontology to
evolve and knowledge base will be created on
finance. We are using EU open dataset Cordis for
glu Ö. and Çeviker M..
Ontology based Knowledge Extraction with Application to Finance.
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
population of ontology. Details are given in
methodology phase.
After this stage, we plan to include semantic search
capabilities to populated ontology. This helps to
extract relevant knowledge for decision makers on
approving new project proposals.
The objectives can be divided into 3 groups as this
study is conducted in 3 subfields:
1. Ontology creation and maintenance: Common
Finance ontologies are defined from different
perspectives (process, budget, planning risk
etc.). This ontology will evolve as population
and decision making continue. These
ontologies provide explicit and formal
information describing the concepts and their
relationships for the target domain. Developed
ontologies support the knowledge management
in the finance domain and they can serve as a
basis for the knowledge extraction.
2. Ontology population and enrichment:
Automated crawling of projects, plans and
other related documents is the first objective. In
population stage ontology will evolve. We use
graph database for ontology population stage.
Population using a graph database and
maintaining the updates between ontology
model and graph database concurrently is
another objective. The updates will be
maintained in two ways: from model to graph,
from graph to model.
3. Semantic search: We will evaluate the
performance of ontology based semantic search
with classical information retrieval model. Our
objective is to gather more specific and related
results with semantic search capabilities. Also
the results will be used as an input for scenario
based decision support system on finance
which is another doctoral thesis of my college.
This study is about knowledge extraction for precise
and fast decision making in finance by using
ontological tools. The first stage is the design
finance ontology. The aim of this ontology is to
support the knowledge management in the finance
domain and to increase the productivity through
evidence base, comprising raw finance data to be
retrieved from various operational sources. We then
propose to populate the ontology by using project
attributes and project progress reports previously
executed. The third phase is development of a
semantic search engine to gather knowledge and
input parameters for assisting decision makers. The
output of this work will be also used as an input for
decision making and scenario based future
prediction for finance.
As depicted previously, the studies in this field are
mainly conducted in three fields: ontology
development, ontology population, semantic search.
This section provides literature review about these
4.1 Ontology Development
Ontology is a common linked vocabulary which is
developed to share common understanding between
researchers working in same domains. Ontologies
cover machine interpretable definitions of domain
concepts and relations among them (Noy, 2001).
Ontology consists of vocabulary model, used for
extracting knowledge, which includes domain
specific concepts and notions and the relations
between them. Ontologies are helpful in domain
specific queries, and allow for gathering more
relevant results compared to classic information
retrieval methodologies. Some of the studies can be
given as examples such as OntoSeek and Inquizit
(Baclawski 2000).
The initiative comprehensive research done in
ontology development is conducted by Jones et al.
(1998). In this work, TOVE, Enterprise model
approach, Methontology, KBSI IDF5 and many
other ontology extraction methodogies are explained
and compared in detail. Although there are
substantial differences between these approaches,
fundamentally, the common points are similar to
research conducted by Noy et al. (2001). The
ontology development methodology used within this
research is similar to Noy’s work; we also present
practical application of the development
In another research conducted 2003, it is
indicated that ontology technology is mature enough
and there exist several tools for extracting ontology.
This paper argues that there should be common
standard for ontology development and this may
increase the transfer of common information
between common domain researchers. This study
investigates several ontology development tools,
explains some ontology definition languages and the
detailed comparisons are made (Corcho, 2003).
In addition to the above-mentioned studies, there
exists simple, applicable and more understandable
ontology development work, preferred because of
these factors, conducted by Noy and McGuinness.
This work explains both fundamental ontology
science and ontology creation steps. According to
this work, although there are many tools for
developing ontologies; the fundamental methodo-
logy includes the following steps:
Determining the domain and scope of an
Enumerating important terms in domain
Defining the entities and concepts in the
Determining the taxonomic relations between
entities (such as class hierarchy)
Determining properties and types of entities
Determining the relationships between concepts
(Noy, 2001)
This research is another application of ontology
development with practical points in mind. The
methodology in that paper is simple and applicable
to other areas besides finance.
4.2 Ontology Population
Ontologies provide standardized means of
modelling, querying, and reasoning over knowledge
bases. After developing ontology, the instances of
entities and relations should be identified. This
process is a knowledge acquisition activity that
relies on semi-automatic methods to generate
instance data from unstructured and structured data
sources (Topic Ontology Population, 2014).
Through this process, the ontology will become
capable of representing large amount of information
using small number of axioms (entities and
Ontology population task can be examined from
different perspectives. The preliminary studies
include term extraction methods in which much
research is conducted and this area becomes mature
enough. Term extraction (named entity recognition)
includes linguistic processes or rule based methods
to extract noun phrases that express terms and
special entities such as location, special name, and
time phrases (Cimiano, 2006). However as ontology
have concepts instead of named entities; the
extraction of instances becomes more challenging.
Hahn and Schattinger (1998) introduce a
methodology for automating the maintenance of
domain specific taxonomies based on NLP methods.
The ontology is updated as acquisition and
extraction of texts. The extraction depends on the
linguistic and conceptual quality of various forms of
evidence underlying the generation and refinement
of concept hypothesis. This approach is based on
qualification calculus where several hypotheses
about instance and concept are created and ranked.
For example, a hypothesis “the printer <A>” would
create an instance <A> from concept printer. The
quality of hypothesis is generated according to
grammatical constructions of lexical items (i.e. parse
trees) and terminological knowledge base which
derives concept hypothesis. The dataset is
information technology magazines of 101 texts. The
knowledge base contains 325 concepts and 447
conceptual relations. The results indicate high recalls
but low precisions (about %30). The drawback of
this linguistic approach is that it needs a set of
accurate tools for linguistic processing i.e. domain
specific POS-taggers, parsers.
One of the initial researches about automatic
population is Artequakt, developed by Southampton
University (Alani, 2003). Artequakt automatically
extracts knowledge about artists from the web, make
ontology population and generate biographies about
artists. Generation of biographies consists of three
Knowledge extraction: responsible from
gathering instances along sentences from web
Information management: stores and
consolidates the information so that biography
generation phase can query the knowledge base
using inference engine.
Narrative Generation: This phase has some
story templates about biography, and according
to it and using knowledge base generated in
information management phase, generates
automatically biographies about artists.
Artequakt uses GATE and WordNet to extract
instances of ontology entities and relations. In
extraction phase, the output is in xml format and
almost all information is generated in structured
format, so population becomes a very easy task. The
success of this research comes from the dataset
which is almost structured and easy to extract.
Besides, this dataset is very narrow and has specific
vocabulary set because of narrow domain.
The most comprehensive survey performed in
ontology population by Wimalasuriya and Dejing
(2010) review the details of different ontology based
information extraction systems (OBIE). In this
study, common layout and architecture of OBIE
systems is defined and the studies are compared
according to extraction methods, ontology
generation methodology and types of resources.
In this survey, according to extraction methodology,
most of the researchers use linguistic rules-
specifying regular expressions that capture certain
types of information. This method is combined with
NLP methods such as part of speech taggers and
noun phrase chunkers that enables wide range of
rules. Another extraction technique is using
gazetteer lists which recognize individual words or
phrases instead of patterns. This technique is widely
used in named entity recognition task (for example
organization names). Next extraction technique is
classification technique such as support vector
machines, maximum entropy models and decision
trees methods. For this technique, classifiers are
trained to identify instances and relations of
ontology. Different linguistic features (POS tags,
capitalizations, individual words) are used as input
for classification. Another extraction method
analyzes HTML or XML tags to generate extraction
rules. This method generally depends on dataset and
the pages or documents must be structured. Last
method named web based search queries for the
instance whether it is relevant to entity or
relationship in ontology. It uses Hearst patterns like
“<CONCEPTS> such as <INSTANCE>”. This
pattern is queried and if the search results have
reasonable number of outputs then instance
candidate is labeled as instance.
In the survey, ontology generation methodologies of
OBIE systems are also examined. One approach
considers the generated ontology as an input to the
system. The ontology is constructed manually with
this approach. In another approach, ontology is
automatically or semi-automatically constructed by
using information extraction. Initially ontology may
exist and updated with extracted information, or
ontology is constructed from scratch automatically.
The main aim is to update ontology with new
This paper mentions about the types of components
of ontology that are extracted. These components are
classes, data type properties, object properties,
instances, property values of instances and
constraints. OBIE systems using Ontology
generation process generally extract information
related to classes only. Other OBIE systems
generally extract only instance names. Some systems
also extract property values of instances.
The survey also compares OBIE studies according to
datasets used as input. Many OBIE systems process
the data from quite different sources. These sources
are Wikipedia pages, documents or html files from
domain, web pages from a particular site. PANKOW
and OntoSyphon which uses web based search as
information extraction have no restriction of the
source. This fact implies that these methods can be
applied to any domain including other languages.
The survey also indicates that there are no de-facto
standard text corpora for performance evaluation of
different OBIE systems.
Lastly, in the survey the performance evaluation of
OBIE systems is performed using standard
information retrieval metrics: precision recall and F-
4.3 Knowledge Base and Semantic
A knowledge-based system consists of a knowledge-
base that represents facts about the world and an
inference engine that can reason about those facts
and use rules and other forms of logic to deduce new
facts or highlight inconsistencies. The ideal
representation for a knowledge-base is an object
model (often called an ontology in AI literature)
with classes, subclasses, and instances.
After population of ontology, knowledge base will
be ready for querying. Semantic search is an
approach to gather more relevant search results by
understanding user's intent and contextual meaning
of terms.
Current trend in semantic search is to rely on
generally the World Wide Web, so semantic search
engine independent of domain is hot research area.
Hakia is a meaning based search engine that presents
search results based on meaning matching rather
than popularity of search terms (Alan, 2008).
Because of the research scope, we will deal only
with ontology based search engines instead of
semantic search engines.
One of the ontology search engines is developed by
Maedche et al. In this study, an infrastructure for
searching, reusing and evolving ontologies in a
distributed environment is discussed. This work
presents an approach for evolution of distributed
ontologies, which is based on keeping change
information in the form of evolution logs. The
generated tool named KAON uses inference engine
for answering conjunctive queries in the form of
SPARQL. The search is based on WordNet and
lexical matching of element names providing more
intuitive searching (Mädche, 2008).
Another study is SEWISE, which is an ontology
based web information search engine. This study is
experimented in the financial domain where
ontology is developed for web finance news.
Statistical text mining techniques (text indexing, text
categorization, text summarization, keyword
extraction) are used to refine and extract HTML
pages to XML files which are semantically tagged.
These XML files include semantic knowledge of the
finance news which enriches textual information.
XML repository can be queried using rich Xqueries
to gather relevant information (Gardarin, 2003).
Another research conducted by Buitelaar et al.
focuses on ontology based information extraction
from soccer web pages. In that study, a tool named
SmartWeb Ontology Based Annotation (SOBA)
component, which automatically populates a
knowledge base by information extraction from
soccer match reports found on the web, has been
developed. They extract information from
heterogeneous sources such as tabular structures,
text and image captions in a semantically integrated
way by using SProUT which multilingual NLP
platform. It implements a novel paradigm in which
information extraction, knowledge base updates and
reasoning are tightly interleaved (Buitelaar, 2006).
Another study is conducted by Alan et al. describes
a video annotation and querying system which is
capable of semi-automatic annotation of videos from
text. The domain is soccer domain and video
segments are enriched with metadata (textual
content). This approach provides semantic search in
videos. This study helps user to query videos
according to important parts of games (e.g. all goals
by Hakan or Nihat) (Alan, 2008).
Similar research conducted by Kara et al.(2012) is
about ontology based information extraction and
retrieval. This study is conducted in soccer domain
from UEFA and SporX. The extraction process is
achieved by using domain specific ontology. The
retrieval system is enhanced using semantic
indexing where the domain specific information
extraction is used. The domain specific queries (e.g.
fouls committed by Daniel) give better results than
traditional keyword based information retrieval.
Also this system can answer the queries without
need of SPARQL. This study is a base of our
research with finance domain.
In this section, steps of proposed ontology
development procedure will be explained. After
ontology development step, ontology population and
semantic search methodologies will be explained.
5.1 Ontology Building
The ontology extraction methodology includes many
migrations from words to the ontology. Firstly,
domain knowledge is gathered by discussing key
terms that are used in budgeting and accounting.
Then these terms (more than 1500) are simplified to
key terms (about 120) that are generally used in this
domain. The key terms are defined and all these
terms are discussed in detail through regular
meetings with domain experts. This process also
includes grouping the key terms into manageable
categories so that ontology can be easily divided into
small and easily definable sub ontologies.
Afterwards, we develop audit, budgeting,
control, accounting, performance, planning, process,
risk ontologies according to the clustering of key
terms and relations between these terms. We discuss
the key terms and relations within ontologies, in case
of necessity we simplify ontologies by further
consolidation of terms or relations. After
determining all groups of ontologies, we merge
relations and obtain a small set of relations. Lastly,
we combine all groups of ontologies into one
consolidated ontology and define new relations
between these sub-ontologies.
While extracting budgeting and accounting
ontologies, some groups seem to pose less
importance at first sight. For example “risk”, “audit”
or “control” has more general terms. The reason
behind this is to focus on budget and account
groups. Moreover, ontology extraction is an
evolving process, new terms can always be added to
these groups while decision making and
performance management models are developed.
Similarly, the relation between performance and
budgeting can be extended. The main aim of this
initial ontology is to capture domain knowledge and
to identify the core relations in finance.
While developing the ontology, a number of
domains exist such as budgeting, accounting, etc.
The main problem here is the way of construction of
a combined ontology including all the related
domains. As a solution, instead of one big and
unreadable ontology, related ontologies are
developed for each domain separately.
Another problem to be solved is the identification of
too many different relations for the ontologies. In
order to address this problem, the relations having
similar meanings are combined under a general
relation or transferred to a mostly used associated
relation. Therefore, a limited set of relations are
specified after many iterations.
The ontology is developed in Protégé, a
knowledge modelling tool and OWL is used as
knowledge representation language. For finance
domain we generated budget, performance,
planning, process, accounting, control, risk and audit
ontologies. We are still in the process of developing
the properties of entities so far. The reason is while
populating ontology new properties of entities are
generated. The ontology maintenance (update) phase
will survive till the end of research as it evolves with
enrichment of ontology and upcoming new datasets.
5.2 Ontology Population
This phase consists of many challenging steps:
enhancing ontology using properties and features of
datasets, dataset identification and purification,
information extraction step by using concepts and
relations in ontology.
One of the important issues in determining the
entity properties is the dataset specifications. The
dataset should consist of different types of
information. Some of these are:
Organization types and names
High level plans, programs
Project specifications and progress reports
As the size of dataset can be very large, we do
not prefer using Protégé’s repository for instances of
ontology entities. There exist some alternatives for
this big data management issue. One of them is
assuming ontology as a graph and using graph
database. The other one is saving all instances to a
database and using mapping between database items
and ontology entities or relations. The last option is
using ontology editor's repository which is in XML
structure, but it might not be feasible for retrieval or
search due to performance reasons.
We prefer to use graph database for population of
instances. Graph databases are often faster for
related and hierarchical data sets. Ontology consists
of various triple stores. Triple stores (subject-
predicate-object) consume a lot of disk space in
relational databases. The retrieval and search
operations also slow for very large datasets.
Neo4j stores whole graphs as opposed to “just”
triples. Also it is fast for querying and scales very
well to handle larger datasets (Vicknair,2010) (
Neo4j, 2014).
The mapping between Protégé and Neo4j OWL
models will be maintained during all phases of
The dataset used in populating ontology is taken
from EU Research Projects Portal (Cordis).
CORDIS is the primary repository for EU-funded
RandD projects covering a myriad of science,
technology, and research-related fields and topics.
Dating from before 1990 to the present, they relate
not only to the Seventh Framework programme
(FP7), but also to previous framework programmes.
Project details are published on CORDIS after they
are made available to CORDIS by the Commission
service responsible. This service uses the breadth of
the CORDIS repository as a base to bring together a
wide variety of information related to individual
projects, including: project details, descriptions,
funding, programmes; project results, documents,
reports, summaries; project participants; links;
publications; multimedia. This dataset is open and
has about 50000 project results with 3 framework
programs and many subprograms. The analysis of
programs and subprograms are also public. This
dataset will be used for initial population of
ontology. This dataset is in English and population
with free text will be easy because of rich
framework set exist in English language (GATE,
WordNet etc.).
We plan to include different kinds of datasets for
enrichment of ontology. One of the fundamental
sources will be structural database which is used by
the Ministry of Finance (MoF). This database is used
for budgetary operations of projects conducted by
this Ministry. We propose to enhance the raw data
using semantic methodologies and generate ontology
instances from this data. Additionally, by using other
textual reports defined at the beginning of this
section, we enhance the knowledge base. We will
use Turkish language for this dataset which is
among the most commonly used 20 languages in the
world. In Turkish there is no generic NLP tool like
GATE as far as we know. The Wordnet like studies
in Turkish is not mature enough also. These points
make the extraction process more complicated and
time consuming for second dataset.
Also there may be cross lingual maintenance issues
for ontology enrichment which are open to research.
5.3 Semantic Search
After population of ontology, the ontology will
evolve and knowledge base will be ready for
semantic search. For semantic search we base our
implementation on traditional IR model: open source
search engine called Lucene. In this phase we will
compare the performance of our semantic
knowledge with classic keyword based retrieval.
The search result will be an input for rule based
decision making system which queries about the
performance of projects.
Decision making and future prediction phases
will be conducted by our colleagues in the Artificial
Intelligence group.
The ontology and semantic search capabilities
facilitate decision support systems, and project
assessments will be based on more concrete
parameters for performance, this is a step forward in
an innovative evidence based decision making. The
general structure of this project is depicted in Figure
1. As seen from the figure this study consists of two
phases. One of them is ontology based knowledge
extraction which we mention in details. The second
phase is decision making by using semantic search
capabilities which is a future work of this search.
Figure 1: General Architecture of Ontology Based
Decision Support System.
One of the outputs of this work is -ontology, can be
used in many areas of finance. Ontology will be
used in “Ontology Based Decision Support System
with Application to Public Finance”. This is a
project carried out by the MoF using traditional
decision making tools such as cost benefit analysis.
The aim of all these studies is to increase the
performance of finance and to efficiently use the
resources. The proposed product will be used as a
part of a decision and support system with business
intelligence capabilities in public finance. So that,
the managers will give better decisions based on
reliable data and assess the impact of their decisions
in intelligent and simulated environment before
applying it.
After the completion of these studies, decision
makers in finance will have chance to see more
objective metrics and decision of project proposal
(whether to accept or reject), decision of ongoing
project (whether to continue or stop- whether to
allocate more money or not) will be easier. Another
decision can be made according to metrics if there is
some need for some type of investments can be seen
This work is partially supported by Ministry of
Science, Industry and Technology in the program of
with grant number 0265.STZ.2013-2 and Stratek
(Strategic Technologies Research and Development)
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