ECG Signals for Biometric Applications
Are we there yet?
Carlos Carreiras
, Andr
e Lourenc¸o
, Ana Fred
and Rui Ferreira
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸
oes, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, R. Cons. Em
ıdio Navarro 1, Lisboa, Portugal
Hospital de Santa Marta, R. de Santa Marta 50, Lisboa, Portugal
Biometrics, Person Recognition, ECG, Classification.
The potential of the electrocardiographic (ECG) signal as a biometric trait has been ascertained in the literature
over the past decade. The inherent characteristics of the ECG make it an interesting biometric modality,
given its universality, intrinsic aliveness detection, continuous availability, and inbuilt hidden nature. These
properties enable the development of novel applications, where non-intrusive and continuous authentication
are critical factors. Examples include, among others, electronic trading platforms, the gaming industry, and
the auto industry, in particular for car sharing programs and fleet management solutions. However, there are
still some challenges to overcome in order to make the ECG a widely accepted biometric. In particular, the
questions of uniqueness (inter-subject variability) and permanence over time (intra-subject variability) are still
largely unanswered. In this paper we focus on the uniqueness question, presenting a preliminary study of our
biometric recognition system, testing it on a database encompassing 618 subjects. We also performed tests
with subsets of this population. The results reinforce that the ECG is a viable trait for biometrics, having
obtained an Equal Error Rate of 9.01% and an Error of Identification of 15.64% for the entire test population.
Over the past decade, numerous groups have demon-
strated the potential of electrocardiographic (ECG)
signals for identity recognition applications (Biel
et al., 2001; Kyoso and Uchiyama, 2001; Silva et al.,
2007a; Wang et al., 2008). Due to its inherent char-
acteristics, the ECG signal is emerging as an interest-
ing biometric trait, given that, following the proper-
ties defined in (Jain et al., 1999), it can be found in
all living humans (Universality), it has been shown
to perform accurately for subsets of the population
(Performance), and it can be easily obtained using ap-
propriate devices (Measurability). These sensors can
be designed in a non-intrusive way (Acceptability),
in particular when using an Off-the-Person approach
(Silva et al., 2013a). Furthermore, the ECG is not eas-
ily spoofed (Circumvention), as it does not depend on
any external body traits, provides intrinsic aliveness
detection, and is continuously available.
These properties of the ECG signal enable the
development of novel and interesting applications,
where non-intrusive and continuous authentication
are critical factors. Examples of such applications
include electronic trading platforms, where high-
security, continuous authentication is essential, in the
gaming industry, where the ECG sensor could be in-
tegrated into the game controller itself to identify the
players in a multi-player scenario, and in the auto in-
dustry, particularly for car sharing programs and fleet
management solutions.
At the moment, the biggest challenges faced by
the ECG as a biometric trait relate to its Permanence
and Uniqueness, and the question remains if this
modality is ready for real-world applications. While
Permanence deals with the question of temporal in-
variance of the templates, that is, intra-subject vari-
ability, Uniqueness pertains to the discernibility of
the templates from different subjects, that is, inter-
subject variability. Studies on the permanence ques-
tion can already be found in the literature, for instance
in (Agrafioti et al., 2011; Silva et al., 2013c). In this
paper, we present a preliminary study on the unique-
ness question. We accomplish this by testing our
recognition system on an ECG signal database with
618 subjects, the biggest to date to be used for bio-
metrics, to the best of our knowledge. We also per-
formed tests with subsets of this population, assessing
Carreiras C., Lourenço A., Fred A. and Ferreira R..
ECG Signals for Biometric Applications - Are we there yet?.
DOI: 10.5220/0005160507650772
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (IVC&ITS-2014), pages 765-772
ISBN: 978-989-758-040-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the behavior of the recognition system with a varying
number of subjects.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 provides an overview of the charac-
teristics of the ECG signal and its use in biometric
systems; Section 3 describes the methodology used
for the biometric recognition system, including a de-
scription of the database used, feature extraction, and
classification approaches; Section 4 summarizes the
obtained experimental results; and Section 5 outlines
the main conclusions.
It is widely known that the basic function of the heart
is to pump blood throughout the body, demanding a
highly synchronized sequence of muscular contrac-
tions. These are initiated by small electrical currents
that propagate through the myocardium’s cells, orig-
inating an electrical signal that can be recorded at
the body surface (the ECG). These potentials can be
measured by placing two electrodes on the body’s
surface, determining the voltage difference between
them (Webster, 2009). Different electrode placements
produce different perspectives of the heart, termed
leads or derivations, given the spatial characteristics
of the heart’s electrical field and how it propagates
throughout the body (Neuman, 1998).
The ECG is a semi-periodic signal, with each cy-
cle being characterized by the typical P-QRS-T heart-
beat waveform. The signal as a whole has a rich in-
formation content, being a wellbeing and health in-
dicator, and is related with the psychophysiological
state (Carreiras et al., 2013b). In order to have a co-
herent clinical diagnostic tool, the lead placement has
been standardized. Much of the standard system is
based on Einthoven’s groundbreaking work, with the
use of the three limb leads (I, II, and III), as the limbs
are easily identified anatomical references (Webster,
2009). Additionally, the augmented leads (aVF, aVL,
aVR) and the six precordial leads (V1 V6) are also
typically recorded in clinical settings.
In the context of ECG biometrics, current ap-
proaches found in the literature can be classified as
either fiducial or non-fiducial (Agrafioti et al., 2011;
Odinaka et al., 2012; Silva et al., 2013b). The for-
mer describes methods based on reference points in
the signals (Israel et al., 2005; Shen et al., 2002; Silva
et al., 2007b; Oliveira and Fred, 2009), while the lat-
ter methods rely on intrinsic information within the
ECG signal, without having any particular cues as ref-
erence (Chan et al., 2008; Chiu et al., 2008; Wang
et al., 2008; Coutinho et al., 2013). Partially fidu-
(a) ECG trace
(b) Heartbeat waveform templates
Figure 1: Examples of (a) of a ECG trace (Subject A), and
(b) the heartbeat waveform templates for two distinct indi-
cial methods, like our approach presented below, rely
on fiducial information only for ECG segmentation
(Wang et al., 2008; Lourenc¸o et al., 2011; Carreiras
et al., 2013a; Silva et al., 2013c). We refer the reader
to (Agrafioti et al., 2011; Odinaka et al., 2012; Silva
et al., 2013b) and references therein for a compre-
hensive literature review. Figure 1 shows an example
of an ECG signal trace, and the segmented heartbeat
templates for two distinct subjects, where the differ-
ences between them are apparent.
One significant contribution to the usefulness and
acceptability of the ECG as a biometric trait is the use
of an Off-the-Person approach for signal acquisition
(Silva et al., 2013a). In this approach, only one ECG
lead is used, with the signal being acquired at the hand
palms or fingers, using just two (non-gelled) contact
points, as opposed to multiple contact points through-
out the body using gelled electrodes. The lead place-
ment in this case is non-standard, however it has been
shown to be highly correlated with the standard lead
I (Carreiras et al., 2013c). Various research groups
have used this approach (Chan et al., 2008; Lourenc¸o
et al., 2011). However, the signals obtained with this
setup are harder to analyze, as they are more suscep-
tible to noise artifacts due to unstable electrode-skin
Table 1: Five largest ECG biometrics studies found in (Odinaka et al., 2012), with the reported authentication (AP) and
identification (IP) performance; AUR: Area Under ROC curve; EER: Equal Error Rate; NA: Not Available.
Study Sample Size ECG Lead AP (%) IP (%)
(Zhang and Wei,
I NA 85.3
II NA 92.0
V1 NA 95.2
V2 NA 97.4
(Odinaka et al.,
269 Electrodes placed
on lower ribcage
0.37 (EER) 99
(Shen et al.,
168 I (hands) NA 95.3
(Safie et al.,
112 I 94.54 (AUR) NA
(Irvine et al.,
104 NA NA 91
contact and electromyographic (EMG) activity.
The Off-the-Person approach enables the seamless
integration of the ECG sensor into everyday objects.
One such example, as shown in Figure 2, is the in-
tegration of the ECG sensor into the steering wheel
of a car using conductive textiles. In this car shar-
ing demonstrator, the user, in order to authenticate on
the system, touches the contactless member card on a
reader to provide the assumed identity. This identity
is then validated through the ECG signal by simply
placing the hands on the steering wheel, as in a nor-
mal driving situation. On successful authentication,
various user-specific configurations could be loaded,
such as preferred radio stations, mirror positions, and
address lists, among others.
Figure 2: Integration of an Off-the-person ECG sensor into
the steering wheel of a car; the electrodes are highlighted in
Regarding the uniqueness problem, there are cur-
rently no studies assessing the performance of ECG
biometric systems encompassing very large data sets,
such as the work done for iris recognition by Daug-
man, encompassing more than 600 000 different iris
patterns (Daugman, 2006). Using the review by Odi-
naka et al. (Odinaka et al., 2012) as source, ECG bio-
metric studies use, on average, databases of about 50
subjects. Table 1 provides a list of the five largest
studies, with the reported authentication and identifi-
cation performances. Unfortunately, for various rea-
sons mainly related to privacy concerns, many stud-
ies use in-house databases, which are not publicly
available. Additionally, most public ECG databases,
notably the ones available on Physionet (Goldberger
et al., e 13), were built for research on pathophysiol-
ogy, not biometrics, with most of the records having
some kind of heart pathology. For this reason, as is
described in the next section, we were forced to ob-
tain our own database, in order to test our recognition
methodology with a larger number of subjects.
3.1 Database
Our research group entered into a collaboration with a
local hospital (Hospital de Santa Marta) specialized in
cardiac issues, with the goal of obtaining a large ECG
database. The records thus obtained are acquired dur-
ing normal hospital operation, encompassing sched-
uled appointments, emergency cases, and bedridden
patients. Therefore, most of the records represent
pathological cases.
The signals were acquired using Philips
PageWriter Trim III devices, following the tra-
ditional 12 lead placement, with a sampling rate
of 500 Hz and 16bit resolution. Each record has a
duration of 10 seconds. To date, we have received,
over a period of 10 months, 4 332 records from 2 055
distinct subjects, whose true identities are obfuscated
at the hospital.
(a) Rate of normal vs pathological subjects and records
(b) Gender distribution
(c) Age distribution
Figure 3: Population statistics of the database, for a total of
4 332 records and 2 055 subjects, with (a) the rate of normal
subjects and records, subject (b) gender, and (c) age distri-
butions; the whiskers in the boxplots extend to the lowest
and highest data points still within 1.5 times the interquar-
tile range.
As a first step, for this paper we decided to fo-
cus only on the healthy individuals. Consequently,
each record had to be labeled by a specialist either as
normal or pathological. Of all the records, 832 were
deemed normal, corresponding to 618 subjects. This
figure surpasses by about 100 the largest ECG biomet-
rics study currently found in the literature. Figure 3
summarizes the relevant population statistics.
Note that, although our target applications follow
the Off-the-Person approach, such a large database
takes a lot of time and effort to obtain, requiring clear-
ance by an ethics committee, finding volunteers, sign-
ing of informed consent forms, among others. Nev-
ertheless, if we cannot demonstrate the potential, in
regards to the uniqueness question, of the ECG as a
biometric in higher quality signals, then certainly that
is not possible with hand signals.
3.2 ECG Biometric System
The typical block diagram of a fiducial, or partially
fiducial, biometric system is depicted in Figure 4.
These systems rely on the detection of notable ECG
complexes for segmentation and extraction of a se-
quence of individual heartbeats. Typically, the QRS
complex is used for that purpose.
ECG reader
Enrollment Stage
Recognition Stage
Figure 4: Block diagram of a typical ECG biometric sys-
Our ECG biometric system, designed with hand
ECG signals in mind, starts with the acquisition of
raw data, in this case the lead I ECG signal. The
acquired signal is then submitted to a data prepro-
cessing block, which performs a digital filtering step
(band pass FIR filter order 150, and cutoff frequencies
[5;20] Hz) and the QRS complex detection (Lourenc¸o
et al., 2012). The outputs of this block are segmented
individual heartbeats, and a RR interval time series.
Given that segmentation algorithms are not per-
fect, especially for noisy signals like the ones ob-
tained from the hands, we implement an outlier detec-
tion block, which performs detection and removal of
anomalous ECG heartbeats. We follow the DMEAN
approach described in (Lourenc¸o et al., 2013), which
computes the distance of all templates in a recording
session to the mean template for that session, with
templates being considered outliers if the computed
distance is higher than an adaptive threshold.
The pattern extraction block takes the prepro-
cessed input signals, and starts by aligning all the
heartbeat waveforms by their R-peak instants, and by
clipping them in the interval [200; 400]ms around
that instant. In the scope of this work, we consider
the features to be all the amplitudes within this inter-
Finally, a k-NN classifier (with k=3) is used to-
gether with the cosine distance metric, to produce a
decision on the recognition of the individual (either in
authentication or identification), as it was found to be
a good compromise between performance and com-
putational cost (Silva et al., 2012). Altogether, our
biometric system is fairly simple, being computation-
ally light and opening the possibility of integrating it
into embedded systems, which have limited process-
ing power.
We evaluated the performance of the biometric sys-
tem for both the identification and authentication sce-
narios. For the identification scenario, we computed
the Error of Identification (EID), which corresponds
to the number of incorrect identifications normalized
by the total number of tests. For the authentication
scenario, we computed, for each operating point of
the classifier (each distance threshold), the False Ac-
ceptance Rate (FAR), the False Rejection Rate (FRR),
the True Acceptance Rate (TAR), and the True Rejec-
tion Rate (T RR), given by
, FRR =
, T RR =
where T P and T N are the number of true positives
and negatives, and FP and FN are the number of
false positives and negatives, respectively. From these
rates, we estimate the Equal Error Rate (EER), which
corresponds to the operating point for which the FAR
is equal to the FRR, using piecewise polynomial in-
Furthermore, we used a leave-one-out (LOO) ap-
proach for cross validation (Efron, 1983), given the
fact that the number of templates for some subjects
was low (minimum of 4 templates), enabling us to
maximize the number of templates to train the clas-
sifier, which requires at least 3 templates (3-NN). In
order to to this, we selected a random group of 4
templates for each subject, which are then partitioned
with the LOO method. We repeated this procedure
10 times, computing the average authentication and
identification performance across all runs.
Additionally, we assessed the behavior of the sys-
tem with subsets of the population, encompassing 5,
10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 subjects. These subsets cor-
respond to our targeted applications, ranging from a
small group (e.g. in a multiplayer game setting, or a
family sharing a car) to small businesses (e.g. a local
distribution company). The subjects in each subgroup
were randomly selected from the initial population,
repeating this process 150 times, each run following
the cross validation method described above.
The results obtained for the entire population
(P618) are presented in Table 2, comparing them to
a previous baseline experiment performed using a
smaller database (63 subjects), which uses signals ob-
tained at the hands, making obvious the costs in per-
formance resulting from the use of hand signals. Re-
garding the EID, the value obtained is on par with the
results presented in (Zhang and Wei, 2006) for lead I
signals (see Table 1), with the added bonus of using a
larger database.
Table 2: EER and EID obtained for the entire test popula-
tion (P618) and the baseline experiment (63 subjects, hand
Case EER (%) EID (%)
P618 9.01 15.64
Baseline 13.26 36.40
Figure 5 shows the evolution of the FAR and FRR
with the authentication distance threshold, as well as
the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve,
which plots the the TAR against the FAR, highlighting
an Area Under ROC (AUR) curve of 95.51%, similar
to the one obtained in (Safie et al., 2011). Also of note
in Figure 5(a) is the fact that the FAR increases more
slowly than the FRR decreases with the threshold.
Results for the population subsets are presented in
Figure 6. Figure 6(a) highlights the fact that the EER
does not seem to be affected by the population size.
On the other hand, Figure 6(b) shows that the EID
increases with the increasing number of subjects.
Research to date has demonstrated that the ECG sig-
nal, due to its intrinsic nature, has the potential to
complement existing person recognition approaches
(a) Authentication EER
(b) Autentication ROC curve
Figure 5: Authentication results for the entire population,
with (a) the EER determination, and (b) the ROC curve.
(a multibiometrics scenario), and, in some settings, to
be used as a single modality.
However, the field is lacking a thorough exami-
nation of the limits of this modality in regards to the
number of subjects, that is, we need to know if the
information that we can extract from the ECG is suf-
ficient to distinguish a large population. This paper is
a contribution to that goal, assessing the performance
of our ECG biometric system, which was designed for
an Off-the-Person sensor approach, in a database with
618 subjects, examining as well the effect of the pop-
ulation size on the performance of the system, using
subsets of the test population.
The results of our work indicate a performance of
our system on par with similar studies found in the lit-
erature, with an Equal Error Rate of 9.01% and an Er-
ror of Identification of 15.64% for the entire test pop-
ulation. We also demonstrated that, while the authen-
tication performance does not degrade with increas-
ing number of subjects, the same does not happen
(a) Authentication EER
(b) Identification EID
Figure 6: Results obtained for the population subsets in the
(a) authentication, and the (b) identification scenarios.
with the identification scenario, where the error pro-
gressively increases with increasing number of sub-
jects. Nevertheless, these results, together with the
latest developments in recognition methods, template
extraction and selection, and sensor devices, reinforce
that the ECG is a viable trait for biometric applica-
Our future work will focus on the study of sources
of intra-subject variability, in particular heart rate
changes and morphological shape alterations due to
pathological situations. Additionally, we will try to
improve the representativeness of the test population
in regards to age, and examine the performance of the
system when using the other standard ECG leads, ei-
ther independently or in combination (fusion of clas-
This work was partially funded by Fundac¸
ao para a
encia e Tecnologia (FCT) under grants PTDC/EEI-
SII/2312/2012, SFRH/BD/65248/2009 and SFRH/PR
OTEC/49512/2009, whose support the authors grate-
fully acknowledge. We would also like to thank Joana
Santos for her hard work labeling the ECG records.
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