How to Efficiently Solve Internet Shopping Optimization Problem
with Price Sensitive Discounts?
Jedrzej Musial
, Johnatan E. Pecero
, Mario C. Lopez
, Hector J. Fraire
, Pascal Bouvry
and Jacek Blazewicz
Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, ul. Piotrowo 2, 60-965 Poznan, Poland
Computer Science and Communications Research Unit, University of Luxembourg,
6 rue Coudenhove-Kalergi, L-1359 Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Instituto Tecnol´ogico de Ciudad Madero, Ciudad Madero, Mexico
Optimization, e-Commerce, Internet Shopping, Applications, Algorithms, Computational Complexity.
In this paper we deal with the Internet Shopping Optimization Problem. An extended model that includes price
sensitive discounts is considered. A set of algorithms to solve the Internet Shopping Optimization Problem
with Price Sensitivity Discounts (ISOPwD) is introduced. The algorithms are designed to consider a different
solution quality regarding computational time and results close to the optimum solution. Simulations based on
real world data assess the new set of heuristics. The results of the proposed algorithms were compared with
the optimal solutions, computed by a branch and bound algorithm. The scalability is evaluated by increasing
the problem sizes. Computational experiments are performed and their results are carefully analyzed and
discussed. The paper should be perceived as a work in progress - position paper.
The Internet gives access to a huge marketplace. By
simply clicking or by touching a screen customers
can buy any product online. Electronic commerce (e-
commerce) enables consumers to shop at thousands
of online stores and to pay for their purchases with-
out leaving the comfort of their homes (Timmers,
1998). Technology (e.g., Cloud Computing, mo-
bile devices - smartphones, tablets) is present into
daily business and administrative operations. Al-
ready since 2005 one third of European companies
used e-commerce in business procurement, logis-
tics, finance and product development (Luxembourg-
Embassy-Copenhagen, 2005).
Internet shopping, fitting into a business-to-
consumer subcategory, becomes more and more pop-
ular. Products available in online stores are often
cheaper than those offered by regular local retailers,
and a wide choice of offers is available just a click
away from the customer (Lee, 1998). Based on out-
standing logistics, the delivery can usually be oper-
ated within 48 hours or less. A crucial aspect of on-
line shopping is the time spent on comparing offers.
Customers often need to take into account that ship-
ping cost are charged, so that it is a good idea to group
purchased products into sets and buy them from small
number of retailers to minimize these delivery costs.
Automating such decisions requires three elements:
information about the product availability, price lists,
and finally a specialized analytical tool that could find
the minimal subset of shops where all the products
from the customer’s shopping list could be bought at
the lowest price (Musial, 2012).
We investigate an extended version of the Inter-
net Shopping Optimization Problem (Blazewicz et al.,
2010) which additionally considers price sensitive
discounts (Blazewicz et al., 2014). A new set of
heuristic approaches to solve the problem was intro-
duced. The set of heuristics is composed of a new
lightweight metaheuristic based on a cellular opti-
mization process, a new greedy algorithm and two
state-of-the-art greedy algorithms. We have designed
different heuristics to consider a different solution
quality regarding computational time and results close
to the optimum solution. Moreover, the performance
of the proposed heuristics to the optimal values was
tested. The optimal solutions for small problem in-
stances are computed using a branch and bound algo-
rithm. To evaluate the scalability of the heuristics the
problem size was increased.
Musial J., Pecero J., Lopez M., Fraire H., Bouvry P. and Blazewicz J..
How to Efficiently Solve Internet Shopping Optimization Problem with Price Sensitive Discounts?.
DOI: 10.5220/0005112602090215
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2014), pages 209-215
ISBN: 978-989-758-043-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Motivated by the problem of buying multiple prod-
ucts from different e-commerce web sites, Blazewicz
et al. (Blazewicz et al., 2010) modeled Internet shop-
ping as an optimization problem, where a customer
wants to buy a list of products from online stores at
the minimum final price. The authors showed that the
problem is NP-hard in the strong sense and designed a
set of polynomial time algorithms for special cases of
the problem. During previous research different ver-
sions (specializations) of the Internet Shopping Op-
timization Problem were examined (Wojciechowski
and Musial, 2010; Blazewicz et al., 2014). For exam-
ple, due to NP-hardness of the optimization problem,
Wojciechowski and Musial (Wojciechowski and Mu-
sial, 2010) designed a heuristic solution to optimize
the shopping basket and evaluate it for the customer
basket optimization problem to make it applicable for
solving complex shopping cart optimization in online
applications. Moreover, it is proven that the problem
is not approximable in polynomial time (Blazewicz
et al., 2010). The archetype of the presented prob-
lem was a web-based customer assistance system ded-
icated to pharmacyshopping that helps customers find
shops in a geographically defined range where the en-
tire shopping list could be realized at the best total
price (Wojciechowski and Musial, 2009).
It is worth noticing that there are some similarities
between the Internet Shopping Optimization Prob-
lem and the well-known Facility Location Problem
(FLP) (Revelle et al., 2008). The main characteris-
tics of the FLP are space, the metric, given customer
locations and given or not given positions for facility
locations. A traditional FLP is to open a number of
facilities in arbitrary positions of the space (continu-
ous problem) or in a subset of given positions (dis-
crete problem), and to assign customers to the opened
facilities so that the sum of opening costs and costs re-
lated to the distances between customer locations and
their corresponding facility locations is minimized.
Discussions of FLPs can be found in (Krarup
et al., 2002; Eiselt and Sandblom, 2004; Melo et al.,
2009; Iyigun and Ben-Israel, 2010). The traditional
discrete FLP is NP-hard (Garey and Johnson, 1979)
in the strong sense. Note, however, that the general
problem ISOP with price sensitive discounts cannot
be treated as a traditional discrete FLP since there is
no evident motivation for a discount on the cumula-
tive cost in the sense of distances. It can be noticed
that the FLP problem and problem ISOP are not each
other’s sub-cases, while the traditional discrete FLP is
a special case of any of these problems.
The problem of the Internet Shopping with Price
Sensitive Discounts (let us call it ISOPwD) has been
introduced in (Blazewicz et al., 2014). Computa-
tional complexity of various special cases is estab-
lished. Properties of optimal solutions are proved and
polynomial time and exponential time solution algo-
rithms based on these properties are designed. The
authors presented two greedy heuristics. In this paper,
we consider the same problem. We provide a working
model for the experimental results, which is close to
real Internet shopping conditions. For that, we pre-
pared a model on the basis of data from the online
book industry reported in (Clay et al., 2001) (see sub-
section 4.1).
The ISOPwD is strongly NP-hard. Moreover, to our
best knowledge it cannot be a goal of reduction from
any one of the known problems. Therefore, it is ap-
parent right to propose heuristic solution, simple effi-
cient greedy algorithms (Blazewicz et al., 2014; Cor-
men et al., 2001) that use local knowledge and do
not allow any backtracking for efficiency purpose. It
is worth noticing that the greedy algorithm does not
always yield optimal solutions. However, it could
provide an optimal or close to optimal solution us-
ing much less resources and time than other optimal
working algorithms (i.e., full scan, branch&bound).
More sophisticated algorithms should provide bet-
ter quality solutions. Therefore, we propose very
efficient pseudo-parallel optimization approach al-
gorithm. State-of-the-art minimization scheduling
driven algorithm was used as a competitor to the pre-
vious ones.
3.1 Greedy Algorithm - GREEDY
In the first heuristic for the ISOPWD, denoted as
GREEDY, products are considered in a certain order.
The algorithm is run for various product orders and
the best solution found is presented to the customer.
Let us consider that the products are sorted in an as-
cending order 1, . . . , n. Values of the total delivery
and the standard price for all shops are initially set
as T
= d
, i = 1, . . . , m. In iteration j of algorithm
GREEDY, product j is selected in its eligible shop
i M
with minimum value f
+ p
), and the cor-
responding T
-value is re-set: T
:= T
+ p
Discounting function f
, j) returns value of product
j after applying discount for shop i.
We observed that algorithm GREEDY demon-
strates very good performance on the experimental
data. The first experimental evaluation of algorithm
GREEDY can be found in (Wojciechowski and Mu-
sial, 2010) and (Blazewicz et al., 2014).
3.2 Algorithm with
Forecasting - Forecasting
Observed weak points of algorithm GREEDY (poor
results for a very specific situation) led to the cre-
ation of a new, upgraded version. The local step
choice analysis is more complicated than in the
basic algorithm GREEDY. The forecasting method
is looking for a step ahead (Błazewicz and Musiał,
2011). Therefore, technically this algorithm is not
a strict greedy algorithm. Sometimes it proposes a
current solution which is not optimal for the current
step (local solution), but for a better overall solution
in hope of providing an optimal global solution. The
main idea is to check the situation one step ahead
(forecasting bad situations).
From the first step to the penultimate, the al-
gorithm calculates the ”choosing factor” to pick an
eligible shop i for product j. Instead for looking
for a local optimum it looks one step ahead (which
prevents occurring a bad case) by calculating a
choosing factor as f
) for every shop
i, and actual product j, as well as following product
j+ 1. Then it pick a shop i with the lowest calculated
value. In each following step next product j is taken
into account, j = j + 1. The last step of the algorithm
works in a different way (forecast could not work
beyond the set of products j). The last product is
selected in its eligible shop i M
with minimum
value f
+ p
Discounting function f
, j) returns value of
product j after applying the discount for shop i.
3.3 Cellular Processing
Algorithm - Cellular
The cellular processing based algorithm is a
new pseudo-parallel optimization approach (Ter´an-
Villanueva et al., 2013). It includes multiple process-
ing cells that explore different regions of the search
space. Each processing cell can be implemented us-
ing population or search based heuristics or a hy-
bridization of them. The main idea and the principle
of the algorithm are to split a sequential algorithm into
several pseudo-parallel processing (i.e. cell) modules,
so that each cell can explore different regions of the
search space. The main feature of the new approach
is that the iterative verification of the stagnation con-
ditions prevents wasting time on unnecessary tasks.
The components of the algorithm are a pool of
candidate solutions, generated either by a construc-
tive or a random algorithm and a cell set that is sim-
ple, independent, self contained and applied to work
with the subset of candidate solutions that were given
to solve. This process continues until the cells stall
all the solutions in their local optimum. After that,
the solutions return to the pool, and the cells share in-
formation with each other in order to escape from the
local optimum and continue the search for the global
In this work we prepared a special designed and
implementation of the cellular processing algorithm
idea. The candidate solutions were generated at ran-
dom. An Iterated Local Search algorithm (ILS) was
designed as the core of the cells. This choice was
made due to the simplicity and high configurability
of this structure, which allows it to be highly scal-
able and to run in a variety of hardware configura-
tions. Moreover, the ILS algorithm is a trajectory-
based metaheuristic that can be seen as a straightfor-
ward, yet powerful technique for extending simple lo-
cal search algorithms.
The algorithm starts off by generating an initial
solution. Then, a local search process is applied to
the candidate solution. After that, wallowing iteration
based approach, it seeks to improvethe solutions from
one iteration to the next. At each iteration, a perturba-
tion of the obtained local optimum is carried out. The
perturbation mechanism introduces a modification to
a given candidate solution to allow the search process
to escape from a local optimum. A local search is ap-
plied to the perturbed solution. The new solution is
then evaluated and accepted as the new current solu-
tion under some conditions. The algorithm finishes
when the termination condition is met.
Algorithm is still under upgrade. Its complicated
nature results in updates after completion of each set
of experiments.
Cellular Processing Algorithm should be per-
ceived as a new, strong contribution to this paper. The
idea is to use a new pseudo-parallel optimization ap-
proach. However, all the algorithm development pro-
cess was created from the basis. All steps in devel-
opment process were carefully analyzed according to
the problem nature.
3.4 Minimum-Minimum
Algorithm - MinMin
The min-min algorithm is a heuristic that is used pri-
marily in the scheduling of tasks or processes (Ibarra
and Kim, 1977). As noted in (Wu et al., 2000), the
min-min algorithm is a fast method that offers good
performance, but as it schedules those tasks or pro-
cesses with minimum cost first, it may result in an
imbalanced solution.
In (Braun et al., 2001) the process of the heuristic
min-min is described in the context of the scheduling
tasks onto heterogeneous distributed computing sys-
tems. This method was adapted for the Internet Shop-
ping Optimization Problem for the selection of a list
of products in a set of stores.
The process begins with the search of the product
in the list of unassigned products N, which minimizes
the total cost TC in the shopping cart among the dif-
ferent stores M, given the cost of the product, p
delivery cost, d
. In the case of a tie, the product with
the lower delivery cost is selected, and if both stores
havethe same delivery cost, the product is chosen ran-
Once assigned, the total cost of the shopping cart
is updated with the selected product, and it is removed
from the unassigned product list N. The process con-
tinues until the unassigned product list is empty.
Minimum-Minimum algorithm should be per-
ceived as partly new contribution to this paper. Al-
gorithm was developed according to the literature and
then tuned to the ISOPwD.
3.5 Branch and Bound Algorithm - BB
To calculate the optimal solution, we designed a
Branch and Bound Algorithm (Land and Doig, 1960).
The algorithm starts off by calculating an upper
bound (UB) employing the solution given by the Cell
Processing Algorithm and proceeds to branch the first
level of the search tree in the stack.
Subsequently, the algorithm pops the top element of
the stack and evaluates the objective value it would
have if it were part of the current solution. If the
partial solution exceeds the limit given by the upper
bound (UB), the current branch is fathomed. Other-
wise, if it were not a leaf of the tree, the algorithm
would pile up the following elements within the stack.
If it were a leaf, it would mean that the current solu-
tion is better than the best global solution found so
far. Consequently it would update the upper bound
with the new value found.
This process continues as long as there are ele-
ments in the stack, which means that the whole search
tree has been explored. Founded upper bound is now
considered as the optimal solution of the instance be-
ing evaluated.
Branch and Bound algorithm should be perceived
as partly new contribution to this paper. Algorithm
was developed according to the literature and then
tuned to the ISOPwD.
Computational experiments were performed and di-
vided into two groups (due to the computational com-
plexity time) - a set of experiments including Branch
and Bound exact algorithm, and a set of experi-
ments without optimal solution as a comparison of all
heuristics to evaluate scalability issues by increasing
instances’ size. Very first experimental results from
the first group will be presented within this section.
Full results will be presented in the final version of
the article.
Algorithms were compared using three metrics:
an approximation factor, the running time spent by
each heuristic to compute a solution, and the disper-
sion analysis based on the standard deviation. The
approximation factor of a heuristic is defined as ρ =
, where F(X) represents the solution found by a
heuristic and F(X)
denotes the optimal solution.
4.1 World Working Model and
Instances Generator
A challenging step in experimental research was to
create a model, which should be as close to real Inter-
net shopping conditions as possible. We studied the
relationship between the competitive structure, adver-
tising, prices and price dispersion over Internet stores.
As a group of representative products to be taken into
account in our computational experiment we chose
books, because of their wide choice in virtual (In-
ternet) stores and frequency of purchase through this
kind of shopping channel. We adopted some informa-
tion and computational results from Clay et al. (Clay
et al., 2001) for our model.
In the computational experiments we as-
sume that number of stores m {20, 40},
and number of products in our shopping cart
n {2, 3, . . . , 10, 15, . . . , 100}. It is assumed that
each bookstore has all the required books. For
each pair (n, m), 100 instances were generated. In
each instance, the following values were randomly
generated for all i (shop index) and j (product
index) in the corresponding ranges. Delivery price:
{5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30}, publisher’s recommended
price of book j: r
{5, 10, 15, 20, 25}, and price
of book j in bookstore i: p
, b
], where
, b
, and the structure of
intervals [a
, b
] follow from information from
Clay et al. (Clay et al., 2001) and observations on
the biggest Polish Internet bookstores. Discounting
functions were prepared for every shop.
During full paper submission it is planed to prepare
open access online instance generator that was used
during computation experiments.
4.2 A Set of Experiments including
Branch and Bound Algorithm
The first group of experiments is the one in which the
optimal solutions obtained by the exact BB algorithm
were compared to two state-of-the-art heuristic algo-
rithms: GREEDY, FORECASTING, and two newly de-
veloped algorithms: CELLULAR and MINMIN (for
the ISOPWD). In these examples, m {20}, n
{2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}, and discounts follow the pro-
posed discounting function. For each pair (n, m), 100
instances using the information in subsection 4.1.
2 4 6 8 10
Approximation Ratio
20 Shops
Figure 1: Algorithm results comparison - experiment with
20 shops (including the optimal solution).
After some very first computational experiment
we one can notice that among all heuristics, CELLU-
LAR provides the best quality of solutions (closest to
the optimum). In the worst case, the solution pro-
posed by this algorithm was merely 1.47% more ex-
pensive than the cheapest one. For many instances
CELLULAR algorithm computes the optimal solution.
It is worth noticing that the algorithm is very stable
as regards the quality of solutions (for most cases the
solution is between 1.24% - 1.47% worse than opti-
Both GREEDY and FORECASTING algorithms pro-
vide similar quality of solutions (for a lower number
of products n, the latter was better and for a higher
number of products n > 5 the former was better).
Moreover, it is easily noticeable that the quality of so-
lution degrades with the increasing number of prod-
ucts n.
The last heuristic algorithm - MINMIN provides the
worst solutions for a lower number of products. How-
ever, the algorithm is quite stable in quality, therefore
for a bigger number of products it provides better so-
lutions than GREEDY and FORECASTING.
If one is looking solely for the quality of solutions
the undisputed leader among heuristic algorithms is
CELLULAR. The following paragraph will address
running time, which is also a very important factor.
For a low number of n products algorithm MIN-
MIN is the fastest. For a bigger number of prod-
ucts, algorithm GREEDY is the fastest. Differences
between all algorithms are very significant. The fol-
lowing example illustrates these differences. Compu-
tation time for an instance of n = 5 products (from
m = 20 shops) vary from 0.0047 ms for MINMIN)
across 0.0085 ms for GREEDY, 0.0205 ms for FORE-
CASTING, 0.3795 for CELLULAR to the 2.5998 ms
for BB (computes 556 times longer than MINMIN).
For a maximum number of products (n = 10) compu-
tation times are as follows: 0.0072 ms for GREEDY
across 0.0083 ms for MINMIN, 0.0132 ms for FORE-
CASTING, 0.2183 for CELLULAR to the 707.4174 ms
for BB (98k times longer than GREEDY).
Computation times for BB algorithm grow exponen-
tially and it was impossible to prepare experiments for
a bigger number of products. On the other hand, all
heuristics are very fast so the idea is to further test its
quality and computational times for scalability issues
by increasing the number of products n - let us follow
the next subsection.
In this position paper, the Internet Shopping Opti-
mization Problem including delivery discounts was
addressed. For the practical application, a working
model as close to real Internet shopping conditions as
possible was created.
The main contributions of current research are as
follows. A new set of algorithms is presented. Cel-
lular Processing Algorithm should be perceived as a
new, strong contribution to this paper. The idea is
to use a new pseudo-parallel optimization approach.
However, all the algorithm development process was
created from the basis. All steps in development pro-
cess were carefully analyzed according to the prob-
lem nature. Another Minimum-Minimum algorithm
should be perceived as partly new contribution to this
paper. Algorithm was developed according to the lit-
erature and then tuned to the ISOPwD. Subsequent
Branch and Bound algorithm should be perceived as
partly new contribution to this paper. Algorithm was
developed according to the literature and then tuned
to the ISOPwD. Another two presented algorithms
Greedy and Forecasting were known from the liter-
ature. They were perfectly background and com-
petitors for a new breaking through Cellular Process-
ing Algorithm. Experimental data model was pre-
sented in previous research, however, for the first
time an instance generator was created to addition-
ally contribute the paper. It will be available online as
open access. First computational experimentsdemon-
strated results obtained by all the algorithms. Results
were carefully analyzed and widely commented.
Our current work is focused on computational ex-
periment run. It is planed to solve a vast number of
instances using all the algorithms. Moreover, the idea
is to provide scalability analysis - with a set of exper-
iments for heuristic algorithms. This type of exper-
iment will be performed for much bigger instances
of the problem (with a significantly bigger number
of shops and products) to compare all heuristic algo-
rithms. Important part of a discussion will be disper-
sion analysis. In the full version of this position pa-
per a very detailed description of the computational
experiment will follow a vast number of exhaustive
tests that will be performed. Moreover, it is planed
to describe each algorithm in a very detailed way (in-
cluding algorithm pseudo-code) to enable repetition
and evaluation of these algorithms. Furthermore, an
instance generator described within this paper will be
available online for open usage. An interesting ex-
tension can be made when the model (with instance
generator) will be enhanced to complete to analysis
several kinds of products and compare the different
To alleviate the problem, and also deal with scalabil-
ity we consider investigating a parallel version of the
algorithm on a GPU infrastructure. Moreover, very
interesting topic could be to combine a method of
selecting column widths for a given set of advertise-
ment on a web page (Marszałkowskiand Drozdowski,
2013) with ISOP when preparing online working ap-
This study was partially supported by the FNR
(Luxembourg) and NCBiR (Poland), through IShOP
project, INTER/POLLUX/13/6466384.
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