Adaptive STM32F4 Microcontrollers
Case of Flexible Smart Meters
Aymen Jaouadi
, Olfa Mosbahi
, Mohamed Khalgui
and Ahmed Toujani
Cynapsys Company, France-Germany
FST, University of Tunis, El Manar, Tunisia
LISI Laboratory, INSAT Institute, University of Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia
Microcontroller, STM32F4, Reconfiguration, Smart Meter, Smart Grid, Software Agent, Modeling and
Verification, Simulation.
The research paper deals in theoretical level with flexible and adaptive microcontrollers following the well-
known industrial technology STM32F4. It is applied in the practical level to a Smart Meter SM which is
developed at Cynapsys for future generations of Smart Grids. A reconfiguration scenario in theory is assumed
to be any flexible operation allowing the addition-removal-update of OS tasks in order to adapt the micro-
controller to its environment according to user requirements. It is assumed in practice to be any addition-
removal-update of new services to-from SM such as the energy consumption, the remote information reading
and power shutdown, the stabilization of the delivered power, the management of new power provider offers,
the sale of energy and finally the peak consumption management. We propose an agent-based architecture for
a STM32F4 device where a hierarchical software agent is defined to control the environment evolution before
applying local reconfigurations for a required flexibility of the microcontroller. We model the agent by using
nested timed automates, and design the whole architecture to manage all possible reconfiguration forms. The
agent-based architecture is totally implemented and applied to SM, and a simulator X-SM is developed for the
evaluation of this paper’s contribution.
Microcontrollers, STM32 F4 are special-purpose
computer systems designed to perform one or few
dedicated functions often with real-time computing
constraints in order to control physical processes in
the real world. The requirements in the development
of microcontrollers are increasingly growing in term
of flexibility and agility (Vyatkin et al., 2005) (Pratl
et al., 2007). The most promising directions to ad-
dress these issues is the reconfiguration of one of
the most used microcontrollers in the world which
is the STM32 F4 to be autonomous as a new chal-
lenge, STM32 F4 represents 45% of the microcon-
troller market, and provides users a number of an-
This research work is a collaboration between LISI
Laboratory (INSAT Institute) at University of Carthage and
the German-French Company Cynapsys in Tunisia. We
thank Ing. Haythem Tebourbi Technical Director and Ing.
Souhail Kchaou Director of Research and Development for
long fruitful discussions and stable financial and technical
nexes integrated component, it allows the addition
of devices, such as the management of LCD dis-
plays. This functionality refers to the process of
modifying the software as well as hardware struc-
ture and behavior of the system during its execution.
Being reconfigurable is important for reacting fast
to sudden and unpredictable requirement changes or
perturbations with minimum cost and risk. Several
interesting academic and industrial research works
have been made in recent years to develop recon-
figurable control systems (Gehin and Staroswiecki,
2008).We distinguish in these works two reconfigu-
ration policies: static and dynamic reconfigurations
such that static reconfigurations are applied off-line
to apply changes before the system could starts (An-
gelov et al., 2005), whereas dynamic reconfigurations
are applied dynamically at run-time. Two cases ex-
ist in the last policy: manual reconfigurations ap-
plied by users (Rooker et al., 2007) and automatic
reconfigurations applied by Agents (Al-Safi and Vy-
atkin, 2007)(Theiss et al., 2009). We are interested
in software reconfigurations, and assume that all the
Jaouadi A., Mosbahi O., Khalgui M. and Toujani A..
Adaptive STM32F4 Microcontrollers - Case of Flexible Smart Meters.
DOI: 10.5220/0004975903640374
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (IEEHSC-2014), pages 364-374
ISBN: 978-989-758-025-3
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
reconfigurations are applied automatically by an in-
ternal module of the microcontroller that should be
kept autonomous as much as possible. In the case of
a manual reconfiguration, we assume that the recon-
figuration agent interacts with user to execute there
requests. This controller is assumed to be a superset
of OS software tasks such that only a particular subset
is loaded at run-time to implement it under user con-
straints. A reconfiguration will be any automatic op-
eration allowing the addition, removal and update of
tasks at run-time. We propose a new module named
Embedded Control Module ECM to handle software
reconfigurations of the microcontroller. This mod-
ule is a superset of sub-modules that manage all pos-
sible reconfiguration scenarios such as the addition,
removal or update of tasks at run-time (Zhang and
Wang, 2010) (Pfeffer and Ungerer, 2004) (Chauhan
et al., 2009) (Otero et al., 2006). We propose a UML-
based model for this ECM which plays a key func-
tion inside the autonomous microcontroller. We apply
this contribution by assuming the case of electric me-
ters following the STM32 technology of microcon-
trollers. We consider in particular the smart meter
developed at the German-French Company Cynapsys
located in Tunisia. This meter supports the classic
task dealing with the computation of the energy con-
sumption. Nevertheless, the company plans to add
new functionalities that allow these meters to be au-
tonomous and smart. The remote shutdown of the
electric power when the bill is not paid, the stabiliza-
tion of energy, the remote reading of data or display of
news, the management of peaks, the management of
renewable energy or the remote negotiation between
the provider and the clients, will be new original ser-
vices to be added to the microcontrollerof the planned
Smart Meter in order to enhance the performance of
the devices and optimize the energy management. All
these original services to be considered as OS tasks
will be handled by the ECM that adapts the device ac-
cording to user requirements by adding or removing
or updating tasks at run-time. The planned smart me-
ter will be a new challenge for Cynapsys in Tunisia to
guarantee services with high qualities and with low-
costs. We specify these services as well as the ECM
according to the model checker by using the tool UP-
PAAL which is used to simulate the new meter (Alur
and Dill, 1994) (Bengtsson et al., 1996). We propose
also the implementation of the STM32 smart meter
and show the experimentations that we did at Cynap-
sys to evaluate the whole contribution. The organisa-
tion of this paper is as follows. The next section an-
alyzes the Background and a detailed description of
the Reconfigurable Embedded Systems, the STM32
Microcontrollers and Current Smart Meters. Section
3 is dedicated to the description of the Smart Meter at
Cynapsys Company and describe new challenges and
solutions. Section 4, proposes reconfigurable STM32
microcontrollers where we formalize, model and de-
sign their behaviors followed by a detailed model-
ing of our system modules by using UML Diagrams.
Section 5 proposes the new original Smart Meter at
Cynapsys where we detail their verification, design
and implementation. Finally Section 6 concludes this
work. Our approach is original by implementing new
services in the Smart Meter to manage production and
the optimisation of the consumption at Real-Time.
In this section, we present an overview on recon-
figurable embedded systems, the STM32 microcon-
trollers family and the current used smart meters.
2.1 Reconfigurable Embedded Systems
An embedded system is reconfigurable if it changes
its software or hardware behavior at run-time accord-
ing to user requirements. The software reconfigura-
tion is any operation allowing the addition, removal
or update of software tasks that implement the sys-
tem to encode corresponding functions. The hard-
ware reconfiguration is assumed to be any operation
allowing the addition, removal or update of hardware
components according to user requirements. An ad-
dition or removal can be of memory, of data-event
inputs-outputs, or of a new network for communi-
cation. The update of hardware components can be
the modification of the processor speed. The con-
stant growth of the complexity afferent and neces-
sary to the management of embedded software sys-
tems makes reconfiguration autonomy increasingly
important. The challenges include both the model de-
sign level and the environment level of runtime sup-
port. According to(Boukhannoufa, 2012), real-time
systems can be large, distributed, and have a dynamic
environment. This requires the introduction of var-
ious modes of operation and reliability techniques
to ensure its operation and maintainability. More-
over, these dynamic changes of architecture and be-
havior have a negative impact on the temporal char-
acteristics of systems that require a special study on
the ability of adaptive behaviors to ensure the hard
real-time constraints imposed to the systems. These
adaptive behaviors amplify the complexity of devel-
oping real-time systems. According to (Wang et al.,
2010), the new generations of embedded control sys-
tems are addressing new criteria such as flexibility
and agility. To enhance their operations, the embed-
ded control systems should be changed when ran-
dom disturbances happen or when improvements of
the performance should be applied and propose a dy-
namic low power reconfigurations of real-time em-
bedded control systems that should respect hard real-
time constraints and perform modifications of the pe-
riods and deadlines, modification of the worst case
execution times (WCETs), and finally the removal of
some tasks to minimize the energy consumption in or-
der to adjust the behavior of the processor. According
to (Kramer and Magee, 1985), the authors propose
a reconfiguration model based on the dynamic incre-
mental modification and extensions. In this work,
the required properties are determined by languages
and their execution environment. In (Thramboulidis,
2004b) (Thramboulidis, 2004a), the authors propose a
new vision for the reconfiguration of distributed con-
trol applications. The main objective is to bridge their
works on software engineering (eg. UML) to IEC
61499 (J.H.Christensen et al., 2005). In (Zhang et al.,
2013) the authors present a reconfiguration architec-
ture for real-time distributed control systems. Specif-
ically, the low-level control of the physical compo-
nents which is shown with the handling of real-time
requirements. The main contribution of this work is to
define a reconfiguration request that interacts with the
application under reconfigurations through three in-
terfaces. More specifically, the modification interface
provides its role based on a set of key reconfigura-
tion services identified in a previous work (Zoitl et al.,
2010). Our contribution is to provide an original ap-
proach for the automatic and manual agent-based re-
configuration model for STM32 F4 microcontrollers
implementing original services for low power man-
2.2 STM32 Microcontrollers
A microcontroller is an integrated circuit that brings
together the essential elements of a computer: CPU,
memory (ROM for program RAM for data), periph-
eral units and input-output interfaces. Microcon-
trollers are characterized by a higher degree of inte-
gration, lower power consumption, lower operating
speed, and reduced cost compared with versatile mi-
croprocessors used in personal computers. Microcon-
trollers are widely used in embedded systems such
as auto engine systems, remote controls, home appli-
ances and mobile phones. The STM32 technology of
32bit Flash microcontrollers based on the ARM Cor-
tex processor is proposed to provide a 32bit product
range that combines high performance, real-time ca-
pabilities, digital signal processing, and low-power,
low-voltage operation, while maintaining full integra-
tion and ease of development. The different STM32
microcontrollers, based on an industrial standardiza-
tion with a large choice of tools and software, make
this family of STM32 the ideal technology for small
projects and for entire platform decisions. To apply
our reconfiguration approach, we opted for the choice
of a STM32 card type STM32 F4 Discovery which
is based on STM32F407 Cortex M4 controller with
1MO Flash and 192KO RAM. The STM32F407 fam-
ily is based on the high-performance ARM Cortex-
M4 32-bit RISC core operating at a frequency of up
to 168 MHz. The Cortex-M4 core features a float-
ing point unit (FPU) single precision which supports
all ARM single precision data-processing instructions
and data types. It also implements a full set of in-
structions and a memory protection unit (MPU) which
enhances application security. This card uses power
from the USB bus or from an external 5V power
supply, a 3-axis accelerometer LIS302DL, two but-
tons and a micro USB connector (STMicroelectron-
ics, 2013). The use of STM32 F4 cards is the first ap-
proach in the field of reconfigurable microcontrollers,
in terms of originality, our scientific paper is charac-
terized by the application of different types of archi-
tectural, scheduling and data reconfiguration in order
to add new services at runtime to the operation of the
Smart Meter developed at Cynapsys.
Figure 1: STM32 F4 Discovery Card.
2.3 Overview on Current Smart Meters
According to (S.Depuru et al., 2011), a smart meter
is an advanced energy meter that measures the con-
sumption of electrical energy, provides additional in-
formation compared to a conventional energy meter.
A smart meter is a counter that automatically registers
and communicates data on electricity consumption, it
is divided into two main categories: traditional meters
(the old electromechanical meters) measure only the
total electricity consumption and Smart meters mea-
sure the amount of electricity consumed and the time
of consumption, they automatically transmit data to
providers by using a wireless communication technol-
ogy (Ahmad, 2011) (Hoenkamp and Huitema, 2012).
The price of electricity with these data may vary dur-
ing the day, giving houses a new way to manage the
costs of their consumptions. You could, for exam-
ple, choose to reduce your consumption during the
most expensive time (peak or normal) and partially
use electricity during off-peak hours, during which it
will be cheaper. Investigations conducted in Tunisia
have for the moment appear incomprehensible bill in-
creases in number. These Meters are intelligent and
used to regulate the energy delivery in peak of con-
sumption periods, for example the French Electricity
Distribution Network ERDF has with the Smart re-
mote Meter Linky, the ability to change their rates
from one minute to another, according to the con-
sumption of international prices electricity (ERDF,
2009). In Cynapsys, we propose a new strategy to add
the original proposed services to the old developed
Smart Meter which was a remote control example of a
DC motor. This last represents one of the end devices
that can be used at home or a building. The com-
munication with the Energy Counter is established by
means of wireless communication protocol ZigBee.
The Energy counter module allows providing infor-
mation about the average of the energy consumption
of all the elements connected to it. In addition it per-
mits to get the real-time consumption of the home or
building via ZigBee protocol. Today the deployment
of Smart Meters should allow a better understanding
of the positions of power consumption and thus save
money. Monitoring real-time also opens the door to
energy billing in real time, but also to the differenti-
ated based billing electricity demand (peak load). Into
this research we will enhance the behavior of the elec-
tric meter by the services described above in order to
make it more intelligent. Intelligence brought many
advantages for the customer and energy companies.
Starting with a bill which can be calculated on the
basis of real consumption, interventions carried out
remotely (without constraint of appointment) includ-
ing stabilization of the varying voltage and regulating
consumption by micro-cuts in periods of high con-
sumption known to peak loads. Consume less power
and better is the goal of our study. These optimiza-
tions will be applied to the electric meter developed
by Cynapsys. The intelligence provided to the me-
ter is by adding new services that provide an immedi-
ate benefit to the counter in real-time. Smart meters
equipped consumers should not pay an estimate bill
but they consider real power consumptions. This new
generation of meters can display power consumption
and remote meter reading. Thus the consumer can
also save money by better monitoring its power con-
sumption. The use of smart meter certainly makes
life easier for users, thanks to its new services such
as the automatic control of electrical devices at home
and the regulation of supply and demand through re-
mote micro-cuts in order to not exceed a fixed con-
sumption threshold. Our paper consists of two novel
approaches, the first is a theoretical approach to en-
hance the electric meters with new original services,
and in the second we propose a practical approach by
proposing the X-SM Simulation tool.
At the German-French Company Cynapsys, the cur-
rent research paper is applied to a well-developed
STM32-based electric meter for the remote control
of home end devices. The meter encodes a main
counter module ECM to provide the real-time energy
consumption of any connected device to it by using
a Zigbee-based protocol. In addition to this classic
function, we propose to enrich the meter with original
services such as the remote shutdown of power, the
remote reading of the energy consumption from the
meter to the provider, the smart stabilization of power
by using renewable energy that we assume available
at home, the display of the energy consumption for
users at home, the smart management of promotions
to be offered from the provider by relatively activat-
ing or deactivating home end devices when the price
of power (per hour) is low or high, the sale of energy
to the provider when the available renewable energy
is enough, the smart peak management by deactivat-
ing home end devices during peak times, and finally
the management of news to be sent from the provider
about the network status in the next weeks or months.
These optimizations will be applied to the electric me-
ter developed by Cynapsys. Note that all these ser-
vices will not be loaded together on memory in order
to not overload the memory by the applications and
the tasks that will not be executed. Thus, the system
preserves all its resources to treat most substantial ser-
vices. Except the main service dealing with counting,
we assume that each another will be loaded on mem-
ory when needed at run-time. Reconfiguration in our
approach keeps the system available, increase operat-
ing efficiency and especially without remarkable per-
formance degradation. We propose a model of dy-
namic automatic reconfiguration, or possibly manual
to be executed through a decision module that handles
these cases in real-time. The current paper deals with
the theoretical level of the STM32 Microcontroller to
be assumed flexible and autonomous. Each service is
assumed to be implemented by an OS task. The sys-
tem is then implemented by a superset of tasks such
that only one subset implements it at a particular time
after a well-defined reconfiguration scenario. The pa-
per deals in the application level with this Smart Me-
ter of Cynapsys to be enriched with these new ser-
vices. Each addition-removalof a service on the smart
meter corresponds to a reconfiguration scenario. The
services and the tasks in our approach are executed
according to the priority to be assigned and based on
the importance of the operations as the remote power
shutdown that must be executed upon his arrival. We
denote in the following by:
: the main software task that measures the en-
ergy consumption by reading directly and not by
an estimation of consumption. This task has the
highest priority,
: the software task allowing the remote shut-
down. The meter we conceive is remotely pro-
grammable and equipped with a remote switching
device called ”AMM” (Advanced Meter Manage-
ment). This service is crucial in the case of non-
payment of bills,
: the software task allowing the remote reading
from the smart meter to the power provider and
remote users,
: the software task allowing the stabilization of
the delivered power from the provider by using
if possible (if the input load is decreased at run-
time) the renewable energy that we assume avail-
able at home,
: the software task allowing the display of in-
formation on the meter which is equipped with a
digital displayer,
: the software task allowing the management of
promotions to be offered from the provider, this
task informs users by SMS and emails about these
: the software task allowing the sale of energy
to the provider when the available local energy
is enough, this task informs users by SMS and
: the software task allowing the management of
peaks by using useful information to be sent by
SMS and emails from the provider,
: the software task allowing the management of
all news to be sent from the provider about the
network status. This task informs users by SMS
and emails.
The proposed tasks are considered as a new gener-
ation of energy production and consumption. They
represent a solid medium for effective management
of the power across the electric Smart Meter which is
the entrance of the smart grid.
We aim in this section to dynamically reconfigure a
STM32 microcontroller which is assumed to be im-
plemented by a set of independent OS tasks. The
goal is to adapt its behavior at run-time to its envi-
ronment according to well-defined user requirements.
A reconfiguration scenario is assumed to be any dy-
namic operation allowing the addition, removalor up-
date of tasks to-from the microcontroller. We pro-
pose an Embedded Reconfiguration Module to be de-
noted by ERM that controls the evolution of the mi-
crocontroller’s behavior and considers also user re-
quirements to apply run-time reconfigurations. The
ERM is assumed to be encoded in three hierarchi-
cal software levels: (a) Architecture Level (to be de-
noted by AL), (b) Scheduling Level (to be denoted
by SL), and (c) Data Level (to be denoted by DL).
We define in AL, all the possible software architec-
tures that can implement the STM32 microcontroller
at run-time. An architecture in AL is a set of OS tasks
that perform control activities. A reconfiguration sce-
nario can change the software architecture of the mi-
crocontroller by adding or also removing OS tasks.
For each architecture in AL, we need to define an ex-
ecution model of the corresponding tasks. A schedul-
ing is then defined in SL to affect a priority to each
task. For each architecture and for each scheduling
of the corresponding tasks, we define also in DL all
the possible corresponding values of data to be han-
dled at run-time. Thanks to this hierarchical structure,
the ERM can handle all possible reconfiguration sce-
narios of a STM32 microcontroller, our approach is
original because no previous work did the same hier-
archical architecture on STM32F4 to handle reconfig-
uration scenarios.
4.1 Formalization of Reconfigurable
STM32 Microcontrollers
Let Sys be the STM32 microcontroller that can be re-
configured at run-time to adapt its behavior to its en-
vironment. We denote by Γ
the big set of all the
possible tasks involved in the different implementa-
tions of the system Sys, which is implemented at any
particular time t by a subset ξ
which represents the
set of tasks involved in a particular implementation
. We model the architectural level AL of
ERM by a finite state machine S
such that each state
of S
corresponds to a particular implementation at
architectural level.
= (Γ
,O,δ), such that,
O is a set of n states in S
(O = {S
/i 1..n}),
δ is a state-transition function Γ
A reconfiguration scenario R
i, j
is a transition from
a state S
corresponding to particular subset of tasks
to a state S
corresponding to particular subset
of tasks ξ
. In this scenario, we assume run-time op-
erations allowing addition-removal of tasks to adapt
the system Sys to its environment. For each state S
we define in the second hierarchical level(Scheduling
Level SL) a particular state machine to be denoted by
. Each state in S
defines a particular scheduling
of the subset of tasks ξSys. This scheduling affects a
priority to each task in order to get a deterministic ex-
ecution model of the microcontroller Sys. We denote
by Ψ(ξ
) the set of all possible execution models of
tasks of ξ
at the Scheduling Level.
= (Ψ(ξ
),P,β), such that,
P is a set of m scheduling states in S
(P =
/i 1..m})
β is a state-transition function Ψ(ξ
A reconfiguration scenario R
i, j
at Architectural
Level AL, is a transition from a state S
to another
state S
of S
. The reconfiguration of the microcon-
troller Sys in the third hierarchical level DL can be the
update of data. We define for each state S
of S
and also for each state S
of S
a new state machine
where each state corresponds to new values to be
affected to data of tasks belonging to ξ
under the
scheduling S
. Let ϒ(ξ
) be the set of all possible
values of data for the tasks of ξ
under the schedul-
ing S
= (ϒ(ξ
),Q,β), such that,
Q is a set of l data states in S
(Q = {S
β is a state-transition function ϒ(ξ
A reconfiguration scenario R
is a transition to
change the values of data from a state S
to another
state S
of S
. We denote finally by Con fig
i, j,k
configuration of the STM32 microcontroller Sys to be
implemented by the subset of tasks ξ
under a well-
defined scheduling corresponding to a state S
in S
with particular values of data defined in a state S
in S
. A reconfiguration scenario to be denoted by
i, j,k
of Sys is defined then as any run-time
operation allowing the adaptation of the microcon-
troller from a configuration Config
i, j,k
to a new one
. The originality of our approach is distin-
guished by a specific formalization of the scenarios
as possible reconfigurations and the exclusivity of the
application of our original ideas to the Electric Smart
4.2 UML-based Design of
Reconfigurable STM32 Micro
To implement the different run-time reconfiguration
scenarios of the STM32 microcontroller Sys, we pro-
pose in Figure 2 a UML class diagram that designs
both the Embedded Control Module ECM and also
the different OS tasks belonging to Γ
. Our class
diagram consists of a ECM class that plays a very
important role in our reconfiguration approach. This
class manages all the interactions in the system, it
is related to the classes AL, SL, DL which respec-
tively represent the architectural reconfigurationlevel,
scheduling reconfiguration level and data reconfigura-
tion level. We have also four other classes: Provider
Interface, User Interface, Equipment Interface and
Task. The Task class represents all the tasks included
in the different implementations of our system. The
user interface class represents all the customers of our
system. The Equipment Interface class, includes all
devices connectedto the counter. Finally, the Provider
Interface class manages the relationship with the elec-
tricity supplier.
Figure 2: UML Class Diagram of an Adaptive STM32 Mi-
In this section we present the practical contribution of
our approach.
5.1 Timed Automata Models
We describe in Figure 3 the different state machines
encoding the ECM of the STM32-based Smart Meter.
The state machine encoding the Architectural Level is
composed of four states:
Counting the energy consumption
Regulation of the energy
Promotion negotiation
Remote shutdown of the electricity
The first state Counting corresponds to the sys-
tem’s implementation ξ
= {T
} when the
main task T
is active as well as the tasks T
allow respectively the remote reading, the display and
the management of news. The second state Regula-
tion corresponds to the system’s possible implemen-
tation ξ
= {T
} when the main task T
also active as well as the tasks T
that allow re-
spectively the stabilization, the display and the man-
agement of news. The third state Negotiation corre-
sponds to the system’s possible implementation ξ
} when the main task T
is active
as well as the tasks T
that allow respec-
tively the display, the management of promotions, the
sale of energy, the management of peaks, and finally
the management of news. We describe also in the
scheduling levelthe different possible execution mod-
els of tasks encoding each state in the architectural
level. The scheduling Sched1 of the state Counting
executes the main task of counting T
each time it ex-
ecutes T
, T
and T
. The precision of counting is
high in this case. The scheduling Sched2 of the same
state Counting reduces the precision by executing T
two times in a trace of execution. The precision of
counting is low in Sched3 that executes T
only one
time. We describe in Data Level the periodicity of
each trace of execution in the second level. In this
case, Sched1, Sched2 and Sched3 are respectively ex-
ecuted periodically each 100ms, 300ms and 500ms.
Figure 3: State Machines of the Embedded Control Module
that handle the reconfigurations of the STM32-based Smart
The design of reactive systems must comply with
logical correctness: ”the system does what it is sup-
posed to do” and timeliness: ”the system has to sat-
isfy a set of temporal constraints”. The smart meter
should respect the notion of time such as if a power
interruption is requested it should execute this task
immediately, then it can reactivate the electricity due
to the existence of functional constraints such the pay-
ment of bills or the passage of a period of high con-
sumption. We model and simulate the different state
machines of ECM as well as the different assumed
tasks by using the well-known model checker UP-
PAAL in order to check the behavior of the adaptive
smart meter after each reconfiguration scenario. Ac-
cording to (Palshikar, 2004), model checking is the
most successful approach that’s emerged for verify-
ing requirements. We describe in Figure 4 the model
of the second task T
allowing the remote shutdown
of the smart meter according to the formalism Timed
Automata. The meter we conceive is remotely pro-
grammable and equipped with a remote switching de-
vice called ”AMM” (Advanced Meter Management).
This service is crucial in the case of non-payment of
bills, the deployment of a team to ensure power cuts
today becomes useless.
treshold=newTreshold(), y:=0
energyMetering()>=treshold y>15
Figure 4: Model of T
The voltage variation is defined in relation to other
disturbances that can affect the electric network. It
is generally defined as a decrease followed by an in-
crease (sometimes the opposite, but less frequently)
of the electric intensity. We describe in Figure 5 the
model of the task T
allowing the stabilization of the
consumed energy. The operation of stabilization is
based on the use of the stored energy derived from
green renewablesources. In the case of voltage fluctu-
ation the battery is checked in the state BatteryCheck
and the compensation process begins.
Figure 5: Model of T
5.2 Implementation of the X-SM
Simulation Tool
The simulation is a mandatory step for the final de-
ployment of any system to be represented by a model.
In our research work, a simulator is developed for
the simulation of all these services that encode the
electric meter of our company Cynapsys. We devel-
oped an environment X-SM for the simulation of a
STM32F4 based smart meter. Our tool is essentially
a program that allows the counting (a)the total power
consumption of all devices that are connected to the
electric meter, (b) the execution of any remote shut-
down of the electrical energy in the case of exceeding
the threshold of consumption, (c) the management of
promotional offers proposed by producers,(d) and fi-
nally the stabilization of the energy variation. The
main interface of our tool presents the different ser-
vices offered by the Smart Meter and the various de-
vices connected to it. To test the microcontroller, we
assume three types of devices: a lamp, a refrigerator
and a boiler with their characteristics and parameters
such as the device name, the power, the device state
(on or off), the priority, the shutdown condition, the
output number (identifier) and the period of use.
The power consumption counting service, oper-
Figure 6: Tool Main Interface.
ates in real-time and provides the equivalent amount
of the consumed quantity. It stills compared to the
fixed consumption threshold as shown in the figure
Figure 7: Energy Counting Service Interface.
The remote shutdown service interface informs
the user by SMS and email, that the consumption
threshold is exceeded. It performs the shutdown op-
eration and changes the state of the device from On to
Off. The user is informed in parallel about the elec-
tricity shutdown so that he can pay his unpaid bills, or
rationalize his energy consumption.
Figure 8: Remote Shutdown Service Interface.
The voltage stabilization is a capital service, it
helps to maintain the electrical equipment in the
house against voltage variations that can damage
them. The interface of the tool detects a variation and
identifies its type, whether it is an increase or decrease
in voltage. It informs the user by SMS and email that
a shutdown must be performed. After the Shutdown
the system pass to the compensation solution by using
the amount of energy stored in the batteries produced
from supposed renewable sources at home.
Below the management peak consumption service
interface proposed by our environment X-SM, a peak
energy consumption is generated by a strong demand
for electricity and an imbalance in supply and de-
mand. The smart meter allows smooth management
of these peak periods through an anticipation mecha-
Figure 9: Voltage Stabilization Service Interface.
Figure 10: Peak Consumption Management Service Inter-
After crossing the period of peak consumption,
the user regains his normal operating mode. The
stopped devices will resume there normal executions.
The system of anticipation / reaction offers an innova-
tive solution that provides a huge gains and preserve
the equipment in houses, which can be damaged by
sudden and unexpected cuts. Below the end of the
peak consumption interface.
5.3 Experimentation
The figure 12 shows a comparison between the results
obtained before and after the contribution of our pro-
posal. We assume that the daily consumption of elec-
tricity in regular time is estimated at 4 KWH. Dur-
ing peak consumption this value should not exceed
2 KWH per day. The reconfiguration applied to our
electric meter, gives rise to direct cuts that should not
exceed the fixed amount of electricity.
After connecting the STM32 F4 card to our X-
Figure 11: End of Peak Consumption Service Interface.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Before contribution
After contribution
Figure 12: Peak Consumption Management Service.
SM simulator, the data acquisition is performed via a
communication and information collecting protocol.
Our simulation environment shows the reaction of the
electric smart meter face to the detection of voltage
variation. The reconfiguration process enables the
service of voltage stabilization via the compensation
through renewable production sources and electrical
equipment shutdown, so they are not damaged.
This paper deals with an agent-based dynamic re-
configuration of a microcontroller solution. Our ap-
proach is started by a complete study of the actual
electric meter in the field of energy development and
applied to the Cynapsys developed smart one. The
reconfiguration agent allows the embedded systems
to change its software or hardware behavior at run-
time according to user requirements or environmen-
tal changes. We propose in this work an embedded
Figure 13: Energy Stabilisation Histogram.
reconfiguration of the microcontrollers following the
STM32 F4 technology the well-used in the world.
To manage the reconfiguration process we propose
an agent-based architecture, composed of the archi-
tectural level, Scheduling level, and data level. We
present a detailed formalization, verification of nested
state machine models and a software design version
which is based on UML Class Diagram before the de-
velopment of complete simulation tool applied to the
Smart Meter developed at the German-French com-
pany Cynapsys. The proposed approach is original
and is distinguished from the related works in this
field, the product will now proceed to the production
and marketing by the company Cynapsys. we will fo-
cus more in the future on the communication between
electricity providers and smart meters, we will give
more importance to the electricity metering based on
the real consumption of the consumer, deploy this
prototype in a smart city and finally the massive in-
dustrialization of this innovative product.
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