The Applicability of Present Estimation Models
to the Context of Mobile Applications
Laudson Silva de Souza and Gibeon Soares de Aquino Jr.
Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics-DIMAp, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
Software Engineering, Software Quality, Estimating Software, Systematic Review, Mobile Applications,
Mobile Computing.
The growing use of mobile technologies has shown different ways to access information and interact with
other computer systems. Thus, the traditional information systems are undergoing a process of adaptation
to this new computing environment. Thereafter, there is a need to reassess the current knowledge on the
planning and development of systems in this new environment. One area in particular that demand such
adaptation is the estimation software. The estimation processes, in general, are based on characteristics of the
systems, trying to quantify the complexity of implementing them. Hence, the main objective of this paper is
to present a proposal for an estimation model for mobile applications, and to debate about the applicability of
the traditional estimation models on this environment. Throughout the paper we analyze existing methods of
estimates, identify specific features of systems for mobile devices and finally an adaptation to be proposed for
this area of an existing estimation method.
Computing is becoming increasingly present in peo-
ple’s lives and currently in a much more intense and
accelerated way due to the rise of the use of mobile
technologies in the world, such as mobile phones,
smartphones and tablets, all connected to mobile net-
works, which are increasingly more present in many
places and with better speeds. We are facing a new
technological scenario that is changing old habits and
creating new ways for the society to access informa-
tion and interact with computer systems (Naismith
et al., 2004), (Macario et al., 2009) and (Liu et al.,
The fact is that this new technological scenario
that is emerging with new requirements and restric-
tions requires a reevaluation of current knowledge
about the processes of planning and building software
systems. These new systems have different charac-
teristics and, therefore, an area in particular that de-
mands such adaptation is software estimation. The
estimation processes, in general, are based on char-
acteristics of the systems, trying to quantify the com-
plexity of implementing them. For this reason, it is
important to analyze the methods currently proposed
for software projects estimation and evaluate their ap-
plicability to this new context of mobile computing.
Hence, the main objective of this paper is to
present a proposal for an estimation model for mobile
applications, as well as discuss the applicability of tra-
ditional models used in estimation of information sys-
tems for the purpose of the development of systems
in the context of mobile computing. In this work, the
main estimation methods that exist now will be ana-
lyzed, the specific characteristics of mobile systems
will be identified and an adaptation of a estimation
method that exists in this context will be proposed.
In order to identify how the traditional estimation
methods could address the characteristics of the
systems, a literature review on the main estima-
tion methods was performed. The methods rec-
ognized by ISO identified in the survey can be
seen in Table 1. All methods with their descrip-
tions identified in the survey can be accessed at
Table 1 displays in chronological order the esti-
mation methods recognized by ISO, showing the year
of creation, the name of the method and the author
of it. At first glance, one realizes that the main ex-
isting methods were not designed to consider the re-
Silva de Souza L. and Soares de Aquino Jr. G..
The Applicability of Present Estimation Models to the Context of Mobile Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004973002490254
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE-2014), pages 249-254
ISBN: 978-989-758-030-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: Estimation Methods Recognized by ISO.
Year Method Author
1979 Function Point
Analysis (FPA)
Albrecht (Oligny
et al., 1999)
1988 Mark II FPA Charles Symons
(Symons, 2001)
1990 Netherlands
Software Metrics
Users Associa-
tion (NESMA)
The Netherlands
Software Metrics
Users Association
(Engelhart et al.,
1999 Common Soft-
ware Measure-
ment Interna-
tional Consor-
tium (COSMIC)
Common Soft-
ware Measurement
International Con-
sortium (COSMIC)
(Consortium et al.,
2004 Finnish Software
Metrics Associa-
tion FSM
The Finnish Soft-
ware Metrics As-
sociation (FiSMA)
(Forselius, 2004)
quirements of mobile applications. Indeed, the very
creation of most of them precedes the emergence of
mobile devices as we know today. This suggests that
the use of these methods to estimate the effort of the
development of projects involving systems or applica-
tions for mobile devices would cause a possible fail-
ure to quantify the complexity of some features and,
therefore, would not produce adequate estimates.
In order to identify characteristics that are inherent to
systems and mobile applications, a surveying of the
characteristics of these types of software was accom-
plished through a systematic review. Conducting a
systematic review is relevant because most searches
begin with some kind of review of the literature, and
a systematic review summarizes the existing work
fairly, without inclinations. So the surveys were con-
ducted according to a predefined search strategy, in
which the search strategy should allow the integrity
of the research to be evaluated. The planning and ac-
complishment of the methodology discussed were di-
rected by Procedures for Performing Systematic Re-
views (Kitchenham, 2004).
3.1 Systematic Review
In the context of research questions, the following re-
search question was formulated: “What are the char-
acteristics of Mobile Applications?”, based on the is-
sue about the proposed study.
Procedures for The Evaluation of the Articles: the
articles will be analyzed considering its relation with
the issues addressed in the research questions, inclu-
sion criteria and exclusion criteria, and their respec-
tive situation will be assigned with either ”Accepted”
or ”Rejected”. The evaluation will follow the follow-
ing procedure: read the title and abstract and, should
it be related with the research question, also read the
whole article. The implementation of the systematic
review was performed almost in line with its plan-
ning, except for the need to adjust the syntax of the
proposed search string due to the particularities of
the research bases. 234 articles were analyzed, of
which 40 were selected and considered Accepted”
according to the inclusion criteria; 194 were consid-
ered “Rejected” according to the exclusion criteria.
The list with all the articles can be accessed at the
following address: http://
Given the results extracted from the systematic re-
view, it’s is possible to identify 29 kinds of character-
istics in 100% of the articles evaluated and consid-
ered accepted in accordance with the inclusion crite-
ria. However some of these are a mixture of character-
istics of mobile devices and characteristics of mobile
applications, such as the characteristic called “Lim-
ited Energy”, which is a characteristic of the device
and not the application, however the articles that men-
tion this type of characteristic emphasize that in the
development of a mobile application, this “limitation”
must be taken into account since all the mobile de-
vices are powered by batteries, which have a limited
life, depending completely on what the user operates
daily. Applications requiring more hardware or soft-
ware resources will consume more energy. The 23
types of characteristics mentioned the most in the se-
lected articles can be observed following. There is a
description of each characteristic identified in the re-
Limited energy (Sohn et al., 2005); Small screen
(Sohn et al., 2005); Limited performance (Mukhtar
et al., 2008); Bandwidth (Mukhtar et al., 2008);
Change of context (Mukhtar et al., 2008); Reduced
memory (Sohn et al., 2005); Connectivity (Feng,
2009); Interactivity (Mukhtar et al., 2008); Storage
(Mukhtar et al., 2008); Software portability (Mukhtar
et al., 2008); Hardware portability (Mukhtar et al.,
2008); Usability (Feng, 2009); 24/7 availability
(Feng, 2009); Security (Feng, 2009); Reliability (Ku-
mar Maji et al., 2010); Efficiency (Al-Jaroodi et al.,
2009); Native vs. Web Mobile (Feng, 2009); In-
teroperability (Mukhtar et al., 2008); Response time
(Hameed et al., 2010); Privacy (Feng, 2009); Short
term activities (Alekhya Mandadi, 2009); Data in-
tegrity (Hameed et al., 2010); Key characteristics
(Alekhya Mandadi, 2009); Complex integration of
real-time tasks (Hayenga et al., 2008); Constant inter-
ruption of activities (Alekhya Mandadi, 2009); Func-
tional area (Giessmann et al., 2012); Price (Giess-
mann et al., 2012); Target audience (Giessmann et al.,
2012); Provider type (Giessmann et al., 2012).
With the conclusion of the systematic review, a sur-
vey was carried out among experts in mobile devel-
opment with the purpose of ratifying the character-
istics previously raised and to prove their respective
influence on mobile development. The disclosure of
the survey was conducted in more than 70 locations,
among them universities and businesses, through e-
mails, study groups and social groups. In general, of
all 117 feedbacks received through the survey, 100%
of the experts confirmed the characteristics; among
them, an average of 72% indicated a greater effort and
complexity regarding the characteristics during devel-
opment, an average of 12% indicated less effort and
complexity and, finally, an average of 16% indicated
they did not perceive any difference in mobile devel-
opment, even though they confirmed the presence of
the characteristics.
As noted in Section II, there is no estimation method
developed for mobile applications projects. More-
over, some of the characteristics elicited in Section
III aggravate the complexity and, thereafter, the effort
in the development of mobile applications. From the
analysis that follows, with the characteristics of ap-
plications on mobile devices elicited in Section III,
it is clear that they are different from the charac-
teristics of traditional systems and directly influence
its development. A clear example, which is differ-
ent from the information or desktop systems, is the
characteristic that the mobile devices have “Limited
Energy”. As mobile devices are powered by battery,
which have a limited lifetime period, the applications
must be programmed to require the minimal amount
of hardware resources possible, since the more re-
sources consumed, the greater amount of energy ex-
pended. This characteristic makes it necessary for the
solution project to address this concern, generating a
higher complexity of development and, thereafter, a
greater effort and cost.
Another specific characteristic of this context is
the “Graphical Interface”. Due to the reduced screen
size, the interface design is limited. Therefore, a
greater complexity and, thereafter, a larger effort is re-
quired in the development of the graphical interface.
Another characteristic related to the screen is the “In-
put Interface”, which defines how the user will inter-
act with the application, in other words, if the user
will interact via keypad, stylus, touch screen or voice
and image recognition. The latter makes the task of
developing applications that offers all these interac-
tion options more complex, thus requiring a bigger
Regarding connectivity, the characteristic “Band-
width” was identified, wherein a mobile application
might have the maximum band at times and the min-
imum in other moments. Some types of applications
need to realize this and act differently in each sit-
uation. Another related feature is the “Connectiv-
ity Type”. Mobile applications can be developed to
support different types of connectivity such as 3G,
bluetooth, infrared, Wi-Fi, Wireless, NFC and others.
In addition, a single application can support multiple
types of connectivity simultaneously. These behav-
iors directly affect the complexity of the software and
therefore require a larger development effort.
The “Change in Context” is also another charac-
teristic inherent in mobile applications, which should
take into account not only the data entries explicitly
provided by users, but also the implicit entries con-
cerning the physical and computational context of the
users and the environments that surround them. In
addition, the “Constant Interruption of Activities” is
a much more common characteristic in this context,
as well as the need for some applications to be devel-
oped to work offline and therefore be able to synchro-
nize. Mobile applications should be prepared for dif-
ferent scenarios because the activities are interrupted
constantly. Receiving a call, lack of connection and
low battery are examples of such interruptions, which
makes the applications become much more complex.
Despite the advances related to the computational
ability of these devices, their hardware must still be
considered as limited, especially when compared to
desktops and servers. Two characteristics related to
this issue are “Limited Performance” and “Reduced
Memory”. Besides these, a characteristic inherent to
the use of mobile devices is the “Response Time”,
that is directly related to the power of “Processing”.
Mobile applications must be initialized and finalized
immediately, in other words, any development should
be focused in the time variable. These characteristics
require the applications to be developed with a pos-
sible resource optimization for a better efficiency and
response time, requiring more effort.
The “Portability” is also a required characteristic
of these applications. It can be divided into two char-
acteristics: the “Hardware Portability” and the “Soft-
ware Portability”. Regarding the first one, nowadays
there is a large number of different devices with dif-
ferent capabilities and resources. A mobile applica-
tion should be able to run on the largest number of
devices possible. This requires an increased effort in
the development. Moreover, a greater effort in testing
this kind of portability is required. Regarding “Soft-
ware Portability”, it is necessary to develop specific
applications for each existing platform should the ap-
plication be native. With this, more effort is required
for replications of the same software product, includ-
ing the tests.
Finally, mobile applications can be separated into
two types: Native or Web Mobile. The first one
has higher performance and easiness in accessing the
hardware, while the second has lower performance
since it is web, but it is easier to achieve portability. In
addition, there are some applications that are consid-
ered hybrids. Depending on the type of application,
the issues that must be considered and the complexity
can be different, requiring different development ef-
From the survey of the most popular estimation
methods cited in Section III, it was found that these
characteristics are not covered by the current estima-
tion methods for two explicit reasons: first, none of
the existing methods was designed to perform project
estimation in mobile applications development; and
second, all the characteristics discussed in this sec-
tion are exclusive to mobile applications, with direct
interference in their development, thereby generating
a greater complexity and, thereafter, a greater effort.
However, to consider any of the existing estimation
methods to apply to the process of development of
mobile applications is to assume that this kind of de-
velopment is no different than the project of develop-
ing desktop applications, in other words, an eminent
risk is assumed.
The approached proposed is an adaptation of an ex-
isting method, based exclusively on methods recog-
nized as international standards by ISO. Among the
most popular estimation methods mentioned in Sec-
tion III, the method used to base the proposal below
on is known as Finnish Software Metrics Associa-
tion (FISMA)”. The model is one of the five meth-
ods for measuring software that complies with the
ISO/IEC 14143-1 standard, is accepted as an inter-
national standard for software measuring (Forselius,
2004) and nowadays over 750 software projects are
completed being estimated by FISMA. However, the
difference between this and other methods that are in
accordance with the above standard, which are the
Common Software Measurement International Con-
sortium Function Points (COSMIC FP) (Consortium
et al., 2007), the International Function Point Users
Group (IFPUG) FPA (Oligny et al., 1999), MarkII
FPA (Symons, 2001) and the Netherlands Software
Metrics Association (NESMA) WSF (Gencel et al., ),
is that the method used is based in functionality but
is service-oriented. It also proposes in its definition
that it can be applied to all types of software, but this
statement is lightly wrong since in its application, the
method does not take into account the characteristics
elicited in Section IV.
Overall, the FISMA method proposes that all
services provided by the application are identified.
It previously defines some services, among which
stands out the user’s interactive navigation, consulting
services, user input interactive services, interface ser-
vices for other applications, data storage services, al-
gorithmic services and handling services. Finally, af-
ter identifying all the services, the size of each service
is calculated using the same method and thus obtain-
ing a total functional size of the application by adding
the size of each service found (FiSMA, 2004).
6.1 Applying the Chosen Model
The FiSMA method can be applied manually or with
the aid of the Experience Service
tool, which was the
case, provided by FiSMA itself through contact made
with senior consultant Pekka Forselius and with the
chairman of the board Hannu Lappalainen.
When using the tool, it is necessary to perform all
the steps of the previous subsection to obtain the func-
tional size. Figure 1 shows the final report after the
implementation of the FiSMA on a real system, the
Management of Academic Activities Integrated Sys-
tem (Sigaa) in its Mobile version, developed by the
Superintendence of Computing (SINFO) of the Fed-
eral University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).
Figure 1: Final Report of FiSMA applied to Sigaa Mobile.
After the application of FiSMA, the functional
size of the software is obtained and from this it is pos-
sible to find the effort using the formula: Estimated
effort (h) = size (fp) x reuse x rate of delivery (h/fp) x
project status; the latter is related to productivity fac-
tors that are taken into account for the calculation of
the effort. However, of the factors predefined by the
FiSMA regarding the product, only 6 (six) are pro-
posed, in which the basic idea of the evaluation is that
“the better the circumstances of the project, the more
positive the assessment”. The weighting goes from -
- to + +, as follows: Caption: (+ +) = [1.10] Excel-
lent situation, much better circumstances than in the
average case; (+) = [1.05] Good situation, better cir-
cumstances than in the average case; (+ / -) = [1.0]
Normal situation; (-) = [0.95] Bad situation, worse
circumstances than in the average case; (- -) = [0.90]
Very bad situation, much worse circumstances than in
the average case.
Among the productivity factors mentioned above,
only the “Portability Requirement” factor fits in har-
mony with the “Portability” characteristic regarding
both hardware and software. However, none of the
other factors discusses the characteristics of mobile
application, in other words, after obtaining the func-
tional size of the software and applying the productiv-
ity factors related to the product to estimate the effort,
this estimate ignores all of the characteristics of mo-
bile applications, judging that the estimate of tradi-
tional information systems is equal to the mobile ap-
plication. However, with the proposal of the creation
of new productivity factors, which would be the spe-
cific characteristics of mobile applications, this prob-
lem will be solved, as presented below.
Performance Factor: (-) The application should
be concerned with the optimization of resources for a
better efficiency and response time. (+/-) Resource
optimization for better efficiency and response time
may or may not exist. (+) Resource optimization
for better efficiency and response time should not be
taken into consideration.
Power Factor: (-) The application should be con-
cerned with the optimization of resources for a lower
battery consumption. (+/-) Resource optimization
for lower battery consumption may or may not exist.
(+) Resource optimization for a lower battery con-
sumption should not be taken into consideration.
Band Factor: (-) The application shall require
the maximum bandwidth. (+/-) The application
shall require reasonable bandwidth. (+) The appli-
cation shall require a minimum bandwidth.
Connectivity Factor: (-) The application must
have the maximum willingness to use connections
such as 3G, Wi-fi, Wireless, Bluetooth, Infrared and
others. (+/-) The application must have reasonable
predisposition to use connections such as 3G, Wi-Fi
and Wireless. (+) The application must have only a
predisposition to use connections, which can be: 3G,
Wi-fi, Wireless, Bluetooth, Infrared or others.
Context Factor: (-) The application should work
offline and synchronize. (+/-) The application
should work offline and it is not necessary to synchro-
nize. (+) The application should not work offline.
Graphic Interface Factor: (-) The application has
limitations due to the screen size because it will be
mainly used by cell phone users. (+/-) The applica-
tion has reasonable limitation due to the screen size
because it will be used both by cell phone and tablet
users. (+) The application has little limitation due
to the screen size because it will be mainly used by
tablet users.
Input Interface Factor: (-) The application must
have input interfaces for touch screen, voice, video,
keyboard and others. (+/-) The application must
have standard input interfaces for keyboard. (+) The
application must have any one of the types of inter-
faces, such as: touch screen, voice, video, keyboard
or others.
The proposed factors take into account the same
weighting proposed by FiSMA, but only ranging from
- to +, in other words: (+) = [1.05] Good situation,
better circumstances than in the average case; (+ /
-) = [1.0] Normal Situation; (-) = [0.95] Bad situ-
ation, worse circumstances than in the average case.
The functional size remains the same, thus affecting
only the formula used to obtain the effort, which will
now consider in its “project situation” variable the
new productivity factors specific for mobile applica-
Given the results presented, based on the literature re-
view of estimation methods and on the systematic re-
view of the characteristics of mobile applications, it
was observed that this sub-area of software engineer-
ing still falls short. Basically, it’s risky to use any ex-
isting estimation method in development projects for
mobile applications, as much as there are some mod-
els already widespread in industry, such as the Func-
tion Point Analysis, the Mark II and the COSMIC-
FFP, which are even approved by ISO as international
standards. They all fall short by not taking into ac-
count the particularities of mobile applications, which
makes the method partially ineffective in this situa-
The validation shall be as follows, will be raised
the total effort expended in developing the Sigaa Mo-
bile project. After the method is applied to estimate
FISMA, in his original proposal thus obtaining an es-
timate of effort. Then the proposed adjustment will
be applied also generating an effort estimate finally
the comparative analysis between the three estimates
generated will be performed to determine which pro-
posal is closer to the actual effort spent.
Based on this study, it is concluded that the pro-
posal presented in this work is entirely appropriate
and viable and that this proposal should take into ac-
count all the peculiarities of such applications, finally
creating a belief that there actually are considerable
differences in the development project for mobile ap-
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