Avatar-based Macroeconomics
Experimental Insights into Artificial Agents Behavior
Gianfranco Giulioni
, Edgardo Bucciarelli
, Marcello Silvestri
and Paola D’Orazio
Department of Philosophical, Pedagogical and Economic-Quantitative Sciences, “G. D’Annunzio” University,
Viale Pindaro 42, 65127 Pescara, Italy
Research Group for Experimental Microfoundations of Macroeconomics (GEMM), Pescara, Italy
Artificial Intelligence, Experimental Economics, Artificial Economy, Agent-based Computational Economics,
Multi-agent Systems.
In this paper we present a new methodological approach based on the interplay between Experimental Eco-
nomics and Agent-based Economics. Advances in the design and implementation of individual autonomous
economic agents are presented. The methodology is organized in three steps. The first step focuses on agents.
We use an inductive rather than a deductive approach: by means of the experimental method we observe
agents’ behaviors. The second step is the behavioral rules’ building process that allows us to study how to
estimate and structure artificial agents. In the third step, the set of previously induced behavioral rules are
used to build artificial agents, i.e. “molded” avatars, which operate in the “archetype” macroeconomic system.
The resulting Multi-agent system serves as the macroeconomic environment for our simulations and economic
policy analysis.
A growing number of economists has been claiming
the inadequacy of the Dynamic Stochastic General
Equilibrium (DSGE) model which has been consid-
ered the standard macroeconomic tool over the past
few decades. In order to achieve an internally coher-
ent construction, the DSGE model traditionally relies
on the deductive approach through which individual
behavior are obtained by sophisticated mathematical
models rooted in the axioms of the homo economicus,
i.e. the individual maximizing hypothesis, the rational
expectations hypothesis, the homogeneity hypothesis.
Although the deductive analysis provides an impor-
tant theoretical benchmark, DSGE models have been
questioned because of their microfoundations, i.e. the
microeconomic behavior of economic agents. DSGE
models assume economic agents to solve complex in-
tertemporal optimization problems: the whole model
is based on as if conjectures rather than empirical ev-
idence. This calls into question the reliability of the
predictions of the model which thus need to be empir-
ically tested and improved by using different model-
ing approaches.
According to some economists, the need for an-
alytical tractability that drives the microfoundation
process leads to models which are “more simple than
possible” (Colander et al., 2008). It is thus clear
that a macroeconomic model that is not “more simple
than possible” (e.g., a model in which many heteroge-
neous bounded rational agents interact) loses analyti-
cal tractability and requires alternative modeling tools
(Velupillai, 2011). The increase in computational
power, the development of useful programming lan-
guages (such as the object oriented languages) and the
striking progress of information and communication
technologies has allowed researchers to set up virtual
economies and track the results obtained by each arti-
ficial agent that operates in the system. These devel-
opments have given rise to a new research direction
based on a combination of economics and computer
science, namely the Agent-based Computational Eco-
nomics (ACE, Tesfatsion and Judd, 2006).
In this paper we present a research method based
on the interplay between Experimental Economics
and Agent-based Computational Economics and sug-
gest some advances in the design and implementa-
tion of individual autonomous economic agents. The
methodology is organized on three levels. On the first
level the focus is on agents. We start by following
the early steps made by Arthur (1991, 1993) and we
try to add possible improvements by adopting the Ex-
Giulioni G., Bucciarelli E., Silvestri M. and D’Orazio P..
Avatar-based Macroeconomics - Experimental Insights into Artificial Agents Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0004917902720277
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2014), pages 272-277
ISBN: 978-989-758-016-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
perimental Economics perspective. By means of the
experimental method we observe agents’ behaviors.
In the second level we study how to structure them
- the behavioral rules’ building process - in order to
populate the artificial economy. The goal of the third
level is to build a Multi-agent system which serves as
the macroeconomic environment for our simulations
and economic policy analysis.
Macroeconomists have been working to provide more
reliable representations of real economic systems.
Hereby we will discuss some points of the wider de-
bate which in turn allow for the assessment of the nov-
elties of our paper.
It is widely agreed that Macroeconomics must be
microfounded (Lucas, 1976; Janssen, 2008). This es-
sentially means that:
i) an economist should have a model regulating the
behavior of agents that populate the macroeco-
nomic model, and;
ii) the macroeconomic outcome should be obtained
by using aggregation techniques that involve (at
least) the behavioral rule obtained from the indi-
vidual model.
There are several ways in which these steps can be
undertaken. The choice depends on the requirements
the researcher seeks to fulfill.
Concerning point i), economics traditionally uses
a deductive approach to build models that analyze in-
dividual behaviors. According to the deductive ap-
proach, the axioms of economic behavior are estab-
lished first; then agents are provided with objective
functions that satisfy the axioms. Finally, behaviors
are derived by maximizing objective functions given
the pertinent constraints. Concerning point ii), the
standard way to proceed is to allow the macroeco-
nomic outcome be a function whose sole input argu-
ments are the individual behaviors and the number of
agents in the economy (the aggregate outcome is ob-
tained multiplying the representative agent outcome
by the number of agents). These methods for handling
i) and ii) are important because they allow researchers
to obtain closed form analytic solutions, thus bringing
scientific “appeal” similar to that of the hard sciences
to the whole sequence.
However, according to some economists the an-
alytic tractability turns to be a straitjacket because
it requires over simplified settings. Indeed, difficul-
ties suddenly arise when more realistic elements, i.e.,
uncertainty and agents’ inability to manage large in-
formation sets, are included in the microeconomic
framework. This in turn implies that in a more re-
alistic setting, agents’ behaviors are characterized by
bounded rationality and the adoption of norms (Sar-
gent, 1993; Rubinstein, 1998; Akerlof, 2007, among
others, maintain that economics needs such ele-
Other difficulties arise in the aforementioned ag-
gregation process. Kirman (1989, 1992) for exam-
ple maintains that in order to obtain reliable macroe-
conomic results, the aggregate outcome should be
a function of the rules governing (heterogeneous)
agents’ behaviors and the structure of interactions
among them. Obtaining analytic tractability in a sys-
tem of interacting elements is an hard task.
A growing number of economists acknowledge
ACE as the most promising solution for unlacing
the mathematical tractability strait-jacket. Artificial
economies are indeed a crucial tool in displaying dif-
ferent ways to understand what is going on in a de-
centralized economy (Vriend, 1994; Arifovic, 2000).
More than twenty years after its first implementation,
ACE is sometimes described as a promising field of
studies. The lack of commonly accepted microfoun-
dations represents the stumbling block of ACE mod-
els which have had difficulties in gaining general ac-
ceptance among economists.
In terms of microfoundations, the ACE approach
allows for modeling a large range of economic be-
haviors. This potentiality, however, is linked to the
“too many degrees of freedom” problem, i.e., the set
of implementable individual models increases enor-
mously so that the researcher can easily incur unsuit-
able choices. The debate over which are the best
means to overcome these problems remains one of
the key concerns of the ACE community (see G
et al., 2013, for a recent contribution). Empirical val-
idation, according to which the output of the model
It can be obtained for example by using statistical me-
chanics tools (Aoki and Yoshikawa, 2007). However, the
application of these tools does not provide a general solu-
tion to the problem. Their application to human economic
behavior needs an adaptation which should be carefully
evaluated because these techniques were originally devel-
oped to aggregate the behavior of particles.
should display similarities with real world data, have
been used to qualify ACE models since their appear-
ance. One method to proceed consists in changing
the assumed microeconomic behaviors until a good fit
of empirical data is achieved, thus providing indirect
Using the mathematical jargon,
proceeding in this way yields sufficient conditions: a
candidate model generates realistic results, but the ex-
istence of other models that could provide a similar or
a better fit cannot be excluded. Also, it could be very
useful to have necessary conditions; one possibility in
this direction could be using the available microeco-
nomic data to set up the individual behavioral model.
Although many Agent-based researchers have shown
some interest in this direction, this methodology finds
significant hurdles in the paucity and availability of
historical and micro data (see Kl
ugl, 2008; Werker
and Brenner, 2004, among others).
In this paper we maintain that the aforementioned
problems can be sidestepped by using Experimental
In our research we will refer in particular to
nomothetic experiments
which can provide insights
into individuals’ behaviors. Indeed, information col-
lected from experimental microsystems offer richer
insights into the individual and collective dynamics of
a model; they are thus different from those obtained
from empirical data. According to this, we argue that
experimental data could represent a solution to the
problem of availability of micro data.
In our opinion, collecting microeconomic data
through experimentation opens up the possibility of
performing the estimation rather than the calibration
of individual behavioral models to be implemented in
simulations. In other words, by means of this ap-
proach, both necessary and sufficient conditions are
satisfied and the reliability of ACE models would be
significantly increased.
The experimental method is gaining consent among
economists as a valuable and important tool for ana-
Windrum et al. (2007) refer to this practice as indirect
Nomo-theoretical experiments aim to establish laws of
behavior through testing theory.
The seminal paper by Hansen and Heckman (1996) of-
fers an interesting perspective on model calibration and es-
timation methodologies. It also discusses the related empir-
ical “hidden dangers.
lyzing and designing economic systems. One of the
main strengths of the experimental method is that the
experimenter can iteratively add and remove features
of the real (i.e., field) environment and thus study the
impact of that manipulation on subjects’ behaviors.
Nevertheless, the complexity of economic sys-
tems may prevent experimenters - as well as theo-
rists - from correctly identifying the determinants of
a particular decision-making situation or market un-
der scrutiny. According to some economists, the ex-
tremely simplified environment recreated in a labo-
ratory questions the realism of experiments: exper-
imenters are indeed forced to make simplifying as-
sumptions about an economic problem in order to
derive tractable solutions. Yet, such criticism to the
falsificationist power of experiments pervades all ex-
perimental (and observational) sciences: this is often
addressed to as the Duhem-Quine (D-Q) problem (as
explained in Hertwig and Ortmann, 2001).
clarification about the experimental method is also
needed. Falsification tout court is not the main goal
of experiments: they are aimed at setting the stage for
better theory and a better understanding of the phe-
nomena. When experimental results show that a the-
ory works poorly, experimenters engage in a process
of procedures’ revision before abandoning the theory
because of one or many falsifying observations. They
reexamine instructions for lack of clarity, increase the
experience level of subjects, try increased payoffs,
and explore sources of errors in an attempt to find the
limits of the “falsifying process”.
Besides the criticism about the way experiments
are conducted and more specifically about the philos-
ophy of science that guides the experimental method,
It reminds scientists that testing a theory depends cru-
cially on the methodological decisions researchers make in
designing and implementing the test itself and of the impos-
sibility to test a scientific theory in isolation given that every
empirical test requires assumptions about auxiliary aspects
that cannot be controlled by researchers. According to the
skeptics about the use of experimentation in Economics, the
D-Q problem makes that a failure of a theory in the labora-
tory can always be attributed to (unobserved) auxiliary hy-
potheses and the majority of experiments could not survive
such a strong test of external validity. Nevertheless, accord-
ing to Vernon Smith the D-Q problem “is not a barrier to re-
solving ambiguity in interpreting test results” (Smith, 2002,
p. 106); it is rather a stimulus to improve the confronta-
tion of theory with empirical evidence. He argues that if
experimenters have a confounding problem with auxiliary
hypotheses, they run new experiments to test them and aux-
iliary hypotheses that are linked with key issues involving
the state of the agent (namely, motivation and experience-
learning) must be incorporated into the theory, thus making
it encompassing real features of agents’ behaviors.
there is a voiced criticism of the internal validity
external validity
of experiments. Ceteris paribus, the
comparative sophistication of subjects inside and out-
side the laboratory, the adequacy of rewards (i.e., pay-
offs), the framing of instructions.
Regarding the first point, the large majority of ex-
periments have been undertaken with students; this
usually raises criticism about the external validity
of results gathered in experiments (see Levitt and
List, 2007; Al-Ubaydli and List, 2012, for a broader
view and debate on field vs lab results’ validity).
Many experimental works have addressed this issue
and found that students generally behave similar to
subjects with professional experiences, while demo-
graphic and gender effects are statistically signifi-
cant in the comparison across groups (Guillen and
F.Veszteg, 2006). Fr
echette (2009) reports an inter-
esting survey of 13 experimental works in which both
students and professionals took part in different sub-
ject pools. Although there are situations in which fo-
cusing on students is too narrow, he found that there
is not an overwhelming evidence that conclusions
reached by using the standard experimental subject
pool cannot generalize to professionals. In a recent
paper (Giulioni et al., 2013), we investigate the spec-
ulative behavior of entrepreneurs experimentally. We
considered three different subject pools, i.e., univer-
sity students, real life entrepreneurs and high school
students and ask them to take part to an experiment
on individual decision-making with a special focus on
learning to forecast (the experimental setting was the
same across subject pools). Our comparative results
show that there are not relevant differences in the per-
formances and the learning process of the three sub-
ject pools.
Other common reservations are about the salience
of reward human subjects receive at the end of ex-
periments, namely the induced value theory (Smith,
1976). Being results usually based on experiments
with relatively small rewards that are at odds with
high-stakes of real world decisions, many are con-
cerned about the conclusions experimenters draw on
real world choices or markets. Several researchers
have replicated well-known experiments using larger
It defines the extent to which the environment that gen-
erated the data corresponds to the model being tested.
It defines the ability of the causal relation observed
in the experiment to generalize over subjects and environ-
ments. As noted by Frechette “..[e]xternal validity does not
have to be about generalizing from the subjects or environ-
ment in the experiment to subjects and environment outside
the laboratory. It can also be about variations in subjects and
environments within the experiment (for instance, does the
result apply to both men and women in the experiment?)”
echette, 2009).
rewards than starting values and found no relevant re-
sults in using higher stakes (Smith and Walker, 1993;
Bordalo et al., 2012).
Moreover, in order to check for robustness of ex-
perimental findings, researchers can replicate the ex-
periment and conduct new analyses (Hunter, 2001;
Maniadis et al., 2013). Replication, comparability of
results and incremental variations (of setting, instruc-
tions, subject pools, etc.) of the experiment are indeed
very important to assess the reliability of results (De-
wald et al., 1986).
There is a large literature that has focused on par-
allel experiments with real (human) and computa-
tional agents (see, among others, Arifovic (1996);
Duffy (2001); Miller (2008) and Chen (2012) for
a broader comparative perspective on the design of
agents in Agent Based Models). We believe, however,
that combining experimental and computational eco-
nomics will open new and interesting opportunities
for research in macroeconomic issues. One of the first
economists who called attention to the complemen-
tarity of experimental economics and ACE has been
John Duffy, who argued that bottom-up, bounded ra-
tional, inductive models of behavior provide a better
fit for experimental and field data (Duffy, 2006).
Figure 1 will help in describing our proposed
The first phase is identified by the block labeled
experimental level, which consists of gathering data
through laboratory experiments. In the following mi-
crofoundation level phase, a deep data mining process
is performed in order to identify the rules used by
experimental agents. Neural networks, evolutionary
algorithms, heuristics and global optimization tech-
niques are used to identify recurrent patterns of ex-
perimental data gathered from each subject. By ex-
amining these patterns, the researcher can formulate
dynamic behavioral rules that also take into account
the existing theoretical insights concerning the deci-
sion at hand. Finally, the parameters of the iden-
tified behavioral rules are set by using standard or
innovative computationally-intensive techniques. In
the final stage, the induced rules are implemented in
the code of artificial agents (see the artificial agents
box in figure 1). The heterogeneous molded avatars
created in this way are used to build an agent-based
experimental level
Subject Subject Subject
microfoundation level
rules and
artificial agents
class for
rules and
class for
artificial economy
instances instances
Aggregate outcome
Policy analisys
Figure 1: Graphical representation of the proposed ap-
model, which consequently allows the experimenter
to increase the number of agents to a level that makes
comparisons with real macroeconomic data accept-
able. This final step is represented in the artificial
economy box of figure 1.
Our ongoing research on the macroeconomic ef-
fects of entrepreneurs financial behavior shows that
the proposed methodology is effective.
In the proposed approach, experimental and compu-
tational economics cooperate with and complement
each other. In particular, we argue that macroeco-
nomic analyses will benefit from the synergy between
the two approaches. Moreover, by adopting the pre-
sented methodology, computational modeling tech-
niques (e.g., data mining and statistical techniques)
will improve their function in economic analysis. In-
deed, the novelty of our approach resides in the ex-
tremely accurate and demanding work at the micro-
scopic level. As highlighted above, microeconomic
data are often missing or yield ambiguous results,
which causes difficulties in modeling agents’ behav-
iors. Although the proposed approach is highly de-
manding, we claim it provides appropriate guidelines
for molding heterogeneous agents in that it allows the
construction of software agents which represent hu-
man experimental subjects (i.e. avatars). The out-
come of an experimentally-microfounded macroeco-
nomic agent-based model is meant to undergo both
the micro and the macro empirical validation process,
which will ask the researcher to return to the labora-
tory to repeat the microfoundation phase in case of
ambiguous validation results. This process makes the
resulting model particularly reliable. In this sense,
we maintain that the combined use of experiments,
data mining and Agent-based techniques is particu-
larly useful for economic policies analyses.
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