Assurance in Collaborative ICT-enabled Service Chains
Y. W. van Wijk, N. R. T. P. van Beest, K. F. C. de Bakker and J. C. Wortmann
Department of Operations, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Keywords: Assurance, ICT-enabled Service Chains, Transference of Risks-Control Obligations, Chain Internal Control.
Abstract: Assurance is an essential condition for trust in a collaborative ICT-enabled service business. Insufficient
assurance can cause organizational vulnerability, inefficiency and major loss of business revenues. Especial-
ly complex and extensive composite ICT-enabled services are confronted with a major increase of business-
and discontinuity risks. To mitigate these risks, this paper presents a conceptual solution for assurance and
governance in ICT-enabled service chains, by designing an assurance framework based on business strate-
gy, the management of risk-control obligations and the control and audit of the service chain. After present-
ing the design of the new assurance framework, the business implications are explained. In this context, the
feasibility and relevance of the framework are validated at two large public companies in The Netherlands.
The paper shows that a new assurance and governance approach for ICT-enabled service chains is required
in practice and theory, where assurance can be obtained via the conceptual assurance framework for ICT-
enabled service chains.
This is a position paper, which presents a conceptual
solution for assurance and governance in an ICT-
enabled service chain enterprise, by designing a new
assurance framework. In Enterprise Engineering
(EE), Liles et al. (1995) describe the theory of com-
plex systems of processes that are engineered to
accomplish specific organizational objectives. The
EE paradigm recognizes the ever-changing organic
nature of the enterprise, which increases the com-
plexity of enterprise governance. More recent work
of Panetto and Cecil (2013) shows that in today’s
competitive economy, enterprises need collaboration
using information technology (IT) and other tools to
succeed in this dynamic and heterogeneous business
environment. In this context, Enterprise Information
Systems (EISs) are the tools to reach the organiza-
tional objectives, where methods for enterprise inte-
gration are needed to anchor the quality of infor-
mation (which is commonly referred to as assurance)
in collaborative networks.
Sutton and Hampton (2003) observed that busi-
nesses increasingly make use of a network of other
providers. Organizations depend on service provid-
ers who themselves are dependent on other service
providers, ad infinitum. This so-called propagation
of services creates a dependency chain between
participants. The increased dependencies on external
parties when providing services allow organizations
to provide complex services, but also lead to new
threats and vulnerabilities (Geyskens, 2006). In
order to mitigate these threats, specific control
measures are inevitable for assurance in the enter-
In ICT-supported service businesses, such net-
works are also called ‘service chains’. When service
chains are used efficiently, mutual trust and align-
ment of incentives and goals are essential for the
design of the enterprise (Narayanan, 2004). Howev-
er, in case of more inter-organizational relations, it
becomes increasingly difficult to assess the risk and
controls for the entire enterprise (Sutton and Hamp-
ton, 2003). Following Edvardsson et al. (2005), the
traditional methods of determining risks and controls
within IT services are not sufficient anymore, as the
detailed working of an inter-organizational service is
not always completely clear (Edvardsson, 2005).
Therefore, from the perspective of chain partici-
pants, there is a need for a methodology to obtain
assurance to secure that business goals are met, in
particular in current service-oriented enterprises.
Consequently, this paper aims to design a con-
ceptual framework for assurance within multiple
participant ICT-enabled service supply chains. As
such, this paper introduces a new perspective on
van Wijk Y., van Beest N., de Bakker K. and Wortmann J..
Assurance in Collaborative ICT-enabled Service Chains.
DOI: 10.5220/0004890303680375
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2014), pages 368-375
ISBN: 978-989-758-029-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
business assurance and governance within a collabo-
rative chain of organizations, which anchors assur-
ance and the governance in ICT-enabled service
Accordingly, the remainder of this paper is struc-
tured as follows. Section 2 presents the contextual
background and related work. This is followed by
Section 3, where the preliminary definitions are
presented, which are required for the definition of
the assurance framework. In Section 4, the proposed
framework for ICT-enabled service chains is pre-
sented. Subsequently, Section 5 elaborates on the
business implications of the framework. Finally,
concluding remarks are provided in Section 6, along
with future research directions and application areas.
In EIS literature, the term ‘assurance’ is scarcely
used in the context of accounting, risk and controls
within the enterprise. However, enterprise infor-
mation systems can be supported by assurance
methods or frameworks, e.g. to anchor the integrity
of (transaction) information processing. Therefore,
we will start with the accounting and assurance
background to support the design of EIS.
The term assurance refers to accounting practic-
es such as internal controls and risk management
within the organization (IIA, 2012). For many dec-
ades, the notion of an assurance framework has been
well established for internal control in the organiza-
tion: it provides a statement that management infor-
mation is likely to be correct. Proper management
and due care of information risks are essential to any
company (Buhman et al., 2005). Following Sutton et
al. (2008), the system of internal controls ensures
that the company’s internal information complies
with predefined levels of information quality. This
system leverages risk indicators that are based on
internal controls, which are essential to information
integrity and assurance (Arnold et al. 2010). Infor-
mation integrity is based on assurance, which is
defined by the Institute of Internal Auditors (2013)
as follows: “assurance service is an objective exam-
ination of evidence for the purpose of providing an
independent assessment on governance, risk man-
agement, and control processes for the organiza-
Internal control and information assurance are
the cornerstones in auditing and management ac-
counting. In order to structure them, many tradition-
al risk management and internal control frameworks
were developed in the last century. The system of
internal controls ensures that the quality of (pro-
cessed) information complies with the organizational
strategic objectives. Therefore, the correctness and
completeness of information (i.e. information quality
and –assurance) are the results of the strategic
alignment of the business control process within the
organization. In case all business partners in a net-
work behave accordingly, the network of organiza-
tions may be assumed to provide correct information
as well (Solms and Flowerday, 2005).
However, when substantial risks lie outside the
sphere of influence imposed by internal risk and
control systems, the traditional paradigms can no
longer be applied fully. This is particularly true for
ICT-enabled service organizations due to their inte-
gration of multiple suppliers (in many tiers) within a
single service delivery network (White, 2005). ICT-
enabled services have been extensively discussed in
purchasing and supply chain literature (Delbufalo,
2012), as well as in Enterprise Interoperability
(Jardim-Goncalves & Grilo, 2013) and other EIS
literature. However, they demonstrate that current
theory and tools are predominantly developed for
and applied in intra-organizational environments.
Consequently, there is a need for a new approach for
assurance in collaborative ICT-enabled service sup-
ply chains (Delbufalo, 2012).
In this section, the definitions of the major assurance
components are provided that are required for our
new assurance framework. Prior to designing this
framework, we first define ‘ICT-enabled services’,
‘assurance’, and ‘internal control’ respectively.
3.1 ICT-enabled Services
A recent review of many service typologies can be
found in Brax (2013). This work studies Service-
Dominant Logic (SDL) in literature, which first was
initiated by Vargo and Lusch (2006). Based on this
work, we use the following definition of ICT-
enabled services: “ICT-enabled services are offer-
ings in which the market exchange between a pro-
vider and a customer is provided in the form of pro-
cess-based software components or in the form of
ICT-resource availability”
3.2 Assurance
The definition of ‘assurance’ as prepared by the
Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) reads: “Assur-
ance service is an objective examination of evidence
for the purpose of providing an independent assess-
ment on governance, risk management, and control
processes for the organization”. In this definition,
the object of investigation is the single organization
i.e. an intra-organizational scope. To optimize this
system of internal control for a single organization,
many professional standards and frameworks are
available. These include (amongst others) the ISO,
NIST, COSO and COBIT for governance and man-
agement of enterprise IT.
3.3 Chain Control
These standards and frameworks are focused on the
internal organization, and frame the direct influence
of the system of internal controls, assurance and
governance limited to this scope. However, ICT-
enabled service providers using supply chains are
dependent on a network of other service providers.
The risks and controls in the chain extend across
these multiple organizations. Therefore, in this paper
our definition of internal control will span across the
entire service chain, and is defined here as follows:
the system of chain internal control is the process
designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding
the achievement of objectives in effectiveness and
efficiency of collaborative operations, reliability of
financial reporting, and compliance with applicable
laws and regulations. This chain internal control
system (see Section 4.3) transcends the internal
control within each organization and approaches the
collaborative chain organization as a “virtual organi-
zation of inter-organizational nature”.
The work of Van Wijk et al. (2013) elaborates on
four key drivers for the development of an assurance
framework for enterprises which use ICT-enabled
service chains: (i) the increased business complexity
and vulnerability; (ii) no appropriate chain risk man-
agement; (iii) invalid service chain assurance meth-
ods; and (iv) the lack of a valid accounting and audit
theory for ICT-enabled service chains. Therefore,
the framework is built based on the following com-
1. The increased vulnerability and complexity can
be assessed by approaching risk and controls in
elementary way (i.e. the smallest possible service
chain), which we call the atomic approach of a
service chain (See Section 4.1);
2. The collaborative nature of the service chain
implies the network approach: the network of
coupled “chain atoms”, where the system of
transference of obligations of the risk-control
(TORC) frames the chain as a whole, i.e. the “in-
itial enactment of the ICT-enabled service chain”
(See Section 4.2);
3. The accounting and audit theory on assurance is
applied in the collaborative chain by a system of
chain controls, which implies that Internal Con-
trols are based on the “virtual” organization of
the whole chain: the Chain Internal Control
System (CICS) (See Section 4.3);
4. For completing the design of the assurance
framework, the four mentioned drivers are com-
bined in the system of Chain-Governance of the
service chain, which is the mutual product of
chain-policy, chain risk management and chain
auditing (See Section 4.4);
In the next subsections, these core drivers will be
subsequently explained in detail as core components
of the assurance framework.
4.1 The Atomic Approach of the
Service Chain
Following Sutton and Hampton (2003), multi-parti-
cipant ICT-enabled service chains can be extensive,
complex and hard to investigate, Therefore, for the
assessment of the chain complexity, we approach the
service chain by starting at the chain atom. This is
the smallest service chain, and consists of two intra-
organizational relations involving three participants.
If the risks- and controls are assured within all chain
atoms, we can assume that the service chain as a
whole is assured as well, following the mathematical
recursion theory of Sutner (2013). To explain the
basic relations in an ICT-enabled service chain, the
design of the framework starts with the assessment
of the atomic chain link.
The atomic service process starts with the initia-
tion of a service request by participant A, i.e. the
initiator of the chain. The assumption is that the
initiator only requests a service when chain assur-
ance is satisfactory fulfilled, i.e. matching the assur-
ance requirements of the initiator. Therefore, assur-
ance requirements are determined by the (business)
policy of the initiator of the service chain.
When participant A requests the service from
provider B, participant B adds some value to this
request, depending on the nature of the service.
Without added value, the chain link has no function.
Participant B has a service dependency with provi-
der C for the delivery of the service. In this context,
A will only get a positive result from the service
provided by B, if the service performed by C is op-
erational and returns a positive service result. In this
case, A is dependent on B and B is dependent on C,
which illustrates the basic service chain dependen-
cies, as shown in Figure 1.
A = service request user
B = enabler (adding value)
C = service provider
add value
Figure 1: The chain atom approach.
The dependencies in this atomic model relate to the
request for the service (together with the expecta-
tions on the service result) and the actual service
result as delivered. Based on these relations, the
assurance framework can assess the risk and controls
within the chain link. Whether the chain link is dis-
charged on assurance depends on the scope of the
investigation and the norms (i.e. the values used to
attest) where the risk-controls objects collate to. An
example of risk-control in an ICT-enabled service
chain is the delivery of a service in a service chain.
For example, if the delivery norm for availability is
defined as 99,5% availability, the entire chain net-
work has to comply with this norm. If A-B doubles
the capacity (risk mitigating measure) to comply
with this delivery norm, while B-C stays the same at
98,5%, the assurance for availability stays at the
lowest level in the chain. To control the availability
in the chain, the risk and controls are aligned in the
A-B-C service chain to comply with availability
norm. This is an example of transport of obligations
i.e. alignment, within a context of a service delivery
network, which will be explained in the next subsec-
4.2 Transference of Obligations of the
Risk-Controls (TORC)
The traditional Service Level Agreement (SLA)
controls the relation between two participants. In a
service chain, however, multiple relations exist be-
tween participants, which requires alignment of the
SLAs between the different relations. Consequently,
transference of risk-controls is required in the entire
service chain, in order to align and balance the indi-
vidual SLAs. This is impossible to realize by indi-
vidual SLA’s between all chain participants, due to
the extensive number of relations and the complexity
of the chain. Therefore, the SLA instrument alone is
inadequate in ICT-enabled service chains. Conse-
quently, the risk exposure of the service chain as a
whole is dependent on the risk and control in the
individual chain links, as well as on the transference
of obligations of the risk-controls (TORC) in the
chain. Therefore, the second component of the as-
surance framework is the assessment of TORC.
In this context, the risk-control values are ex-
pressed as norms that are transferred throughout the
service chain. These TORC norms originate from
the policy of the initiator of the service chain, as
mentioned in the chain atom (participant A). The
TORC describes how in each stage the responsibility
for taking compensatory (mitigation) measures are
distributed to, and aligned with, other (neighbour-
ing) chain links in the ICT service chain. How to
audit and monitor this in the ICT-enabled service
chain is explained in the next subsection.
4.3 Chain Internal Control System
Traditionally, internal control has been of intra-
organizational nature. However, the ICT-enabled
service chain is built on several interconnected and
collaborative organizations. Accordingly, the audit
approach for ICT-enabled service chains has to ad-
just to this environment. Therefore, we extend the
internal control system paradigm to a service chain
environment (e.g. a virtual organization) with a
valid chain internal control system (CICS). In anal-
ogy with TORC, the span of control of the CICS
concerns the entire service chain as well, and trans-
fers the audit norms and tolerances within the entire
service chain. The CICS norms and tolerances are
transferred in the same way as TORC, to synchro-
nize and balance towards control of the chain, i.e.
the system of internal control of the (virtual) enter-
prise. We distinguish three major phases for CICS in
our model:
1. Audit Strategy
The audit strategy of the ICT-enabled service chain
differs from traditional audit of the (intra) organiza-
tion because auditing the chain has to cover the
entire chain to come to an opinion. Therefore, audit-
ing the service chain is based on chain policy,
worked out in a strategic audit plan.
2. Operation of the Audit and Monitoring
In our model, the audit and monitoring is carried out
in the chain by the different chain participants. In
analogy with TORC, we can only audit the chain by
cooperation and shared responsibility of all chain
participants with a system of communicating the
audit norms and tolerances in the service chain.
After all, it is in the interest of all participants to
secure the solidity of the overall chain. Therefore,
we also need a transference system of audit objec-
tives, -norms and -tolerance, a scope reference, a
transference system and the terms of audit reference
within the chain. These terms relate to practitioners
literature, but are now transformed towards the ICT-
enabled service chain point of view.
The actual operation of the audit is performed by
the different participants in the chain. Again, com-
pared to traditional internal control systems, the
chain internal control system is based on the local
chain link control measures, which are transferred
by TORC. Depending on the transference method in
the chain (as explained in the next section), the audit
activities are reported in the chain to ensure assur-
ance. Based on the individual audit issues in the
chain, a final assurance opinion for the chain can be
3. Attest to Audit Opinion
The audit opinion is the result of audit and monitor-
ing in the chain. Based on the audit objectives and
the method of transference, the assurance opinion
can be formalized in the chain.
4.4 Chain Governance
Finally, the assurance framework for ICT-enabled
service chains requires the cooperation of the three
previously described major components of the
framework, i.e. chain governance, which originates
from the design incentives and drivers that we men-
tioned in Section 4.1.
i. Strategic Chain Policy
The way to anchor assurance in collaborative ICT-
enabled service network organizations is the cooper-
ation on strategic chain objectives. This is worked
out in the strategic chain policy, which defines how
the transference method of chain risk-controls are
used. That is, the TORC policy component, how the
system of chain internal control are operational
(CICS), and how the chain enactment and enforce-
ment is designed. The essential chain risk manage-
ment maturity, as well as the audit maturity level are
ii. Chain Risk Management
The second component of chain governance is the
alignment of strategic chain policy and risk man-
agement. In this context, the chain assessment meth-
od is defined along with the time frame aiming on
continuous operation. This component is covered by
the TORC (Section 4.2).
iii. Chain Audit and Monitoring
The third component defines the chain audit maturi-
ty, the norms and tolerances for monitoring and
steering of the service chain. This is elaborated in
the CICS (as described in Section 4.3).
4.5 Framework Application Examples
In this subsection, we will combine the formerly
described components and present them into the
assurance framework along with some examples of
Pattern 1: Central Control of the Chain
By a single dominant party the requirements are
determined (and monitored) to all supply chain par-
ticipants in terms of risk management, control and
supply chain. The enterprise design norms of the
initial chain are centralized and mandatory for all
chain links. Central control is based on the following
The TORC between the chain organizations is
mandatory and centrally distributed (Figure 2);
In case the attest of the norm fails, the central
chain design will enforce the change to an alterna-
tive chain link (represented by the diamond sym-
bol in Figure 3);
The CICS is centrally controlled.
Figure 2: Transference of risk-control obligations centrally
In this way, TORC designs and aligns the risk and
control obligations within the entire chain. Comple-
mentary to this, the focus of CICS is the correct
Figure 3: CICS chain enforcement.
working of the chain. In Figure 3, a CICS decision is
enforced from organization C to organization D, as
organization C did not comply to the TORC re-
quirement of organization A.
Pattern 2: Local Control at each Chain Link
From the chain initiator perspective, the successive
chain links together drive the entire service line:
organization A (the initiator) imposes requirements
in terms of risk and control to organization B. Next,
the derived requirements are imposed on organiza-
tion C. This way, moving the controller itself recur-
sively through the chain, ensures the assurance with-
in the entire chain.
Local control is based on the following principles:
The enactment norms of the initial chain are de-
fined by the chain initiator, mandatory for all chain
links, but controlled by the individual chain links
themselves (Figure 4);
The TORC between the chain organizations is
mandatory distributed by the sequential chain par-
ticipants in the chain;
In case the attest of the norm fails, the local en-
actment will enforce the change to an alternative
chain link (represented by the diamond symbol in
Figure 5);
The CICS is locally controlled within the chain.
Figure 4: Transference of risk-control obligations defined
for each chain link.
In this context, CICS controls the working of the
service chain also on local chain level. That is, the
enforcement decision is locally made, based on the
Figure 5: Local CICS chain enforcement.
transferred audit norms in the chain, If all chain
atoms act conformingly, assurance of the chain will
be based on recursion within the chain itself. This
local chain enforcement is illustrated in Figure 5.
Pattern 3: Individual Control
In the system of transparency, risk and control
measures are made transparent, so that all parties can
establish compliance with the requirements. This is a
shared and clear way of risk control within the dis-
tribution chain. Individual control is based on the
following principles:
The enactment norms of the initial chain are de-
fined by the chain initiator, but controlled by the
individual chain links themselves (Figure 6);
The TORC of the chain organization is made sin-
gle transparent (i.e. communicated) by all sequen-
tial chain participants in the chain;
In case the attest of the norm fails, the single par-
ticipant decides whether it will comply and be part
of the chain (represented by the diamond symbol
in Figure 7);
The CICS is controlled individually for each single
participant in the chain.
Org. A Org. B Org. C
Figure 6: Transference of risk-control obligations defined
In analogy of central and local control of CICS, in
this example, control is realized by single enforce-
ment. That is, the organization entity decides to ‘join
Figure 7: Individual CICS chain enforcement.
the chain or not’. Therefore, the chain enforcement
is anchored within each chain participant, as shown
in Figure 7.
The business implications of the assurance frame-
work are initially assessed using expert interviews at
two large public companies, which use complex
ICT-enabled service chains. In the interviews, the
assurance concepts were discussed, interpreted, and
the possibility for implementing these artefacts in
practice were investigated. In addition, several
workshops were held at the organizations, to discuss
and improve the framework. The main conclusions
of this iterative process are:
Chain risk-control Awareness
In general, the discussions on the chain risks and
controls perception was classified on the operational
interface level towards the business environment.
The awareness of chain risks and control were clear,
but the solution or mitigating measures were not
available. Therefore, in most cases the assurance
was covered only by ‘checking the front- and back-
door’ of each chain participant. The chain-awareness
was obvious and almost all respondents saw the
added value of the conceptual assurance framework.
No Chain Governance
The second observation in the discussions was that
governance components as chain policy, chain risk
management and chain audit were classified as nec-
essary and needed, but were not (yet) operational.
The only chain-wise components were secured by
bilateral quantitative service level agreements. The
chain policy and strategy were rudimentary devel-
The need for a New Assurance Approach
The third observation was the need for a new assur-
ance approach. Based on chain-incidents in the re-
cent past, which occurred in The Netherlands (i.e.
DigiNotar, DigiD and others), the need for an assur-
ance framework undeniably has become essential. In
this context, the approach of assurance as well as
testing of the artifacts of TORC and CICS was con-
sidered realistic to solve their chain assurance in
practice according to the respondents.
Based on the expert interviews and workshop re-
sults, we can conclude that there is a need for a new
approach for assurance in ICT-enabled service
chains as well as an assurance framework, which
supports the anchoring of assurance in the
ICT-enabled service chain.
As a result of the increasing dependencies on exter-
nal parties when providing services, traditional
methods of determining risks and controls within IT
services are no longer sufficient. However, specific
control measures are inevitable for assurance and
become increasingly important in current complex
ICT-enabled service chains.
In this paper, a conceptual framework for assur-
ance is presented within multiple participant ICT-
enabled service supply chains. The framework is
based on four drivers for designing and assessing
ICT-enabled service chains: (i) the atomic chain
approach; (ii) employing the system of transference
of risk-control obligations (TORC) in the chain; (iii)
developing a collaborative system of chain controls
i.e. the Chain Internal Control System (CICS); and
finally, (iv) the combination of these drivers in a
Chain-Governance structure, i.e. a mutual system of
chain-policy, -risk management and –monitoring.
The application of the framework will particular-
ly benefit current service-oriented organizations. As
such, the designed conceptual framework for ICT-
enabled service chains will be further developed and
implemented in service chain organizations. Conse-
quently, the direction of future research is to develop
a further refined integrated assurance framework for
ICT-enabled service chains. The TTISC project
group (Towards Trustworthy ICT-enabled Service
Chains) aims on further developing this framework.
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