Linked Data Strategy to Achieve Interoperability in Higher
Guillermo García Juanes, Alioth Rodríguez Barrios, José Luis Roda García, Laura Gutiérrez Medina,
Rita Díaz Adán and Pedro González Yanes
School of Computer Science, University of La Laguna, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Spain
Keywords: Linked Data, Open Data, Interoperability, High Education.
Abstract: An important challenge in centres of higher education is the use of Linked Data strategy to connect
currently existing multiple information systems. These information systems are usually independent from
one another, and the ability to obtain information by connecting different sources of data involves, in most
cases, unacceptable costs and effort. In this work, we have developed a platform based on Linked Data that
permits the interoperability of different sources of data, both internal as well as external. This
interoperability is achieved by 1) the use of higher education ontologies, and 2) the use of a process that
begins with the analysis of the data sources to be connected, followed by mapping of the closest ontologies,
and ends with the generation and publication of data in valid formats for Linked Data. The final product
permits stakeholders inside and outside the university to be able to make queries of two or more datasets in
different information systems at the same time.
The term Open Data concerns offering to society the
data collected by public institutions, which, when
handled by third-parties, can be of great value for
the development of applications, reports, etc. The
principal objective of the Open Data strategy is to
offer transparency, participation and collaboration in
the publishing of information, in standard formats,
open and interoperable, facilitating its access and
permitting its re-use (Office, 2012). This is nothing
more than data that belong to public administration
being used, by individuals or companies, with or
without commercial ends, provided that use does not
constitute public administration activity. There are
many institutions that currently publish open data in
different formats (Fundación CTIC, 2013) (Bauer
and Kaltenböck, 2012).
The objective of Linked Data is to give meaning
to connections that are found in different datasets so
that machines can obtain more relevant information
making use of techniques from the Semantic Web
(Berners-Lee, 2006).
The relationship between Open Data and Linked
Data was proposed by Tim Berners-Lee who
suggested a way of measuring the degree of quality
of data published from an Open Data portal, where,
if those data were to be published using Linked Data
principles, the highest degree that a portal may
achieve would be obtained (Berners-Lee, 2006).
The data interoperatibility is achieved through
the followig of the Linked Data principles. These
vocabularies must cover a wide range of concepts
related to the university´s system. From the
institution, the departments, the teachers, including
the courses, programmes and study material, credits,
theory classes, practical classes and laboratory
classes, etc., a vocabulary must cover all these
aspects to be able to be linked and make full use of
the Linked Data strategy.
In this work we present a prototype that was
developed at the University of La Laguna (ULL),
where various different groups played a part: the
Planning and Analysis Office, the ULL Information
Technology Service, and the Taro Research Group.
The project concerns the demonstration of how
Linked Open Data offers a range of benefits for the
procurement of information that are not achieved
through other conventional methods. The higher
education system comprises multiple information
systems, some of which are quite complex. This
García Juanes G., Rodríguez Barrios A., Roda García J., Gutiérrez Medina L., Díaz Adán R. and González Yanes P..
Linked Data Strategy to Achieve Interoperability in Higher Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0004853500570064
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 57-64
ISBN: 978-989-758-024-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
paper is, therefore, concerned with the application of
Linked Data strategy, methods and techniques to
some of these university systems.
The development of a platform such as the one
intended requires a prior state-of-the-art study, with
particular emphasis in the area of ontologies that
may be re-used with those that are going to model
concepts within the scope of higher education.
In the search for ontologies closer to our
problem, we made use of semantic search engines
such as Watson
or Swoogle
apart from search
engines for key words or known repositories like
Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV)
There is a great set of ontologies related to the
field of education, but we limited our search for
ontologies to those that could be adapted as far as
possible to our case. They were also evaluated for
their quality based on whether they were structured,
well documented and in current use by other
From this analysis, candidate ontologies were
obtained for re-use in our system. The most relevant
ones, related to universities, were Academic
Institution Internal Structure Ontology (AIISO)
Teaching Core Vocabulary Specification (TEACH)
and The Bowlogna Ontology
. AIISO describes the
organizational structure of the university very
simply, showing the hierarchy and relationships
between different agencies. In that regard, it
provides classes for modelling: teaching staff,
subjects, departments, centres, etc. The TEACH and
Bowlogna ontologies describe the part more related
to teaching, that is, they try to represent the
relationship between a program, the subjects that
comprise it, the teaching workload and
responsibilities of teachers for each of the subjects.
Bowlogna is a more special case, representing the
organization of the university following the Bologna
Plan currently being implemented by European
universities (Demartini et al., 2013).
All things considered, a university is still an
organization, aside from the academic element,
which can be modelled with organizations
   
ontologies like W3C’s The Organization Ontology
or Buildings and Rooms Vocabulary
. Finally, we
intend to define the situation for premises and staff,
and CTIC’s Vocabulary of Localizations
or vCard
can be used for that, providing a series of
classes with which to model addresses,
municipalities, provinces, etc. These ontologies are
very important as in many cases they are standard
and widely used, as their use is not limited to a
specific field.
Another important action was to take examples
of the strategies established by other universities as a
step towards the publication of Linked Data. They
usually follow a basic scheme, re-using as far as
possible existing ontologies, and if these do not
cover all of the necessary concepts, the ontology
itself is created or extended from an existing one.
This can be seen in the Open Data sections of the
University of Oxford
, the University of
and the Open University
, that
usually have an Open Data portal from which you
can consult information modelled in different forms
(navigation, queries, etc.). These portals are usually
based on RDF software, Virtuoso being the most
popular, although there are other tools such as Pubby
, Fuseki
or D2R
The general situation is that when choosing
ontologies that adapt themselves more to
universities, there is consensus for the use of several
of those named above, but none ever achieves a
complete representation of the information, which is
why it is necessary to create another to be able to
link it with the other ontologies.
To achieve the publication of data, the ontologies
must be published in such a way that they are
dereferenceable and well documented, permitting
the rest of the world to re-use them, thus achieving
interconnections and future inferences of
information (W3C, 2008) (Heath and Bizer, 2011).
In our case, we do not enter into the creation of
ontologies in depth, as that was not one of the
principal objectives that we wished to demonstrate,
but rather interoperability between systems that
   
implement Linked Data as a procedure prior to
publication of data, bringing it into a real context.
The University of La Laguna is a large-scale public
higher education institution. It currently involves
more than 26,000 people including students,
teachers and administration staff, distributed
between 25 centres, 60 departments and other areas.
There are also close links with private entities
(companies, foundations and institutes) and public
institutions such as the local island administration
Cabildo de Tenerife, City Councils and the
Government of the Canary Islands.
The organizational structure is decentralized, and
many functions are delegated to each of the
departments, centres and services. This fact has a
special relevance to this work, as we have had to
study the functions of the principal organizational
units in depth. Each unit works almost
independently, each one takes responsibility for
handling administrative processes that have been
delegated to them, collecting and maintaining the
information necessary to operate (accounting,
academic administration, libraries, ITC centres,
With respect to this work, there are many
information systems that offer support to the
university as a whole. Financial Management and
Academic Management are among the main ones
that are found. The first system takes care of the
management of the administration staff and the
teaching staff; while the second is concerned with
the enrolment processes and everything related to
teaching. Both aggregate a large quantity of data and
are more or less controlled forming a fairly
homogenous architecture. They use the same group
of software development technologies, the same
database management system, and, most relevant,
they are under the responsibility of the same IT
department. Although there is a certain homogeneity
between these systems, extracting information
across both systems continues to be a complex and
costly task.
Apart from larger, older systems, there are
smaller, independent systems, of great value to the
institution. These have appeared over time according
to the needs of services or departments. Examples of
these systems are: the research service, the
directories of the institution´s staff, quality control,
diaries and events, etc. These are usually controlled
by different areas and each one can have different
It is at this point that this work begins to have
meaning. There are many cases where management,
statistical or other similar information is requested
from other institutions within the university itself.
Most of these systems work independently from one
another, and when it is necessary to consult
information from two or more sources, it is
necessary to establish connections between the
different systems. Due to the complexity and
internal structure of each system, staff have to make
a particularly strenuous effort to obtain the data.
The main motivation to work in this environment
and to offer a practical solution to these problems
based on Linked Data is, on the one hand, the
existence of the real problem of access to different
sources of data, and on the other, that the
university´s staff is quite able to accept new
proposals and finally, the existence of a real and
concrete problem with which to apply Linked Data
methods and techniques (for the re-use of
ontologies, generation of RDF links, publication of
data and consumption of published data).
The key challenge is to offer the university a
solution for offering information obtained from a
variety of sources, without modifying the current
systems, as many are legacy systems and are so
assimilated within the institution that a change to
them could cause chaos. This is the solution that we
present below.
The process of linking data from the different
information systems has followed an iterative and
incremental methodology (Suárez de Figueroa
Baonza, 2010). This process has allowed us to
obtain valuable results from the first iterations and
refine them continuously. As a consequence, the
Linked Data process is provided with the necessary
flexibility to tackle the changes related to the
requirements in any phase of the process.
The working methodology comprises six
differentiated phases inspired by methodologies
commonly used for the publication of Linked Data
(Poveda-Villalón, 2012); (Corcho et al., 2013);
(Fernández-López, 1997); (Atemezing et al., 2012)
and adapted to the needs of the particular working
environment. These phases are divided between:
specification of data to be published, data modelling,
generation of data in RDF, publication, linking and
Given the peculiarities of linking data in our
university context, as opposed to that proposed for
different methodologies for the publication of data
(Poveda-Villalón, 2012), the publication phase is
undertaken at an earlier stage to the linking of data.
4.1 Specification
The first task to be dealt with is the specification of
the data to be published. ULL has a large amount of
data related to administrative, academic or financial
activities. With the aim of demonstrating the utility
of linking data in the University under the paradigm
of Linked Data, and in view of the difficulty of
linking all the data in the institution owing to the
large volume, two clearly defined organizational
units were chosen: the organizational area and the
academic area.
The data available in each of these areas were
not related with one another, although they made
reference to entities that could be easily linked.
The data of the University´s organizational area
describe the hierarchy of the institution, the structure
of the teaching staff and the distribution of the
courses and the teaching areas.
Figure 1 presents
the organizational domain model:
Figure 1: Organizational domain model.
The academic area contains information relating to
the courses, which have been adapted to the Bologna
Plan. The data from the academic area, Figure 2,
contains information relating to the study plan of the
courses, provided by the Spanish Government´s
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, plus
information relating to the teaching staff teaching
those courses.
Figure 2: Academic domain model.
4.2 Modelling
Once the data to be linked had been determined, the
next step was to analyse them in order to be able to
begin modelling it with a set of ontologies.
Due to the peculiarities of the starting dataset, we
opted for the development of an ontologies network,
which had been re-utilized and created with
ontologies with different characteristics. This
ontologies network re-utilizes ontologies from the
academic environment such as AIISO and TEACH,
and more general and frequently used ontologies
such as FOAF
and others including LOC,
ORG and ROOMS that model localization, and
organization and premises, respectively. To
complete the network, we created three new
ontologies intended to represent the semantics which
earlier ontologies could not cover. One of the
ontologies was centred on academic information,
and the other on organizational information, and the
final one modelled general aspects of the institution.
The development of the network of ontologies was
carried out using NeOn Toolkit
, an open source
tool based on the Eclipse platform. It provides a set
of plug-ins that cover many of the needs arising
during this cycle of ontology development, such as
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the generation of documentation, modularization, or
the evaluation of ontologies (Zemmouchi-Ghomari
& Ghomari, 2013). Figure 3 shows the network
ontology obteined.
Figure 3: Modelled ontology network.
As part of the modelling phase, the anatomy of the
URI is defined under the guidelines of the so called
Cool URIs (W3C, 2008). As a result, the URIs of the
resources follow the following pattern:{resource
Code 1: URI structure.
For example, the “IT Engineering” course is
identified by the URI:
Code 2: Example of an URI. IT Engineering identifier.
4.3 Generation
Once the ontology network has been defined, the
next step is to generate the data in standard RDF
The D2RQ platform was used for that process,
which allowed for data stored on relational databases
to be consulted as if they were RDF graphs, making
use of SPARQL language. Using a mapping
language, in which the transformations to be made
were specified following the defined ontology, this
tool makes it possible to obtain data in RDF format
by directly consulting a relational database.
As a consequence of using a tool with these
characteristics, the results of this phase did not
consist of a set of data in RDF, but in a file with the
definition of the correspondences or mappings
between the different fields in the organizational and
academic area databases, and the elements of the
ontology network previously defined (see Figure 3).
An extract of the mapping file obtained during
this phase can be seen below:
map:institutions a d2rq:ClassMap;
d2rq:dataStorage map:database;
d2rq:class ullorg:Universidad;
Code 3: Mapping an institution type resource in D2R.
4.4 Publication
The main objective of this phase is to obtain two
access points for queries to the RDF format data of
the organizational and academic areas.
Thanks to the implementation of a Pubby based
interface, through the use of D2R, a front-end for
SPARQL endpoints, access can be given to data
stored in the institution´s relational databases
through an HTML interface which displays them in
RDF and at a SPARQL endpoint. This permits us to
navigate through the information as well as to make
specific queries.
4.5 Interlinking
Throughout this phase, we intended to achieve the
objective of the availability of a five star datasets,
following Tim Berners-Lee´s recognised
classification, that is, a set of data linked with other
sets of data (Heath and Bizer, 2012).
In our case, the linking process is divided into
two phases, one of which establishes a data link
internally, and another that links external data
The internal linking, between our two access
points, was achieved thanks to what was already
known about how the URIs were going to be
formed, as the structure is well defined and the
identifiers of each of the resources in most cases are
stipulated beforehand, and are common to the whole
organization. Due to this, it is not necessary to use
tools to discover candidates. Therefore is only
necessary that each system can be able to obtain the
identifiers from the other system to create the URIs.
In order to do this, the systems retrieve them from
the other source using a SQL script. This process is
only needed when new resource appears and not
each time that a query is done.
If this information was not held, it would be
necessary to make public the same resources in both
domains (to duplicate the occurrences) and then to
use linking tools, with owl:sameAs properties, to
indicate that they are the same resource.
The external linking is possible when external
data sources exist. For that, we undertook an
analysis, and due to the scarcity of reliable sources,
we limited ourselves to linking with and
This link entails a process in which candidate
links have to be found, and we intended to automate
it as far as possible, using a Silk tool
and Link
Specification Language (LSL) configurations. Once
the tool was implemented, results that corresponded
with the external resources that could be linked to
our data were generated. These links were added to
the database LINKED table in the following form:{resour
ceid} owl:sameAs http://{external
Code 4: Structure of sameAs statement.
This table is like a repository or cache where all the
links that are found are stored and managed,
containing: the URI of the internal resource, the URI
of the external resource and the property that links
them. In this way we are able to make links not only
using owl:sameAs but also other useful properties,
as well as management fields for configuration
issues. This table also allow us to determine if a link
is valid, if has been manually blocked, the date that
the link was discovered, etc.
Once the links are added, the information is
republished automatically with the external links.
This is thanks to the added dynamic property in the
D2R map that takes care of reviewing the linked
table and showing the properties that exist there:
d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:CLASSTOLINK;
d2rq:uriColumn "linked.objeto"; .
Code 5: Mapping sameAs statement in D2R.
   
4.6 Exploitation
When addressing this phase, we started from the two
SPARQL access points available for the consultation
of data from the University´s organizational and
academic areas.
The objective of this phase was the availability
of a single point of access to the platform that would
permit federated queries on the two groups of data.
To achieve that objective, a Fuseki server was
deployed, allowing serve data in RDF format using
HTTP. This service offers data to users through a
RESTful API and an enriched SPARQL endpoint,
from which so called SPARQL++ queries may be
made (Polleres et al., 2007). With this service,
complex queries can be made using proprietary
databases or external endpoints. Previously, these
types of queries were only possible using scripts and
by the acquisition of data from sources outside the
Here is an example of a complex query making
use of two data sources:
PREFIX coreull: < … >
PREFIX orgull: < … >
PREFIX acaull: < … >
SELECT ?NameDept (COUNT(?planning) as
?numberPlanning) WHERE {
SERVICE <http://orgull/sparql> {
?teacher orgull:miembro ?dept .
?dept coreull:nombre ?NameDept .
SERVICE <http://acadull/sparql> {
?planning acaull:tieneProfesor
?teacher .
} GROUP BY ?NameDept
ORDER BY ?NameDept .
Code 6: Query example: “How many subjects does each
department teach?”
The project finally developed is presented in Figure
4. We reproduced the complete system on a
development server simulating the real system used
at ULL. As it can be seen in the figure, we have two
independent information systems: Academic and
Organizational Management. Both systems reside in
different databases supported by MySQL. An
architecture based on D2R was developed above
each of the two current systems for the mapping of
the relational database to RDF files. Each system
physically resides in a different server and has,
therefore, a separate portal for each environment.
Each D2RQ server had an SPARQL endpoint
added and a web interface (Pubby-type) where
corresponding information could be obtained.
A supervised process to discover and update
external links was added using the Silk tool. More
over, Fuseki service was also added as a junction for
the whole system, enabling SPARQL++ queries.
Figure 4: Architecture diagram.
Finally, it was possible to obtain an open data
publication portal based on web semantics, meeting
Linked Data requirements. Users will be able to use
it to consult University information as well for
making queries at several SPARQL points (so called
SPARQL Endpoints) that may be linked to the
published data. An example of this would be making
a query such as “Distribution of students by
province and their geo-localization to be shown on a
map”, represented in SPARQL as:
PREFIX coreull:
PREFIX orgull:
PREFIX acaull:
PREFIX georss:
SELECT ?Region (COUNT(?student) as
?numberStudents) ?geoloc
SERVICE < http://acadull/sparql >
?student a acaull:Alumno;
coreull:provincia ?reg .
SERVICE < http://orgull/sparql > {
?reg coreull:nombre ?Region ;
owl:sameAs ?linked .
?linked georss:point ?geoloc .
} GROUP BY ?Region .
Code 7: Query with external data sources. Recount of
students and their geolocalization.
The final platform enables users with simple
SPARQL queries to make cross-queries of data from
different sources that were previously inaccessible
or of very complex interoperability. The end users,
both inside and outside the University, have
available a tool based on Linked Data to obtain the
information they need. If case of need, it would be
possible to add a user interface to make its use more
In this work, we have developed a genuine platform
based on the Linked Data strategy in which
universities may publish data and link with internal
and external sources. The interlinking of the
different university data sources will permit greater
interoperability and can achieve new knowledge
from this relationship.
To deploy our prototype in the university
production servers, it is necessary to consider two
important aspects: the integration costs of our
platform with the university systems and also the
university staff training in linked data. We firmly
believe that both aspects can be addressed as we
have the necessary technical expertise.
Whit this project, the institution has a tool to
make complex queries, which hitherto existing
systems could only handle with great effort.
Moreover, the same tool could be offered to other
local, island, and regional institutions in such a way
that they could make queries directly, rather than
through a service request to university personnel.
The ontologies most related to higher education
have been revised, and improvements have been
proposed to cover concepts not covered by existing
ontologies. The network of ontologies used in this
work covers ten ontologies, of which only three have
been newly created.
Finally, as a summary of the work undertaken,
we would stress that effective analysis of the initial
data produces a lower number of errors in the re-use
and definition of ontologies. We would also indicate
that the process of creation of ontologies was based
on the basic terms needed to demonstrate the
viability of the project. We will continue to research
several concepts that are beginning to be requested,
in more depth, once the first version of the platform
has been validated. With respect to the technological
platform, a viability study will have to be undertaken
to compare the effort required to incorporate triple
store systems like Virtuoso, etc.
We should not forget that any new system for the
organization would also implicate the commitment
of human resources and materials for its
development and future maintenance.
We would like to thanks to Andrés Palenzuela from
the Planning and Analysis Office of University of La
Laguna in the Canary Islands. His interest and
support has made this Project viable.
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