An Approach to Transform Public Administration into SOA-based
J. Sedeño
, C. J. Torrecilla-Salinas
, M. J. Escalona
and M. Mejías
IWT2 Group. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, University of Seville, Seville, Spain
Agencia Andaluza de Instituciones Culturales, Junta de Andalucía, Seville, Spain
Keywords: Governance, SOA, Public Administration, e-Government.
Abstract: Nowadays, Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) is widely spread in private organizations. However, when
transferring this knowledge to Public Administration, it is realized that it has not been transformed in terms
of its legal nature into organizations capable to operate under the SOA paradigm. This fact prevents public
administration bodies from offering the efficient services they have been provided by different boards of
governments. A high-level framework to perform this transformation is proposed. Taking it as starting
point, an instance of a SOA Target Meta-Model can be obtained by means of an iterative and incremental
process based on the analysis of imperatives and focused on the particular business context of each local
public administration. This paper briefly presents a practical experience consisting in applying this process
to a Spanish regional public administration.
Nowadays, SOA is widely spread in private
organizations environments both in practice and
theory. However, when we want to transfer this
body of knowledge to Public Administration,
implementations of the SOA paradigm are
commonly reduced to implementations of Web
Services, orchestration of processes or governance
only based on rules of technical character that
prevent public organizations from supplying the
different public services efficiently and effectively.
Regarding the experience of implementing a
SOA architecture and government in the Ministry of
Education, Culture and Sport of the Andalusia
Regional Government, which is a leading project
which applies the usual methodologies of SOA
modelling (Arsanjani, 2004) (Marks, 2008) to Public
Administration (Sedeño, 2013), we have observed
that an alignment with the Public Administration
business is required to optimize the aforementioned
administration’s medium and long-term profits.
We propose a high-level framework to drive this
transformation throughout the organization, covering
all aspects related to the Public Administration
business context. These operations sequences are
initiated when certain events take place within this
A key point in this process are imperatives-
understood either as duty or inexcusable
requirements-, than can be defined for Public
Administration as those that being overcome, may
allow reaching excellence in providing citizens with
services that inherently correspond to them, as well
as in managing internal processes supporting them.
The implementation of SOA is a complex
technological, organizational and business
undertaking. It requires being aware of the process
theory and knowing it, as well as a deep
understanding of the processes within the
However, implementations in Public
Administration demand cognitive and practical
studies. There are major differences between private
organizations and Public Administration. Therefore,
solutions successfully used in private environments,
could not apply to Public Administration.
This paper deals with providing an approach to
transform Public Administration into SOA-based
organizations. Thus, it is necessary to understand the
business context differences between a public and a
private organization.
Sedeño J., Torrecilla-Salinas C., Escalona M. and Mejías M..
An Approach to Transform Public Administration into SOA-based Organizations.
DOI: 10.5220/0004794701350142
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2014), pages 135-142
ISBN: 978-989-758-023-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Unlike private organizations, focused on their
profitability and stakeholders’ value, public
administration bodies have the public interest at
heart. Their success goes along with their reaching
of social goals. Simultaneously, these organizations
have to cope with social and political demands,
which are not the regard of the private sector. To
compound the problem, public administration bodies
create policies or policy advises which are more
difficult to identify than private sector organizations’
physical output or financial results (Tregear and
Jenkins, 2007).
Processes in Public Administration are more
complex than in private organizations (Repa, 2006).
This is due to the fact that Public Administration is a
closely set organizational structure, where processes
are formalized and decision-making is slow. This is
compounded by the decision-making independence
of individual departments, which often pursue their
own goals regardless of the whole board of
government. The process flow across departments is
much more complex and depends on the task scope
of individual employees. In addition, all government
actions are hedged around with a great number of
legal regulations. These make the modification or
improvement of processes a hard task to perform.
They often require the introduction of changes in the
law, which is a lengthy process.
Hence, creating an efficient Administration is
impeded by factors (Hall, 2007) such as:
Increasing bureaucracy (larger number of
documents, statements and reports. Spain is
organized into four administration levels).
Complex and frequently changing administrative
procedures (Each Administration in our country
rules its own laws by adapting official central
Law inflation (establishment of new laws and
regulations by the legislators. In Spain several
Administrations duplicate their competencies,
either at local or regional level).
Competition for financial resources (budget item
justification, application for EU funds).
Public Administration uses SOA solutions based
on web services implantations (Goudos el al, 2007),
policies orchestration (Popescu et al, 2012), or
business rule compliance (Castellano et al, 2005)
without the aim of becoming a reference model to
them (Galster et al, 2013), so that it can overcome
these barriers and become more competitive.
In contrast, there are methods based on
understanding the organizational elements and their
relationships and, also, the drive goals analysis
(Delgado et al, 2013). In the same way there are
several approaches about IT government such as
ITIL, COBIT or TOGAF interrelated to the delivery
of service. However, these methods do not specify
how to transform Public Administrations’ nature that
is the aim of our paper -the transformation of the
Public Administrations in terms of its legal nature
into organizations capable to operate under the SOA
Nevertheless, the own administration must be
transformed to operate in SOA environments
incorporating its own legal and human barriers as
part of the methodology. Many Enterprise
Architecture (EA) Frameworks for private
organizations about reference models based on SOA
(Ruas de Oliveira et al, 2010) (Alwadain et al, 2013)
are gathered after a literature review, whereas little
information about critical success factors (CFS) in
Public Administrations is found (Abdul-Manan &
Hyland, 2013) (Koumaditis et al, 2013). EA
implementation involves products and services that
are both in business and industry domains, the
technical infrastructure based on open system
building blocks, the definition of EA that includes
business process architecture, the application
architecture and data and technology architectures
(McSweeney, 2000). In fact, we have not achieved
any generic framework designed specifically to
support any kind of public environment.
All concepts exposed, regulatory framework,
organizational structure and government processes
as a service and bureaucracy, are included in the
"business context" step, as part of the imperatives
analysis described in section 3.
Analysing imperatives method represents the
previous step towards the transformation of an
administration body into a SOA-based organization.
We start from Public Administration business
context to carry out this process of analysis.
This context shows the organization’s business,
its functional areas and its organic structure, so as to
identify its situation regarding the future government
Services supplied by Public Administration to
citizens constitute an essential part of this business
context. In the same way, we can also observe the
determining factors conditioning the organization
from both points of view, business and ICT
(corporative policy defined at IT level).
Figure 1: Imperatives Analysis Method.
Once the foundations of the business are laid, we
proceed to identify the business imperatives. These
refer to the business and service challenges
addressed to citizens that Public Administration
must face up. We get the ICT imperatives (the
translation of the target business into a technical
language), after identifying the aforementioned
business imperatives, through a deductive process
that relates the business challenges to possible
initiatives that can be carried out from the ICT area,
in order to face them successfully.
These ICT imperatives keep a certain level of
abstraction since they define what to do, but not how
to do it. In a next step, and, based on ICT
imperatives, we will set out the concrete
implementations that SOA can do regarding such
ICT imperatives. These implementations are called
SOA Drivers. This way we can realize the value that
a SOA implementation can provide at corporative
level, in relation to the need of facing up the
established challenges outlined by ICT imperatives,
and by extension, by business imperatives.
Therefore, once the relation between SOA
Drivers and the own business imperatives has been
defined -shown through the different traceability
matrices-, we clearly observe that SOA Drivers must
act as an engine when implementing SOA. A
traceability matrix is a document, usually in a table
form, that correlates any two baseline documents
that require a many-to-many relationship to
determine the completeness of the relationship. It is
often applied to high-level requirements and detailed
requirements of the product to match parts of high-
level design, detailed design, test plan, and test
cases. SOA implementation metrics will be defined,
after identifying SOA Drivers. The definition and
implementation of these metrics are carried out with
the aim of evaluating whether the organization is
transformed to operate under a SOA paradigm. Each
SOA metric represents how efficiency is measured
within each SOA Driver. Finally, we will arrive to
instantiate the SOA Target Meta-model, once the
SOA Drivers cluster has been executed. (Figure 1)
3.1 Business Context
Public Administration, due to its public nature and
the service provided to citizens, is defined as “the
set of elements around which the Public
Administration defines a global model for the
providing of services to citizens, and establishes
some strategic targets that determine the shape and
minimum levels of providing such services”.
There is a set of legal and structural elements in
Public Administration that will make up the “core
business” of the administration business context,
which must constitute the starting point of our
imperative analysis strategy. These common
elements to all public administration will be more
deeply explained below:
Regulatory Framework. Public Administration
is set under a common regulatory framework that
not only controls its own operation (internal
management), but also the service provided to
citizens. Besides, as the public administrative law is
especially oriented towards the procedure and it is
deeply guaranteed, some of the business procedures
of administration bodies do not follow the principles
of efficacy and efficiency. Consequently, their re-
engineering draws a competitive line when
providing these services. For example, in Spain,
there are a group of laws that have direct influence
on the way services are provided to citizens, such as
Law 11/2007, of 22 June, on electronic access to
Public Services for members of the public, that
recognizes the right of citizens to have access to
Public Administration by electronic means and
regulates the basic points on the use of information
technologies within the administrative activity.
All designs associated with services, processes
and procedures must be framed within this
regulatory background to be implemented, according
to the most important concepts these laws point out:
service provision, transparency, interoperability and
citizens’ empowerment.
Charter of Services. They are defined as
documents whose purpose is to inform citizens of
the public services. The administration body
manages the conditions in which they are provided
their rights in relation to these services and the
quality commitments offered in terms of its
providing. This document is crucial, since it directly
frames services that the relevant public
administration body supplies and also its real aim as
administration, delimiting the business context.
Structure Decrees. Each public administration
body is regulated by a structure decree that
determines a set of key elements affecting and
configuring the SOA Component Diagram. This
decree establishes the competences to develop the
business process (which in turn will become the base
of analysis of business imperatives) and the
organizational structure that covers these
competences (that will determine the Domain
Strategic Plans. They are formal documents
approved by the board of government, written to
materialize public policies in order to provide
citizens with a right. They do not answer to a legal
duty, but each administration office should
commonly be ruled by one or more strategic or
action plans.
The Master Plan for Information Systems. It
aims to get a reference framework for the IT
development in response to Public Administration’s
strategic goals.
3.2 Identification of Imperatives
It will be necessary to identify imperatives within
the strategy or imperative analysis. It means that we
must get imperatives, understood as duty or
inexcusable requirements, from the previous
business context. Business imperatives can be
defined for Public Administration as those that being
overcome, may allow reaching excellence in
providing citizens with services that inherently
correspond to them, as well as in managing internal
processes supporting them.
Starting from the analysis of the System Plans
and the Competence Plans that Public
Administration has been assuming by means of the
corresponding decrees of structure and the particular
regulatory framework, and, based on the current
situation, the following business imperatives can be
identified in general:
Fulfilment of operative guidelines that entail
measurement, analysis and continuous
improvement of the public services offered.
Checking the current level of administrative
procedures by telematics means. It is necessary
to perform the foreseen review of telematics
procedures that involve the laws
Existence of not computerized business
processes, reengineering and automation of these
processes, establishing the degree of agility when
computerizing business projects are necessary. It
is essential to implement the mechanisms to
speed up the business processes computerization
in the SOA paradigm.
Once the business imperatives have been
established, the next step consists in identifying the
ICT imperatives linked to each business imperative.
These ICT imperatives are defined as the solutions
that the ICT area of the administration body offers to
face up the identified business imperatives.
As a result of the business imperatives analysis,
and related to them, the next ICT imperatives will be
identified, and a traceability matrix will represent
the coherence of this identification.
This point is crucial since ICT imperatives will
be those that, once translated into the SOA
paradigm, will start creating the necessary base for
the effective implementation of the architecture in
such administration office.
3.3 SOA Drivers
SOA Drivers are initiatives that, under the SOA
paradigm, help Public Administration tackle
business and ICT imperatives. Therefore, SOA
Drivers are the elements that should head the
implementation of this architecture and, therefore,
carry out the transformation.
A SOA Driver, that is a possible solution
associated with each imperative under the SOA
paradigm, will be recommended to identify these
SOA Drivers for each identified ICT imperative.
To sum up, SOA Drivers will be the tools that
aligned with the business context, will provide the
organization with different ways of operating,
leading to the effective implementation of SOA by
instantiating the SOA Target Meta-model.
3.4 SOA Implantation Metrics
SOA implementation metrics (Brow et al, 2008) are
the elements used to assess the degree of
implementation of the SOA paradigm in the
organization. These metrics are defined with the
purpose of being able to evaluate the evolution of
SOA Drivers in relation to the objective they intend
to fulfil. Due to this relation, they are useful to
evaluate the SOA implementation state together with
its progression along the time.
Figure 2: SOA Component Diagram.
Two concepts that will allow us to frame the
concept of metrics and their relationship with an
organization’s KPI and SLA are defined below:
KPI (Key Performance Indicators). It is an
element that enables analysing any
organization’s business processes, making it
possible to evaluate the level of achievement
regarding the outlined objectives.
SLA (Service Level Agreement). It is an
agreement established between the service
provider and the consumer by specifying the
expected quality of that service.
It is crucial to define a set of implementation
metrics that can assess the fulfilment of the
identified business goals, in order to carry out a
correct implementation of SOA.
The definition of these metrics is planned in the
SOA implementation project, included within the
activity of defining the SOA Government Model.
The aforementioned definition of metrics must
consider the imperative analysis stated in SOA
implementation strategy and, particularly, in the
SOA Drivers identified.
With regard to the selection of the best metrics
and indicators, they must be defined according to, at
least, the following criteria:
Alignment with both, the SOA Drivers identified
and the business and ICT imperatives that lie
beneath them.
Possibility of doing homogeneous measurements
on metrics, which enable making different
comparisons to show how the implementation is
SOA metrics must be adapted to the main
objectives of SOA implementations, so that they will
verify the degree of achievement of these objectives.
SOA will define metrics, through its
technological infrastructure and its governance
policies and procedures, for monitoring services
deployed in execution as well as evaluating the
degree of implementation of the SOA paradigm into
the organization.
The metrics that will allow checking how SOA
has been implemented (in a company) can be
classified in two different typologies:
These concerning controlling activities linked to
the lifecycle; revision of documentation,
additions, versions, detection and use of the
existing services, and revision of the
accomplishment in the testing phase of the SLA
These concerning controlling administrative
activities and management; tasks related to
manage the registry (definition of a service
property and maintenance of the registry) and
define communication and distribution services
3.5 SOA Target Meta-model
We propose a SOA Target Meta-model (Figure 2)
for Public Administration that represents the
necessary structure of components to start with the
operation phase under a SOA paradigm.
This meta-model must be understood both, as
part of the definition of the high-level framework
and as its own result. That means that it is necessary
to define first a set of components that, after
executing the imperatives analysis and applying the
iterative method proposed, shows the objective final
state of the organization, which will operate under a
SOA paradigm. This Component Diagram
comprises four elements, which refer to the
organization (government), business (functional),
methodology and technology:
Organizational Components. At this level,
policies and procedures that shall structure the SOA
government will be defined. They will constitute a
set of rules, restrictions and requisites to monitor the
behaviour and actions within SOA services, so that
Figure 3: Iterative Strategy.
they can be aligned with the business needs
obtaining a successful result after adapting the SOA
paradigm. This government model will deal with the
definition of SOA Service Domains, based on the
legal organic structure of Public Administration.
Definition of SOA Service Domain Model.
Definition of SOA Government Model.
Definition of SOA Government Policies through
the formal definition (Parejo et al, 2011).
Business Components (Functional). This
component is based on the analysis of the
organization’s business processes, obtaining as
Definition of the Services Portfolio.
Methodological Components. This root of the
meta-model refers to the need of establishing the
methodological bases that allow providing a
common development framework.
Definition of the SOA Services Lifecycle.
Definition of the development methodology for
SOA adaptation, making changes to the lifecycle
development. The Ministry of Culture and Sport,
for instance, works with methodology focused on
the Model-Driven Engineering paradigm, called
NDT (Escalona et al, 2008). It covers all aspects
regarding the lifecycle development.
Technological Components. At this level, the
technological components suitable for the service-
oriented development must be selected, giving
priority to those that maximize software and
platform interoperability reuse.
Definition of SOA Development Architecture.
Definition and implantation of SOA Execution
The implementation of a SOA must be considered
an incremental process, which cannot be focused on
information technologies, but on its own business
processes. The strategy for an organization to
succeed with this initiative must consist in
establishing a time and progression line, where
different iterations occur, assuring that technology is
aligned with the cultural, organizational and
governmental aspects of such organization. Four
kinds of iterations must take place (Figure 3) to
reach the target of this SOA transformation. These
iterations will be part of a lifecycle that will
influence the organization in a multidimensional
way, will have a periodicity recommended, but not
defined and will re-launch the imperatives analysis
in different context switches.
This will depend on the business context
shooters, which will re-launch the lifecycle
according to the level where the event will take
place. Each iteration is in turn made up of n-
iterations at the next level.
Business Iterations. They constitute a cycle of
business analysis that must allow detecting any
change of relevance within the organization. From
the point of view of PA, the business deals with
providing services supplied by executive orders.
Strategic Iterations. They particularly focus on
the SOA transformation strategy point defined in the
analysis of business and ICT imperatives. This kind
of iteration is the result of carrying out multiple
initiatives or SOA projects within the framework. As
a consequence of this process, technology itself acts
as a SOA transformational element. In the same
way, it is the opportunity to execute the government
policies defined, broaden their acceptance, taking
them as organizational and cultural base, and the last
targets of each individual project.
Project Iterations. The degree of
implementation reached on the proposed SOA
projects and, therefore, the degree of transformation
of the related body will increase in these iterations.
They mean a cycle of analysis of the group of SOA
projects necessary to fulfil the SOA transformation
strategy process of the PA.
Service Iterations. SOA services iterations are
implementations of business or technological
requirements carried out by the organization, which
finally conform the SOA paradigm. This iteration
must follow the corporative process defined for the
PA in relation to the lifecycle of services as part of
SOA methodological definition of development.
The project presented in this paper was developed
by Junta de Andalucía, the regional government of
Andalusia, a region located in the south of Spain,
counting with more than 200,000 employees. This
project was developed by the regional Ministry of
Education, Culture and Sport, which is in charge of
developing and coordinating public policies both in
cultural and sports areas. Among its tasks, this
ministry manages public museums, archives, sports
clubs, art galleries and theatres. It is also responsible
for supporting regional cultural and sports industries,
together with other public and private stakeholders.
The ICT Department of the Ministry is in charge of
running this project, being responsible for all
Information Technology policies in the Ministry.
The project started in January 2008 and finished
the first complete iteration in June 2009, after
instantiating all components of the SOA Target
Since this moment, the Ministry has executed the
iterative methodology in all changes that occurred in
the last years, re-launching the lifecycle in relation
to the level at which the event takes place, according
to the business context shooters.
The results of applying this method to the
business context of the Ministry of Culture and
Sport shows that the imperative analysis on the e-
government services are part of the business context
composed by the strategic plan of Andalusia’s
Culture, the structure decree of Ministry, the Decree
317/2003, November 18
that regulates the Charter
of Services and the Open Source decree of
The main conclusion and principal business
imperative towards e-government was “expand the
current level of administrative processing by
telematics means”. The ICT imperatives associated
were “implementing an administrative procedure
engine that allows incorporating of new
administrative procedures electronically”. The SOA
Drivers defined to fill this deal with “defining these
e-government processes as a set of SOA services
that can orchestrate with the aim to compose more
complex procedures”.
It is not possible, since it is out of the scope of
this paper, to describe all policies, artefacts,
processes, roles or actors involved in governance
according to the SOA Conformance Office.
The elements of the SOA Target Mata-Model
have been created along the process of applying this
methodology to all business imperatives. Finally,
this model was instantiated. Particularly, 14
domains, 20 processes (governance model and
governance policies), a service lifecycle model, a
service portfolio definition and new activities for the
software development lifecycle, were generated.
From a technological point of view it has
changed the software lifecycle based on NDT. A
UML element interface type to service modeling
was created and activity diagrams corresponding to
DAS and DRS were modified. Additionally, a
services repository (supported by Enterprise
Architect) that is used to identify existing services in
the process of analysis was also created.
This approach will allow us to trace a roadmap
towards transforming Public Administration (PA)
progressively, beginning with its legal framework
and led by the IT, and ending with a model that
covers all the required components in SOA.
The results of applying this high-level
framework concern the transformation of PA into
an organization capable of operating under the SOA
paradigm. The ultimate goal of PA regards services
provision, especially those related to e-Government
and citizen’s transparency and empowerment
(European Commission, 2010).
Transforming the administration using this
method shall ensure that services are provided with
the proper level of quality, and that such services are
those that should be actually supplied, due to the
analysis of imperatives and the correct identification
of the business context. Besides, technology will
lead the civil servants through SOA Drivers towards
the structural change in administration itself in a
clear way. This process has proven to be a valuable
ally to overcome the human component, integrating
technologies and political profiles in the same
direction. We have successfully identified the
triggers that affect business context and require
adapting the organization, through the iterative
strategy. The transformation of PA through this
high-level framework will enhance the level of
maturity of service provision. Therefore, we can
consider levels of maturity in e-government and
open government services provision, from the
transformation of the organization and the
instantiation of this SOA Target Meta-Model.
This will entail, as a future work, the analysis
and quantification of the meta-model components
that more effectively contribute to reach such level
of maturity.
This research has been supported by the MeGUS of
the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and by the
NDTQ-Framework project (TIC-5789) of the Junta
de Andalucía, Spain.
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