The Nature Tour Mobile Learning Application
Implementing the Mobile Application in Finnish Early Childhood Education
Jenni Rikala
and Marja Kankaanranta
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä, P.O. Box 35, FI-40014, Yväskylä, Finland
Faculty of Information Technology and Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä,
P.O. Box 35, FI-40014, Yväskylä, Finland
Keywords: Early Childhood Curriculum, Mobile Learning, Mobile Learning Framework, Outdoor Learning.
Abstract: This paper explores the implementation of the Nature Tour mobile learning application in Finnish early
childhood education settings. The interest is to explore whether the concept of Nature Tour mobile
application meets the needs of early childhood education in field trips. The idea of the mobile application is
to help recording and comparing nature observations as well as to arouse children’s interest in nature. The
feasibility of the mobile application was evaluated through a theoretical framework, which includes the core
aspects of mobile learning. The evaluation framework consists of two levels titled core level and medium
level. Three of the core level aspects were realized well. These aspects were the aspect of context, time and
space. The medium level aspects that were realized well were social aspect and learner aspect. While the
device aspect was a slightly more challenging as the Nature Tour mobile application required literacy skills
and therefore it required adult guidance. The study indicated that the technology use in the early childhood
settings evidently requires balance between the curriculum, children’s needs, human interactions, as well as
technological and pedagogical support for the effective use of technology.
The presence of media and technology has become
extensive and ubiquitous in Finnish children’s lives
and the children usually learn to use media and
technology at the very early age (Suoninen, 2010).
Since the media and technology are so closely
intertwined with children’s everyday life, integrating
those into curriculum can be an effective way to
engage children in learning activities.
During recent years, the potential of mobile
technology for enhancing and diversifying learning
has received increased attention. Earlier studies have
indicated that mobile technologies can enhance
natural science and outdoor learning in many ways.
For example, mobile technology can arouse
children’s interest in nature. In particular,
technological tools can provide new choices and
more flexibility for personal expressions and
learning for children (Blagojevic & Thomes, 2008).
Especially the benefits for study motivation and
learning achievements are highlighted (e.g.,Tan, Liu
and Chang 2007; Chen et al. 2008; Hwang, Shi and
Chu 2011). Also considerable changes in teacher
teaching and student learning have been reported
(Zhang et al., 2010). According to Huang et al.
(2010) mobile technologies and an outdoor learning
strategy are very useful tools when teaching children
about plants. However, many researchers are mainly
studying primary and secondary school students and
there are only a few studies that are focusing on
children under school-age (aged 5-6 years).
This paper explores the implementation of so-
called Nature Tour mobile application in Finnish
early childhood education settings. The feasibility of
the developed mobile application was evaluated
through a theoretical framework, which includes the
core aspects of mobile learning (such as the aspect
of context, time and space, device aspect, social
aspect and learner aspect). In this study, the interest
is to explore whether the concept of Nature Tour
mobile application meets the needs of early
childhood education in field trips. The data was
mainly collected with the teachers’ group interview.
The study is part of a larger research where the aim
is to develop both a theoretical framework for
Rikala J. and Kankaanranta M..
The Nature Tour Mobile Learning Application - Implementing the Mobile Application in Finnish Early Childhood Education Settings .
DOI: 10.5220/0004777201710178
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2014), pages 171-178
ISBN: 978-989-758-022-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
mobile learning as well as tools and practices for the
use of mobile technology for teaching and learning
at different levels of education.
Finland has a national curriculum that provides
guidelines on early childhood education, but
municipalities and the local authorities have the
freedom to decide how early childhood education is
organized (Stakes, 2003). Mobile technologies have
made inroad in educational contexts little by little in
Finland too, but unfortunately early childhood
authorities and educators are not early adopters of
these kinds of new technologies, even though mobile
technologies could create new opportunities to early
childhood education as well. This paper aims to
highlight some of these opportunities.
In the following section, the mobile learning
framework is presented with the focus on mobile
technologies in outdoor learning. After this, the
mobile nature tour application and Finnish early
childhood education as the context of this study are
described. The paper continues with the sections of
the research design, results and finally, concludes
with reflective remarks and proposals for the future
This study has adopted the mobile learning
definition given by O´Malley et al. (2005) “any sort
of learning that happens when the learner is not at a
fixed predetermined location or learning that
happens when the learner takes advantage of the
learning opportunities offered by mobile
technologies” as it highlights that mobile learning is
not merely about learning by using mobile devices,
but also learning across different contexts.
One of the main aims of this study is to further
build the theoretical framework for mobile learning
(Rikala, 2013). The framework advances the two
most recent theoretical frameworks (Koole, 2009
and Kearney et al., 2012), that suggest that mobile
learning has certain elementary characteristics that
separate it from other types of learning. The current
framework consists of two levels (see Figure 1.)
titled core level and medium level. The core level
and medium level are shortly explained as follows.
The mobile technologies have the unique ability to
support learning anywhere and anytime. For
example, they can expand the learning environment
to authentic contexts such as parks, museums, and
nature. Therefore, the aspects such as context, time
and space form the core level of mobile learning.
Figure 1: The Mobile Learning Framework.
The medium level comprises the other important
aspects in the mobile learning process, which are the
learner aspect, device aspect, and social aspect. The
learner aspect refers to an individual learner’s
cognitive abilities, memory, emotions, possible
motivation, attitudes, and experiences, which are in
a significant role in the learning process and thus
mobile learning process as well. In the device aspect
the physical, technical, and functional characteristics
of a mobile device are emphasized as they are
important factors of the device usability. The
physical, technical and functional characteristics
include input and output capabilities, storage
capabilities, power, processor speed, compatibility,
and expandability. These characteristics influence
the device usability which in turn influences the
learner’s experience, perceived ease of use, and
perceived usefulness. The social aspect, in turn, is
associated with the processes of social interaction
and cooperation. For instance, the philosophy of
social constructivism views learning as collaborative
and it emphasizes social interactions. Thus, the
impact of interaction on learning cannot be
underestimated. (Koole, 2009)
The pedagogical aspect (i.e. pedagogical
practices) was also added to the evaluation
framework. The earlier mobile learning pilot tests
have indicated that the pedagogical aspect is one
considerable aspect (Rikala and Kankaanranta,
In this framework, the learner aspect can be
realized by ensuring that the learner’s needs are
taken into account, whereas the social aspect can be
realized by ensuring that the learners can exchange
information and collaborate. The device aspect
should be taken into account when planning the
mobile applications as well as when planning the
mobile learning activities. Pedagogical practices and
especially the activity design, in turn, influences on
the core and medium level aspects and how those are
realized. In this study, these aspects provide an
evaluation framework in which the feasibility of the
Nature Tour mobile application is analyzed.
Outdoor education is widely recognized as the most
feasible method of teaching the phenomenon of the
natural world (Tan et al., 2007). Nonetheless, the
field trips can be physically and mentally
challenging and sometimes difficult to fit in
educational situations (Bedda-Hill, 2012). However,
the experiences and quality of outdoor education can
be enhanced with information and communication
technologies (Osawa et al., 2007).
The core level aspects (context, time and space)
can be fulfilled with mobile technologies. For
instance, mobile systems can enable learning with
the learner’s own preferred route and speed (Shih et
al., 2011). Real-life observations conjoin with access
to digital technology and contents can help learners
to make distinctions for example between the plants
in authentic context (Shih et al., 2011). Thus, at the
best learners can learn anytime and anywhere so
learning can be very personalized, situated and
authentic. This kind of spontaneous use has been
raised as one of the core features of mobile learning
in many mobile learning studies (e.g., Traxler 2005).
The learner aspect can be fulfilled in many ways.
Firstly, the mobile devices can support, guide, and
extend the learner’s thinking process within and out
of the classroom (Chen et al., 2008). Secondly, the
mobile systems can improve learner creativity as
well as ability explore and absorb new knowledge as
well as solve problems in different locations (Tan et
al., 2007). Thirdly, when learners are using mobile
devices they can express their own perspectives
more freely (Shih et al., 2011). Fourthly, as the
mobile systems can enable learning with the
learner’s own preferred route and speed, and can
support and guide the learner’ thinking process, the
learning can be more independent and self-reliant
(Chen, Kao and Sheu, 2003). For these reasons
mobile technologies can have positive effect on the
involvement and motivation (Huizenga, Hordijk &
Lubsen, 2008). Hence, outdoor learning could be
more enjoyable and challenging for learners.
Also the social aspect can be fulfilled as the
mobile systems can encourage social interaction.
Huang et al. (2010) for instance argue that the
mobile technologies can stimulate students to
engage enthusiastically in assigned outdoor learning
activities, as well as stimulate social interaction and
discussion about course material.
The device aspect should be taken into account
when planning the mobile applications as well as
when planning the mobile learning activities as the
device usability influence the learner’s experience,
perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness.
When the device is comfortable to use it can help to
reduce learner’s cognitive load and increase task
completion rates as the learner is able to concentrate
on the activity rather than the mobile device. (Koole,
Based on the literature review, mobile
technologies can enhance natural science and
outdoor learning in many ways. However, there are
only a few studies that are focusing on children
under school-age (aged 5-6) which increases the
significance of the present study.
The Nature Tour mobile application was developed
and implemented as a part of the Personal Mobile
Space project (during the years 2009-2012) in the
University of Jyväskylä, Finland (see Kankaanranta,
Neittaanmäki and Nousiainen, 2013). The Nature
Tour mobile application is developed especially
considering the early childhood and lower primary
education settings. The idea for the application was
based on the demands of the day care experts.
The primary objective of the developed Nature
Tour mobile application is to enhance children’s
outdoor learning experiences by helping the
documentation of the field trips. Continuity of the
learning experience is promoted with activities
before and after the field trip. Before the field trip,
children can familiarize themselves with plants,
animals or fungi as the mobile application is
associated with a web page which contains relevant
information. After the field trip, the children can
view the recorded observations and for example
create stories. The idea of the web page is
also to enable the comparison of what species or
Figure 2: The screen captures of the application (the
opening view, relevant information about the species,
taking a photograph, and child recording observation).
phenomena have been observed across the country.
For example, one group from southern Finland and
another group from northern Finland can record their
observations and make comparisons.
The function of the developed mobile
application (see Figure 2) is to help recording
observations during the field trip. The mobile
application allows the user to save observations with
photographs or with audio recordings and to send
these recordings to the web page, where they can be
viewed later on. The main categories of the Nature
Tour mobile application (in the opening view) are
Nature Tour, Outdoor Plays, Indoor Plays, and
Celebrations. The nature tour category is used for
the nature observations during the field trips. Other
categories allow the wider use of the mobile
application in daily life.
The nature tour category includes subcategories
such as animals, plants and fungi. Each of these
categories opens up a list of the species as well as
small pictures. By choosing the species, the user can
have relevant information (e.g., picture and core
information) about the species and can record
observations. For instance, a child can take a picture
of a plant or try to record bird’s chirping.
The mobile application requires the ability to
read and for that reason it requires adult guidance.
Hence, the application is designed to provide
concrete experiences in nature with the guidance of
an adult inasmuch as it is important that the educator
describes and explains situations.
In Finland, the compulsory primary school starts
usually at the age of seven and the early childhood
education concerns children under school-age.
Therefore, the preschool is considered a part of early
childhood education and it is intended especially for
six-year-olds but it is voluntary. (National Board of
Education, 2000)
The national curriculum gives guidelines on
early childhood education, but municipalities and the
local authorities can decide for themselves how early
childhood education is organized (Stakes, 2003).The
core of the learning in Finnish early childhood
education is the interactions between children, adults
and the environment rather than accurate contents.
Hence, nature and the immediate neighbourhood are
considered the important elements of the learning
environment. (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health,
All the themes, phenomena and contents covered
with should be linked to children’s immediate
environment, daily life and concrete experience. For
instance, animals and plants can be located in
children’s immediate environment indoors and
outdoors. For example, modern information
technology offers possibilities to create and share
contents in different contexts. (Stakes, 2003)
The early childhood educator’s role is to set up
the fertile activities and learning environment for the
children where the information technology can be
one component but not dominating. It is important to
find the right balance as technology cannot replace
human interactions or relationships. The successful
integration also requires educator’s knowledge about
learning as well as knowledge of how to integrate
technology into the curriculum to meet the needs of
New creative media and information technology
in early childhood settings is a quite seldom used in
Finland. There are some projects funded by the
Finnish national board of education (e.g., Molla
project) which aims to bring updated information
and action models to people implementing media
and information technology such as iPads at pre-
school education. The first findings of the Molla
project are indicating that media and technology can
enhance children’s learning. Differentiated learning
materials can serve children with different learning
needs (the learner aspect). The mobile technologies
such as tablet devices also give the children
opportunity to perform tasks together which
encourages interaction (the social aspect).
This is a case study that examines the feasibility of
the Nature Tour mobile application in the context of
specific early childhood education in Central
Finland. The research included two parts: one short-
term pilot test in the spring 2012 and one longer-
term implementation in the autumn 2012. The use of
a case study method is appropriate because it
provides in-depth examinations and gives
understanding of perspectives, opinions, and
expectations of the smart phone usage and
The short-term pilot test provided guidelines for
the further development of the mobile application
and ideas for the longer-term pilot test. The short-
term pilot experiment was entirely research-led
activity involving observations as a research method.
Eleven children and one teacher were participating
in the field trip which duration was three hours. At
the end of the field trip, the teacher stated that she is
voluntary to continue the experiment in the autumn.
In the longer-term experiment two early
childhood education groups were participating. Total
of 29 children, two teachers, and one assistant were
participating for two months. They used loaned
smart phones which were preinstalled with the
prototype of the nature tour application. The
teachers were able to use the application
independently and could plan the activities by
themselves. The researcher provided a short
orientation session for the teachers but otherwise the
teachers worked independently. The mobile
applications were used in appropriate situations. The
teachers’ and assistant’s feedback about the mobile
application was collected after the experiment with a
group interview. The interview covered the core
level and the outer level aspects, as well as the
pedagogical aspect.
The feasibility of the Nature Tour mobile application
was evaluated through a mobile learning framework
(see Figure 1). The core level aspects, medium level
aspects as well as pedagogical aspect are described
in the following chapters.
7.1 The Core Level Aspects
The context where the Nature Tour mobile
application was mainly used was field trips but the
teachers also reported that they used it within doors
and when they were documenting the phenomena of
the first snow. Hence, the learning was applied
appropriately in real-world contexts. The teachers
reported that the Nature tour mobile application
extended learning beyond the traditional learning
space (i.e., classroom) in a motivating way. Both
teachers reported that they organize several field
trips for their groups during the year. The field trips
so far, however, have been less structured (e.g. the
children have been able to play and build huts). The
teachers argued that the device and related
instruction clearly directed the children's attention to
The frequency of the application use was not
very high. One of the teachers reported that she used
the application three times with her group and the
other teacher reported that she used the application
several times but not every day. According to the
teachers the use of the application was not
specifically designed, but instead the activities were
rather spontaneous situations. The children were
able to take pictures without restrictions. However,
the time when the application was used, in other
words field trips, were arranged according to the
schedule. This was mainly due to the fact that the
equipment was loaned and the fact that the pre-
school groups have plenty of other activities during
the autumn. Hence, unfortunately the
implementation was not as spontaneous as it at the
best could have been. At the best, a child could use
the application whenever the need arises (e.g. when
a child sees the first flower of spring).
7.2 The Medium Level Aspects
The device aspect was slightly challenging as
according to the teachers there were various
technical problems during the experiment which
were difficult to solve alone. These encountered
problems reduced the teachers’ desire to use
application. For this reason the teachers experienced
the application difficult to use and this also led to the
situation where the children were not able to use the
application independently. This finding indicates
that the device usability strongly influences the
experience, perceived ease of use, and perceived
usefulness. The teachers stated that the mobile
application should be simplified more. As such, the
application contains too much content and requires
literacy skills. Pictorial information would be
sufficient for children under school-age (aged 5-6
years). In Finland children start compulsory school
at age of 7 and the majority of the children learn to
read during their first school year. Because the
application required literacy skills the teachers
thought that they had to open the application to the
state where the child could take pictures. The
teachers however believed that the children could
learn the use of the application very quickly and
added that they simply did not have the adequate
skills to guide children to use the application
appropriately. These findings indicate that the
teachers’ need sufficient technological support for
the effective use of technology. The Nature tour
mobile application could also be further developed
so that even small children would be able to use it
easily (e.g. by adding voices, pictorial information).
The application could be further developed in such
way that it could enhance children’s literacy skills at
the early stages. In other words, at the best the
Nature Tour mobile application could work as a tool
for acquiring literacy skills.
The learner aspect was realized well. The
teachers reported that the mobile device brought an
inspiring and motivating element for the children.
The mobile application inspired children to look at
their surroundings in novel ways. They observed
surroundings and tried to find interesting places and
things to be photographed. The children’s creativity
was reflected in the pictures as some of the
observation pictures were very imaginative and
artistic. These findings conform to those of previous
studies that have indicated that when children are
using mobile devices they can express their own
perspectives more freely and that mobile systems
can improve creativity and ability to explore and
absorb new knowledge (e.g. Tan et al., 2007; Shih et
al., 2011). The teachers mentioned that the children
had never paid as much attention to nature as during
the experiment. The mobile application therefore
opened up a whole new world for the children and
they began to construct knowledge and awareness of
nature. One of the teachers commented: “The
children observed nature more closely. For instance,
they noticed the flowers: "Hey! Here are still
growing some flowers. I will take a picture."
Normally, probably, no one would even notice the
flowers.” The mobile application clearly offered the
children new perspectives.
Also the social aspect was realized well. The
teachers reported that the children observed the
nature and paid attention to plants, fungi and other
interesting nature phenomena and creatures. Some of
the children even tried to identify the species
independently and all the children were eagerly
asking for the names of the species. The mobile
application clearly encouraged social interaction
with adults and with peers. The teachers reported
that the children compared pictures with each other
and gave the tips where they could take fine
pictures. The children also interacted with the
teacher by asking the species. The social aspect is
one of the significant aspects because technology
cannot replace human interaction or relationships.
Especially in early childhood education human
interactions and relationships are crucial as with
them a child learns how to act and express oneself
with an appropriate way in different situations
(National Board of Education, 2000). It was
encouraging to find out that the Nature Tour mobile
application stimulated interactions.
7.3 The Pedagogical Aspect
The teachers highlighted that they did not know how
to integrate the use of the application in daily life
and other materials. One of the teachers commented:
“The fact is that we already have plenty of material
what we are using here. If something new is brought
and it is just in a way "glued" top of all that, it does
not integrate easily especially if you are not
technically skilled. I think that this is the biggest
challenge in our case.” The lack of necessary skills
to integrate the mobile application in the daily life
was the main reason why the use of the application
mainly remained a tool for photographing various
things. The teachers mentioned that they just went to
the field and took some pictures. The teachers
considered that the use of the application and the
follow-up activities should be planned in a more
detailed manner and should be integrated into certain
topics. In other words, there should be a clear
pedagogical objective for each field trip. One of the
teachers commented: “If we started to use this
application, then it would require more detailed
The difficulty of integrating the use of the
application to other activities mainly was due to lack
of necessary skills. The teachers did not have
adequate knowledge about how to best integrate
technology into the curriculum as the technology use
in early childhood education in many places is a
novelty or a seldom used. The teachers highlighted
that the use of information technology cannot
become a part of daily routines until the teachers
have adequate training. The teachers’ education was
brought up and highlighted in the conversation. This
finding is consistent with Mohammad and
Mohammad (2012) who argued that successful
integration requires educator’s knowledge about
learning as well as knowledge about how best to
integrate technology into the curriculum. This
clearly indicates the need for sufficient support
(technological and pedagogical) for the effective use
of technology.
The aim of the present study was to explore the
implementation of the Nature Tour mobile
application in Finnish early childhood education
settings. The feasibility of the developed mobile
application was evaluated through a framework,
which included the core aspects of mobile learning.
In this study, the interest was to explore whether the
concept of Nature Tour mobile application meets the
needs of early childhood education in field trips.
The present experiment indicated that the
application has a lot of potential but also some major
challenges. The experiment indicated that the
application is quite easy to take into use and that it
provides children tangible, motivating, and
educative experiences in nature. The Nature Tour
mobile application also encouraged social
interactions with the adults and with the peers. The
device aspect, in turn, was a slightly more
challenging as the application required literacy
skills. Hence, the guidance and the role of the adults
were significant. On the one hand, the relationships
and interactions with adults are important as the
adult can guide children’s observations and teach
them how to act in different situations. Nevertheless,
on the other hand, it would reduce teacher’s
workload if the children were able to use the mobile
application more independently. For this reason the
experiment indicated that as such the mobile
application is not yet suitable for early childhood
education settings but it has a lot of potential.
Pictorial information would be sufficient for
children under school-age (aged 5-6 years) who do
not have literacy skills. The next step is to adapt the
Nature Tour mobile application considering the
discoveries and the feedback from the teachers.
One very significant observation was that the
pedagogical aspect is very important. Based on the
present findings it seems that the appropriate way to
utilize mobile applications in early childhood
education settings require the balance where
technology use is matched with the curriculum, the
children’s needs, and human interactions. The
technology use in the early childhood settings also
requires sufficient support, in particular because the
new creative media and information technology in
early childhood settings still is a quite seldom used.
The experiment also brought out one major
challenge: to promote mobile learning in early
childhood education settings requires considerable
change in teacher training as well as teachers’ and
policy-makers’ attitudes. Therefore, the teachers’
and policy-makers’ attitudes should be investigated
in more detail. Do the attitudes affect the way in
which early childhood education is organized? Are
the attitudes obstacles to the diffusion of
technologies such as mobile technologies in early
childhood education settings?
This study and case studies were part of the TEKES
(Finnish Technology Agency) funded project
Personal Mobile Space for learning and wellbeing
lead by Professor Pekka Neittaanmäki and Marja
Kankaanranta, University of Jyväskylä.
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