On the Segmentation and Classification of Water in Videos
Pascal Mettes, Robby T. Tan and Remco Veltkamp
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, Princetonplein 5, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Hybrid Water Descriptor, Mode Subtraction, Decision Forests, Markov Random Field, Novel Database.
The automatic recognition of water entails a wide range of applications, yet little attention has been paid to
solve this specific problem. Current literature generally treats the problem as a part of more general recog-
nition tasks, such as material recognition and dynamic texture recognition, without distinctively analyzing
and characterizing the visual properties of water. The algorithm presented here introduces a hybrid descriptor
based on the joint spatial and temporal local behaviour of water surfaces in videos. The temporal behaviour is
quantified based on temporal brightness signals of local patches, while the spatial behaviour is characterized
by Local Binary Pattern histograms. Based on the hybrid descriptor, the probability of a small region of being
water is calculated using a Decision Forest. Furthermore, binary Markov Random Fields are used to segment
the image frames. Experimental results on a new and publicly available water database and a subset of the
DynTex database show the effectiveness of the method for discriminating water from other dynamic and static
surfaces and objects.
Water recognition is a seemingly effortless task for
humans, which is hardly surprising given the bio-
logical importance of water. While recent studies
have indeed shown that humans are experts at such
tasks (Sharan et al., 2013), there is little empirical
knowledge on how water can be optimally recog-
nized. Perhaps the most illustrative insight is pro-
vided in the work of Schwind, which indicates the im-
portance of polarizing light reflected from water sur-
faces (Schwind, 1991). The experiments performed
on water insects such as bugs and beetles showed
that they are attracted by the horizontally polarized
light from the reflections of water surfaces. However,
the task of recognizing water from only images and
videos, which do not possess polarization informa-
tion, is still hardly problematic for human observers.
Therefore, the method provided here attempts to
do the same, namely, to recognize water based only on
visual appearance. The specific task of water identifi-
cation in videos has, to the best of our knowledge, not
been tackled on the scale presented in this work. Be-
sides attempting to gain empirical knowledge, there
is a wide range of applications that can benefit from
such an algorithm, including: (inter-planetary) explo-
ration, dynamic background removal, robotics, and
aerial video analysis.
Traditionally, automatic water recognition is stud-
ied from two perspectives, namely as part of larger
recognition tasks such as material recognition (Sha-
ran et al., 2013; Hu et al., 2011; Varma and Zisser-
man, 2005) or dynamic texture recognition (Chan and
Vasconcelos, 2008; Fazekas and Chetverikov, 2007;
Saisan et al., 2001; Zhao and Pietik
ainen, 2007), and
in specialized and restricted environments, including
autonomous driving systems (Rankin and Matthies,
2006) and maritime settings (Smith et al., 2003).
Most current works in material and texture recogni-
tion are based on the hypothesis that target classes can
be discriminated using distributions of local image
features, global motion statistics, or learned ARMA
models. Although interesting results have been re-
ported, the descriptors themselves are generic and
there is little analysis on which features work well
for a certain texture. Furthermore, the approaches are
usually global, which means that they are not directly
applicable to localization tasks. On the other hand,
water detection systems in autonomous driving sys-
tems and in maritime settings make explicit and non-
generalizable assumptions, such as horizon location,
camera height and orientation, and sky-water posi-
tioning, making the methods incapable of water de-
tection from a broad scope.
Given the limitations of existing methods, a novel
method is proposed in this paper. At the core of the
method is a hybrid descriptor based on local spatial
and temporal information. First, the input video is
Mettes P., T. Tan R. and Veltkamp R..
On the Segmentation and Classification of Water in Videos.
DOI: 10.5220/0004680202830292
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2014), pages 283-292
ISBN: 978-989-758-003-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(a) Canal. (b) Fountain. (c) Lake. (d) Ocean. (e) Stream. (f) Pond.
(g) River. (h) Non-water.
Figure 1: Exemplary frames of categories in the water database.
pre-processed to remove the background reflections
and water colour, leaving only the residual image se-
quence, which conveys the motion of water. Given the
residual images, local descriptors are extracted and
classified using a Decision Forest (Bochkanov, 2013;
Criminisi et al., 2012). The trained Forest can then be
utilized to perform local classification for a collection
of test sequences, where the probabilities are provided
to a binary Markov Random Field to generate a seg-
mentation for the frames in the test sequences based
on the presence or absence of water.
Since this work is specifically aimed at water de-
tection and given the supervised nature of the algo-
rithm, a second contribution of this work is the intro-
duction of a new database. The water database, fur-
ther elaborated at the end of this section, consists of
a set of complex natural scenes with a wide variety
of water surfaces. Experimental evaluation on this
database and on the DynTex database (P
eteri et al.,
2010) shows the effectiveness of the proposed method
for both video classification and spatio-temporal seg-
The paper is organized as follows. This Section is
concluded with an elaboration of the water database,
while Section 2 discusses the works related to com-
putational water recognition. Section 3 provides an
analysis of the temporal and spatial behaviour of wa-
ter, the descriptors derived from that analysis, and the
process of local classification. This is followed by
the global segmentation step in Section 4. Section 5
shows the experimental evaluation on the databases
and the paper is concluded in Section 6.
1.1 Water Database
As stated above, experimental evaluation is per-
formed in this work on a novel database, in order to
tackle the challenge problem of water detection
. Al-
though databases used in dynamic texture recognition
For detail and downloads, visit the author’s webpage.
do contain water videos (P
eteri et al., 2010), they do
not contain water videos in the quantity and variety
desired for water recognition and localization. The
novel water database contains a set of positive and
negative videos (i.e. water and non-water videos),
from a wide variety of natural scenes. In total, the
database consists of 260 videos, where each video
contains between 750 and 1500 frames, all with a
frame size of 800×600. The positive class consists of
160 videos of predominantly 7 scenes; oceans, foun-
tains, ponds, rivers, streams, canals, and lakes. The
negative class on the other hand can be represented
by any other scene. In the database, categories with
seemingly similar spatial and temporal characteristics
are chosen, including trees, fire, flags, clouds/steam,
and vegetation. Examples of the categories of the
database are shown in Fig. 1. Since the focus of this
work is aimed at characterizing the behaviour of wa-
ter, camera motion is considered a separate problem
and it is therefore not integrated into the database.
Original work on material classification attempted
to discriminate materials photographed in laboratory
settings, e.g. based on distributions of Gabor filter re-
sponses (Varma and Zisserman, 2005) or image patch
exemplars (Varma and Zisserman, 2009). More re-
cently, the classification problem has shifted to the
real-world domain with the Flickr Materials Database
(Sharan et al., 2009), which includes water as one of
the target classes. Current approaches attempt to dis-
criminate materials based on concatenations of local
image feature distributions (Hu et al., 2011; Sharan
et al., 2013). Although it is possible to apply these ap-
proaches to the more specific problem of water recog-
nition, they are severely restricted in multiple aspects.
First, the algorithms are concerned with classification
solely from images, so any form of temporal informa-
tion is neglected. Second, and more importantly, the
Figure 2: An overview of the water segmentation method, where the test stage is done for all frames of the test videos.
algorithms provide a black-box process, where it is
unknown how or why certain materials (such as wa-
ter) can be discriminated using the recommended im-
age features (e.g. SIFT, Jet, Colour, etc.).
A field more directly related to the problem tack-
led in this work is dynamic texture recognition, which
is roughly dominated by two approaches. The first
approach is the discrimination of dynamic textures
based on two-frame motion estimation. Generally,
well-known conventional optical flow methods are
used for dense motion estimation, after which clas-
sification is performed based on global motion statis-
tics. Global statistics include the curl and divergences
of the flow field, and the probability of having a char-
acteristic flow direction and magnitude (Fazekas and
Chetverikov, 2007; P
eteri and Chetverikov, 2005).
Although high recognition rates have been reported
for such methods, the use of conventional optical flow
is problematic for water in natural scenes. In general,
water does not meet the conditions of optical flow
(Beauchemin and Barron, 1995). Another pressing
problem is that flow-based methods are focused on
classification, not segmentation.
A second dominant approach is the global mod-
eling of videos using Linear Dynamical Systems
(LDS) (Chan and Vasconcelos, 2008; Doretto et al.,
2003; Mumtaz et al., 2013; Saisan et al., 2001). In
its essence, LDS is a latent variable model which
projects video frames to a lower dimensional space
and tracks the temporal behaviour in that lower di-
mensional space. The use of LDS in dynamic tex-
ture recognition was first popularized by the work of
(Saisan et al., 2001), mostly due to the proposed rel-
atively efficient parameter learning procedure and the
encouraging classification results. Although the use
of LDS is intuitively appealing, the original formula-
tion of LDS is limited, since it cannot handle multiple
objects/textures in a single video. Furthermore, lit-
tle investigation has been done as to which textural
elements can be captured with LDS. Multiple exten-
sions have been made to handle the presence of mul-
tiple textures, but in current literature, LDS is used
either as a segmentation or classification method, but
not as a joint segmentation-classification problem (i.e.
dividing the pixels into different coherent parts and
classifying each part, as is done in this work).
The primary focus of this work is the generation of
local descriptors based on the analysis of the spatio-
temporal behaviour of water. Here, both a temporal
and spatial descriptor are presented which are distinc-
tive enough for direct identification of water surfaces
on a local scale. A generalized overview of the al-
gorithm is shown in Fig. 2. First, the videos are
pre-processed to increase invariance to water colours
and reflections. After that the temporal and spatial de-
scriptors are extracted and used as feature vectors for
a Decision Forest. Given a test video, the local de-
scriptors are extracted and classified using the trained
Forest. The probability outputs are then used as in-
put for a regularization step using spatio-temporal
Markov Random Fields. In this section, the analy-
sis and descriptor generation is provided, as well as
the probabilistic classification.
3.1 Creating Residuals
A major aspect of water surfaces is the inherent
variability they possess, due to water colour, rip-
ples, background reflections, weather conditions, etc.
Rather than trying to exploit dominant features due to
water colour or background reflections, the focus of
this work is to generate features which are invariant
to these aspects, and in effect state something about
the general nature of water surfaces. This is done
by first obtaining the water colour as well as back-
ground reflections, and then removing them, leaving
only residual images.
Figure 3: A typical frame, temporal mode, and residual for 2 videos.
The aim of the residual frames is to highlight wa-
ter ripples, instead of reflections. This is realized by
performing temporal mode subtraction for each pixel:
(x,y)[c] = |I
(x,y)[c] M(x,y)[c]|, (1)
for each c {R,G,B} separately, where M(x,y) de-
notes the temporal mode of pixel (x,y). The temporal
mode of a single pixel for a single colour channel can
be computed as follows:
M(x, y)[c] = max
(x,y)[c] = p}, (2)
where T denotes the total number of frames and {·}
is the indicator function. A typical frame, temporal
mode, and corresponding residual frame of 2 videos
are shown in Fig. 3. Note that this simple procedure
does not remove all reflections, but it can successfully
find the most dominant elements of reflection, such
that the residual frames highlight water ripples.
3.2 Local Temporal Descriptor
The idea behind the temporal water descriptor is that
the water ripples indicate the motion characteristics.
The motion characteristics of water are hypothesized
to constitute several aspects. Most notably, it is hy-
pothesized here that this type of motion is gradual and
repetitive, since ripples re-occur at the same location
over time. Other dynamic and static processes might
partially share the local temporal properties of water,
but not statistically to the same extent.
Based on the defined hypotheses, the next step
is to create a descriptor which judges a local spatio-
temporal patch on these hypotheses. To achieve this,
an m-dimensional signal is first introduced, which
represents the mean brightness value of an n×n patch
for m consecutive frames at exactly the same location.
Figure 4: Four exemplary frames and sample signals.
The result is a list of brightness values which can be
seen as a 1-dimensional signal. Fig. 4 shows mul-
tiple examples of water and non-water scenes, along
with a mean brightness signal of a selected location.
From the Figure, the initial thoughts regarding regu-
(a) Original signals. (b) FT of signals (c) Norm. FT of signals
(d) LBP (e) Hybrid
Figure 5: Isomap projections of sample locations of trees (blue) and water (red). The Figure shows how using normalized
Fourier Transforms improves separation using temporal information (a,b,c). More interesting, it clearly shows that fusing
temporal and spatial information creates a further boost in separation (c,d,e).
larity and repetition are already clearly visible.
Given the m-dimensional signals, an immediate
thought is to use them directly as the descriptor. The
direct use of the signal itself as the descriptor is how-
ever erroneous, due to lack of invariance. Signals
with similar levels of smoothness and regularity can
have a large distance when comparing the signals di-
rectly. A descriptor based on the m-dimensional sig-
nal should in effect be invariant to temporal shifts,
brightness shifts, and brightness amplitudes. Rather
than creating a distance measure which explicitly en-
forces these types of invariance by means of nor-
malization and distance recalculation for all possible
temporal and brightness shifts, a descriptor is cre-
ated here by extracting the signal characteristics us-
ing the 1-dimensional Fourier Transform. For an
m-dimensional signal S, the corresponding Fourier
Transform F is also m-dimensional, where each com-
ponent i {1, m} is computed as:
= |
2πi j
|. (3)
In other words, from the signal, an m-dimensional de-
scriptor [F
] is computed. Although this de-
scriptor is invariant to the temporal and brightness
shifts, it is not invariant to brightness amplitudes.
Therefore, the final temporal descriptor is generated
by performing L1-normalization on the components,
such that two signals are compared by the distribution
of the Fourier Transform, i.e.:
2πi j
. (4)
A practical justification of using the L1-
normalized Fourier Transform as the temporal
descriptor is shown in Fig. 5. The Figure displays
the Isomap projection (Tenenbaum et al., 2000)
of samples taken from water and tree videos. An
ideal local descriptor has linear separability in the
original feature space. For visualization purposes,
the projected feature space is used here, but the full
feature space is used in the classification. As can be
seen in Fig. 5(a) and Fig. 5(b), the original signals
and their Fourier Transform are rather impractical in
terms of classification, while a separation is clearly
visible in Fig. 5(c), although there is an area of
The choice of signal length m is a trade-off. Ide-
ally for recognition, m is equal to the total number
of frames in the video, since the longer the signal, the
less likely it is that non-water surfaces mimic the tem-
poral behaviour of water. On the other hand, this ap-
proach makes it impossible to detect temporal discon-
tinuities. Since the focus lies primarily on discrimina-
tions while still being able to detect obvious outliers,
m is set to 200 frames here.
3.3 Local Spatial Descriptor
The above defined descriptor captures the temporal
behaviour of water, but ignores the local spatial in-
formation, most notably the spatial layout of water
waves and ripples. Given that water waves, ripples,
and fountains are highly deformable, a descriptor is
desired which provides spatial information on a lo-
cal patch without requiring an explicit model of water
waves. To meet this desire, the local spatial character-
istics of water surfaces are extracted using Local Bi-
nary Pattern histograms (Zhao and Pietik
ainen, 2007).
For a single pixel, the Local Binary Pattern is com-
puted by comparing the grayscale values of the pixel
to a set of local spatial neighbours. In this work, the 8
direct neighbours of a pixel are used for comparison.
As such, the Local Binary Pattern value of a single
pixel is computed as:
) =
, (5)
where g
denotes the center pixel for which the LBP
value is computed, {g
denotes the set of direct
neighbours of g
, and H(·) is the well-known discrete
Heaviside step function, defined as:
H(x) =
1 x 0
0 x < 0.
Since 8 neighbours are used in the comparison, the
corresponding LBP value can take 2
= 256 values.
In order to compute a LBP histogram of a local patch,
the LBP values of the pixels in the patch are computed
and placed in their corresponding integer bins of the
256-dimensional histogram. The resulting histogram
is normalized afterwards.
As stated above, a primary justification for the use
of Local Binary Pattern histograms as a spatial de-
scriptor is due to the pseudo-orderless nature of the
descriptor, which means that water waves do not need
to be modeled explicitly. Furthermore, the high di-
mensionality of the histograms provide desirable dis-
crimination abilities. Similar to the temporal descrip-
tor, the practical validity of the LBP histograms can
be shown by examining the projected feature space.
The early fusion (Snoek et al., 2005) of the temporal
and spatial descriptors into a hybrid descriptor, results
in a feature space where its projection is almost nearly
linearly separable for the randomly selected local
patch, as can be seen in Fig. 5(e). The importance of a
pseudo-orderless spatial descriptor came to light after
the investigations into explicit water modeling turned
out to be impractical. This conclusion is consistent
with literature on dynamic texture recognition. For
example in overlapping work of Zhao and Pietk
multiple extensions of LBP have been proposed, such
as VLBP (Zhao and Pietik
ainen, 2006) and LBP-TOP
(Zhao and Pietik
ainen, 2007). VLBP is however im-
practical for local direct identification, since each his-
togram would have a length of 2
or even 2
, due
to the fact that both spatial and temporal neighbours
need to be compared against the central pixel. Similar
statements can be made regarding LBP-TOP. There-
fore, the original purely spatial LBP descriptor is used
3.4 Probabilistic Classification
Now that the behaviour of water on a local temporal
and spatial level have been defined, the next step is
to exploit the descriptors for probabilistic classifica-
tion. Contrary to computing distributions of descrip-
tors as is usual in global classification tasks, the de-
scriptors are used directly as feature vectors for prob-
abilistic classification using Decision Forests. In the
training stage of the algorithm, the descriptors are ex-
tracted from the training videos and used as feature
vectors for the Decision Forest. Since the number
of patches per frame can be considerably large, se-
lecting patches from a uniform grid for each frame of
each training video is undesirable, given the amount
of time required for training. For that reason, a ran-
dom sampling approach is employed by selecting a
small number of patches per frame per training video.
Given the use of random sampling, roughly 2500
local patches are selected per training video. The
456-dimensional feature vectors for the patches of all
training videos are then fed to the Decision Forest for
probabilistic classification. The primary parameters
of the forest - the number of trees and the randomness
factor - can be set using cross-validation.
In the testing stage, descriptors need to be ex-
tracted from all parts of the frames of the test videos.
Therefore patches are extracted from a dense rectan-
gular grid. The descriptors yielded from the grid are
individually given to the trained forest, yielding a ma-
trix of probability outputs, which can be seen as a
heatmap. A major advantage of direct local classi-
fication is that each local part of the video is classi-
fied separately. However, since this approach yields a
great number of separate classifications, it can be ex-
pected that multiple miss-classifications occur within
and between the frames of a test video. For that rea-
son, a last step of this algorithm is the use of Markov
Random Fields for spatio-temporal regularization.
The additional information on the probabilistic
(un)certainty of classified local patches, instead of di-
rect decisions, opens up the possibility to discrete op-
timization on the heatmaps. The discrete optimization
takes the form in this work of a Markov Random Field
(Boykov and Kolmogorov, 2004), which serves as a
regularization step. More formally, the optimization
problem of the MRF can be stated as a minimization
problem with the following objective function:
f (x) =
) + λ
), (7)
with V the elements of the heatmap, and C the set of
all cliques. The first term of the objective function -
the data term - is then defined as:
) =
1 M
if x
is water
where M
denotes the probability of node (i.e.
heatmap pixel) p of begin water. The second term
- the prior term - is defined such that different labels
within cliques are penalized:
) = |x
|, (9)
given that the label water is defined as 1 and the label
non-water is defined as 0.
An interesting element within the MRF formu-
lation are the cliques. Rather than only enforc-
ing similarity between neighbouring pixels in a sin-
gle heatmap, a form of temporal regularization is
also desired, since water location is not expected
to change sharply over time. Therefore, a spatio-
temporal Markov Random Field formulation is opted
here, where each element of the heatmap is connected
to both its 4 spatial neighbours and 2 temporal neigh-
An important element in the minimization proce-
dure is the relative weight of the probabilities (data
term) and spatial consistency (prior term), denoted by
λ in Eq. 7. For a low value for λ, the individual prob-
abilities are deemed important, resulting in a segmen-
tation with a lot of detail, but also with outliers. On
the other hand, a high value for λ results in a seg-
mentation with little outliers, at the cost of loss of de-
tail at borders between water and non-water regions.
The influence of the λ term is evaluated in Section 5.
Since not all pixels on a single frame are classified,
the binarized heatmap only contains the segmentation
result for a subset of the pixels on a rectangular grid.
The segmentation results are therefore bi-cubicly in-
terpolated such that each pixel is classified as either
being water or non-water.
The effectiveness of the algorithm presented in the
previous sections is validated on the novel water
database by examining both the segmentation qual-
ity (i.e. the classification of each pixel of each frame)
and the classification quality (i.e. the classification of
a whole video with a binary mask). In the implemen-
tation of the algorithm, the videos of the database are
randomly split with a 60/40 ratio into a train and test
set. For each test video, the segmentation is computed
for 250 frames.
In the evaluation, the segmentation fit of the video
is defined as the average of the fit of the individual
segmentations with the supplemented binary mask.
Formally, the segmentation fit S of a segmented video
V compared to a mask M is computed as:
S(V,M) =
|V |
|V |
×100%, (10)
where |V | denotes the number of frames in V , V
notes the i
frame, and s(V
,M) is defined as:
,M) = 1
[x,y] m[x,y]|
W ×H
, (11)
with W and H for resp. the width and height of the
video and the pixel values of the segmentations and
the mask are 1 for water and 0 for non-water. Given
a set of segmentations and a binary mask, the whole
video can be classified as water if the ratio of water
pixels in the mask region is at least a half, and non-
water otherwise.
In Table 1, a numerical overview is provided of the
averaged segmentation fit for the individual and com-
bined descriptors, where the algorithm is performed
on multiple random splits. From the Table, it is clear
that both the temporal and spatial descriptors are able
to robustly segment video frames based on the pres-
ence or absence of water. Furthermore, the combi-
nation of the descriptors into a hybrid descriptor has a
strictly positive influence on the segmentation quality.
A similar statement can be made regarding the regu-
larization step, where the combination of the hybrid
descriptor and the spatio-temporal Markov Random
Field yield an average segmentation fit of 93.19%. In
Figure 6, exemplary binary segmentations are shown
for complex test videos in the database.
An influential parameter is the value for λ in the
regularization step. In Fig. 7, the segmentation fit
as a function of the parameter is shown. From the
Figure, the trade-off between dependence on the clas-
sification result and spatial coherence in the MRF is
evident. The result of Table 1 are yielded with 200
frames per descriptor and λ = 1.0, since the segmenta-
tions at that value on average prove to be optimal with
Figure 6: Exemplary segmentations yielded for the water database.
respect to both the individual classification and spatial
coherence. In Fig. 8, the effect of regularization is vi-
sualized for a water and a non-water video. With reg-
ularization, the ST-MRF makes sure that a boundary
between water and non-water regions is only created
if there is enough support over the whole image plane.
Figure 7: Segmentation fit as a function of λ.
An overview of the results of binary video clas-
sification is shown in Table 2. The video classifica-
tion problem - less informative than the segmentation
problem - is not only performed for the algorithm
of this work, but also for multiple algorithms from
related fields. These algorithms include the spatio-
temporal extensions of LBP (Zhao and Pietik
2007), LDS (Saisan et al., 2001), Gabor filter re-
sponses (Varma and Zisserman, 2005), and optical
Table 1: Segmentation quality of the descriptors.
Descriptor No MRF ST-MRF, λ = 1.0
Hybrid 90.38% ± 0.5% 93.19% ± 0.2%
LBP 85.95% ± 2.4% 90.16% ± 2.3%
Temporal 83.42% ± 1.3% 87.42% ± 0.8%
Figure 8: Two examples of the merits of using regulariza-
tion (right column) over direct classification (middle col-
Table 2: Overview of the recognition rates for binary video
Classification method Recognition rate
Our method, hybrid descriptor 96.5% ± 0.6%
Our method, LBP histogram 94.2% ± 1.4%
Our method, temporal descriptor 91.9% ± 0.8%
Volume LBP 93.5% ± 1.2%
LBP-TOP 93.3% ± 0.8%
MR8 Filter Bank distributions 80.8% ± 6.7%
Linear Dynamical Systems 71.2% ± 2.8%
Horn-Schunck, 4 flow statistics 65.7% ± 2.0%
Lucas-Kanade, 4 flow statistics 61.2% ± 3.4%
flow statistics (P
eteri and Chetverikov, 2005).
The results from Table 1 and 2 indicate that the
spatial and temporal descriptor can effectively capture
the local behaviour of water. The hybrid descriptor
outperforms well known generic algorithms from dy-
namic/static texture recognition for the more specific
problem of water classification. A final best result
is achieved with the hybrid descriptor and ST-MRF,
with a segmentation fit of 93.19% and a video clas-
sification rate of 96.47%. A primary reason for the
Figure 9: Exemplary segmentations yielded for the DynTex database.
overall high recognition rates in this work is because
this is a binary problem, i.e. if a patch of a tree is clas-
sified as fire, it is correct, since the water/non-water
line is not crossed. Also, the classification results are
generally higher, since a perfect segmentation result
is not required to yield a correct overall classification.
Table 3: Results on the DynTex subset.
Method Segmentation Classification
Ours, hybrid 92.7% 100%
Ours, temporal 85.0% 87.5%
Ours, spatial 81.3% 87.5%
VLBP - 90.0%
LBP-TOP - 87.5%
LDS - 75.0%
MR8 - 72.5%
HS flow - 57.5%
LK flow - 55.0%
In order to emphasize the effectiveness of the de-
scriptors, the algorithm is also run on videos in the
DynTex database (P
eteri et al., 2010). Since only a
part of the DynTex database contains water surfaces,
a subset of 80 water and non-water videos have been
selected for evaluation. A second motive for exper-
imenting on the DynTex database is that it provides
a comparison for water detection against other non-
water textures and objects, such as humans, animals,
traffic, windmills, flowers, and cloths. For the clas-
sification process, the 80 videos are split into a train-
and testset of 40 videos, while the trainset is comple-
mented with an additional 100 videos from the water
database. Exemplary segmentations are shown in Fig.
9. The numerical results for the segmentations and
classifications are provided in Table 3. The results of
Table 3 further indicate the effectiveness of the algo-
In this work, a method and database are introduced for
the spatio-temporal identification of water surfaces in
videos. Rather than tackling water detection as an in-
stance of a more generic detection method, such as
materials recognition or dynamic texture recognition,
this method attempts to recognize water based on the
specific spatial and temporal behaviour of water sur-
faces. Experimental evaluation on a novel water de-
tection database shows the efficiency of the method,
outperforming well-known existing algorithms from
static and dynamic texture recognition.
In future work, the algorithms presented here can
be used to tackle the problem of real-time water de-
tection with moving cameras. Real-time detection can
be investigated by creating a parallel implementation
of the feature extraction and classification of the lo-
cal descriptors. Given that regularization is currently
a post-processing step, it should be incorporated in
the classification stage in a real-time setting, e.g. us-
ing Kontschieder et al.s recently introduced Geodesic
Forests (Kontschieder et al., 2013).
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MIT. Furthermore, we would like to thank Renaud
eteri for providing access to the DynTex database.
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