The Consumer Prototype
Explaining the Underlying Psychological Factors of Consumer Behaviour with
Artificial Neural Networks
Max N. Greene
Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University, Aberconway Building, Colum Drive, Cardiff, U.K.
The interdisciplinary nature of the research project
offers both distinctive advantages and challenges.
Coming from the fields of strategic marketing and
psychology, the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
has not received a comprehensive consideration in
the past. Therefore, the initial stages involved
familiarization with the foundational work of Simon,
Newell, Kurzweil, along with the philosophical
discussions of Dennett, Minsky, Bechtel, and others
– and is an ongoing process.
At the same time, negotiations regarding the
secondary data from Office for National Statistics
took place, completed successfully earlier this year.
As a result, dataset was acquired that contains
particularly useful for our purposes very extensive
transactional consumer purchasing data (author is
very grateful to ONS for the opportunity).
Preliminary investigations are being carried out
presently. Initial modelling stages are due to follow.
The prospect of examining the underlying
psychological (or psychosocial) factors that may
explain behaviour – consumer behaviour in this
instance – is intriguing, and could offer a substantial
benefit for such fields like marketing, psychology,
and others. Research of this type poses certain
difficulties however, primarily concerned with the
fact that consumers are human persons. The study of
human behaviour is difficult not only due to the
problems concerning the generalizability of the
matter, but also due to the high cost of some
methods that offer high level of confidence such as
eye movement tracking and FMRI.
This research is primarily concerned with
developing an artificial consumer prototype
employing artificial neural networks (commonly
referred to as neural networks, NNs) to subsequently
examine varying underlying network structures and
inherent interconnectivity in attempt to provide a
descriptive and consequently a prescriptive account
of human consumer decision-making ability.
The research problem is twofold. On the one hand,
the philosophical implications need be addressed
that primarily revolve around the adequacy of
employing an artificial agent to study the underlying
phenomena of purchasing decisions versus studying
actual human consumer behaviour. The
transferability and extrapolation of insight acquired
with the use of artificial agent towards the human
consumer requires attention as well.
On the other hand, the actual development of the
functional network based on the consumer
purchasing data required to develop an artificial
consumer prototype for the subsequent examinations
is a formidable task in its own right. NNs would
seem to have a special appeal for such a task, as the
models learn the patterns in the data over numerous
iterations and settle into a stable state as a result,
once the predefined learned parameters have been
attained and the network is no longer able to
improve. At that time, after the network is
optimized, variable contribution analysis will be
carried out. For comparative purposes, a number of
networks will be developed with varying degree of
complexity, architecture and training algorithms.
The interpretation of the observed changes that
occurs in different network architectures will take us
back to the first part of the research problem, as it
would involve a comprehensive philosophical
discussion of the implications the results may entail.
In the high-level task of pattern recognition while
N. Greene M. (2013).
The Consumer Prototype - Explaining the Underlying Psychological Factors of Consumer Behaviour with Artificial Neural Networks.
In Doctoral Consortium, pages 38-43
examining complex behaviour phenomena, linear
models could only be useful in explaining linear
relations. For the purposes of the present discussion
however this would be insufficient, as consumer
behaviour and the process of decision-making in a
modern market and socio-economic environment is
without a doubt a very intricate and multifarious
phenomenon composed of a large number of
interrelated developments, where simple changes in
one part of the system are able to produce complex
effects throughout. It has been indeed a common
practice to attempt to decompose the larger
phenomena and isolate the process into individual
elements for the subsequent analysis controlling for
all other variables. The learning thus obtained could
then be propagated to the higher level of the process.
This method however is very inefficient and poses a
serious scalability problem – that is of course in
addition to the limitation concerning the ability of
researcher to identify the individual parts of the
process correctly (the task some believe to be
impossible). A better method would be to examine
the relations between all components concurrently.
NNs are able to examine all variables and
account for nonlinear relations within the data once
the hidden layers are introduced into the model
structure. This offers high predictive capacity, but
not only that. The weights could be examined for
explanatory purposes and are able to provide an
insight into the intrinsic nature of the process.
Consumer decision making is an intricate continuous
behaviour exhibited by persons that NNs seem to be
particularly suited for as a method of analysis for a
number of reasons. First, NNs model architecture
resembles physiological inner workings and
structure of a human brain – making it a particularly
good fit to study human processes. Second,
connectionism (the theoretical framework of NNs) is
a set of approaches in the fields of AI and cognitive
psychology that is particularly suited for modelling
behaviour as the emergent processes of
interconnected networks of simple units from the
conceptual point. The hidden layers and nodes that
are developed in the process of training a NNs
model (NNs models repeatedly intake data and
adjust the weights in the process up to a point of
equilibrium where the model cannot improve
anymore – method commonly referred to as training
as it indeed resembles the process of training in the
traditional sense) are not like input and output
variables that come from the data, but could rather
represent underlying abstract concepts and latent
variables identified in the process of training that
play a major role in explaining the relation between
the input and the output layers.
This research project will address the idea of
interpreting the number of hidden layers, nodes and
weight values in NNs models in attempt to provide
an explanatory account of consumer behaviour.
4.1 Artificial Neural Networks
There are a number of qualitative differences that set
NNs apart for other AI approaches, namely learning
and representation. Other distinguishing features
worth mentioning are inherent parallelism,
nonlinearity, and ability to exhibit exceptional
performance with noisy data (Gallant, 1993).
Machine learning broadly refers to ability of a
model to improve its performance based upon input
information. It is generally considered that research
on machine learning presents the highest potential to
eventually develop models able to perform
complicated AI tasks, as algorithms that learn from
training and experience are superior to those based
on a subset of contingency rules developed by
human scientists. Machine learning may be divided
into supervised learning and unsupervised learning.
4.1.1 Supervised Learning
Supervised learning is a group of learning
algorithms that analyze training data (i.e. labelled
data: pairs of input and output values) to produce an
inferred or a regression function able to predict the
correct output for any input. It is required for the
learning algorithm to make certain generalizations
from the training data that could be used to analyze
previously unseen data – a process that is analogous
to concept learning in human and animal
psychology. Feed forward networks are the most
common representative, and will be used for the
purposes of present research.
4.1.2 Unsupervised Learning
Unsupervised learning refers to the machine learning
problem aimed to determine the underlying structure
of unlabelled data. In unlabelled data, there is no
error signal to evaluate possible solution, and
therefore the algorithm relies on techniques such as
clustering that examine the core features of the data
– self-organizing map is one such algorithm often
used in NNs models, and will be used for the
purposes of this research project.
4.2 Interpreting NNs Models Output
A number of ways may provide an insight into what
happens inside the NNs model and help interpret the
result. Some of the most common methods assess
how the number of hidden layers and nodes affects
the predictive and explanatory capacity of the
model. A number of algorithms have been devised to
make use of the weight values from NNs model
output. Model architecture pruning techniques have
also been shown to have a positive outcome in
developing models with improved out of sample
testing faculties. In the following sections, these
methods are briefly discussed.
4.2.1 Number of Hidden Layers and Nodes
Model size matters. It has been shown that large
models used to analyze extensive datasets show
better predictive capacity.
Once the models are developed it is imperative to
have a look into the optimal model structure
however. It is indeed true that the larger models
would offer higher predictive capacity and increase
in the model fit, but at the same time, larger models
need be penalized according to the Occam's razor
principle. For example, one method to evaluate the
model performance and select the optimal structure
is described by Huang et al., (2004). Their method
eliminates the independent variables that do not
carry sufficient predictive and explanatory capacity
and therefore do not need to be considered in the
model. Thus, the model structure is simplified
resulting in higher AIC and BIC values as both
methods penalize model size while maximizing the
model performance at the same time.
4.2.2 Model Pruning
Model architecture plays an important role in model
adaptive performance.
While exploring environmental conditions that
may have an effect on fish population, Olden and
Jackson (2001) compared traditional statistical
approaches with NNs models. In the NNs model
structure, the connection weights between neurons
are the associative links that signify the relation
between the input and output variables and therefore
are the key to solving the problem. Connection
weights signify the influence each input variable is
able to exert on the output, and dictate the direction
of the influence. Input variables with large
connective weights carry higher signal transfer
capacity and therefore exert higher influence on the
output variable. Excitatory effect (incoming signal
increased with positive output effect) is represented
by the positive connection weight and inhibitory
effect (incoming signal reduced with negative
output) is represented by the negative connection
Even if it is possible to assess the overall
contribution of input variables employing these
approaches, the interpretation of interactive relations
within the data presents an increasingly difficult
undertaking, as the interactions between the
variables in the network require immediate
examination. Even a small network would contain a
increasingly large number of connections, making
the interpretation increasingly difficult. One way to
manage this is through pruning connections with
small weights that do not exert significant influence
over the network structure and output (Bishop,
1995). Deciding which weights to remove or keep
however is a task that requires substantial effort.
Following the NNs approach, Olden and Jackson
(2001) were able to develop and describe a
randomization test to address this task. As a result,
Olden and Jackson (2001) were able to provide a
predictive and explanatory insight into nonlinear
complex relations of ecological data (a task that
poses a serious problem for traditional statistical
approaches as species often exhibit nonlinear
response to environmental conditions). In the course
of detailed evaluation of NNs and traditional models
it was shown that partitioning the predictive
performance of the model into measures such as
sensitivity (ability to predict the presence) and
specificity (ability to predict the absence) allows for
a more efficient way to assess the model strengths,
weaknesses, and applicability. It is also shown that
NNs are a useful approach for examining the
interactive effects and factors. Both empirical and
simulated datasets were used for comparative
purposes, and show superior predictive performance
of NNs models over traditional regression
approaches (Olden and Jackson, 2001).
Building upon their work, approach that Olden
and Jackson (2002) propose in their following
publication provides the facility to eliminate
irrelevant connections between neurons whose
weights do not significantly influence the network
output (i.e. predicted response variable), thus
facilitating the interpretation of individual and
interacting contributions of the input variables in the
network. The approach is able to identify variables
that provide a significant contribution to network
predictive capacity, which effectively constitutes a
NNs variable selection method.
4.2.3 Interpreting Model Weights
Relatively few studies are carried out with the aim of
developing methods for variable contribution
analysis in NNs models – perhaps at least in part due
to seeming complexity of the task.
Variable contribution analysis methods have
been examined and compared by Gevrey,
Dimopoulos and Lek (2003). One of the seven
methods they surveyed included a computation that
used connection weights to provide explanatory
dimension to a NNs model using ecological data.
First proposed by Garson (1991) and later further
investigated by Goh (1995), the procedure is set to
determine the relative importance of the inputs by
partitioning the connection weights. Essentially,
hidden-output connection weight of hidden neurons
is partitioned into components associated with the
input neurons (please see more in Appendix A of the
(Gevrey et al., 2003)). Authors concluded that
method that uses connection weights was able to
provide a good classification of input parameters
even though it was found to lack stability.
One of the concerns conveyed regarding the
otherwise extensive investigation of different
methods was that the dataset originally employed in
2003 study (Gevrey et al., 2003) was empirical, and
therefore did not allow to ascertain the factual
precision and accuracy of each method as the true
relations between the variables are not known
(Olden et al., 2004). Instead, the artificial dataset
was created using the Monte Carlo simulation and
employed to assess true accuracy of each method
using the dataset with defined and therefore knows
relations. Results showed that weights method that
uses input-hidden and hidden-output connection
weights showed consistently best results out of all
methods assessed, contrary to Gevrey et al., (2003)
findings. Additionally, the weights method was able
to accurately identify the predictive importance
ranking, whereas other methods were only able to
identify the first few if any at all (Olden et al.,
Olden and Jackson (2002) also used ecological
data to demonstrate the predictive and explanatory
power of NNs. A number of methods surveyed,
including Neural Interpretation Diagram, Garson’s
algorithm and sensitivity analysis, aid in
understanding the mechanics of NNs and improve
the explanatory power of the models. Interpretation
of statistical models is imperative for acquiring
knowledge about the causal relationships behind the
phenomena studied. They also propose a
randomization approach for statistical evaluation of
the importance of connection weights and the
contribution of input variables in the neural network
(already discussed in details in the sections above).
Nord and Jacobsson (1998) have also addressed
the issue of explaining and interpreting NNs
structure and developed algorithms for variable
contribution analysis. The study compared the
proposed novel algorithmic approach for NNs model
interpretation with the analogous variable
contribution method of partial least squares
regression. Sensitivity analysis is also performed
through setting each input to zero in a sequential
manner. Linear regression coefficients for each of
the input variables have also been generated for the
purposes of examining the variable contribution
direction. The results of the two approaches are then
reviewed and compared to the results of the partial
least squares regression. What the study is able to
reveal is that in the linear dataset both the partial
least squares regression and NNs models show
similar performance in the variable contribution
task, whereas with the nonlinear data the differences
become obvious (Nord and Jacobsson, 1998).
Andersson et al., (2000) present two methods to
study variable contribution in NNs models: (1) a
variable sensitivity analysis and (2) method of
systematic variation of variables. Variable
sensitivity analysis is based on setting the
connection weights between the input and hidden
layer to a zero in a sequential manner, whereas the
systematic variation of variables method is based on
keeping the other variables constant or manipulated
simultaneously. In the course of their study, it is
shown that there is a high similarity between the
method proposed by the authors for the variable
contribution analysis in NNs models and the nature
of the processes used to develop the synthetic
datasets used. Thus, it is shown that the NNs models
are suitable not only for the function approximation
in nonlinear datasets, but are also able to accurately
reflect the characteristic qualities of the input data.
The transparency of highly interconnected NNs
models could be demonstrated in response to the
‘black box’ argument. Presented method is then able
to generate information about the variables that
could be useful in examination and interpretation of
variable contribution and relations.
The discussed earlier method of Nord and
Jacobsson (1998) is based on the saliency estimation
principles (such as Optimal Brain Surgeon, Optimal
Brain Damage, etc.) as it estimates the consequence
of weight deletion on prediction error. The
difference with the method proposed by Andersson,
Aberg and Jacobsson (2000) is in the way estimation
is carried out (theoretical calculation in saliency
estimation methods as opposed to experimentally
derived values presented (Andersson et al., 2000),
and builds upon the findings of Nord and Jacobsson
(1998). In the course of analysis, a systematic
variable contribution analysis is carried out on a
highly interconnected network structure, including
the signal separation exercise, employing a number
of synthetic and empirical dataset to provide
additional information on the methods considered,
including the ability to show graphically the variable
interdependencies. Other research is based on the
principle of systematic variable variation and not the
connection weights. Information obtained in such a
way could constitute an analytical basis for a
comprehensive variable contribution analysis and
variable selection procedure survey (Nord and
Jacobsson, 1998).
Research project would include two phases. First,
smaller data subset is used to develop and optimize
the procedure, carry out all the preliminary analyses
and produce the programming code:
Regression models developed for exploratory
and descriptive purposes to examine the data and
carry out simple linear modelling;
NNs as a primary method of analysis to develop
complex nonlinear models;
NNs learning algorithms are examined and
selected for consecutive modelling;
Various network architectures are studied and
optimized employing pruning methods.
In the second stage, the procedure established in the
first stage will be followed using a full data,
effectively scaling up the analyses to the full power
(if necessary, intermediate transitional stages may be
incorporated to gradually scale up the procedure):
Full scale network architectures optimized;
Variable contribution analysis carried out;
Network structure examined and interpreted in
the context of consumer behaviour.
The expected outcome of this research should
produce an artificial consumer prototype based on
the actual human consumer purchasing data, with
attempt to identify complex latent underlying factors
that may influence the artificial behaviour. These
findings will then be extrapolated to human
consumers, aimed to provide the insight into the
underlying psychological factors of human
consumer behaviour.
The philosophical contemplations presented here
should promote the advancement of interdisciplinary
research, facilitating cooperation between fields
such as psychology, strategic marketing and
artificial intelligence, and provide significant benefit
in acceptance and advance of computational
methods to study consumer behaviour. This should
serve as a catalyst for a broader dialogue between
the marketing professionals in the industry that
express demand in highly accurate forecasting and
business intelligence tools, and the researchers in the
field of consumer behaviour.
Data supplied by TNS UK Limited. The use of TNS
UK Ltd data in this work does not imply the
endorsement of TNS UK Ltd. in relation to the
interpretation or analysis of the data. All errors and
omissions remain the responsibility of the authors.
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