Context-aware Recommendation using Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis
e Luis Leiva
, Manuel Enciso
, Carlos Rossi
Pablo Cordero
Angel Mora
and Antonio Guevara
Department of Languages and Computer Science, University of M
alaga, M
alaga, Spain
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of M
alaga, M
alaga, Spain
Context, Recommender System, Fuzzy Logic, Formal Concept Analysis.
Most of the recommender systems are content-based: they provide the user a subset of items close to his
interest by using the item features. In real recommender systems, the main problem is the big amount of items
to be treated. In this work we propose to incorporate context information in a uniform way. We use fuzzy logic
and formal concept analysis as a framework to combine context information and content-based recommender
systems. Concretely, we specify the content by using fuzzy relations, the context by using fuzzy implications
and Simplification Logic to develop an intelligent and linear pre-filtering process. We illustrate this method
with an application to the tourism sector.
In recent years, the use of recommender systems has
become popular in many different applications to of-
fer a personalized selection of products. The big
amount of items to be recommended causes that in
many cases users feel overwhelmed because they have
to select from a wide range of alternatives (Lym-
beropoulos et al., 2011). In this work we focus on
tourism recommender systems, that should imple-
ment filtering mechanisms to provide a set of points
of interest (POIs) which are accurately adjusted to the
real needs of the tourist.
(Leiva et al., 2012) presented a classification of
the types of most commonly used recommender sys-
Collaborative: it provides results obtained from
the qualifications made by users. The user will
be recommended items that people with similar
tastes and preferences liked in the past.
Content-based: it categorizes items and suggests
products that have similar characteristics to those
requested by the user or to those that he evaluated
positively in the past.
Demographics: it classifies users by different per-
sonal parameters, and recommendations are made
taking into account the demographic group to
which the user belongs.
Knowledge-based: it has information about how
an item satisfies a user, and establishes a relation-
ship between need and recommendation.
Utility-based: it recommends those items that
maximize an utility function.
Case-based: it uses information about resolving
problems (cases) previous to the resolution of the
present case. They can be viewed as a subtype
of the knowledge-based and utility-based recom-
mender systems.
In order to be used in tourism systems, a sig-
nificant problem detected in previous models is not
using context attributes (Adomavicius et al., 2010).
The context is a multifaceted concept that has been
studied in different disciplines, including Computer
Science (mainly in Artificial Intelligence), Cognitive
Science, Linguistics, Psychology and Organizational
Science (Bazire and Br
ezillon, 2005). In order to
improve the quality of recommendations, the system
should not only use the qualifications and character-
istics of different POIs, or tourist preferences. Sys-
tems need to handle information of different nature
such as weather, company, schedules, location, time,
etc. (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2011). Some authors
include the user’s emotional status and expand the
definition to any information that can be character-
ized and that is relevant to the interaction between a
user and an application (Dey and Abowd, 2001).
The types of recommender systems (described
above) that only consider items and users are called
recommender systems in two dimensions (Adomavi-
cius et al., 2010).
Luis Leiva J., Enciso M., Rossi C., Cordero P., Mora Á. and Guevara A..
Context-aware Recommendation using Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0004594406170623
In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT-PT-2013), pages 617-623
ISBN: 978-989-8565-68-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Therefore, in order to improve the recommen-
dations, we have to take into account the contex-
tual information available as additional categories
of data (Leiva et al., 2012). In (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2011) the authors affirm that the recom-
mender system should take into consideration three
dimensions (users, items and context). They propose
different paradigms of context-aware recommender
Contextual pre-filtering (or contextualization of
recommendation input): contextual information
drives data selection or data construction for that
specific context. The selected data will be the in-
put of a 2D recommender system.
Contextual post-filtering (or contextualization of
recommendation output): the ratings are predicted
using any traditional 2D recommender system on
the entire data. Afterwards, the resulting set of
recommendations is adjusted (contextualized) for
each user using the contextual information.
Contextual modeling (or contextualization of rec-
ommendation functions). In this recommendation
paradigm, contextual information is used directly
in the modeling technique as part of rating estima-
In our opinion, a recommender system for a con-
solidated tourist destination (probably with thousands
of POIs) should apply the contextual pre-filtering
paradigm. Thus, the recommender system works with
a reduced number of POIs, decreasing the execution
time. Another important advantage of this approach
is that it can be combined with any existing 2D rec-
ommendation techniques.
The recommender system proposed in this paper
uses a content-based contextual pre-filtering, based
on contextual attributes and desirable characteristics
of the POIs. Therefore, it is not necessary to have
information about previous visits or qualifications of
other tourists.
Some authors (Zenebe and Norcio, 2009) propose
the use of fuzzy logic as a formal basis for recom-
mender systems. Nevertheless we are looking for a
new approach which allows us to also cover another
question proposed in (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin,
2005): incorporation of diverse contextual informa-
tion into the recommendation process. In this paper
we tackle this issue by means of the Formal Concept
Analysis (FCA).
From the point of view of Philosophy, a concept
is a general idea that corresponds to some kind of en-
tity and that may be characterized by some essential
features of the class. When B. Ganter and R. Wille
(Wille, 1982; Ganter and Wille, 1999) conceive a
framework inside the lattice theory to formalize con-
cepts, they probably do not guess the wide diffusion
of their original work.
Nowadays, FCA has become an useful framework
both in the theoretical and in the applied areas. The
works related to FCA cover from data analysis, infor-
mation retrieval, knowledge representation, etc. It is
considered an outstanding tool in emergent environ-
ments like data mining, semantic web, etc.
The main goal of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA)
is to identify in a binary table the relationships be-
tween set of objects and set of attributes. These rela-
tionships establish a Gallois Connection which allows
us to identify the concepts using a formal framework
inside the lattice theory. Apart from building the con-
cept lattice itself, one of the key problems is to ex-
tract the set of attribute implications which hold in
the concept lattice. Implications constitute important
information that is extracted in a separate stage from
data and constitute a dual representation of the lattice
itself. One of the most important advantages in the
use of implications is that they may be managed using
Functional Dependencies Logics (Armstrong, 1974).
Another novelty in this work is the integration of
the context into the FCA method by means of set of
implications. We propose the generation of a set of
fuzzy implications which corresponds with a given
context. Thus, when the user identifies his/her context
(company, weather, etc), the system enriches the spec-
ification by adding a set of new implications which
corresponds with this context. The new information
is treated with our fuzzy logic to automatically re-
duce the specification by removing redundancy. The
reduction in the set of implications allows a more ef-
ficient validation process which prune the original set
of POIs, and therefore the content-based 2D recom-
mender works with a smaller set of POIs. In figure 1
the system architecture of our proposal is depicted.
The paper is organized as follows: in the next sec-
tion we analyze some related works. Section 3 in-
troduces the theoretical background of our work and
Section 4 describes an executable logic to manage
fuzzy implications, named FSL. It will be used in
section 5 to introduce a context-aware recommender
system with a solid base. Finally some conclusions
and future works are presented.
In (Zenebe and Norcio, 2009) fuzzy logic is presented
as a proper framework for tourist recommenders, ad-
dressing the problems described in (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2005). Particularly, their approach uses fea-
Figure 1: Context-based recommender System.
tures of items as background data and users feedback
such as ratings of items as input. That paper provides
a solid and well-founded method to incorporate the
subjectiveness, imprecision and vagueness that usu-
ally appear in items features and user feedback. One
outstanding result of the paper is that, despite of the
flexible and enriched language to specify user interest
and item features, they develop a method to infer rec-
ommendations which shows an improvement in pre-
cision without loss of recall.
Some authors have used FCA methods as
a interesting approach in recommender systems.
In (du Boucher-Ryan and Bridge, 2006) the authors
propose FCA as an approach to group items and users
into concepts. That work may be considered a collab-
orative recommender system and it shows how FCA
may be used to find neighbours in a efficient and ac-
curate way. A similar and recent approach to the same
problem with similar results may be found in (Li and
Murata, 2010). These works shows that FCA may be
successfully used in collaborative recommenders.
In this paper we work in this line and enrich the
previous results in some points. First, we aim to add
a more flexible specification by considering fuzzy re-
lations in FCA. This extension was first introduced
in (Belohlavek, 1999). The problems that arise are re-
lated with the development of new methods to infer
the concepts and manage implications in fuzzy rela-
tions. We apply our previous theoretical results pre-
sented in (Belohlavek et al., 2012) to provide a sound
and complete fuzzy logic for functional dependencies
as a framework for the efficient management of im-
We incorporate to the specification some degree
of imprecision and uncertainty by means of Fuzzy
Logic. Since Lofti Zadeh introduced Fuzzy Set
Theory, the most usual approach is to replace the
truthfulness value set {0,1} (false and true) for
an arbitrary residuated lattice. Our proposal uses
an extension of the residuated lattice, specifically
([0,1],,, 0,1, ,,
,r) in which the unit inter-
val [0, 1] is endowed with the following operations:
the infimum (denoted by ) that plays the role of uni-
versal quantifier, the supremum () as the existential
quantifier, an arbitrary left-continuous t-norm () as
the conjunction, the residuum defined by a b =
sup{x [0,1] | x a b}, a truth-stressing hedge
and the difference r. The most used
t-norms are (standard) product, Łukasiewitz product
and G
odel product. Truth-stressing hedges (H
2001) are a class of unary truth functions that cap-
tures the semantic of the “very true” notion. The two
boundary cases of hedges are identity and so-called
globalization (i.e. 1
= 1 and x
= 0 for all 1 6= x L).
Finally, the difference operation is given by: x r y = x
if y < x and 0 otherwise.
A fuzzy set in an universal set U is a mapping
A: U [0,1] and the set operations are defined point-
wise as follows: for A,B : U [0,1], for all u U,
(A B)(u) = A(u) B(u), (A B)(u) = A(u) B(u),
(A B)(u) = A(u) B(u), (A B)(u) = A(u)
B(u), (Ar B)(u) = A(u)r B(u), and A
(u) = (A(u))
Moreover, and U are the fuzzy sets in which, for all
u U, (u) = 0 and U(u) = 1.
The set inclusion can be extended as follows: for
A,B : U [0, 1], the grade in which A is a subset of B
S(A,B) =
(A(u) B(u))
Particularly, if S(A,B) = 1 we write A B and, in
this case, A(u) B(u) for all u U.
We are going to work with finite fuzzy sets, that
is, fuzzy sets in which at most a finite number of el-
ements has non-zero values. In the notation that we
are going to use, zero-valued elements does not ap-
pear and grade 1 is omitted. So, for example, A =
, f } denotes that A(b) = 0.4, A(d) = 0.1,
A( f ) = 1 and A(x) = 0 otherwise.
As we have presented before, we organize the in-
formation of the recommender system using the fuzzy
extension of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) intro-
duced in (Belohlavek, 1999) that may be consider the
most current trend in this area.
The starting point in fuzzy FCA is the fuzzy re-
that captures the degree in which a given at-
tribute holds on an object. Specifically, given a fi-
nite set of objects X and a finite set of attributes Y ,
fuzzy FCA extracts knowledge from a fuzzy relation
I : X × Y [0,1] where I(x,y) = ϑ means that ϑ is
the degree in which the object x has the attribute y.
Usually, the fuzzy relation I is showed in a table in
which rows represents objects, columns corresponds
to attributes and in position (x,y) on the table appears
the degree I(x,y).
An important information that can be extracted
from the fuzzy relation is given in terms of attribute
implications. They are formulas of the form A B
where A and B are fuzzy sets of attributes. The grade
in which this attribute implication is satisfied by a
fuzzy relation I is given by
||A B||
where I
denotes the fuzzy set in which I
(y) = I(x,y)
for all y Y . So, for example,
means that every object that has attribute b to degree
at least 0.2 and attribute d to degree 1, has attribute c
to degree at least 0.8.
Observe that the left and right hand side of the im-
plications (the A and B sets) may be empty. If B if
the empty set, the implication captures an informa-
tion which always valid and it has not to be consid-
ered in the inference process. Nevertheless, if the A
set is empty the implication provides a relevant infor-
mation, particularly in the application we are working
with. For instance, the implication
interpreted as follows: the c attribute must have a de-
gree at least 0.8.
Given a fuzzy relation I, A
= B denotes that the
implication A B holds to degree at least ϑ and it
is equivalent to ensure that A ϑ B is satisfied to
degree 1 (see (Belohlavek et al., 2012) for further de-
tails). We use ϑ B to denote so-called ϑ-multiple of
B which is a fuzzy set such that (ϑ B)(y) = ϑ B(y)
for all y Y . The cited result ensures that the user
may specify implications with degrees and they can
be translated to implications without degrees to get a
simpler management in the automated methods.
In FCA literature, this fuzzy relation is usually called
“context” but we omit this denomination to avoid confusion
with the term context used in recommender systems.
For the management of the information given in terms
of implications, an automated method to infer new in-
formation from a set of implications is required. Al-
though there exist in the literature several axiomatic
systems, they have not been developed for the de-
sign of such automated methods. In (Belohlavek
et al., 2012), the authors presented the Fuzzy Attribute
Simplification Logic, FSL, providing a sound and
complete axiomatic system for reasoning with impli-
cations and, for first time, an automated deduction
method. The system consists of three deduction rules,
[Ax] ` AB A (Axiom)
[Sim] A B,C D ` A(C r B) D (Simplifica-
[Mul] A B ` ϑ
A ϑ
B (Multiplication)
where A,B,C,D are fuzzy sets and ϑ [0,1]. Here,
we use the convention of writing AB instead of A B.
The most relevant characteristic of this axiomatic
system is that the inference rules can be seen as equiv-
alence rules that allows us to remove (simplify) re-
dundant information. This simplification is applied
both to implications and to attributes inside of impli-
cations. It is specially appropriated for heterogeneous
environment where different users provide several im-
plications which may cause specifications with a hide
degree of redundancy. These equivalencies are the
1. {A B} {A B r A};
2. {A B, A C} {A BC};
3. {A B,C D} {A B, A(C r B) D r
B} when A C.
where A, B, C and D are fuzzy sets.
Up to now, we have presented all the theoretical foun-
dations that we combine to incorporate the context
into a recommender system. Our proposal is based
on fuzzy attribute implications and it has the follow-
ing characteristics:
Fuzzy Logic and fuzzy multivalued FCA have
been shown to be sound formalisms to specify
and reasoning with uncertainty.
We propose a unified combination of context-
based reasoning inside a content-based recom-
mendation framework.
We associate each context with a set of fuzzy
implications defined on the items characteris-
The user introduces in the system all the char-
acteristics of his/her context and then the rea-
soning methods depurate the set of all associ-
ated implications to get an equivalent and sim-
pler set of fuzzy implications.
The final set of implications is used to validate
the items to be recommended. Thus, the origi-
nal set of items is pre-filtered and only a subset
of them will be the input of the recommender
Now, we detail how context information is rep-
resented by means of fuzzy implications. POIs are
represented by a set of attributes which describes its
features (it is cheap or expensive, its atmosphere is
romantic or cheerful, etc.). Real world data are of-
ten complex and difficult to be labelled with a bi-
nary domain without loss of information. For instance
a restaurant may have a very beautiful garden with
some tables where children may enjoy and also an
intimate hall with quiet music for a romantic dinner.
We propose to store these items features by using a
fuzzy relation, as example 1 shows. Thus, each row
corresponds with an object and each column with an
Example 1. We consider a group of POIs of a tourism
destination with some attributes to describe them (De-
sign, Atmosphere, Price and Facilities). Each at-
tribute has a set of finite possible values and let us
suppose that a destination expert manages the system
by giving a degree to each value in the domain. Thus,
we get a table of objects with grades by flattening the
information to obtain a fuzzy relation (see table 1).
The context of the system is represented by a set
of discrete domains C = {C
,. .. ,C
}. Each domain
is associated with a dimension of the context (for in-
stance weather, company, time of the day, etc.) and
it has a finite set of values: C
= {v
,. .. ,v
}. We de-
fine the user context, named state, as a n-tuple of pairs
(value of the domain, degree).
Example 2. Let Weather, Company and Time of the
day be three context dimensions with the following
domains: Weather={hot, warn, cloudy, rainy}, Com-
pany={alone, friends, couple, family, large group}
and Time={morning, afternoon, evening, night}. A
user may specify his context by means of the state:
[(Hot, 0.8), (afternoon,0.8), (family,0.7)].
We define a context segment to be an specific
value of a domain and its associated degree. We pro-
vide a framework where each context segment is as-
sociated with a set of fuzzy implications. As we pre-
sented in section 3, implications may be labelled with
a degree to express the truthfulness of the implication
itself. Thus, the degree of the context segment is in-
herited by all its implications.
Example 3. The implications associated with each
context segment are introduced as follows (observe
that the degree of the context is transferred to the im-
Context segment: Hot/
. Implications:
, Views/
, Picturesque/
Context segment: Afternoon/
. Implications:
, Inexpensive/
Context segment: Family/
. Implications:
Air Cond./
As we mention in Section 4, the implication
in the last context segment indicates
that if the user is accompanied by his family with de-
gree 0.7 then the restaurant need to be inexpensive
with a degree greater than 0.6.
When a system manages a certain amount of infor-
mation, we have to provide an automatic way to an-
alyze and extract the important information to reduce
the computation cost. In our approach we propose
to use the automatic methods developed over FSL to
depurate the specification of the context and obtain a
canonical set of implications. There is a lot of works
related with the search of basis in FCA. An up to date
and complete work is (Bertet and Monjardet, 2010)
where the authors identify a set of properties that may
be cover by different basis definitions (minimal, di-
rect, canonical, etc). These characteristics may be
combined providing a diferent notion of basis. The
work of Bertet and Monjardet is focussed on crisp
FCA and it is still an open problem the definition of
suitable definitions for fuzzy implications basis for
fuzzy FCA.
Nevertheless, as example 4 shows, it is possible to
illustrate the benefits of using FSL to get an equiva-
lent and simpler set of implications.
Example 4. From the specification of the above ex-
ample, if we have that the context provided by the user
is {Hot/
, Afternoon/
, Family/
} then the set of
implication is built by adding all the above implica-
tion in a unified set:
Table 1: FCA representation of POIs.
Design Atmosphere Price Facilities
OpenSpace ClosedSpace Quiet Lively Picturesque Inexpensive Moderate Expensive Air Cond. Views Terrace
Standard Restaurant 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.2 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
Michelin Star 0.1 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.1
Burger 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.8 0.1 0.9 0.3 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.4
Tapas Bar 0.3 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1
Pizzeria 0.1 0.9 0.3 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.5
Beach Fresh Fish 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.9 0.9
Air Cond./
, Picturesque/
, Inexpensive/
Air Cond./
Using the inference rules of FSL we may remove
redundant information and we obtain an equivalent
and simpler set of implications:
Air Cond./
It should be noted that the redundancy removal al-
gorithm has a quadratic complexity with respect to
the number of implications. This number is much
lower than the number of POIs (usually several thou-
sands) in any touristic destination. Finally, our system
make use of the information associated with the user
context, provided by the unified and depurated set of
implications, to stretch the set of POIs to be recom-
mended to the user. For each POI in the FCA table,
we validate the set of implications, removing all the
POIS that does not satisfied them. The complexity of
this last step is O(n) where n is the number of POIs.
This way, we have designed a linear contextual pre-
filtering process.
Example 5. As in example 4, if the user context is
the afternoon of a hot day, traveling with his family,
our contextual pre-filtering process reduces the list of
restaurants of table 1 to Burger and Pizzeria, since:
Michelin star does not satisfy
Beach Fresh Fish does not satisfy
Standard restaurant and Tapas bar do not sat-
isfy ClosedSpace/
Air Cond.
This way, the set of POIs to be managed by
the content-based recommender is significatively re-
Content-based recommender systems may be signi-
ficatively improved by including contextual informa-
tion. To achieve this goal, we use fuzzy logic and
formal concept analysis as a solid framework to com-
bine context information and content-based recom-
menders. More specifically, we use Simplification
Logic to develop an intelligent and linear pre-filtering
process. This process generates a set of implications
which captures the context information and that it is
used to validate the items to be recommended. The
method is applied in two steps: in the first one we
translate the context information provided by a user
as an state, i.e. a simplified set of fuzzy implications,
and in the second step, the implications are used to
filter the items which fulfills them.
This work may be extended by considering two
future works related with the two steps of the pre-
filtering process. First, the implications induced by
the context may be enriched with implications auto-
matically extracted from the user interests stored in
the content. We propose to use formal concept analy-
sis to extract this information. As a second trend, we
propose to substitute the recommender algorithms by
formal concept analysis techniques.
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