Towards an Enterprise Architecture based Strategic
Alignment Model
An Evaluation of SAM based on ISO 15704
Virginie Goepp
and Michaël Petit
ICube, INSA Strasbourg, 24, bld de la Victoire, 67084-Starsbourg Cedex, France
PReCISE Research Center, Computer Sciences Faculty, University of Namur, Rue Grandagnage, 5000-Namur, Belgium
Keywords: Strategic Alignment Model, SAM, Business/IT Alignment, Enterprise Architecture, ISO 15704.
Abstract: The Strategic Alignment Model (SAM) remains one of the most relevant and cited models aiming at helping
managers to achieve business/IT (Information Technology) alignment. Several alternative approaches
extend or improve this model. A notable stream of research suggests applying Enterprise Architecture
principles complementarily or independently to the SAM. We analyze these proposals and argue that they
are sometimes fuzzy and hard to compare because they all use a specific structure or vocabulary making the
objectivation of their strengths and weaknesses difficult. Some common vocabulary and concepts such as
those of the ISO 15704 standard on Enterprise Reference Architectures and Methodologies are needed to
make their comparison rigorous. We report on our ongoing research, using this standard to analyse the
Most organizations nowadays rely heavily on
Information Technology (IT) applications and
technologies to perform their business. Since some
years now, the question of how to best use IT to and
drive the business activity and support strategy is a
concern of managers. The activity tackling this issue
(as well as the desirable state resulting from it) is
called strategic alignment or Business-IT Alignment
The Strategic Alignment Model (SAM)
(Henderson et al., 1993) remains one of the most
relevant and cited models aiming at helping
managers to achieve BITA. However, some
limitations to that model have been identified.
Several improvements have hence been proposed,
including the possible benefits of applying
Enterprise Architecture (EA) principles. Other EA
approaches for BITA not directly connected to the
SAM have also been proposed. In this paper, we
briefly analyze these proposals and argue that (1)
some remain hard to apply in practice because of
lack of precise guidelines, (2) some forget about
some important insights from the SAM, (3) each
approach has specific strengths and weaknesses,
and, last but not least, (4) they are hard to compare
because each approach uses a specific structure or
vocabulary making the objectivation of their
strengths and weaknesses difficult.
Some common vocabulary and concepts are
needed to make the comparison and evaluation of
the approaches rigorous. The (ISO 15704, 2000)
standard for Enterprise Reference Architectures and
Methodologies provides these standard elements. As
a first illustration of the use of that standard to
clarify some aspects of EA frameworks for BITA,
we evaluate the SAM with respect to the
requirements of ISO 15504. We show what kind of
insights can be gained from this analysis.
In section 2, we provide an overview of the
SAM, discuss its limitations and strengths and
describe extensions that have been proposed. Then
we describe and evaluate approaches proposed at the
crossroad of BITA and EA (section 3). This analysis
highlights the need for a rigorous comparison and
clarification of these approaches. Therefore in
section 4, as a showcase, we analyse the SAM in the
light of the (ISO 15704, 2000) standard before to
conclude in section 5.
Goepp V. and Petit M..
Towards an Enterprise Architecture based Strategic Alignment Model - An Evaluation of SAM based on ISO 15704.
DOI: 10.5220/0004564003700375
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 370-375
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 SAM Overview
The SAM detailed in Henderson (1993) is an
attempt first to refine the range of strategic choices
managers face to achieve strategic alignment; and
secondly to explore the way these choices inter-
relate in order to guide management practices
(Smaczny, 2001). It consists of four areas of
strategic choices defined by (cf. Figure 1):
Domains: Business and Information
Technologies (IT);
Levels: (that split domains): external (strategy)
and internal (structure) ,
Components (that characterize and compose
each level): scope, competencies and
governance in the external level; infrastructure,
skills and processes in the internal level.
Figure 1: Strategic Alignment Model adapted from
(Henderson et al., 1993).
The model is conceptualized in terms of two
building blocks (Henderson et al., 1993):
Strategic fit: the interrelations between external
and internal levels of a domain and
Functional integration: integration between the
“Business” and the ”IT” domains.
The SAM recognizes the need for cross domain
relationships. As a result the detailed alignment
perspectives work on the premise that strategic
alignment can only occur when three of the four
domains are in alignment. So, an alignment
perspective draws a line through three of the four
domains. Depending on the order in which the
different building blocks (strategic fit and functional
integration) are achieved, the SAM proposes four
alignment perspectives: strategy execution,
technology transformation, competitive potential and
service level. They all begin at the external level.
2.2 SAM Advantages, Drawbacks
and Improvement
The SAM has attracted a great deal of interest in the
research community. It is the most widespread and
accepted framework of alignment (Wang et al.,
2008). However, the model remains particularly
conceptual and the four alignment perspectives are
mainly descriptive of the companies’ strategic
behaviour regarding their use of information and
communication technologies. Therefore several
authors underline the difficulty to apply the model in
practice. For Reix (2000) this difficulty is linked to
the fact that the model does not consider explicitly
time and history. According to van Eck (2004),
neither the choice between the four alignment
perspectives nor the way to reach given alignment
goals are guided. In the same line, Avison (2004)
states that it is important that the SAM provides
practical benefits, even if few works detail how a
manager should use the SAM in practice other than
to understand this framework conceptually. Fimbel
(2006) synthesizes some features of the SAM that
make it difficult to apply from a management point
of view. For example, he states that the model
encompasses a “rationalistic and sequentialistic
view” of IS and strategic management that reduce
these activities to decision making and preparation.
Therefore, a certain set of works intend to improve
the model. Within this set we identify two main
research streams: (i) management-oriented
frameworks; (ii) EA-oriented ones. The first is out of
the scope of this paper and therefore not detailed
The second category proposes to use the
principle of EA in order to improve or complement
the SAM. These researches focus only on the SAM
structure which is modified through splitting the
domains and levels or through integration of
additional dimensions. This is the case of the generic
framework (Maes, 1999), the IAF (Integrated
Architecture Framework) (Goedvolk et al., 2000)
and the unified framework (Maes, 2000) that
couples the generic framework and the IAF. The
proposition of (Wang et al., 2008) is also based on
the SAM and completed with a method dedicated to
work out a specific EA for BITA. However, these
proposals have two main drawbacks. First, they do
not integrate the alignment perspective concept of
the SAM. Secondly, they do not fully exploit the EA
field. Indeed, the additional elements of these
frameworks are not described formally in terms of
modelling constructs for example.
In our view, EA seems to be a relevant direction
for structuring BITA, the next section details the
related works.
3.1 Business/IT Alignment with EA
When dealing with the notion of architecture, the
most widespread definition is the one from the
ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 (2007) that defines
“architecture” as: “The fundamental organization of
a system, embodied in its components, their
relationships to each other and the environment, and
the principles governing its design and evolution.
The open group architecture TOGAF (TOGAF,
2009) embraces this vision but the concept has two
meanings depending on the context: (1) A formal
description of a system, or a detailed plan of the
system at component level to guide its
implementation, or (2) The structure of components,
their inter-relationships, and the principles and
guidelines. Here, we focus on the second view of
architecture. This view is consistent with BITA
concerns. Therefore several authors propose to
exploit the concept of EA for BITA. There are two
research streams (i) proposition of specific EAs for
business IT/alignment, (ii) exploitation/completion
of existing EAs.
3.1.1 Proposition of Specific EAs
The first stream is the most widespread and consists
in structuring BITA around dimensions, layers or
levels. The number and kind of layers vary from a
given architecture to another. Generally these sets of
layers are coupled with specific processes dedicated
to guide the achievement of BITA. We identify the
following: GRAAL (van Eck et al., 2004; Wieringa
et al., 2003), BITAM (Chen et al., 2005) and SEAM
(Wegmann, 2007). It is interesting to note that
contrarily to those mentioned in section 2.2, these
proposals are not based strongly on the SAM and
propose a different structure.
(van Eck et al., 2004; Wieringa et al., 2003)
define the GRAAL framework in order to
operationalize the business/IT problem for software
architects. It consists of four architecture dimensions
on which a system can be described: (i) Lifecycle,
(ii) Aspects, (iii) Service layers, (iv) Refinement.
Even if a part of the dimensions proposed are
kept implicit and therefore not exploited, GRAAL is
the most detailed architecture we analyse. (Wieringa
et al., 2003) suggest a top-down design approach for
aligning the five layers of the GRAAL framework.
They use a number of interdependent architecture
descriptions drawn from the higher layers to the
lowers ones searching equivalence between elements
composing the different descriptions, keeping thus
BITAM (Business IT Alignment Method) (Chen
et al., 2005) couples business analysis and
architecture analysis. It defines three layers of a
business system: Business model, Business
architecture and IT architecture and proposes to
manage three kinds of alignment between the layers:
the business model to the business architecture, the
business architecture to the IT architecture and the
business model to the IT architecture. On this basis
BITAM provides a set of twelve steps for managing,
detecting and correcting misalignment.
Misalignments are defined as improper mappings
between the layers. Once misalignments have been
detected, alignment strategies are selected and
adopted in order to restore coherence in the
mappings. The concept of layer is not defined. It can
be interpreted in terms of domains that have to be
SEAM (Systemic Enterprise Architecture
Methodology) (Wegmann et al., 2007) is an EA
methodology structured in organisational levels. An
organisational level describes the enterprise from the
viewpoint of one or more specialists. SEAM
considers four organisational levels: the business
level, the company level, the operation level and the
technology level. Each level describes either what
currently exists (as-is) or what should exist (to-be)
by using modelling techniques. This approach does
not prioritise any of these levels to initiate or drive
alignment. The alignment process is iterative and
has three kinds of development activities: Multi-
level modelling, Multi-level design and Multi-level
3.1.2 Exploitation of Existing EAs
The second stream consists in extending existing EA
approaches and using them to support BITA.
(Fritscher and Pigneur, 2011) propose an EA
framework elaborated by extending the ArchiMate
EA (Lankhorst, 2005) in order to incorporate lacking
business model concerns, such as those tackled by
the Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder and
Pigneur, 2010). The resulting architecture includes
three main layers (corresponding to a refinement of
the three layers of ArchiMate): (i) Business model,
(ii) Application Portfolio and (iii) IT Infrastructure.
Modelling constructs to be used in order to describe
the enterprise on all levels include those of
ArchiMate plus those of the Canvas. The resulting
architecture is richer than ArchiMate for dealing
with business aspects but does not covers the IT
strategy domain of the SAM. The approach also
does not provide a precise method for ensuring
alignment among layers but the way the layers may
correspond is suggested by the application of the
approach on a particular case study.
Another example is the work of (Cuenca et al.,
2011). They define a set of five IS (Information
System)/IT components that has to be included in
EAs in order to support BITA; e.g. strategy
definition in earlier life-cycle or application and
services portfolio. In order to complete existing EAs
building blocks are formalized and their links with
traditional modelling construct described. The
approach is interesting as it tries to formalize
building blocks required for business IT/alignment.
However, the analysis of exiting EA is very coarse
and the set of components proposed is not justified.
3.2 Discussion
The works concerning BITA with EA are puzzling
as there are as much architectures as authors. There
is little consensus on the structure of an EA, among
others on the dimensions that have to be included.
Recurrent concepts of layer, level, viewpoint,
abstraction are used without clarification of their
signification, their necessity and their
complementarity for achieving BITA.
Each architecture has its strengths and
weaknesses. There is a need to evaluate and compare
them in order to be able to select the best candidate
for a particular BITA effort, or from a research point
of view, to identify their potential improvements and
combinations into a better one. However, because of
the imprecisions about the definitions, this
comparison is difficult to make.
One way to clarify these aspects is to use a
standard. Standards are established through
consensus building and represent a common view of
a particular problem and can therefore naturally play
the role of a common reference.
In this paper, similarly to (Cuenca et al., 2011),
we propose to exploit the (ISO 15704, 2000) for this
purpose. This standard describes requirements for
enterprise-reference architectures and
methodologies. The scope of the standard covers
those constituents deemed necessary to carry out all
types of enterprise creation projects as well as any
incremental change projects required by the
enterprise throughout the whole life of the
enterprise. We consider that Business-IT alignment
fits nicely into this scope.
As a first step to clarify EA-based approaches to
alignment, in the sequel of the paper, we will use
(ISO 15704, 2000) as a mean to evaluate the SAM
as a reference architecture and methodology. Indeed,
to the best of our knowledge, there are currently no
approaches that combine the structure of the SAM
and that fully exploit the principles of EAs.
4.1 Requirements for EA
The (ISO 15704, 2000) provides three kinds of
Applicability and coverage describing the scope
of a given EA considering the type of enterprise
(generality) and the supported enterprise life-
cycle stage (design and/or operation);
Concepts describing the type of concepts that
the EA enables to represent;
Components describing the elements that
compose the EA (methodologies, modelling
languages, tools, …).
In the next section we analyse, according these
requirements, the SAM of Henderson (1993).
4.2 SAM Analysis
The SAM fulfils the applicability and coverage
requirements. Indeed, its scope is clear: “defining
the range of strategic choices managers face, during
business IT/alignment, and exploring how they
interrelate” in order to provide alignment
perspectives that define the role of management. In
other words it is targeted at all classes of enterprises
for the specific BITA concern. It is design driven as
it provides management practices.
Concerning the concept requirements, we map the
different components of the SAM to the type of
concept defined in the standard (see upper part of
Table 1). Some components are easy to map such as
the skills in the IT and business domains. They
correspond to human oriented concepts. For other
components the descriptions that the SAM provides
are not precise enough and can therefore be
interpreted in different ways. For example, the
processes in both domains could include technology
oriented concepts (if the used technologies are part
of the processes description), even it is not stated
explicitly in the SAM descriptions. In this case the
cell contains “?”. Even if the business and IT
Table 1: Mapping between SAM components with
concept and modelling views requirements from (ISO
15704, 2000).
Business I/T
Business Scope
Distinctive competencies
Business Governance
Administrative Infrastructure
Technology Scope
Systemic competencies
I/T Governance
? ? x x ? ? ? x
x x
? ? x x x ?
x x
x x
x x x x
x x ? x x x x x x
x x x ?
domains have the same component structures, the
concept mapping can be different, if we base strictly
on the SAM description. This is highlighted in the
table with the cells in grey. For example, the IT
architectures focuses on the portfolio of applications,
the configuration of hardware, software and so on.
Therefore, we map this component with technology
and eventually with human oriented concepts. In
comparison the administrative infrastructure focuses
exclusively on human oriented concepts. Last but
not least the business scope and distinctive
competencies in the SAM find no equivalent in the
standard requirements. This is not surprising as the
SAM is a model dedicated to BITA, it has to
integrate the company’s positioning on the market.
This is not mandatory for ISO 15704:2000
compliant EAs because its focus is more on
(internal) enterprise engineering.
The analysis of the modelling view requirement
is very interesting. It enables to reinterpret the way
the SAM is organised according to domains
(business/IT), levels (internal/external) and
components (three for each sub-domain). Indeed,
according to (ISO 15704, 2000), a modelling view
allows presenting different subset of an integrated
model to the user. These subsets enable to highlight
relevant questions while hiding others. From this
point of view, the domains, levels and components
can all be considered as modelling views. These are
not properly speaking integrated but put side by side,
they provide a complete model of the strategic
choices linked to BITA. The domains and levels can
be considered as views that are useful either for a
particular purpose (e.g. define strategy, design
internal organisation) either for a stakeholder role
(e.g. top business, IT manager, operations manager).
Inside these sub-domains we interpret each of the
twelve components of the SAM as a model-content
based view (focusing on some specific type of
model content).
The standard states that a model-based reference
EA shall include at least four of such views:
function, information, resource and organisation.
These views are not detailed in the ISO 15704:2000
standard, therefore we use the definition and related
modelling constructs provided in the (ISO 19439,
2006) and (ISO 19440, 2007). As a result we map
them to the components of the SAM (see lower part
of Table 1). On the external level the function view
is not included. This seems logical as on this level
the SAM intends to describe the arena in which the
company competes. Here, the function view that
considers processes, activities and their inputs and
outputs is not useful. We consider that the business
scope can be modelled partly by defining enterprise
objects corresponding to enterprise products or
services. Therefore, it is mapped to the information
view. In the IT domain, the technology scope
includes concepts related to the information and
resources views. On the internal level, the business
domain relates to all four views. The IT internal one
does not include explicitly aspects related to the
organisation view. This could however be the case at
least for the processes (“?” in lower part of Table 1).
The life-cycle and life history requirements are
not explicitly addressed in the SAM. It would be
possible to elicit life cycle activities from the
description of alignment perspectives and the role of
each domain in the perspective (anchor, pivot,
impacted). In this way life-cycle phases that are
pertinent for BITA could be defined independently
from the levels avoiding the confusion between
internal/external and abstraction levels.
From the genericity requirement point of view,
the SAM provides generic concepts. So, it enables to
support generic, partial and particular models. The
SAM does not fulfil the other component
requirements of the standard: it includes no
methodology, no modelling languages and no tool.
In this paper we exploit the (ISO 15704, 2000) to
analyse the conformance of the SAM to EA
frameworks and methodologies requirements. The
analysis is not always easy to perform because of the
sometimes imprecise definitions of the SAM that
often require interpretation. Regarding conformance,
the SAM meets the applicability and coverage
Concerning the concepts, it covers to some
extent all required aspects (human, process,
technology, mission-fulfilment, control fulfilment)
and provides additional ones specific to BITA
(mainly business scope and distinct competencies).
According to (Henderson et al., 1993) the business
and IT domains of the SAM shall have the same
structure, our analysis shows that they do not exactly
address the same aspects. The use of the ISO
standard pushes to clarify the nature of the
dimensions the SAM proposes. We interpret them as
modelling views (model content and purpose). Even
if the four mandatory views of ISO (function,
resources, organisation, and information) are not
explicitly defined in the SAM, each of them is
somehow addressed.
Concerning the components, apart from the type
of model supported, the SAM does not provide any
of life-cycle, methodology, modelling languages and
tool. This is consistent with the SAM’s limitation
already identified in the literature. Our analysis
makes them more explicit, structured and objective.
It also underlines the relation between SAM
perspectives and the ISO notion of lifecycle. This
provides an interesting future research direction.
We also plan, in the future, to further analyse the
other approaches mentioned in the paper. In this way
their comparison and the evaluation of their
conformance to the standard requirements will be
possible, leading to the identification of clear
directions for their improvement or selection.
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