Mining the Long Tail of Search Queries
Finding Profitable Patterns
Michael Meisel, Maik Benndorf and Andreas Ittner
Professur Informatik Verteilte Informationssysteme, Hochschule Mittweida, Technikumplatz 17, Mittweida, Germany
Data Mining in Electronic Commerce, Mining Text and Semi-structured Data.
Many search engine marketing campaigns contain a lot of different search queries with a low frequency re-
ferred as “Long Tail”. It is not possible to draw reliable conclusions about the performance of a specific
search query with low frequency regarding a business goal because of its limited sample size. In this paper
we present a method for nding profitable patterns in the long tail of search queries. The method aggregates
search queries based on mined patterns and rejects the non profitable groups. We applied our method to a
search engine marketing campaign with over 10,000 different search queries and performed an offline test and
an online A/B-test to measure the performance of the method.
Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of adver-
tising where companies promote their products based
on customers search queries. Advertisers select a set
of keywords where their adverts should be placed and
a bid price they are willing to pay. The search engine
determines for each search query the matching key-
word definitions and places the adverts in dependence
of the bids of the competitors.
The frequency distribution referred as long tail is
well known ((Anderson, 2004), (Anderson, 2006))
and rests upon the Pareto Principle where 80% of the
effects come from 20% of the causes. This princi-
ple applies in many different areas as in the distri-
bution of search queries in search engine marketing
campaigns, where a small number of search queries
generate the main part of the traffic and a large num-
ber of search queries generate the remaining, smaller
part. The competition and costs in bidding for the
keywords matching the few search queries with a lot
of traffic is much higher as for the keywords match-
ing search queries with little traffic. Because of that a
trend emerged to target search engine marketing cam-
paigns on the search queries in the long tail (B. Skiera,
2010). Summing up the traffic generated by thou-
sands of cheap keywords can be very profitable but
optimizing a campaign with a large number of low
frequency search queries to increase e.g. a conversion
rate is very difficult. It is not possible to draw reli-
able conclusions about the quality of a specific search
query when the sample size is too small. We devel-
oped a method to overcome this problem by aggre-
gating single search queries in the long tail to larger
sets of queries and providing the corresponding key-
word definition. Thus it becomes possible to optimize
a search engine marketing campaign in terms of a de-
fined metric by identifying profitable keyword defi-
nitions with a statistically more significant size and
rejecting the unprofitable keyword definitions.
The idea of the long tail was popularized by Chris
Anderson ((Anderson, 2004), (Anderson, 2006)) to
describe the demand for niche products. Anderson
noted that a substantial fraction of revenue is gener-
ated from those niche products and argues that the
“future of business is selling less of more” (Ander-
son, 2006). Brynjolfsson et al. further analyzed
the anatomy and economics of long tail markets
((E. Brynjolfsson, 2007), (E. Brynjolfsson, 2011)).
In search engine marketing there has been a lot of
interest from researchers on forecasting the success of
single keywords by analyzing the relations between
bid, rank and click-through rate ((J. Feng, 2007),
(A. Ghose, 2009)). Rusmevichientong et al. postu-
lated an adaptive bidding algorithm for identifying
profitable keywords where click-through rates, costs
and profits of the keywords were known in advance
Meisel M., Benndorf M. and Ittner A..
Mining the Long Tail of Search Queries - Finding Profitable Patterns.
DOI: 10.5220/0004521602250229
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (SSTM-2013), pages 225-229
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(P. Rusmevichientong, 2006), which is problematic
with low frequency keywords. In addition long tail
search engine marketing campaigns became very pop-
ular and attained attention in research (B. Skiera,
2010). Skiera et al. argue in their empirical study that
focusing on the long tail is not that profitable because
the top 20% of keywords in terms of search volume
coveredalready 94.32% of the conversions(B. Skiera,
2010). Nonetheless our tests show that it can be valu-
able to find profitable pattern in the long tail.
Another research stream in web search focuses
on finding concepts in search queries and relation-
ships between search and interest ((G. Xu, 2009),
(M. Pasca, 2007)). As far as we know there has been
no work on aggregating search queries in the long tail
from a search engine marketing perspective.
Our method is a recursive algorithm (Algorithm 1). It
aggregates search queries in dependence on a given
target metric and provides viable keyword defini-
tions for later deployment in Google Adwords. Typ-
ical target metrics for optimizing search engine mar-
keting campaigns are click-through rate, conversion
rate, cost-per-click and cost-per-conversion. The al-
gorithm has four different parameters:
training data (T)
offset phrase (o)
minimal size (mS)
quality measure (mQ).
The training data for the algorithm has to contain
a list of different search engine queries and the re-
quired attributes for calculating the target metric (e.g.
number of impressions and numberof clicks for click-
through rate as target metric). The algorithm divides
the whole set of available search queries into distinct
subsets in dependence of the most frequent phrase in
the set containing the offset phrase. The subsets are
further spitted till the stop criterion is reached. The
stop criterion is the minimal size of the subset. The
target metric determines the attribute for calculating
the minimal size (e.g. target metric conversion rate
determines number of clicks as minimal size because
the conversion rate depends on the number of clicks).
If a subset cannot be divided any further the target
metric in the subset is calculated. If the target met-
ric in the subset fulfils the requirements of the qual-
ity measure the keyword definitions for the subset are
The requirements of the target platform where the
optimized search engine marketing campaign should
Algorithm 1: Keyword Definition Generation.
procedure GETKEYWORDS(T, o, mS, mQ)
Find the most frequent phrase mf p in the
available search queries T containing o.
Divide T into three subsets A, B,C with:
a A, mf p = a
b B, mf p b
c C, m f p 6⊂ c
if (getSize(A) > mS then
if getQuality(A) > mQ then
Generate a new keyword definition
containing the most frequent phrase
(mf p).
end if
end if
if getSize(B) > mS then
getKeywords(B, m f p, mS, mQ)
if getQuality(B) > mQ then
Generate a new keyword definition
containing the most frequent phrase
(mf p).
end if
end if
if getSize(C) > mS then
getKeywords(C, o, mS, mQ)
if getQuality(C) > mQ then
Generate a new keyword definition
containing the most frequent offset
phrase (o).
end if
end if
end procedure
be deployed limit the design of possible keyword def-
initions. Therefore a single keyword definition can
only consist of a phrase (single words in a specific
order) with four different modifiers (Table 1). Table
2 shows an example set of possible keyword defini-
tions describing a profitable subset of matching search
queries found by the algorithm.
Table 1: Allowed modifiers for keyword definitions.
exact match
Matches if a search query equals
the phrase: [phrase].
phrase match
Matches if a search query contains
the phrase with optional words be-
fore or after the phrase: ”phrase”.
exact match
Doesn’t match if the search query
equals the phrase: -[phrase].
phrase match
Doesn’t match if the search query
contains the phrase: -”phrase”.
Table 2: Example of keyword definitions describing a prof-
itable subset.
”flights online
-”free flights online”
-”compare flights online”
-”flights online tracking”
-”flights online game”
We applied the algorithm to a search engine mar-
keting campaign with a distinct long tail distribu-
tion of the search queries (Figure 1). The campaign
was carried out over the span of 365 days and con-
tained 10,232 different search queries where the ad-
vertisement was clicked at least one time. About 80%
of the search queries occurred only once during the
whole time. The campaign was not homogenous over
the period. During the running time the campaign
owner had already made some adjustments to elim-
inate bad performing keywords. We took this into ac-
count when we divided the data into training and test
The target metric of our analysis was the cost-per-
conversion. A conversion was defined as the registra-
tion of a new user to the website after he had clicked
on the advertisement. The data contained the follow-
ing attributes on a daily basis: search query, number
of clicks, number of conversions, total costs.
We divided the available data into training and test
sets to evaluate our method. It was not possible to
split the data linearly because of its non-homogeneous
nature. Therefore we selected randomly 290 days for
training and 75 days for testing. The algorithm gen-
erated a set of keyword definitions from the training
data regarding the given values for the minimal size
and the quality measure. The selected target met-
ric for optimization determined the number of clicks
as measure for the minimal size because cost-per-
conversion is directly correlated to the conversionrate
Figure 1: Distribution of search queries.
Table 3: Evaluation metrics.
The cost-per-conversiongained by
the search queries matching the
selected keyword definitions in
the test set.
The costs caused by the search
queries matching the selected key-
word definitions in the test set in
relation to the total costs in the test
Relative Con-
The number of conversion gained
by the search queries matching
the selected keyword definitions
in the test set in relation to the total
number of conversions in the test
Gain Relative Conv.-Relative Costs
which depends on the number of clicks. The quality
measure to score the profitability of a generated key-
word definition was a maximum value for the cost-
per-conversion the keyword definition obtained in the
training data. Afterwards we applied the presumably
profitable keyword definitions to the test data and cal-
culated different evaluation metrics (Table 3). We run
several tests as three-fold cross validation with differ-
ent parameter settings to explore their influence.
The first chart (Figure 2) shows the achieved gain
on the test set over different values for the mini-
mal size (number of clicks) with the quality measure
(maximum cost-per-conversion) fixed to 4.70. The
maximum gain occurred at minimal size=40. Smaller
values for minimal size were indicative of over fit-
ting the keyword definitions to the train data whereas
larger numbers lead to more unspecific keyword defi-
nitions and decreasing gain.
The second chart (Figure 3) shows the dependency
between maximum cost-per-conversion and relative
conversions and relative costs measured on the test
data with minimal size fixed to 40. The relative
conversions and costs decreased with the maximum
cost-per-conversion. This is because of the decreas-
Figure 2: Gain to minimal size.
Figure 3: Maximum cost-per-click to relative conversions
and relative cost.
ing number of generated keyword definitions with de-
creasing cost-per-conversion. The largest slope of the
curve appeared around the average value of cost-per-
conversion in all test sets. The gain was positive over
all tested values. The largest gain occurred at a max-
imum cost-per-conversion of 3.60. The curves for
other values of minimal size looked similar but with
smaller values for gain.
Table 4 shows the target metric cost-per-
conversion (CpConv) and relative number of conver-
sions (relConv) we obtained in the test set with differ-
ent parameter settings. The cost-per-conversion in all
test sets without optimization averaged 3.47.
Table 4: Selected results.
CpConv relConv
35 3.10 2.81 (-19%) 24.0%
35 3.70 3.06 (-12%) 50.5%
35 4.10 3.31 (-4.6%) 89.4%
After the offline experiments we conducted an online
A/B-test to verify the results. The control group was
made up of the settings from the original search en-
gine marketing campaign we had used for training.
The treatment group was made up of the keyword def-
initions our algorithm generated with minimal size set
to 40 and maximum cost-per-conversion to 4.10 (Ta-
ble 4). We elected this parameter setting because it
obtained the largest gain with a highvalue for the rela-
tive number of conversions generated by the keyword
definitions. Both groups had the same size in terms of
available budget and were identical despite of the key-
word definitions. From the results in the offline exper-
iment we expected a 4.6% lower cost-per-conversion
in the treatment group.
Table 5: Results Online A/B-Test.
Group Conver-
CpConv Variance
255 2.67 2.10
Test Group 265 2.25 1.39
The results of the A/B-test (Table 5) indicated a
lower cost-per-conversion in the treatment group as
in the control group. The t-value for the Welch-test
was 3.61 (pvalue = 0.00017) which fulfils a signif-
icance level of 0.05. Thus the null hypothesis that the
cost-per-conversion in both groups was the same can
be rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis that
the cost-per-conversion in the treatment group were
lower as in the control group. So the online experi-
ment approved the results of our offline experiment.
From the offline experiment we expected the to-
tal number of conversion in the test group to be lower
than in the control group. We cannot conclusively ex-
plain why the number of conversions in the test group
was actually higher than in the control group. The
relatively small number of total conversions in the on-
line test and small expected difference in the number
of conversions might be an explanation that this hap-
pened by chance.
In this paper we provided a method to aggregate low
frequency search queries from the long tail into prof-
itable keyword definitions. We could show that it
is possible to indentify profitable groups of search
queries in the long tail regarding an optimization goal
like cost-per-conversion. Although the method is
pretty simple we consider the obtained improvements
on the target metric in the online experiment as rele-
vant for practical usage. We could lower the cost-per-
conversion of a SEM campaign significantly without
loss of reach. On the downside the generated keyword
definitions were partially unintelligibly and none self-
explanatorily. This could be a problem in practice
because it makes SEM campaigns difficult to control
e.g. in terms of a targeted advertising of a single prod-
uct in shops with multiple products.
As search engine marketing campaigns provide
data about different dimensions like advertisement
position, time, origin and channel we see potential
for further work on this topic. The consideration
of additional dimensions reduces the sample size of
search queries even more and aggregating low fre-
quency search queries is a practical method to over-
come this problem.
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