A TV Commercial Retrieval System based on Audio Features
Jose E. Borras
, Jorge Igual
, Carlos Fernandez-Llatas
and Vicente Traver
ITACA-TSB, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
ITEAM, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Pattern Recognition, TV Commercial, Audio Features, Detection.
In spite of new digital platforms, television (TV) continues to be the most influential advertising medium. The
advertisers need to verify that their commercials are broadcasted on TV in the number and time they pay for
them. Nowadays, this job is done manually by visual inspection of recordings of the broadcasted signal every
day, consuming a lot of human resources. We present a system that automatize the process of identification
of TV commercials. It is based on the detection of target commercials using their audio features. With the
purpose of reducing the time of detection and the storage requirements, it uses audio features in a compact
transformed domain. The algorithm is based on the similarities in the cepstral domain of the commercial
to be detected and the audio recording of the TV signal. The results show that the system is able to obtain a
satisfactory detection rate in a short time (detection rate above 90% with no false alarms), allowing the analysis
of long recordings in a fast way.
This paper focuses on the development of a sys-
tem able to localize known TV commercials in large
databases in a fast and effective way.
The advertising paradigm is changing in the digi-
tal era. Traditional mass media advertising is reveal-
ing less efficient than digital interactive marketing. It
does not mean the end of mass media and general
purpose advertising in a short time. It just means
that marketing is becoming more complicate and that
tools that can help in the automatizing of processes
are becoming very valuable. Traditional advertising
includes direct mail, television (TV), magazines, out-
door, newspapers, and radio. Among all of them, TV
and radio are the ones that probably will never disap-
pear, although their percentage will decrease, increas-
ing the investment in the new digital media, basically
social networks (internet), online video, and mobile
The transformation of marketing to the digital era
has the advantage that pattern recognition techniques
(Duda et al., 2000) can be applied to solve classical
detection, identification or classification problems in
advertising in a more efficient way. Machine learning
can provide a series of very helpful automated mon-
itoring tools to the companies on charge of auditing
advertising campaigns.
Traditional TV is also moving to a new paradigm
where interactivity and, as a consequence, personal
TV is substituting typical broadcasting model. The
fragmentation of audience in different technologies
and specific content based channels complicates ba-
sic tasks in advertising management.
The measurement of the effectiveness of an ad-
vertising campaign is very controversial (Lavidge and
Steiner, 2000). The first and most obvious task in ad-
vertising management is to verify that the commercial
campaign has been broadcasted correctly, satisfying
the signed advertising contract about number of com-
mercials, time, duration, etc. This work is usually car-
ried out manually by experts that visualize hours and
hours of TV and extract the information of interest,
i.e., in channel X the commercial Y was broadcasted
from Monday to Friday at 20:00 PM. This procedure
requires the use of a huge amount of resources, not
only human.
Another problem is that real time supervision is
almost impossible since it requires even more re-
sources. The typical procedure is that at the end of
the day (depending on the contract), reviewers su-
pervise the recorded video looking for the commer-
cial breaks and identifying the corresponding com-
mercials of interest. Considering the growing num-
ber of channels, the increasing number of technolo-
gies involved in the broadcasting of multimedia con-
E. Borras J., Igual J., Fernandez-Llatas C. and Traver V..
A TV Commercial Retrieval System based on Audio Features.
DOI: 10.5220/0004511800650070
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications and 10th International Conference on Wireless
Information Networks and Systems (SIGMAP-2013), pages 65-70
ISBN: 978-989-8565-74-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tent and the corresponding logistic problems in the
recording of these contents and human supervision,
advertising agencies are requiring the automating of
many of these processes or at least the development
of tools than can alleviate the load of the expert. Al-
though the final decision is taken by the human expert,
any application that can reduce the time dedicated by
the expert to the supervision is very useful.
In the field of TV commercials, there are two main
different problems. One is the identification of the
commercial breaks. This is done by the detection of
some audio and video features such as blank screens,
change in the volume and some other discriminating
characteristics. In the literature we can find many al-
gorithms to detect the commercial breaks; see, e.g.,
(Lienhart et al., 1997), (Satterwhite and Marques,
2004) or (Zhang et al., 2012).
The second problem is the analysis of the com-
mercial. In this case, the pattern recognition problem
can be stated in different ways. The most basic one
is the detection (identification) of a known commer-
cial to assure that the campaign is broadcasted accord-
ing to the terms of the agreement with the publicity
agency (Duan et al., 2006). Another one is an un-
supervised classification approach, i.e., there is not a
target advertisement to look for but some clusters that
can represent different classes of commercials, e.g.,
attending to their content (Hua et al., 2009).
In this paper, we address the detection problem or
commercial retrieval, i.e., multimedia search in long
recordings of broadcasted TV signals by a given com-
mercial query. We will assume that the commercial
breaks are correctly localized in the time domain and
the goal is the identification of some known commer-
cials in the recorded segments in a fast and effective
The key point, as in most pattern recognitionprob-
lems, is to find a domain where the classes are sepa-
rable or, in a more realistic approach, to find out the
most discriminating features according to the prob-
lem under consideration. In the case of TV commer-
cials, we have two different kinds of signals: the au-
dio and video information. Since we are interested
on a system that works rapidly and not demanding
too many resources in terms of memory and compu-
tational load, we will explore in this paper a solution
based on the audio features.
The system is composed of three stages: in the first
one, the recorded broadcasted signal is preprocessed
in order to reduce its length and to obtain an input sig-
nal that is composed only of commercial breaks; in
the second one, the descriptor of the query commer-
cial is calculated and, in the third one, the detector is
2.1 Preprocessing
The data come from real recordings of broadcasted
TV signal. The first task is the extraction of the com-
mercials. As we mentioned, there are many algo-
rithms to carry out this work. We will assume that it is
done in advance. In our case, we use Comskip (Com-
skip, 2012), a free MPEG commercial detector. It is a
windows console application that reads a MPEG file
and using information related to logo, black frames,
silences, changes in aspect ratio and so on is able to
indicate the time where a commercial break starts and
Comskip is a configurable software, so some pa-
rameters must be set previously by trial and error de-
pending on the broadcaster, i.e., TV channel. We use
a set of parameters that pursue the goal that no com-
mercial fragment is missing. In order to reassure this,
we add a minute of broadcasting before and after to
every commercial break detected by Comskip. This
implies that the input data can contain some content
that does not correspond to advertising. This is a trade
off between the rapidness of the detection procedure
and the overall system type II error or false negatives,
i.e., commercials that are not detected in the broad-
Finally, the different time periods of advertising
breaks are concatenated obtaining a signal that is
composed mostly of commercials x[n]. We will use
only the audio part of the commercial, reducing the
storage requirements and the time of computation.
Some systems to detect and recognize commercials
using the video content can be found in the literature,
such as (Putpuek et al., 2010) or (Wu et al., 2010).
Note that the duration of commercials on TV
range from a few seconds to a minute or even more in
exceptional circumstances, depending on each coun-
try, broadcaster, time of the day or TV program. Con-
sidering the audio content, the diversity we can find is
enormous. Some are based on people talking; some
others are based on music; even there may be silent
in very few occasions. This diversity means that,
in order to obtain a general procedure, we can not
exploit specific properties of speech or music wave-
forms. The goal of our proposal is to obtain a general
purpose algorithm with an effective detection rate and
a low computational cost.
The last step in the preprocessing is the reduction
of the amount of data. Since one of the restrictions of
the detection algorithm is its low computational cost,
it is useful to reduce the dimension of the data. In
addition, considering that the input data x[n], i.e., the
merging of commercial breaks, is extremely huge in
nowadays TV with a lot of different channels brad-
casting 24 hours a day, the dimensional reduction of
the input is a must.
We use wavelets for this purpose. A wavelet is a
waveform of limited duration giving location in time
with some vanishing moments and finite energy (Mal-
lat, 2009). The waveform depends on which wavelet
family is chosen. Its localization features in time and
frequency domain make them a very attractive tool in
analyzing non stationary signals such as speech sig-
The discrete wavelet transform of x[n] is obtained
passing it through a set of filters. At the first level,
the input signal is decomposed as the combination
of some approximation coefficients (obtained with a
low pass filter) and the detail coefficients (obtained
with a high pass filter). In order to keep the same the
length of the input signal and the decomposition, the
low and high pass filtered signals are downsampled
by 2. Therefore, the first level approximation of x[n]
can be expressed such as:
v[n] =
x[k]g[2n k] (1)
where g[n] is the impulse response of the low pass
filter. In our case, g[n] corresponds to the Daubechies
wavelet of order 9.
The signal v[n] looks like an approximation of the
original one with half the length, i.e., we havereduced
the time resolution by a factor of 2. In our case, we
work with audio signals sampled at 11025 Hz, so this
reduction is irrelevant in terms of accuracy in the time
location of the commercial.
Next step is the representation of the commercials
in a very compact way; it requires the transformation
to a domain where the discriminative characteristics
of the audio part of a commercial can be represented
by a short feature vector or descriptor. At the same
time, this vector must be as easy to obtain as possible
since we will have to apply the same transformation
to the time series v[n].
2.2 Descriptor of the Commercial
In the case of audio recognition, the feature vector is
usually composed of spectral descriptors and dynamic
time characteristics. In our case, we are not limited
to a kind of particular audio signals, as it is the case
in speech recognition systems or music information
retrieval. It implies that the information is not con-
centrated in a particular type of acoustical signal pa-
rameters, such as for voiced or unvoiced sounds. Any
kind of sound content, including its absence, i.e., a
silent segment, can be helpful in the identification of
the commercial.
We use the cepstrum as the starting point to ob-
tain the descriptor; the cepstrum coefficients are being
used as the feature vector in many pattern recognition
applications working on audio input signals, such as
in (Furui, 1986). A variation that takes into account
the way the human ear filters the sound in the fre-
quency domain is the mel-frequency cepstrum, that
uses a bank of filters with triangular shape and differ-
ent bandwidth.
The real cepstrum is defined for a real signal z[n]
such as the inverse Fourier transform of the logarithm
of the magnitude of the Fourier transform of z[n]:
[n] =
dω (2)
where Z(e
) is the Fourier transform of z[n].
In order to compress the signal, it is common to
keep only the first 10 or 20 coefficients. But this is
not possible in our problem since the application of
the same transformation to v[n] would produce a time
series still too long. So we have to reduce the number
of coefficients. To minimize the length of the descrip-
tor, we finally order the coefficients by magnitude and
keep the index position of the largest coefficient. This
index becomes one element of the descriptor.
Repeating the procedure to every 40 milliseconds
of the signal, we obtain the definitive vector w[n]
that describes the commercial. The 40 milliseconds
fragments are obtained using a Hamming window to
avoid transients in the border but keeping the signal
quasi stationary in the interval. The window is mov-
ing overlapping one third between blocks.
As an example, in figure 1 we show two com-
mercials and their corresponding representation in the
feature domain. The top figures correspond to a case
where the audio content is mostly music. We show
the time waveform (left) and the feature vector (right).
The bottom figures are an example of a waveform
where the audio content is basically a person talking.
Since we are working with commercials of different
0 10 20
Wav Music
time (sec)
200 400 600
feature vector Wav Music
0 10 20
Wav Speaking
time (sec)
200 400 600
feature vector Wav Speaking
Figure 1: Top-left: commercial with music. Top-right: feature vector of it. Bottom-left: commercial with speaking. Bottom-
right: feature vector of it.
duration, the length of the descriptor depends on the
duration of the commercial.
The same transformation is applied to the prepro-
cessed input signal v[n], obtaining the vector y[n].
2.3 Detector
The detection is carried out using classical detector
based on the cross-correlation between the feature
vector of the commercial w[n] and the preprocessed
audio signal y[n]. It is defined such as:
r(m) =
(w(i) ˆw)(y(m+ i) ˆy)
(w(i) ˆw)
(y(m+ i) ˆy)
where ˆw is the mean value of the vector w =
(w[1], . . . , w[N]) and ˆy is the mean value of the cor-
responding fragment of y[n], i.e., y = (y[m], . . . , y[m+
N 1]).
The detection rule reads as: a commercial is de-
tected at time m when correlation function r(m) is
greater than certain threshold λ. The value of λ is
established empirically since we do not have a proba-
bilistic model for the underlying hypothesis.
Note that the correlation can be greater than the
threshold for some consecutive time indexes. The al-
gorithm keeps as the detection instant the sample m
where r(m) is maximum. The actual time location of
that index in the original broadcasted signal is easily
obtained since we keep track of all the transforma-
tion of the preprocessed signal. The algorithm can be
personalized if we include the duration of the com-
mercial as a parameter that helps to select the instants
where the detector is applied.
The only parameter of the system is the threshold
value λ. Its valuecan be updated in a dynamic way us-
ing some supervised detection periodically,e.g., when
the broadcaster has changed. In any case, the system
is tested periodically to check that the false alarm and
detection rates are adequate according to the require-
ments of the system.
The input data are recordings from different digital
television channels. Comskip is applied to the MPEG
signal to extract the commercial blocks and the audio
part is digitized using a sampling frequency of 11025
Hz and 16 bits. Since we are adding one minute be-
fore and after Comskip detects a commercial break,
our detection algorithm can give duplicate positives
when Comskip fails and our searched commercial is
in this extra time and the time between commercial
blocks is one minute or less (a very rare situation).
As an example of the detection procedure, in fig-
ure 2 we show the correlation between the searched
commercial and 30 seconds of broadcasted signal af-
ter preprocessing. It is clear that the peak in the func-
tion indicates the presence of the commercial at that
time. As we can appreciate, the signal to noise ratio
is very large, so the threshold in the decision making
can be set in a large confidence interval.
Figure 2: Cross-correlation function. The peak around sam-
ple n = 800 corresponds to a detection.
The algorithm has been tested in different condi-
tions. In table 1 we show the results for the following
experiment. We obtained 22 recordings from a gen-
eral purpose TV channel at different times of the day.
The duration of every recordingis between thirty min-
utes and one hour. The database includes 350 com-
mercials, including some of them very similar since
they belong to the same advertising campaign. The
duration of each of them is between 6 and 70 sec-
onds. The threshold value is set to 0.4 to minimize
false alarms. As we can see, there are recordings
without commercials and some others with a lot of
them (prime time). The average detection rate is 92%
and the false alarm is zero, i.e., there are not false pos-
The most important advantage of the presented
method with respect to the application of correlation
between the commercial time series (or correspond-
ing Fourier transform) and the input signal is its rapid-
ness. Thus, an important factor to be considered is
how to divide the input audio stream in order to re-
Table 1: Number of commercials that are (are not) detected
in corresponding recording. There are not false alarms.
Record# Detected Non Detected
Record 1 12 0
Record 2 14 2
Record 3 9 0
Record 4 0 0
Record 5 0 0
Record 6 0 0
Record 7 0 0
Record 8 0 0
Record 9 20 3
Record 10 0 0
Record 11 26 1
Record 12 19 2
Record 13 9 0
Record 14 42 2
Record 15 5 1
Record 16 10 3
Record 17 24 4
Record 18 24 1
Record 19 39 4
Record 20 42 3
Record 21 25 1
Record 22 24 1
Total 335 28
duce the time of computation.
The time of computation of the commercial de-
scriptor is fixed; but we can computethe time required
by the overall system attending to two variables. First,
when we transform the input audio signal to the fea-
ture domain, how do we divide the signal?, i.e., the
duration of the fragments where we apply our trans-
formation in order to obtain y[n]. Second, the number
of commercials to be detected.
In order to evaluate these times, we applied the al-
gorithm to a recording of one hour of commercials.
We divided the one hour audio stream in non overlap-
ping fragments of duration 5, 20, 30 and 60 minutes
(the complete signal). We applied the algorithm for
a different number of commercials, from a single one
to fifty.
The total computational time is shown in figure 3.
This time includes the calculation of the commercial
signatures, the transformation of the audio signal to
the feature domain and the correlation. As we can
see, the best results are obtained when the input audio
stream is divided in blocks of 20 minutes each one.
0 10 20 30 40 50
number of commercials
time (min)
5 min
20 min
30 min
60 min
Figure 3: Time of computation in minutes vs. number of
commercials to be detected for one hour of commercials.
The input signal (60 minutes) is divided in blocks of 5, 20,
30 or 60 minutes.
We have presented a system for the commercial
recognition in TV signals. We focused on the feature
extraction procedure, where each entry of the feature
vector corresponds to the position of the largest cep-
stral coefficient of a windowed segment of the com-
mercial. This descriptor allows the representation of
the commercial in a very compact and discrimina-
tive way, so the detection algorithm based on clas-
sical similarity measure obtained through the corre-
lation between the input data and the commercial in
the transformed domain achieves a very good perfor-
mance in a short time.
In future work, the algorithm can be optimized
considering specific additional information about the
commercial, such as duration or content characteris-
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