An Extrinsic Task-oriented Evaluation of Webpage Extracts
Patrick Pedreira Silva
and Lucia Helena Machado Rino
Centro de Ciências Exatas e Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Sagrado Coração, Rua Irmã Arminda, Bauru, SP, Brazil
Departamento de Computação, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Keywords: Webpage Extracts, Automatic Summarization, NLP, Ontology.
Abstract: This paper focuses on the usefulness of extracts of webpages in Brazilian Portuguese as the means to filter
information for Web users to quickly and consistently judge the relevance of search engine results.
ExtraWeb, an ontology- and HTML-based summarizer, has been built aiming at providing an alternative to
query-biased extracts typically made available by Web search engines. An extrinsic evaluation of ExtraWeb
was carried out under a controlled experiment that retrieves webpages in Portuguese and generates a set of
extracts for an Internet user to evaluate. Only the relevance judgment of the extracts was assessed. Results
show that the system is promising in helping users to filter relevant webpages.
In the last decade, the exponential increase of the
amount of available online documents has brought
up significant importance to techniques of
Automatic Summarization (AS). This is mainly due
to the information overload: the huge amount of
documents poses to the user a difficult task to locate
relevant information. Users can find it hard to judge
the relevance of retrieved documents and, thus, to
satisfy their information needs based only on a
snippet that contains common words to their queries.
Such a wording, very often, does not help the user
finding relevant documents. Aiming at overcoming
this, we built a system, henceforth ExtraWeb, which
applies ontology- and HTML-based summarization
techniques to identify and extract the main excerpts
of documents available in the Internet. By using
HTML tags and concepts provided by the ontology,
ExtraWeb focuses on semantic processing for
producing a more useful extract than just the usual
Web snippets.
Ultimately, ExtraWeb aims at improving the user
satisfaction by providing her/him with the means to
filter relevant documents from a collection by
simply reading the extracts. The cognitive overhead
of the user, usually implied by most search engine
interactions, can be thus minimized (Conklin, 1987).
Issues concerning indexing and searching as such
are disregarded here. Hence, AS for Brazilian
Portuguese (BP) was explored apart from a Web
engine. However, our modelling corpora – of Web
documents – and ExtraWeb assessment were
provided under a real setting: we adopted Google
strategies when needed, as we shall see in Section 3.
In what follows, we first introduce ExtraWeb,
along with the motivation of the present work
(Section 2). Then, we describe the extrinsic
evaluation carried out (Section 3) in an information
retrieval scenario, which yields our discussion in
Section 4. Relevant issues are discussed in Section
2 ExtraWeb: A WEBPAGE
Most search engines usually present the user a
description that literally reproduces retrieved
document content. Very often, such a description
conveys few and obscure, or non-relevant
information for the user to decide whether to go after
the corresponding document. Moreover, descriptions
usually refer to the titles of the available documents
(White et al., 2002).
Aiming at making the descriptions of a search
engine clearer and more significant to the user,
ExtraWeb is used to produce more useful extracts of
the retrieved documents. It takes into account
Pedreira Silva P. and Machado Rino L..
ExtraWeb - An Extrinsic Task-oriented Evaluation of Webpage Extracts.
DOI: 10.5220/0004449104670474
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 467-474
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
HTML tags and ontological information to rank
document units for their relevance to compose the
extracts. Two types of information are used here:
keywords, or words of a document that are attached
to special HTML tags, and the main topics of the
document, which are delineated through the
ontology. HTML tags considered for recognizing
keywords must be previously introduced by the very
Webpage author. Supposedly s/he uses them for
emphasis and, thus, for pinpointing relevant
information. Stylistic tags such as the emphasis one
(<I></I>) and bold (<B></B>) are examples.
Besides being relevant, keywords actually also
signal topics considered relevant, now by the very
author of the document. So, ExtraWeb aggregates
two distinct accounts on determining relevant topics
to include in extracts: one provided by the author of
Web documents, and another, by the system
reasoning on ontological concepts.
To determine the main topics of a document,
ExtraWeb uses the Yahoo Ontology for BP, which
has been manually enriched, to yield a more fine-
grained conceptual representation of the information
conveyed by webpage documents. Following work
by (Lin, 1995) and (Tiun et al., 2001), we collected
lexical items from a modelling corpus and used a
thesaurus (Greghi et al., 2002) for synonymic
relations amongst the items. Only nouns, verbs, and
adjectives were considered. For each lexical item,
we retrieved its position in the ontology. Whenever
it did not match directly a concept, we identified its
immediate vicinity (a parent-child context) concept
and included it accordingly in the hierarchy. Extra
leaves were the simplest case of enrichment, such as
in including the child concept corresponding to the
lexical item ‘Dodge’ in the “Automotive/
Classic_Cars” relationship, yielding “Automotive/
Classic_Cars/ Dodge”. Yahoo Ontology for the BP
language amounts to c.a. 5.5 thousand concepts. Our
enrichment targeted about half of it, resulting in c.a.
26 thousand concepts. In producing this refined
version of the ontology, mapping significant words
onto concepts was simplified during topic
In determining relevant information to
summarize a document, using keywords is a
classical approach (Luhn, 1958); (Edmundson,
1969). Considering ontological concepts for topic
identification has been suggested by others. Usually,
the probability of a document fragment (a lexical
item or phrase) to be related to a node in the
ontology is calculated (Mladenic, 1998). The
semantic relationship between documents keywords
and concepts in the ontology is also used in AS
(Tiun et al., 2001). In any case, keyword- or
ontology-based methods can be used to determine
highly classified concepts matching content words
that signal the main topics of a document, to include
in its extract. Keywords can also be used in isolation
to classify the sentences that embed them.
In ExtraWeb, we considered the use of keywords
separately from the use of the ontology, as
complementary strategies. Once identified the main
topics of a document through either method, the
corresponding document units were ranked and
normalized, yielding their relevance degrees. The
highly classified ones were, thus, chosen to compose
an extract in the usual way, i.e., according to a given
compression rate.
According to (Dorr et al, 2005) the usefulness of a
summary can be measured through an extrinsic task
of relevance judgment. Judges are asked to compare
their judgments on extracts with their own
judgments of the corresponding full documents.
Dorr et al (2005) claim that such an assessment in
the IR context is more reliable than other gold-
standard measures, such as the LDC-Agreement
method used in SUMMAC (Mani et al., 2002). We
similarly adopt this methodology in ExtraWeb
assessment. Extracts of documents resulting from a
direct access to websites were presented to a judge
committee, composed of usual Web users. In our
context, usefulness is meant to apply to those
extracts that are clear enough for the Web user to
decide if the hidden document is of interest for
him/her, to follow the link provided by a search
engine. In being useful, we also consider them to be
relevant to the task.
Tests for statistical significance of the judges
answers were also provided, based upon the p value
(Mann-Whitney test). Only when p < 5% data
comparison is statistically significant. We also
adopted a similar setting for evaluation to (Amitay,
2001) and (White et al., 2002), which emulates a
user session in an Information Retrieval context, as
described below.
3.1 The Design of the Experiment
The following issues were considered important:
typical queries usually are short, c.a. 1 to 3 words
long (Jansen et al., 2000); (Inktomi-Corp, 2003);
few answers of a search engine are actually relevant,
from all the retrieved ones (White et al., 2002); Web
users most often need to single out the relevant
answers, in order to retrieve the documents that are
most suggestive to them.
Following the above, the experiment was
conducted in such a way as to allow a user to access
answers through extracts. For simplicity, in this
paper we do not distinguish simple fragments from
real sentence-based extracts, although the former
ones may be totally non-textual (i.e., only a snippet)
and the latter may be quite cohesive and coherent.
For each document and query, three distinct
extracts were produced, which were generated by
three hidden summarizers: ExtraWeb, Google, and
the Baseline. Google was chosen because it is
widely used and considered by many as the best
search engine (Griesbaum, 2004). It very often
produces only query-biased snippets that have no
compromise with coherence. The Baseline
summarizer just collects document headlines. Both
systems usually show 1-to-2-lines long extracts.
Source documents were obtained through Google
previously to the evaluation task. Only the top three
were considered in the assessment, under the
assumption that those are the most relevant ones.
After showing the extracts to the judges, their task
was to compare them and fill in a questionnaire, as
explained next.
3.2 The Oriented Task Itself
Fifty eight subjects were invited to contribute with
their judgments by going into a webpage of the
experiment. Firstly, a description of a task was
shown, to make clear what it was emulating (Fig. 1).
Five tasks were defined based upon five distinct
queries. The one supplied to a judge was randomly
selected, delineating an individual session. This was
considered to fulfil the experiment only if
completely executed.
The task itself was partially fixed in advance:
queries were not allowed to be user-defined, to
ensure that judgment was uniformly applied to
consistent sets of results, one for each summarizer
under consideration. Consistent result sets are only
those coupled with their corresponding queries
(Amitay, 2001).
The readership, or judging, community, was set
free: the experiment was made widely available
through a browser, and judges’ tasks and answers
were recorded into log files. Other relevant
information could also be assessed through those
files, such as the judges’ identification (58 IP
numbers), to verify if they had duplicated their
judgment. Also free was the retrieval of documents
by Google under any given query.
Figure 1: Screen display of a query-bound task.
Subjective judgment was carried out as follows:
once the judge was presented a task, a collection of
three document links and extracts was shown, for
each summarizer. However, ExtraWeb and Baseline
extracts were conditioned to the previous retrieval of
documents by Google. In other words, once Google
generated its own extracts and document links, these
were used by the other systems to produce their
corresponding extracts. The judge was then asked to
read the extracts and select only the one s/he found
most appropriate for the query. Then, s/he was asked
to click on the link by that extract, in order to see the
document webpage. After reading the document, the
judge had to fill in the online questionnaire form.
The above steps were repeated for the results of
the three systems and the recorded judgment
sessions were later compiled (Section 4).
3.3 Extracts Generation
Omitting titles and URLs of the documents was a
crucial constraint to automatically generate the
corpora of extracts, to prevent spoiling the
experiment. This can happen when titles or URLs
somehow substitute the extracts: many people do not
realize that extracts provided by search engines are
faulty or non-informative due to the existence of
titles or URLs that come along the document in the
collection (Mani et al., 2002).
3.4 The Questionnaire
Following (Amitay, 2001); (Lewis, 1995); (Perlman,
2011), to build the questionnaire we took care of its
preciseness and brevity: users want to quickly fill it
in and proceed to the conclusion of the experiment.
Five questions were, thus, chosen, to avoid an
excessive load on the judges. They are mostly
translations into Brazilian Portuguese, of Amitay’s
questionnaire in English for the similar task. We
adopted such strategy because they are very general
and mirror usual queries proposed on the Web.
Proper names of famous people, leisure activities,
research interests, health issues and other factual
information are examples of real queries.
Screen dumps of the form to fill in are shown in
figures 2 and 3 (in English only for practical
purposes). It is worthy noticing that such queries
could be anything but too sophisticated terms, which
would address a more knowledgeable readership. In
turn, evaluation and answering the questionnaire
would result too difficult for the judges.
The questions focus upon diverse assumptions.
The first two (Fig. 2), e.g., aimed at assessing the
satisfaction of the judge with the usefulness of
his/her chosen extract and its correspondence with
the respective Web document. This coincides with
the main goal of any search engine. Questions 3 and
4 in Fig. 3, instead, focus on the judges’ profiles,
mainly, on their regularity during the assessment.
Question 3 refers to just the assessment
accomplishment, whilst Question 4 is very broad.
Answers to them helped us detect whether the judge
chose her/his extracts actually based on comparing
them. Such questions are, thus, content-independent.
Assuming that the answer to Question 3 was option
1, the last question aimed at an overall evaluation of
the automatic extracts shown on the screen for each
summarizer and task. Apart from questions 3 and 4,
the others actually aimed at measuring only the
quality of the extracts with respect to the decision
making of Web users.
Figure 2: Questions 1 & 2.
Figure 3: Questions 3 to 5.
A judge could grade a question by ticking only
one out of the seven provided options. The 7-point
scale was suggested by (Tang et al., 1999) for its
utility in measuring the confidence of the users’
judgments. The following queries are fixed in
ExtraWeb assessment (hereafter identified by Qi, i
varying from 1 to 5): Albert Einstein, Projeto
Genoma (Genome Project), origami, vida selvagem
(wildlife), fusos horários (world time zones).
To compile the judges’ answers, our first task was to
retrieve their logs to verify if each of them
consistently answered the questionnaire. Also, we
verified if they correctly followed the instructions,
i.e., if they thoroughly answered all the questions in
a single interaction and interacted with each system
only once. If there were more than one user
interaction originating from the same IP number,
only the first one was taken. Interactions considered
undesirable were those that did not convey all the
answers to the five questions or those that went back
and forth, breaking the normal proposed sequence
for answering. Violation of such conditions implied
suppressing that log file from the judges’ answer
corpus. After such a filtering, only 169 out of 290
answers remained valid for analysing ExtraWeb
performance. Table 1 shows the answers distribution
across the different tasks and sets of extracts.
Table 1: Distribution of the judges’ answers.
Total Search Tasks
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
Google 60 9 19 11 13 8
ExtraWeb 56 9 16 10 13 8
Baseline 53 9 16 10 13 5
Total 169 27 51 31 39 21
As we can see, answers were quite uniformly
distributed amongst the three systems. This is
important to assure a balanced comparison.
Particularly, users interacted many times with tasks
2 and 4.
Observing the results for Question 5 (Fig. 4),
there was not a significant difference between
Google (a 5.4 av. score) and ExtraWeb (a 5.2 av.
score) performances. These averages are not
statistically significant either – their p value equals
c.a. 35%, well above the 5% usual limit. Having
ExtraWeb extracts as good as Google ones could
make us question the use of our new proposal.
However, for one of the tasks (Task 4), ExtraWeb
outperformed Google, as shows Fig. 5. This signals
that the system usefulness may be query-dependent
and, thus, it deserves further investigation.
Figure 4: Mean values for Question.
Figure 5: Mean values for Question 5 (Task 4).
From the total of 58 judges who compared at
least those two systems, 58% (34) scored the same
or higher for ExtraWeb extracts in Question 5. So,
our extracts may be significantly useful for the user
to judge the relevance of the corresponding
documents. Scores were also most often produced
on all the extracts shown to the judges (see average
scores of Question 3 in Table 2), despite the fact that
only in c.a. 83% of the interactions judges said they
read extracts produced by search engines (Question
Table 2: Average answer scores.
Question Google ExtraWeb Baseline
1 5.3 4.8 5.0
2 5.6 5.2 4.7
3 6.7 6.6 6.4
4 5.8 5.8 5.7
5 5.4 5.2 4.2
Table2 shows absolute values in the 7-point
scale. Percentages were calculated by normalizing
those in the 100 scale. Table 2 also shows that the
judgments were quite consistent: Questions 1 and 5
were averaged about the same for Google and
ExtraWeb. Considering Question 1 in isolation,
ExtraWeb was scored low (68% for full satisfaction
only). This may be explained by the fact that users
were not able to pose their own queries and even the
task was provided in an artificial setting. In a real
scenario, though, satisfaction may increase.
Oppositely, non-satisfaction with the results for a
given task could be due to a poor performance of
ExtraWeb due to other factors, amongst which: (a)
writers do not use HTML consistently or broadly, as
already referred to. In other words, the documents
may be poorly annotated in HTML, yielding such a
weak Web document structure that would not allow
identifying relevant fragments. (b) the language of
the Web documents could be so poor (e.g.,
conveying spelling errors or slangs) that the
correspondence with our ontological model would
be hampered.
Scores for Question 2 show that in 80% of the
cases Google extracts were considered to mirror the
documents content, against 74% of the ExtraWeb
ones. This difference is not statistically significant
(p=22%), but such performance could be improved
if HTML tags were more appropriately used.
Answering Questions 3 and 4, users also claimed to
have read the three types of extracts with no
significant differences (p=36% and 83%,
respectively, for Google and ExtraWeb).
Actually, the slight better performance of
Google, when compared to ExtraWeb, may simply
be due to the fact that ExtraWeb works on
documents previously collected by Google itself. In
Google ExtraWeb Baseline
Google ExtraWeb Baseline
Means Values
this case, Google acts just as a search engine and not
as a summarizer. As a consequence, ExtraWeb may
accumulate the fragilities of both systems. Another
reason may be an inadequacy on mapping lexical
items on the concepts of the extended Yahoo
ontology. None of the above issues have been deeply
Also worthwhile considering is the way
information conveyed by the extracts influenced the
users’ analysis of the results. The presentation of
results out of a real search context could force users
to read the extracts more carefully than usual. At the
same time that this aimed at keeping the judges
focused on the extracts, thus, on the goal of the
experiment, it could prevent them to arrive at ideal
choices for their answers.
In the last decade, the exponential increase of the
amount of available online documents has brought
up significant importance to techniques of
Automatic Summarization (AS). This is mainly due
to the information overload: the huge amount of
documents poses to the user a difficult task to locate
relevant information. Users can find it hard to judge
the relevance of retrieved documents and, thus, to
satisfy their information needs based only on a
snippet that contains common words to their queries.
Such a wording, very often, does not help the user
finding relevant documents. Aiming at overcoming
this, we built a system, henceforth ExtraWeb, which
applies ontology- and HTML-based summarization
techniques to identify and extract the main excerpts
of documents available in the Internet. By using
HTML tags and concepts provided by the ontology,
ExtraWeb focuses on semantic processing for
producing a more useful extract than just the usual
Web snippets. Keyword- and topic-based methods
for summarizing Web documents have been
significantly explored lately for improving, speeding
up, and making Web content, in general, more
accessible to most people. Liang et al (2004)
compare multi-word keyterm-based summaries with
keyword-based ones, and show that the former are
more effective in making Web content accessible to
users. They select features to produce keywords as
headline-like summaries. Relevant features to them
are people’s names, groups, events, and places. The
results of their specific DUC 2004 task show that
using feature selection does better than combining
ranked words or other simpler methods such as
location, to yield non-textual summaries. Even
PageRank (Page et al, 1998) has been adapted for a
content-based approach (Haveliwala, 2002) that
computes the similarity of a query to topics. In this
case, however, topics are retrieved from the Open
Directory Project, instead of being directly related to
the intended document collection.
In a diverse approach, Chirita et al., (2005)
advocate in favour of personalizing search through
metadata that mirrors documents topics and
importance. Such type of data also helped building
the Yahoo ontology, which aims at accessing
content on the Web with high quality. Also using
metadata and ontologies, Barros et al., (1998) focus
on enhancing Web searches by considering
information that can better contextualize the queries.
Information, in this case, is dynamically provided by
the ontologies, which act as providers of potential
related words. The user may interfere in the process
of contextualizing queries by selecting concepts that
better help expanding the query. By searching
documents through such expanded queries, precision
and recall are claimed to be improved.
Our content-based approach in ExtraWeb relates
to the above, in the search for more effective results
of search engines based on content information.
Mainly, it brings about the need to consider the
relationship between query and topics conveyed
either explicitly, by a keyword list given by the very
author of a document, or implicitly, through the
mapping of content words onto the Yahoo concepts.
Using the Yahoo ontology in BP is quite adequate
because it is a broad repository of electronically
available information. Due to the lack of a BP
WordNet we decided to enrich it, in order to make
concept classification easier. However, it has not
been fully populated with new concepts extracted
from our modelling corpus. Given that ExtraWeb
performance was considered as good as Google one,
scaling up the amount of concepts in the ontology is
very likely to yield better extracts for the users.
In some aspects, our evaluation is also similar to
some of the DUC tasks, e.g., by being user-oriented
and aiming at verifying if summaries fulfil the need
for information expressed by a topic query. An
example task on multi-document AS on DUC is that
comprising a user profile, a DUC topic, and a cluster
of documents relevant to the topic. Automatic
summarizers should create a brief, well-organized,
and fluent summary of the full cluster, satisfying the
topic query. Summary evaluation was manual, on a
5-point scale (A= the best; E=the worst) for the
well-formedness (i.e., readability and fluency) of the
summaries. To assess judgment, five quality
questions (against three, in our case) were used. The
relative responsiveness (5-point scale, 1= worst, 5=
best) of the summaries was also assessed by
measuring the amount of information that helps the
user in successfully retrieving information. This
measure seems to coincide with our usefulness one,
which is assessed in our experiment through
questions 1, 2, and 5. The average responsiveness in
DUC 2005 was 48% for automatic summaries,
against 93% for the reference ones (Hachey et al.,
Accordingly looking at our data, usefulness
averaged 72% for those three questions. Certainly,
this is quite a simplistic comparison, due to the
profound differences of both assessments. However,
the whole design of the experiment is quite
significant, when compared to the DUC ones. To
make it statistically significant, we must invest on its
robustness (e.g., by increasing the amount of Web
users and search engine answers).
The reported results show a significant proximity of
ExtraWeb with Google. This means that ExtraWeb
may also be useful for the users to make decisions
on retrieving documents, in spite of their low score
(68%) on full satisfaction with the results of the
emulated search task. Although the experiment was
not intended to control either the homogeneity of the
judging population or its subjectivity in
accomplishing the demanded task, the analysis of
their scores shows that the overall judgment was
quite consistent. However, the same extrinsic task-
oriented evaluation may yield different results when
a higher scale on both, judges and retrieved
documents, is taken into account. Usually, users
assessing the same task and set of results of a search
engine would not necessarily respond in the same
way and some of them might read the extracts more
carefully than others. As a consequence, their
judgments could be more accurate. This is very
likely to be evident when scaling up the type of
assessment reported in this paper.
Another important issue to pinpoint is that
ExtraWeb is domain-independent. However, it
depends on previous HTML-marking keywords
which are usually accomplished by the documents
authors. The alternative to this would be to generate
a keywords list through statistical methods such as
Luhn’s itself. However, this would not yield
keywords as expressive as the authored ones.
Future work shall build on both, improving the
enrichment of the ontology and assessing more
broadly the system, in a distributed environment in
real-time. Most probably, it will be relevant to
reproduce similar quality questions to the ones used
in the most recent DUCs too.
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