Smart Energy Efficient Buildings
A Living Lab Approach
Marco Jahn
, Edoardo Patti
and Andrea Acquaviva
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology, Schloss Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Department of Control and Computer Science Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
Smart Buildings, Energy Efficiency, Middleware, Living Labs, User-centered Development.
In this paper we provide an overview of current research trends, challenges and issues in the domain of smart
energy efficient buildings. Based on current research and literature we discuss topics like technology integra-
tion, semantic interoperability, automation, and the importance of considering user needs. Furthermore, we
introduce a living lab approach, which allows us to conduct research on these topics in a real smart building
environment. This living lab is a system for enabling smart energy efficient building applications based on a
middleware approach. We describe the software design and the real-world deployment of this system in ten
rooms of a university and eight rooms of an office building.
Smart energy efficient buildings are considered a sub-
stantial part of future smart cities. Oftentimes, when
talking about smart buildings, what is meant are
buildings which have a building management system
(BMS) installed. Such a BMS typically controls the
lighting and heating, ventilation and air conditioning
(HVAC) of larger buildings based on certain control
strategies. Furthermore, BMSs are usually propri-
etary, closed systems provided as whole-in-one solu-
tions by one vendor and normally are installed when
a building is designed from scratch.
In the age of Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp),
new technologies are available at an affordable price
and can help making buildings smarter than they are
now. For example, wireless sensor networks (WSNs)
can contribute to a better understanding of a build-
ing’s behavior by monitoring environmental values.
Smart meters (and even sub-meters on device level)
can provide additional insights into a building’s en-
ergy consumption. Even wireless building manage-
ment systems (W-BMS) are available to retrofit exist-
ing buildings. Last but not least, in the vision of the
smart grid, buildings are supposed to perform a trans-
formation from energy consumers to prosumers, i.e.
producing and exchanging energy with other entities
of the smart grid.
From an ICT research perspective we argue that
buildings are gradually becoming places of Ambi-
ent Intelligence (AmI) where technology works in
the background and becomes invisible to the occu-
pants (Sadri, 2011). For example, adaptive control
strategies are being researched to improve the predic-
tion of occupant behavior for more accurate heating
and lighting control. The exploitation of an ever-
increasing amount of information that is becoming
available in smart buildings can surely contribute to
more efficient automation and control. But, at the
same time, an increasing amount of data is captured
about occupant behavior and it is important to find
the right balance between technology, data collec-
tion, automation and the occupants’ needs and privacy
concerns. A responsible development towards smart
energy efficient buildings and cities has to consider
both, the technology- as well as the human dimension
(cf. (Nam and Pardo, 2011) who conceptualize smart
cities by identifying the different dimensions).
From the technology perspective, a major issue
is to achieve interoperability between systems and
technologies inside the smart buildings themselves.
This would be the basis for extensible smart build-
ings ready for future interaction with smart cities and
the smart grid. The second major issue that needs
more attention is the role of the end users in such
smart buildings (i.e. occupants, building managers,
etc.). Even with current BMSs there often is a lack
of acceptance from occupants due to a lack of trans-
parency of system behavior. If buildings are becom-
ing even smarter it is inevitable to consider the users
Jahn M., Patti E. and Acquaviva A..
Smart Energy Efficient Buildings - A Living Lab Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0004409001710176
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2013), pages 171-176
ISBN: 978-989-8565-55-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
in the process of moving towards smart energy effi-
cient buildings.
In the first part of this paper we give an overview
of relevant research areas and important issues to be
considered when talking about future smart buildings.
The second part introduces our living lab approach
to gain insights into both, technical and user-related
challenges, opportunities, and problems. We present
our concept of a middleware-based smart building liv-
ing lab which we deploy in 18 rooms. Ten are lo-
cated in buildings of a university campus in Italy and
eight are in an office building of a research institute
in Germany. The living lab deployment demonstrates
the integrated deployment of different subsystems. It
is designed to be an open, extensible system, that
will evolve into an integrated building energy man-
agement system, following an iterative, user-centered
living lab process. Thus, the findings of this research
cover two dimensions: The technology dimension in
the sense of the integrated BMS and the human di-
mension by following an explorative living lab ap-
proach. We would like to note that the term smart
building in the scope of this paper is limited to com-
mercial, office, or (semi-)public buildings and does
not include smart homes.
In the following we characterize some of the main
challenges we see for smart buildings. We mainly
consider two areas, which are of course heavily in-
tertwined: The technology dimension, mainly deal-
ing with integration and interoperability and the hu-
man dimension, considering the end users. As said
before, from the upcoming trend towards integrated
smart buildings arise a lot of challenges and concerns
that need to be considered when developing ICT sys-
tems for such buildings. Based on existing literature
and our own research experiences we discuss the dif-
ferent issues that need to be considered.
Technology Integration. Dealing with heteroge-
neous devices, technologies, and systems is a typical
issue for AmI systems and a problem that also exists
in the smart energy efficient buildings domain. E.g.
BMSs from different vendors use different technolo-
gies and protocols; a lot of existing hardware is al-
ready installed and working; new hardware may be
installed with new communication protocols such as
wireless BMS like EnOcean
; experimental technol-
ogy like Arduino
allowing to develop custom sensor
networks may also be considered. To address these
problems of heterogeneity, systems need to be open
and extensible to new kinds of technologies. In the
domain of building management an approach to over-
come these problems is the OPC unified architecture
. Another approach from the research
domains of UbiComp and AmI is middleware. The
middleware concept is more general and not restricted
to building management, thus providing greater flex-
ibility with regards to integration of other technolo-
gies (e.g. smart phones, WSNs) and extensibility. Of
course greater flexibility does not come for free but
usually with greater complexity. Examples of rele-
vant middleware solutions are (Kirkham et al., 2008),
(Capone et al., 2009), and (Eisenhauer et al., 2009).
Monitoring, Control, and Automation. To in-
crease energy efficiency in buildings a basic require-
ment is to have access to environmental data, oth-
erwise it would be impossible to evaluate any kinds
of energy savings. Therefore, a monitoring infras-
tructure is necessary and of course if not already in-
stalled it should be cheap and easy to deploy. With
the rise of WSNs and smart metering, fine-grained
monitoring of almost every kind of environmental in-
formation is possible. Of course, control strategies
for lighting and HVAC would benefit from additional
data sources but it is not trivial to integrate new de-
vices into existing systems. It would be a major ad-
vantage if new data sources could be exploited seam-
lessly by an existing monitoring and control system.
This would give us the opportunity to develop really
flexible and advanced control strategies. For example,
a simple WSN might significantly increase occupancy
detection algorithms. Again, this example stresses the
need for open, integrated systems which allow for ex-
tensibility both, software- and hardware-wise.
Semantic Interoperability. While technology inte-
gration as described above refers to the term syntactic
interoperability, semantic interoperability resides on
a higher layer. Semantic interoperability should allow
developers to use different technologies transparently.
A semantic layer should abstract from any concrete
technology. The issue of semantic abstraction is often
tried to be solved by ontologies, which should help to
find common concepts for different implementations.
There are several approaches that try to define seman-
tic knowledge for smart buildings (Wicaksono et al.,
2010), (Dibowski and Kabitzsch, 2011).
End Users. End users are an important, yet often
neglected factor contributing to the success of smart
buildings as they are heavily affected by any kind of
automated system. In the domain of building automa-
tion, standards and key figures to measure occupant
comfort exist (ANSI/ASHRAE, 2004). However, oc-
cupants are often unhappy with automated systems
for many reasons. Usually occupants don’t know why
an automated system behaves like it does. If people
need to start waving at sensors to make the light or
heating work, the system simply does not fulfill its
basic requirements of automation. Besides trying to
increase the accuracy of presence detection, another
option would be to give the people back some con-
trol over their environment. Studies have indicated
that occupants are happy with personal control over
lighting (Galasiu and Newsham, 2009) and current
research efforts of personal building controls for oc-
cupants indicate that this can be an opportunity (Kri-
oukov and Culler, 2012), (Krioukov et al., 2011). It is
still an open issue how to increase the occupants’ ac-
ceptance of automated systems and further research
in this direction is highly encouraged. User control
and/or transparency of system decisions might be pos-
sible ways to go. Besides the issue of acceptance, we
also believe that the opposite communication channel
needs further investigation: If occupants could pro-
vide feedback (to the building manager or the system
directly) about the system, its behavior, or their own
comfort, this might improve both, the system itself
and its acceptance.
Furthermore, researchers from the field of Human
Computer Interaction and Psychology deal with ques-
tions of motivating energy efficient behavior. They in-
vestigate different kinds of interventions ranging from
feedback on energy consumption (Darby, 2006) to en-
ergy saving competitions (e.g. (Brewer et al., 2011)).
(Froehlich et al., 2010) provides a good overview
of both research areas and analyses what they could
learn from each other to effectively foster energy effi-
cient behavior. Although, most of the research in that
area tackles the domestic domain, we think it is worth
identifying promising approaches and transfer them
to the domain of office and (semi-)public buildings.
Last but not least, occupants are not the only
stakeholders in a smart building and one major player
which should not be forgotten is the building man-
ager. When designing energy management systems,
building and/or energy managers and facility staff
need to be involved in the process because they are
the main expert users. Efforts to understand the needs
of building managers have already been undertaken
by (Lehrer and Vasudev, 2010) and should be contin-
ued, especially in real deployments and field trials.
Security and Privacy. Another important issue
when talking about future smart buildings, integra-
tion, data collection, feedback, etc. is privacy. We
believe that the best smart building system will fail if
it is not able to deal with occupants’ privacy concerns.
Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to include all
relevant stakeholders right from the start.
To gain deeper knowledge and develop solutions to
the challenges discussed above, we propose a living
lab approach to provide a real-world experimental en-
vironment. We hope to gain experiences from deploy-
ments and a user-centered development process that
go far beyond what is possible in a controlled lab en-
vironment or simulations. Our aim is to create a flex-
ible software infrastructure for smart energy efficient
buildings, allowing easy integration of different tech-
nologies and rapid development of applications, so we
can quickly react to user needs. To put it in a nutshell,
we develop a living lab to gain knowledge about smart
building technologies, deployment and user interac-
tion. This living lab relies on a middleware-based
software infrastructure and can be seen as a smart en-
ergy efficient building system in the making. In the
following we describe the test sites, system design
and implementation, and the developed and planned
end user applications.
3.1 Test Sites
We currently have two field deployments in a research
campus in Germany and a university campus in Italy.
The deployment in Germany is located in one office
building and comprises 8 rooms on the same floor:
four single-person offices, two two-person offices and
two student labs with eight and four work places. The
two-person offices and two of the single-person of-
fices are equipped with EnOcean technology for light-
ing and heating control and for monitoring of pres-
ence, temperature, window states, and energy con-
sumption of appliances and lights. Two of the single-
person offices are equipped with monitoring devices
only. In the student labs we have deployed an exper-
imental setup of Arduino sensors for measuring pres-
ence and window states and Plugwise
smart plugs for
measuring energy consumption of appliances.
The Italy deployment is spread over three differ-
ent buildings, each with different requirements for
integrated monitoring and control systems. This de-
ployment comprises 10 rooms in total with each two
rooms forming a test and reference room. A test
room is equipped with hardware to control lighting
and HVAC while a reference room only hosts moni-
toring devices. Each pair of test and reference rooms
are situated next to each other and share similar char-
acteristics with regards to size, number of maximum
occupants, orientation in the building, etc. This setup
has been chosen to achieve a high degree of com-
parability. Four rooms are located in a castle which
hosts several offices and secretariats. This castle was
built in the 17th century and thus has very strict re-
quirements regarding any kinds of refurbishments.
The offices and secretaries are two-person rooms.
Deployment-wise the castle has special requirements
with regards to BMS installation so it is not possible
to install anything wired in the walls because it is a
historic building. Consequently, a wireless monitor-
ing and control system based on EnOcean and Plug-
wise technologies has been installed. The remaining
6 rooms are located in two buildings of the main cam-
pus of the university. These rooms are two two-person
offices, two single-person offices and two student labs
with 20 workplaces. The buildings in that part of the
campus are partially equipped with a Siemens De-
sigo BMS. Furthermore, TelosB WSNs and Plugwise
smart plugs have been deployed in these rooms to
gather additional data about environmental conditions
and power consumption of devices.
3.2 Implementation
The implementation of the smart building living lab
is based on a middleware approach. We use mid-
dleware to integrate different technologies and make
use of an abstraction layer to allow unified access
to these technologies. To not reinvent the wheel
we employ the LinkSmart middleware
, which is an
open source middleware for developing AmI appli-
cations on top of heterogeneous technologies (Eisen-
hauer et al., 2009). It is available under LGPL license
and has been applied among others in the areas of en-
ergy efficient smart homes (Jahn et al., 2010) and of-
fice environments (Jahn et al., 2011).
3.2.1 LinkSmart Middleware
LinkSmart implements a service-oriented architecture
providing to software developers a set of components
(called managers) they can select from, depending on
their specific requirements. Each manager encapsu-
lates a set of operations and data that realize a well-
defined functionality. Some of these managers are es-
sential (e.g. Network Manager) while others provide
optional functionality (e.g. Event Manager). Each
manager has a clearly defined role, offering a set of
services to be used by other managers or application
level components. The main features of the LinkS-
mart middleware with respect to the smart building
living lab are as follows:
Network Management. A LinkSmart Network is
formed by distributed Network Managers that take
care of the communication among devices and man-
agers. Every service can register itself at a Network
Manager and thus take advantage of communicating
inside the LinkSmart network. The Network Manager
enables network communication by creating an over-
lay P2P network that implements SOAP Tunneling as
transport mechanism for Web Service calls (Milagro
et al., 2008). This concept allows direct communica-
tion among all devices inside a LinkSmart network,
no matter if they appear behind a firewall or NAT
(Network Address Translator). The LinkSmart ad-
dressing scheme allows devices to transparently pub-
lish and use services anytime anywhere regardless of
network boundaries or fixed service endpoints.
Event Management. For smart building applica-
tions it is essential to be modular, extensible and
provide low coupling of components, as set-ups can
change when devices are removed or new devices
are added to the environment. The Event Man-
ager addresses these requirements, implementing a
publish/subscribe mechanism for LinkSmart services.
Thus, we are able to develop loosely coupled applica-
tions, which are flexible enough to face the require-
ments of dynamic AmI environments. The Event
Manager handles all subscriptions and is responsible
for publishing events via a Network Manager, com-
pliant to the LinkSmart communication model.
Proxies. A proxy is a software component that en-
ables basic syntactic interoperability between differ-
ent technologies; it is responsible for integrating a
certain kind of technology, device, or subsystem into a
LinkSmart network. A proxy acts as a bridge between
the LinkSmart network and the underlying technol-
ogy. It translates whatever kind of language the low-
level technology speaks into LinkSmart Web Services
so the low-level technology can be used transparently
by any other LinkSmart component. For example, our
EnOcean proxy internally can handle EnOcean tele-
grams and offers a Web Service interface to be used
by components on the middleware layer. This concept
allows us to use each low-level technology transpar-
ently inside the LinkSmart network.
Figure 1: 3-Layered Software Architecture.
3.2.2 Smart Building Living Lab
The software architecture of our smart building living
lab is based on three layers (cf. Figure 1), adhering to
the principles of the LinkSmart middleware: On the
lowest level the proxy layer is responsible for syn-
tactic interoperability between the different low-level
technologies. We currently have proxies for EnO-
cean, Arduino WSN, TelosB WSN, Plugwise smart
plugs, and a proxy based on OPC for accessing the
Siemens Desigo BMS. On top of this, the middle-
ware layer provides components specifically designed
for the energy efficient smart building applications,
which should support the management of reoccur-
ring tasks. We currently have three main components
on this layer: The Ontology- and Context Manager,
which manage semantic knowledge about the smart
buildings. This includes information about sensors
and other devices, buildings, and rooms. The Rule
Engine, which is the basis for developing custom con-
trol strategies. It allows us not only to implement con-
trol strategies for lighting and HVAC accross the dif-
ferent technologies but also to quickly react to user
needs or other lessons learned from the deployments.
For example, if there is a gap between simulation
and real behavior of a control strategy, we are able
to quickly tweak parameters or to even exploit infor-
mation from additional sensors. The topmost layer is
the application layer. On this layer reside all kinds
of applications that make use of the integrated system
and information that is available. For example, the
aforementioned control strategies reside on this layer,
as well as end-user applications for feedback and con-
trol, which will be described in the next chapter.
3.3 End User Applications
As one of our goals is to strengthen the role of end
users in smart buildings we are highly interested in
the needs and wishes of the different end users. We
mainly consider two categories of users in our build-
ings: expert users (i.e. the building managers) and oc-
cupants (i.e. students and employees). Based on ex-
isting studies and semi-structured interviews we con-
ducted with users (cf. (Jahn et al., 2011)) we imple-
ment a first set of applications. As a first approach
we implement a web portal that allows building man-
agers to monitor environmental values such as tem-
perature, humidity, or power consumption. As re-
ported in (Lehrer and Vasudev, 2010), the analysis of
such data is still not an easy task. The web portal
allows expert users to browse data by different cate-
gories and view information per room or device and
in a certain period of time. Figure 2 is an excerpt from
Figure 2: Web Portal Screenshot.
the web portal showing the recent trends for environ-
mental values in one office. Regarding occupants we
aim at investigating new concepts of user-building in-
teraction. First, of course we want to increase the
acceptance of smart buildings by providing feedback
and enabling transparency. One goal is to find out the
right types of information to show to the occupants or
the degree of transparency that is feasible. The second
concept we want to investigate is if it makes sense to
let occupants provide feedback to the system and if
it is possible to give them a certain amount of con-
trol over the system. Previous research indicates that
such concepts are fruitful and well recognized by oc-
cupants ((Krioukov et al., 2011) and (Krioukov and
Culler, 2012)).
We provided an overview of current research efforts in
the domain of smart energy efficient buildings and de-
scribed our living lab approach to foster user-centered
research in such buildings. One goal of this paper is to
raise awareness for important issues in smart building
research. The main benefit of our living lab approach
is that we are able to tackle technical issues and user-
related questions at the same time. By following this
approach our vision is to develop smart buildings that
are both, efficient in the way they work and well ac-
cepted by end users. The current state of the system is
this: All hard- and software components for integra-
tion, monitoring, and control has been deployed. Now
we are in the phase of validating sensor measurements
and adapting the control strategies to the peculiarities
of deployed sensors. Once the basic monitoring and
control (HVAC and lighting) is running smoothly, we
will start the deployment of the first end user applica-
tions and start the next iteration of the user-centered
development process.
The work presented in this paper was supported by
the European research project SEEMPubS (Project
no. 260139).
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