Mathematics, Technology Interventions and Pedagogy
Seeing the Wood from the Trees
Aibhin Bray and Brendan Tangney
Centre for Research in IT in Education (CRITE), School of Education and School of Computer Science & Statistics,
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Keywords: Mathematics Education, Technology, Classification, Guidelines.
Abstract: This research explores recent technological interventions in mathematics education and examines to what
extent these make use of the educational opportunities offered by the technology and the appropriate
pedagogical approaches to facilitate learning. In an attempt to address this, a systematic literature review has
been carried out, and a classification is presented that categorises the types of technology as well as the
pedagogical foundations of the interventions in which those technologies are used. The potential of
technology to fundamentally alter how mathematics is experienced is further investigated through the lens
of the SAMR hierarchy, which identifies four levels of technology adoption: substitution, augmentation,
modification and redefinition. Classification of the interventions in this paper thus ranges from enhancing
traditional practice, to transforming teaching and learning through redefinition of how tasks and activities
are planned and carried out. The results of the research will be beneficial for guiding teaching, increasing
our understanding of learning in a technology rich environment, and improving mathematics education.
When mathematics teachers first consider the
integration of technology into their daily class
activities, they can be faced with an overwhelming
array of devices, software, and instructional
approaches, with no clear guide as to best practice.
Hoyles and Noss (2003) highlight that the focus of
research on digital technologies for mathematics
education tends to concentrate on identification of
the potential of a particular technology and the
pitfalls or obstacles to its integration, and then
discusses its mediation through activities, and the
role of the teacher. The aim of this research is to
gain some clarity regarding pedagogical approaches
to technology interventions in post-primary
mathematics education, as documented in recent
literature, with the goal of generating an overview of
the properties of interventions that are deemed to be
successful. The main objectives are to increase the
understanding of the kinds of teaching and learning
of mathematics that technology has the potential to
enhance and the generation of a set of guidelines for
the implementation of such activities. A long-term
goal is to create, and test, a pragmatic and
comprehensive 21st Century model of classroom
practice for mathematics education.
In order to address these issues, this paper first
conducts a review of research that discusses issues
and approaches to technology interventions in
mathematics education. Following from this, the
need for a system of classification is investigated,
along with some existing models. A systematic
literature review on a selection of twenty five papers
that discuss specific interventions is carried out in
accordance with the methodology discussed in
section 4. The resulting data are analysed through
the lenses provided by the emergent classification. A
set of guiding principles for the appropriate use of
technology in mathematics education is presented in
the final section of the paper.
2.1 Pedagogic Approach
Many of the empirical studies examined for this
paper are limited in that they concentrate on
implementations of specific technology and do not
focus on the more pragmatic issues around
technology interventions that teachers require.
Bray A. and Tangney B..
Mathematics, Technology Interventions and Pedagogy - Seeing the Wood from the Trees.
DOI: 10.5220/0004349100570063
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 57-63
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
However, there is a clear trend towards a socially
constructivist approach, indicating that technology
interventions in mathematics education may be
suited to an active and collaborative environment.
This pedagogical theory has its foundations in the
work of Kolb, Vygotsky and Bruner, and its positive
effects have been borne out through the results of the
longitudinal SPRinG study in the UK (Blatchford et
al., 2003).
The emphasis on sense-making and problem
solving, in particular in a social context, that
becomes evident through the classification of the
literature, informs the development of some of the
guiding principles presented in this paper.
2.2 Further Areas of Consideration
Prior to the initiation of any intervention, it is of
utmost importance to look at the circumstances
under which learning can be enhanced by
technology (Means, 2010). Oldknow (2009)
suggests that the transformative potential of ICT is
not restricted to new, or purpose built technology,
but also lies in the innovative uses of everyday
Oates (2011) and Geiger, V., Farragher, R., and
Goos, M. (2010) provide evidence that the
outsourcing of computation through the use of
technologies such as Computer Algebra Systems
(CAS) has the potential to do more than just improve
speed and accuracy. It can also provide increased
opportunity for the development of investigative
skills and problem solving.
Means (2010) and Oates (2011) highlight that if
technology is to be truly integrated into teaching and
learning then the assessment potential that it offers
needs to be utilised where possible. Assessment can
be administered through computer based testing,
intelligent tutoring systems, use of collaborative
documents or knowledge fora (Lazakidou and
Retalis, 2010), or student devices networked to the
teacher console (Noss et al., 2012).
It is also noted (Means, 2010) that teachers who
actively facilitate and scaffold their students
interactions with the technology are in a position to
use their insights to refine the activities and inform
instruction. In essence, the students’ interactions
with the technology can contribute to their formative
Innovation with regard to the working
environment and class routine are seen as necessary
in order to fully exploit the potential of technology
in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Means
(2010) points out that, contrary to popular belief,
higher learning gains are evident when there is not a
one-to-one relationship between the student and the
technology, thereby encouraging collaboration and
Issues such as the professional development of
teachers also emerge as essential for the successful
integration of technology in educational settings, but
these concerns are beyond the scope of this research
Classifications are not definitive descriptions, but
should reflect a theory about the current situation;
they should be dynamic and able to keep pace with
the changes to the status quo. They should permit
generalisation, and provide a basis for explanation of
the emerging argument. In this case, the
classification system is being developed to shed light
on the current trends in technology usage in
mathematics education, with a view to informing a
set of guidelines for future interventions in the field.
Prior to the development of the classification of
the literature presented in this paper, some existing
systems were identified and considered. Four areas
emerged as being of interest: technology, levels of
adoption, learning theory and instructional approach.
These will now be discussed in more depth.
3.1 Existing Classifications
of Technology
The classification systems of Clarebout and Elen
(2006) and Passey (2012) were considered, but were
deemed unsuitable due to issues around relevance to
mathematics and levels of complexity. Two
classifications of technology for mathematics
education by Hoyles and Noss however, are
influential in this research. They are specific to
mathematics education and, while being concise,
provide an appropriate level of detail.
The first, (Hoyles and Noss, 2003) distinguishes
between programming tools and expressive tools.
Programming tools, such as microworlds, are
defined as lending themselves to individual
expression and collaboration. Expressive tools on
the other hand, provide easy access to the results of
algorithms and procedures, without the user being
required to understand the intricacies of their
calculation. The category of expressive tools is
further broken down into pedagogic tools, designed
specifically for the exploration of a mathematical
domain, and calculational instruments, which are
frequently adapted to, rather than designed for,
pedagogic purposes. Dynamic Graphical
Environments, such as GeoGebra, are examples of
pedagogic tools, and spreadsheet programs would
fall into the category of calculational instruments.
In their later research, Hoyles and Noss (2009)
classify tools according to how their usage shapes
mathematical meanings. They refine and extend
their previous framework differentiating between
dynamic and graphical tools such as Cabri and
Geometers Sketchpad; tools that outsource the
processing power, of which computer algebra
systems are an example; new semiotic tools, which
may have the potential to influence how
mathematics is represented; and tools that increase
connectivity, such knowledge fora.
3.2 Emerging Classification
of Technology
In this study, the classifications by Hoyles and Noss
are further refined and amalgamated to provide the
foundation for the technological component of the
emerging classification. There is no evidence in the
papers reviewed of semiotic tools that change the
representational infrastructure of mathematics, and it
has thus been removed from the presentation of the
findings. Through the review of the papers it
emerged however, that an extension of the Hoyles
and Noss classification was required. The category
of toolkit is therefore added as a distinct class.
Integral to the definition of this new category is the
design of technologies in accordance with a specific
pedagogical approach, along with the provision of
support for the student and the teacher through tasks
and lesson plans, and feedback for assessment, all
founded in the relevant didactic theory. Examples
include Noss et al. (2009) and Tangney et al. (2010).
The technologies in the literature reviewed in
this paper are thereby classified as follows:
Outsourcing of Processing power
Dynamic Graphical Environments (DGE)
Purposefully Collaborative
3.3 Classifications of Technology
Two perspectives on the adoption of technology in
mathematics interventions were considered: the
FUIRE model (Hooper and Rieber, 1995) and the
SAMR hierarchy (Puentedura, 2006). While the
FUIRE model provides information on an
individual’s use of the technology and their level of
adoption of it in the classroom, the SAMR model is
better fitted to describing the level of adoption
present in a given intervention and as such, is the
model selected for this classification of the papers.
The SAMR hierarchy (Figure 1) is broken down
into the two broad categories of Enhancement and
Transformation, each of which has two further
subsections. The lowest level of Enhancement is
classed as Substitution. This describes situations in
which the technology is used as a direct substitute
for the traditional method, without functional change
as exemplified by the reading of classic texts online.
The second level is that of Augmentation, in which
the technology is used as a substitute for an existing
tool, but with some functional improvement, e.g. if
the text being read contains links to online study
Figure 1: The SAMR Hierarchy (Puentedura, 2006).
The Transformation space on the SAMR hierarchy
describes interventions that either significantly
redesign the tasks provided through the use of the
technology (modification), or that have used the
affordances of the technology to design new tasks
that would previously have been inconceivable
3.4 Additional Dimensions
of the Classification
In addition to grouping the papers reviewed in this
study by technology and level of adoption, this
research also classifies them according to learning
theory and instructional approach. These additional
dimensions will now be expanded.
3.4.1 Learning Theories
The learning theories considered fall into two main
camps: Behaviourism (Skinner, 1938) and
Cognitivism (Bruner, 1977). Some cognitive
learning activities can be further classified as
Constructivist (Kolb, 1984), and within this, as
Constructionist (Papert, 1980) or Social
Constructivist (Vygotsky, 1978).
3.4.2 Instructional Approaches
The Instructional Approaches taken into account are:
Drill and practice.
Task Based.
Individual work.
Plenary or whole class discussion.
Sense making.
Active learning.
Problem solving.
Most of the interventions examined adopted more
than one instructional approach, with up to five
distinguishable in some cases.
The electronic databases searched in the review of
recent literature were chosen for their relevance to
education, information technology and
mathematics:::ERIC (Education Resources
Information Center), Science Direct, and Academic
Search Complete. The general search terms used
math* AND (technolog* OR tool*) AND education
These were used in an initial pass over the
databases, and the results were then refined by
limiters such as “secondary education”. In order to
further restrict results, only peer-reviewed, journal
articles, issued between 2009 and 2012, were
considered. A preliminary set of thirty four papers
were selected for initial analysis, and of these,
twenty five make up the final data set. The
remaining nine papers were not included as they did
not discuss specific interventions. However, a
number of them did compare interventions in
general and were useful in informing the set of
guidelines that aim to describe a method of
successful integration of technology in mathematics
The data emerging from the literature review were
coded and stored in a spreadsheet pivot table. This
allowed the information to be arranged, related and
visualised in diverse and meaningful ways. A
summary of the classified papers is presented in
Through this process, a number of interesting
patterns became available. Figure 2 illustrates the
clear socially collaborative trend in the literature, as
well as the concentration on Outsourcing of
Processing, and Dynamic Graphical Modelling
Environments as the technologies of choice.
Figure 2.
A correlation between instructional approach and
learning theory also emerged from the data, as
illustrated by Figure 3.
The interventions were also coded according to
where they fell on the SAMR scale. It became clear
that none of the papers considered dealt with
technology as a direct substitute for traditional
methods, without functional change (Figure 4).
Roughly 30% fell into the sphere of augmentation,
an example of which is the paper by Kay and
Kletskin (2012), who evaluate the use of video
podcasts in mathematics education.
Over 40% of the papers came under the heading
of Modification, these include Ruthven, Deaney et
al., (2009) analysis of the use of graphing software
to teach about algebraic forms, and Lazakidou and
Retalis’ (2010) work on the use of technology
supported collaborative learning strategies for
problem solving in mathematics education.
The technology in each of the interventions
classified in this way has facilitated significant
redesign of the tasks and the learning experience.
Articles within the category of Redefinition make
up the remaining 30% of the papers. These describe
tasks and activities that would not have been
possible without the use of the technology in
question (e.g. Noss et al., 2012; Tangney et al.,
2010). All of the studies that fell into the technology
classifications of programming (e.g., Noss et al.,
2012) or toolkit (e.g., Noss et al., 2009; Tangney et
Figure 4: Technology according to SAMR hierarchy.
Figure 3.
al., 2010), are also classified under the remit of
redefinition. Figure 4 illustrates the breakdown of
the technologies according to the SAMR hierarchy,
and Figure 5 indicates how the learning theories
observed in the interventions are grouped in terms of
the hierarchy.
Having looked at the general literature on uses of
technology in mathematics education, this study
took a structured approach, facilitated by a
classification system, to analyse specific
It is interesting to note that all of the
constructionist interventions use programming tools
or toolkits (Figure 2), and are classed in the sphere
of redefinition (Figure 5). The only other incidences
of redefinition are seen within socially constructivist
settings. Another interesting result is the lack of
papers in the literature review that are classified at
the level of Substitution on the SAMR hierarchy.
There are a variety of possible reasons for this: one
may be that while it is occurring in everyday usage
of technology, it simply may not be reported in the
literature. Alternatively, it is possible that the
selection process of the papers under review was too
narrow, an issue that will be addressed in future
Based on the general literature review and the
classification of selected papers, a set of guidelines
is now proposed outlining an approach to the design
of learning experiences that fully employ the
educational potential of technology and appropriate
pedagogical approaches to facilitate learning.
Interventions designed in accordance with these
guidelines should significantly modify or redefine
the learning experience through the affordances of
the technology. That is, interventions of this type are
likely to be classified within the Transformation
space on the SAMR hierarchy.
6.1 Guidelines
An appropriate and innovative technology
intervention in mathematics education should thus:
1. Be collaborative and team-based in accordance
with a socially constructivist approach to
2. Exploit the transformative as well as the
computational capabilities of the technology.
3. Involve problem solving, investigation and
sense-making, moving from concrete to abstract
4. Make the learning experience interesting and
immersive/real wherever possible, adapting the
environment and class routine as appropriate.
5. Use a variety of technologies (digital and
traditional) suited to the task, in particular, non-
specialist technology that students have to hand
such as mobile phones and digital cameras.
6. Utilise the formative and/or summative
assessment potential of the technology
Through the literature review and the development
of a classification system, pedagogic approaches
have been identified which are appropriate for use in
technology enhanced teaching and learning. These
are based in socially constructivist/constructionist
learning theory and emphasise problem solving,
investigative, and realistic instructional approaches.
Use of assessment potential provided by the
Figure 5: Learning Theory according to SAMR hierarchy.
technology and flexibility with regard environment
and class routine also emerged as important aspects
of a successful intervention. From this data, a set of
guiding principles were extracted that have the
potential to form the basis of a 21
Century model
for the integration of technology into mathematics
In order to gauge the efficacy of the guidelines,
initial exploratory interventions are being developed.
As part of this, a number of pilot activities have
already been implemented, with very encouraging
Further studies which implement the guidelines
will be used to build up a strong evidence base for
the potential of such activities to enhance
mathematics education. Such activities will require
execution in traditional school settings as well as
purpose designed environments, in order to
investigate their potential to scale.
The literature review will continue to be
expanded in order to confirm the results and keep
the system of classification up to date. This will be
an iterative process and will, along with the results
of the studies, continue to inform and refine the
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