Structuring Interactions in a Hybrid Virtual Environment
Infrastructure & Usability
Pablo Almajano
, Enric Mayas
, Inmaculada Rodriguez
, Maite Lopez-Sanchez
and Anna Puig
Institut d’Investigaci
o en Intel·lig
encia Artificial, CSIC, Bellaterra, Spain
Departament de Matem
atica Aplicada i An
alisi, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Virtual Environments, Human-agent Interactions, Usability.
Humans in the Digital Age are continuously exploring different forms of socializing on-line. In Social 3D
Virtual Worlds (VW) people freely socialize by participating in open-ended activities in 3D simulated spaces.
Moreover, VWs can also be used to engage humans in e-applications, the so called Serious VWs. Implicitly,
these serious applications have specific goals that require structured environments where participants play
specific roles and perform activities by following well-defined protocols and norms. In this paper we advocate
for the use of Virtual Institutions (VI) to provide explicit structure to current Social 3D VWs. We refer to
the resulting system as hybrid (participants can be both human and software agents) and structured Virtual
Environments. Specifically, we present v-mWater (a water market, an e-government application deployed as a
VI), the infrastructure that supports participants’ interactions, and the evaluation of its usability.
Social 3D Virtual Worlds (VW) are a relatively new
form of socializing on-line. They are persistent Vir-
tual Environments (VE) where people experience oth-
ers as being there with them, freely socializing in
activities and events (Book, 2004). However, VWs
can also be used to engage humans in serious ap-
plications with reality-based thematic settings (e.g.,
e-government, e-learning and e-commerce), the so-
called Serious VWs.
Social VWs are conceived as unstructured envi-
ronments that lack of defined and controlled interac-
tions, whereas Serious VWs can be seen as inherently
structured environments where people play specific
roles, and some activities follow well-defined proto-
cols and norms that fulfil specific goals. Although
users in such structured (regulated) environments may
feel over-controlled, with most of their interactions
constrained, this can turn around and feel more guided
and safe whenever regulations direct and coordinate
their complex activities. Current VWs platforms (e.g
Second Life), mainly focused on providing partici-
pants with open-ended social experiences, do not ex-
plicitly consider the definition of structured interac-
Work funded by EVE (TIN2009-14702-C02-01/02), at (CON-
SOLIDER CSD2007-0022) and TIN2011-24220 Spanish research
projects, EU-FEDER funds.
tions, neither contemplate their control at run-time.
Therefore, we advocate the use of Virtual Insti-
tutions (VI), which combine Electronic Institutions
(EI) and VWs, to design hybrid and structured Virtual
Environments. EIs provide an infrastructure to regu-
late participants’ interactions. Specifically, an EI is
an organisation centred Multi-Agent System (MAS)
that structures agent interactions by establishing the
sequence of actions agents are permitted/expected to
perform (Esteva et al., 2004). VWs offer an intuitive
interface to allow humans to be aware of MAS state
as well as to participate in a seamless way. By hybrid
we mean that participants can be both human and bots
(i.e., software agents). They both perform complex
interactions to achieve real-life goals (e.g., tax pay-
ment, attending a course, trading).
In this paper we present an example of a hybrid
regulated scenario in an e-government application (v-
mWater, a virtual market based on trading Water),
the infrastructure that supports participants’ interac-
tions in this scenario, and the evaluation of its usabil-
ity. The Virtual Institutions eXEcution Environment
(VIXEE) (Trescak et al., 2011) infrastructure enables
the execution of a VI. As far as we know, there are
no previous evaluations about the usability of an ap-
plication deployed with a similar infrastructure (i.e.
a strongly regulated and hybrid virtual environment).
We are specially interested in analysing how users
perceive their interaction with bots.
Almajano P., Mayas E., Rodriguez I., Lopez-Sanchez M. and Puig A..
Structuring Interactions in a Hybrid Virtual Environment - Infrastructure & Usability.
DOI: 10.5220/0004215802880297
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information
Visualization Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2013), pages 288-297
ISBN: 978-989-8565-46-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this section we review prior research works
on structured (regulated) interactions in Multi-
User/Agent environments, infrastructures that extend
basic functionalities of VW platforms, and usability
evaluation of virtual environments (VE).
Regulation has been subject of study both in
Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and Human Computer
Interaction (HCI) fields. In the MAS field, sev-
eral studies focused on agents societies and proposed
methodologies and infrastructures to regulate and co-
ordinate agents interactions (Dignum et al., 2002)
(Esteva et al., 2004). Specifically, Cranefield et al.
adapted a tool, originally developed for structuring
social interactions between software agents, to model
and track rules of social expectations in Second Life
(SL) VW such as, for example, “no one should ever
fly” (Cranefield and Li, 2009). They used temporal
logic to implement the regulative system. In our case,
we use Electronic Institutions (EI), a well known Or-
ganization Centered MAS, to regulate participants’
interactions in hybrid 3D VEs.
Several HCI researches focused on regulation
mechanisms for groupware applications, i.e CSCW
(Computer Supported Collaborative Work). In gen-
eral, these mechanisms define roles, activities and in-
teraction methods for collaborative applications. One
research work used social rules (and the conditions to
execute them) to control the interactions among the
members of a workgroup (Mezura-Godoy and Tal-
bot, 2001). Another work proposed regulation mech-
anisms to address social aspects of collaborative work
such as the location where the activity take place, col-
laborative activities by means of scenarios, and the
participants themselves (Ferraris and Martel, 2000).
At a conceptual level our regulation model based on
EIs (i.e activities, protocols, roles) shares similarities
with those applied for groupware applications.
Related to regulation of activities in VEs, Pare-
des et al. proposed the Social Theatres model. This
model regulates social interactions in a VE based on
the concept of theatre (i.e. a space where actors play
roles and follow a well-defined interaction workflow
regulated by a set of rules). In posterior works, they
conducted a survey to evaluate user preferences about
VE interfaces. This allowed to design a 3D interface
based on the Social Theatres model and users’ prefer-
ences (Guerra et al., 2008). Recently they have pro-
posed a multi-layer software architecture implement-
ing the Social Theatres model (Paredes and Martins,
2010). Although it has been designed to be adapt-
able, this architecture presents some limitations on
the dynamic adaptation of rules. On the contrary, as
long as our system uses an EI as regulation infras-
tructure, it inherits self-adaptation properties of EIs
(Campos Miralles et al., 2011). Another main dif-
ference between our system and the Social Theatres
model is that the latter is a web-based environment
(relying in web services) and our system is indepen-
dent of the technology that implements the VE.
There is a variety of works that have connected
multi-agent systems to VW platforms. CIGA (van
Oijen et al., 2011) is a general purpose middleware
framework where an in-house developed game en-
gine can be connected to a MAS. Another middle-
ware was proposed as a standard to connect MAS sys-
tems to environments (Behrens et al., 2011). They
proposed a so called Environment Interface Standard
(EIS) which supports several MAS platforms (2APL,
GOAL, JADEX and Jason) and different environ-
ments (e.g. GUI applications or videogame worlds).
The infrastructure that we present in this paper, reg-
ulates participants’ interactions at run-time and pro-
vides the virtual space with intelligent behaviors.
There are also recent research works that have fo-
cused on extending, using plug-ins, VW platforms
with advanced graphics for serious applications. As
an example, a framework for Open Simulator creates
scientific visualizations of biomechanical and neuro-
muscular data which allows to explore and analyse
interactively such data (Pronost et al., 2011).
Regarding usability evaluation of VEs, Bowman
et al. analyzed a list of issues such as the physical en-
vironment, the user, the evaluator and the type of us-
ability evaluation, and proposed a new classification
space for evaluation approaches: sequential evalua-
tion and testbed. Sequential evaluation, that includes
heuristic, formative/exploratory and summative eval-
uations, is done in the context of a particular appli-
cation and can have both qualitative and quantitative
results. Testbed is done in a more generic evalua-
tion context, and usually has quantitative results ob-
tained through the creation of testbeds that involve
all the important aspects of an interaction task (Bow-
man et al., 2002). There are a number of researches
that have proposed different evaluation frameworks
for collaborative VEs (Tsiatsos et al., 2010) (Tromp
et al., 2003). The approach that we have followed in
this research paper is the sequential approach, mainly
formative because we observe users interacting in our
hybrid environment but also summative because we
take some measures of time and errors performing
Our example scenario is a virtual market based on
trading Water (v-mWater). It is a simplification of
m-Water (Giret et al., 2011) implemented as a VI
which models an electronic market of water rights in
the agriculture domain (Almajano et al., 2012).
3.1 Water Market
In our market, participants negotiate water rights
. An
agreement is the result of a negotiation where a seller
settles with a buyer to reallocate (part of) the water
from her/his water rights for a fixed period of time in
exchange for a given amount of money.
We consider farmlands irrigating from controlled
water sources within a hydrographic basin. Public au-
thorities estimate water reserves and assign a given
water quantity to each water right. Irrigators that es-
timate they will have water surplus can then sell their
rights. Our market only allows to enter and partic-
ipate in the negotiation irrigators holding rights, i.e.
farmlands, in the hydrographic basin.
3.2 Specification of Interactions
We use an Electronic Institution (EI) to structure
participants’ interactions in the virtual environment
(VE). An EI is defined by the following components:
an ontology, which specifies domain concepts; a num-
ber of roles participants can adopt; several dialogic
activities, which group the interactions of partici-
pants; well-defined protocols followed by such activ-
ities; and a performative structure that defines the le-
gal movements of roles among (possibly parallel) ac-
tivities. More specifically, a performative structure is
specified as a graph where nodes represent both ac-
tivities and transitions and are linked by directed arcs
labelled with the roles that are allowed to follow them.
In the ontology of our water market scenario we
have included concepts such as water right, land or
agreement. Moreover, participants (both software
agents and humans) can enact different roles. Thus, a
buyer represents a purchaser of water rights, a seller is
a dealer of water rights, a market facilitator is respon-
sible for each market activity, a basin authority corre-
sponds to the legal entity which validates the agree-
ments, and an institution manager is in charge of con-
trolling access to the market. To enter the institution,
an agent must login by providing its name and the role
In an agricultural context, a water right refers to the
right of an irrigator to use water from a public water source
(e.g., a river or a pond). It is associated to a farmland and
the volume of its irrigation water is specified in m
Figure 1: Initial aerial view of v-mWater with three rooms
it wants to play. Successfully logged-in agents are lo-
cated at a default initial activity. From this activity,
agents in v-mWater can join three different dialogical
activities: in the Registration activity water rights are
registered to be negotiated later on; in the Wait&Info
activity, participants communicate each other to ex-
change impressions about the market and obtain in-
formation about both past and next negotiations; and
finally, the negotiation of water rights takes place in
the Auction activity. It follows a multi-unit Japanese
auction protocol, a raising price protocol that takes, as
starting price, seller’s registered price. Then, buyers
place bids as long as they are interested in acquiring
water rights at current price.
Participants and specification elements of an EI
have their corresponding representation (visualiza-
tion) in the 3D VE. As an example, participants are
represented as avatars whereas activities are depicted
as rooms with doors in order to control the access (see
Fig. 1). Next section focuses on the infrastructure that
supports such structured 3D VE.
We have used VIXEE, the Virtual Institutions eXE-
cution Environment (Trescak et al., 2011), as a robust
infrastructure to connect an Electronic Institution (EI)
to different Virtual Worlds (VW). It allows to validate
those VW interactions which have institutional mean-
ing (i.e contemplated in the EI specification), and up-
date both VWs and EI states to maintain a causal de-
pendence. It also contemplates the dynamic manip-
ulation of VW content. This section describes the 3
layered VIXEE architecture depicted in Fig. 2.
4.1 Architecture
The Normative Control Layer. (NCL) on the left
side of Fig. 2 is in charge of structuring interactions.
It is composed by an Electronic Institution Specifica-
Figure 2: VIXEE Architecture. The Causal Connection Layer as middleware between the Normative Control Layer (populated
by agents) and the Visual Interaction Layer (populated by 3D virtual characters).
and AMELI (Esteva et al., 2004), a general pur-
pose EI engine.
AMELI interprets such a specification in order
to mediate and coordinate the participation of every
agent within the MAS system.
Software (SW) agents (robot-alike icons on the
left of Fig. 2) have a direct connection to AMELI.
In turn, AMELI sends its messages to the middleware
and receives messages from it describing VW actions.
The Visual Interaction Layer, represents several 3D
VWs. Human users (human-face icons on the right
of Fig. 2) participate in the system by controlling
avatars (i.e. 3D virtual characters) which represent
them in the virtual environment. Additionally, SW
agents from the NCL can be visualised as bots in the
VW (notice how dashed arrows in Fig. 2 link robot
icons on the left with bot characters within this layer).
This layer may host VW platforms programmed in
different languages and using different graphic tech-
nologies. The common and main feature of all VW
platforms is the immersive experience provided to
their participants.
VWs can intuitively represent interaction spaces
(e.g. rooms) and show the progression of activities
that participants are engaged in. For example, an auc-
tion activity can be represented as an room where the
auctioneer has a desktop and dynamic panels show
information about the ongoing auction. In order to
explore the VW, users can walk around as done in
real spaces, but they can also fly and even teleport
to other places in the virtual space. Participant inter-
actions can be conducted by using multi-modal com-
In order to generate an EI specification we use IS-
LANDER, the EI specification editor that facilitates this
munication (e.g. text chat, doing gestures or touching
objects). The immersive experience can be still en-
hanced by incorporating sounds (e.g. acoustic signals
when determining a winner in an auction).
The main components of this layer are VWs. We
contemplate VW platforms based on a client-server
architecture, composed by a VW client and a VW
server. The former provides the interface to human
participants. It is usually executed as a downloaded
program in the local machine (e.g. Imprudence) or
as a web interface. The latter communicates with the
Causal Connection Layer (see in next section) by us-
ing a standard protocol (e.g. UDP, TCP, HTTP). In
particular, the scenario described in § 5 employs Open
Simulator (, an open source
multi-platform, multi-user 3D VW server.
The Causal Connection Layer, in Fig. 2 -or
middleware- keeps a state-consistency relation: it
connects human participants from multiple VWs to
the NCL so to regulate their actions; and it supports
the visualisation of SW agent participants as bots in
the VWs. Next, we explain its main components.
The Extended Connection Server (ECS) mediates
all the communication with AMELI. It supports the
connection of multiple VWs to one EI. This way,
users from different VWs can participate jointly in
the same VI. Moreover, ECS is able to catch those
AMELI messages that trigger the generation of the
initial 3D environment (e.g. build rooms) and reset
the world to a pre-defined state (e.g. clear information
. ECS main elements are the Agent Manager
and Message/Action Dispatchers. First, the Agent
Manager creates an External Agent (E. Agent in
ECS manipulates VW content by means of two com-
ponents: the Builder and the VW Grammar Manager.
Fig. 2) for each connected (human-controlled) avatar.
The E. Agent is connected to the EI with the aim of
translating the interactions performed by the human in
the VW
. Second, Message/Action Dispatchers medi-
ate both AMELI messages and VW actions. They use
the so called Movie Script mechanism to define the
mapping between AMELI messages and VW actions
and vice versa. On one hand, a message generated
from AMELI provokes a VW action so that the vi-
sualisation in all connected VWs is updated. On the
other hand, for each institutional action performed by
a human avatar in the VW (regulated by the EI), a dis-
patcher sends the corresponding message to AMELI
by means of its External Agent.
The Virtual Worlds Manager (VWM) mediates all
VWs-ECS communications and dynamically updates
the 3D representation of all connected VWs by means
of aforementioned Message/Action Dispatchers. The
VWM is composed by one VW proxy for each con-
nected VW. Since different VW platforms can need a
different specific programming language, these prox-
ies allow to use such a specific language to commu-
nicate with the ECS. In our example scenario we use
OpenMetaverse ( library to
manipulate the content of OpenSimulator.
4.2 Human-agent interactions
As previously introduced, our objective is to facilitate
the user a structured hybrid virtual environment for
serious purposes (e.g., e-applications). To do so, we
provide a VW interface for human participants whilst
SW agents are directly connected to the AMELI plat-
form and are represented as bots in the VWs.
We consider three types of interaction mecha-
nisms: illocution, motion, and information request.
First, illocutions are interactions uttered by partic-
ipants within activities’ protocols. Human avatars
interact by means of illocutions by performing ges-
tures and sending chat messages. Bot avatars can do
the same except for those representing institutional
agents, which can also send public messages by up-
dating information panels. Second, motions corre-
spond to movements to enter/exit activities. Human
avatars show their intention to (and ask for permis-
sion to) enter/exit activities by touching the door of
the corresponding room in the VW. As for bots, they
are simply teleported between rooms. Third, infor-
mation requests include asking to the institution for
information about i) activities reachable ii) activities’
protocols states and iii) activities’ participants. These
interactions have been implemented by both sending
messages (e.g. the institution manager sends a private
Thus, AMELI perceives all participants as SW agents.
message to an avatar specifying that is not allowed
to enter/exit an activity) and drawing on information
panels (e.g. the state of an auction is indicated in a
panel on a wall of the auction room).
Figure 3: Bot Buyer and human performing bidding ges-
tures in a running auction.
In order to illustrate the communication flow of an
interaction between agents and humans, here we de-
scribe two communication processes within a negoti-
ation activity. In particular, we detail a bid placement
within an auction (see Fig. 3).
The first communication process starts with the
desire of a human participant to bid in an auction, so
that s/he performs a raising hand gesture with his/her
avatar. Then the VWM catches the action and com-
municates the gesture to the ECS, which uses the Ac-
tion Dispatcher to translate this gesture to the cor-
responding AMELI message “bid”. Afterwards, the
Agent Manager in the middleware sends such a mes-
sage to the normative layer. The message is sent
by means of the participant’s external agent. Next,
AMELI processes the message and sends back a re-
sponse with the result of the message (ok or failure)
to the middleware. As a consequence, the middle-
ware uses the VWM to cause (trigger) the action of
the market facilitator sending a chat message with the
response to all participants within the auction. Notice
that, although the bid gesture is always performed by
the human avatar, it does not mean that it was a valid
action, so the confirmation message sent to the rest of
participants is necessary for they to be aware of the
action validity.
In the second communication process, a SW agent
directly sends a bid message to AMELI, since it is di-
rectly connected to the normative layer. Only if the
message has been successfully performed in AMELI,
it is reflected in the VW. To do so, the middleware re-
ceives the said message event from AMELI and trans-
lates it by means of the Message Dispatcher to the re-
lated bot avatar raising its hand. Thus, the human user
can perceive bot’s bid visually in its VW client. Over-
all, the human can bid and be aware of all other partic-
ipants’ bid placements. As we have seen, this mech-
anism allows agents and humans in the same auction
activity to interact in a structured and seamless way.
This section is devoted to briefly describe our v-
mWater scenario, were human avatars interact with
several bot characters. All bots are bold and have dif-
ferentiated artificial skin colours that represent their
roles (see Figs. 3, 4 and 5). Fig. 1 shows three rooms
generated in the VW, one for each activity in the EI
defined in § 3.2. The institution precinct is delimited
by a fence with an entrance on its left side, where the
Institution Manager restricts the access.
Figure 4: Human seller in the Registration room.
Figure 5: The inside of the Wait&Info room.
In our example execution, Peter Jackson is a user
that controls his human avatar and requests access to
the market as a buyer by sending a login message to
the Institution Manager.
The access to the Registration room (see Fig. 4)
is limited to participants playing a seller role. There,
sellers can register a water right by sending the com-
mand “register hwater right idi hpriceithrough the
private text chat to the Market Facilitator sat at the
desktop. Next, the Market Facilitator confirms that
the registration is valid and sends back the corre-
sponding “idRegister” (otherwise, it would send an
error message). All correctly registered water rights
will be auctioned later on.
All participants are allowed to enter the Wait&Info
room (see Fig. 5). Several waiting sofas are disposed
in this room, a map of the basin is located on its left
wall and the desktop located at the end is designated
to be used by the Market Facilitator. Behind it, one
dynamic information panel shows a comprehensive
compilation of relevant information about last trans-
actions. The Market Facilitator indicates every new
transaction updating the information panel. Alterna-
tively, participants can approach the Market Facilita-
tor and request for information about last transactions
by sending a private chat message “trans”. Simi-
larly, they can also request for information about next
water rights to negotiate with the private chat mes-
sage “nextwr”. In both cases Market Facilitators re-
sponse goes through the same chat.
Buyers can join a negotiation activity by request-
ing the entrance to the Auction room (see Fig. 3). If
their access is validated, they can take a sit at one of
the free chairs disposed in the room. Two desktops
are reserved for the Market Facilitator (left) and the
Basin Authority (right). Then, the bidding process ex-
plained before (in § 4.2) takes place. Winner/s will
request a desired quantity of water from the Basin Au-
thority through a private chat. As a result, the Basin
Authority notifies the valid agreements to all partic-
ipants with a gesture and updates the information in
the designated panel. Although some details are omit-
ted, we can see that, despite the inherent complexity
of the Auction activity, it has been designed in a way
so that a human participant can easily place bids and
intuitively follow the course of a negotiation.
This section evaluates our structured hybrid Virtual
Environment by means of a usability test that fol-
lows the widely-used test plan from (Rubin and Chis-
nell, 2008). First, we define general test objectives
and specific research questions that derive from them.
Next, we detail test participants and test methodology.
Last, we describe and discuss obtained results both at
qualitative and quantitative levels.
6.1 Test Objectives
The main goal is to assess the usefulness of our struc-
tured hybrid Virtual Environment, that is, the degree
to which it enables human users to achieve their goals
and the user’s willingness to use the system. This goal
can be subdivided in the following sub-goals: i) assess
the effectiveness of v-mWater, i.e the extent to which
users achieve their goals; ii) assess the efficiency of v-
mWater, i.e. the quickness with which the user goals
can be accomplished accurately and completely; iii)
identify problems/errors users encounter/make when
immersed on such a structured 3D VE; iv) assess
users’ satisfaction, that is, their opinions, feelings and
experiences; and v) open some discussion about the
hypothesis that users’ age, gender or skills may affect
effectiveness and user satisfaction.
With all these objectives in mind, we have defined
a test task that consists on searching for information
about last transactions in the market and registering
(for selling) a water right. This structured task is in
fact composed of four subtasks: i) understand the task
and figure out the plan (two out of three rooms have
to be visited in a specific order) required to perform
the task; ii) get specific information about the market
transactions at the Wait&Info room. This can be ac-
complished by reading the information panel or rather
by asking the Information bot; iii) work out the re-
quired registration price, which has to be 5e higher
than the price of the most recent transaction; and iv)
register the water right at the Registration room, by
talking to the Registration bot.
6.2 Research Questions
With v-mWater being a functional prototype, we
wanted to answer some questions related to how us-
able it is, how useful this VE proves to be to differ-
ent users, and more generally, the users’ willingness
to perform e-government services in VEs. Given the
test objectives introduced in the previous section, we
address several research questions that derive from
them. These questions are divided in two categories.
The first category is closely related to the task users
are asked to perform in the VE:
RQ1: Information Gathering. How fast does the
user find the information needed once s/he enters the
Wait&Info room? Was the information easy to un-
derstand? How did the user obtain that information?
(reading a panel or interacting with the agent).
RQ2: Human-bot Interaction. Is the registration
desk (and bot) easy to find? How pleasant is the in-
teraction with the bot? Does the user value knowing
which characters are bots and which are humans?
RQ3: Task Completion. What obstacles do sellers
encounter on the way to the Registration room on the
VE? What errors do they make when registering a
right? How many users did complete the task?
The second category is more general and focuses
on user’s ability and strategies to move around a 3D
virtual space, learnability for novice users, and per-
ceived usefulness and willingness to use VEs for on-
line e-government procedures: RQ4: User Profile
Influence. Does the user profile (age, gender, and
experience with computers and VEs) influence per-
ceived task difficulty, user satisfaction and immersive-
RQ5: VE Navegability. Which strategy does the user
take to move between rooms? Does the user notice
(and use) the teleport function? Even noticing it, does
s/he prefer to walk around and inspect the 3D space?
RQ6: Applicability to e-Government. How do users
feel about 3D e-government applications after the
test? Would they use them in the future?
6.3 Participants
We have recruited 10 participants. They form a di-
verse user population in terms of features such as age
(18-54), gender, computer skills and experience on
3D VEs/games. We find users that have grown with
computers and users that have not, therefore we can
study how age influences efficiency, perceived easi-
ness, usefulness and their predisposition to use such a
3D and hybrid virtual space for e-government related
tasks. We also pay special attention to users’ com-
puter skills and experience in 3D VEs as it can influ-
ence their ability to perform required tasks. Table 1
shows details on participants age, gender, computer
skills (‘basic’, ‘medium’, ‘advanced’) and VE/games
experience (‘none’, ‘some’, ‘high’). The classifica-
tion for computer skills was: ‘basic’ for participants
which use only the most basic functionalities of the
computer, such as web browsing, text editing, etc.;
‘medium’ for users with a minimum knowledge of
the computer’s internal functioning and who use it
in a more complex way such as gaming; and ‘ad-
vanced’ for participants who work professionally with
computers, i.e. programmers. Regarding VE skills,
‘none’ were users who have never used a VE, ‘some’
described users who have tried it occasionally, and
‘high’ for users who often use a VE. Notice that al-
though most skills are uniformly distributed, VE ex-
perience is strongly biased towards VE newcomers.
6.4 Methodology
The usability study we conducted was mainly ex-
ploratory, but somehow summative. We used the
Formative Evaluation method (Bowman et al., 2002),
Table 1: List of participants’ characteristics.
Name Age Gender PC exp VE exp
P1 18 Female Medium Some
P2 19 Female Medium High
P3 20 Male Advanced Some
P4 25 Female Medium None
P5 25 Female Medium None
P6 28 Female Advanced None
P7 39 Male Advanced None
P8 40 Male Medium None
P9 53 Male Basic None
P10 54 Female Basic None
which fitted our interests at this early iteration of our
prototype. We were mostly interested in finding rel-
evant qualitative data. Nevertheless, since the appli-
cation itself is already a functional prototype, we also
took some quantitative measures.
The evaluation team was composed by a moder-
ator and an observer. The former guided the user
if needed, encouraged him/her to think-aloud, intro-
duced the test, and gave the user the consent-form and
the post-test questionnaire. The latter took notes.
The tests took place at users’ locations: half of the
participants did the test at their home and the other
half at their workplace, on a separate room. The
equipment consisted in 2 computers, the VW server
and the VW client. The latter recorded user interac-
tions and sound.
All participants were requested to perform a task.
Specifically, they were told: “act as a seller, and reg-
ister a water right for a price which is 5e higher than
the price of the last transaction done”. Recall that,
in order to do the task properly, participants would
then have to visit the Wait&Info room, check the price
of the last transaction (by asking the bot or checking
the information panel), and afterwards head towards
the Registration room and register a water right at the
correct price by interaction with the Registration bot.
The test protocol consists of 4 phases. First, Pre-
test interview: We welcomed the user, explain test
objectives and asked questions about their experi-
ence with e-government. Second, Training: The user
played through a demo to learn how to move in 3D
and interact with objects and avatars alike. We also
showed him the different appearance of bots and hu-
mans and gave an explanation of how to interact with
bots. This training part was mostly fully guided, ex-
cept at the end, when the user could freely roam and
interact in the demo scenario. Third, Test: The user
performed the test task without receiving guidance
unless s/he ran out of resources. Meanwhile the mod-
erator encouraged the user to think-aloud (by telling
him/her to describe actions and thoughts while s/he
did the test). Fourth, Post-test questionnaire: The user
is given a questionnaire with qualitative and quantita-
tive questions regarding v-mWater and the application
of VEs to e-government tasks (see Figure 8).
6.5 Results and Discussion
In this section we discuss usability issues identified
after the analysis of data gathered during the test.
We will go through the research questions defined in
§ 6.2. The answers to each of them come from differ-
ent sources: a combination of the post-test question-
naire; comments given by the users; notes took by
Table 2: Post test questionnaire.
Question Number Brief description
Q1 Situatedness and movement in 3D
Q2 VE walking (2.1) and
(Q2.1, Q2.2) teleport (2.2) comfortability
Q3 Info gathering (panel/bot)
Q4 Human-bot interaction
Q5 Bot visual distinction
Q6 Chat-based bot communication
Q7 Task easiness
Q8 Immersiveness in 3D
Q9 Improved opinion of 3D VWs
Q10 Likeliness of future usage
Q11 3D interface usefulness
Q12 Overall system opinion
open question User’s comments
Figure 6: Post-test questionnaire results. X axis: questions
from Table 2. Y axis: average (and standard deviation) val-
the observer; and the review of the desktop and voice
recordings that were taken during the test (i.e. while
participants performed the task).
Table 2 summarizes the 12 questions in the post-
test questionnaire, and Figure 6 depicts a compila-
tion of users’ answers. There, X axis shows each
of the post-test questions and the Y axis shows av-
erage values of answers considering a five-point Lik-
ert scale. This scale provides 5 different alterna-
tives in terms of application successfulness (‘very
bad’/‘bad’/‘fair’/‘good’/‘very good’), where ‘very
bad’ corresponds to 1, and ‘very good’ to 5. Standard
deviation values are also provided.
Overall, the quantitative results we obtained from
the questionnaires were very satisfactory, with all
average answers higher than 3.5 (standard deviation
lower than 1.0). Highest rated responses (whose val-
ues were higher than 4.0) were associated with the
easy distinction of bots and human controlled char-
acters (Q5) and the overall satisfaction of the user
(Q12). On the other end, lowest rated responses (with
3.5 values) were related to the comfortability when
walking within the environment (Q2.1), the command
system used to chat with the bots (Q6), and the idea
of using a 3D VE for similar tasks (Q10).
From both the qualitative measures that the user
gave at the open question of the post-test question-
naire as well as when debriefing with the evaluating
team, we extracted a number of relevant aspects of the
v-mWater system. Firstly, users like its learnability,
its immersiveness, and how scenario settings facilitate
task accomplishment. Moreover, users like 3D visual-
ization although as of today, it is too soon for them to
imagine a VE being used for everyday tasks, since it
is hard to imagine, unfamiliar, and in some cases users
wouldn’t fully trust on it. At the same time, the over-
all opinion of the system was positive and some users
clarified that they were not entirely comfort using the
application, but they would easily become used to it;
since it was highly learnable and safe to use.
Usability criteria, such as effectiveness, efficiency
and errors have been analysed answering the research
questions from first category introduced in § 6.2.
RQ1: Information Gathering. The information that
the user had to obtain in subtask ii) could be gath-
ered from 2 sources: the information panel and the
Information bot, both located at the Wait&Info room.
During the test, the majority of the users, except two
of them who did not enter this room, walked directly
towards the information panel and/or the information
desk (where the bot was located). These users could
easily read the information from both sources. An-
swers of Q1 and Q3, both with an average close to 4,
reinforce previous statement.
RQ2: Human-bot Interaction. Users should inter-
act with bots in subtasks ii) and iv). The high average
of Q4 indicates that the user had a good overall im-
pression about human-bot interaction. Nevertheless,
Q6 denotes that users were uncomfortable with the
technique, a command-based system, used during the
dialogue with the bot. Analysing Q5, with an average
of 4.7, we can state that participants found it almost
imperative to know when they were facing a bot.
RQ3: Task Completion. Overall, participants found
it easy to complete the task (as Q7 indicates with an
average of 4), and they took an average of 4.46 min-
utes. Users have not found any obstacles that pre-
vented them from completing the task. Regarding er-
rors that users committed during the task completion,
some users did not always go to the right destination
(building), but they always realised their mistake and
were able to get to the correct destination. Another
type of error relates to the chat-based interaction with
bots; as Q6 indicates, where the average of the an-
swers was 3.6. Users with low computer skills had
some trouble when interacting with the bot because of
the strict command-based system. Nevertheless, the
users found this communication system highly learn-
able. Related to the effectiveness of the application,
we have measured it re-viewing the desktop record-
ings. Considering the structure of the task that has
been detailed in § 6.1, the percentage of users that
completed the corresponding sub-tasks were: i) 80%
understood the task correctly. Only 20% of users did
not figure out they had to check prices before regis-
tering their water right. ii) 80% of users gathered the
information correctly (the rest skipped that step). iii)
70% of users calculated the price properly. iv) 100%
completed the registration subtask, i.e. all participants
registered water rights.
Below, we give a brief discussion about user pro-
file influence on perceived task difficulty, satisfaction,
usefulness and immersiveness, and analyse more gen-
eral usability aspects of our system such as the user’s
ability to move around a 3D VE; or perceived useful-
ness of VEs for on-line e-government procedures.
RQ4: User Profile Influence. This question was
answered by analysing the results from our post-test
questionnaire in terms of user features. From the
point of view of age, participants are equally bal-
anced. As the age increases it also does the difficulty
to use the application, although the satisfaction also
increases. Surprisingly, the youngest users found the
application less useful than the older ones (this may
be due to their higher expectations from 3D VE). Re-
lated to users’ experience with computers, users with
the lowest experience had clearly a harder time using
the arrow controls to walk around the 3D space. Ad-
ditionally, this group found difficult both the interac-
tion with the bots and the task completion. Similarly,
the immersion grows as the experience with computer
RQ5: VE Navigability. Navigation in our VE has
proven to be relatively easy, since users’ average opin-
ion was 4 (Q1). They did not roam in any occasion as
it has been appreciated on the recordings. Users who
found out they could teleport were comfortable us-
ing it, as they reflected on the post-test questionnaire
(Q2.2) and also by some of their comments.
RQ6: Applicability to e-Government. Users’ opin-
ion about VEs had improved after doing the test (Q9),
since they answered with an average value of 4. When
asked about their intention to use a similar system for
similar tasks in the future (Q10), users answered an
average of 3.5, which means that they have a rela-
tive good opinion about the usefulness of the applica-
tion. Finally, users reported that the 3D interface had
helped them in achieving their goals during the test,
as Q11 shows with an average value of 4.
Finally, we were able to extend the test with
3 additional PC and VE expert users. Since they
were comfortable with the controls, they completed
the task notably faster than newcomers. Moreover,
all answers got higher marks on average. This as-
sesses the potential of this approach. Nevertheless,
the command-based human-agent interaction still ap-
peared as the weakest feature.
In this paper we have explicitly structured partici-
pants’ interactions in hybrid (humans and software
agents) virtual environments (VE). We have presented
an example scenario in an e-government application
(v-mWater, a virtual market based on trading Water),
and evaluated its usability. We have also described
the execution infrastructure that supports this hybrid
and structured scenario where humans and bots inter-
act both each other and with the environment. Fur-
thermore, we characterize different interaction mech-
anisms and provide human users with multi-modal
(visual, gestural and textual) interaction. In our us-
ability study, we have paid special attention to how
users perceive their interaction with bots.
The usability evaluation results provide an early
feedback on the implemented scenario. v-mWater is
perceived as a useful and powerful application that
could facilitate everyday tasks in the future. Users
like its learnability, its immersiveness, and how sce-
nario settings facilitate task accomplishment. In gen-
eral, users have well completed the proposed task and
were able to go to the right destination in the sce-
nario. After doing the test, users improved their opin-
ion about 3D VEs. In addition, the overall opinion of
the human-bot interaction is positive.
Nevertheless, there are some inherent limitations
of interface dialogs and interactions. Some users are
not comfortable using the command-based bot dia-
log and find difficult to move their avatar in the 3D
VE. Thus, a future research direction is to define new
forms of human-bot interactions, using multimodal
techniques based on voice, or sounds and tactile feed-
back supported by gaming devices. We also plan to
incorporate assistant agents to help humans partici-
pate effectively in the system, and perform a compar-
ative usability study to assess assistants’ utility.
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