How Do I Manage My Personal Data? A Telco Perspective
Corrado Moiso
, Fabrizio Antonelli
and Michele Vescovi
Future Centre, Telecom Italia, Via Reiss Romoli 274, Torino, Italy
SKIL Lab, Telecom Italia, Via Sommarive 18, Trento, Italy
Keywords: Personal Data, Personal Data Ecosystems, Personal Data Stores and Services, Privacy.
Abstract: Personal data are considered the core of digital services. Data Privacy is the main concern in the currently
adopted organization-centric” approaches for personal data management: this affects the potential benefits
arising from a smarter and more valuable use of personal data. We introduce a “user-centric” model for
personal data management, where individuals have control over the entire personal data lifecycle from
acquisition to storage, from processing to sharing. In particular, the paper analyses the features of a personal
data store and discusses how its adoption enables new application scenarios.
Nowadays we are witnessing an increasing number
of activities performed (or having a representation)
in the cyberspace. This is one of the main reasons
for the creation of lots of Personal Data (PD), i.e.,
data about individuals, their behaviour, their actions,
etc.. This trend will amplify in the next future due to
a wide-spreader adoption of new types of personal
devices (e.g., smartphones, tablet), which enable
users to access online services in an ubiquitous way
and to collect contextual information from the
integrated sensors as well as from the surrounding
environment. The increment in the production and
collection of (personal) data is paired with the
evolution of the technologies for storing and
processing big amount of data, such as, e.g.,
MapReduce paradigm and NoSQL databases.
The availability of such a huge amount of data
represents an unvaluable business resource and
opportunity for organizations and individuals to
enable new application scenarios. Organizations,
either enterprises, service providers, government or
public agencies, can leverage on (either single or
aggreagated) PD to have a deeper understanding of
customers or citizens needs, either as single
individuals or as homogenous groups of persons.
With such an insight they can conceive new
business, optimize their operations, enhance their
services or improve the management of a territory.
Persons, accordingly, can benefit from the creation
of novel personalized applications based on their
own PD to enhance users experience and improve
quality of their life: examples are applications for
life monitoring, facts or information recall, behavior
awareness, decision making support, personal
service recommendation, knowledge sharing (see
e.g., Moreover, people are
increasing the awareness on advantages of sharing
their PD to enable new types of social applications.
Unfortunately the usage of PD conflicts with the
possibility of handling them (Stephen, 2011). So far
PD have been managed in an “organization-centric”
approach: while some organizations are privacy
aware and concerned to loose the trust of their users,
on the contrary most of the available services do not
offer to users neither transparency nor the control on
the data they must provide to access the service (in
most cases the websites become the “ownersof all
the uploaded data), with great impacts on privacy.
This is even more threatened by the increasingly
more sophisticated mechanisms for data analysis,
mining and profiling that can infer deeper and wider
information by crossing data from multiple sources.
Individuals are becoming more sensitive on the
risks associated to their PD, and start claiming
greater protection on their privacy (Bradwell, 2010).
These concerns are mainly due to the fact that PD
are stored in data bases of organizations with limited
possibility for people to access, to modify or to
delete, and exploit them, so that users feel like they
have lost the control on their PD.
So far, on the other side, the focus of authorities
has been more on the protection of the PD, to reduce
Moiso C., Antonelli F. and Vescovi M..
How Do I Manage My Personal Data? – A Telco Perspective.
DOI: 10.5220/0003996301230128
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications (DATA-2012), pages 123-128
ISBN: 978-989-8565-18-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the risks of uncontrolled uses, than on the promotion
of their benefits when paired with a higher control
from their owners. This causes a deadlock between
the opportunities in exploiting PD to enable a new
generation of person-aware applications and the
constraints in using them to protect the individuals
In order to overcome this sistuation, a new user-
centric model for PD management is proposed,
which enable a higher control of individuals over the
lifecycle of their PD (WEForum, 2011a) further than
allowing for a more efficient management, reuse and
sharing of such data.
This paper proposes a functional vision to
implement this new model, and discusses how its
adoption can enable new application scenarios.
Section 2 presents the user-centric model, and
introduces the concept of Personal Data Store
(PDS), and describes how such PDSs allow the
creation and exploitation of individuals’ digital
footprints. Section 3 identifies PDS features, and
presents the scenarios enabled by them. Section 4
describes a planned experimentation to validate the
model. Finally, Section 5 provides some remarks
from the Telcos perspective.
According to current models of managing PD, data
generated during the activities performed by a
person on the Web are collected by those offering
the services, by means of explicit forms, cookies,
web-bugs, flash cookie, click-stream, etc. The data
are then aggregated and analysed for managing the
service, and eventually sold to other parties (Tucker,
2010). People are marginally involved in this chain
and, at most, they access services for free, but, in
exchange of conceding the permanent use of PD.
Some recent analysis, as the one performed by
the World Economic Forum in the project
“Rethinking Personal Data” (WEForum, 2011a),
highlighted that this model will be no longer
sustainable in the medium term. On one side,
governments and authorities are aiming at
introducing stricter regulations on data collection,
e.g., by adopting “Do Not Track” mechanisms,
anonymisation constraints and limits (in time and in
space) on storing data about individuals. On the
other side, this approach is not able to provide an
holistic view of individuals, as the collected data are
fragmented in several independent compounds, each
containing the data related to the behaviour of the
user on a specific aspect or service, thus forcing a
high replication of data provided by the user and a
substantial loss of control over them.
Furthermore, the general approach for an
organization is to request the authorization and then
to collect and store the PD of its users required for
the service delivery in internal data centre. People do
not have effective instruments to keep track of all
the signed authorizations, in order to check, update,
or cancel the provided data, or in order to detect
some misuses. In this “organization-centric” model,
many PD instances (whichever explicitly-provided,
observed or inferred) are collected during the
delivery of services and managed autonomously by
organizations. Even more, it is almost never given to
the user the right to fix an expiration date, or a
maximum inactivity lapse, after which the
organization must “forget” about the PD received.
The result is that actually the provided data are
supposed to be potentially stored forever (if no
explicit requests come) whichever is the life of the
Figure 1: From organization-centric to user-centric model.
In order to overcome the limitations of the
current model, several initiatives (e.g., see VRM
Project and Personal Data Ecosystem Consortium)
are elaborating a user-centric model (Figure 1): “End
user-centricity refers to the concept of organizing the
rules and policies of the PD ecosystem around the
key principles that end-users value: transparency
into what data is captured, control over how it is
shared, trust in how others use it and value
attributable because of it” (WEForum, 2011a). The
most important aspect of this model is to enable, as
recommended in the recent data protection reform of
EU, individuals to own and control the copy of their
PD, to be provided case by case to organization
willing them to run their legitimate operations. The
private ownership of complete copies of PD is
claimed to be sufficient to “create a liquid, dynamic
new asset class” (Pentland, 2012), able to break the
AA   nternational onference on ata echnoloies and Applications
current data privacy-data exploitation deadlock.
Midata (
issues/personal-data), a recent initiative of UK
government, is promoting this approach.
The “user-centric” model for PD could be
implemented by means of Personal Data Stores
(PDSs), where individuals can collect and store data
about their selves (potentially all, without limits in
time and space). A PDS can be compared to an e-
mail mailbox: both are managed by a service
provider but the inner data, PD or e-mails, are
property of their respective owners, and the provider
must guarantee their security and their correct
management. By the definition of rules on data
access, synchronization and use, a person can apply
a full control on how her/his data are managed and
shared with third-parties (i.e., other persons,
enterprises, online service providers or public
entities) to provide services. Let’s take a check-in at
the hotel (e.g., performed via an electronic
identification) where the user starts a direct relation
with that facility: in that context she/he authorizes
the hotel to access the information needed for the
check-in, and she/he receives from the hotel the data
related to the bill. This way, “privacy” is achieved
not by locking data in a secure vault, but by enabling
their disclosure (according to well-defined
constraints) to trusted third-parties, in order to
receive some useful services from them.
2.1 Creating Our Digital Footprint
The Digital Footprint (DF) of a person can be
defined as “the digital record of everything she/he
makes and does online and in the world”. It includes
all the pieces of information that describe the
requests and executions of online service
transactions, interactions with other persons, actions
performed by means of applications and devices,
interactions with the environment and (smart)
objects (e.g. including sensing capabilities), etc. DFs
could include a life-log, i.e., the digital record of
everything a person makes and does in the digital
world. Some of the data in the DFs are explicitly
generated by individuals, others are produced by the
digital services and devices they use. Additional
information can be “meta-data” introduced (either
explicitly or by automatic algorithms) to describe,
correlate, organize the pieces of data in the footprint.
According to a user-centric model for PD,
persons could use their PDS to create and manage
their DFs. A set of services for the management of
PD could be delivered to persons to gather, store,
organize, manage, use/process, and share data in
their DF. These services introduce an added-value
with respect to cloud-based services, which are used
by persons just to back-up or share their contents
and preferences across different devices (but not to
record their digital activities).
The availability of services to create, maintain
and access DFs would enable the development and
the delivery to users of new applications which can
affect the quality of life. These applications leverage
on the DF by organizing, combining and visualizing,
the data from different sources. E.g., GPS locations
combined with other users PD (accelerometer
records, communications, ...) can give further
awareness to the user about his (social) life-style,
supporting his decisions or empowering to change.
The DF can be also a mean to improve the way
individuals share their PD with third-parties within
the context of single relations or predefined views.
Different types of relations can be considered:
examples are person-to-person relationships, e.g.,
according to “Federated Social Web” vision (W3C,
2010), person-to-organization relationships, e.g.,
according to the Vendor Relationship Management
(VRM) model, and person-to-broker relationships to
define how individuals’ data can be aggregated, and
analysed to be offered to interested organisations.
Furthermore different policies of data sharing can be
devised by the user, depending on the kind of
organization (public/government, private/business).
Even if several projects are going toward a user-
centric approach to PD management, presently there
is not a shared vision of the functionalities that a
PDS should provide. Currently available solutions
implement different features selected according to
specific business scenario requirements. We would
like to propose a reference framework by grouping
PDS functions in 5 layers whose incremental
introduction can enable different scenarios (Figure 2
left). In the following we highlight the main
requirements of such layers.
1) Features to create and manage a person’s
“digital footprint”: these include all the functions to
manage a personal Data Space: storage of the DF;
automatic collection of PD from different sources;
enrichment of PD (e.g., with metadata);
search/retrieval; visualization. The adoption of a
well-defined data model internal to PDS would
simplify the development of applications relying on
the stored data and the definition of sharing rules.
Some functionalities are achieved in an automatic
Ho o  Manae My Personal ata  A elco Perspective
way, e.g., the collection of data from different
sources (e.g., personal devices), and the generation
of metadata (e.g. by means of tools performing
semantic analysis or data mining).
Figure 2: Functions layers for Personal Data Store.
2) Features enabling personal applications on
top of the “digital footprint”: these must offer a set
of mechanisms and APIs to enable applications to
access data in multiple ways (e.g., query, read/write
operations, event notification according to pub/sub
model), and to create a trusted environment (e.g., a
sand-box) for the deployment, management and
execution of “personal” applications (e.g., smart
access to their data, personal activity management).
3) Features enabling a user-controlled sharing
of data in a person’s “digital footprint”: these
define temporary or permanent relations between an
individual and a third/party (other individuals,
enterprises, service providers, public organizations,
etc.) within the context of a service using the PD
(access, share or synchronize). In order to establish
and control a relation, these features include
interaction with a (federated) identity framework
(e.g., NSTIC) and mechanisms to support policies
on data usage control, i.e., policies constraining how
disclosed data by users can be used by a third-party.
4) Features to aggregate personal data: these
functions are in charge of analysing and processing
data provided by groups of individuals:
identifying (homogeneous) groups of people;
creating aggregations of data disclosed by each
of the group members;
providing the aggregations to 3rd parties (they
may apply neutralization filters on sensible
data according to individuals’ requirements);
improving the quality of data sets by reducing
statistical noisy effects.
5) Features to manage negotiation on personal
data disclosure: these enable individuals to negotiate
the conditions on the disclosure of their data to third
parties, to get some economic or social advantages.
They enable the negotiation of data aggregations
by different users, as well as the distribution of
benefits to the contributing users. These functions
must be supported by techniques to evaluate the
value of PD offered by individuals or grouped in
aggregations, and to automatize the negotiations
between individuals disclosing the data and the
actors using them (data brokers, service providers,
3.1 The Bank of Individuals’ Data
The PDS functions listed above are one of the key
elements necessary for creating and nourishing the
ecosystem of the actors involved in the production
and consumption of personal information (Figure 3).
Figure 3: A user-centric PD ecosystem and the BID.
We introduce the “Bank of Individuals’ Data
(BID) as the provider of PDS features. We call it
bank, because it actually acts by managing data as
commercial banks manage money: it provides a
secure and trusted space (i.e., a vault) where a
person can put her/his PD, and can operate on them
by creating, lending or even selling his/her DF. Like
banks, the BID can act as catalysts of new
opportunities which bring economic or social
advantages to all the actors of the ecosystem.
3.2 Scenarios Enabled by PDS Features
Several versions of PDSs can be developed by
combining the identified sets of features to enable
different application scenarios (Figure 2, right). In
this section we present sample application scenarios
enabled by these PDS versions.
The features to create and manage a person’s
“digital footprint” can provide to individuals the
same benefits that organizations have enjoyed for
years after the introduction of DBMSs (e.g. control
of internal processes, CRM system, data mining, and
data warehouse).
The full exploitation of the DF can be achieved
by enabling applications developed by external
AA   nternational onference on ata echnoloies and Applications
providers to access it. This is offered by features
enabling personal applications on top of the DF,
whose introduction enables the creation of an
“Application Store”-like model. Individuals can
select and buy applications, and deploy them on the
execution environment.
Features enabling a user-controlled sharing of
data in a person’s “digital footprint” enable
scenarios in which persons can control the exchange
of PD with organisations (e.g., according to VRM
model), e.g., the set of data to disclose/synchronize,
duration of the relationship, anonymity. Moreover,
the setup of relationships among individuals can
generate new models of federated social networking
(W3C, 2010), where users keep a stronger control on
data ownership and control on sharing.
Features to create and handle aggregations of
personal data enable scenarios where the aggregated
view of individuals is relevant. This is the case of
Smart City initiatives in which, as instance, the
analysis of aggregations of bunches of PD offers the
opportunity of detecting or studying a large variety
of emerging social phenomena.
Finally, features to manage negotiation on
personal data disclosure create the opportunity to
have a richer and fairer PD marketplace. (Acquisti,
2010). Individuals can trade the conditions
(disclosure, anonymisation, benefits, etc.) to let
others access their data, with the involvement of a
mediator. In this way individuals play an active role
in the exploitation of their PD (at least to achieve
awareness on PD disclosed to access free services).
More complex models involving groups of
functions provided by different actors can be
considered. For instance, other actors could be
involved in order to provide basic capabilities, such
as flexible storage offered by data cloud providers.
In order to deeply investigate the business and
revenue models of these application scenarios we are
planning to investigate how different actors involved
in the personal data ecosystem estimate the “value”
of the services implementing these groups of
functions. The estimation is affected by the value of
the available PD and its aggregations, and
Table 1: Comparisons with current PDS solutions.
Provider’s site
determined by the economic, social and personal
advantages each actor can gain.
Table 1 briefly summarizes which identified
features are currently supported by main providers
offering PDS solutions (as from the services
description on the providers’ web sites).
Here a is for controlled access by applications,
b for controlled access by organizations, and c
for anonymous disclosure (e.g., to express interests).
In this section we briefly expose the architecture
(Figure 4) we are developing for an experimentation
based on a preliminary implementation of the BID
platform. The handled PD are those produced
by/through personal mobile devices (e.g.,
smartphones). The considered functions mainly
cover most of the features in the first three layers
described in the previous section: data gathering,
storage, management, user-controlled sharing and
processing performed by personal applications.
The Personal Devices are equipped with an
application for collecting records of:
activities performed through the device;
information produced by a person or by some
applications (e.g., calls, messages, web
history, taken photos, played MP3 files, etc.);
events detected by the sensors embedded in
the device (e.g., information on location,
proximity, acceleration, noise, luminosity).
All these records are periodically delivered to a
virtual server associated to the user device.
Figure 4: Preliminary experimental architecture of BID.
The PDSs are implemented as virtual servers:
our prototype relies on resources provided by a
publically-available cloud platform, adding in this
way a middleware for the secure control,
management and sharing of PD. Data collected from
different sources are stored in a (personal) Data
Ho o  Manae My Personal ata  A elco Perspective
Space according to a well-defined data model. A
trusted environment provides the features for
executing applications accessing PD (e.g., through
APIs) and processing them to offer basic capabilities
(e.g., data visualization, search, retrieval) and added-
value features to persons (e.g., self-tracking
applications). Finally, the architecture includes
functions for controlled access to the data space by
parties, integrated with IdM functions to
authenticate the 3
parties. We are considering all
the open source resources that fit our architecture
(Miemis, 2011) in order to choose those that can be
easily adapted and integrated in our first prototype.
We are planning to experiment an initial version
of this architecture within the “Trentino Mobile
Territorial Lab”, a project in the context of the
“Italian EIT KIC ICT Node” initiative. The Lab will
involve about 100 people receiving a mobile phone
and providing their usage and sensors’ data for
investigating and validating new ways to conceive,
develop and test applications/services provided by
public entities, based on this new model of data
ownership and exploitation.
The availability of a BID is of extreme interest for
those entities handling PD but its creation must face
several challenges on the technical side as well as on
the standardization and regulation side. In particular,
from the technical side, the introduction of PDSs
requires a deep refinement of the policies on
privacy, to take into account the enhanced
possibilities for people to control their PD.
Moreover, “the more value is secured in only one
bank” the more are the risks arising from security
flaws and, thus, the more are the “security
measures” required. Other technical challenges
concern the scalability in term of both users and data
amount, and the automation of the PD collection and
management in order to reduce the effort required to
individuals. From the social and regulative sides,
challenges lay in a required change of perspective:
first, individuals must be supported in understanding
the advantages of managing their data exploiting the
BIDs; second, the governments should be pushed to
provide the necessary regulation supporting the new
user-centric model. Accordingly, standardization
must be considered: a basic set of common functions
for control/negotiate the PD, and standard interfaces
ensuring interoperability among BIDs and PD-
portability are a key issue.
Even if the role of BID is outside the traditional
framework of services offered by Telcos, they are in
a good position for exploiting their technical assets,
and expertise to deploy a reliable infrastructure for
delivering PD services: which range from pervasive
connectivity to public cloud, from Application Store
to device management, etc. At the moment, Telcos
enjoy high level of consumer trustiness, but they
have to comply strict regulatory policies in handling
data about their customers (WEForum, 2011b),
which can prevent them in developing the BID.
Therefore, in the short term, on one side, Telcos
should cooperate in re-shaping regulatory policies
on PD promoting data exploitation instead of data
protection, and, on the other side, they could start
playing the role of platform provider in initiatives
promoting the user-centric model, possibly
sponsored by public organizations.
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AA   nternational onference on ata echnoloies and Applications