Nick Papanikolaou
, Siani Pearson
, Marco Casassa Mont
and Ryan Ko
Cloud and Security Lab, HP Labs, Bristol, United Kingdom
Cloud and Security Lab, HP Labs, Singapore
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Compliance, Accountability, Natural Language Processing, Policy Enforcement.
Abstract: We present an integrated approach for automating service providers’ compliance with data protection laws
and regulations, business and technical requirements in cloud computing. The techniques we propose in
particular include: natural-language analysis (of legislative and regulatory texts, and corporate security
rulebooks) and extraction of enforceable rules, use of sticky policies, automated policy enforcement and
active monitoring of data, particularly in cloud environments. We discuss ongoing work on developing a
software tool for natural-language processing of cloud terms of service and other related policy texts. We
also identify opportunities for future software development in the area of cloud computing compliance.
This paper presents tools and techniques for
automating compliance with law, regulations, and
other requirements, particularly in the context of
cloud computing. The most widely used definition
of cloud computing is by NIST (refer to (Mell and
Grance, 2011) for details on the service and
deployment models mentioned):
“Cloud computing is a model for enabling
convenient, on-demand network access to a shared
pool of configurable computing resources (e.g.,
networks, servers, storage, applications, and
services) that can be rapidly provisioned and
released with minimal management effort or service
provider interaction. This cloud model promotes
availability and is composed of five essential
characteristics, three service models, and four
deployment models.”
What makes compliance difficult for providers
of cloud computing services (referred to heretofore
as cloud service providers) is the sheer number and
complexity of laws and regulations that need to be
understood and enforced in their systems. Cloud
service providers tend to host their customers' data
and the computing infrastructure they use in several,
disparate data centers, which are physically located
in several different jurisdictions. If a customer's data
is stored in a data center located in Germany, for
example, it will be subject to German data protection
law, which is much more restrictive than data
protection law in many other countries. In addition
to national laws and regulations, there are
international agreements and treaties regarding the
transfer of data between different jurisdictions (aka.
transborder data flows), and the US-EU Safe
Harbor agreements are a well-known example.
Cloud service providers are expected to take all the
relevant rules into account and take appropriate
The way a cloud service provider handles its
customers’ data is usually specified in a written
contract or agreement which comprises the ToS
(Terms of Service) and SLA (Service Level
Agreement). No commonly accepted standard exists
for the format or content of cloud ToS and SLAs,
nor any consensus about the expected security and
privacy practices of service providers.
This poses difficulties for customers and
providers alike, who have expectations (and duties)
with regards to a given service offering. End-users
require clarity and understanding on issues such as:
how long a provider keeps data which has been
stored or exchanged through its cloud services;
how and when such data is destroyed;
what remediation procedure exists in case of
data loss and in case of data breach,
to what extent data will be shared with parties
external to the service provider and for what
Papanikolaou N., Pearson S., Mont M. and Ko R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003976906310637
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CloudSecGov-2012), pages 631-637
ISBN: 978-989-8565-05-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
purpose (e.g. targeted advertising).
Enterprise customers typically require
assurances regarding:
service availability (e.g. estimated downtime per
calendar month);
cost of basic services versus added-value
how data stored by a provider is kept isolated
from other customers’ data (particularly for
multi-tenancy arrangements);
encryption methods used, if any, and
authentication technologies;
backup methods and regularity of backup;
remediation procedures and compensation
offered in cases of data loss and data breach.
Although the field of cloud computing still lacks
well-defined standards and best practices, they are
actively being developed, and it is likely that cloud
service providers will have a business need to adopt
them in the future. This introduces another level of
compliance and, unless cloud service providers are
equipped with appropriate controls and tools, much
manual effort may be required to achieve it.
There is also a need for tools that ensure what
we might call self-compliance, namely compliance
of a cloud service provider with its own stated
policies. To date there is no obvious way of ensuring
that the Terms of Service stated by cloud service
providers are actually adhered to fully in practice.
We are interested in developing software tools to
enable cloud service providers to be accountable
with regards to their data governance practices. In
the context of this paper accountability refers to the
goal of preventing harm to a cloud provider's
customers by enforcing adequate protections on
these customers' data, and having available effective
reporting and auditing mechanisms. See (Pearson,
2011) for a discussion of definitions of
While accountability in the broadest sense can be
guaranteed only through a combination of law,
regulation and technical enforcement mechanisms
(e.g. in the context of privacy, such mechanisms are
Privacy Enhancing Technologies), our focus is on
the technical aspects. What is practically required
for a cloud provider to be accountable is a set of
tools to track the location, flows, and accesses of its
customers' data. As we shall see, this capability
allows a provider to readily demonstrate compliance
to the law and adherence to all relevant regulations
and other restrictions. More importantly, this
capability allows any instances of non-compliance to
be detected easily, so that suitable corrective action
can be taken.
There is currently no widely accepted
methodology or toolset for technically achieving
accountability in cloud computing, with potential
solutions being heavily dependent on the particular
platform and virtualization technology used by a
vendor. What is clear is that a variety of mechanisms
need to be put into place to protect against data
leakage and to enforce legislation and other related
restrictions on the storage and transfer of data,
especially across national borders.
This paper presents ongoing work on developing
software tools to automate compliance in the cloud,
particularly natural-language processing of cloud
terms of service; we show how such tools fit within
a framework enabling cloud service providers to
achieve accountability. Finally the paper identifies
several classes of software tools to develop in the
future, in order to further automate accountability in
the cloud.
1.1 Previous and Related Work
In previous work the authors have developed
technical mechanisms for controlling the flow of
data in an IT infrastructure, notably through the use
of privacy controls (Casassa Mont et al., 2010) ,
sticky policies (Pearson et al., 2011) , and policy
enforcement (Papanikolaou et al., 2011). Although
the cited works do not specifically focus on cloud
computing scenarios, we expect these techniques to
be readily extendable and adaptable to suit the needs
of a cloud service provider.
Comparison of policies and decision support
• Automated enforcement of security and privacy
Related work in the context of website privacy
policies includes May and Gunter’s formalism of
policy relations, which are formal relationships
defined over the intended semantics (or the authors’
interpretation thereof) of P3P (May et al., 2009) . In
a previous paper (Papanikolaou et al., 2011) we
developed a mapping from P3P to CSP, enabling
direct comparison of privacy policies using the
model-checker FDR.
The EnCoRe research project is developing a
platform for expressing and enforcing privacy
preferences for personal data; recent case studies
include a system for managing data held within an
enterprise’s HR systems, and health data stored
about individuals and tissue samples in a biobank.
Through the use of a suitable policy enforcement
architecture, legal and regulatory privacy rules,
along with individuals’ privacy preferences, can be
automatically enforced so that unauthorized and/or
unsuitable access to data is prevented. In (Casassa
Mont et al., 2010) we proposed a simple conceptual
model for representing privacy rules, which can be
directly mapped to technically enforceable access
control policies (expressed e.g. using XACML).
We are working on tools to automate many of the
processes required to ensure that a provider is
accountable, although we recognise the difficulty of
mapping and linking legal and regulatory
requirements - which are high-level and expressed in
natural language - to technically enforceable policies
on particular data items.
Key techniques that should be used to achieve a
significant degree of automation include:
Natural-language processing, in particular,
extraction of policy rules from legislative and
regulatory texts and corporate rulebooks; these rules
should be represented in a form that can be
interpreted by a technical enforcement mechanism
(esp. a Policy Enforcement Point or PEP), but
possibly also so that they can be incorporated into a
compliance checker of information governance
software (cf. Governance / Risk Management
Compliance (GRC) Platforms, widely used in
industry). It should be noted here that no natural-
language processing system can operate with 100%
accuracy, but use of such systems can help to reduce
significantly the overall amount of human
intervention in the process of policy creation and
management. In this paper we present two
techniques involving natural-language processing,
that we are currently investigating:
automated information extraction
segmentation and tagging of terms of service for
decision support
Use of sticky policies: by strongly binding
policies to the data they are associated with, it is
easier for providers to control accesses to data
within their cloud infrastructure and there is no need
for a central policy repository. From the point of
view of automating accountability, the use of sticky
policies is a very useful technique. Sticky policies
provide a means of data encryption, since the data
which a policy is bound to cannot be accessed unless
that policy is complied with.
Automated policy enforcement: the
deployment of control points throughout a cloud
provider's infrastructure where policy rules can
automatically be enforced and human users only
notified in case of failure or error is essential. We
refer to the following current and future HP Labs
European and TSB research projects for more
related work on policy enforcement: EnCoRe,
Information Stewardship in the Cloud, and
Active monitoring for compliance: we believe
that it is fundamental for cloud providers to have in
their infrastructure mechanisms for automatically
detecting compliance problems and potential sources
of such problems. It is possible to formulate and
regularly check system invariants corresponding to
conditions that should never occur at certain end
points, such as links between a provider's data
centres, and particularly cross-border links.
There is scope for integration of several of the
different approaches described so far into a natural-
language processing pipeline, which can be
integrated with technical enforcement mechanisms
to achieve compliance for privacy: this starts with
the initial task of analysing natural-language privacy
texts, to the extraction of formalized rules and their
automatic enforcement. We are working on
developing tools for automating privacy in cloud
computing and, for this, natural-language analysis of
provider ToS, international laws and regulations will
need to be combined with suitable enforcement
methods such as distributed access control, sticky
policies and policy-based obfuscation.
Figure 1 depicts the integration of the techniques
mentioned as a pipeline; each arrow shows a flow
between processes. The processing of raw text
describing laws, regulations, business rules and
terms of service as well as the generation of
machine-readable rules are to be typically performed
outside the cloud service provider’s infrastructure,
while the resulting machine-readable rules are fed
into the infrastructure to enforce appropriate control
on the customers’ data. The mechanisms of policy
enforcement, and particularly the use of sticky
policies which are attached to data, are to be
implemented within the cloud service provider’s
Figure 1: Extracting and enforcing cloud terms of service using a semi-automated tool.
Figure 2: Extracting and enforcing cloud terms of service using a semi-automated tool.
Figure 2 presents our current model for analysing
cloud terms of service.
We are developing a tool for marking up and
extracting information from cloud terms of service,
namely, the contract documents that describe a
customer’s relationship with a cloud service
provider. Our tool is not fully automated as it
requires, as a first step, a human user to indicate
which sections of such documents describe which
types of rules; this process is referred to as semantic
annotation. Our tool provides a text editor with
functions to highlight portions of text that describe
restrictions, obligations, and other types of
constraint with a particular colour. Output from the
tool includes a marked-up version of the original
contract, with semantic tags. This output can then be
fed into a separate processor, which is work in
progress, whose functions include information
extraction and rule generation. These functions are
described in more detail next.
3.1 Automated Information Extraction
Having analysed several real-world cloud ToS, we
have observed that:
Cloud ToS are almost always formatted as
rich-text web documents with headings and
numbered paragraphs (“clauses” – in the legal
sense, not the grammatical sense of the word).
Significant portions of these texts contain
disclaimers, enabling the service provider to
refuse being held accountable in certain cases
(these parts of the ToS actually state what the
provider will not be expected to do, rather than
what the provider’s actual practices are).
If a service provider has several similar
offerings (e.g. in the case of AWS) there will
typically be two documents of interest – (i) a
core agreement which sets out the main terms
of service, and (ii) separate ToS for each of the
different offerings (e.g. in the case of AWS
offerings include: EC2, S3, EBS, SQS, SNS,
SES, VPC, FWS, SimpleDB, GovCloud). See for more details on
these services.
A recent legal research paper (Bradshaw et al.,
2010) documented the features and caveats of
different cloud service level agreements, including
discussions of both the general service descriptions
and the terms and conditions available online.
While a cloud service provider may employ legal
experts to draw up their terms and conditions in
writing, it is the developers and system
administrators that are responsible for making sure
these terms are indeed enforced in the infrastructure
used for a particular cloud offering. It is in the
interest of the latter to have machine readable rules
that are in 1:1 correspondence with the statements
made in the written ToS.
Natural-language analysis of the written ToS can
certainly assist in the creation of such rules; if the
written style of an ToS is very prescriptive,
enforceable rules are easier to generate
automatically. Otherwise human intervention will be
required to ensure that generated rules are:
correct: namely, that they express what actions
a system needs to implement to make sure the
requirements of the ToS are fulfilled on a
constant basis;
as complete as possible: namely, that the
machine readable rules capture all those aspects
of the ToS that can be enforced automatically.
We are not aware of any previous work that
addresses the whole lifecycle of natural-language
analysis of privacy texts with the goal of enforcing
suitable rules, e.g. in an enterprise setting (although
the EU CONSEQUENCE project mentioned before
does take an holistic approach it does not involve
natural-language analysis). As stated in the
Introduction, achieving compliance with privacy
legislation and regulations is a central concern in
enterprises, and means of automating compliance are
highly desirable. Since new privacy rules are almost
exclusively expressed using natural-language, means
of automatically analysing the appropriate texts and
extracting rules from them necessary – the resulting
rules can then be incorporated into existing
enterprise rule-bases, such as those used in
compliance checkers or information governance
(GRC) platforms.
The most naïve analysis seeks to find in the text
of an ToS occurrences of particular verbs, namely
verbs which are prescriptive by nature; examples
“The Provider will provide a backup of data
“The User will not upload pornographic images
to the service”
since these typically arise in statements expressing
duties and obligations (see also (Bradshaw et al.,
2010; Breaux et al. 2011; Breaux et al., 2006 )).
Certain verb groups appear in phrases expressing
rights, typically rights of the customer but not
“The Customer may request in writing a full
copy of data held [...]”
“The Provider can refuse to provide access to the
service at any time [...]
In the case of simple prescriptive sentences it is
possible to represent the information given by a
(verb, subject, object)
In a Prolog program this would be declared as a
Horn clause of the form
verb(subject, object).
Such a representation says nothing of the nature
of the rule or (legal) clause appearing in the ToS, but
may assist a service provider in automatically
generating a set of access control rules for
enforcement within its infrastructure. Our tool uses a
form of markup referred to as a formal requirements
specification language (RSL); the RSL we are using
is due to Breaux and Gordon (Breaux and Gordon,
3.2 Semantic Annotation and Tagging
of Cloud Terms of Service
Extending the method of simple analysis presented
in the previous section, our tool is designed to detect
delimiters and punctuation, so that long-winded
sentences of legalese may be separated into their
constituent parts. In a given sentence, those
secondary clauses, which serve only to explicate
and/or amplify the main thrust of the sentence, may
be ignored (subject to interpretation and the
judgment of a human user, of course; this suggests
the process cannot be completely automated), and a
semantic representation can be built of the remaining
constituents of the sentence.
An interesting toolkit that we are considering to
use to automate part of this task is GATE (“General
Architecture for Text Engineering”) (Cunningham et
al., 2011) , whose user interface provides a helpful
facility for tagging and colour-coding portions of
text of particular semantic relevance. The technique
that applies here is known as semantic annotation.
We believe that such an approach is highly
beneficial for the visual representation of the terms
and conditions contained in a given cloud ToS.
Here we discuss applications of the above
techniques and particularly, what other types of tools
need to be developed to improve compliance in
cloud computing.
4.1 Decision Support Tools
We believe that being able to efficiently (and
automatically) extract security and privacy
stipulations from cloud ToS is also a key business
advantage, enabling decision support in enterprises
for the selection of cloud services and providers as
necessary during the course of their daily operations.
4.2 Software Tools for Visualising and
Understanding Policies
It has often been noted that presenting privacy
policies and similar documents describing terms and
conditions directly to end-users rarely draws their
attention, and often users tend to click through any
agreements of this sort if they require access to a
service, thus ignoring details which could have
significant consequences to them and their data.
Since cloud services are almost exclusively
purchased online, and terms and conditions are
always presented on-screen to users, it is unlikely
that customers of these services will pay due
attention to the fine print; we believe that security
and privacy policies should be presented in a more
visually appealing fashion, which aids
comprehension and allows users to compare
competitors’ data handling practices. This idea is
certainly not new, and several previous authors have
developed and demonstrated ways to help users
visualise and understand terms and conditions; the
P3P policy language (Cranor et al., 2002) was
designed in part to allow the development of visual
tools to understand privacy policies. Research
projects such as PRIME, PrimeLife, and EnCoRe
have developed user interfaces and dashboards for
privacy settings and preferences. Clearly these
efforts need to continue and be extended to
applications specific to cloud computing.
Through analysis of cloud ToS, it should
certainly be possible to generate comprehensible
visual representations of a service providers
security and privacy practices. Of course, unless
such representations are standardised, this task will
be non-trivial.
4.3 Software Tools for Checking
Compliance of Cloud Terms of
Service with Prevailing Laws,
Regulations and Standards
Cloud service providers are likely to audit their
systems on a regular basis to ensure that their
policies are valid and conform to current law,
standards and best practices, adapting ToS and
actual practices as necessary.
From this perspective, natural-language analysis
can be used to extract rules from legislation and
standards; these rules can then be compared and
contrasted to ToS rules, triggering changes and
extensions as required.
The extraction and representation of policy rules
can then be seen as but the first part in a larger
process or lifecycle. ToS have to be maintained,
adapted, enforced, and audited. One can envisage
how metrics for similarity of ToS can be defined or
other measures for determining the degree of
compliance to a particular industry best practice.
This is clearly a very promising direction for
investigation, with important implications for
4.4 Software Tools for Generating
Model or Template Cloud Terms of
Natural-language analysis of cloud ToS can help to
detect language patterns that are common to such
texts. This could be extremely useful in designing
templates or ‘model ToS’. To have industry
agreement on what constitutes a model ToS would
be an important step for cloud computing, and
hopefully pave the way for the establishment of
standard policies and commonly agreed security
Taking this further, it is possible to develop
natural-language generation tools which
mechanically produce the text of cloud ToS for
particular applications. If standards were to be
established for the security levels specified by cloud
ToS, the format and content of these documents
would be well-established, making document
generation significantly automatable.
We believe that it is beneficial and possible for
cloud service providers to automate a number of
tasks related to the requirement of accountability.
We have identified some specific techniques,
namely: natural-language analysis of law, regulation
and corporate guidelines on security and privacy of
customer data in order to generate technically
enforceable policies; use of sticky policies to
achieve a strong binding between data and the
stipulations that apply to the use and dissemination
of that data; and active monitoring of a cloud
provider's infrastructure to detect potential
compliance problems. More in-depth analyses of
ways to achieve accountability in the cloud are
available in some of our previous work (see also
(Casassa Mont et al., 2010); (Pearson, 2011);
(Pearson et al., 2011) ; (Mowbray et al., 2010) ; (Ko
et al., 2011a) ;(Ko et al., 2011b) ).
Our main contribution in this paper has been to
describe ongoing work on developing software tools
for automated information extraction of cloud terms
of service, and to identify classes of related software
tools needed to achieve full accountability in cloud
computing. There is clearly much work to be done to
achieve this important goal for the sake of future
cloud service users.
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