Tetsuro Takahashi
and Richard C. Larson
Fujitsu Laboratories LTD., 4-1-1 Kamikodanaka, Kawasaki 211-88, Japan
Sociotechnical Systems Research Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts U.S.A.
Educational Data Mining, Open Educational Resources, Concept Network, Natural Language Processing.
There are huge amount of Open Educational Resources (OER) provided by academic institutes now. Learners
have an advantaged environment in which they can use the educational materials for free in their learning.
General text search techniques, however, are not enough to provide an efficient search function for them. This
drawback makes it difficult for learners to fully exploit the promising OER. We propose to solve the problem
by providing an environment in which learners can search for educational materials efficiently using a set of
concept networks derived from the existing OER. The result of experiment with the actual OER shows the
availability of the proposed method.
In the decade following the start of sensational edu-
cational project, Open Courseware (OCW) leaded by
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, many colleges
and universities (“institutes” here after) have started
to provide their educational resources for free on the
WWW (Carson, 2009). There are more than 15,000
courses offered in 20 languages through the Open
Courseware consortium
iTunes University is another major platform for
Open Educational Resources (OER). It is an Internet
service offered by Apple, Inc. that allows institutes to
share media files among students and faculty, as well
as with the general public (Reid, 2008). Currently
more than 350,000 educational materials are provided
by about 800 institutes.
In general, educational materials has the following
hierarchy and each lecture has several materials.
Institute Subject Course Lecture,
Though the educational materials are provided in sev-
eral formats such as video, transcript, lecture note,
slide, exam and so on, we call them all “educational
material” in this paper. For instance, MIT OCW has a
subject “Mathematics” which has about 130 courses
such as “Single Variable Calculus” or “Linear Alge-
bra”. Each course has about 30 lectures in average,
and a lecture has several educational materials.
Learners have an advantaged environment in
which they can use the educational materials for free
in their learning. However, there are several difficul-
ties to utilize the OER efficiently and effectively. We
discuss the difficulties in the next section.
2.1 Cross-institute
Every institute has their own subjects and curricula
that the provided OER are following. While the OER
have rigidly structured within an institute, the struc-
tures are not universal to all institutes. For example,
a course “Single Variable Calculus” in an institute
may or may not comparable to a course “Calculus”
in another institute. Moreover it is not obvious which
subject should a course “Calculus for Business” be in
“Mathematics” or “Business”.
Learners need a set of abstracted common concept
rather than instances of existing subjects or curric-
ula for the sake of cross-institute utilization of OER
which are provided from various institutes.
2.2 Inflexibleness of Static Hierarchy
Most OER are structured in static hierarchies. A
Takahashi T. and C. Larson R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003958702820287
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 282-287
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
learner who aim to complete a course may be able to
find an appropriate educational material in the static
hierarchies. Learners’ objective, however, is not al-
ways to complete a course. It may take all sorts de-
pending on learners. while a learner needs to learn
whole of elementary calculus, another learner may
need only a part of calculus in order to understand
Gauss’s law in electromagnetism. The existing static
hierarchies are not flexible enough to cope with the
various learning objectives.
2.3 A Limit of Text Search
There are huge amount of OER now. This makes
it difficult for learners to find an appropriate educa-
tional material. iTunes University provides a search
function. This function looks for educational mate-
rials which contain character string given as a query
in their subject name or course name. This surface
text search is too rough to look for materials regard-
ing learners’ precise search demand. And the results
tend to be a long list of candidates or empty (so called
zero-hit problem).
For instance, as the result of search with a query
Algebra” iTunes University returns a long list con-
sisting of 162 courses which makes learners to con-
sume much time to traverse it. On the other hand,
the number of result is zero for a query “Document
Classification”. Even if the current material collection
does not have a suitable course for this topic, some re-
lated materials could help learners who want to know
about that.
General text search engines return documents
which contains query string in them. In order to get
suitable result, learners have to know some words
or phrases that are supposed to be in desired educa-
tional materials, however, learners usually do not have
enough knowledge about a new learning object, and
it is a difficult task to choose an appropriate word or
phrase as a query.
We propose to introduce an abstracted expression
layer, “concept” which is common to all institutes
in order to solve difficulties described in Section 2.
The concepts enable the system to manage heteroge-
neous OER and to provide learners efficient and flex-
ible functions for OER exploration.
Figure 1 shows how the concepts work in the
structure. There are educational materials in the bot-
tom layer. Over the materials there are several layers
material 55
material 21
material 32
material 40
material 53
material 29
material 83
material 10
material 2
material 19
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4
step 5
Figure 1: OER management using concepts.
of concept network. Each material has some links to
relative concepts. Namely, materials have some con-
cepts as background of the materials, and concepts
have some materials which explain the concepts.
Using this structure, system can provide an ap-
proach which leads learners to educational materials
as the following steps.
1. Learners express their objective or concern by
keywords as a search query.
2. System shows (a) a layer of concept network
which contains a most related concept to the in-
put keywords and (b) the related materials to each
3. System updates the concept network as learners
update the keywords.
4. Learners grasp the target area graphically, and find
interesting concept by browsing concept network.
5. System provides appropriate educational materi-
als for the concept.
The concepts are made in a bottom-up manner
by the algorithm described in Section 4 instead of a
top-down manner that the existing subject or courses
are defined in. Because the bottom-up concept does
not depend on any specific structure (namely sub-
jects, courses or lectures), it can solve the difficulty of
cross-institute, and utilize any OER at the same time.
Since the desired granularity level of concept de-
pends on learners’ objectives, we introduced multi-
ple layers for the concept network. Each layer has
different granularity of concept which correspond to
learners’ various levels of objectives. This multiple
layers solves the problem of inflexibleness which the
existing hierarchies have, and provides learners an ef-
ficient search environment. Learners can browse ab-
stracted structures of concept avoiding being buried
in a lot of educational materials.
4.1 Applying LDA to Educational
We used an algorithm Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) proposed by Blei (Blei et al., 2003) to extract
concepts from educational materials. LDA is a gener-
ative probabilistic model of a document set. The ba-
sic idea is that documents are represented as random
mixtures over latent topics, where each topic is char-
acterized by a distribution over words. The model can
be represented as Figure 2. In this model, a topic has
a word distribution φ, and a document has topic dis-
tribution θ. LDA gives a set of topics, θ and φ given a
document set.
topic 2topic 1 topic 3
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w_v.....
Figure 2: Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).
The structure which LDA is assuming is quite
similar to our proposed one shown in Figure 1. Be-
cause LDA gives enough data to construct the struc-
ture, we chose it for our approach. In the context of
OER, the topic and document in LDA can be con-
sidered as concept and educational materials respec-
tively. Then by applying LDA, we can get the most
likely output described as follows for a given OER.
a set of concept
word distribution for each concept (φ)
concept distribution for each material (θ)
Each concept has a word distribution (φ) which
supports the concept. The distribution enables flexi-
ble matching between learners’ search query and the
concept. Since concept distribution θ reflects the
strength of relation between concepts and materials,
we can provide relevant materials for a specific con-
cept by using the distribution.
4.2 Layered Concept
LDA is a popular algorithm for the sake of clustering
as many researches applied it especially in a research
area of Natural Language Processing. The proposed
algorithm may be regarded as an application of LDA
to a text collection, however, we do not merely aim to
make clusters but the followings.
to find the most appropriate concept for a learners’
to find the most relevant educational material for
a concept
This motivated us to have multiple sets of clusters in-
stead of only one reasonable set of clusters. A set
of clusters forms one concept network layer shown
in Figure 1. We proposed to extract multiple layered
concept network that allow us to have granularity and
flexibility in the matching.
We have to note that each layer does not have any
relation with other layers. The layers are made inde-
pendently, thus the layers shown in Figure 1 do not
form a hierarchy.
4.3 Visualization of Concept Network
Since an educational material written in text can be
represented as a word vector, the similarity between
educational materials can be defined as the similarity
of the vectors. On the other hand, a concept have a
word distribution φ which can be used as a word vec-
tor, and the similarity between concepts can be de-
fined as the similarity of the vectors as well.
Once the similarity between elements is defined,
the set of elements can be visualized as a network
on two-dimensional space like Figure 1 using Force-
Directed model proposed by Fruchterman and Rein-
gold (Fruchterman and Reingold, 1991). Force-
Directed model assume a physical spring between two
nodes. And the position of nodes can be calculated by
looking for an equilibrium state in the simulation on
dynamic power modeling. We used the similarity de-
scribed above as strength of the pseudo spring.
The concepts derived by LDA do not have any la-
bel. But they have word distribution (φ) which can be
used to represent a tag cloud.
5.1 Experiment
The data we used for our experiment were from two
resources, BLOSSOMS (Larson and Murray, 2008)
and MIT OCW. BLOSSOMS had 50 educational
video lectures in a variety of topics. Because all
videos have a transcript, they are suitable for text
processing such as LDA considerably. Though MIT
OCW had more than 2, 000 lectures, we used 1, 019
lectures from which we were able to obtain lecture
notes. The proposed algorithm was applied to the
transcripts for BLOSSOMS, and text data which were
extracted from lecture notes for MIT OCW respec-
tively. While OER are provided in various formats,
the proposed approach is applicable to them as long
as they have text.
After word regularization such as lemmatize and
elimination of stop-words, we applied LDA and de-
rived concepts. We used an algorithm proposed by
Griffiths (Griffiths and Steyvers, 2004) for the imple-
mentation of LDA. LDA requires several parameters
that we set as the following.
hyper parameter α : 0.5
hyper parameter β : 0.5
number of iteration: 100
number of concept: 10 to 50 step by 5
We used multiple values for the number of concepts as
proposed in Section 4.2. By this experiment setting,
we obtained nine different layers of concept which
were generated independently.
Figure 3 shows an example of output. The system
uses the output of LDA to provide search function and
to visualize concept network and material network.
The probabilistic word distribution φ works for scor-
ing of the search function. The score of a concept
can be formulated as the summation of φ value(s) for
query word(s).
The figure “1) Concept Network” in Figure 3
shows the result of the search. For the learner’s query,
”star”, system shows a layer that has 45 concepts in
which the concept number 20 is highlighted as the
most relevant concept to the query. The summary of
the concept number 20 is shown by a tag cloud below
the concept network. The learner can browse among
other concepts by moving mouse cursor over concept
nodes in this network. Browsing concepts, the learner
may find a new keyword and add it to the query. “2)
Updated Concept Network” shows the result of up-
dating the query by adding “momentum”.
If the learner selects the concept number 30 by
clicking the node in this network, the system shows
a network of educational materials which related to
the selected concept as shown in the figure “3) Mate-
rial Network”. The size of nodes in this network re-
flects the degree of relevance to the selected concept.
The learner can grasp a summary of an educational
material with a tag cloud by moving mouse cursor
over a node in the network as well as the concept net-
work. The system can also show a similarity network
in where a selected node and its similar nodes are rep-
resented in a network as shown in “4) Similarity Net-
work”. Browsing concept network, material network
and similarity network, the learner can grasp the tar-
get area and select a appropriate material to where the
learner can jump, and then start learning with a mate-
rial as shown in “5) Material Page”.
5.2 Evaluation
The result shows that materials from both BLOS-
SOMS and MIT OCW are used all together. The
figure “3) Material Network” in Figure 3 shows the
two lectures from different resources (“0315”: MIT
OCW lecture “Extrasolar Planets: Physics and Detec-
tion Techniques”, “22”: BLOSSOMS video “Galax-
ies and Dark Matter”) are represented in one network.
The proposed approach can incorporate any OER pro-
vided by different institutes and make concept net-
works which does not depend on any existing struc-
ture. On the concept networks, learners can look for
materials which are appropriate to their educational
demand. This result shows the algorithm works to
solve the first and second problem described in Sec-
tion 2.
The proposed algorithm gives the interactive
search with abstracted concept level in which learn-
ers can grasp the target area and related ones. This
helps learners to avoid facing a long list of search
result. Learners can view OER gradationally from
bird’s-eye-view to the detail. In the interactive search,
the tag clouds over the concept network help learners
to find unexpected keywords.
Theoretically, concept networks give extensional
expression which explains a target concept by the re-
lated materials and the neighbor concepts. The ex-
tensional expression works especially in a case that
learners are looking for materials to solve their own
problem. Because learners usually lack knowledge
about the target itself. The experimental result shows
that related materials and neighbor concepts can help
learners to understand the target. From this result,
the proposed approach solved the third difficulty de-
scribed in Section 2, limit of text search.
In this work, we aim to provide learners suitable edu-
cational materials that relevant to their demand. This
objective is the same as what many researches are
tackling in an area of information retrieval (Manning
1) Concept Network
3) Material Network
4) Similarity Network
2) Updated Concept Network
Figure 3: Exploration Steps.
et al., 2008). In most cases of information retrieval,
users select a desired content from a list of contents
which system generated for a given query. This work
flow assumes that users have ability to select desired
one from the list. In the context of educational ma-
terial search, however, learners usually do not have
enough knowledge about the target area. Hence it is
difficult to select suitable one for the learners. The
layered concept network which we proposed helps
learners to have a bird’s-eye view and to understand
the target area. By the interactive interface, learners
can find not only what kind of concepts are there for
the given keywords, but also what are there as similar
or related concept, and what do they need to learn the
target concept.
Tudhope (Tudhope et al., 1995) and many works
tried to represent search results by visual interface
such as two-dimensional network instead of a simple
list. These techniques correspond to the representa-
tion of the bottom layer of Figure 1 in our work. In
addition to the representation, the proposed algorithm
has upper layers on the bottom one, and utilize them
for the search.
Brusilovsky (Brusilovsky and Rizzo, 2002) and
Simko (Simko and Bielikova, 2009) proposed to
make a concept network (they called this network
“concept map”) in order to help learners to understand
a target area and to find educational materials. The
objective is the same to ours. While Simko made a
concept network by using a set of concepts defined
by hand, we proposed to derive not only relations
but also a set of concepts itself from a bottom-up au-
tomatically. Brusilovsky derived both concepts and
relations by applying Self Organizing Map to OER.
While they used only one concept network, we used
multiple layered concept networks. Because the con-
cepts and educational materials have complex rela-
tion each other, a two-dimensional visualization is not
enough to represent the complete relation consistently
, especially, in a case that new educational materi-
als are being added incrementally. We, however, do
not have to take care the difficulty, because we use a
concept network only to guide learners to appropri-
ate educational materials. This means that we do not
have to draw a perfect concept network in our work.
We just have to represent subminimal relative rela-
tions for guiding learners. For this sake, the statistical
distribution produced by LDA works effectively and
robustly for various kinds of OER.
We proposed a method to guide learners to appropri-
ate educational materials efficiently using a layered
concept networks that is derived from existing OER.
Using the layered concept networks, we achieved the
objectives of this research, namely to provide learners
an environment in which they can understand the tar-
get area and explore educational materials efficiently.
The experimental result shows the proposed approach
works to solve difficulties in utilization of existing
OER. The advantages of the approach can help learn-
ers, however, the result did not show any quantitative
efficiency in searching that is one of important future
The proposed algorithm classifies materials into
multiple concepts. This classification is based on
the types of concepts, however, it says nothing about
quality or difficulty of materials. Those information
must help learners to chose materials which are ap-
propriate for their demand. This should be added by
an algorithm to compliment the concept extraction us-
ing LDA.
We propose one directions which is worth for
future study, dependence extraction. The proposed
method uses only similarity relation between con-
cepts and materials defined as the similarity between
vectors. The concepts and materials can have depen-
dence as the meaning of pre-condition. For example,
learners have to learn “addition” before “multiplica-
tion”. We call the relation dependence, and we can
say that multiplication depends on addition for the
above example. The dependence will help learners
We cannot represent even a small graph such as a com-
plete graph which consist of four vertex connected with
equivalent strength in two-dimension.
to find their necessary concepts or educational mate-
rials. Because the number of combination between
concepts and materials is very huge, we have to make
an algorithm which works automatically.
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