Yonghua Cheng
VITO - Flemish Institute for Technological Research, Boeretang 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium
EnergyVille, Dennenstraat 7, B-3600 Waterschei, Genk, Belgium
Keywords: Smart Grids, Agent Based Control, Distributed Power Generation, Demand Side Management, Power
Converters, Super Capacitors, Auction Based Market and Tariff Based Market.
Abstract: The main goals of smart grids are to provide an interface for fair transaction of electricity and to optimize
the power flow in electric power networks with less required extra energy storages, particularly in case of
integration of renewable energy sources (e.g. photovoltaic and wind) and the plug-in Hybrid Electric
Vehicles. Currently, the control principles in smart grids are mainly market-oriented (e.g. agent-based
control and event based control), which do not really take into account the constrains of electric power
networks. Moreover, the response time of coordination and control via ICT infrastructure might be
significant (few seconds to several minutes). Therefore, the architecture and control principles of smart
grids have been enhanced and presented. Particularly the concept of virtual agent has been introduced,
which interacts the business model of smart grids (e.g. agent based control) to optimize the power flow.
Additionally the time shift-able sources/loads of office buildings (e.g. plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) are
treated as another means of grid control. The evaluation results verify the architecture and control principles
which are presented in this paper.
Nowadays the scale of integration of RES
(renewable energy sources) as distributed power
generation (Carrasco et al., 2006; Roman et al.,
2006; Romero-Cadaval et al., 2009; Timbus et al.,
2009; Cheng and Lataire, 2005) and plug-in HEVs
(hybrid electric vehicles) as mobile loads [6] into the
existing electric power networks is gradually
increasing to target the goal of 20, 20 and 20. Due to
the nature of intermittent power production of RES
(e.g. photovoltaic and wind energy) and the un-
predictable but maybe high power demand from
Plug-in HEVs, there will be notable consequences in
the electric power distribution networks (Cheng,
2011; Ueda et al., 2008; Morren and de Haan, 2009;
Bletterie and Pfajfar, 2007; Souto Perez et al., 2007).
For instance, over voltage, voltage flicker, poor
reliability and other power quality problems.
Recent years, the technologies of smart grids are
quickly developed to coordinate and control power
systems via ICT infrastructures (e.g. power
shedding, peak shaving) (Cheng, 2011a; Cheng,
2010; Gungoret al., 2010; Cheng, 2011b). In order to
achieve the local power balance, the time shift-able
power sources and loads are driven by micro-
economics. For example, some refrigerators,
washing machines and water boilers will be delayed
switching-on, and Micro-CHPs will start to generate
electricity, if the price of electricity is high. The
main advantages of smart grids (coordination and
control power system via ICT infrastructure) are to
create a platform for the implementation of financial
incentive and for efficiently using the existing
resources in electric power networks (e.g. energy
storages). However, the power balance based on the
ICT infrastructures is in fact to balance the average
power within each time interval (e.g. 5 min, 10min,
15 min), and it can have a long response time. Until
now, the implementation of business model does not
really take into account the constrains in the electric
power networks. Moreover, the power variation of
renewable energy sources (e.g. PV) can be almost
100% of the peak power within only few seconds in
the electric power distribution networks.
In order to limit the impact of the integration of
Cheng Y..
DOI: 10.5220/0003949700050013
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2012), pages 5-13
ISBN: 978-989-8565-09-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
renewable energy sources and electric vehicles into
the existing electric power networks, power
difference must be limited in the different time
scales (Cheng, 2011b). The possibly time shift-able
sources and loads of office buildings and dwellings
can be used as the means of grid control. In addition,
supercapacitors can also be applied as the peak
power unit (Cheng, 2011b) and (Cheng, 2009), to
ensure the stability and reliability during the
transient state (around 1min) of the demand side
power management (which is based on ICT
infrastructure). Further islanding mode of microgrids
and seamless switching between islanding mode
and grid-connected mode are also expected (Cheng,
2009; Guerrero et al.2011, Balaguer et al., 2011). In
this case, the corresponded control principles are
very important and have been developed(Cheng,
2009; Guerrero et al.2011, Balaguer et al., 2011;
Cheng, 2004; Guerrero et al., 2008; Vasquez, 2009;
Iwanski and Koczara, 2008; Guerrero et al., Pai et
al., 2010; Zhong et al., 2011; Yuen et al., 2011;
Zhou and Francois, 2011) ).
In this paper, first the architecture of smart grids
is presented. Then the control principles of smart
grids in particular, the agent-based control and
event-based control are introduced. In addition, the
principle of virtual agent for power flow
optimisation and control in smart grids is also
explained. After that, the characteristics of smart
grids in function of electricity price are assessed.
Further the system dynamics perspective (due to the
long response time of coordination and control via
ICT infrastructure) and improvement by using the
controllable sources and loads in office buildings
(e.g. super capacitor storage and plug-in electric
vehicles) are explored. Finally, the architecture and
principle of smart grids are evaluated. The
evaluation results prove that the architecture and
principles can be applied to optimize the power flow
in the electric power distribution networks.
Smart grid is the intelligent electric power network,
which can achieve the goals of fair transaction of
electricity and at the same time reducing the peak
power and maximally supplying local loads from the
distributed power generators (e.g. renewable energy
sources), to efficiently use the electric power
networks. In order to verify the benefits of smart
grids, the architecture of smart grid can be presented
as in Fig.1, where the market based operation in
distribution networks is established. In smart grids,
there must be certain percent individual power
sources and loads being time shift-able and
controllable. These sources and loads can be
represented by their agents to their preferable ARP
(access responsible party) and act in the auction-
based market; or they simply respond in the tariff-
based market. DSO (distribution system operator)
will play the role of SR (settlement responsible) in
the distribution network besides smart metering and
providing the measurements to TSO (transmission
Figure 1: Architecture of a smart grid.
system operator) for the existing market in
transmission networks. In Fig. 1, the possible
sources and loads of office buildings can be little big
renewable energy systems and electric vehicle
charging station as in Fig.2. The DC/AC inverter can
be thought as the time shift-able AC sources/loads,
while there are also time un-shiftable AC
sources/loads in the office building.
Figure 2: The possible sources and loads of office building.
time shiftabletime un-shiftable
Figure 3: The possible sources and loads of dwelling.
In Fig. 1, the possible sources and loads of
dwellings can be photovoltaic (PV), small wind
turbine (WT), micro-CHP, lamps, TV, electric-
cooker, refrigerator, electric-boiler, washing
machine and energy storage as in Fig.3. Some of
them are time shift-able (right part), while others are
not (left part).
This emulated smart grid (as in Fig. 1) can be in
synchronous (K1=on and K2=off) or in
asynchronous connection (K1=off and K2=on) with
the main grid. The high power rating PV or/and
wind turbine (PV/WT park) can also be integrated.
The power flow from these renewable energy
systems is the disturbance in the grid control.
Therefore, the control principles of smart grids are
very important in the different time scales for
distributed power generation and demand side
If there are more generators and loads are time shift-
able, then the electric power networks become more
controllable. This is being achieved by government
incentive now and by market based operation model
in near future. The time shift-able sources and loads
of office buildings and dwellings can be in agent-
based control or in event-based control. In order to
simplify the presentation in this paper, the
controllable sources &loads of office buildings are
assumed to be in agent-based control for auction-
based market operation; and the controllable sources
&loads of dwellings are assumed to be in event-
based control only for tariff-based market operation.
For the purpose of settlement responsible and
optimisation of power flow in smart grids, a virtual
agent is also presented from DSO as explained in
3.1 Agent-based Control in Auction
Based Market
The goal of agent-based control in auction based
market is to achieve the equilibrium between the
demanded quantity and the supplied quantity in
price-quantity pair in microeconomics way. The
principle of agent-based control in smart grids is as
in follows. Each agent of the controllable source and
load sends a quantity vs. price pair to ARP as in Fig.
1. For example, the quantity vs. price of agent1, the
quantity vs. price of agent2 and the quantity vs. price
of agent3 are shown in Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6
0 5 10 15 20
Q u an ti ty 1
Figure 4: Quantity vs. Price pair of agent1.
0 5 10 15 20
Figure 5: Quantity vs. Price pair of agent2.
0 5 10 15 20
Figure 6: Quantity vs. Price pair of agent3.
Figure 7: Quantity vs. Price pair of agent0.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Q u an ti ty
P roduc tion
Figure 8: Power demand and power production balance at
The sent quantity vs. price pair of each agent
represents its capacity of power production and
power consumption at each time. Here, agent1 has a
zero quantity around 7 cent; agent2 has a zero
quantity around 8 cent; and agent3 has a zero
quantity around 9 cent. The maximum capacities of
power production and power consumption of these
three agents are saturated at 20 kw in this paper (but
not necessary to be the same and symmetrical in the
real case). The presented virtual agent0 in Fig. 1
sends a quantity vs. price as in Fig. 7 for the
optimization of power flow in the distribution power
network. (This will be explained in sub-section 3.3)
According to the quantity vs. price of each agent, the
server in auction based market finds the total
demand quantity vs. price of the agents and the total
production quantity vs. price of the agents. As a
result, the crossing point of the power demand vs.
price and the power production vs. the price can be
found in Fig. 8. After that the price is sent via ARP
to each agent. According to the price of electricity
and the quantity vs. price pair of each agent, an
agreement of power production or consumption of
each agent with ARP is established for next time
interval (e.g. 15min). As a result, the average power
per time interval (e.g. 15min) between the time shift-
able sources and the time shift-able loads can be
balanced in auction based market. ARP is also
responsible for the integration of renewable energy
sources. But the power production of renewable
energy sources and the power consumption of other
loads are not always predictable. Even they can be
highly fluctuated. Indeed, the goal of ARP is to get
maximum profit. Therefore, ARP will optimize the
power exchange within micro-grid as well as with
the main grid. In this case, besides the auction based
market, the tariff based market is also required to
limit the difference between the predicted power and
the measured power.
3.2 Event-based Control in Tariff
Based Market
Not all of the time shift-able sources and loads
necessarily send the quantity vs. price pair to ARP.
Some of them only need to respond on some events.
For instance, the change of electricity price or/and
the change of frequency. In this case, the
controllable sources and loads are in event-based
control. For examples, the water boiler, washing
machine refrigerator can be the event-based
controllable loads; whilst micro-CHP can be the
event-based controllable source. In general, the
demanded power will de decreased and the supplied
power will be increased if the price of electricity is
increased; or vice versa. So event-based control can
be used for reconciliation of power imbalance.
Consequently a tariff based market is created by
ARP. On the participants’ side, each moment of
switching on/off the time shift-able devices/systems
can be based on the change of the electricity price
from tariff based market or/and the change of the
frequency with consideration of the original
functionalities of these systems. In the first instance,
according to the electricity price some household
devices or systems can be switched on or off at the
right time for the financial profits. In the second
instance, according to the electricity frequency some
distributed power generators and some time shift-
table loads can also be controlled to generate or
consume a suitable power for the power system
stability(in this instance, the time scale will be in ms
and it is based on the local measurement). One
should be aware that the average power between the
time shift-able sources and the time shift-able loads
in event based control is not necessarily equal.
3.3 Virtual Agent for Optimization of
Power Flow in Electric Power
Distribution Networks
The main interest of market operator and
participators is their maximum profit. As a
consequence, an offset of power flow is generated
due to the tariff based market, but optimized power
flow in electric power distribution network is still
not ensured. Therefore, DSO needs to take the role
of settlement responsible and take care of the
constrains in electric power distribution networks, to
ensure power quality and to minimize the losses.
In this paper, we assume that a virtual agent0 as
in Fig. 1 is presented from the distribution system
operator (DSO) to the ARPs. As the strategy of the
distribution system operator is to efficiently use the
distribution networks and to have some financial
profit, the optimization of power flow in the electric
power distribution network will be done with respect
to the power flow in the electric power distribution
networks and the real-time price of electricity in
transmission networks.
Nowadays the price of electricity in the electric
power transmission networks is transparent. For
example, Belpex is the Belgian Power Exchange for
anonymous, cleared trading in day-ahead electricity,
providing the market with a transparent reference
price. In this case, DSO will interact with the market
based operation model as in Fig. 1. According to the
measurements from the smart meter(s), DSO will
also send the quantity vs. price pairs via the virtual
agent to ARPs. As a result, there will be an
additional offset of power flow. Properly changing
the quantity vs. price pairs via the virtual agent,
DSO will optimize the power flow in smart grids.
However, one should be aware that shifting the
quantity vs. price pair in the market based operation
model is not free action. Unlikely ARP will still
have the maximum profit if DSO shift the power
flow. Maybe DSO needs to compensate the financial
losses to ARP. So there is a trade-off between the
benefit of power optimization and the cost of
shifting the quantity vs. price pair in market based
operation model. This will be a main concern of
DSO if DSO will take the role of settlement
responsible in the electric power distribution
During the execution phase of market based
operation, the demand side management will limit
the difference between the expected power and
really produced/consumed power of the distributed
power generators or loads, to ensure proper
operation in auction based market as well as
reconciliation of power imbalance in tariff based
market. In this market based operation model of
smart grids, both the market operators and
participants have the opportunities to gain their
profits and face competitions.
Due to the time shift-able sources and loads under
agent-based control or event-based control, the
characteristics of smart grids will be changed. The
difference of average power (in the time scale about
several seconds to few minute) between the
generated power and the demanded power will
gradually be optimised towards to be as the
In this section the characteristics of smart grids as
the function of electricity price will be explored.
This can be done by the interaction between the
virtual agent and the server of smart grids. First the
quantity vs. price pair of the virtual agent0 is shifted
from left to right, and then it is shifted from right to
left. In fact this procedure will also assess the
controllability and reachability of the smart grids
under certain amount time shift-able loads and with
certain amount time shift-able sources. When the
quantity vs. price pair of virtual agent0 is maximally
shifted to right (increasing price) as in Fig. 9, the
maximal power production of the distributed power
generators (in agent-based control) is reached. As a
result, the power balance reaches the saturation point
at price equal to 11 cents as in Fig. 10.
0 2 4 6 8 101214161820
Figure 9: Quantity vs. Price pair of agent0 maximally
shifting to right (increasing price).
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Q u an ti ty
demand P roduc tion
Figure 10: Power demand and production balance
saturated at price=11 (reach maximal power production).
0 2 4 6 8 101214161820
Figure 11: Quantity vs. Price pair of agent0 maximally
shifting to left (decreasing price).
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Q u an tity
dema nd P roduc tion
Figure 12: Power demand and power production balance
saturated at price=5 (reach maximal power demand).
When the quantity vs. price pair of virtual agent0
is maximally shifted to left (decreasing price) as in
Fig. 11, the maximal power demand of the loads (in
agent-based control) is reached. As a result, the
power balance reaches the saturation point at price
equal to 5 cents as in Fig. 12.
In both cases, the maximal power production or
power demand in agent-based control is 60 kW,
which corresponds to the maximal capacity of power
production or consumption of agent1, agent2 and
agent3 as shown in their quantity vs. price pairs in
Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. In this way, the
controllability and reachability for the optimization
of power flow in smart grids are determined.
Indeed, the curve of demanded power in the function
of price and the curve of supplied power in the
function of price are always shifted due to the
change of the real situation in smart grids. This can
logically be classified as the case of demand curve
shifting as in Fig. 13 and the case of supply curve
shifting as in Fig. 14, though they can be happened
in the same time.
Figure 13: Demand curve shifting.
Q1 Q2
Figure 14: Supply curve shifting.
Assuming the supplied power in the function of
price is unchanged, and if the load characteristics are
changed, then the demanded power in the function
of price will be shifted. For example, the total loads
in the smart grids can be decreased from the price
and quantity at the time t1 (P1, Q1) to the price and
quantity at the time t2 (P2, Q2) as in Fig. 13.
Assuming the demanded power in the function of
price is unchanged, and if the total capacity of power
generators is changed, then the supplied power in the
function of price will be shifted. For example, the
total capacity of the distributed power generators in
the smart grids can be increased from (P1, Q1) to be
(P2, Q2) as in Fig. 14.
As it takes time to achieve a new equilibrium (P2,
Q2) from the old equilibrium (P1, Q1), there is a
transient state of demand side power management
via ICT infrastructure. In this case the demand side
management has to be in cooperation with the
proper operations of intelligent power converters
with energy storage system, to limit the high power
difference within short time duration, particularly if
there are large scale integration of renewable energy
sources and big un-predictable loads. Only if there is
sufficient inertia in the electric power networks,
stability, reliability and power quality can be
ensured. In this case, the possible controllable
sources and loads of office building as in Fig.2 can
be treated as means of grid control, which generate
the required damping in the electric power networks,
to allow the demand side management functioning
well via the communication network(s).
In the presented architecture of smart grid as
shown in Fig. 1, the super capacitor storage is
installed with the possibly controllable DC sources
and loads of office building as in Fig.2. Accordingly
the control principles of the converters have been
developed (Cheng, 2011b), (Cheng, 2009). The
DC/AC inverter as in Fig.2 is the distributed power
generator in smart grid. The distributed power
generators will supply the power for the local loads,
and they ensure the power quality and grid stability
in smart grids. During the transient state of demand
side management (via ICT infrastructure), power
balance in the smart grid will be achieved by the
DC/AC inverter with the possibly controllable
sources and loads of office buildings as in Fig.2.
According to the real situation in the smart grids, the
DC/AC inverter can be operated in power
despatching mode or/and in load following mode. In
the power despatching mode of the DC/AC inverter,
the peak power from renewable energy sources will
be filtered by super capacitors, then to charge the
batteries of EVs; only the moving average power
will be injected into the AC grid (via the DC/AC
inverter). In the load following mode of the DC/AC
inverter, the high power difference (on the AC side)
will immediately be compensated by the super
capacitor storage. In addition, reducing the charging
power of the on-board batteries of EVs can have
some additional power to follow the power demand
on the AC side. In this case, power balance can be
achieved in long time scale as well as in short time
scale in smart grids.
In order to verify the architecture and principles of
smart grids (which are presented in this paper), the
change of power vs. real-time price of electricity is
evaluated. The power flows from agent1, agent2 and
agent3 are P1, P2 and P3 respectively. In order to
simplify the presentation in this paper, only the
influence of agent-based sources and loads is shown
here. The power injection from renewable energy
sources P_res minus the fluctuated loads P_loads is
Figure 15: Evaluation results of the principle of power management in smart grids.
used as the disturbance (P_res-P_loads) in the smart
grids as in Fig.1.
The evaluation results are presented in Fig. 15.
One can see that the maximal power of the
renewable energy sources minus other loads is
130kW, but the maximal power of agent0 (through
transformer) is only 70kW. This evaluation results
prove that the architecture and principles (in
particular the virtual agent as presented in this
paper) can optimize (flatten) the average power flow
in the electric power distribution networks.
Market based operation in smart grids will ensure
fair transaction of electricity and enable more time
shift-able sources and loads involving in the
reconciliation of power imbalance. Particularly,
agent-based control and event-based control in smart
grids will change the characteristics of electric
power networks.
However, the power balance only between the
sources and the loads in agent-based control is not
sufficient to guarantee an appropriate power flow in
the electric power distribution networks. By
introducing a virtual agent, the principle of power
management in smart grids has been enhanced and
presented in this paper. The evaluation results show
that the average power flow in case of the
integration of renewable energy sources and
fluctuated loads can effectively be optimized by
applying our method of power management.
As there is a significant response time in demand
side management (via the ICT infrastructures), short
duration energy storage might be required, to ensure
the power quality in the smart grids, if the power
fluctuation due to the renewable energy sources (e.g.
PVs) or/and other fast varied loads is significant. In
this case, the possibly time shift-able and
controllable sources and loads of office building
(e.g. plug-in electric vehicles with super capacitors)
can be treated as another means of grid control. As a
result, power balance in smart grids can be achieved
in the different time scales with less additional
energy storages.
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