Karsten Tolle and Mario Bachmann
Databases and Information Systems (DBIS), Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University of Frankfurt,
Robert-Mayer-Strasse 10, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Keywords: Ontologies, Data Integration, Mapping.
Abstract: Ontologies are a formal representation of knowledge and semantics. With the emergence of the Semantic
Web in the early 2000s, ontologies were pushed and from a theoretical point of view, many things could be
solved. However, on the applicability level even finding the right tool to extract and load relational data into
an existing ontology is a challenge and performing it remains a time consuming task. Based on various real
case scenarios from the archaeological domain, we tried ontology-based approaches to integrate data. In
those scenarios we had to deal with relational schema violating academic design principles. This
complicated the situation. After an analysis of existing tools, we decided to implement our own tool to
import relational data from different sources into our ontology. This paper will explain our motivation for
implementing our tool called IwOnto and how it works. We decided to base it on SQL, which is known by
our main target audience. Thereby we reached our design goal to avoid the necessity of learning another
query language (e.g. SPARQL).
Already since the very beginnings of databases back
in 1970, the problem of integrating data from two or
more databases has existed. The discrepancy can
range from differences in the data model to the
usage of different languages for describing the same
content. Therefore, queries constructed for one
database will not work for other databases, even if
they contain the same logical content, e.g.
archaeological data. Forcing people to use the same
representation form, language and data models is not
One promising approach solving this is to move
the problem from the technical to a higher
abstraction level, e.g. by using ontologies. These
create the vocabulary with which concepts and their
relations can be defined and allow domain experts,
as well as computer experts, to concentrate on the
content and not on technical niceties.
We followed this approach and defined an
ontology for our domain of archaeological findings,
mainly coins. As next step we wanted to migrate
existing data from different relational databases into
this ontology in order to be able to export the new
ontology enhanced with information from our
relational data. The resulting ontology including the
instances could then be saved as a file having a
concrete syntax like OWL syntax to allow
interchange with other applications.
We expected to find sufficient free tools that
support this mapping and export process from
relational data into an existing ontology.
Surprisingly, we discovered that it turned out to be
much more difficult to find a sufficient tool that is
up to date and does not overwhelm the user. We
finally decided to implement our own tool called
Integration with Ontologies (IwOnto). One design
goal was to base it on SQL, which is known by our
target users and so avoids the need to learn another
query language such as SPARQL.
In section 2 we will provide a state-of-the-art
overview of existing tools we explored in the
mapping area with their strengths and drawbacks.
Details about IwOnto will be presented in section 3.
This section includes some implementation
background and a description of its features. Special
emphasis is laid on how object properties are
handled. Finally section 4 closes this paper with our
conclusions and our planed future work.
Tolle K. and Bachmann M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003934304300433
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2012), pages 430-433
ISBN: 978-989-8565-08-2
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
There are powerful commercial tools like
OntoStudio from Ontoprise, or SemanticWorks from
Altova. However, we searched for a free, simple tool
not overshadowed with too many features that could
be used to map our relational data into our existing
ontology. Due to design limitations of our relational
data, an automatic approach was not an option. In
fact, even for a human it was difficult to understand
the underlying relational data without support of a
domain expert.
During our search, we first came across the
Protégé plug-ins DataGenie
and DataMaster
whereby DataMaster also supports Protégé-OWL.
The main problem for both was that they support
only the creation of a new ontology from given
relational data. In the very latest version of
DataGenie only pure bridge tables can be handled
differently. This class of tools, which supports only
the creation of a new ontology, does not fit our
needs. Also the tool DB2OWL (Ghawi and Cullot,
2007) can be counted to this class of tools.
A very promising tool supporting the mapping to
existing ontologies was VisAVis (Konstantinou,
Spantos, Chalas, Solidakis and Mitrou, 2006). It is
also a Protégé plug-in. The mapping and generation
of classes and instances worked well. A less
problematic issue was that VisAVis supports only
the connection to MySQL and PostgreSQL
databases. However, the main difficulty for us was
the lack of support for object properties. The same
seems to be true for RDB2Onto. It is claimed that
the tool “creates empty individuals in ontology from
relational data”.
Some tools we tested where only partially
executable, or even not executable at all. We
invested a lot of time in getting the tool
METAmorphoses (Svihla and Jelinek, 2005)
running. METAmorphoses has a lot of library
dependencies. Even by contacting the authors of the
software we could not fix all problems. On top it has
a promotion timer installed, which means that you
need to wait two minutes before the tool starts.
We also had problems dealing with DERI
Ontology Management Environment (DOME) and
DIP Ontology Management Suite (OMS). A closer
look at the web site of these tools reveals that there
is now little activity involving them. In the DOME
news section the last entry is dated to the middle of
Other research projects concentrated on defining
a mapping language such as D2R (Bizer, 2003) and
O (Barrasa, Corcho and Gómez-Pérez, 2004). For
O exists the tool ODEMapster implementing it.
ODEMapster is designed as a plug-in for the Neon
toolkit which is based on Eclipse. The Neon toolkit
was generated within the Neon Project – a European
FP 6 project – that was finished in 2011.
ODEMapster is a nice tool and provides an easy to
use graphical way to map between the database and
ontology side. When the mapping is straight forward
this is a great tool, however, when the database
schema – as in our case – is not conform to the
ontology it gets very confusing. Additionally the
mapping for object properties is not very well
assisted by the GUI. When executing the mapping
we often run into an error message reporting
Unknown error occurred” which did not helped at
D2R is implemented by the D2R Server.
Additionally there is SquirrlRDF. Both of them are
very powerful; however, they therefore do not
transfer well to a simpler scenario as ours. The main
purpose of these two is to enable SPARQL access to
existing relational data. This was beyond our scope
and we aimed to keep the user clear of SPARQL.
The following table provides a quick overview
of the tools we explored together with a small
Table 1: Overview of tools we explored.
Name Comment
DataGenie supersede by DataMaster
does not support existing
does not support existing
VisAVis no support of object properties
RDB2Onto no support of object properties
promotion timer and difficulties
with dependencies
DOME outdated; problematic to run
OMS outdated; problematic to run
good for straight forward
mappings; problems with object
D2R Server
SPARQL oriented; too heavy for
our case
SPARQL oriented; too heavy for
our case
Under the mantle of the W3C we also found a
working group trying to standardize the language for
mapping relational data into RDF and OWL, called
RDB2RDF Working Group. They generated a survey
report – the latest version is from 2009 – providing a
more general overview including approaches that
were out of our scope.
The mapping tool Integration with Ontologies
(IwOnto) was developed to provide a simple and
useful method to perform information integration
requiring only SQL skills (Bachmann, 2011). The
development was based on the latest OWL API 3 for
handling the ontology side. On the database side it
relies on the JDBC API and is therefore flexible and
not bound to a particular database system.
The ontology world distinguishes between two
kinds of properties: data properties and object
properties. A data property carries concrete data in
the form of a value of a data type such as string,
integer or float. When defining the mapping, the
data properties can be mapped to one or more
attributes of the intermediate table.
Object properties are different. The object
property range is a class. They do not carry data, but
they represent a reference to another object. This
means they are the glue within the network of
objects. This in fact is the most important issue
about ontologies, because it allows us to view
objects from a different viewpoint, and not just in
In the database world the object properties
correspond to the relations within the entity
relationship model (ER-model). When translating it
into the relational world of tables, we discovered
that this translation is not unique. Two entities that
have a relation can be translated into one, two or
even three tables depending on the cardinalities. If
everything goes well, we should have foreign keys
in order to link the different tables. However,
foreign keys are also used for situations where tables
(objects) got split up into various tables in order to
reduce redundancy – as done in normalization
process. Additionally, the foreign keys are used to
represent hierarchies in the relational world. Even
for a person that can gain some semantics from the
different table and attribute names, it is not easy to
reconstruct the correct ER-model from a given
relational schema.
In our situation it was even worse, because the
existing relational database was not designed by
database experts. It grew over time and was adopted
on the fly to new requirements. Therefore, some
referential integrity was not even defined by foreign
keys and we also had the situation the representation
of different objects was combined into one table.
Therefore, an automatic reverse engineering by
advanced applications would not help much.
Since other applications where based on the
existing schema, a redesign of it was not an option.
For this reason the mapping process of IwOnto is
based on intermediate tables defined by an SQL
statement. This way some of the problems - e.g. the
mix of different entities within one table - could be
handled using the right SQL query.
For the underlying mapping process of IwOnto
the user passes through the classes of the ontology
he wants to export. For each class he defines a
separate SQL statement in order to build an
intermediate table – e.g. in order to combine
relational information that has been splitted up in
order to gain normalization. This table is then the
basis to define the mapping between data and object
properties of a particular ontology-class and relevant
attributes or attribute combinations on the database
side. This also means one can perform pre-
processing and cleanups, or include constraints using
the power of SQL. On top the user can define
functions for the mapping itself that can be used for
conversions between different metrics, e.g. to
convert from feet to meter or vice versa. As shown
in Figure 1 below the compatibility of data types is
checked by IwOnto in order to avoid invalid
Figure 1: The GUI of IwOnto showing the ontology
properties on the left and the database attributes of the
intermediate SQL table on the right.
The mappings defined between the intermediate
SQL table and the properties of the ontology are
stored and listed in a separate window. Here the user
has the ability to remove mappings selectively for
the related class, or to remove the entire mapping for
it performed to date.
When the mapping is executed for each row of
the SQL table, an instance of the mapped class with
the according attributes for the data properties is
In order to link two objects with an object
property these objects must exist in order to be able
to be referenced by object properties. This is not
trivial which is reflected by the fact that various
tools explored and described in the previous section
do not provide this feature at all.
In order to solve this problem our mapping in
IwOnto is split into two phases. In the first phase all
needed objects for an object property should be
generated. Because of possible dependencies this
again is not trivial. If class A has an object property
which range is class B, this implies a dependency of
class A on class B. When building the dependency
graph there can be chains and circles in it. To handle
circles at least one link must be broken by removing
one object property in the circle. This results in the
loss of information that should be included in a later
In the second phase the generated objects can be
used. This is also not as easy as it might sound. One
needs to identify the generated objects of the first
phase clearly and without ambiguity based on the
information provided by the intermediate table of the
second phase. We currently have different
approaches we implemented and tested to do so: a)
based on the name of the object that needs to match
the mapped attribute value, b) by a special data
property as identifier for it, or c) a more fussy
solution scanning all data properties in order to find
a match. Currently we favour the first approach
based on the name of the object because it is the
most secure approach and this way we do not
generate an IwOnto specific solution. However,
none of these approaches is perfect, and we are also
investigating additional and more flexible ways, e.g.
based on constraints, to map from the attribute
values of the intermediate table to objects already
Existing mapping and export tools for migrating
relational data to an existing ontology did not match
our needs. We therefore implemented IwOnto. There
are two main differences compared to existing tools
a) it is based only on SQL and does not enforce
users to adapt additional languages like SPARQL
and b) the ability to move some of the mapping
problems into intermediate SQL statements rather
into the mapping itself, helps the user to split his
problems into manageable portions.
It is already possible to handle object properties
with IwOnto, which was problematic with many
other existing tools. However, generating the
according objects in case of longer chains is a time
consuming task and does not fit our idea of an easy
to use tool. Solving this in a sufficient and user
friendly way is currently our main challenge.
The second main focus we have is the good
usability of IwOnto. In the latest implementation we
therefore improved the way how SQL statements
can be entered. Now a statement can be tested and
the user can see immediately the result of his
statement in order to be sure he generated the correct
intermediate table.
Currently we use IwOnto in the domain of
archaeology and the size of relational databases we
need to handle at the moment consists of just a few
hundred findings. Therefore, performance issues are
not our main focus. However, IwOnto is not bound
to this domain and once we solved our current
issues, we will have a closer look on performance. A
first prototype of IwOnto is available under GPL 3.0
at SourceForge.
The authors would like to thank Steffen Försch,
Marco Bender and Alexander Rezun for their
contributions to IwOnto.
Bachmann, M. (2011). Informationsintegration mit
Ontologien am Beispiel von archäologischen Daten,
Diploma Thesis at Goethe University Frankfurt am
Barrasa, J., Corcho, Ó and, Gómez-Pérez, A. (2004). R2O,
an extensible and semantically based database-to-
ontology mapping language. In: Proceedings of the
Second Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1069-1070.
ISBN 978-3-540-24576-6.
Bizer, C. (2003). D2R MAP - A Database to RDF
Mapping Language. The Twelfth International World
Wide Web Conference, Budapest, Hungary.
Ghawi, R. and Cullot, N. (2007). Database-to-Ontology
Mapping Generation for Semantic Interoperability, 3rd
International Workshop on Database Interoperability
(InterDB 2007), held in conjunction with VLDB 2007,
Vienna, Austria.
Konstantinou, N., Spantos, D-E., Chalas, M., Solidakis E.
and Mitrou, N. (2006). VisAVis: An Approach to an
Intermediate Layer between Ontologies and Relational
Database Contents. International Workshop on Web
Information Systems Modeling (WISM 2006),
Svihla, M. and Jelinek, I. (2005). The Database to RDF
Mapping Module for an Easy Semantic Extending of
Dynamic Web Sites. IADIS International Conference
WWW/Internet, Lisabon, Portugal.