Breno Fabrício Terra Azevedo
, Patricia Alejandra Behar
and Eliseo Berni Reategui
Department of Information Technology, IFF, 273, Dr. Siqueira, Zip Code 28030-130, Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ, Brazil
Graduate Program in Information Technology in Education, UFRGS
110, Paulo Gama, building 12105, 3
floor, room 332, Zip Code 90040-060, Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil
Keywords: Qualitative Analysis, Asynchronous Discussions.
Abstract: This paper presents results of an automatic analysis of text contributions made by students in asynchronous
discussions. The study was carried with the MineraFórum software. Data collected with the program were
compared to appraisals made by teachers. Results show that the average of the analyses of posts made
MineraFórum is similar to the average obtained in the analyses made by teachers.
According to Gilbert and Dabbagh (2005), an
important pedagogical benefit of asynchronous
communication is its potential to support the co-
construction of knowledge through discourse.
The study presented by Garrison, Anderson and
Archer (2000) suggests that text-based
communication offers time for reflection. The
authors’ review of the literature indicates that
written communication is closely related to careful
and critical thinking. Writing can be crucial when
the objective is to facilitate thinking over complex
issues, and meaningful and deep learning.
Palloff and Pratt (2004) say asynchronous
discussions must be stimulated by teachers, as they
are the best way to establish interactions among
students. According to the authors, student
interactions provide time for reflecting over studied
educational contents. The ability to reflect is crucial
to virtual students, and should be stimulated.
Discussion forums are a suitable space to offer this
type of action. By participating in the discussion or
simply replying to messages, students indicate that
they are actually reflecting. The authors also
emphasize the importance of the teacher’s role in
discussion forums. Besides writing messages of
support and motivation to students, and answering
their questions, teachers should observe the level of
participation of each learner. In case the teacher
identifies that a student is not participating properly
or digressing from the topic of discussion, he/she
should try to help learners to overcome their
difficulties, and solve problems.
Getting involved in asynchronous discussions,
such as in forums, is an important activity for
students. By analyzing student interactions in
forums, the teacher can diagnose information on
learners. However, if the teacher has a significant
number of students, he/she will need a great amount
of time to do text analysis. A resource that allows
the automatic analysis of posts in discussion forums
can be of great help to teachers. This resource may
allow teachers to identify students who are debating
over the topic of discussion, as well as those who are
not. By doing so, teachers can have extra time to
find out the reasons why some of the learners did not
discuss concepts related to the topic. In case the
teacher identifies students with learning difficulties,
help can be offered.
To perform automatic analysis of texts produced
by students in asynchronous discussion, this paper
presents a study carried with the software
MineraFórum (Azevedo et al., 2011a; 2011b)
uses text mining techniques to analyze posts in
threaded discussion. By doing this analysis, it is
possible to identify if text contributions produced by
learners are relevant or irrelevant in the debate.
Next section presents a brief introduction to text
mining. Section 3 informs on some works that use
this technique in the analysis of discussion forums.
Section 4 explains the software MineraFórum.
Section 5 describes the experiments, and section 6
presents the concluding remarks.
Terra Azevedo B., Behar P. and Berni Reategui E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003896900050012
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2012), pages 5-12
ISBN: 978-989-8565-06-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
According to Feldman and Sanger (2007), text
mining can be defined as an intensive process of
knowledge in which the user interacts with a great
number of documents by using tools to perform
analysis. The objective is to extract useful
information from a collection of documents. This
information is identified in interesting patterns found
in non-structured text data.
Text mining systems are based on pre-processing
routines, algorithms for discovering patterns, and
elements for presenting results. The system user
interacts with the pre-processing stage, with the
mining nucleus, and with result output.
Pre-processing operations are based on the
identification and extraction of representative
features of documents in natural language. These
operations are responsible for changing non-
structured data, stored in collections of documents,
into a structure expressed in an intermediary model
(Feldman and Sanger, 2007; Tan, 1999). The
intermediary models are based on choice of the
minimum text unit: word, concept, sentence,
paragraph, or document (Torre et al., 2005).
Operations in the mining nucleus, also called
knowledge distillation processes, represent the core
of a text mining system, and involve: pattern
discovery, trend analysis, and incremental
algorithms for knowledge discovery. The most used
mechanisms are distributions and proportions, sets
of frequent concepts, and associations. Activities can
also be related to comparisons, and to the
identification of levels of interest with some patterns
(Feldman and Sanger, 2007).
Elements involved in the presentation of results
represent the system interface, with navigation
function, and access to the language used in the
search (Feldman and Sanger, 2007; Puretskiy et al.,
2010; Tan, 1999).
Text mining explores techniques and
methodologies from areas such as information
retrieval, information extraction, and corpus
linguistics. To extract useful information, one must
discover relevant characteristics in the documents,
the most usual being: characters, words, terms, and
concepts. Characters are individual letters, numbers,
special characters, and spaces. Words are
represented by clusters of characters. Terms are
unique words or sets of words selected straight from
the text. Concepts are features generated for a
document by using different methodologies. Hybrid
approaches can be used to generate document
representation based on features. For example, one
can first extract terms from a text, and then adapt
them by comparing them to a list of relevant topics
(concepts) obtained by categorization (Feldman and
Sanger, 2007).
Considering the four features described above
(characters, words, terms, and concepts), terms and
concepts are those that possess the highest semantic
level. There are many advantages in using those
features to represent documents in text mining.
Representations using terms can be more easily
generated from the original text if compared to
concepts. However, representations with concepts
are better than any other. They can also be processed
in order to support very sophisticated hierarchies by
using knowledge of the domain given by ontologies
and knowledge bases (Feldman and Sanger, 2007).
Text mining using graph technique discovers
words with greater occurrence in texts, and identifies
if they are near one another. The graph obtained in
the mining process presents the most frequent words
in its nodes. Associations between nodes indicate the
proximity between words. Figure 1 represents the
graph generated from the text “There are several
techniques in text mining. Some techniques used in
text mining include: information extraction, topic
tracking, summary production, text categorization,
text clustering, conceptual links, information
visualization, analysis of questions and answers”.
Figure 1: Graph generated from a text.
Rebedea et al. (2008) present an analysis of chats
that may be used in threaded discussion. Their study
proposes extraction of socio-semantic data from
conversations produced by participants using text
mining techniques based on ontologies. This method
uses a combination of a social-cultural and dialogic
perspective with text processing techniques. The
study also presents the software developed to
discover the most relevant topics in a debate, the
contribution of each participant in the conversation,
and how it can offer a representation of multiple
voices in the conversation. Text mining was used to:
analyze if the content of chat messages is related to
the discussion theme, and determine the moment a
new topic is introduced in the discussion. WordNet
was used to identify synonyms in the texts selected
for the study.
Ravi and Kim’s work (2007) presents an
approach to make automatic identification of
features in students’ posts in threaded discussions.
The authors used word sequence resources and SVM
algorithms (Support Vector Machine) to develop
“speech acts” classifiers to identify purposes in
individual messages, such as: questions, answers,
formulations, corrections. Classifiers were used to
find messages containing questions or answers.
Authors used a set of rules for topic analysis in order
to find out those that could contain unanswered
questions and need the teacher’s attention.
A discussion forum with advanced technological
features is presented by Li et al. (2008). This project
uses domain ontology and text mining techniques. In
this study, transcriptions of discussion forums are
automatically changed into a structural modelling in
three stages: topic acknowledgment, identification of
the type of transcription, and the semantic
association among them. The first step clusters
messages from a set of discussion into a document.
Each document is represented by a vector of
weighted terms. Cosine method is used to calculate
similarity between the vector in the document and
the vector of concepts in the domain ontology. The
second step identifies six types of messages:
question, opinion, suggestion, recommendation,
request, and reference. The third step uses the SLN
model (Semantic Link Network) to organize texts
with semantic association. The forum used in the
study offers three functions to teachers: search of
information considered useful to their needs,
thematic navigation through messages, and
recommendation to students that might be interested
in communicating and collaborating. An experiment
was carried to demonstrate the effectiveness of the
approach to find learning peers with the same
interests, and message search with thematic
MineraFórum is a program that makes qualitative
analysis of posts in discussion forums. It was
developed at NUTED
/PGIE/UFRGS. At present,
version 3.0 of the software is being used. This
program is capable of calculating the relevance of
each post within a particular discussion. To analyze
the content of text contributions, the program uses
the text mining using graph technique. Figure 2
presents the main interface of MineraFórum.
Figure 2: Main Interface of MineraFórum showing
selection of the “File” menu.
Some resources offered by version 3.0 of the
MineraFórum are listed below:
It allows the user to load or type reference text
on the discussion topic.
If the user wishes so, instead of informing a text
of reference, it is possible to type concepts
considered to be relevant in the discussion, and
make associations among them.
It uses a thesaurus in the mining process. This
type of dictionary was previously defined in the
software. Nevertheless, if the user finds it necessary,
another synonyms dictionary can be informed.
Synonyms are important when MineraFórum
compares words typed in the posts with the concepts
considered as relevant in the reference text.
In addition to the thesaurus, the user can inform
words that are semantically equivalent.
It calculates the relevance of each post.
It shows a graphic with the mean relevance level
of messages posted by each author.
It identifies similar messages written in the
discussion forum.
It allows results of the mining process to be
stored in html files.
It shows a report with information on the
analysis of posts: total number of messages written
by each student, the amount of relevant contribution
made by individual learners, concepts used in the
relevant posts, relevance of each message,
information if the message is similar (or not) in the
forum, the relevance average in posts written by
each student, the number of times each message was
cited in the debate.
Figure 3 shows the MineraFórum interface after the
user selected the button “Mining Forum”.
Informations about the mining are presented: name
of the forum, data of mining, and the total number of
messages posted by all the students. For each
learner, one can see: full name, total of messages,
relevance average of posts. For each message, the
software shows the relevance value and four links
([Info] [Message] [Text concepts] [Forum
Info: provides information on the number of
times the message was cited in the forum, and if it is
similar to any other. Figure 4 shows informations
about the first post of student 3.
Message: shows the first characters of the
message. Figure 5 shows the second message of
student 3.
Text concepts: presents the concepts indicated by
the reference text found in the post.
Forum concepts: shows the main concepts used
in the forum and found in the posts. Figure 6 shows
the relevant concepts cited in the forum that were
found in third post of student 3.
Figure 3: Interface of the “Mining Forum” window.
During the process of analyzing posts,
MineraFórum organizes and clusters the student’s
messages. The software calculates the relevance
value of each message. To do this procedure, three
criteria are considered: the thematic relevance of the
message (TR), relevance of message reference
(MR), and similarity of the message (MS).
Figure 4: Informations about the first post of student 3.
Figure 5: Second message of student 3.
Figure 6: Relevant concepts cited in the forum that were
found in third post of student 3.
To calculate the thematic relevance of messages
(TR), MineraFórum performs the following actions:
a) From the reference text, it builds a graph of the
discussion topic indicated by the user. In this
process, stopwords (words that can be removed in
the mining stage, such as adverbs, articles, and
prepositions) can be deleted, and the most recurring
words in the text are identified. The most frequent
words represent the most relevant concepts in the
mined text, and correspond to the vertices in the
graph. The edges between the vertices are created
according to the proximity between words. If the
user decides to insert important concepts related to
the discussion topic, instead of indicating the
reference text, MineraFórum builds the graph from
those concepts.
b) Automatic loading of all posts. The software
interacts with the Virtual Learning Environment
where the forum took place and get all the messages.
c) Generation of a graph by mining each post.
d) To calculate thematic relevance of a post in
relation to the reference text, MineraFórum analyzes
the correspondence between the generated graph
from the text and graph built from the message. In
this case, one can identify which vertex in the first
graph are equivalent to those in the second graph.
MineraFórum considers that two vertices are
equivalent if they present similar content, that is, (i)
if they have the same words, (ii) if the words can be
reduced to the same stem, (iii) if they have
synonyms, and (iv) if they are semantically
equivalent. In the second stage of analysis, the
program uses a formula that takes into consideration
three aspects of the equivalent vertices: the amount
of such vertices in the two graphs, the distance
between them in the respective graph, and their
weight in their own graphs. The resulting value
corresponds to the thematic relevance of the post in
relation to the reference text (TR
e) Generation of a text graph built from the whole
set of posts, named “forum graph”. The procedure
used to find TR
is used to calculate the thematic
relevance of the post in relation to the forum graph.
The resulting value is named TR
f) Thematic relevance (TR) of a post is calculated
from the average between TR
and TR
To calculate the MR value of a post, the software
divides the number of times the message has been
cited by the total number of posts in a forum. The
computation of the similarity of a message (MS)
with other was held with text mining using graphs.
The graphs of the messages that have similar values
of TR are compared to verify if the posts are similar.
If the post is similar to another in the forum, the MS
value will be equal to TR, with a negative sign.
The relevance value of a post (PR) is obtained
from the weighted mean between TR and MR. If the
message is similar to another, the MS value will be
subtracted from PR. If the text contribution is not
similar to another in the forum, then the calculated
value for PR will be maintained.
The final value for PR is converted into a whole
value, in a scale from 0 (zero) to 5 (five). Zero value
means the message is not relevant in the debate.
Value five indicates that the post has maximum
Table 1 presents a comparison between
MineraFórum and the correlational studies presented
in section 3. The comparison shows an analysis of
the similarities and differences between
MineraFórum and other works.
Table 1: Comparison between MineraFórum and
correlational studies.
Similarities between
MineraFórum and
correlational work
Differences between
MineraFórum and
correlational work
Rebedea et al.
Tool that uses text
mining techniques to
analyze relevance of
messages in relation to
the discussion topic.
Analyzes chats
messages to provide
indicators related to
Bakhtin’s theory of
The tool is not
integrated into a VLE.
Ravi and Kim
Classifiers to analyze
content of forum
messages as an aid for
Classifiers analyze texts
by identifying “speech
Indicators given by
classifiers are different
from those presented by
Li et al.(2008)
Tool that uses text
mining techniques to
analyze relevance of
posts in relation to the
discussion topic.
The tool represents texts
with vectorial space
model, and identifies if
they are similar by using
the cosine similarity
The system developed
by the authors offers
help to students, while
MineraFórum presents
information to help
MineraFórum is a resource that can be used by
teachers in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
It is integrated into ROODA
(Behar, 2007), ETC
(Macedo et al., 2010) and MOODLE
The teacher can choose the discussion forums to
mine the messages.
To validate results using MineraFórum, five
experiments were made. In each experiment, a
discussion forum was analyzed by both the software
and two teachers. The forum topics were distinct, as
well as school level, and course modality. Forums
selected for the experiments were extracted from
ROODA, ETC and MOODLE platforms.
The purpose of the experiments was to compare
the average of message relevance calculated by
MineraFórum with the average obtained in the
assessments made by teachers. It is worthy
observing that the program calculates a relevance
value between zero and five for each text
contribution. For that reason, teachers were
requested to use the same values in their evaluations.
Evaluation of the messages was made by the
following group of teachers: two Ph.Ds and four Ms
teachers. Two teachers have long experience in
distance learning, and four have little experience.
Tables 2 and 3 describes the characteristics of the
forums used in the experiment: the VLE in which
they were offered, the discussion theme, the course,
the school level, and the modality of each course.
Tables 4 and 5 present values obtained in the
analysis made by both MineraFórum and teachers.
Information in this table includes: the teacher who
assessed the messages, the number of students who
participated in each forum, the number of posts, the
average obtained from the software analysis, the
average obtained from the teachers’ appraisals, and
the degree of similarity between the averages. The
average of analysis of the MineraFórum and the
average of the teachers’ assessments were obtained
by summing the values assigned to each post,
dividing by the number of messages. The degree of
similarity was obtained dividing the two averages.
Table 2: VLE and theme of analyzed forums.
Forum VLE Theme
1 Rooda Learning as transformation
2 Rooda Learning as transformation
3 ETC Team work
4 ETC Competence Development
5 Moodle Digital Ceritification
Tables 4 and 5 present the degree of similarity
between the average of the analysis performed by
MineraFórum and the one obtained in the analysis
made by teachers. This result reveals that the
average of the analysis calculated by the software is
similar to the average of the assessments made by
Table 3: Characteristics of analyzed forums.
Forum Course School Level Modality
(group 1)
Undergraduate Distance Education
(group 2)
Undergraduate Distance Education
3 Extension Extension Face to face education
4 Extension Extension Face to face education
n Systems
Extension Face to face education
Table 4: Analysis by MineraFórum and by Teacher 1.
Forum 1 2 3 4 5
Teacher A A C C E
Number of students 28 31 18 11 12
Number of
48 73 76 42 12
Average of
analysis by
2,92 2,88 3,00 3,21 3,42
Average of
analysis by teacher
2,79 2,32 3,61 3,90 2,67
Degree of
between analyses
by MineraFórum
and teacher
95,71% 80,48% 83,21% 82,32% 78,05%
In Table 5, the degree of similarity in forum 3
presented the least value, 76,00%. Analysis of forum
2, as shown in Table 5, obtained the highest value,
Table 5: Analysis by MineraFórum and by Teacher 2.
Forum 1 2 3 4 5
Number of
28 31 18 11 12
Number of
48 73 76 42 12
Average of
analysis by
2,92 2,88 3,00 3,21 3,42
Average of
analysis by teacher
3,29 2,97 3,95 4,12 2,92
Degree of
(analyses by
MineraFórum and
88,61% 96,77% 76,00% 78,03% 85,37%
It is relevant to remind that the software uses
three criteria to analyze messages: thematic
relevance of the text contribution, relevance of
message reference, and similarity of the post. When
assessing the posts, each teacher used their own
Figure 7 presents the variation of the degree of
similarity found in the analysis of the five discussion
forums. Graphic “Similarity1” corresponds to the
degree between the averages obtained from Teacher
1 and from MineraFórum. Graphic “Similarity2”
refers to the comparison with Teacher 2.
Figure 7: Variation in the degree of similarity in the
It was found that in some situations, the values of
the relevance of each post calculated by
MineraFórum were different of more than 2 points
regarding to the analysis of teachers. This occurred
in the following situations:
a) The message cited relevant concepts to the topic,
but not had value in the debate.
These cases occurred in posts where there was no
coherence and cohesion in the typed text. The
MineraFórum not analyses these parameters. The
software calculated the relevance of messages
according to the important concepts mentioned. The
teacher assigned a low value for these posts.
b) The message mentioned relevant concepts, which
were not cited in the reference text or in the forum.
In this situation, the teacher assigned a high value
for the post. As there were no conditions for the
software to identify these concepts, the calculated
relevance was low.
c) The post did not mentioned relevant concepts to
discussion, but had an important example of a
personal experience.
The tool assigned low importance to these messages.
The teacher analysed these posts with high
d) The post did not cited relevant concepts to
discussion, but indicated an important bibliographic
reference or site.
The MineraFórum not analyzes the importance of
references or sites. Thus, the software calculated low
relevance to the post and the teacher indicated a high
e) The message did not mentioned relevant
concepts to discussion, but attached an important file
or image.
The MineraFórum not analyzes the content of files
or images. Thus, the software calculated low
relevance to the post and the teacher indicated a high
MineraFórum is a resource aimed at helping teachers
in qualitative analyses of forum posts. The software
performs the automatic execution of the
aforementioned activities. In such situations, the
teacher’s role in the debates is seen as crucial.
Considering the results presented in section 5,
the objective of the experiments was reached. It was
possible to verify that the average of the analysis of
the messages calculated by the software is similar to
the average obtained with appraisals made by
MineraFórum is able to present the teacher with
a picture of the contributions made by learners, by
organizing and clustering the posts of the students.
This means that the program can provide
information that may be helpful to teachers in their
tutorial activities.
With information given by MineraFórum, the
teacher can guide his/her support to students who
posted few relevant contributions in a forum.
Teachers can also stimulate interactions between
learners who posted more relevant messages and
those who contributed with few relevant ones.
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MineraFórum is part of the research projects:
“MineraROODA: Ferramentas de mineração de conteúdo
cognitivo e de subjetividade afetiva no Ambiente Virtual
de Aprendizagem ROODA”, Announcement MCT/CNPq
014/2010 - Universal; “ROODA: novas ferramentas para
incorporação no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem”,
Researcher Gaúcho Program, Announcement FAPERGS
006/2010. “Ampliando possibilidades pedagógicas através
da tecnologia de mineração de textos integrada à escrita
coletiva a distância”, Announcement MEC/CAPES
WordNet is a large lexical database of English; available
Núcleo de Tecnologia Digital aplicada à Educação / Pós-
graduação em Informática na Educação.
ROODA is one of the platforms used for Distance
Education at UFRGS. ROODA is available at:
ETC is a collective text editor develped by NUTED, and
used at UFRGS as well as in extension courses, available
MOODLE, with MineraFórum integrated into it, is
available at