Al. L. Ronzhin
Speech and Multimodal Interfaces Laboratory, Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
St.Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of RAS (SPIIRAS), St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Video Surveillance, Computer Vision, Speaker Detection, Smart Meeting Room, Sound Source
Localization, Microphone Array.
Abstract: Paper presents the audiovisual recording system, which has been implemented in the SPIIRAS smart room
and provides conduct of e-learning meetings. The techniques of video tracking and sound source
localization are implemented for recording AVI files of speaker messages in the room. Video processing of
streams from five cameras serves for registration participants in fixed chair positions, tracking main speaker
and recording view to the audience. During the experiments AVI files with speaker’s messages were
recorded in a discussion work mode. After manual checking it was detected that 90% of files are files with
speaker’s speech and 10% of files are false files with noises. The verification of the system was
accomplished on the functional level and also the estimations of detection quality of participants, and
camera pointing on speaker and speaker message had acceptable rate.
Several approaches of information presenting such
as oral statement, presentation, whiteboard notes,
demonstration of audiovisual data may be used for
support educational events such as teleconference,
lecture, workshop, meeting, which are carried out in
rooms with state of art multimedia equipment.
General lecture scenario implies that students have
to write most fully information of lecture talk.
However, students usually may write only short
notes and main words. So in order to provide
participants with meetings materials the audiovisual
system for meetings recording and processing was
developed. There are several types of recording
system, which depend on their goals (Lampi, 2010):
1) video surveillance; 2) meeting recording; 3)
presentation recording; 4) documentary recording.
Let us consider peculiarity of soft-hardware and
methods for audiovisual streams analysis in each
type of recording systems.
First type systems record a general view on the
auditorium or on the monitoring zone. Such systems
use a set of cameras, which are pointed on a direct
region. Analysis of image changing in video stream
or sound-level allows making general estimation
about presence of activity in a room. The image
from video stream is displayed on the operator
monitor and stored on the hard disk for providing
following viewing. The first prototype of such
system was developed in the Cornell University
(Smith, 1999). The system consists of two cameras
for lecture talk and presentation slides recording. In
this system a panoramic camera captures the whole
area of presenter’s movements and detects moment
of presentation slides switching. The second camera
uses a hardware tracking algorithm for tracking the
presenter. At the end of a lecture, processing and
combination of recorded video files starts. Thus a
single video file has been formed, that allows
listening of a lecture talk and seeing presentation
slides at e-learning meetings. Such file has been
accepted after one hour, which is needed for
combination of audio and video streams.
Second type systems are employed for meeting
recording and usually equipped by the set of
cameras or a camera with 360 degree angle of view
(Rui, 2001). An image from white board is also
stored if in a room there is such device. The unique
feature of systems of this type is that the using of
panoramic camera frame processing for presenter
tracking and method sound source localization by
using microphone array for correction of his/her
location are employed. The System cuts an area with
L. Ronzhin A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003859905150518
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2012), pages 515-518
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
speaker from the image with general view on the
auditorium after detection of speaker location
(Cutler, 2002). From received fragments video file is
created in each frame of it where presence only
presenter, that allows to concentrate listener
attention on his/her talk without distract attention on
behavior of other participants.
Third type system began actively developing in
connection with the employing of multimedia
presentations during scientifically events. Listeners
have to focus their attention all the time for
perception of animation objects as well as text
information which are displayed on slides.
Therefore, at meeting recording main attention is
paid on presentation slides, which are used as a
background to audio record of lectures talk. The
image of a presenter commonly occupies at the most
20 percents of a frame or its size is controlled by
user. First such systems may record presentation
slides and speaker’s talk, so a listener may judge
about behavior of participants in the auditorium only
by audio signal (Cruz, 1994). Another system is
FLYSPEC (Liu, 2002), which was developed at
2002 year by FX Palo Alto Labs and it was intended
for supporting teleconference. Two video sensors
were implemented in this system: the high resolution
camera and the Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) camera. The
system may control second camera automatically or
by analysis of participant’s requests. At the
beginning of a meeting a general view on the
auditorium is displayed to assisted and remote
participants. During a meeting participants can send
commands to the system for PTZ camera pointing to
region of interest. The system chooses the optimal
camera direction by analysis of received participant
requests, which will satisfy the most of remote
Fours type systems are usually employed for
films recording, where all parts of it are edited at the
end of recording and montage scene by scene to a
final version of an audiovisual stream. This systems
use set of cameras, which is installed and to be
directed on all meeting participants, presenter and
projector screen. Furthermore, one of these cameras
should record general view on the auditorium. This
type of recording is most informative and adequate
to artistic style. Meanwhile, self-cost of such
recording is rather high, because it uses many
devices for recording and processing of audiovisual
data. Other disadvantage of this system is presence
of human-operator in recording process, which
encloses and distracts listener’s attention from action
in a presentation zone and projector screen, by
himself and his devices.
Certain conclusions can be made on the base of
analysis of above-listed system classes. These
conclusions are useful when developing systems for
automation of event writing. At first, recording
should be maximum unobtrusive to speakers and
listeners. Second, recording and processing should
work in real time mode to provide information about
current situation in a room to remote participants.
Third, recording should consist of presentation slides
and talks of all speakers at least. Fourth, because
total amount and membership of meeting
participants persistently changes and influences on
behavior of presenters and listeners, the view on the
auditorium can help to remote participants to
orientate in a meeting process. Fifth, during
technical pauses in speaker’s talk, system should add
information about meeting, participants or general
view on the auditorium in a multimedia report. Also
in the process of developing such system
cinematograph rules may be used (Rui, 2004).
The developed SPIIRAS smart meeting room is
intended for holding small and medium events with
up to forty-two participants. Also there is the ability
to support of distributed events with connection of
remote participants. Two complexes of devices are
used for tracking participants and recording
speakers: (1) personal web-cameras serve for
observation of participants, which are located at the
conference table; (2) three microphone arrays with
T-shape configuration and five video cameras of
three types are used for audio localization and video
capturing of other participants, which sit in rows of
chairs in the other part of the room. Description of
the first complex could be found in (Ronzhin Al.L,
2010). Status of multimedia devices and participant
activity are analyzed for whole mapping current
situation in the room. More information about the
SPIIRAS smart meeting room could be found in
work (Yusupov, 2011).
The creation of the avi file is started after silence of
the current speaker during five seconds or, that is
more frequent case, detection of an active speaker on
other chair, conference table or in the presentation
area. The main difficulty of recording the avi file
consists in synchronization of the sets of audio and
image files. Frame rate of the camera is not constant
owing to various download of the computer,
constraints of network and camera hardware. So, the
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
synchronization process is based on analysis of
duration and creation time of the wav files. Figure 1
shows scheme of synchronization algorithm. All
audio files are processed in consecutive order. At
first, system detects time interval, in which audio
and video files were recorded.
Participant can make some pauses during the talk
that leads to the detection ending boundary of the
phrase and recording the separate wav file. As a
result during the talks the system can write several
audio files, which belong to the same participant
(more precisely put, belongs to chair coordinates
assigned to this speaker). Name of the audio file
includes information about chair number, from
which speech signal was recorded.
Figure 1: An example of audio and video streams
synchronization for recording avi file.
Then, duplication of images of determinate time
intervals is started to get normal FPS (25 frame per
second). Edition of the avi file is carried out during
processing of packets of bmp files recorded in
interval time approximately equal one second. A
data packet structure consists of its duration, first
frame number and frames total amount in packet. An
analysis of current structure is needed for
elimination of asynchrony appearance at recording
of audio and video streams, because it allows
calculating total amount of additional frames. After
processing of all bmp and wav files selected and
duplicated images are added to an avi file, then wav
files are added to them.
The described algorithm serve for recording
remarks of participants sitting on thirty-two chairs of
the right side of the smart room (Ronzhin, 2011). At
the end of the meeting the set of avi files with all the
remarks are recorded. Analogical algorithm is used
for tracking main speaker in the presentation area.
After end of avi files with speakers messages
preparation all these file may be used at e-learning
meetings. The description of the approach, which is
used to capture activities of participants sitting at the
conference table, as well as the logical-temporal
model for compilation multimedia content for
remote participants of the meeting and support
teleconference, is presented in (Ronzhin, 2010).
For an estimation algorithm of detecting and
recording active participant speech, four criteria
were used.
(1) Initial delay between audio and video streams
is calculated as difference between first wav file
creation time
and bmp file
creation time,
corresponding with a
(2) A length of recorded avi file
is calculated
as summing up of wav files length for current
(3) Duplicate frames total amount is calculated
as summing up of
and all duplicated frames in
all image packets
- is the defined
number of FPS, which is 25 frames;
- is the
amount of frames in current packet.
(4) A mean FPS
in a video buffer is calculated
as summing up of image packets size divided on the
packets total amount:
The estimation of the algorithm of detecting and
recording active participant speech was carry out in
the SPIIRAS smart room. Main attention was paid
on detecting active participants in the zone of chairs.
Each tester performed the following scenario: (1)
take a sit in the room; (2) wait visual confirmation
on a smart board about registration of participant in
the chair; (3) pronounce the digit sequence from one
to ten; (4) move to another chair.
During the experiments 37 avi files were
recorded in a discussion work mode. After manual
checking it was detected that 90% of files are files
with speaker’s speech and 10% of files are false files
with noises. Such noises are carried out in process of
tester standing up from a chair, because in such
moment chair’s mechanical details carry out high
noise. Also mistakes in detecting sitting participants
influence on appearance of false files. Table 1 shows
results of estimation files with speaker’s speech.
Table 1: The estimation of algorithm of detecting and
recording active participant speech work.
, ms
, ms
, frames
Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean
80 2440 730 3104 6432 5530 23 104 58
A result of experiments shows, that avi file in
mean consists of 137 frames, 59 of them are
duplicated frames and has length of 5 seconds.
Calculated mean FPS in video buffer is 24 frames
per second, this is due to the fact that rounding of
values at calculating a required the total amount of
additional frames in image packets. The total
amount of duplicated frames includes initial delay
between audio and video streams. Also such total
amount of duplicated frames is carry out with
changing camera FPS as a result of noises in a
network devices as well as limited writing speed of
storage devices. An analysis of received data shows
that avi files formed by the system include all
speeches and a small percent of false records.
The audiovisual system for e-learning applications
was developed for automation of recording events in
the smart room. It consists of the four main modules,
which realize multichannel audio and video signal
processing for participants localization, detection of
speakers and recording them. The proposed system
allows us to automate control of audio and video
hardware as well as other devices installed in the
smart room by distant speech recognition of
participant command. The verification of the system
was accomplished on the functional level and also
the estimations of detection quality of participants,
and camera pointing on speaker and speaker
detection error were calculated.
This work is supported by the Federal Target
Program “Research and Research-Human Resources
for Innovating Russia in 2009-2013” (contract 14.7
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GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications