Monitoring Information Quality: With Applications for
Traffic Management Systems
Markus Helfert
, Fakir Hossain
and Owen Foley
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Ireland
Galway Mayo Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Galway, Ireland
Abstract. Information quality (IQ) plays a critical role in all management
systems; however for traffic management systems IQ is often of limited
consideration. The general approach to the study of IQ has offered numerous
management approaches, IQ frameworks and list of IQ criteria. As the volume
of data increases, IQ problems become pervasive. An example is decisions
within traffic surveillance and management system, with its large amount of
real time data and short decision times. Recognizing limitation in the
applicability of current IQ frameworks with our work we aim to provide a
practical-orient approach, and propose a process centric IQ monitoring
framework that can be useful for traffic surveillance and management systems.
Key to our work is the perspective of information systems as information
manufacturing system (IMS). Objective of our information quality monitoring
framework is to develop a comprehensive monitoring system that complements
traffic management and surveillance systems.
1 Introduction
Ensuring the quality of information has become an increasingly important factor in
decision support and management systems [7,11,33,34]. However for traffic
management systems IQ is often of limited consideration. Thus it is not surprising
that traffic surveillance and management systems need to address the issues of
improving information quality in order to be successful. Recognizing the importance
of Information Quality (IQ), practitioners and researchers have considered for many
years ways to improve its quality. Scientists have worked on mathematical and
statistical models to introduce constrain based mechanism to prevent data quality
problems. Management of the process of data generation and the management of
Information Manufacturing Systems (IMS) have also attracted many researchers.
With the increasing importance of IQ, much research in recent years has been focused
on IQ assessment. Researchers have developed many frameworks, criteria lists and
approaches for assessing and measuring IQ. The frameworks most widely used have
been recently documented and adopted by the International Standards Organizations
(ISO) [16].
IQ has been often defined as a measure for ‘fitness for use’ of information [32].
The discussion follows the general quality literature by viewing quality as the
capability to ‘meet or exceed users’ requirements.’ Common examples of IQ
Helfert M., Hossain F. and Foley O. (2011).
Monitoring Information Quality: With Applications for Traffic Management Systems.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Future Internet Applications for Traffic Surveillance and Management, pages 114-123
DOI: 10.5220/0004473601140123
dimensions are accuracy, completeness, consistency, timeliness, interpretability, and
availability. Over the last decade, many studies have confirmed that IQ is a multi-
dimensional concept [e.g. 3,15,28,31,32] and its evaluation should consider different
aspects. The literature provides numerous definitions and taxonomies of IQ
dimensions analyzing the problem in different contexts. Also, literature provides us
with numerous case studies, investigating IQ in practice.
However, the practical application of most of the proposed approaches is still very
limited and continuous improvement activities for data quality are rarely integrated.
Furthermore although some studies examine effects of IQ [e.g. 6], applications of IQ
Management to traffic management and surveillance systems are rare. Therefore the
IQ problem continues to exist. In addition as the volume of data and the complexity of
traffic management system increases [9], IQ problems become pervasive. Most
frameworks are aiming to adopt IQ criteria and to develop suitable and domain
specific measurements. Currently this process requires intensive domain expertise, as
the adoption of the frameworks is limited. Furthermore, Knight and Burn [21] point
out that despite the sizeable body of literature available relatively few researchers
have tackled quantifying some of the conceptual definitions. We also observed that
despite the inherent subjective nature of IQ, most researchers focus on providing a
general applicable IQ framework without considerations of its adoption in different
environments. Neither process mapping nor data modeling provides sufficient
provision to define the required quality that data/information must conform to.
Furthermore, on-going monitoring of the conformance of the information production
process is not possible without developing a cost and time prohibitive data monitoring
system. The problem of data and information quality increases as the volume of data
and the time requirements increase.
Recognizing the limitations of current approaches and aiming to provide a
practical-orient approach, we propose a process centric data quality approach that can
be useful for traffic surveillance and management systems. In contrast to other
approaches we do not aim to develop a domain specific IQ approach. In our work we
aim to develop a more general approach that can then be used in several contexts,
include traffic management and surveillance systems. It also incorporates a technique
to specific suitable data product qualities and assesses its conformance. Objective of
data quality monitoring framework is to develop a comprehensive monitoring system
that for instance can be used to complement the traffic management systems in form
of an information manufacturing system. To test the approach on key develop step is
to design and implement a process independent monitoring system that will
continuously monitor data in traffic management systems to ensure various aspects of
data and information quality.
In this paper we present the overall framework, consider the benefit of a process
centric framework for on-going data quality monitoring and discuss its application to
traffic surveillance and management systems. Our results show that the context
dimension is crucial in IQ assessment and that our framework helps to form context-
aware IQ assessments that indeed can be applied to other contexts. The paper is
structured as follows. In Section 2 we reflect our work with related research and
outline limitations of current approaches. In Section 3 we propose a context-aware IQ
framework which is then used to outline or data quality monitor framework in Section
4. Section 5 concludes the article and presents indications for further research in form
of implementing the framework for traffic management and surveillance systems.
2 Related Work
IQ has been investigated for many years and numerous frameworks and criteria lists
have been proposed. Although claims are made to provide generic criteria lists [32],
on closer examination most research has been focused on investigating IQ within a
specific context [e.g.1,4,10,13,20,24]; however traffic surveillance and management
systems are little or not considered [12]. Analyzing some popular IQ frameworks
[18,26,32] we can observe a large number of dimensions and criteria associated with
IQ. One of the most popular and referenced frameworks was proposed by Wang and
Strong [32], and since then has been applied to many contexts and research. A critical
element of any IQ assessment is to assign specific values for each IQ criteria through
objective, repeatable and reliable measures. Over the years a variety of IQ assessment
methodologies have been proposed. [2,8,15,19,22,27,28,30] provide examples of
typical methodologies that can be compared by various criteria [14]. On the one hand,
IQ is often measured with subjective perceptions from information users. On the other
hand, research has developed objective IQ measures on the basis of quality criteria
(mostly for intrinsic IQ characteristics such as accuracy, completeness and
correctness). But as of today no widely accepted IQ framework with generic,
generally applicable measurements is available. This makes the application of IQ
concepts to traffic management and surveillance systems challenging. Furthermore,
most frameworks do not provide any guidelines to apply the framework to various
contexts. Most frameworks only provide very limited assistance for analyzing causes
of insufficient IQ and often do not provide any plan for solving identified problems.
Furthermore most frameworks are limited in considering specific requirements.
The limited work on IQ in traffic management and surveillance systems together
with the challenges to apply foremost IQ approaches to new domains, underpins the
requirement for our current work to design a more general applicable information
quality management approach.
3 A Context-oriented IQ Framework
In order to develop our general applicable IQ framework, we base our concept on two
traditional and well established concepts. In order to structure characteristics of
information, we follow the theory of semiotics. In addition, in order to provide
different quality views, we follow general quality literature and structure quality
along “quality of conformance” and “quality of design”. Semiotic is a relatively
widely established discipline, which has recently received increasing attention.
Indeed, since the publication of Stamper [29] semiotic has revealed its relevance to
information systems (IS) in many research. Stamper extended the traditional three
layers of semiotics (syntactics, semantics and pragmatics) with additional aspects
(physical, empirical and social aspects) forming the “semiotic ladder” that consists of
the views on signs from the perspective of physics, empirics, syntactics, semantic,
pragmatics, and the social world [25].
Furthermore, numerous discussions related to quality indicate that defining quality
is at least as challenging as the term information itself [12,17]. This approach
comprises of two aspects of quality:
(1) Quality represents certain product characteristics, which meet customer
needs and thereby provide customer satisfaction.
(2) The absence from deficiencies that result in customer dissatisfaction [17].
In general, the first aspect refers to quality of design whereas the second aspect
refers to quality of conformance [12]. Quality of design addresses the aspect of
information requirements and information product design. “How good are the
requirements met by the information product design?”
The conformance of the final information product with the product design is
addressed by quality of conformance. Quality of conformance takes the divergence of
design with the final product into consideration. Because low quality of design and
low quality of conformance have different causes and therefore different solutions, it
is fundamental to consider both aspects. High quality of design does not mean high
quality of conformance and vice versa. Increasing quality of design tends to result in
higher costs, whereas increasing in quality of conformance tends to results in lower
costs. In addition, higher conformance means fewer complains and therefore
increased customer satisfaction. In this article we limit our discussion of this view on
IQ and refer to [12], in which an application to Data Warehouse Systems is
Having established an IQ framework for relevant IQ dimensions (Table 1), it
needs to be applied to a particular context such as traffic management and
surveillance systems. In order to evaluate the application context, the application of
an IQ framework requires an analysis of the IS environment (e.g. traffic management)
prior to the measurement of IQ dimensions.
Table 1. Information quality dimensions based on Semiotic and Quality aspects [12].
Quality Aspects
Quality of Design
Quality of
Timeliness, actuality,
process, application
Precise data
definitions, easy to
understand and
objective data
Interpretability, accuracy
(free-of error), consistent
data values, complete data
values, , believability,
Comparison with
real world and
Consistent and
adequate syntax
Syntactical correctness,
consistent representation,
security, accessibility
standards and
The dimensions for an environment are many and varied. For example for traffic
and surveillance environment timeliness, completeness and accuracy might be of high
priority. They are also highly dynamic, time-depended and different user groups will
priorities different dimensions. Knight and Burn [21] indicate that the choice and
implementation of quality related algorithms for Internet searching is very much
dependent on the characteristics of the World Wide Web. In addition, the emergences
of new information system architectures and service oriented architecture (SOA) have
underpinned the importance of the environment and context to the fore. The ability
for organizations to distinguish between the impact of the environment and the
traditional view of IQ dimensions is vital. The employment of traditional IQ
frameworks does not allow for this. This observation led us to the development of an
context-oriented IQ Framework that includes the context dimension and its relation to
information quality measurements.
Resources (e.g. budget)
Context (e.g. Traffic management and Surveillance System)
Context-specific IQ Measurement
IQ Dimension
IQ Dimension
Te ch niq ue
Dimensions Score
IQ Requirements
Te ch niq ue
Data Quality Monitoring
Framework (DQMF)
Fig. 1. Information quality framework (grey area indicates context dimensions derived e.g.
from traffic management system).
Depending on the particular context, we are able to select and prioritize different
IQ dimensions. For example, by applying Leung’s [23] metric for importance,
urgency and cost we can select the dimensions that are most suitable for traffic
management and surveillance systems. In general, this will vary from environment to
environment and within the same environment different user groups may select
different IQ dimensions that most reflect the particular view of quality or the software
services they require. These dimensions may change over time for reasons such as
user skill level or change in software service.
The application of the framework should be on a regular basis in order to maintain
the currency of the dimensions. This dynamic allows for adaptation of IQ dimensions
to the constantly changing environment that more and more IS will find themselves.
In our future research we aim to apply this framework to traffic management and
surveillance systems, in order to identify the most important IQ dimensions. For
example following dimensions could be identified (see Table 2).
Table 2. Information quality dimensions for traffice mangement and surveillance system
Semiotic Level Quality Aspects
Quality of Design Quality of Conformance
Pragmatic Completeness Timeliness
Semantic Easy to understand
believability, reliability
Syntax Consistent syntax
Syntactical correctness,
consistent representation,
4 Introducing the Data Quality Monitoring Framework (DQMF)
In order to measure the IQ dimensions, the above framework will be extended by a
data quality monitoring framework which can be implemented as a comprehensive
mentoring system. The key is to develop a process independent monitoring system
that will continuously monitor data to ensure various aspects of IQ. In an example
scenario, if traffic data could be continuously monitored to ensure notifications are
sent timely, a problem could be detected much earlier and rectified with no impact to
client/decision maker.
Buildings form the discussion above, we specify a data quality block in form of
rules that incorporates data quality constrains and allows us to monitor certain aspects
of ensuring quality. In the context of our example, if a text message fails to be sent
from the traffic monitoring system, client might be not aware of a new situation.
Instead of including the quality block into the system, an IMS independent quality
conformance monitor would generate far better results in terms of performance.
However, developing a parallel system to monitor data can also be time and cost
prohibitive. Our aim in modeling quality block is also to develop data quality rules in
such a way so that it can be feed to an independent data quality monitor. The
framework consists of three core components. Data Quality Monitor (DQM), Data
Product Markup Language (DPML) and Information Quality Markup Language
4.1 Data Quality Monitor (DQM)
The data quality monitor is an application that accepts data product quality rules as its
input and continuously monitors data product to ensure that it meets the agreed
quality as defined. When designing the quality block, usually Business Process
Modeling Notation (BPMN) can be supplemented by metadata about each
information manufacturing block. Objective of the monitor is not to intervene in the
process, but merely to monitor the data products to see if the data meets the quality
requirement of the product relevant to the stage of its production. If the product fails
to meet the requirement, it will report the inconsistency in accordance with agreed
protocol to facilitate immediate intervention for corrective measures.
4.2 Data Product Markup Language (DPML)
A key element of our framework is DPML. In order to be effective quality controller,
Information System models must describe sufficiently and accurately static, dynamic
and organizational aspect of IMS. In a traditional manufacturing assembly line, as a
product reaches various stages of its development, it can be inspected to ensure that it
has met the requirement to be achieved at the relevant stage of the production. This is
possible because a product in traditional sense will be predefined to achieve certain
quality criteria that will be developed as part of designing the product. For our
framework to work, we treat data as a product of information manufacturing system.
At the design phase, we must then define the quality criteria that a data must meet at
various stages of its production. In order to achieve this objective, we developed a
Data Product Markup Language as an IP Unified Modeling Language (UML) based
data product definition language. By using UML we can build on previous work to
create visualized mapping of the data processes [5]. Furthermore, UML/BPMN is
widely accepted is that it can be exported to code directly by cutting down on
development time. This was further developed by IP MAP which extended a
systematic method of representing the process involved in manufacturing of IP. Flow
of data at various stages is also visualized by IP MAP. However, it lacks the ability to
bridge various process and information product. There is also a need to, as described
in the next section, to export the quality rules for automated execution. Hence we
also base DPML on BPMN. We extend this model to model an integrated approach
to define data quality requirements and business process together.
4.3 Information Quality Markup Language (IQML)
Once we are able to model data product using DPML, as described above, we need to
translate it into an executable that can be processed by automated software.
Otherwise, for each system a separate monitoring tool have to be developed. This is
likely to make it cost and time prohibitive. This is why there needs to be ability to
convert this DPML into and XML based rules that can be accepted by the monitoring
tool. Information Quality Markup Language (IQML) is an XML based data product
definition language. The purpose and nature of IQML is identical to that of DPML.
Difference is that while DPML is UML based, IQML is XML based. IQML is either
auto generated from DPML or generated independent of it. It is merely a means to
facilitate data product definitions to be consumed by the Data Quality Monitor.
5 Conclusions and Further Research
As discussed above, IQ research provided numerous frameworks, criteria and
methodologies to guide enterprise in the assessment, analysis, and improvement of
Traffic Management and Surveillance
Many surveillance and
sensor technolo
Data Quality Requirements
Data Quality Metrics
Fig. 2. Data Quality Monitor and Research Focus.
IQ. However, focusing on the critical issues related to the assessment phase, the
literature does not provide an exhaustive set of metrics or guidelines that
organizations can apply. Indeed examining literature on Traffic Management and
Surveillance Systems, IQ in general and IQ assessments in particular are
underrepresented. Our current research aims to apply common IQ approaches to
various contexts, including traffic management. As illustrated in Figure 2, we aim to
build a Data Quality Monitor. Most enterprises are developing their own approaches
to address IQ issues although several algorithms have been developed for a subset of
dimensions, such as accuracy, completeness, consistency, and timeliness. In fact the
practical relevancy and generalization of some frameworks can be argued. Most
common approaches used to obtain an IQ assessment is to consider domain specific
measures associated with the different quality dimensions. Our research and
discussion above shows the importance of context in measuring IQ. Indeed, the
variations of IQ frameworks for different application scenarios indicate the
significance of context in assessing IQ. Considering this observation we proposed a
context-aware IQ framework. A critical element of our framework is the recognition
of pragmatics (in the sense of semiotics) within our framework and the differentiation
of quality of conformance and quality of design. This was used to propose a process
centric Data Quality Monitoring Framework (DQMF), which can be useful for traffic
surveillance and management systems incorporating data product quality and
conformance. Objective of data quality monitoring framework is to develop a
comprehensive mentoring system that can complement traditional traffic surveillance
and management systems. The framework consists of three core components. Data
Quality Monitor (DQM), Data Product Markup Language (DPML) and Information
Quality Markup Language (IQML).
In future work we will implement our monitoring framework and develop a
software tool that considers the context of IQ as outlined in our framework. This can
be applied in the context of traffic surveillance and management systems. This will be
considered for the empirical validation of the proposed context-aware IQ framework.
Furthermore, future work will also focus on the definition of an algorithm to obtain an
aggregate quality measure able to assess the organizations’ IQ level.
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