Generalizing from Noisy Self-assessment during Self-directed Learning
Thomas Markus and Eline Westerhout
UiL-OTS Institute, Utrecht University, Trans 10, 3512 JK Utrecht, The Netherlands
Topic modeling, Ontology, Informal learning, Computer-aided assessment.
We propose a method which uses high-level learner feedback to recommend learning materials that match
the knowledge level of a specific learner. Machine learning and topic inference techniques will be applied to
documents that were rated by the learner to infer information on the learner’s conceptual development. The
inferred topics will be linked to a domain ontology, allowing us to offer the learner knowledge-rich feedback
regarding his level of understanding. In addition, appropriate learning materials can be recommended on the
basis of the learner’s computational model. The proposed method is especially useful in lifelong learning
contexts, in which tutor support is often not available.
In a Lifelong Learning context, learners access and
process information in an autonomous way. They of-
ten rely on informal learning materials, that is, on
(non-)textualcontent available through the web which
is uploaded and accepted by a community of learners
and not necessarily by an institution. These learners,
however, do not have the support of tutors or teachers
when trying to comprehend these learning materials.
The educational practice of building learning support
systems is shifting from pedagogically orientated ap-
proaches that focus on acquiring a fixed curriculum
to just-in-time (JIT) and life-long learning (LLL) ap-
proaches (Collis and Moonen, 2002). JIT and LLL
both rely on a large body of accessible learning ma-
terials that target a specific area of interest or skill.
Both can be accessed using social networks and so-
cial bookmarking services (Marlow et al., 2006) or
regular search engines.
Social networks and collaborative bookmarking
systems are a natural fit for undirected informal learn-
ing since they allow an almost unprecedented amount
of personalization. Current solutions aim to suggest
relevant documents tailored to a specific task or a per-
son’s interests. However, from a learning perspective,
the personalization should also take a learner’s back-
ground knowledge and learning goals into account
(Ley et al., 2010). The goal would be to providelearn-
ing objects that extend and build on familiar knowl-
edge and while doing so to continuously improve the
level of understanding of the subjects of interest. Tak-
ing this into account would allow the learner to be
presented with learning objects that support his or her
development on established subjects. This doesn’t
pre-suppose that learners actively search for such re-
sources nor requires an appropriate level of lexical
competence for composing effective search queries.
Providing such resources to a learner pre-supposes
a pedagogical model of the learner that captures not
only his interests, but also his level of understand-
ing of different subjects. Such a pedagogical model is
further complicated by the LLL-environment, where
the presence of a dedicated tutor cannot be assumed.
This necessitates a great level of automation for
such a model to be applicable. The EU FP7 “Lan-
guage Technologies for Lifelong Learning”-project
has developed pedagogic approaches and
software which leverage NLP-tools and techniques,
ontologies and social media for tutor support and self
directed lifelong learning.
This paper will describe a methodology that builds
on the LTfLL models and tools and embeds itself in
current web practices. The methodology results in
a learner model based on self-directed learning that
can support lifelong learners by providing appropriate
feedback. We will employ knowledge rich resources
such as domain ontologies to visualize this model in
order to make it understandable and to reinforce and
acquire domain concepts and their relations to one an-
other. Section 2 will shortly summarize its theoreti-
Markus T. and Westerhout E..
HIDDEN PATTERNS IN LEARNER FEEDBACK - Generalizing from Noisy Self-assessment during Self-directed Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0003343302850290
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 285-290
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
cal assumptions, followed by section 3 which will ad-
dress the advantages and challenges in using subjec-
tive ratings provided by individual learners. Section 4
will describe the process of determining the concep-
tual contents of documents and how these are to be
linked to the subjective ratings. Section 5 will provide
details of knowledge rich representations for knowl-
edge feedback in order to make the acquired learner
model understandable and accessible.
The social learning support system is based on
the theoretical framework proposed by Stahl (Stahl,
2006), who views the knowledge building process as
a mutual construction of the individual and the so-
cial knowledge building, striking a balance between
the Acquisition (individual) and the Participation (so-
cial) Metaphors. In this model knowledge is a so-
cially mediated product. Individuals develop personal
representations and beliefs from their own perspec-
tives, socio-cultural knowledge building, shared lan-
guage and external representations. These are fur-
ther extended and corrected through social interac-
tion, communication, discussion, clarification and ne-
gotiation. Learners build knowledge collaboratively
and then internalize it in a personal knowledge build-
ing process. Learners can then decide to try and be-
come skilled members of a Community of Practice
(Lave and Wenger, 1991), mastering a domain speech
genre (Bakhtin et al., 1986).
The process of mastering a domain speech genre
is expressed through the consumption and generation
of certain language artefacts. Large parts of the so-
cial mediation of knowledge currently takes place in
social networks which are used to discuss and share
learning resources. An increased amount of lexical
competence in a domain is evidence for improved un-
derstanding and integration in its corresponding Com-
munity of Practice. Our proposed exploitation of the
hidden patterns in learner self-assessments goes be-
yond the recommendation of topics of interest, be-
cause it models a learner’s current level of under-
standing and can therefore provide added value.
Learners frequently perform self-assessments on po-
tential learning material in order to estimate and ad-
just their subjective level of understanding of a topic.
On the fly self-assessments drive a lot of exploratory
search requests which target comprehensive learn-
ing materials in contrast to short-lived fact-finding
queries. Naturally, the learning material needs to be
relevant and should contain a decent amount of well
presented information. There is however, an impor-
tant self-assessment phase during this selection pro-
cess that should not be overlooked. Learning re-
sources that, although relevant, are above or below
a learner’s current level of understanding will be dis-
carded as potential learning materials. Consider for
example a search for the mathematical procedure of
‘integration’ by a 15 year old which is interested in
next-week’s subject. Although the Wikipedia article
is somewhat helpful, a step-by-step tutorial is much
more suited to that specific learners level of under-
A search using a social bookmarking service
where the learner has established a suitable social
network structure or provided tagged resources will
likely result in suitable resources. The learner would
then use either the number of users that bookmarked
the resource or the average rating of the resource to
decide on whether to explore the resource or not. Fi-
nally the remaining resources are inspected for suit-
ability by the learner through a fast self-assessment
of the material. The learner ideally selects resources
that provide additional information that is neither too
difficult nor too trivial, but this process is slow and
error-prone for new topics of interest. Neither the rat-
ing nor the popularity of a resource are reliable indi-
cators for the utility of the resource. The learner is
thus forced to manually decide whether a description
or tag attributed to a resource is indicative of the ap-
propriateness of the resource.
The success of this process however depends on
the assumption that learners can perform adequate
self-assessment of their current level of knowledge
about a topic. (Baker, 1989) argues that learners
are rather bad at assessing their comprehension of
both texts within and outside of their domain of ex-
pertise. Surprisingly, domain experts were shown
to overestimate their text comprehension on texts
from their own domain when compared to novices,
whose self-assessments were actually closer to their
true level of comprehension. Assuming that learners’
self-assessments are quite noisy and in some cases
over-estimates, does this mean that these are use-
less? Most of the studies in (Baker, 1989) were con-
ducted some time ago and most were based on a small
set of texts where comprehension was measured to
some previouslydetermined gold standard. Good per-
formance on self-assessments mostly correlated with
better overall reading skills. It thus seems likely that
improved meta-cognitive skills (evaluation of your
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
own cognitive performance) lead to better manual se-
lection of appropriate learning resources. Although
(Baker, 1989) argues that the self-assessments are
skewed, the assessments still capture an overall trend.
The search queries for retrieving learning objects
are primarily constructed by the learners themselves
in search of new information. This means in prac-
tice that learners will frequently default to formulat-
ing search queries that yield simplified tutorial-style
resources. This is understandable considering the in-
formation overload and the temptation of ‘sticking to
what you know’, but it does create challenges for self-
directed learning approaches. Ideally the quality and
difficulty of resources will improveas a learner’s level
of understanding increases, short-lived fact-finding
queries are both effective and easy which may keep
the learner contained within a community of begin-
ners instead of slowly migrating towards a community
of experts. The amount of effort required by learners
to construct search queries for high quality resources
which support self-directed learning may prove to be
too cumbersome to maintain in the long term.
We would therefore like to automatically steer
learners towards resources that are both relevant and
slightly challenging such that they go beyond fact-
finding and move towards increased understanding of
the domain. This approach however requires an accu-
rate and up-to-date model of the subjects of interests
of a learner and an estimate of the current level of un-
derstanding of each subject. It is likely that the learner
will be unable to provide much detail on the concep-
tual decomposition of the difficulties he or she en-
countered when trying to understand certain learning
objects. Moreover, requesting too much additional in-
formation from a learner is likely to disrupt the exist-
ing workflow which in turn creates additional bound-
aries for adoption of this approach. Luckily present
day interaction using social networks and search en-
gines allows us to acquire a huge number of sim-
ple learner self-assessments. Each individual self-
assessment by itself may be skewed or wrong, but
generalizing from a larger collection will yield stable
trends. Naturally these trends will change over time
as the learner progresses which means that older self-
assessments should be properly discounted.
The aggregation of self-assessments needs inte-
grate well within a learner’s existing workflow and
should be simple and easy to use. A suitable candi-
date would be the 5-star rating process that is already
familiar to learners on the Internet which can be repur-
posed to capture a simplistic summary of a learners
assessment of a learning object. The advantage of us-
ing this type of simple and unspecific feedback is that
it takes very little effort on the learner’s side, which
increases the chances of the learner actually providing
enough feedback. The feedback could for example be
a simple likert scale which ranges from: 1 (too easy),
3 (just right), to 5 (too difficult).
The approach assumes that a learner is able to
judge whether a specific learning resource is too com-
plicated, but is unable to explain why. Only a maxi-
mally simplistic self-assessment is required from the
learner that can be provided with a single mouse-click
for each resource. Taking such a minimalist approach
with respect to the feedback providedby learners min-
imizes the amount of additional effort required from
learners which increases the likelihood of learners
providing a large number of such resource feedbacks.
A computer-based machine learning approach al-
lows us to analyze large amounts of data from each
learner without much effort. Machine learning can
be employed to automatically find complex patterns
in that data collection. Machine learning allows us to
build a model that links topics of interest to subjec-
tive levels of understanding. The system can then use
this model to predict the most likely self-assessment
for a new resource for a new particular learner. This
model, which can be automatically learned from the
self-assessments, can provide feedback which sup-
ports learners in their search for appropriate learn-
ing materials or can be used to recommend new re-
sources. The approach is largely data-driven and only
relies on the assumption that there is some level of
consistency in the learner provided feedback.
The rating of a resource as provided by the learner
says something about the two things that the docu-
ment is composed of: (1) The way the information in
the document is presented and structured (length of
sentences, clarity of the language, ...) and (2) The in-
formation in the document itself; a number of topics.
At present we are not addressing (1) which, although
important, is about readability measures (Crossley
et al., 2007). Incorporating a readability measure will
allow the system to differentiate between text read-
ability and conceptual complexity.
The learners provide feedback at the document level,
and not separately for each of the individual subjects
covered in a particular document. In order to de-
termine a learner’s current level of understanding, it
is necessary to identify which subjects (topics) are
present in each document and what their relative pro-
portion is. Latent Drichilet Allocation (Blei et al.,
2003) (LDA) can be used to infer the distribution of
HIDDEN PATTERNS IN LEARNER FEEDBACK - Generalizing from Noisy Self-assessment during Self-directed
topics for any particular document. In LDA, a topic
is a set of words where the presence of those words in
each others context is evidence for the presenceof the
topic in question. An LDA-based topic inferencer is
first trained on a generic document corpus that spans
multiple subjects in order to determine the most likely
topic composition of the corpus and the words that
each topic consists of. Such a corpus could for exam-
ple be an encyclopedia like Wikipedia which covers
a wide range of subjects. Increasing the total number
of topics will make each topic more specific, but the
data that it is based on decreases. Proper sampling
and inference can generate a probabilistic distribution
of the topics present in any document. It is important
to note that topics themselves have no name, but the
most prominent words of a topic usually give a good
impression of the semantically related subject(s) that
the topic covers.
Reducing a document to a set of topics with their
proportions will allow us to identify the subjects that
the document covers. This information can then be
used to identify the relation between the feedback
provided by the learner at the level of the document
and the individual topics that make up the document.
The overall process is depicted in figure 1 which also
gives a succinct example of the presence of three top-
ics in a hypothetical document.
When a learner givesfeedback about a resource on
the Internet, topic inference can link the overall doc-
ument content (topics) to the learner’s rating of the
document. A machine learning approach using neural
network-based classifiers is used to learn the relation
between topic distributions and ratings. This will re-
sult in a neural network classifier for each individual
learner. Each document for which the learner has pro-
vided feedback is decomposed using LDA into a set
of topic probabilities. These topic probabilities are
then used to train the neural network with each corre-
sponding rating as the desired output value.
Each of the neural-network classifiers realizes a
learner model that is able to predict the most likely
rating that the learner would give to new resources.
This information can then be used to re-order re-
sults from other search engines tailored to a learner’s
model. For example resources which are likely to be
classified as “just right” could replace earlier search
results predicted to be classified as “too easy”. The
model can also provide the overall patterns in the rat-
ings provided by the learner. Such generalizations
are of the form: “There is a statistically significant
chance that when Mary encounters a document that is
about topics A, F and D, she will judge it as too dif-
ficult. However, documents only about topic A will
be judged as easy”. The classifier not only learns the
LDA topic
Topic A
apple, orange,
pear, kiwi,
Topic B
Topic C
moisture, osmosis,
growth, harvesting,
0.15 0.550.30 0.00
Distribution of topics
User feedback
Figure 1: Overview of the topic inference process and the
training of a classifier that represents an individual learner
examples by heart, but also builds a model of the un-
derlying generalizations.
These can be visualised by, for example, showing
the most important topic terms that have been corre-
lated with a particular rating.
A purely term based approach still provides chal-
lenges for learners when trying to internalize the feed-
back. Consider for example that we provide the
learner with a list of terms that are representative of
the topics that he consistently classified as being too
difficult. Since the terms and their interrelations may
be unknown or not apparent, because they were in-
directly classified as difficult, the learner may expe-
rience great difficulty in understanding such raw re-
The language artefacts which the classifier gen-
erates are still relevant and useful, but it should not
be assumed without question that the learner is able
to gain this from the available textual feedback. Ad-
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
- concept
- concept
- concept
- concept
- concept
Structured using
domain ontology
is a
partOf partOf
Figure 2: Structuring terms using a domain ontology.
ditional effort is needed to impose structure which
should make it easier to internalize and relate the top-
ics to the learners current conceptualization of the do-
main. It is because of this reason that we employ
knowledge rich models of a domain to structure and
enhance the results. This allows us to provide well
structured feedback that makes the structure between
terms and concepts explicit.
Domain ontologies will be used to structure the
domain terms and to place them in an expert-approved
relational structure (Gruber, 1993). Domain ontolo-
gies serve as approved reference conceptualizations
of domains. The personal knowledge building pro-
cess is supported by the clear and explicit structure
of a domain ontology which improves the internal-
ization. The salient terms extracted from the relevant
topics extracted from the learner model can be linked
to concepts from a domain ontology using a word
sense disambiguation (WSD) algorithm. Such an al-
gorithm can determine the appropriate meaning (word
sense) for terms that are ambiguous or have only a
single interpretation. Each meaning that the WSD-
algorithm yields is represented by a concept from a
domain ontology.
A graph-based visualization of a set of concepts
can be generated given a domain ontology which
serves as a user friendly method to access the ontol-
ogy’s conceptual structure (Westerhout et al., 2010).
Such a domain ontology not only provides the con-
cepts themselves, but also shows which relations they
have to other concepts in the domain. This visualiza-
tion can be enhanced to also show concepts already
acquired by the learner and in the way in which they
are connected to as of yet unacquired concepts.
Figure 2 illustrates the difference between an on-
tology based representation and a term-based repre-
sentation of feedback. The added value of the rich
relational structure of the ontology reduces the effort
required from the learner to interpret and internalize
the representation.
We can thus convert a list of terms, as provided by
a learner model, to a list of concepts from an ontol-
ogy. This list of concepts can then be used to generate
an ontology fragment tailored to a particular learner.
The relational, expert approved, structure of the do-
main ontology supports the learner in interpreting and
exploring the trained model. It provides a frame of
reference starting from known concepts to new un-
known concepts which allows learners to start from
already acquired domain concepts and to explore new
subjects and relations between subjects which allow
learners to gradually expand their knowledge. Learn-
ers are motivated to explore new subjects, because the
domain ontology shows how these subjects relate to
what they are already familiar with.
We propose a learner support system that employs
the knowledge available in social networks to recom-
mend relevant learning materials tailored to the con-
ceptual level of the learner. The system aggregates
a large number of learner provided non-textual feed-
backs instead of using learner provided text in order
to minimize the disruption of the normal workflow.
The resources for which the learner providesfeedback
are decomposed in topics. This allows us to identify
the differences between the topics already understood
by the learner and those that are not. To this end, a
personalized model of each learner is created from
the data which is used to predict the level of con-
ceptual competence for new resources and to provide
an overview of unacquired concepts through the use
of domain ontologies. The conceptual structure pro-
vided by the ontologies facilitates the acquisition and
reinforcement of domain concepts.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education