Paraskevi Tzekou
, Sofia Stamou
, Nikos Kirtsis
and Nikos Zotos
Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, Patras University 26500 Patras, Greece
Department of Archives and Library Science, Ionian University, 49100 Ionian, Greece
Keywords: Wikipedia, External links decay, Measurements, Quality assessment.
Abstract: Wikipedia is a unique source of information that has been collectively supplied by thousands of people.
Since its nascence in 2001, Wikipedia is continuously evolving and like most websites it is interconnected
via hyperlinks to other web information sources. Wikipedia articles contain two types of links: internal and
external. Internal links point to other Wikipedia articles, while external links point outside Wikipedia and
normally they are not used in the body of the article. Although there exist specific guidelines about both the
style and the purpose of the article external links, no approach has been recorded that tries to capture in a
systematic manner the quality of Wikipedia external links. In this paper, we study the quality of Wikipedia
external links by assessing the degree to which these conform to their intended purpose; that is to formulate
a comprehensive list of accurate information sources about the article contents. For our study, we estimate
the decay of Wikipedia external links and we investigate their distribution in the Wikipedia articles. Our
measurements give perceptible evidence for the value of external links and may imply their corresponding
articles' quality in a holistic Wikipedia evaluation.
Wikipedia is a dominant source of online informa-
tion for millions of people. To date, the English ver-
sion of Wikipedia hosts over 3 million articles
it is constantly evolving as new material is been pro-
vided by numerous editors who work on a volunteer,
collaborative basis. The most fascinating thing about
Wikipedia is its open nature, which enables people
to create, modify and/or extend an article and which
has turned Wikipedia into an unprecedented source
of collectively-supplied information.
However, Wikipedia's open nature has raised
scepticism about the quality of its hosting articles
and has paved the ground for studies that investigate
the automatic assessment of Wikipedia's quality. In
this respect, numerous quality assessment methods
have been proposed, most of which rely on the
cross-examination of Wikipedia internal characteris-
tics, e.g. the articles' length (Blumenstock, 2008a),
their contextual elements (Stvilia et al., 2005a), the
number of edits (Buriol et al., 2006), their linkage
within the Wikipedia graph (Kamps and Koolen,
2009), the formality of their language (Emigh and
Herring, 2005), their factual accuracy (Giles, 2005),
etc. But Wikipedia, like almost any other website,
provides links from its articles to external (i.e. out-
side Wikipedia) web pages. The scope of external
links is to provide supplementary information about
the article's content that is accurate and which could
or should not be added to the article for reasons such
as copyright or amount of detail
. Although external
links are intended to provide complementary infor-
mation about the articles' contents, they have not
been systematically accounted in the evaluation of
Wikipedia's quality.
In this paper, we investigate the role of Wikipe-
dia external links in conveying accurate information
about the article contents. Our investigation is not
confined to external links appearing under a ho-
monymous section at the very end of articles, but
rather it addresses the role of all external links
within Wikipedia articles. The motive for our study
is to quantify the external links' usefulness and merit
towards improving the articles’ comprehensiveness
and explore them as implicit signals of the articles'
quality. Our investigation relies on the intuition that
the quality of an article is determined based not only
on the accuracy of the information that the article
per se brings, but also on the usefulness and the ac-
curacy of its pointing external resources.
Tzekou P., Stamou S., Kirtsis N. and Zotos N..
DOI: 10.5220/0003299502480254
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 248-254
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In the course of our study, we built upon earlier
work (Kirtsis et al., 2010) in which we assessed the
amount to which Wikipedia external links add new
content to their corresponding articles’ body and we
make the below-listed contributions:
We examine the statistical distribution of exter-
nal links in Wikipedia articles, we identify popular
domain names in the articles' external resources and
we capture the correlation between the articles'
length and the fraction of their external links. Our
examination helps assess the appropriateness of the
articles’ external links, since according to Wikipedia
editing guidelines, external links should point to
information that is not yet part of the article.
We quantify decay in Wikipedia external links in
an attempt to assist editors and administrators de-
termine the amount of repair that the articles' linked
sources should undergo. To measure decay of an
article's external pages, we use the proportion of
dead links to which the article points. A dead link
points to a page that either is no longer available or
redirects to a page that has nothing to do with the
original page. Measuring decay of Wikipedia linked-
to resources indicates the appropriateness of the arti-
cles' linking pages in providing readers with reliable
yet valid information about the subject of the article.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
We start our discussion with an overview on related
work. In Section 3, we describe how external links
can serve as implicit indicators of Wikipedia’s qual-
ity. Specifically, we discuss how to capture and in-
terpret the distribution of external links in Wikipedia
articles and we address the problem of identifying
external links' decay. In Section 4, we present an
experiment we carried out in which we assessed the
usefulness of external links for communicating valid
and complete information about the Wikipedia arti-
cle contents. The discussion of experimental results
sheds light on the article external features to be con-
sidered in future Wikipedia quality assessment ef-
forts. We conclude the paper in Section 5 where we
outline our plans for future work.
Related work falls in two main categories, which we
discuss in turn. First, there is related work in study-
ing the nature and the quality of Wikipedia. In this
respect, researchers have suggested a number of
article features that signify quality, e.g. their articles’
survival period (Cross, 2006), the number and fre-
quency of their edits (Wilkinson and Huberman,
2007), their revision history (Adler and de Alfaro,
2007), the amount of outbound citations to scientific
publications (Nielsen, 2007), the dedication and ex-
pertise of their editors (Riehle, 2005), etc. Our work
extends prior studies that infer the Wikipedia arti-
cles’ quality based on their contents investigation in
that we also examine the impact of external links to
their corresponding articles’ quality. In our work, we
significantly enrich our earlier study (Kirtsis et al.,
2010) by examining additional features in assessing
the article links’ and by running large-scale evalua-
tion experiments on the Wikipedia outlinks’ distri-
bution and properties.
In a similar direction, (Buriol et al., 2006) study
the evolution of the Wikipedia link graph over time
and observe an increasing link density in Wikipedia
as time goes by. This is also attested in the work of
(Kamps and Koolen, 2009), who contrast the link
structure of the Web and Wikipedia in an attempt to
assess the impact of global and local link topology in
web retrieval effectiveness. Although our work re-
lates to the above studies that examine the Wikipe-
dia link structure, it is different in that we investigate
the contribution of external resources in comple-
menting the article contents. Most importantly, we
estimate not only external links' distribution but also
their decay. Although, the encyclopaedic organiza-
tion of Wikipedia is different from the Web data
organization in that it is steered by specific guide-
lines about what and how to link
still Wikipedia
like all large websites suffers from the link rot phe-
nomenon. As of November 2006 dump, nearly 10%
of external links were broken and although repairing
and maintenance actions are been taken ever since,
the problem of rotten external links persists.
Thus, our study also relates to existing works
that focus on the identification of dead links. The
majority of existing works concentrate on the web
information sources' decay and examine millions of
web pages for deriving statistics about the fraction
of dead web links (Fetterly, et al., 2003; Morishima
et al., 2008). Another signal of web decay, apart
from dead links, is soft-404 server errors, which
imply that a URL redirects to a page that returns an
OK HTTP code, but contains a totally different con-
tent from the one requested (Bar-Yossef et al., 2004;
Lee et al., 2009). Moreover, researchers attested that
decayed pages are characterized by outdated or else
abandoned content. A number of studies have been
reported that try to capture abandoned pages based
on the estimation of their links and content age (Ja-
towt et al., 2007; Popitsch and Haslhofer, 2010). Our
study builds upon existing works on links' decay but
instead of investigating the entire web's link rot, we
concentrate on the links pointed-by the Wikipedia
articles. This is because we seek to understand the
value of Wikipedia external links for their corre-
sponding articles and assess the effectiveness of
Wikipedia maintenance policies in delivering valid,
reliable and longevous content.
One thing about Wikipedia that has not been thor-
oughly examined in the course of its quality assess-
ment is the impact of Wikipedia external links in
determining their corresponding articles' value. The
lack of such examination may be because Wikipedia
has set specific linking guidelines, which, if re-
spected, might assure the additive value of external
links to the article contents. In brief, Wikipedia link-
ing instructions request that external links are placed
in identifiable sections under a primary heading (i.e.
external links, citations, etc.) at the end of the arti-
cle’s body to identify sources outside Wikipedia that
are directly relevant to the article that points them.
Moreover, Wikipedia requests that external links to
an article are helpful to the reader, are (and likely to
remain) functional, provide consistent information,
express a neutral stance for their contents and are
kept minimal. The quest in establishing linking stan-
dards is to ensure that Wikipedia refers the reader to
credible and accurate supplemental material, which
would distinguish Wikipedia as an encyclopaedia
from any other online resource.
However, the phenomenal growth of Wikipedia
and the absence of a formal peer review process for
its contents (Denning et al., 2005) make it extremely
difficult for both editors and administrators to vali-
date external links on a regular and coordinated ba-
sis. This, coupled with the insufficiency of existing
link templates and policies to ensure proper external
linking in all situations, impose the imperative need
to automatically validate the contribution of external
links to their respective articles' comprehensiveness
and merit. In the following paragraphs, we examine
a number of features in Wikipedia external links in
order to capture how these adhere to the foreseen
linking guidelines. In Section 3.1 we investigate the
statistical distribution of external links in Wikipedia
collection; we examine how link distribution corre-
lates to the articles' length and we identify popular
domains in Wikipedia' external resources. In Section
3.2, we address the problem of quantifying decay in
Wikipedia external links, in an attempt to assist ad-
ministrators determine effective maintenance and
update Wikipedia policies.
3.1 External Links’ Distribution
Identifying Wikipedia external links is fairly easy as
these are placed in distinct sections at the end of the
articles’ body, released in the Wikipedia dump.
Therefore, we explore the Wikipedia dump to detect
and quantify the links of every article to non-wiki
sources. Nevertheless, assessing the value of exter-
nal links to their article contents is less straightfor-
ward as we would need to capture their appropriate-
ness and their correlation to their linked-to articles.
To address that, we firstly need to identify the
non-wiki sources to which every article points. Such
identification is somewhat complex because there
are different ways of linking to external resources.
To tackle difficulties, we firstly merge all identified
external links into a common file, we remove the
space and/or bullet characters that appear at the be-
ginning of every non-wiki link and then we organize
them in three main clusters according to their syntax.
The emerging clusters group together links provided
in the following forms: (i) URLs placed in square
brackets followed by a hyperlink with a serial num-
ber as its label, (ii) hyperlinked URL names and (iii)
URLs placed in square brackets followed by a space
and some text used to label the hyperlink.
Having extracted and clustered external links, we
process the contents of every cluster in order to get
the URL of each non-wiki linked source. We then
parse the URLs of the external resources in order to
identify their domain names and estimate their dis-
tribution in the Wikipedia collection. For computing
the distribution of URL domain names in Wikipedia,
we simply count the number of articles containing
an external link to some URL listed under each of
the identified domains. The last thing we examine
with respect to Wikipedia external resources is the
correlation between the articles' length and the
amount of their external links. For estimating each
article's length, we parse the XML file of the
Wikipedia dump in order to extract for every file
entry (i.e. article) its pure text. Then, based on the
pure text of every article, we quantify the article's
length by counting the number of characters it con-
tains. Thereafter, we represent every article as a vec-
tor of paired numerical values identifying the arti-
cle's length and the amount of its external resources.
The computed vectors, when plotted, help us visual-
ize the correlation between the article's textual size
and its non-wiki linked resources.
In section 4.1, we report the statistics of our es-
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
timations, which serve as preliminary evidence
about the degree to which Wikipedia external links
comply with their editing guidelines and help us
infer the quality of Wikipedia external links.
3.2 External Links’ Decay
To estimate decay in Wikipedia external links, we
measure the fraction of dead pages among the non-
wiki linked sources. A dead page is a page that is not
publicly available over the web. Determining if a
page is dead is easy to detect as it will fail either the
URL parsing or the resolution of its host address and
the attempt to fetch it will return an error HTTP
code response
. On the other hand, a page is alive if
it can be successfully fetched and returns an HTTP
code in the 2xx series or 4xx series, except for 403,
404 and 410. But, there exist cases where discrimi-
nating existent (alive) from non-existent (dead)
pages is tedious. Such cases concern redirect pages
that cannot be identified as such since their HTTP
return code is not in the 3xx series. Instead their
landing pages return either an error 404 HTTP code
or an OK code. According to (Bar-Yossef et al.,
2004) in the former case we can safely consider that
the page is dead, but in the latter case there are two
possibilities. The page is dead if one of the follow-
ing applies: (i) the page redirects to its host's home
page and a non-existing randomly generated URL in
the same host directory also redirects to the host's
home page, (ii) the page redirects to a URL, which
in turn redirects and its fetching enters in a loop of
redirects, or (iii) the page and a non-existing ran-
domly generated URL redirect to pages of nearly-
identical content, determined via shingling (Broder
et al., 1997). On the other hand, the page is alive if:
(i) it is a root of a website, or (ii) it redirects to a
URL and a non-existing randomly generated URL in
the same host directory returns a failure HTTP code.
The above situations and their interpretation have
been encapsulated into an elegant algorithm for
identifying dead pages, introduced in (Bar-Yossef et
al., 2004). In our study, we implemented the above
algorithm and run it against the extracted Wikipedia
external links. The results delivered by the algo-
rithm, presented and discussed in Section 4.2, might
assist Wikipedia editors take remedial actions with
respect to out-link updates.
For a list of error codes see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Wikipedia:Dead_ external_links
To capture the contribution of Wikipedia external
links to their respective articles' contents, we relied
on the October 2009 dump of the English-language
Wikipedia, a 24.5 GB XML document, which we
processed in order to extract the pure text of every
article and the URLs of its external resources. Table
1 summarizes the statistics of our dataset. As the
Table shows, out of the 3,290,179 articles in the
English Wikipedia 786,857 (i.e. 23.91%) provide no
links to external resources, whereas the remaining
2,503,322 articles contain 13,355,687 external links
in total; with the ratio of article/ outbound link mean
distribution reaching to 4.06 (median 2). Based on
the articles' identified external links, we downloaded
their pages via a simple crawler module we built and
we processed them as previously described. Then,
we applied our measurements to the article external
links in order to quantify their distribution and decay
in the Wikipedia collection.
Table 1: Statistics of Wikipedia collection.
Collection ID October 2009 Wikipedia dump
Number of articles 3,290,179
Number of external links 13,355,687
External links/ article 4.06
Articles without external links 786,857
4.1 Distribution of External Links
Figure1 plots the distribution of external links to
Wikipedia articles.
0 10 30 100 500 1000 1500 1800
Number of external links
Number of articles
Figure 1: External links’ distribution in Wikipedia articles.
As the figure shows this is a normal distribution,
indicating that there are some Wikipedia articles
with very many external links and some articles with
very few links but the amount of external links that
the majority of articles contain is close to the mean.
In particular, results indicate that 7.30% of the
articles point to more than 100 non-wiki sources,
23.91% contain no out-links at all and 68.79% of the
articles contain between 1 and 10 external links.
Based on the Wikipedia linking guidelines, which
advise editors to give links to non-wiki sources
when these contain useful material for the article
subjects that is not yet added to the articles' body, we
may interpret our finding as follows.
A small fraction of Wikipedia articles (i.e. those
with many external links) provide incomplete infor-
mation about their subjects, thus they point the
reader to many external resources for additional in-
formation. Moreover, a small fraction of articles (i.e.
those without or with very few external links) pro-
vide complete information about their subjects,
therefore they either need no additional information
or the non-wiki information that complements them
is minimal. Finally, most of the articles contain ade-
quate information about their subjects, which can be
enriched by the contents of some external resources.
But to check the validity of this interpretation, we
need to investigate the correlation between the arti-
cles' length and the amount of their external links.
This in order to attest whether a large amount of
external links signifies incomplete article contents or
not. Figure 2 plots the correlation between the arti-
cles' length and the average number of their external
linked-to sources.
1000 10000 20000 50000 100000 200000 800000
Article length (number of characters)
Avg. number of external links
Figure 2: Correlation between article length and amount of
external links.
According to the figure, there is an upward trend
of external links over long articles, which peaks at
200 links on average for length articles, i.e. those
containing nearly 800K characters and generally
takes values between 3 and 8 links for articles con-
taining on average 10K characters (note that 70.6%
of the articles are 10K characters long). The peak in
the quantity of external links is implicitly imposed
by Wikipedia, which upon the detection of long link
lists invokes a warning to editors and suggests alter-
native ways of linking. But still, the fact that long
articles contain more links than short ones connotes
a contradiction between the instructions given in
Wikipedia linking guidelines and the way in which
these are adopted in practice. In particular, Wikipe-
dia editors are instructed to point to external re-
sources if their content is proper in the article's con-
text and is not yet part of the article. Thus, one
would expect lengthy articles to contain fewer links
than short ones in the sense that the more text the
article contains the decreased the need to link it with
supplemental non-wiki material. But, this is not ob-
served in our results. Next, we report the distribution
of link domain names across the Wikipedia collec-
tion. Such distribution will help us infer the appro-
priateness of Wikipedia external links as additional
information sources, since according to linking
guidelines editors should avoid separate links to
multiple pages in the same website and link to the
site directly.
Figure 3 depicts how domain names span to
Wikipedia articles. Specifically, the x-axis represents
the 50 most popular domain names within the
Wikipedia external resources, where popularity is
determined based on the amount of Wikipedia
pointed URLs listed under each domain. The y-axis
illustrates the amount of Wikipedia pointed URLs
listed each of the examined domain names.
URL domain names (sorted by popularity)
Number of external links
Figure 3: Correlation between article length and external
As the figure shows, this is a power-law distribu-
tion, indicating that only a few domains host a large
fraction of the Wikipedia external links, while the
majority of domains host only a small amount of the
Wikipedia external links. In particular, we observe
that the most popular domain alone hosts 14.29% of
the Wikipedia external links, while 44.87% of all
out-links are listed in only 10 different domain
names. Considering that in-linked Wikipedia articles
exhibit strong topical correlation (Koolen and
Kamps, 2009) our finding make sense since URLs in
a domain pointed by many articles of related con-
tents give rise to that domain's popularity inside
4.2 Decay of External Links
To compute the fraction of dead links in Wikipedia
external resources, we run the dead link detection
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
algorithm against the identified non-wiki links of
nearly 2,000,000 articles and estimated the amount
of links that point to dead pages. For running the
algorithm, we specified the following parameters: (i)
we set a page fetching timeout to 10 seconds; so that
if there is no server response within that time frame
the page is declared dead, and (ii) we set the maxi-
mum number of redirects to 5; so that if more than 5
redirects are encountered the page is declared dead.
Moreover, for generating random URLs in the host
directory of the page the algorithm is trying to fetch,
we adopted the method proposed in (Bar-Yossef et
al., 2004), which appends to the host's URL a se-
quence of 25 randomly combined lower case Latin
letters. Based on the above parameters, we run the
algorithm against 4,575,154 linked external URLs
that span to 1,939,445 Wikipedia articles and com-
puted the fraction of external links that point to ei-
ther dead (non-existing) or decayed (redirect to ir-
relevant content) pages. In total, we found 839,245
(roughly 18.34%) of the examined links be dead, i.e.
returned hard or soft-404 codes. Figure 4 plots the
distribution of decayed links in the examined
Wikipedia articles. The x-axis reports the amount of
articles that contain as many external links as their
corresponding y-axis values.
0 0.02K 0.06K 0.13K 0.24K 0.89K 2.9K 0.43M 1.5M
Number of articles
Number of dead links
Figure 4: Distribution of dead links in Wikipedia articles.
According to the figure, the distribution of dead
links follows a power-law with very few articles
containing a considerable amount of dead links and
the striking majority of the articles (i.e., 77.31%)
containing no dead links at all. Results suggest that
the majority of the web pages pointed by Wikipedia
are reachable, thus implying that Wikipedia adminis-
trators have quite effective mechanisms for filtering
rotten links and that Wikipedia editors carefully pick
resources to link their articles.
In this paper, we have examined the quality of Wi-
kipedia external links in an attempt to infer how
these contribute to the improvement of their linked
article contents. For our examination, we quantified
the distribution of external links in Wikipedia collec-
tion and we estimated the amount of external links’
decay. Our estimations suggest that if Wikipedia is
equipped with improved link control and filtering
mechanisms, it will combat link rot and improve the
overall quality of its external links and implicitly of
its article contents.
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