Nabil Belaid
, Yamine Ait-Ameur
, St´ephane Jean
and Jean-Franc¸ois Rainaud
IFP Energies nouvelles/R114, 1 & 4 av. de Bois-Pr´eau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison, France
LISI/ENSMA-UP, 1 av. Cl´ement Ader, 86961 Futuroscope, France
Semantic workflow, Semantic service, Ontology, Geological modeling, Meta-model.
Today, the petroleum industry demonstrates a greater concern toward ecology. Actions are undertaken in order
to reduce the CO2 emissions in particular. Storing the CO2 in depleted petroleum reservoirs represents one
of the ways of controlling the CO2 emissions. However, a prior modeling of the reservoirs has to be done
for a secure storage. This geological modeling task follows series of complex workflows (business processes)
of data processing services. These workflows are built without any methodological rule. It is difficult for
geologists to execute workflows or even services that they have not designed. Moreover, it is not possible to
build new workflows without having a precise knowledge on the compounding services and sub-workflows.
We claim that in order to solve the two stated problems, explicit semantics has to be applied to describe the
workflows and the services that compose them.
In this article, we first explain how geologists operate today. Then, we show how we enrich geological model-
ing workflows, the services that compose them and the data they manipulate with semantic indexations through
ontology-based characterizations (Geological Data and Services Ontologies). Finally, we explain how our ap-
proach supports reuse of existing workflows and build new ones.
In the petroleum industry, controlling the CO2 emis-
sions has become a serious concern. One of the so-
lutions is to re-inject the produced CO2 in depleted
petroleum reservoirs. However, a prior modeling of
the target reservoirs is necessary for a secure storage.
In order to model the target reservoirs, data which
are obtained thanks to measure campaigns have to be
analyzed in order to build the geological structures of
the target petroleum reservoir. For example, images
on reservoirs, called seismic cubes, can be acquired
by seismic explorations. They can be interpreted by
geophysicists and geologists so that geological struc-
tures can be identified. Several other types of data
representations are defined to store and exchange the
huge amount of created data, from which we quote
the seismic, the geological and the structural informa-
tion. These data are then processed leading to a fine
reservoir description. This makes it ultimately possi-
ble to realize a precise CO2 flow simulation forecast
in a target reservoir and answer to the question ”can
we store securely CO2 in the given reservoir?”.
This whole reservoir modeling task consists in
complex workflows
or processes of services. These
workflows, their composing services, their compo-
sitions into more complex workflows are not for-
mally modeled in this exploration and production part
of petroleum industry. They are built without any
methodological rule, executed and stored without at-
taching to them any information regarding what they
actually do. Consequently, no resource, except their
names may give information about their meanings
and their roles. Indeed, what would ”workflow21
geoReflect 15042009.wsdl” mean for a geologist? It
is then problematic for geologists to execute services
or workflowsthey havenot created because no seman-
tics is explicitly attached to them. Moreover, it is not
possible to build new workflows from scratch without
having a precise knowledge of how to compose their
compounding processing services. We claim that as-
sociating semantic descriptions to services and work-
flows will help the geologists in their daily work.
In order to achieve these objectives, we have es-
tablished an approach based on the definition of on-
Throughout this article, we designate the atomic data
processing services or software by services and the compo-
sition of data processing services by workflows.
Belaid N., Ait-Ameur Y., Jean S. and Rainaud J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003098802820287
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2010), pages 282-287
ISBN: 978-989-8425-29-4
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
. These ontologies, that we have contributed
to build, characterize the services, the workflows and
the data they consume and produce in the geologi-
cal modeling field. Then, we have enriched the ser-
vices, the workflows and the data with a semantic
layer by linking them to their ontological character-
izations. This leads to, on the one hand, the easy re-
trieval of existing services and workflows, and on the
other hand, the building of new workflows.
The remainder of this article is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 describes a case study in geological
modeling: the seismic interpretation workflows. We
present, in section 3, our ontology-basedapproach de-
scribing services and workflows semantics. Then, in
section 4, we outline the description of the ontology-
based database OntoDB which we use as a seman-
tic repository to store the services, the workflows and
their ontological descriptions. We show, in section
5, the implementation of the case study in OntoDB.
In section 6, we describe the Semantic Workflow con-
cept that allows building new workflows. Finally, we
conclude and discuss some perspectives.
The goal of the seismic interpretation is to build a
structural model from basic geological objects. It is
a complex process and can be modeled by multiple
complex workflows. Figure 1 shows a candidate seis-
mic interpretation workflow
as it is modeled by ex-
perts in geology.
Figure 1: Simplified fragment of a potential seismic inter-
pretation workflow.
In this figure, we start from a SeismicCube which
represents the seismic images of a given reservoir.
Then, we apply a Reflector Extraction in order to ex-
tract the Reflectors which are small visible parts of
geological elements. Two services Horizon Reflec-
tor Association and Fault Mirror Detection are per-
An ontology is a formal and shared representation of
the knowledge of a given domain by a set of concepts and
the relationships between those concepts.
This workflow has been simplified for illustration.
formed in parallel to obtain respectively Horizons and
Faults etc.
The choice for this case study is motivated by the
fact that it defines a complex chain involving different
compositions of services. Moreover, precise informa-
tion on this part through the work of (Verney et al.,
2008) can be accessed.
The main idea behind our approach (Ait-Ameur,
2009) is to create ontologies in order to index se-
mantically existing workflows and services descrip-
tions and the engineering models they reference. Here
lays the difference with the other approaches that
start from specific existing workflows and services
description languages such as ontology-based ap-
proaches (OWL-S (Martin et al., 2004), WSMO (Ro-
man et al., 2005) etc.) that intend to define the se-
mantics of the terms related to the services and work-
flows or the annotation-based approaches (SAWSDL
(Farrell and Lausen, 2007), WSDL-S (Miller et al.,
2004) etc.) that intend to enrich services and work-
flows descriptions. Our approach allows to: (i) store
heterogeneous descriptions of workflows and services
in a repository and (ii) add a semantic layer through
ontologies in order to bring semantics to these stored
workflows and services and enable their complex se-
mantic management.
First, consider the two horizontal layers (a) and (b)
of Figure 2. The principle consists in building models
that represent the data and the services and workflows
(Figure 2.(a)). Then, create the ontologies that char-
acterize them (Figure 2.(b)). Finally, link the models
to the ontologies level through indexations.
Figure 2: An approach for semantic handling of workflows.
3.1 Data Stack
Engineering Models. Data are instances of engi-
neering models whose types or formats are usually
defined in XML-Schemas. For example, integer and
string are simple data models and formated files such
as SEG-Y (representing seismic images) are complex
engineering models.
Domain Ontology. A domain ontology gives ex-
plicit semantics to the concepts of a given domain.
For example, there are ontologies that characterize the
medical field or the mechanical parts. The domain on-
tology concepts index the engineering models enrich-
ing them semantically through an independent layer
without overloading them.
3.2 Services Stack
Services Model. The service models are the de-
scriptions of workflows and services. In our case
study, we have the example of a Web service that ex-
tracts Reflectors (produces a Hollow Matrix File from
a SEG-Y file).
Services Ontology. The ontologies of services are
semantic descriptions of services and workflows in a
given domain. They define hierarchies and composi-
tions of services. A concept of an ontology of services
is a semantic service and is independent of specific
implementations. Figure 3 shows a fragment of the
ontology that characterize the seismic interpretation
Figure 3: Fragment of the seismic interpretation services
ontology and the referenced domain ontologies.
The ontology of services shown in Figure 3 has
GeoService as a root concept and more specifically
the concept SeismicInterpretation. From this concept,
three concepts are derived: Extraction, Association
and Merging which respectively characterize the ser-
vices for elements extractions, services that associate
elements and services for elements merging etc.
The concepts of this ontology of services have
properties that reference domain ontologies. For ex-
ample, the concept Reflector Extraction has as input a
Seismic Cube. Notice that if a semantic service sub-
sumes a second semantic service, the input and output
of the first one subsume respectively the input and the
output of the second one (co-variance relationship).
Moreover, these ontologies are different from other
ontologies since they characterize particular elements
which have input, preconditions etc. Thus, they are
designed following a specific model of ontologies.
Our approach cuts through three modeling levels: (i)
meta-models (model of ontologies), (ii) models and
ontologies and (iii) instances; and two stacks: (1) data
and (2) services. For a full exploitation of the pro-
posed approach descriptivepower, we need a database
architecture that enables a semantic based storage and
search. Classical database architectures are limited in
the way that they neither enable meta-modeling rep-
resentations nor offer a query language for querying
simultaneously the different database levels.
Recently, several approaches and systems were
proposed to store in the same database data and
the ontologies describing their meanings. We
call these databases, ontology-based databases
(OBDB).OntoDB is one of these approaches (Dehain-
sala et al., 2007). It stores explicitly in the database
not only the data, but also the conceptual model defin-
ing the structure of data and the ontology representing
the semantics of data (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: The OntoDB architecture.
Our approach requires the definition of the con-
cept of semantic service not available in the classi-
cal ontology models. Since OntoDB allows accessing
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
and enriching the meta-model level, we have chosen
this OBDB as a persistence model for our workflow
descriptions. Moreover, OntoDB offers the possibil-
ity of querying the databases at the ontology level
thanks to the query language OntoQL (Jean et al.,
2008). This language is also used to create and/or ma-
nipulate concepts of meta-models (models of models
or ontologies) using OntoQL statements (Figure 4.A)
of the form:
CREATE ENTITY #[name of the concept of ontology model] ([list of attributes
Example: CREATE ENTITY #Class (#definition STRING).
In the example, we enriched the ontology model
by adding the attribute ”#definition” to the entity
”#class”. Once the model of ontologies is created and
enriched, it is possible to create ontologies concepts
(valuating the new attribute) using OntoQL state-
ments (Figure 4.B) of the form:
CREATE #[name of the concept of ontology model] (DESCRIPTOR [name
of the ontology concept] PROPERTIES [list of attributes valuations] [list of
properties definitions]).
Example: CREATE #Class Person (DESCRIPTOR (#definition=’Humain
being’) PROPERTIES (uri STRING, name STRING));.
In the example, we have created the ontology con-
cept ”Person” with the properties ”uri” and ”name”.
It is finally possible to create instances of ontologies
concepts using OntoQL statements (Figure 4.C) of the
INSERT INTO [name of the ontology concept] [list of properties to be
valuated] VALUES [list of properties valuations].
Example: INSERT INTO Person (uri, name) VALUES (1728, Belaid).
In this example, the Person” with the name ”Be-
laid” is instantiated. An example of each type of these
queries is given in next section and applied to our case
We present the application of our approach to the seis-
mic interpretation. The implementation of the data
stack is outlined in the work of (Mastella et al., 2008).
Here, we show how we have implemented the ser-
vices stack. We recall that the services ontologies are
particular characterizations. Thus, theses ontologies
are designed following a specific model of ontolo-
gies which we will describe with its implementation.
Then, we present the implementation of the ontology
of services shown in Figure 3 according to the speci-
fied model. Next, we show examples of services and
workflows corresponding to a particular semantic ser-
vice and how the indexation is done. Finally, we ex-
plain how queries can be made on OntoDB in order to
perform semantic searches.
5.1 Ontology Model of GeoServices
Semantic services are characterized by different at-
tributes such as their inputs or their preconditions.
These attributes are not available in usual ontology
models as they are specific to services. As a conse-
quence, we have specialized the class constructor of
the usual ontology model to represent services. This
extension is depicted in Figure 5 and is stored in the
A part OntoDB (Figure 4.A).
Figure 5: Fragment of the model of services ontologies.
The following statement implements this exten-
sion on OntoDB:
CREATE ENTITY #SemanticService UNDER #Class (
#input REF (#SemanticData) Array,
#subtypeof REF (#SemanticService))
We enrich the ontology model by creating a new
entity that enables the definition of semantic services
and their attributes.
5.2 Ontologies of GeoServices
The characterization of the services and workflows in
the seismic interpretation field leads us to the ontol-
ogy of services shown in Figure 3. The semantic ser-
vices that compose the ontology of services is stored
in the B part OntoDB (Figure 4.B). The following On-
toQL statement represents an example of the creation
of a semantic service Reflector Extraction as a con-
cept of the ontology of services:
CREATE #SemanticService ReflectorExtraction (
DESCRIPTOR ( #input = ’SeismicCube’,#output = ’Reflector’)
inputM DataType,outputM DataType))
We create a newsemantic service ReflectorExtrac-
tion and valuate its attributes. We also attach to it
some properties such as its description language, the
input data type etc.
5.3 Geological Modeling Services
The services and workflows are indexed by defining
them as instances of semantic services. They are
stored in the C part OntoDB (Figure 4.C). Table 1
shows an example of the definition of some services
and workflows corresponding to the semantic service
Reflector Extraction.
Table 1: Some services and workflows descriptions.
uri descr. url inputM outputM
uri1 BPEL ../RMark.bpel SEG-Y WITSML
uri2 WSDL ../getRef.wsdl SEG-Y XYZFile
... ... ... ... ...
Each service is described by values of the proper-
ties defined on the semantic service it belongs to. As
an example, the service getRef in the second row of
Table 1 is a Web service described in WSDL and lo-
cated in ../getRef.wsdl. It takes as input a SEG-Y File
and produces an XYZ File as output. The following
OntoQL statement represents the indexation of this
service by instantiating the semantic service Reflec-
tor Extraction.
INSERT INTO ReflectorExtraction (uri, description, url, inputM, outputM)
VALUES (’uri1’, ’WSDL’, ’../getRef.wsdl , SEG-Y Format Type, XYZFile
Format Type)
We index a processing service by instantiating the
semantic service ReflectorExtaction and valuating its
properties. The service getRef is described in WSDL,
takes as an input data file a SEG-Y File etc.
5.4 A Semantic Repository for the
Handling of Geological Services
Our implementation consists in extending the ontol-
ogy model definition and then storing services, work-
flow and data in a single repository: OntoDB. Stor-
ing all these data in a single repository enables com-
plex semantic queries. For example, the following
OntoQL query retrieves services that perform an ”Ex-
traction”, and produces as output a file in an ”XYZ
File” format:
SELECT SE.uri, SE.url FROM Extraction SE
WHERE SE.outputM = Typeof(XYZFile Format Type)
This query uses the semantic service subsumption
relationship. Indeed, services which are instances of
”Extraction such as ”ReflectorExtraction” and ”Re-
flectorGapExtraction” will be retrieved.
An interesting query consists in retrieving data
processing services that may replace another one.
For example, the following query retrieves the ser-
vices that could replace the service whose uri is uri25
(GS2). This query consists in searching all services
GS1 instances of the same semantic service as GS2
and that are not GS2:
SELECT GS1.uri, GS1.url FROM GeoService GS1, GeoService GS2
WHERE (TYPEOF(GS1).#oid = TYPEOF(GS2).#oid)
AND (GS2.uri LIKE ’uri25’) AND NOT (GS1.oid = GS2.oid)
The complexity of the previous queries lies in the
fact that they query the database at different levels
(meta-model or model of ontologies), different stacks
(data and services) and different conceptual repre-
sentations (models and ontologies).Theses queries are
hidden to the geologists thanks to a well adapted user
Building semantic workflows can be done by com-
posing semantic services. Such a task should be nat-
ural for ”experts in the given domain since seman-
tic services represent explicitly the semantics of ser-
vices and composing semantic services into semantic
workflows is only a matter of ”knowing” what is the
order of execution of simple tasks in order to perform
a more complex task.
In what follows, we show how we describe seman-
tic workflows from semantic services. We then ex-
plain how a processing workflow can be derived from
the constructed semantic workflow.
6.1 Description of Semantic Workflows
The definitions of semantic workflows require differ-
ent operators to compose semantic services. Figure 6
presents the semantic workflow model we have estab-
Figure 6: Description model of semantic workflows.
A semantic workflow can be derived in a compos-
ite semantic service (semantic sequence, a semantic
parallel or a semantic loop) or a basic semantic ser-
vice. A semantic loop is composed by one semantic
KEOD 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
workflow while a semantic sequence or parallel can
be composed of multiple semantic workflows etc.
6.2 Building a Processing Workflow
When a semantic workflow has been built, it is possi-
ble to ”deduce” a processing workflow by selecting
a processing service for each semantic service that
composes the semantic workflow. For example, start-
ing from the semantic workflow described in Figure
1, Figure 7 represents a processing workflow obtained
when selecting a processing service for each semantic
service that composes the whole semantic workflow.
Figure 7: A potential seismic interpretation processing
In this figure, we start from a SEG-Y file which
represents a 3D-image. Then, the service getRef.wsdl
is executed to obtain a Hollow Matrix file. Next, the
workflow Hormerg.bpel and the service Serv27.wsdl
are performed in parallel to obtain two XYZ Files
which represent respectively Horizons and Faults etc.
Although the semantic services of a semantic
workflow compose, it may not be the same for the
obtained processing workflow. Indeed, if in the pre-
vious example, the workflow ChenauxWF.bpel had as
output an IJK File, it would not be composable with
the following service which take as an input an XYZ
File. In this case, an adapting processing service that
converts the IJK File to an XYZ File is searched in the
database and is automatically added to the workflow.
Throughout this article, we have described an ap-
proach based on ontologies of services for the se-
mantic handling of services and workflows. We have
indexed the services, the workflows and the manip-
ulated data through ontologies concepts. On the
one hand, this semantic enrichment enables seman-
tic queries over existing geological modeling services
and workflows. On the other hand, it enables the de-
sign of new workflows based on semantic workflows
first. This methodology is more natural for experts
in geology. This work represents a significant step
toward the tool
we are currently designing and that
intends to assist geologists in searching, building and
executing their geological modeling workflows.
In future work, we plan to identify templates of
queries that are needed to perform geologists tasks.
These queries will be parameterized, integrated in the
graphical-user interface and thus hidden to geologists.
We will also extend the definition of semantic services
to take into account more detailed and crucial infor-
mation when referencing services, particularly non
functional requirements such as preferences, avail-
ability or quality of service.
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GWE (Geological Knowledge Editor)