Uta Christoph, Karl-Heinz Krempels, Janno von St
ulpnagel and Christoph Terwelp
Informatik 4, Intelligent Distributed Systems Group, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Mobile user, User context, Mobile device, Configuration space, Context detection.
Mobile devices have obtained a significant role in our life providing a large variety of useful functionalities
and features. It is desirable to have an automated adaptation of the behavior of a mobile device depending on
a change of user context to fulfill expectations towards practical usefulness. To enable mobile devices to adapt
their behavior automatically there is a need to determine the mobile user’s context.
In this paper we introduce an integrated approach for the automatic detection of a user’s context. Therefore, we
summarize and discuss existing approaches and technologies and describe a service architecture that takes into
account information from the interaction of the mobile device with communication networks and positioning
systems, from integrated sensors, and planned behavior of the user from e.g his calendar or activity list.
Additionally it considers the social network of the user to derive further information about his context and
finally it takes into account his customs through a behavior model.
The omnipresence of mobile devices requires the abil-
ity to adapt the device’s capabilities. Simple imple-
mentations of this feature are already in place in most
common mobile devices. So the user can limit the
usage of the device’s interaction features for example
muting the ring tone, deactivating the network inter-
face radio, etc. To simplify the configuration the set-
tings are often grouped into configuration profiles, so
the user only has to select a defined profile and gets
a suitable setup for a situation. In real environments
the context continuously changes and therefore it is
desirable to support automatic detection of the user’s
current context. This would increase the usage com-
fort due to improved adaptability of the device. As
an additional feature the current context of the user in
combination with his current position can be used to
improve the location based services by providing this
information to the service.
In this paper we discuss existing and new ap-
proaches to determine a mobile user’s context. We
analyze their prospects, possible drawbacks and the
technical requirements. The paper is organized as fol-
lows, in Section 2 we illustrate a simple example sce-
nario from the domain of discourse to motivate our
research. In Section 3 we give an overview of existing
work in this area. Section 4 discusses the configura-
tion space of a mobile device which should be adapted
to individual context. In Section 5 we focus on exist-
ing approaches and introduce some new ideas to de-
termine a mobile user’s context and in Section 6 we
describe the architecture of our idea of an integrated
approach for context detection. Finally in Section 7
we summarize the results and describe our vision for
future development.
The following example scenario motivates the auto-
matic detection of a user context and provides the
reader with an overview of the arising problems.
Imagine a researcher who travels to a distant city
(e.g. Milan, Italy) for a conference. Therefore, the
researcher has to proceed along a chain of activities.
So, he prepares for the trip at Sunday evening, goes
to sleep, gets up at Monday 8:00 am, takes a shower
and has breakfast with coffee, takes the bus at 9:12
am to the train station, arrives there at 9:34 am, waits
until 9:46 am, takes the train to the airport, arrives at
10:34 am, checks in for his flight, gets a coffee, waits
until 12:45 pm, boards the airplane, gets another cof-
fee and lunch, and prepares the slides for his confer-
ence presentation. The plane touches down at 2:30
pm, he leaves the plane 2:39 pm, picks up his lug-
gage at the baggage claim, leaves the airport, takes
the metro, walks from the metro station to the hotel,
checks in at the hotel, takes a shower, takes dinner
Christoph U., Krempels K., von Stülpnagel J. and Terwelp C. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 189-194
DOI: 10.5220/0003030701890194
at the hotel restaurant, drinks an espresso and joins
to the initial meeting with the other researchers in a
conference room. At this point we leave our fellow
researcher and state that his context changed at least
20 times until this point.
The common researcher is very busy thinking
about his research work, so it is very inconvenient for
him to always keep the context setting of his mobile
device up to date. But it would be preferable that the
mobile device itself adapts automatically according to
the situation. For example, disabling all radio systems
of the mobile device during the flight, switching the
device to silent mode and enabling visual signals (a
flashing light) for incoming calls and messages dur-
ing the meeting, but deactivating vibration alarm be-
cause the device is on the table and not in the pocket,
switching to a louder ring tone and vibrating alert in
the metro, changing the input mode from pen to fin-
ger touch and the output mode to speech synthesis and
symbols while walking or driving. But also travel as-
sistance like information about the exit station just be-
fore arriving there or information about the menu of
the hotel restaurant at dinner time could be provided.
The state of the art for context detection is to use one
kind of specialized sensor either attached to a person
or located in several different places across so called
smart rooms. For example (Karantonis et al., 2006)
uses only one accelerometer to detect movement of
the user. (Kern et al., 2003) use multiple identical
accelerometers to detect activity context information.
In most cases where different sensor types are used,
each type of sensor detects a certain kind of context
for a certain kind of purpose. Only very recent re-
search works use more than one sensor type to rec-
ognize a single context, e.g. (Berchtold and Beigl,
2009), where an accelerometer and a microphone are
used to recognize ”knocking on the table in apprecia-
tion”. Currently most research approaches, as (Ran-
ganathan et al., 2004) and (Brdiczka et al., 2007),
use pattern recognition instead of programmed rules
to derive contexts from sensor information.
One of the current theoretic challenges is to find
a standardized description and definition of context.
(Dey, 2001), for example, gives an operational def-
inition of context whereas (Henricksen and Indul-
ska, 2005) defines conceptual models for context-
aware applications. A survey of context modeling
approaches is given in (Strang and Linnhoff-Popien,
2004), but often researchers use their own definitions.
In the last years the uncertainty aspect of context
detection got more and more attention because with
pattern recognition methods the detection is never en-
tirely certain and applications can use a context de-
tection service better if they get real time information
about the quality of the detection. Examples of work
in this research area are (Berchtold and Beigl, 2009)
and (da Silva et al., 2006).
The device configuration space consists of all possible
configurations of a given device. To effectively man-
age this configuration space of a device profiles are
used which are preset configurations combined with a
suitable name.
Some of the settings from a device configuration
space are listed here to help the reader get an impres-
sion of configuration possibilities of a mobile device.
For example, as output modes the user can choose
among icon or text based representation of a content,
or even voice synthesis. Furthermore, for the textual
and graphical output the text size and screen direc-
tion (portrait or landscape) can be configured, and for
voice synthesis the volume and perhaps a few addi-
tional characteristic parameters can be adjusted, e.g.
speaking speed, the pitch and timbre of the voice or
the gender of the speaker. As input modes the user can
choose for example among a microphone with voice
recognition, a touch screen (finger or pen mode), or
the traditional key-pad. There are also many addi-
tional settings, e.g. microphone and touch screen sen-
sitivity, etc. As general behavior settings the user can
configure the ring volume, ring tone, screen bright-
ness, earphones volume, and so on.
Today the predominant way to adjust a mobile device
to a changing context is that the user configures a set
of different profiles for his device in advance and later
selects the suitable profile for his current context. If
the context changes very often it is inconvenient to
make such adjustments manually. Thus, it is desirable
to automatically detect the user’s context and adapt
the configuration of the device accordingly. In the
following we briefly discuss several approaches to de-
termine the context of a user.
WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
5.1 Planning
A very simple approach to context detection is to de-
duce it from the digital calendar, that contains all the
events and trips the user has planned. Each event may
consist of several activities. Since the classical cal-
endar functionality is provided by many mobile de-
vices, especially smartphones, the scheduled events
and trips are already available for further processing.
Therefore, the actual time is used to determine the
corresponding event from the user’s digital calendar.
The actual context of the user can be deduced from
the description of the event, e.g. meeting, flight, etc.
5.2 User Behavior Model
This approach is based on the assumption that user
behavior is to some degree consistent. So, for ex-
ample the user goes to bed at almost the same time
every day and he has lunch at a specific time. From
this we derive that user behavior can be defined as
the correlation of time, space, activity and context.
Consequently, the user behavior can be deduced from
his past, by observing former behavior tuples and
matching them to the current situation (Sama et al.,
2008) (da Silva et al., 2006).
5.3 Radio Signals
Mobile devices are able to interact with several
communication networks and there exist several ap-
proaches to derive the precise position of a mobile
device from the interaction with these communication
networks, like GSM (Kunczier and Anegg, 2004),
UMTS/3G (Kos et al., 2006), and WLAN (Jan and
Lee, 2003) (Krempels and Krebs, 2008); all of them
providing localization estimations with acceptable ac-
The context of a mobile user can be derived from
his position. For that purpose the geographical posi-
tion must be processed by a GIS (Geographical Infor-
mation System) to obtain additional information about
the user context, e.g. street name, building name, or
name of a point of interest. From the type of build-
ing, e.g. train station, the user context can often be
derived directly. If the localization accuracy is high
the user context can also be determined in a more de-
tailed manner, e.g. if the user is in a restaurant or in
the business lounge inside the train station. This ad-
ditional information can be used to detect time shifts
or schedule deviations in conjunction with plan based
context detection, as discussed in section 5.1.
5.4 Sensors
The majority of todays mobile devices have a number
of different sensors at their disposal. Most of them
are only built in to serve for one or two special appli-
cations but they also can help to determine the user’s
Accelerometer. The accelerometer not only mea-
sures acceleration of the device but also how the de-
vice is tilted. It is possible to match the movement
pattern of the device to certain situations, such as the
device is in the user’s hands, laying on a desk or held
to the user’s ear. While in the user’s pocket it is also
possible to decide for example if he is walking, run-
ning or sitting down (Karantonis et al., 2006).
Camera. The camera’s use for detecting user con-
text is limited because most of the time when auto-
mated context detection is needed the mobile device is
in the user’s pocket, but sometimes it can be used for
image recognition (Luley et al., 2005). For example
it can help to determine wether the mobile device is
in a pocket or not. It also helps to recognize the light-
ing conditions of the surrounding even if you use this
information only to adapt the brightness of the dis-
play. It is possible to use 2D barcodes and the camera
to get information about a location that is equipped
with them. The public transportation system in the
city of Berlinfor example is using them on bus stops.
If people scan the bar code they get a hyperlink to a
timetable with real-time bus schedules.
Microphone. The microphone has many possibili-
ties to detect the user context. It is easy to measure the
volume of the background noise and adapt the volume
of the audio alarm or the speakers accordingly. It is
also possible to identify places based on the character-
istic background noise. For example (Ma et al., 2003)
were able to recognize with background noise only if
they are located in an office, at football match or at the
beach. They were able to differ between ten location
with an overall accuracy of 91.5%. It should also be
possible to use voice recognition to detect how many
people are in the surroundings and who they are.
Compass. Some mobile devices have a built in elec-
tronic compass, because GPS can only give a position
but no direction information. The electronic compass
gives information about the movement of the user
and can be used to compliment the data from the ac-
celerometer and GPS.
5.5 Near Field Community Interaction
We see a promising area for further development in
the sharing of context information with other users.
Since applications for instant messaging and social
networking became available for many mobile de-
vices a user can share all the information with respect
to its position and context with the people connected
to him in his social network or through his instant
messaging contact list.
To derive the user’s actual mobile context from the
context of the connected people in his social network
we assume that he has either a similar or an identical
context as his colleagues and friends.
We suggest that the mobile context of the user
could also be derived with the help of a majority vote
from the actual contexts of his near field community.
A straight forward way to implement a near field com-
munity service is to advertise the user if one of his
colleagues or friends is in the same cell of the mobile
network, the same WLAN access point range, or even
in the same train, building, plane, etc. After the adver-
tising the mobile device can accept the new context as
its current context or can use it to determine a simi-
lar context by combining the advertised context with
other relevant knowledge.
As mentioned in Section 3 existing approaches only
consider a certain aspect or technology to discover a
user’s context. Thus, we propose that a combination
of several approaches is desirable to offer an overall
adaptation to a mobile user’s context. We also pro-
pose that detection of a mobile users’s context should
be provided by the mobile device as a service, so that
all applications can have access to the context infor-
mation and can adapt their behavior accordingly. In
Figure 1 we show an architecture of a Context Detec-
tion Service which comprises all aspects of context
detection mentioned above and computes a suitable
context that is provided as a context description for
other applications for further processing.
The integration approach of the Context Detection
Service is based on a three layer architecture. The
data or signal source layer consists of the available
sensors, radio network interfaces, the built in clock,
and or even the connection interface to the user’s com-
munity. The source layer provides information in
form of data or signals which comprise the informa-
tion layer. This information needs to be transformed
to defined knowledge so it can be processed by the
Context Detection Service. The transformation of in-
formation to knowledge is done by additional Infor-
mation Processing Services which match the informa-
tion events from the source layer to knowledge tags
with the help of suitable patterns defined in the Pat-
tern Repository.
The most significant criteria to determine one’s
mobile context seem to be his geographical location,
the current time, and his planned activities. On one
hand all these criteria have a direct impact on ones
context and on the other hand the corresponding tech-
nologies, like calendars, location based directories,
and time dependend schedulers are already part of
prevalent mobile applications.
For the detection of the geographical location,
technologies such as GPS or UMTS, GSM, and WiFi
networks are available to easily determine geograph-
ical locations and thus it should be considered as one
of the main parameters for the context detection ser-
vice. But the coordinates of a geographic location
alone might not be sufficient to determine the context,
since it does not provide any descriptive information
regarding the corresponding place. So the detected
location must at least be enriched with more details
from a map or yellow-pages service to become more
useful in terms of context detection, e. g. by adding
descriptive knowledge tags like cinema, restaurant,
airport, etc. to the detected location.
An identified description tag of the surroundings,
e.g. airport or even an office inside the airport, has
a static character with respect to the temporal dimen-
sion, since the context of a user can change over time
even if he stays at the same place. In an office in-
side the airport for example the context might be of-
fice work in the morning, tutorial in the afternoon, and
in between several coffee breaks. One possibility to
draw more precise conclusions about the actual user
context is to make a correlation of a description tag
with the planned acitivities of the user. Therefore, we
take into account appointments from the user’s cal-
endar and planned activities from his TODO lists in
combination with the current date and time to detect
his activity context for the given location description
tag. Another possibility to refine the actual user con-
text can be achieved by using noise patterns recorded
by the microphone to distinguish among e.g. quiet
office work, a coffee break, or a presentation, etc.
An additional way for context detection are mov-
ing patterns of the user (e.g. riding a bus, a train or a
bycicle, walking, running, not moving etc.) that can
be detected with the help of sensors available in the
device, e.g. accelerometer, compass, or even a micro-
phone. Those patterns can be used alone or even in
combination with other identified context description
WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
Radio Signals
Context Detection
Near Field
Date / Time
Data / Signal
Figure 1: Context Detection Service (CDS) Architecture.
tags to derive a certain device configuration.
The Context Repository containts context defin-
tions consisting of a context name and a list of re-
quired context description tags provided by informa-
tion processing services. Everytime when all the re-
quired description tags of a defined context arrive in
a well defined time interval at the Context Detection
Service, the corresponding context is matched and
provided as output for the Configuration Service or
for context sensitive applications on the Context De-
tection Service Application Programming Interface
(CDS API). The context descriptions provided by the
Context Repository consist of a list of description tags
< T
>, . . . , < T
> derived from the signals of the
input sensors of the source layer describing a well de-
fined user context Context
. A list of context detec-
tion rules from the Context Repository could be:
(< T
>, . . . , < T
>) Context
(< T
>, . . . , < T
>) Context
. . . . . .
(< T
>, . . . , < T
>) Context
The Configuration Service selects a suitable de-
vice configuration description from the Configura-
tion Repository for a detected context and applies
it to the mobile device to adapt its behavior to the
corresponding context of the mobile user. For ex-
ample for a given Context
a suitable configura-
tion will be Con f iguration
, for Context
it will be
Con f iguration
, and so on.
> Con figuration
> Con figuration
. . . . . .
> Con figuration
Finally, the Context Detection Service can refine
a context description rule by comparing the larger set
of the identified context description tags with the de-
scription tags of a certain rule that deduced the actu-
ally detected context. However, these tags character-
ize also a user’s behavior providing the possiblity to
update or renew the defintion of the context rules in
the Context Repository.
In this paper we discussed different approaches to au-
tomatic context detection and proposed an integrated
service architecture which can combine information
from the different approaches. We think this is nec-
essary to gain a precise view on the user’s context
which is the main preposition to developing context-
aware mobile applications. As a fundamental for an
integrated service the context information from the
data or signal source layer is transformed into knowl-
edge which can be interpreted by the context detec-
tion service and then be provided to mobile applica-
tions running on the device or as basis for the device
configuration. The selection criteria for the most suit-
able context detection approaches should be on the
one hand pervasiveness of the underlying technology,
e.g. UMTS and WLAN networks of the radio sig-
nal approach, and on the other hand the obtainable
accuracy for the derived user context. Todays mo-
bile environments are characterized by highly avail-
able, pervasive mobile communication networks, mo-
bile calendar based job itineraries, and mobile devices
with high computational power. Under these precon-
ditions it is recommendable to combine it with radio
based approaches in UMTS/GSM networks for the
detection of the user’s current geographical region.
A rough context of the mobile user can be deduced
therefrom in combination with the event and activ-
ity list from his calendar. This rough context can be
refined with the help of the radio based approach in
WLAN infrastructures that the user will enter, cross,
or leave. To determine the context of a mobile user
in an automated way it is necessery to process knowl-
edge from several sources and services. Thus, there
is need for common ontologies for the description of
the context concept, knowledge description tags char-
acterizing a defined context, and even the events pro-
vided by the signal layer. The next implementation
steps for the proposed context detection architecture
are the definition of a suitable context ontology and
the interaction design of the discussed components of
a Context Detections Service.
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WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems