Alfredo Cuzzocrea
, Francesco Folino
and Luigi Pontieri
ICAR-CNR and University of Calabria, Calabria, Italy
ICAR-CNR, Rende, Italy
Keywords: Knowledge Representation and Management, Complex Information Systems, Process Mining.
Abstract: A knowledge-based framework for supporting and analyzing loosely-structured collaborative processes
(LSCPs) is presented in this paper. The framework takes advantages from a number of knowledge
representation, management and processing capabilities, including recent process mining techniques. In
order to support the enactment, analysis and optimization of LSCPs in an Internet-worked virtual scenario,
we illustrate a flexible integration architecture, coupled with a knowledge representation and discovery
environment, and enhanced by ontology-based knowledge processing capabilities. In particular, an
approach for restructuring logs of LSCPs is proposed, which allows to effectively analyze LSCPs at varying
abstraction levels with process mining techniques (originally devised to analyze well-specified and well-
structured workflow processes). The capabilities of the proposed framework were experimentally tested on
several application contexts. Interesting results that concern the experimental analysis of collaborative
manufacturing processes across a distributed CAD platform are shown.
Emerging work models are taking the form of
networks of nimble, often self-organizing and cross-
organizational, teams performing loosely-structured
processes. A clear evidence of this trend is given by
recent virtual workspaces (O. Anya et al., 2007;
Experts Group, Next Generation Collaborative
Working Environments 2005-2010, 2004), which
put emphasis on the novel notion of collaborative e-
work environments. Complexity and dynamicity that
characterize such collaborative work scenarios pose
new research challenging that are not addressed by
traditional Workflow Management Systems (WfMS).
This because traditional WfMS assume a rigid
structure of the work model in order to control and
monitor Business Processes (BP), with the aim of
optimizing work distribution and resources
allocation and usage. From a pertinent computer
science perspective, this means that processes and
tasks are rigorously modeled and represented
according to fixed structured (yet hierarchical)
Looking at technological details, several
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) solutions
(Hohpe & Bobby, 2003) can be exploited to build a
flexible collaborative environment where existing
systems and software components are re-used in
order to provide a large spectrum of functionalities,
such as content management, communication (e.g.,
e-mails, chats, forums), user management (e.g., user
profiling, group management), inventorying of
available technical resources, project management,
and so forth.
Clearly, in order to achieve a full interoperability
between components even at a semantic level,
beyond to a pragmatic level, and to provide both
workers and decision makers with a unified and
high-level view over the underling organizational
structure, collaborative processes and IT
infrastructure, the need for a suitable representation
and sharing model of information and knowledge is
mandatory. In addition to the adaptation of
conventional Knowledge Management (KM)
solutions and strategies, some recent works (e.g., (O.
Anya et al., 2007; Biuk-Aghai et al., 1999)) have
pointed out the opportunity of extracting novel and
useful knowledge from work models and schemes,
Cuzzocrea A., Folino F. and Pontieri L. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0003020501570167
possibly by means of consolidated Knowledge
Discovery (KD) techniques. Among the latter class
of techniques, historical log data gathered during
the execution of collaborative processes are
exploited to discover new process models by means
of Process Mining (PM) techniques (van der Aalst,
2003). This approach can well help understanding
and analyzing collaborative work schemes actually
performed by the target collaborative processes, as
well as in determining and optimizing future work
via possibly supporting the (re-)design of explicit
and reusable process models.
Despite this, traditional process mining
approaches are tailored to analyze logs of business
processes executed by WfMS, which enforce strict
behavioral rules along the enactment phase. As a
consequence, these approaches are likely to yield
knotty (i.e., “spaghetti-like” (Gunther & van der
Aalst, 2007)) process models when applied to the
collaborative processes arising in collaborative work
scenarios outlined above. A major reason of this
critical drawback of process mining techniques is
represented by the incapability of traditional
approaches to view event logs at some suitable
application-independent and abstracted level. To the
best of our knowledge, the latter research issue was
only partially taken into account in very recent
process mining literature (e.g., (Greco et al., 2008;
Gunther & van der Aalst, 2007; Pedrinaci &
Domingue, 2007)).
Starting from these considerations, in this paper
we address the problem of supporting and analyzing
the enactment of loosely-structured collaborative
processes (LSCPs) by means of innovative
knowledge representation, management and
discovery tools. Particularly, in our research, LSCPs
are viewed as collaborative processes enacted in an
Internet-worked virtual enterprise that are not
necessarily provided with a fully-specified model
ruling execution and assignment of process tasks.
All considering, this turns out to the definition of a
knowledge-based framework for processing LSCPs
in collaborative e-work environments, which should
be considered as the prominent contribution of our
research. It should be noted that, apart from
addressing an important context of processes mining
research that lacks from actual literature, our
proposed framework naturally captures fundamental
models and instances of next-generation business
organizations, which more and more act in a virtual,
collaborative and loosely-structured manner. More
precisely, on the basis of some core ideas traced in
(Basta et al., 2008), the following major
contributions are provided in this paper.
We devise a knowledge-based framework for
supporting LSCPs by means of a flexible and
lightweight message-oriented architecture,
where a variety of systems and services can be
easily integrated to support different kinds of
collaborative tasks; here, a number of ontology-
based capabilities are provided to represent and
query organizational information and knowledge,
while a separate Data Warehouse (DW) stores an
integrated view of both relevant information
along with the history of performed tasks.
In order to effectively apply process mining
techniques to LSPCs, we outline a semantic-
aware method for dynamically restructuring log
data in a process-oriented way, which takes full
advantages from the available background
knowledge shaped by the main knowledge-based
framework for LSCPs introduced in this
The whole approach relies on the use of an ontology-
based framework for representing event logs and
associated concepts (e.g., organization structure,
application domains, IT infrastructures, and high-
level process models), which offers a semantic
substrate for integrating different kinds of data and
applications coming from heterogeneous
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. In Sect. 2, we first introduce some
preliminary concepts on state-of-the-art process
mining techniques, while evidencing critical
limitations that make these techniques ineffective for
analyzing LSCPs. Sect. 3 focuses the attention on
the reference architecture implementing the
proposed knowledge-based framework for
supporting and analyzing LSCPs, by also putting
emphasis on integration issues that naturally arise in
collaborative e-work environments. After
introducing the ontology-based framework for
modeling event logs and associated organizational
concepts/entities, Sect. 4 illustrates the semantic-
aware method for process-oriented restructuring of
logs, which allows us to straightforwardly apply
process mining techniques to LSPCs. In Sect. 5, we
discuss some experimentation conducted against a
real-life application scenario involving the
enactment of LSCPs within a distributed and
decentralized collaborative CAD platform. Finally,
in Sect. 6 we draw out concluding remarks deriving
from our research, along with future research
directions in the field of process mining techniques
over non-traditionally-modeled business processes.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Process Mining Techniques. Process mining refers
to the problem of automatically extracting novel
knowledge about the behavior of a given process,
based on event data gathered in the course of its past
enactments, and stored in suitable logs. Notably,
such an ex-post analysis of process executions
makes these techniques quite different from other
business process analysis approaches, which mainly
focus the attention on performance monitoring and
reporting issues (e.g., (zur Muehlen, 2001; Jeng &
Schiefer, 2003; McGregor & Schiefer, 2003)).
Several process mining techniques have been
defined in literature during past research campaigns.
Each technique is indeed tailored to extract different
types of (mining) models via capturing different
aspects of the underlying process, such as the flow
of work/data (e.g., (Folino et al., 2008; Greco et al.,
2006; Greco et al., 2008)), or social relationships
(e.g., (van der Aalst et al., 2005)).
Traditional process mining techniques mainly
address the issue of discovering a graph-based
workflow model (the so-called process-mining
control-flow perspective), which describes both
process activities and routing constraints that
coordinate their execution. In order to describe
complex processes in a more precise and modular
way, the approach proposed in (Greco et al., 2006;
Greco et al., 2008) exploits a hierarchical clustering
procedure for recognizing different behavioral
classes of process instances, and modeling them
through separated workflow schemas. In particular,
these schemas are restructured in (Greco et al.,
2008) into a taxonomical form, which represents the
process behavior at different abstraction levels. The
resulting model is a tree of workflow schemas, where
leaves stand for concrete usage scenarios, and any
other internal node provides a unified and
generalized representation for the sub-tree rooted in
that node.
More recent process mining proposals try to take
into account other (useful) information available in
real-life logs rather than considering the mere
execution of process tasks (e.g., activity executors,
parameter values, and performance data) only. As a
meaningful case, the approach introduced in (van
der Aalst et al., 2005) supports the analysis of
process logs according to an “organizational”
perspective, in that it extracts different kinds of
social networks modeling users’ interaction. It is
worth noticing that approach in (Greco et al., 2006;
Greco et al., 2008) has been extended in (Folino et
al., 2008) by means of the amenity of supporting the
discovery of a decision-tree model relating the
discovered behavioral classes with other data
registered in the log. On the whole, the new research
contribution in (Folino et al., 2008) allows us to
achieve a more powerful and richer process behavior
discovery model with respect to the one introduced
in (Greco et al., 2006; Greco et al., 2008). Notably,
the predictive capability of such a model ((Folino et
al., 2008)) can effectively support different kinds of
decisional tasks, which may involve both the design
and the enactment of collaborative business
Typical Representation of Log Data and Its
Inefficacy for LSCPs Settings. Independently of
their specific goals and approaches, the great
majority of classical process mining techniques
founds on quite a rigid and workflow-oriented
conceptualization of process logs, like that
underlying the log format
MXML, an XML dialect
used in the process mining framework ProM
(Dongen et al., 2005). Due to the success of ProM,
MXML is indeed widely diffused in the process
mining community. A typical MXML document
contains an arbitrary number of Process elements,
each of them collecting a series of
ProcessInstance elements. A ProcessInstance
element consists of a number of log events
(AuditTrailEntry elements), which are mandatorily
associated with a process task
(WorkflowModelElement element) and a running
state (EventType element), which describes the
execution state of the task (e.g., scheduling,
completion, suspension). Optional elements
contained in an AuditTrailEntry element represent
its occurrence time (Timestamp element), and the
resource (e.g., person or software component) that
has triggered it (Originator element). Finally, an
arbitrary number of Data elements allow to
associate both events and process instances with
further information, in the form of attribute-value
Two critical assumptions made in the MXML
model risk to undermine the effectiveness of process
mining techniques in analyzing LSCPs considered in
our research. First, according to the model MXML,
each event log must explicitly refer to a well-
specified and well-structured workflow process, and
to some high-level tasks within this workflow.
Contrary to this, LSCPs can spontaneously arise
without a well-specified neither well-structured
model, via composing elementary, general-purpose
functions. The alternative solution of regarding these
functions as high-level process activities may yield
very intricate (i.e., “spaghetti-like” (Gunther & van
der Aalst, 2007)) process models that are finally
useless to analysis purposes.
Second, the model MXML does not encode any
semantic information on the different types of
entities that event logs may link to (e.g., human
resources, software tools, data parameters), but
simply models them by means of (elementary)
labels. Beside preventing a semantic, high-level
analysis of collaborative processes, and, more
prominently, LSCPs, the drawback above may lead
to a poor integration effect in a decentralized and
multi-organization e-work scenario, thus inducting
in several inconsistencies and redundancies of
information representation.
Our knowledge-based framework and our
approach to restructuring logs in a process-oriented
way, described in Sect. 4, are just meant to
overcome the limitations sketched above, and to
allow for defining a mapping between basic log
events and MXML elements in a flexible way, by
possibly exploiting available high-level background
knowledge to analyze the execution of LSCPs at
some proper abstraction levels.
Fig. 1 depicts the logical architecture of a
comprehensive toolkit able of providing users of
loosely-structured work environments with high
level knowledge management functionalities, which
can well enhance the enactment and the analysis of
collaboration processes. The architecture is devised
to fit Internet-worked scenarios where a variety of
operational systems (making available different
heterogeneous services) can be used by workers,
possibly belonging to different organizations and
located in different places.
In particular, the proposed architecture is
hierarchically organized in four main layers,: (i)
Operational Systems (OS), (ii) Data & Application
Integration (D&AI), (iii) Knowledge Management &
Discovery (KM&D); (iv) Decision & Work Support
(D&WS). Principles, structures and functionalities
of these layers are detailed next.
Operational systems are located in the OS layer of
the architecture. Each operational system may
funct io nal
funct io nal
funct io nal
funct io nal
funct io nal
Enterprise Service Bus
Data Loader
Data Warehouse
& Querying
Data &
& Discovery
& Work
EAI snippet
Semantical annotation
funct io nal
funct io nal
funct io nal
funct io nal
funct io nal
funct io nal
funct io nal
funct io nal
funct io nal
funct io nal
Enterprise Service Bus
Data Loader
Data Warehouse
& Querying
Data &
& Discovery
& Work
EAI snippet
Semantical annotation
Figure 1: Reference architecture for supporting and
analyzing LSCPs.
operate independently of the others, and keeps its
own data repository, by also processing data stored
in such a repository via a large variety of services,
modeled according to a functional-oriented
approach that is typical of Data Warehousing
paradigms. In order to have these systems work
congruously, and to prevent information
inconsistency and redundancy, a flexible integration
strategy is adopted. The latter is the main task of the
D&AI layer of the architecture, which we describe
in the following.
At the D&AI layer, operational systems, services
and their associated data are conceptually integrated
on the basis of a shared conceptualization of typical
organizational and information resources, named as
Enterprise Knowledge Model (EKM), which is
presented and discussed in detail in Sect. 4. Notably,
the execution of every operation affecting some
entities in the EKM is modeled and regarded in
terms of a so-called Enterprise Event (EE).
Basically, the integration approach we propose is
inspired to models and paradigms developed in the
context of well-known event-based and service-
based infrastructures (e.g., (Papazoglou &
Georgakapoulos, 2003; Papazoglou & van den
Heuvel, 2007)), like Data and Knowledge Grids
(Cannataro & Talia, 2003), enriched by a prominent
knowledge-oriented flavor. EEs play a key role in
our proposed knowledge-based framework for
LSCPs, as it will be made clearer later on.
In more details, the D&AI layer is based on a set
of lightweight integration components, named EAI
snippets, which communicate with the remaining
components of the D&AI layer (including
themselves) and operational systems of the OS layer
throughout the so-called Enterprise Service Bus
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
(ESB). ESB essentially acts as a backbone providing
high-level and reliable message-exchange services,
and transparently handles mediation of endpoint
heterogeneities and physical details during
component communication. Every time an EE is
produced by some functional component located in
the OS layer, the associated EAI snippet reactively
sends a message throughout the ESB. The message
encodes ad-hoc information, including the kind of
event occurred, the person or system that has
originated the event itself, the work context (e.g., the
actual project) of the event. Throughout the ESB, the
message is forwarded to any other EAI snippet that
subscribed that kind of EE. In turn, the latter EAI
snippet will consequently update its data repository
at the OS layer.
In addition to providing support for the
coordination of operational systems and data
integration tasks, in our proposed knowledge-based
framework EEs are also treated and traced as basic
units of work for the ex-post analysis of LSCPs,
being this analysis based on process mining and
OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP) techniques.
The latter mining functionalities are supported by
the Process Discovery (PD) module, located at the
D&WS layer, and the OLAP module, still located at
the D&WS layer of the architecture, respectively.
Furthermore, D&WS layer also supports advanced
knowledge browsing, visualization, analysis, and
querying services, which are definitely able of
enabling effective decision making and collaborative
work tasks based on data and knowledge stored and
elaborated in the D&AI and KM&D layers of the
architecture. The latter functionalities are fulfilled by
the Knowledge Browsing and Querying (KB&Q)
module, located at the D&WS layer.
In our proposed knowledge-based framework for
LSCPs, data and knowledge are thus distributed
across the D&AI and KM&D layers of the
architecture, in order to augment the synergy among
all the components of the framework. More
specifically, for what regards data, the Enterprise
Data Warehouse (EDW), located at the D&AI layer,
contains snapshots of relevant enterprise data and
historical EE logs, which are represented in an
integrated and consolidated way according to the
EKM. In order to populate the EDW, the Enterprise
Data Loader (EDL) module, still located at the
D&AI layer, continuously elaborates all messages
exchanged throughout the ESB with the goal of
extracting data and storing them in the underlying
warehouse. To this end, canonical Extraction-
Transformation-Loading (ETL) primitives can be
For what instead regards knowledge, the
Knowledge Manager (KM) module, located at the
KM&D layer, is in charge of maintaining a series of
interrelated ontologies (which are modeled
according to the ontology-based framework we
describe in Sect. 4) within an appropriate
Ontological Knowledge Base (OKB), still located at
the KM&D layer. Beside constituting a semantic
background that turns to be very useful for data
integration purposes, ontologies stored in the OKB
also enable a meaningful semantic annotation of
data stored in the EDW, while also nicely supporting
a semantic-aware access to them. More precisely,
the system allows to introduce meaningfully
interrelated ontologies for the EEs occurring in the
target (virtual) organization, which also capture
organizational concepts/entities associated with the
EEs themselves. Several studies have already
evidenced that collaborative processes clearly
benefit from the introduction of knowledge
management approaches and strategies. This
because the latter can effectively and successfully
support the management of knowledge that is
created, stored, shared and delivered along the
execution of collaborative processes. Therefore,
making use of a suitable ontology-based framework
within the knowledge-based framework we propose
(particularly, at the KM&D layer) is completely
reasonable, while it embeds several points of
research innovation. From a technical point of view,
the proposed reference architecture relies on the
ontology-based modeling framework presented in
(Gualtieri & Ruffolo, 2005), which both provides a
semantic infrastructure for the management of
organizational knowledge and supports
interoperability among existing operational systems.
The availability of semantical information is
fully-exploited by the Semantic-driven Restructuring
(SdR) module, located at the KM&D layer, which
supports selection and manipulation of basic EEs in
order to dynamically restructure them prior to the
application of process mining algorithms executed
by the Process Mining (PM) module of the KM&D
layer. As mentioned in Sect. 1, this strategy is meant
with the aim of straightforwardly applying process
mining techniques over EEs, while taking
advantages from the available background
knowledge. The latter restructuring approach is
illustrated in detail in Sect. 4. On the other hand,
novel pieces of knowledge, possibly captured in
models and patterns extracted by the PM module
and stored in the Discovered Process Models (DPM)
repository of the KM&D layer, can be further
integrated in the actual OKB by means of the
creation/modification of ontologies about
organizational structures and collaborative
processes. In our architecture, the latter functionality
is fulfilled by the Ontology Gateway (OG) module,
located at the KM&D layer.
As a final remark concerning ontology-based
knowledge representation and management aspects
incorporated by our proposed knowledge-based
framework for LSCPs, here we highlight that the
architecture above might clearly be enhanced by
means of additional capabilities focused to construct
and maintain ontologies in a distributed and
collaborative manner, like recent research results
(Kozaki et al., 2007; Pinto et al., 2004) suggest.
However, this issue is outside the scope of this
paper, and thus left as future work.
Representation of EEs and of Associated Entities.
As mentioned in Sect. 1 and Sect. 3, our ontology-
enhanced EKM relies on the modeling framework in
(Gualtieri & Ruffolo, 2005). By the way, other
approaches could have been adopted as well, such
as, for instance, the ontological framework presented
in (Pedrinaci & Domingue, 2007), which leverages
on Semantic Web technologies to represent event
logs, process mining tasks, and various kinds of
associated information, and indeed represents a valid
yet reliable alternative to the proposal in (Gualtieri
& Ruffolo, 2005).
Briefly, the framework (Gualtieri & Ruffolo,
2005) hinges on two modeling levels: (i) the Core
Organizational Knowledge Entity (COKE) ontology,
where the EKM is expressed in terms of the so-
called core organizational knowledge entities; (ii) a
top-level ontology for representing more general
organizational knowledge of the target organization,
which consists of a structured collection of concepts
that can be used to annotate COKE elements. In our
context, the central COKE entity corresponds to
EEs, which are distinguished in three functional sub-
classes: (i) TaskRun, which pertains the execution of
project activities/tasks; (ii) HumanManagement,
which concerns to managerial functions; (iii)
ContentManagement, which is primarily focused on
the manipulation of information. Other COKE
entities an EE can be related to include: the software
component (Tool) originating the EE and/or the
person (Agent) that performed it, which can be
suitably in two different sub-ontologies: the Human
Resource (HR) ontology and the Technical Resource
(TR) ontology, respectively. Furthermore, an EE can
also be associated to a series of parameters modeled
as instances of the Knowledge Object (KO)
ontology, and, most importantly, to instances of the
Business Process (BP) ontology.
BP ontology allows us to characterize the work
context of the event (i.e., the context within which
the event has been performed). While Process and
Task are well-known concepts in traditional WfMS,
thus they do not deserve additional details, the entity
Project plays a key role in our proposed knowledge-
based framework for supporting and analyzing
LSCPs. In fact, in loosely-structured collaborative e-
work scenarios, this entity turns to be extremely
useful for monitoring and analysis purposes. This
because, in these scenarios a project can be intended
as a bunch of tasks that can be not a-priori
completely-specified and well-structured, each of
these tasks being possibly associated to specific
(project) goals and (project) constraints, as well as to
a series of human, computational and information
resources. Different types of association may link
projects and processes. At one end, a project could
be carried out according to some well-defined
workflow models (which could be used by other
(similar) projects as well). At the other end, a project
could be accomplished with no explicit process
models at all, but rather it could be only based on
completely-spontaneous or tacit cooperation
schemes (like it happens in collaborative e-work
scenarios). In our knowledge-based framework for
LSCPs, BP ontology allows to capture these
particularities of business processes in loosely-
structured collaborative e-work scenarios, thus
overcoming limitations of traditional business
process models.
Notably, all of the organizational entities
mentioned above can be semantically annotated with
concepts coming from some suitable domain
ontology, possibly organized according to
taxonomical or partonomical structures, which can
be well exploited for abstraction purposes.
Process-Oriented Restructuring of EE logs. In
order to effectively apply process mining techniques
to LSCPs, our proposed knowledge-based
framework incorporates a semantic-aware approach
that allows us to dynamically restructure basic EE
logs in a process-oriented way, while effectively
exploiting the available background knowledge. The
final goal of the proposed restructuring approach
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
consists in finally producing a workflow-oriented
process log from actual EE logs, such that this
process log can be easily represented via the model
MXML (see Sect. 2). To this end, the following
three logically-distinct steps are introduced by our
EE restructuring approach:
(a) Select a subset of suitable EEs.
(b) Arrange the selected EEs in meaningful
process instances.
(c) Map EE attributes into MXML-formatted
workflow nodes.
In step (a), the analyst is allowed to choose a
suitable subset of EEs among those stored in the
EDW, by possibly specifying selection conditions on
properties of these events, such as the execution date
or the kind of event, as well as on properties of other
entities associated with these events, such as tools,
actors and projects.
The goal of step (b) consists in partitioning the
previously-selected EE set into a number of
sequences, each of which will be regarded as a
distinct process instance. It should be noted that, in a
conventional process mining context, each event log
already specifies which process instance it refers to.
Conversely, in our loosely-structured collaborative
e-work scenario such information is not available
whenever process activities are not performed
following a well-specified and well-structured
workflow model. Despite this intrinsic characteristic
of loosely-structured collaborative e-work scenarios,
in a suitable ex-post analysis session of conventional
business processes the analyst could be still
interested in re-organizing (well-specified) EEs into
workflows different from the actual one modeling
the execution of the target process.
For instance, the latter re-organization could be
achieved by grouping EEs into separate process
instances. In this respect, good grouping alternative
could be the following ones: (i) grouping by project
within which EEs have been originated; (ii)
grouping by knowledge object on which EEs have
been performed. In more detail, the first case
explores the application scenario in which multiple
projects are carried out by the (virtual) collaborative
organization, thus each project is indeed seen as a
distinct project instance originating EEs. This
approach, named as Project-Centric Enterprise
Event Restructuring (PCEER), can be exploited to
extract a global process model that describes work
patterns characterizing all the available project
instances, or a class of them. The second EE
grouping alternative, named as Knowledge-Object-
Centric Enterprise Event Restructuring (KOCEER),
can be instead exploited to analyze the typical life-
cycle of a specific class of knowledge objects, such
that deliverables, documents, and so forth. Clearly,
many other EE grouping options exist. For instance,
one can define each process instance in such a way
as to assemble all events originated by a single actor
on a certain suitable time basis (e.g., all the
operations performed by code developers during
each week), in order to eventually capture their
modus operandi.
Step (c) is devoted to determine the mapping
from low-level EEs to the logical tasks
(WorkflowModelElement elements in the MXML
format) constituting the process. It is easy to
understand how step (c) plays a critical role within
the knowledge-based framework for LSCPs we
propose. In fact, the phase associated to step (c)
finally determines which abstraction level will be
used for analyzing the execution of LSCPs. In
particular, in the most detailed case, all the
information content conveyed in each EE is mapped
to a single WorkflowModelElement node that
corresponds to the execution of a certain event,
performed by a certain actor, throughout a certain
tool, over a certain set of knowledge objects, and so
forth. Since such an approach is likely to yield rather
cumbersome and sparse models, which would turn
to be useless for analysis purposes, some less-
detailed representations of EEs should be achieved.
This allows us to capture the execution of the
process in a more concise and meaningful way. To
this aim, the analyst can decide to focus only on
some dimensions of analysis associated to EEs (e.g.,
the tool employed), in an OLAP-like manner, while
possibly exploiting suitable concept taxonomies to
represent EEs themselves in a more abstract way.
In order to explore the potentialities of our approach
to the restructuring and mining of EE logs, in this
Section we illustrate its application to a real-life
collaboration scenario, which has been addressed in
the context of the research project “TOCAI.it. The
target scenario concerns the collaborative
development of artifacts within a real-life
manufacturing enterprise, by way of a distributed
CAD platform. All the experimental results
described next have been carried out on a collection
of logs gathered by the CAD system during a two-
month period, which regard the development of
5,675 artifacts.
As a preliminary step, the application of process
discovery techniques to these data requires some
proper recognition of what pieces of EE log data
represent the process and its tasks. In this respect,
different perspectives according to which EE logs
are restructured can be advocated. In our
experimental analysis, we have considered the
following restructuring perspectives:
Operation-Centric Perspective: Here, we focus
on the application of CAD operations on the
artifacts developed throughout the CAD
platform. In order to support such a kind of
analysis, the original EE log data have been
restructured into an MXML log, named OPN-
RAW, where each process instance corresponds
to a distinct artifact, and each event trace is
labeled with the name of the CAD operation
applied to the artifact. A variant of this approach,
named OPN-CAT, has been also defined via
replacing CAD operation names with higher-
level operation categories, based on a given ad-
hoc taxonomy. The lowest level concepts in the
taxonomy are shown in Table 1, along with their
associated instances.
User-Centric Perspective: In this case, the focus
of the analysis in on the ways workers co-operate
across the development of CAD artifacts. In this
regard, we have introduced a novel process log,
named USR-RAW, where each CAD artifact still
corresponds to a distinct process instance, while
each EE log is labeled with the ID of the user
that originated the event itself. Again, a more
abstract variant of this approach, named USR-
ROLE, has been defined via replacing user IDs
with three high-level functional roles, still taken
from a given taxonomy (which is omitted for
space reasons): general users (category: User),
administrators (category: SysAdmin), and
checkers (category: View).
In our experimental analysis and evaluation, we
model the knowledge discovered from EE logs in
terms of (collaborative) work models implemented
by means of workflows, so that the main emphasis is
on stressing the workflow discovery capabilities of
our proposed framework. To this end, restructured
EE logs above have been analyzed by means of
several process mining techniques, and a cross-
validation has been conducted. For the sake of
conciseness, we next focus only on the application
of the algorithm DWS Miner (Greco et al., 2006),
which runs as a plug-in available in ProM. DWS
Miner combines a classical workflow discovery tool,
namely HeuristicMiner, with an innovative process
clustering approach (Greco et al., 2006).
As demonstrated in (Greco et al., 2006), DWS Miner
is particularly suitable to discovery workflow
schemas in the context of LSCPs, mainly thanks to
the capabilities of its embedded clustering tool in
recognizing different behavioral classes among
processes. At the end, the latter amenity allows a
critical improvement of the mining-from-logs
capabilities of DWS Miner (Greco et al., 2006) to be
Table 1: Excerpt of the taxonomy of CAD operations: leaf
concepts and associated instances.
Operation Instance
Construction Creation::WorkInProgress
Modify CF2T::TechAend, F2T::TechAend,
Test K2AVP::AV Pruefung, M2AVP::AV
Pruefung, T2AVP::AV Pruefung
CVS Auschecken, Auschecken annullieren,
Einchecken, Get, Importieren, Lokale
Release AVP2F::Freigabe, CK2F::Freigabe,
CT2F::Freigabe, K2F::Freigabe,
T2F::Freigabe, Wip2F::Freigabe
Delete CancelModify::Cancelled
Build-Up AVP2K::Konstruktion,
AVP2M::Musterbau, K2M::Musterbau,
Null Series Wip2N::Nullserie
Effectiveness of the Clustering Phase. The first
study we have conducted concerns the study of the
effectiveness of the clustering phase embedded in
DWS Miner, based on which different behavioral
classes among processes are discovered (and
clustered), with respect to the four different
restructuring perspectives of EE logs considered in
our analysis. In order to carefully assess the
capability of discovered (respectively, clustered)
workflow models in adequately capturing behaviors
recorded in the underlying EE logs, some
conformance metrics are necessary. To this end, we
adopt the idea of resorting the following measures
introduced in (Rozinat & van der Aalst, 2008) (all
these measure range over the continuous interval
Fitness: a sort of completeness measure which
evaluates the compliance of EE log traces w.r.t. a
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
given workflow model. Roughly speaking, this
measure considers the number of mismatches
that occur when performing a non-blocking
replay of all EE log traces through the model.
The more are the mismatches the lower is the
measure. In a sense, fitness quantifies the ability
of the workflow model to parse all the traces
from the EE logs.
Advanced Behavioral Appropriateness (BehAppr
for short): a precision measure able to express
the amount of workflow model flexibilities, such
as alternative or parallel behaviors, that has not
been exploited to produce real executions
registered in the EE logs.
Advanced Structural Appropriateness (StrAppr
for short): a measure which assesses the
capability of a workflow model in describing EE
logs in a maximally-concise way.
Table 2 summarizes some experimental results.
Here, for each restructuring perspective, we report
the number of clusters found, and the associated
conformance scores. At a first glance, we note that,
surprisingly, high effectiveness results have been
achieved, and, particularly, workflow models
collectively attain a maximal score under the metric
StrAppr. Also, from table 2 it should be noted that a
noticeable gain is achieved over all the performance
metrics when moving from detailed logs (i.e., OPN-
RAW and USR-RAW) to their corresponding abstract
views (i.e., OPN-CAT and USR-ROLE). Yet being
such a result tightly linked to the particular
application scenario considered in our experiential
assessment, it gives us a hint of the benefits deriving
from synergistically combining process mining
techniques and abstraction-oriented restructuring
methods that leverage on background knowledge,
possibly encoded in suitable domain ontologies.
Table 2: Clustering results and associated conformance
scores for different EE log restructuring perspectives.
Clusters Fitness BehAppr StrAppr
OPN-RAW 4 0.6585 0.9164 1.0000
OPN-CAT 4 0.8013 0.9975 1.0000
USR-RAW 4 0.6712 0.7974 0.9200
USR-ROLE 2 0.8033 1.0000 1.0000
Effectiveness of the Workflow Discovery Phase.
In a different experimental session, we have focused
the attention on the specific workflow discovery
capabilities of our framework, based on the
preliminary behavior-aware clustering phase. In
particular, as suggested by our previous analysis on
the effectiveness of the clustering phase, in this
second analysis we focus the attention on the
(restructured) logs OPN-CAT and USR-ROLE,
respectively, as the latter expose the better
conformance scores (see Table 2). Fig. 2 show four
workflow schemas discovered from the operation-
centric log OPN-CAT. Discovered workflow
schemas meaningfully allow us to get some insights
on the typical life-cycle of artifacts developed across
the target CAD platform. As a matter of fact, these
workflows reveal that different work models have
been followed during the development of artifacts,
with respect to sequences of CAD operations applied
to those artifacts (see table 1). For instance,
activities DELETE and MODIFY only appear in the
execution instances modeled by the workflow shown
in Fig. 2(a). Similarly, workflow in Fig. 2(b)
distinguishes itself for the presence of the activity
NULLSERIE, while the one in Fig. 2(c) is the only
containing the activity MODEL-DEFINITION. In
addition to this, workflow in Fig. 2(c) reveals that
the activity MODIFY is always executed after the
activity RELEASE, differently from the case of
workflow in Fig. 2(a). Finally, a very simple
workflow schema is the one depicted in Fig. 2(d),
which yet covers a significant number of process
instances. In fact, this somewhat-unexpected work
model corresponds to a number of enactments of the
manufacturing process, which have not been carried
out completely.
As described in beginning of this Section, the aim of
the user-centric restructuring perspective is to
analyze the cooperative schemes followed by
workers across the execution of CAD-based
manufacturing operations. Fig. 3 shows the two
distinct usage scenarios (respectively, workflow
schemas) discovered from the user-centric log USR-
ROLE for two distinct cases represented by the
majority of manufacturing cases (Fig. 3(a)) and the
remaining cases (Fig. 3(b)). Despite the simplicity of
these models, which mainly descends from the fact
that only three distinct user roles appear in the log
USR-ROLE, it is still possible to appreciate the
capability of clearly identifying two well-distinct
role-based (collaborative) work models, yet
discovering interesting knowledge. For instance,
from Fig. 3(a), it should be noted that, in the great
majority of manufacturing cases, no intervention of
users with administration role SysAdmin has been
required. On the other hand, workflow schema in
Fig. 3(b) shows that, in the remaining cases where
some administrators have been involved, no direct
interaction between checkers (View) and general
users (User) have occurred.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2: Operation-centric work models discovered from
the restructured log OPN-CAT.
(a) (b)
Figure 3: User-centric work models discovered from the
restructured log USR-ROLE.
In this paper, we have described a knowledge-based
framework for supporting and analyzing LSCPs, and
the meaningful construction of extensible and
distributed cooperative systems. Our proposed
framework fully exploits advanced capabilities for
representing, managing and discovering
organizational and process knowledge.
A prominent feature of the proposed framework
is represented by the definition of an interactive
restructuring method for flexibly applying process
mining techniques to LSCPs. The framework has
been tested against some real-life applications,
investigated by a research project concerning the
exploitation of advanced knowledge management
models and methodologies in inter-organizational
collaborative environments. In particular, a
comprehensive experimental assessment of the
proposed process mining analysis approach over
LSCPs has been conducted for a case study
represented by the collaborative development of
artifacts within a real-life manufacturing enterprise,
by way of a distributed CAD platform. Obtained
experimental results have clearly demonstrated the
effectiveness of the approach in providing analysts
and workers with insightful views over the execution
of processes, and in supporting the consolidation of
knowledge across the whole collaborative e-work
As future work, we are investigating on
extending our proposed approach with mechanisms
supporting a collaborative and distributed
construction of ontologies.
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