Nan-Hsing Chiu
Department of Information Management, Ching Yun University, Jhongli city, Taoyuan, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Pei-Da Lin
Occurrence Investigation Division, Aviation Safety Council, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Chang En Pu
Investigation Bureau of MOJ, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Keywords: Accident Investigation, Decision Support Systems, Case-based Reasoning, Apriori.
Abstract: The analysis of flight accidents has been demonstrated to be a crucial tool for improving flight safety. The
utilization of visual decision support systems potentially assists investigators in quickly and accurately
identifying the underlying causes of accidents. This study aims at supplying a visual decision support
system, based on the Apriori and case-based reasoning approaches, for assisting investigators in analyzing
human injuries in flight accidents. We demonstrate our approach using the aircraft configuration of flight
CI611. The experimental results show that the proposed approach provides support for quick decisions by
investigators on the basis of a visualization system.
With modern aviation technology, airplanes have
become one of the safest means of transportation.
There were about 21,380 flight incidents and
accidents between 1989 and 1999 (Weng et al.,
2003). It is important in any flight accident to ensure
that human injuries are as few as possible. The
investigation of aircraft accidents is focused on the
circumstances of the accidents, including analyzing
all available information in order to draw
conclusions. The objective of the investigation of
flight accidents is to enhance air traffic safety by
introducing recommendations intended to prevent
accidents in the future.
An investigation of an aircraft accident engages a
variety of personnel: specialists, experts, legal
authorities, and accredited representatives, including
representatives for agents of design, manufacture,
operation, and so on (Milosovski et al., 2008).
Investigators need to pursue a comprehensive
examination of the accident site, wreckage, witness
information, any recorded media, component
examinations, tests, simulations, and other evidence
in order to determine the cause of an accident. This
shows how an aircraft accident investigation is a
complex issue involving many different factors.
A detailed analysis of flight circumstances is an
important basis of investigation and is essential in
identifying the underlying factors leading to
accidents. The Apriori algorithm is a well-known
association rule approach that is able to derive
frequent itemsets from a variety of datasets (Cristian
& Mitica, 2007). The case-based reasoning (CBR)
approach also demonstrates high reliability on
similar measurements among diverse data sources
(Chiu & Huang, 2007). Therefore, this study aims to
combine these two approaches for visually
investigating and analyzing cases of human injury
during flight accidents.
Chiu N., Lin P. and Pu C. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 487-490
DOI: 10.5220/0002922204870490
The improvement of flight safety involves attending
not only to factors that increase the likelihood of
crashes occurring but also to factors that increase the
likelihood of both fatal and non-fatal injury in the
crashes that do occur. In 2003, O'Hare et al. (2003)
utilize integrated database information to identify
risk factors for both fatal and non-fatal outcomes for
all civil aviation crashes. Their case study shows that
the most significant factors were post-crash fire, off-
airport crash location, aerobatic flight, lack of an
airworthiness certificate, and aircraft classified as
microlight. Taneja & Wiegmann (2003) performed a
descriptive study of fatal injuries based on autopsy
reports. Their results demonstrate that the most
significant factors of fatal injury are post-crash fire
and lack of shoulder harness use. Each flight
accident usually involves unique reasons for fatal
and non-fatal outcomes. Given the diversity of
aircraft and autopsy reports, a user-friendly tool
would play an important role for investigators to be
able quickly to identify the key factors in human
injury in flight accidents.
Providing investigators with a summary of
information from an accident’s injury data plays a
crucial role in determining the probable causes of
injury. Agrawal et al. (1993) introduce mining
association rules based on the Apriori algorithm.
This algorithm finds frequent itemsets and is the
most popular algorithm for association rules
discovery. Chiu et al. (2006) utilized the benefits of
an approach using the Apriori algorithm for
identifying the malfunction of electronic ballasts in
an aircraft. They compared the Apriori algorithm
with a simple genetic algorithm. Their experimental
results demonstrate that their approach achieves
higher accuracy in distinguishing and classifying
malfunctions in aircraft.
Because human injuries with the exact same type
are usually rare occurences within the overall
dataset, providing investigators with a visualization
of similar cases is a useful approach for
understanding frequent itemsets and their
distribution in a given aircraft accident. CBR is a
data-intensive method that matches an input pattern
with all the information in the database. It searches
the repository for all existing datasets that have
attributes similar to those of the new dataset and
retrieves the nearest measurement value as
estimates. Paul et al. (2001) present a CBR approach
for quantifying confidence in the probability that a
program is free of specific classes of defects. Their
results show that it is possible to analyze Y2K
defects based on defect data. Chiu & Huang (2007)
investigate the effect of CBR on the improvement of
estimation accuracy. Their empirical results show
that their proposal is a feasible approach for
improving the estimation abilities.
CBR is a well-known approach for solving
problems on the basis of similar measurements.
Thus, for quickly identifying similar cases for
investigators, , this study utilizes an approach based
on the visualization of aircraft configuration in order
to illustrate integrated information. This integrated
information is derived by combining the association
rule approach of the Apriori algorithm with the
similar measurements used in CBR for further
improvement in the aircraft accident investigation
Figure1 shows the framework for visual analysis of
human injuries in flight accident investigations and
is based on the integration of the Apriori and CBR
(ACBR) approaches. The flight accident database
includes three data sources: a passenger database, a
family member database and an autopsy report
database. The passenger database includes all of the
basic data for the flight crews and passengers. The
family member database includes deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) data for family members of the flight
crews and passengers in order to match DNA. The
autopsy reports show DNA and relative information
about the bodies of the dead. They also describe
relative information for passengers with slight or
serious injuries. The DNA matching stage ensures
correct connections among passenger database
entries, family member database entries and autopsy
Retrieve SimilarityMeasure Reuse
Figure 1: A framework for ACBR.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
The Apriori algorithm is adopted for deriving
frequent itemsets from the flight accident database
as cases for analysis. Using the Apriori algorithm,
human injuries with categorical attributes are used to
construct association rules for determining the
frequent itemsets. Association rules are statements
of the form “if antecedent(s), then consequent(s).” It
is an implication of the form ab, where a is the
conjunction of conditions and b is the result of their
association. Support refers to the percentage of
records in the training data for which the antecedents
(the "if" part of the rule) are true. Confidence is
based on the records for which the rule's antecedents
are true and is the percentage of those records for
which the consequent(s) are also true. Given a set of
human injury datasets, we wish to generate all the
association rules that have greater support and
confidence than the user-specified minimum support
and confidence.
The CBR approach for visual analysis of human
injuries includes three stages: retrieval, similarity
measure and reuse. For a case under analysis, this
approach retrieves the human injury cases from the
flight accident database. The distance between the
case under analysis and other human injury cases in
the flight accident database is measured. Among all
human injury cases, the most similar one will show
the lowest distance from the case under analysis. As
each human injury case has a respective distance
indicating similarity, the visual analysis system plots
similar cases using different colors on the aircraft
configuration image. On the basis of visual
recognition, investigators can easily and quickly
understand similar cases from a large number of
diverse data sources.
The similarity measure of the CBR approach is
shown in Equation (1), where C
is the case being
clustered and C
is the human injury case from the
flight accident database. For each case being
clustered, there are n feature values in conjunction
with feature weight w. Investigators are able to
assign feature weights for different features,
depending on their requirements. Using the values of
features normalized between 0 and 1, the similarity
measurement determines the straight-line distance
between two features of a human injury case. The
distance decreases as similarity increases. The sum
of the squares of the distance for each feature is the
square of the distance between two human injury
cases. Therefore, the closest human injury case to
the case C
is the case with the minimum distance.
An aircraft configuration matching flight number
611 (CI611) from China Airlines was adopted to
construct our system. The aircraft was a Boeing 747-
200 on a regularly scheduled flight from Chiang Kai
Shek International Airport (now Taiwan Taoyuan
International Airport) in Taiwan to Chek Lap Kok
International Airport in the Hong Kong special
administrative region. This aircraft broke into pieces
in mid-air and crashed while in flight on 25 May
2002. All 225 people aboard the flight were killed in
this accident.
Given the right to privacy of flight crews and
passengers, the simulated data of 225 cases are used
to demonstrate the visualization system. Every
human body is divided into 14 sections for analysis.
In addition to the sections of head and body, the left-
hand side and right-hand side of the body are
accounted for in six parts consisting of the arm,
elbow, palm of the hand, thigh, shank and palm of
the leg. In the association results from the Apriori
analysis of this dataset, the most frequent itemset is
the head and body. There are eleven cases with
frequent injuries to the head and body in seats from
25D to 25G, 26E to 26G and 27D to 27G.
For the proposed model, or ACBR approach, the
user interface for assigning features and weights to
different sections of human body is shown in Figure
2. In addition to the sections of the head and body,
this user interface provides the 12 options described
above for retrieving similar cases from the relational
databases. The two sections of the right arm and left
arm are near to the head and body and are selected
with lower weights than are the head and body. Two
other sections, the right elbow and left elbow, are
also assigned lower weights than the previous four
parts, sections 1, 2, 3 and 6. These weights are
determined based on the requirements for analysis
and the knowledge of the investigators.
Figure 2: User interface for feature weights.
Figure 3: The visulization results of ACBR.
Figure 3 shows the visualization results of the the
most frequent itemset used to measure similarities to
all the other cases of the ACBR approach. There are
108 cases showing lower similarities to higher
similarities to the case of the most frequent itemset
involving head and body injuries. This visual system
shows the relative similarity between a particular set
of cases and all the other cases from the most similar
to the least similar. It also reveals the group from
seat rows 49 to 52 who had similar injuries, which
provides further directions for investigators to
explore the causes of injury.
An investigative result of a flight accident cannot
reveal corresponding accidents if the relative
information is inadequate. The ability to demonstrate
visually the various data could be very helpful for
investigators in understanding the relevant
information. The present paper proposes an
improvement of detailed analysis of accident data
using the integration of the Apriori and CBR
approaches for visually analyzing flight accidents.
The frequent itemsets representing human injuries
are identified using the Apriori approach, and the
similar injury cases are confirmed based on the CBR
The experimental results are encouraging when
the association rules of the Apriori and CBR
approaches are both used in the visualization system
using the aircraft configuration and accident data
from flight CI611. The frequent itemsets are quickly
retrieved using the Apriori approach, and it provides
objective itemsets, rather than human injuries that
are subjectively identified by experts or
investigators. We are encouraged by the results of
the present study and are interested in investigating
whether the use of different configurations (e.g.,
fuzzy logic or grey relational analysis) would result
in further enhancements of this method in the future.
This research was supported by National Science
Council, Taiwan, Republic of China, under the
contract number NSC 98-2410-H-231-006-, NSC-
97-3114-P-707-001-Y and NSC 98-3114-Y-707-
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ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies