Boris Shishkov
IICREST / TBM Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, Delft, The Netherlands
Martijn Warnier
TBM Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, Delft, The Netherlands
Marten van Sinderen
IS University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5, Enschede, The Netherlands
Keywords: Green Household, Home Energy Management, Autonomic Computing, Context-aware Computing.
Abstract: Conventional energy sources are becoming scarce and with no (eco-friendly) alternatives deployed at a
large scale, it is currently important finding ways to better manage energy consumption. We propose in this
paper ICT-related solution directions that concern the energy consumption management within a household.
In particular, we consider two underlying objectives, namely: (i) to minimize the energy consumption in
households; (ii) to avoid energy consumption peaks for larger residential areas. The proposed solution
directions envision a service-oriented approach that is used to integrate ideas from Autonomic Computing
and Context-aware Computing: the former influences our considering a selective on/off powering of
thermostatically controlled appliances, which allows for energy redistribution over time; the latter
influences our using context information to analyze the energy requirements of a household at a particular
moment and based on this information, appliances can be powered down. Household-internally, this can
help adjusting energy consumption as low as it can be with no violation of the preferences of residents.
Area-wise, this can help avoiding energy consumption peaks. It is expected thus that such an approach can
contribute to the reduction of home energy consumption in an effective and user-friendly way. Our
proposed solution directions are not only introduced and motivated but also partially elaborated through a
small illustrative example.
Conventional energy sources are becoming scarce
and with no (eco-friendly) alternatives deployed at a
large scale, it is currently important finding ways to
better manage energy consumption. This is a key
challenge related to the societal goal of green
household and sustainable living (Carvalho, 2009).
Looking at this challenge from the perspective of a
single household (as a unit) seems a logical starting
point, before scaling up to collections of units, such
as neighborhood, city, or region. Hence, we propose
in this paper ICT-related solution directions that
concern the energy consumption management within
a household. In particular, we consider two
underlying objectives, namely: (i) to minimize the
energy consumption in households; (ii) to avoid
energy consumption peaks for larger residential
The proposed solution directions envision a
service-oriented approach that is used to integrate
ideas from Autonomic Computing and Context-
aware Computing.
Autonomic Computing (Kephart & Chess, 2003)
has been proposed as a way to empower systems
with self-management capabilities, in order to
increase availability and reduce time-consuming and
Shishkov B., Warnier M. and van Sinderen M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
error-prone human management. Hence, Autonomic
Computing can endow systems with properties, such
as self-configuring, self-healing, and self-
optimizing. This influences our considering a
selective on/off powering of Thermostatically
Controlled Appliances (TCAs), which allows for
energy redistribution over time.
Context-aware Computing (Schilit et al., 1994)
has been proposed as a way to allow systems to
specialize their external behaviors depending on the
perceived needs of their users. Perceived needs are
deduced from context information which is captured
in turn from context sources, such as sensors in the
user environment. This influences our using context
information to analyze the energy requirements of a
household at a particular moment and based on this
information, appliances can be powered down
As for TCAs (such as fridges, water heaters, air
conditioners, and other energy-hungry appliances),
they are in our focus mainly because of their great
deal in the overall household energy consumption to
date taking for example USA, 25% of all
household usage in the country points to TCAs.
TCAs work in a periodic fashion by turning their
thermostat ‘on’ and ‘off’. The thermostat keeps the
temperature of the device within the target range of
its operation, determined by a preference value pre-
set by a human being. There is some freedom to
time-shift the active/inactive state of these
appliances without exceeding their target range of
operation. Consequently, when considering a
collection of TCAs, we may manage them in such a
way that their active states have minimum overlap
thus reducing peaks in electricity usage (load
shifting). If we further could have real-time
information available on the working environment
of TCAs, such as the presence or activity mode of
persons, it may be possible to decide whether the
user set value for operation can be ignored. If such
conditions exist, respective TCAs may be
temporarily controlled on the basis of a lower set
value, thus reducing average electricity usage. All
those examples of intelligent management of TCAs,
as mentioned in this paragraph, illustrate the
potential for reducing home energy consumption,
provided nevertheless we have means to capture,
exchange and apply information on the status of
home appliances and their environment. This not
being the case with current energy management
systems, inspires us for proposing a solution
influenced by Autonomic Computing and Context-
aware Computing, as already mentioned.
Hence, household-internally, intelligently
controlling TCAs’ performance can help adjusting
energy consumption as low as it can be with no
violation of the preferences of residents. Area-wise,
this can help avoiding energy consumption peaks.
Finally, our envisioning a service-oriented
approach (used to integrate ideas from Autonomic
Computing and Context-aware Computing) is
motivated by the ease and flexibility of composition
and integration of application components,
associated with the Service-Oriented Architecture
(Erl, 2005; Leymann, 2005; Shishkov & Van
Sinderen, 2009).
It is expected thus that such a service-oriented
approach can contribute to the reduction of home
energy consumption in an effective and user-friendly
way. Our proposed solution directions are not only
introduced and motivated but also partially
elaborated through a small illustrative example.
The remaining of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 elaborates the computing
paradigms considered in this work, namely
Autonomic Computing and Context-aware
Computing. Section 3 introduces and motivates our
proposed solution directions inspired by the
mentioned computing paradigms. Section 4 partially
elaborates the introduced solution directions through
a small illustrative example. Section 5 discusses
related work and Section 6 presents the conclusions.
This section provides relevant background
information on Autonomic Computing and Context-
aware Computing.
2.1 Autonomic Computing
Autonomic Computing (Kephart & Chess, 2003) has
been proposed as a way to reduce the cost of
maintaining complex systems, and to increase the
human ability to manage these systems properly.
Autonomic Computing introduces a number of
autonomic properties, such as self-configuring, self-
healing, self-optimizing and self-protecting.
Extending and enhancing a system with these
properties is an important step towards a self-
management system.
In the context of knowledge based approaches
IBM has introduced an abstract architecture for
Autonomic Computing (Ganek & Corbi, 2003) that
identifies a number of fundamental concepts and
architectural building blocks for constructing self-
managed systems with autonomic properties. The
two main building blocks of the Autonomic
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Computing architecture are autonomic managers and
managed resources.
Managed resources are hardware or software
components, for example a business application, a
router or a database. A managed resource is
managed by an autonomic manager. This autonomic
manager forms the central part of the autonomic
architecture. It collects data from managed
resources, which is used for diagnosing failures and
other unwanted behaviour. The autonomic manager
formalizes and executes remedy plans for the
managed resource which (should) correct the
unwanted behaviour. Internally the autonomic
manager implements a control loop that consist of
four components, the so called MAPE (IBM
Corporation 2005) functions: monitor, analyze,
plan, and execute. The MAPE functions share a
common knowledge base which is typically
predefined and domain-specific, i.e. new knowledge
is only added by system administrators and other
users, the system itself does not learn.
2.2 Context-aware Computing
Context-aware systems are primarily motivated by
their potential to increase user-perceived
effectiveness, i.e. to provide services that better suit
the end-user's needs, by taking account of the user
conditions. We refer to the collection of conditions
which characterize an end-user or his/her immediate
surroundings, and which are relevant for the system
in pursueing user-perceived effectiveness, as end-
user context, or context for short, in accordance to
definitions found in literature (Dey et al., 2001).
Context-awareness implies that context
information on the end-user must be captured, and
preferably so without conscious or active
involvement of the end-user. Context-aware systems
can be particularly useful if the end-user is mobile
and has a personal handheld device for the delivery
of services. Mobility implies dynamic context. For
example, different locations may have different
social environments and different network access
options, which offer opportunities for the provision
of adaptive or value-added services based on context
sensitivity. A context-aware system may provide
near real-time context-based adaptation during a
service delivery session with its mobile end-user.
Although context-aware systems have received
much attention within the ICT research community,
they have not been fully successful so far from a
business point of view. This situation may change
rapidly however, due to the increased capabilities
and reduced prices of mobile devices, sensors, and
wireless networks, and due to the introduction of
new marketing strategies and service delivery
models (De Reuver & Haaker, 2009).
As mentioned in Section 1, we are interested in
pursuing two objectives with home energy
management: reduction of average energy
consumption and reduction of peak energy
consumption. Our proposed approach is to apply
results from Autonomic Computing and Context-
aware Computing in order to contribute to the
realization of these objectives. We introduce the
following terms:
Actual Consumption: this is the actual
(measured) energy consumption of a
collection of home appliances of interest;
Consumption Constraints: these are the
(maximum values) set for average and peak
energy consumption;
Perceived Needs: these are the perceived
needs of the users regarding the operation
of appliances (should they be on or off, or
should their pre-set preference values be
kept or lowered);
Supported Needs: this is an indication of
the needs that are supported by the current
status (on/off) and setting (preference
values) of appliances.
Is Consumption
Figure 1: General plan for controlling home energy
The general idea is that we can analyze actual
consumption with respect to consumption
constraints, and perceived needs with respect to
supported needs. If either consumption constraints
are (close to being) violated or supported needs are
unnecessarily high, then energy consumption should
be decreased and corresponding control actions need
to be exercised on the appliances of interest. Figure
1 illustrates this general plan.
We will firstly address the problem of analyzing
consumption and then consider the analysis of
For analyzing consumption we adopt the MAPE
control loop (see Section 2), considering a pool of
appliances that are instrumented to allow monitoring
and control. The monitoring consists of measuring
the energy consumption of these appliances. The
measurements are fed to a control process, which
interprets these as the actual consumption, and
compares the consumption with the consumption
constraints. If, as a result of this analysis, it is
decided that control actions are needed, an action
plan is produced. The action plan is derived with an
algorithm that considers time-shifting of the active
state of appliances. Subsequently, the plan is
executed by performing the indicated control actions
on the selected appliances. Figure 2 illustrates the
application of the MAPE control loop.
Controlled domain
(e.g. household)
Monitor actual consumption
Execute action plan: time-shift of active/inactive states
Control process
Consumption constraints
Figure 2: MAPE control loop applied to home energy
With regard to analyzing consumer needs, we
adopt the event-control-action (ECA) pattern from
context-aware computing (Dockhorn Costa et al.,
2008). We consider the environment of the
appliances, and assume that this environment is
instrumented with sensors that are able to measure
relevant conditions. For example, measurements
may be used to determine context changes or
situations, such as the presence of one or more
persons in the house or in a particular room, the
activity mode (sitting, walking, sleeping) of a
person, or a person entering or leaving the house.
Context situations and changes can generally not be
directly or reliably measured by a single sensor. A
context management process is responsible for
producing events that indicate the occurrence of a
context situation or change, based on reasoning
which potentially involves sensor data from several
sources. Events are fed to a control process, which
applies them in rules to determine actions related to
perceived needs. For example, if nobody is in the
house, a rule may establish the action to set the
preferred value of the heating at 15 degrees Celsius.
Whether the actions are really needed depends on
the supported needs. For example, if the preferred
value of the heating is already set to 15 degrees
Celsius, no action is needed. The comparison of the
perceived and supported needs leads to an action
plan, which, if not empty, is subsequently executed
by performing the indicated control actions on the
selected appliances. Figure 3 illustrates the
application of the ECA pattern.
Controlled domain
(e.g. household)
Cxt mgr
Rule engine
Ctx mgr
Ctx mgr
Context events
Measure raw context data
Execute actions if perceived needs < supported needs
Figure 3: ECA pattern applied to home nergy management
(CP = Control Process, CMP = Context Management
In order to combine the previously mentioned
solution approaches, we need ease and flexibility in
composing and integrating application components.
We adopt a service-orientated architecture (SOA)
because of its strengths in this direction (Leymann,
2005). In general, SOA brings flexibility to (re-)use
applications and develop new applications and
systems. Development may be fast and cost-
effective with services of 3rd party applications.
Maintenance is easy implementations of services
can be replaced without affecting functionality and
functionality might be changed or extended
according to new requirements by changing or
extending the composition of services. These
strengths are relevant especially in our case of
considering an ICT system for home energy
management. For the sake of brevity, we will not
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
elaborate further on SOA concepts and related
standards, but instead refer interested readers to
(Papazoglou, 2007). Services encapsulate ICT
functionality and externalize their public functions
through well-defined interfaces. By appropriately
composing services, it is possible to support a
desired business process. For achieving this, good
coordination is required as well as proper
information exchange.
We propose a service model that is driven by a
coordination service and an information service.
These services are essential since they support the
deliveries of all other services. The coordination
service orchestrates the overall work of the system,
invoking other services at the right moment and
offering them also the right input. This service is
supported from the information service on most of
the service invocations because in invoking a
service, specific and actual information inputs would
be needed. This vision is reflected in Figure 4.
system components
coordination service
inf. service
Figure 4: Facilitating residents, appliances and their
environment in a service-oriented way.
As shown in Figure 4, all services, including the
coordination service and information service, have
their underlying software/hardware components
which implement required ICT functionality.
Our service model helps to bridge between user
needs and system capabilities, by considering the
entities involved: (i) residents who have their own
preferences; (ii) Home appliances which have their
own capabilities; (iii) the living environment having
its own characteristics. What the system would
typically do is.
- Let a resident adjust personal preferences and
if possible adjust appliances in such a way
that those are met;
- Inform a resident about the household energy
- Monitor appliances, by properly capturing
information that reflects their energy
- Exercise control over appliances driven by
external request(s) and/or residents’
- Allow external control that is in line with
relevant public regulations
To illustrate our basic architecture we return to the
TCA example mentioned in Section 1. Specifically,
we consider a 2-person household with a fridge, a
freezer and a central heating system. All TCAs are
equipped with sensors to measure performance of
the appliances. Additional sensors are present
throughout the house. These sensors are used to
collect relevant context information, e.g. to
determine if a person is in the house, in which room
(s)he is, and what (s)he is doing (active, sitting,
sleeping). Both context information and TCA-
specific information is sent to an analysis service.
This analysis service keeps track of the current
state of energy consumption and predicts what
energy usage is required in the (near) future. For
example, if a resident enters his/her empty house it
can be expected that energy usage as a whole will
rise. Behavioral patterns of the residents of a house
can be learned: does a person usually start with
preparing a meal within 30 minutes after arriving in
the evening? This information can gradually be
acquired by analyzing the energy usage of the
residents over a longer period of time. The analysis
service should learn from the residents and be
adaptive to their behavior. It should also take factors
into account that are external to the household. If
peak usage in a neighborhood should be avoided,
control systems of different households should
coordinate their behavior to jointly prevent this.
The information that the analysis service
acquires is necessary for the planning service. This
service needs to carefully plan how the TCAs in the
household should function for a given time period. It
is essential that this service can coordinate the
energy usage of the different appliances. TCAs can
all be put on and off in sync or, in contrast, be put on
and off alternating over different time periods. The
planning service will select the appropriate energy
consumption plan for each appliance, based on the
requirements of the analysis service.
The execution plans for the individual devices
are then forwarded by a control service to the
fridge, the freezer and the central heating system,
where they are executed.
The residents can give their own requirements to
the system. For example, if the house is empty or the
residents are sleeping, the preferred room
temperature can be decreased to 15 °C.
A coordination service is needed to orchestrate
the overall work of the system, invoking other
services at the right moment and offering them also
the right input, which service. This service in turn is
supported by an information service.
Based on this example, we can thus identify 5
services. These services can be included as building
blocks in a SOA-based platform in the area of home
energy management, in addition to middleware
functions that support the realization on particular
platforms and technologies.
In the domain of energy management, research
mainly focuses on either energy management on the
provider side or on management at the consumer
side. The latter is often referred to as 'demand side
management' and forms the main focus of this paper.
To the best of our knowledge, little work has
been done on demand side energy management
systems that consider context information, such as if
a person is present in a house or not. As mentioned
in Section 5, an important challenge is the
development of reasoning algorithms that can defer
relevant and reliable context information from raw
context data produced by low cost sensors. Roy et al.
(2006) propose an algorithm that makes location and
activity tracking in multi-inhabitant homes possible,
enabling an adaptive energy management scheme.
Our approach is more general, targeted to
architectural solutions, and could benefit from the
incorporation of such algorithms.
Most related approaches on demand side
management however do not consider context, but
monitor actual consumption and apply some form of
Dynamic energy markets have been used to
stimulate the energy usage of users. These markets
allow users to actively buy energy for a certain time
slot, usually a couple of hours, while the price
changes dynamically with demand. This can be
exploited for load shifting, as has been shown by the
work of Faruqui and George (2005), McDonough
and Kraus (2007) and Hopper et al. (2006). In
contrast to our work, an open energy market that
allows energy contracts for short periods of time is
required for these approaches.
Stadler et al. (2009) consider cooling devices
which are switched off during peak usage and
switched back on when energy consumption usage
of the grid is low. The grid itself signals the devices
when either condition is met. In contrast to our
work, here all devices are either on or off, no mixing
of on and off devises is allowed.
Pournaras, Warnier and Brazier (2009) propose
EPOS, the Energy Plan Overlay Self-stabilisation
system. In this work TCAs are controlled by
software agent and organized in a tree overlay. The
global goal of stabilization emerges through local
knowledge, local decisions and local interactions
among the software agents. EPOS mainly deals with
the scalability issues that arise when thousands of
TCAs have to communicate with each other. Our
approach starts with energy management in
individual households, and scalability over more
devices should be more clustered, going from
households, to city blocks, to neighborhoods to
towns and regions.
Energy management has further mainly been
deployed in industrial settings. Middelberg, Zhang
and Xia (2009) propose an approach based on a
binary integer programming problem that addresses
the energy management of a colliery. A similar
integer programming model is proposed by Asok
(2006) for the energy management of steel plants.
In both cases the environment is relatively static and
no context information is required. Both approaches
lack adaptive behaviour and seem to be less
applicable to demand side energy management in
In this paper, we have presented solution directions
that concern the application of two computing
paradigms to support home energy management,
namely Autonomic Computing and Context-aware
Computing. In particular, we have proposed an
energy management approach, based on ideas from
the mentioned paradigms, and using a service-
oriented architecture. We believe that this represents
a modest but useful contribution to finding technical
solutions for more advanced home energy
management visions, taking the following into
account as distinctive features of our solution
- well-established monitoring and control
mechanisms concerning energy-consuming
- near real-time context-based adaptation during
a service delivery that allows for adjusting energy-
consuming appliances in such a way that adequately
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
suits the residents’ needs, by taking account of their
- ease and flexibility in composing and
integrating application components.
Inspired by this work, we envision furthering our
research in the following directions: (i) continuing
with the development of the proposed approach at a
lower level, considering particular platforms and
technologies through which the approach could be
realized; (ii) exploratory case-study research that
would help considering our approach in real-life
context, which would be of great importance for
adding more practical insight as enrichment to our
ideas; (iii) re-visiting our peak-prediction vision, by
considering probabilities and statistics, for
supporting our system in a sound and reliable way;
(iv) acquiring more specific domain knowledge from
environmental organizations and energy companies
with the purpose of tuning our approach in such a
way that it is maximum useful in supporting real-life
problems; (v) analyzing this usefulness in different
ways, including through simulation, that would
provide valuable feedback for us as architects but
would also facilitate our discussions with domain
experts who would better understand our nicely
visualized ideas.
As for the realization of the proposed solution
directions, we envision several main challenges: (i)
scaling up to collections of households, taking into
account that our solutions would have to be repeated
at different granularity levels (e.g. household,
residential area, city); (ii) peak prediction indicators
should be identified, for reliably predicting
consumption peaks; (iii) algorithms are needed to
support the schemas for consumption decrease that
may be enforced; (iv) needs of the residents should
be considered carefully, in order to avoid irritations
that result from enforced consumption decreases; (v)
intelligent consumption scheduling and/or other
alternatives to consumption decrease should be
considered in this is better for the comfort of
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