Hui Xu, Feng Zhao and Ran Ju
School of Microelectronics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, China
Hardware, Object detection, AdaBoost algorithm.
This paper implements a hardware architecture for object detection based on AdaBoost learning algorithm and
Haar-like features. To increase detection speed and reduce hardware consumption, an integral image calcu-
lation array with pipelined feature data flow are introduced. Input images are scanned by sub-windows and
detected by cascade classifiers. Moreover, special design is made to enhance the parallelism of the architec-
ture. In comparison with the original design, detection speed is improved by three, with only 5% increase in
hardware consumption. The final hardware detection system, implemented on Xilinx V2pro FPGA platform,
reaches the detection speed of 80f ps and consumes 91% resources of the platform.
Cascade AdaBoost object detection algorithm, first
proposed by Viola and Jones (Viola and Jones, 2001;
Viola and Jones, 2004), is widely used in object detec-
tion. The algorithm builds a strong classifier by taking
in a set of training images and assigning weights to a
series of weak classifiers based on Haar-like features.
As long as the system is well-trained, detection can
be made for all concerning objects afterward. Sev-
eral software realizations of the algorithm already ex-
ist, including an open-source library, OpenCV(Intel,
2009), for general development. However, due to the
prevailing trend of real-time object detection, soft-
ware realization cannot catch up with the requirement
on detection speed. Thus embedded system with fast
performance becomes an alternative. To construct an
efficient embedded system for object detection, two
problems should be solved. First, a reasonable map-
ping from software algorithm to hardware architec-
ture with high parallelism is needed. Second, the con-
sumption of hardware resources should be affordable
to the platform. Usually, trade-off needs to be made
between these two aspects.
As one of the major fields of object detection, face
detection based on hardware implementation is re-
ported in serval literatures (T. Theocharides and Ir-
win, 2006; H.-C. Lai and Chen, 2007; M. Hiromoto
and Miyamoto, 2009). A pipelined module of fea-
ture calculation was first introduced in (H.-C. Lai and
Chen, 2007). Paper (M. Hiromoto and Miyamoto,
2009) discussed the parallelism of feature calcula-
tion. However, the hardware data flow in (M. Hiro-
moto and Miyamoto, 2009) was stillsoftware-like and
the logic consumption was large. A CDTU (Collec-
tion and Data Transfer Unit) array was proposed in
(T. Theocharides and Irwin, 2006) to speed up the in-
tegral image calculation, but the architecture is full-
graph based (i.e., data of whole graph need to be
stored and manipulated in the array), which is unre-
alistic to most hardware system due to the large re-
source consumption.
Recently, Shi et al. (Y. Shi and Zhang, 2008) pro-
posed an architecture with fast integral image calcu-
lation and sub-window based feature detection. Elec-
tronic system level (ESL) simulation showed that the
pipelined architecture was quite efficient and the sub-
window based architecture avoided large hardware
consumption. In this paper, based on this novel ar-
chitecture, a hardware face detection system is im-
plemented on Xilinx V2pro FPGA platform. Special
design is made to enhance the parallelism of the ar-
chitecture. The parameters of classifiers used in our
system originate from Intel OpenCV Library (Intel,
2009). Testing on 16000 face pictures, same accu-
racy is achieved in comparison with OpenCV, mean-
while the hardware detection speed reaches 80 frames
per second at 100MHz clock frequency, 4 times faster
than OpenCV running on a PC with 2.0GHz CPU.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 will
review the architecture in (Y. Shi and Zhang, 2008)
and discuss the hardware implementation. Then fur-
Xu H., Zhao F. and Ju R. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pages 420-424
DOI: 10.5220/0002841204200424
ther improvements are presented in section 3. Experi-
mental result is illustrated in section 4. Finally, a con-
clusion is drawn in the last section.
In this section, a brief review on cascade AdaBoost
algorithm (Viola and Jones, 2001) will be presented.
Then the implementation of hardware architecture
based on sub-window detection will be introduced.
2.1 Review on AdaBoost Algorithm
An cascade AdaBoost object detection system is com-
posed by a series of strong classifier stages. Mean-
while, each strong classifier consists of several weak
classifiers with different weights. Usually, the system
can be depicted as the following equations.
C(x) =
· h
(x) σ· α
Result(x) =
0 otherwise
,where w
is the weight of every weak classifier. h
denotes the feature function, which can be calculated
from the integral image (Viola and Jones, 2001). σ
is the deviation of the concerning sub-window image.
α and β are thresholds of strong classifier and stage
Unlike in (Viola and Jones, 2001; Viola and Jones,
2004), we choose γ
and γ
instead of 1 and 0 as pos-
itive and negative factor respectively. (Intel, 2009)
shows that with a reasonable value of γ
and γ
, the
detection rate of the system will be improved. If the
summation of strong classifier values is larger than
the stage threshold, the concerning image passes the
stage and will be sent to the next stage. Otherwise, it
is rejected by the stage and no further detection will
be made on this sub-image.
2.2 Hardware Implementation
Figure 1 describes the sub-window (24 × 24pixel
based hardware architecture. The pipeline on the
top is designed to propagate the feature information
stored in the ROM. The central array aims to calcu-
late the integral image of the sub-window according
Figure 1: Pipelined hardware architecture for face detec-
Figure 2: Hierarchical data structure of features.
to the data in the Image RAM. Detection logic de-
termines whether the sub-window image passes the
cascade stages.
As proposed in (Y. Shi and Zhang, 2008), the in-
tegral image calculation array, with a paralleled ar-
chitecture, can obtain the integral image efficiently
(only one clock cycle is needed to calculate integral
image of next sub-window). The hierarchical data
structure of features stored in the ROM is shown in
Figure 2. The top structure Cascade is composed by
N stages, each of which has a stage threshold β and
M features. Meanwhile, each feature, described by a
feature function (Eq. 1), contains three Rects which
denote the rectangles in Haar-like features (Viola and
Jones, 2001; Intel, 2009). When the data of Rect pass
through the pipeline, each cell can switch to the inte-
gral image array according the data and calculate the
summation of pixels of the Rect (Y. Shi and Zhang,
2008). Once filled with data, the pipeline can output
sum of pixels of one Rect every clock cycle.
Next, as shown in Figure 3,
will be sent to
the detection logic, which is composed by two stages,
weak classifier stage and strong classifier stage. No-
tice that each feature contains three rectangles and
Figure 3: Object detection block.
three parameters (α, γ
and γ
which propagates
with Rect1, Rect2 and Rect3 respectively through the
pipeline), thus value of strong classifier (Eq. 1) needs
three clock cycles to obtain. Similarly, the second
stage of the detection logic is a direct mapping of Eq.
2. After checking all M features, the logic will deter-
mine whether the concerning sub-window passes this
stage according to the stage threshold β. If the current
sub-window does not pass, next one will be loaded to
the array. Otherwise the current sub-window will be
checked by the next stage of classifiers.
With the novel approach to calculate integral image
and multi-stage pipeline, the architecture above can
achieve fast performance compared to software real-
ization. However, further improvements can be drawn
thanks to the flexibility of the architecture.
In the above architecture, since every window
will be checked to the same cascade classifiers, it
is straightforward to think that if N windows can be
checked at the same time, namely, multi-window de-
tection, the performance will be improved proportion-
ate to N. Shi et al, in (Y. Shi and Zhang, 2008), pro-
posed that this goal can be achieved by adding N 1
rows to the integral image array. For instance, if one
row (N = 2) is added to the array, then row 1 to row
24 compose the first sub-window and row 2 to row 25
compose the other.
However due to the fact that total detection time
of n windows is determined by the particular sub-
window which passes the largest number of stages,
the actual speedup rate is not proportionate to the
number of additional rows. In the worst case, when
two sub-window are detected simultaneously, the ac-
celerate ratio will be only (#stages + 1)/#stages if
one sub-window is rejected at the first stage while the
other passes all stages. A software simulation result is
shown in Figure 4. The accelerate ratio is 1.35 when
N = 2.
To address the problem in multi-window detec-
Figure 4: Accelerate ratio versus N.
Figure 5: Improved pipeline structure.
tion, multi-rectangle detection is implemented in this
paper. Recall that the throughput of the pipeline is
per clock cycle, which limits the detection
speed since calculation of a strong classifier needs 3
clock cycles. As a result, if the width of pipeline is
broadened to transmit n rectangles each clock cycle,
the speedup ratio will be improved n times (Figure
4). Certainly, additional hardware consumption is in-
evitable due to the enlarged bit width of the pipeline,
more complex control logic, and the new detection
logic block. Thus balancing the cost and speed, this
paper implements an improved architecture with n =
Figure 5 depicts the new pipeline structure. The
bit width is broadened three times, thus data of three
Rects and weights can be transmitted simultaneously.
Besides, a more complex control logic is designed to
select integral image data from the central array to
calculate the sum of pixels of each Rect. Control cells
in the pipeline have an index, i ranging from 1 to 24,
and a register, Sum, to store the sum of pixels within
the rectangle. Meanwhile, each Rect has four coordi-
nates, x
. When one Rect propagates from
the first cell to the last cell in the pipeline,
be obtained according to the following equation:
VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 6: Improved detection logic.
Table 1: Summary of sub-window based hardware face detection system.
Method Detection/False Positive Rate Speed (fps) Hardware Consumption (Xilinx V2pro)
Original detection 91.3%/3.2% 27 11765 slices/13696 slices
Multi-Rect detection 91.3%/3.2% 80 12470 slices/13696 slices
Sum =
Sum+ SAT(x
) SAT(x
, when i = X
Sum+ SAT(x
) SAT(x
, when i = X
Sum, else.
SAT(x,y) means the integral image (Viola and Jones,
2001), which is stored in the central array. A multi-
plexer is used here to switch to the corresponding row
of the array according to the y coordinates of Rect.
Thus when three Rects transmitted together, the bus
width of the multiplex should also be broadened.
Figure 6 shows the new detection logic. Now in-
formation of three Rects arrives at the same time. As
a result, by adding two more multipliers, value of the
strong classifier can be calculated every clock cycle.
No register is needed to store the intermediate data
and the speedup ratio, in comparison with the origi-
nal design, reaches three.
We have implemented both the original and the multi-
rect detection system on Xilinx V2pro FPGA plat-
form. The learning classifiers, including weights and
thresholds, were constructed according to OpenCV
(Intel, 2009). Same set of input images, including
5000 positive and 11000 negative sample images in
CIF style, were tested on the two platform. Table
1 summarizes the comparison between the two ap-
Since both the system is based on AdaBoost al-
gorithm and classifiers in OpenCV (Intel, 2009), the
detection and false positive rate are same to the re-
sult of OpenCV. Meanwhile the detection speed of
the two approaches reaches 27f ps and 80f ps respec-
tively, which is much faster than software realization.
Moreover it is notable that the accelerate ratio be-
tween the improved multi-rect detection to the orig-
inal one is approximately three (80/27 3), which
is identical to the analysis in the pervious section.
More importantly, the additional hardware burden of
the improved architecture is only 5% of the original
consumption. The total hardware consumption of the
multi-rect detection system is 12470slices, 91% of re-
sources on Xilinx V2pro FPGA platform.
Besides, video camera and VGA display block
were integrated to the whole system so that real-time
face detection can be achieved. An output of our de-
tection result is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Result of real-time face detection system.
In this paper, an efficient object detection system is
implemented. The sub-window based architecture
avoids large hardware consumption. Meanwhile, the
integral image calculation array and pipelined data
flow improve the detection rate drastically. Due to the
flexibility of the novel architecture, we further exploit
the parallelism of the system. Reasonable trade-off
is made to accelerate the detection with only a slight
increase in hardware consumption. Implemented on
Xilinx V2pro FPGA platform, the detection system
runs at a speed of 80f ps and consumes 12470slices,
91% of the total resources on the platform.
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VISAPP 2010 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications