Using Virtual Worlds for Simulation-based Training
David Chodos, Eleni Stroulia, Pawel Kuras
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Michael Carbonaro, Sharla King
Department of Educational Psychology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Keywords: Simulation-based Training, Health Education.
Abstract: Virtual worlds offer a new application development platform, and are particularly appealing for creating
new types of educational training programs. However, in order to enable the adoption of this platform by in-
structors, special-purpose authoring tools are necessary to enable domain experts to create and maintain
their lessons plans. In this paper, we propose a framework for virtual world-based training, which uses the
BPEL workflow language to organize educational content. The framework uses a web services-based ap-
proach to connect the content, workflows, and virtual world, thus avoiding dependence on a particular vir-
tual world. Finally, we present a case study, currently in progress, designed to assess the utility of the
Virtual worlds have emerged over the last several
years as a means for users to experience immersive
environments and interact with each other in new
and exciting ways. While much of the activity in
virtual worlds has been of a social, unstructured
nature, there have been efforts to make effective use
of virtual worlds for business and, of particular
interest here, education. However, much of this
effort has focused on re-creating existing
educational settings (campuses, classrooms) in a
virtual environment, and has not been broadly
applicable across educational contexts or
Meanwhile, workflows have been used for
decades to specify and drive business processes, and
have recently seen increasing use in structuring
composite online processes through the use of
SOAP (, a standard for
enabling online service interoperability, and BPEL
wg_abbrev=wsBPEL), an executable language for
specifying workflows.
In our work, we combine the immersive,
collaborative potential of virtual worlds with BPEL-
based process specification to enable instructors to
specify educational scenarios, and to allow students
to experience those scenarios in a realistic,
interactive manner.
The immediate use of our framework is in
simulation-based training of health professional
students. It is in these terms that we evaluate our
framework in this paper. In the longer run, we are
interested in developing a suite of methods for
analyzing the modeled processes, identifying
opportunities of improvement, and better managing
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 describes the MERITS framework for
modeling and simulating training scenarios. Section
3 reviews our on-going case studies with MERITS.
Section 4 discusses related work. Finally, Section 5
concludes with a summary of our work to date and
outlines plans for the future.
The MixEd Reality Integrated Training System
Chodos D., Stroulia E., Kuras P., Carbonaro M. and King S. (2010).
MERITS TRAINING SYSTEM - Using Virtual Worlds for Simulation-based Training.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 54-61
(MERITS) combines a workflow description
component, SOAP-based web services, BPEL
workflows, and virtual-world components to
support instructors in creating simulation scenarios,
through which students can experience situations
similar to those that they will have to deal with in
their future professional life. The major elements of
the MERITS software architecture are shown in
Figure 1.
The MERITS architecture mimics the three-
tiered structure of traditional web-based
applications, with a virtual world as the user
interface, a BPEL orchestrated set of software
services as the application logic (that is, the
software implementing the automated activities of
the service-delivery process), and a resource
repository maintaining a record of the archival data
of the organization and the transient data of each
service-delivery process. For more about the
workflow description process, see Section 2.2.
Figure 1: MERITS framework.
Instructors can specify relevant educational
entities by updating the resource repository through
web-based forms, accessing REST APIs of the
repository. The BPEL-specified workflows that
specify the behaviors of people and objects in the
scenario may, in principle, be created using
graphical, web-based tools. However, there are
conceptual challenges involved in the specification
of a BPEL workflow that make merely providing a
graphical interface insufficient for removing
implementation barriers for non-technical users. For
more about this issue, see Section 3.2. At run time,
the BPEL workflows are enacted through the
interactions of people and objects in the virtual
world and through the behaviors of underlying
automated software systems. When a student
performs an action through his or her avatar, a
behavior script is executed in the virtual world. The
execution of this script may (a) change the state of
the virtual world and (b) change the state of the
corresponding workflow, shown in the second tier
in the diagram in Figure 1. In our implementation,
the workflow server interprets the action in the
context of the overall process workflow to
determine how the scenario should proceed in
response to the action. The BPEL workflow can
also be connected to external devices, thus allowing
the simulation to extend beyond the boundaries of a
particular educational institution. For example, in a
healthcare education context, the system may be
connected to a web service that provides simulated
patient data.
2.1 Workflow Integration
Workflows play an essential role in modeling any
process. In the MERITS framework, we define four
different types of workflows, each of which serves a
specific purpose in the overall process:
1. The process workflow defines the various
process paths that may be taken when executing
the process.
2. An object workflow defines the behavior of an
interactive object involved in the process, such
as a piece of equipment.
3. A character workflow defines the behavior of
automated characters that play some part in the
process but are not simulated by students, such
as non-responsive patients or bystanders.
4. Finally, normative workflows may be used to
define the set of actions (and their control
dependencies) that learners are supposed to
follow, as they play their parts in the process.
While the process and normative learner
workflows may seem similar, they serve very
different purposes. The process workflow describes
all possible paths including those that are
incorrect or sub-optimal that may be taken in
executing the process. A normative learner
workflow, on the other hand, describes the sequence
that should be followed by the learner. In this way
the system is able to follow the state of the process
even when it is not going in the prescribed manner,
MERITS TRAINING SYSTEM - Using Virtual Worlds for Simulation-based Training
and provide feedback on the discrepancies between
the learners’ actual and desired behaviors.
For example, a student's execution of the
emergency rescue process could be checked for the
required actions checking blood pressure, moving
the patient into the ambulance and might be
invalidated if any erroneous actions such as
administering an improper medication occur.
However, there may be sequences of actions that are
correct, according to the normative user process, but
quite unconventional; for instance, the student
might check the victim’s pulse, go to the ambulance
for a piece of equipment, and then return to the
patient and assess the victim’s level of
2.2 BPEL Implementation
The workflows used in the MERITS system are
specified in BPEL (WS-BPEL, 2009) and consists
of three types of constructs: web service
connections, program control constructs, and
exception and error handling constructs. Using
BPEL, while simpler than a programming language
such as C++ or Java, is, most likely, too technically
challenging for most content experts. While
graphical tools for designing BPEL workflows of
which there are several make some of the details
easier to manage, these tools rely on the user
understanding the underlying programming
concepts. Thus, the workflow specification process
currently works as follows.
First, one or more context experts describe the
workflow using storyboard diagrams and
descriptive sentences, and record this description on
a wiki. Second, these descriptions are then analyzed
by technical experts who elicit relevant entities and
actions. Third, the results of this analysis and
modeling decisions are recorded on the wiki, so that
the elicited information can be validated by the
content experts. Finally, based on the elicited,
validated information, the technical experts create
well-defined abstract workflows, which may also be
shared and validated using the wiki. Thus, through
this process, the responsibility for specifying the
workflow in BPEL is delegated to technical users,
although the content experts still retain control over
the meaning of the workflow.
To assess the utility of the MERITS system, we
have undertaken several case studies. These case
studies are drawn from a variety of contexts, and are
qualitatively quite different from each other. This
contextual diversity is intended to assess the
flexibility and robustness of the system.
The first version of MERITS was evaluated in
the context of modeling a simple interview process
(Chodos, 2009). This version did not use a formal
specification for the process workflows; we have
since extended the framework with the BPEL
specifications and the corresponding introduction of
a BPEL execution engine to orchestrate the
workflow instances at run time.
We are currently working with colleagues from
the health sciences who want to use this framework
to model complex processes in their field in order to
develop simulation-based training scenarios for
their students. The most mature process model to
date is that of the handoff scenario between
emergency medical technicians (EMT) and
emergency room (ER) personnel when a victim is
being transferred by ambulance from the scene of
the accident to the hospital ER.
The EMT and ER personnel need to acquire and
apply a diversity of basic and complex knowledge
and skills to provide the best patient care. Medical
and procedural knowledge is utilized to quickly
transfer the patient safely to the ER. To coordinate
activities with co-workers, hospital staff and
victim’s families, effective communication within
and across disciplines is critical. The environment is
unpredictable and highly stressful, thus emphasizing
the need for the integration of medical knowledge,
procedural and communication skills prior to
entering clinical practice.
Basic skills and medical knowledge are typically
conveyed in a classroom setting. Procedural skills
are often gained through conducting training
scenarios with students, who interact with
professional actors playing the roles of accident
victims, emergency workers, and hospital staff.
While these training scenarios offer lifelike
experiences for the students, there are a number of
limitations: a) restrictions on the number of students
who can participate at any one time; b) it is
expensive to set up the scenarios because of the
need for equipment, space, and people; c) distance
education students are entirely excluded from this
type of training. Furthermore, developing
interprofessional communication skills across
disciplines is often ignored and students are
expected to gain these skills on the job.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Screenshot of EMT training scene.
Figure 3: Wiki page - description and entities.
Figure 4: High-level workflow.
Figure 5: Check pulse workflow.
Figure 6: 3D model of ambulance.
Thus, given the shortcomings identified above, a
MERITS-based training tool presents advantages
over existing systems in several key areas. One is
that a workflow-based system, with independent
objects and characters, enables flexible scenarios.
Thus, the student doesn't just learn a rigid sequence
of steps; rather, the student can interact with active
objects in any order, determine his or her path
through the scenario (subject to constraints imposed
by the context and the workflow), and thus engage
in self-directed learning.
Another advantage of the proposed tool is that it
offers a blend of character types students,
instructors and automated characters which
creates a variety of communication possibilities, and
means that the system can offer several types of
student-instructor involvement. First, students can
interact with other students, either in the EMT field
or in other, complementary disciplines. This allows
MERITS TRAINING SYSTEM - Using Virtual Worlds for Simulation-based Training
students from many disciplines to not only get
experience with the processes relevant to their own
area, but also to get experience communicating with
professionals from a variety of other areas. Second,
students can interact with a mix of other students,
instructors, and automated characters. Thus, a role
in a scenario with minimal interactivity (such as an
unconscious patient) can be simulated by a
workflow-based automated character. More
complex roles, meanwhile, can be played either by
students or instructors (serving as “puppet masters”
moving the scenario along). Finally, in cases where
the behavior all of the external characters may be
modeled, students can interact entirely with
automated characters. This situation offers
maximum accessibility for the student, who can
train using the scenario whenever he or she chooses.
A prototype system for EMT training is
currently under development, in collaboration with
the Department of Computing Science, Faculty of
Education, and the Interdisciplinary Health
Education Partnership conducted by the Health
Sciences Education and Research Commons. In this
training program, EMT students encounter a victim
at an accident scene, and must determine which
actions to take in order to transport the victim to a
hospital. A screenshot of this scene, implemented in
a Second Life-based prototype system, is shown in
Figure 2.
In creating a virtual world-based training
scenario, we followed the process described in
Section 2.2. First, experts in the field were asked to
describe the scenes that make up the scenario. For
each scene, the artifacts and actions were identified
and transformed into workflow diagrams. A
screenshot showing the wiki page for one such
scene is shown in Figure 3.
The MERITS system stores and accesses content
as needed, and coordinates user input with the
various interrelated workflows. The actions taken
by the student include using medical diagnostic
equipment and interacting with the accident victim.
These actions are interpreted by workflows, and the
results are conveyed through a variety of artifacts.
Most of the artifacts in this scenario are pieces of
medical equipment a spine board, for example, or
the two-way radio in an ambulance which are
used in treating the victim, and provide immediate
feedback. Other, larger scale, artifacts include the
victim’s vehicle and the EMT ambulance. It should
be noted that, in this case, the victim is also
considered an artifact, since it helps convey the
results of actions through its condition and location.
The implementation of each of these components in
the EMT training prototype will be briefly discussed
in detail in the following paragraphs.
At the core of the MERITS system, we have
workflows which specify a) the victim treatment
process, and b) the actions associated with each
artifact (gloves, spine board, radio, victim) in the
scenario. The high-level workflow for the victim
treatment process is shown in Figure 5, and
described in the folllowing paragraph.
Many of the components of the victim treatment
workflow Gloves, Pulse, SpineBoard and
CallHospital are concerned with recognizing and
recording simple actions. The MoveVictim
component ensures that the victim is on the spine
board before he can be moved to the ambulance.
The DriveToHospital component analyzes the
variables, which store previous actions, determines
whether a prerequisite action (e.g., moving the
patient into the ambulance) has been missed, and
returns an appropriate message.
The workflows that define artifact-based actions
in this process fall into two types: simple toggle
(on/off) actions and information retrieval. The
toggle actions, such as putting on gloves, register
the action with the overall process workflow and
instruct the virtual world to make the appropriate
change in the object’s appearance. The second type
of action adds information retrieval to the above
tasks. This information may be retrieved either from
a database or from an external web service. An
example of this type of workflow (for the Check
Pulse action) is shown in Figure 5.
It should be noted that, while the artifact-related
components in the victim treatment workflow may
seem quite similar to the artifact workflows just
described, they are conceptually and functionally
quite different. An artifact workflow describes the
behavior of that artifact, independent of any
processes. An artifact-related component within a
process workflow, meanwhile, describes how that
artifact's behavior that is, the actions taken on the
artifact relate to the process as a whole. In this
process, for example, the CheckPulse workflow
describes the behavior of a pulse oximeter (or some
other pulse-checking device). The Pulse component
of the process workflow, on the other hand,
describes the impact that checking the patient's
pulse has on the process being modeled.
Representing an action in a virtual world can
pose a variety of challenges, depending on the
affordances and capabilities provided by the virtual
world. For example, in Second Life, objects can
only be touched, worn, sat on, driven, or taken by a
player. Thus, an action such as carrying an object is
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
difficult to represent, since to have an object follow
an avatar, it must incrementally follow the avatar,
be worn by the avatar, or be driven by the avatar,
each of which have their limitations. It turns out
that, while driving an object seems to be the least
intuitive, it produces the most accurate results.
Finally, the artifacts relevant to the process must
be modeled in the virtual world. For this process,
the artifacts that were modeled included a spine
board, the unconscious victim, a two-way radio, and
the ambulance.
There are two distinct issues here: first, there is
the representation of the artifact in the virtual world.
Depending on the virtual world that is chosen, one
may be able to create this representation using
external 3D modeling software, import 3D models
created by other users, or use in-world 3D modeling
tools. For this process, we used 3D models created
by other users for Second Life. Figure 6 shows a
close-up of an ambulance, one such 3D model.
Second, this artifact must be able to exhibit the
behavior implied by the associated actions. This,
typically, involves the addition of native code to the
virtual world representation of the artifact. See
Section 3.1 for more about this issue. This code
calls web services responsible for interpreting the
result of the action, both in terms of any immediate
changes to the artifact appearance, as well as the
impact of the action on the process workflow.
Finally, the artifact must be able to change its
appearance in an appropriate manner.
At this point, we have just had some initial
feedback with respect to the quality of our scenario
representation by simulation experts from the EMT
field but have not yet conducted any formal
experiment. The first trial for empirically evaluating
the effectiveness of our virtual-world simulation for
training is scheduled for January 2010.
Using virtual worlds to create scenario-based
training programs touches on several areas of
related work. First, there is a growing body of work
describing and analyzing the use of virtual worlds --
most prominently, Second Life - for post-secondary
education and training. Second, there are several
theories from educational psychology that support
the effectiveness of scenario-based training
programs. Each of these areas will be described in
the following sections.
4.1 Virtual Worlds
The issue of using virtual worlds for education and
training has received an increasing amount of
attention from the academic community in recent
years, as virtual worlds have become better
established in both mainstream culture and in
educational institutions. The following paragraphs
present a sample of this work, which indicates both
the steadily increasing interest in the topic, and the
variety of approaches that are being taken.
Hong Cai, of IBM, has taken a broad view of the
issue, examining the potential of virtual worlds for
any kind of training program (Cai, 2008). He
compared several virtual environments - Second
Life, Active Worlds, OpenSim, and the Torque
game engine - in terms of their fitness for
educational activities, and analyzed various
common learning activities with respect to their
implementation in a virtual environment. He also
presented a development lifecycle for creating
virtual learning environments, and analyzed several
virtual learning projects at IBM according to these
analytical tools.
Edward Carpenter has developed a 3D crisis-
communication training tool to provide
communication students with opportunities to
practice what are, in a standard classroom setting,
largely theoretical approaches to dealing with crises
(Carpenter, 2006). Through the immersive tool,
students get hands-on training, and can experience
events, rather than absorbing and interpreting them
through written information. The tool uses a
narrative, storyboard-based technique to deliver the
educational content, where each student is offered a
set of choices at key points in the story. Afterwards,
the students are debriefed and the instructor
analyzes and evaluates their choices. Because the
system uses storyboards to structure the educational
content, a student's interaction with the system is
largely pre-determined, and quite rigid. As well, the
system does not support collaborative learning,
since it is intended for one student at a time.
Victor Vergara and colleagues at the University
of New Mexico have developed a virtual
environment-based tool to teach medical students
about hematomas (Vergara, 2008). They have
developed a 3D, multi-user virtual environment
(MUVE) within which students can interact with a
virtual character, nicknamed “Mr. Toma,” and other
associated objects. Several rigorous studies of the
system's effectiveness have demonstrated that it is
equally effective as conventional, paper-and-pencil
education methods. Furthermore, it offers additional
MERITS TRAINING SYSTEM - Using Virtual Worlds for Simulation-based Training
advantages, including the chance to collaborate with
geographically dispersed students, and an increased
sense of immersion when using the MUVE system.
A considerable amount of effort was put into
ensuring that the content was presented accurately
and effectively, including consulting with an
interdisciplinary team of subject matter experts.
Finally, Forterra Systems has developed the On-
LIine Virtual Environment (OLIVE) platform,
which allows clients from government, healthcare
and other contexts to create virtual world-based
systems (Armentrout, 2008). One such system was
developed to train first responders to car accidents
on the Interstate 95 Corridor. A prototype system
was developed at the University of Maryland, and
tested with a small number of potential students.
While the preceding projects are quite varied in
terms of the technology used and the context areas
to which the projects were applied, there are several
common characteristics that should be pointed out.
First, each project found that the students’
educational needs were met by the virtual world-
based projects. This offers evidence that this type of
system is effective in a wide range of contexts, and
with a broad range of students. Second, with the
exception of the project undertaken by Forterra
Systems, most current projects are computing-
science initiatives, for use in a single context area.
This indicates that there is a need for a broadly
applicable framework for virtual world-based
training programs. This framework should enable
the creation and maintenance of learning modules
by non-technical content experts.
4.2 Educational Psychology
From an educational psychology standpoint,
simulation-based training is supported by the
situated cognition theory, proposed by Brown et al
(Brown, 1989). According to this theory, knowledge
is not a set of abstract concepts to be absorbed by
the student; instead, it is dependent on the context
and culture in which it is used. Adhering to
situation-cognition principles, Collins et al
developed the cognitive-apprenticeship model of
educational practice, which incorporates the situated
nature of the knowledge being conveyed to students
(Collins, 1991). This model was later found to be
effective within a technologically rich learning
environment (Järvelä, 1995). Another related
concept is constructivism (Duffy, 1992). This
theory sees learning as an active process of
constructing, rather than acquiring knowledge.
Thus, instruction within a constructivist context
focuses on supporting that construction, rather than
conveying knowledge. These theories and studies
support the value of simulation-based training.
Students learn to integrate the knowledge and skills
in order to apply them in a context similar to the
real environment.
There are several areas of future work that will be
pursued over the coming months, to address
existing issues, improve the specification process,
explore diverse context areas, and provide empirical
validation of the framework.
Implementing a process in Second Life (SL)
poses platform-specific challenges. The limited
interaction affordances provided by SL make it
quite challenging, if not impossible, to implement
some types of simple actions (such as picking up or
pushing an object) in a natural, realistic way. Thus,
we would like to either a) develop a consistent SL
API which could be used to model processes in a
natural way or b) migrate to another virtual world
platform that provides better native support for the
processes being modeled.
Another issue is the workflow definition
process. Currently, processes are described by
content experts and then converted into BPEL
workflows by technical experts, supported by a wiki
system. In the future, we would like to allow the
content experts to create workflows using graphical
tools. These tools would give content experts direct
control over the process modeling workflows.
One of the key benefits of the MERITS system
is its applicability to a wide variety of context areas.
In addition to EMT training, we are also
investigating training students in Occupational
Therapy and the use of industrial equipment. By
selecting a range of contexts, we can assess the
utility of the MERITS system along dimensions
such as social interaction and communication,
artifact complexity and precision.
Finally, we are planning on conducting a series
of empirical studies of the effectiveness of the
MERITS system for modeling service delivery
processes, beginning in November 2009. The initial
study will take the form of a pilot of the EMT
training scenario (described in Section 4) for the
Interdisciplinary Health Education Partnership. The
pilot study will followed by a larger-scale study
beginning in January 2010.
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In this paper, we discussed a software framework
for specifying interactive educational scenarios,
with BPEL and virtual-world elements for
simulation-based training of students across health
disciplines. We have illustrated our framework with
the EMT training scenario, which highlights the
complexity of such scenarios, in general. The EMT
training scenario is realistic it has been developed
by EMT personnel and ER nurses and its
simulation will be used for training EMT and ER
students in the near future.
The authors would like to acknowledge the
generous support of iCORE, NSERC, and IBM. We
are also grateful to Andrew Reid and Ken Brisbin
for their contributions in modeling the EMT/ER
scenario and refining the MERITS framework over
several lively discussions.
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Carpenter E., Kim, I., Arns, L., Dutta-Berman, M.J.,
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Bio-terror Crises Communication Training Module.
In VRST ’06: Proceedings of the ACM symposium on
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Implications for Instructional Technology. In Con-
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Järvelä, S., 1995. The Cognitive Apprenticeship Model in
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MERITS TRAINING SYSTEM - Using Virtual Worlds for Simulation-based Training