Paula Peres and Ana Azevedo
Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto – Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Keywords: b-Learning, Higher Education, Soft Skills, b-Learning strategies.
Abstract: The development of soft skills in students enrolled in higher education courses is recognized as a
fundamental element to promote the success of students’ integration in real workplace situations.
Nevertheless, if we look at nowadays syllabus, we attest that the main effort is made on the contents instead
of being made on soft skills. Content-based teaching and learning may not promote the development of
higher-order thinking skills considered crucial in Higher Education. This paper presents a reflection on the
importance of paradigm shifting concerning the development of learning strategies. Nowadays, the concerns
with cognitive goals assume a role in balance with the importance of transversal abilities, e. g. soft skills.
This paper adds a practical vision on these concerns, describing some learning activities designed in order to
develop students’ soft skills. The activities described were carried out on the context of an Information and
Communication Technologies course, in a higher education institution. The activities developed were used
to help students reaching the cognitive objectives and developing soft skills, so important in today's
societies. This paper also presents a reflection on the role of web technologies to improve students’ skills.
A case study is presented.
A deep analysis in the curriculum of Portuguese
higher education courses shows that although the
official institutions websites present the main course
objectives, many times these are insufficient
considering what is expect from students (Peres &
Pimenta, 2009).
The objectives specification is in many times,
defined in teachers’ meetings, in which the
importance of developing communication amongst
students in different ways and the importance of
knowledge sharing in a global community are
enhanced. Some enhancement is also given to the
importance of “Know How to do and How to
Behave”. The value given to workgroup ability and
oral communication are also enhanced. However,
these transversal objectives are seldom explained in
a clear and complete way in order to help the design
of learning activities.
The European Union (EU, 2006) outlines the
nine main abilities required by European enterprises,
also named as soft skills. These skills are presented
in Table 1.
Table 1: European Union Soft Skills list.
Soft Skill
Learning to learn
SS2 Information processing and management
Deduction and analytical skills
Decision making skills
SS5 Communication skills, language skills
SS6 Teamwork, team based learning and teaching
SS7 Creative thinking and problem solving skills
Management and leadership, strategic
SS9 Self-management and self-development
1.1 Soft Skills in Information and
Communication Technologies
Soft Skills are fundamental issues for professionals,
as can be concluded in a survey presented by
Fernadez (Fernandez, 2007). Several enterprises’
responsibles, belonging to technological areas, were
inquired about which they consider to be the most
important skills an Information and Tecnhologies
Peres P. and Azevedo A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 96-100
DOI: 10.5220/0002778000960100
(IT) professional should acquire during his academic
life, in order to efficiently accomplish his / her
professional responsibilities. Amongst the first ten
skills referred by the enterprise responsibles
inquired, seven were soft skills.
These seven soft skills were:
Goal-directed Management;
Team Management and Leadership;
Written Communication;
Oral Communication;
Continuous Improvement and Inovation;
Critical Thinking;
Conflict Management and emotional
A correspondence between these soft skills and
the ones presented in Table 1, is done in Table 2.
Table 2: Correspondence between soft skills defined by
the EU and expected soft skills for IT professionals.
Union Soft
Expected Soft Skils for IT professionals
SS2; SS3; SS4;
Goal-directed management
SS4; SS6; SS8 Team management and leadership
SS5 Writen communication
SS5 Oral communication
SS1; SS2; SS9 Continuous improvement and inovation
SS3; SS7 Critical thinking
SS4; SS6; SS7
Conflit management and emotional
The notion of competency extends the
conception of objectives. "In school, is not enough
to know facts or mastering concepts (knowledge),
'know-how' or 'learn to become' (capabilities), you
need to know to solve problems in context" (Barreira
& Moreira, 2004). The notion of competency
includes three components: knowledge, skills and
problem-situations. Skills are developed in the
knowledge area of each course, but also in the field
of interdisciplinary action (soft skills) (Barrier &
Moreira, 2004).
The explanation of the teaching needs should
accomplish the objectives set out by Kemp et al.
(1998), guiding the teacher in the design of
instruction and assessment, and conducting students
in the process of learning.
The case study described in this paper refers to a
course in Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT). The soft skills considered were
the ones that were expected for IT professinals,
referred above. Using web technologies, several
activities were developed in order to increase these
soft skills in students and, at the same time, develop
technical (hard) skills.
1.2 The Role of Web Technologies on
the Soft Development of Skills
Technology has the potential to serve as an
environment to explore students’ own
interpretations, students constructing own meanings,
negotiating and/or defending these with peers.
Besides that, technology also offers studentcentered
experiences and it can encourage a constructive
discourse and empower independent, critical
thinking (Porter, 2000) and ‘new literacies’
(HowardBender & Mulcahy, 2007).
The issue in this paper is about how teachers can
organize their teaching plans, incorporating
technology, in order to achieve the cognitive
objectives and soft skills. A brief curricula analysis
in our school reveals that the focus tends to be on
themes: there are content based curricula.
Furthermore, although literature does focus on
technology to develop competencies, by looking at
the programs available, it is clear that the way that
teachers choose to integrate or not integrate
technology, is entirely up to them, depending on the
day, time, class size and so on. There are no specific
1.3 Contributions and Paper Layout
The main contribution of this paper is that it shows
that it is possible to operationalize the academic
planning to support the requirements of nowadays
professionals by using web technologies. The case
study presented reports a successful situation that
implements a “blended” approach (b-learning) to
develop students’ soft skills in parallel with
technical skills. The b-learning approach combines
online activities with classroom-based activities.
This allows taking the best of each solution for the
advantage of both the learner and the organization.
The remainder of this article is as follows: in
section 2, a presentation of the case study is made.
In section 3, learning strategies are presented as a
way to develop soft skills. Finally, conclusions and
future work are explored.
Different knowledge levels may be established for
the same content. Imagine a teacher who states that
it is important to make students understand the main
contents and also to make them achieve critical
thinking skills on the matter. If we only see the
teacher giving information, then learning activities
are not aligned with his / her objectives. Students
may understand contents but it will be difficult to
achieve the ability to develop critical thinking. On
the evaluation process, if the teacher asks students to
remember and understand contents, he is being
honest but if he asks students to have a critical
attitude, he is being inconsistent because he did not
promote the development of this kind of skills. In
this context, there is not a consistency between
learning activities and learning objectives.
The b-learning strategy should help students to
reach cognitive objectives and considers soft skills
development. The b-learning experience described
in this section, took into account the elements
2.1 Description of a b-Learning
Collaborative Strategy
In this section, we describe a collaborative database
construction in order to promote motivation and
effective learning. Fifty-six students from four
different classes from the first year of a
communication degree, in a higher education
institution, took part on this online activity. This
activity was carried out during the second term of
2007/2008 school year. The course was lectured in a
traditional classroom complemented with a distance
learning environment, a b-learning situation, using
the learning management system MOODLE, which
helps the development of collaborative work. All
learning objectives (classified according to Bloom’s
taxonomy) and soft skills were shared by all and
every class. As pre-requisites, students who have
enrolled in the Information and Communication
Technologies course would be able to work with
Windows, Word processor and Internet Software.
Nevertheless, students did not have any learning
experience in a b-learning situation. Course
curriculum was defined in order to achieve the
learning objectives. In the activities’ design process
we tried to align all tasks with the learning
objectives and the evaluation method. The activity
described has efficiently promoted students
engagement who became aware of their knowledge,
of the studied subjects and could compare it with
that of the other students.
For all the four classes, the proposed activity
consisted in the development of collaborative
databases (one per class), through the
implementation of issues that were practical and
discursive in nature. In the beginning, four small
working groups were formed in each of the classes,
by random selection. The overall activity was
Table 3: Activity’s tasks.
Task number Task description
T1 Groups definition
T2 Requirements analysis
T3 Relational Model and normalization
T4 Preparation of the presentation
T5 Public Presentation/discussion of
T6 Group 1 solution
T7 Group 2 solution
T8 Group 3 solution
T9 Group 4 solution
T10 Implementation using MsAccess
T11 Group 1 solution
T12 Group 2 solution
T13 Group 3 solution
T14 Group 4 solution
T15 Product Tests and Validation
T16 Presentation preparation / User’s Guide
T17 Public presentation
T18 Choosing the best database
divided in subtasks, which intended to conduct
students during the course. All the considered tasks
are presented in Table 3. A wiki was created to
support communication amongst group elements,
outside the classroom. It also supported
communication amongst different groups. In
addition, it was used for file sharing whenever it was
necessary. All the defined tasks were included in the
wiki’s first page. This wiki revealed itself as an
important tool for communication during the
development of the database, particularly when
communication amongst different groups was
Each group was responsible for developing an
application module, which was a part of a larger
database to support the organization of
an event. This event was different for each of the
classes, but the tasks were the same for every class.
The critical tasks were T6 to T9 and T11 to T14.
During these tasks coordination amongst different
groups was necessary since some of the database
tables were shared by more than one application
module. In order to minimize problems, public
presentations of the partial solutions were organized.
Each group’s public presentation was followed by
reflection. The discussions were taken in order to
define the critical aspects to consider for modules
connection to work effectively.
The final project resulting from each class work
was presented in a public section with all the
students belonging to the four classes, as well as
other elements from the school community.
2.2 Students’ Perception
It was important to make a final reflection on what
CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
was learnt and how it was learnt. The activity carried
out helped students to develop social and ethical
skills. During the activity students tried to work
together in a coordinated way in order to obtain a
final product with high quality level.
The analysis of students’ perception was made at
the end of the process and the results should be used
in future course editions. The questionnaires analysis
carried out on the MOODLE platform shows that
students were satisfied with the activity developed.
97% of the students classified it as very good and
3% classified it as good. Group members’
coordination was also considered as positive by the
students. Nevertheless, some groups referred that
there were some conflicts during the development of
the activity but that they were able to solve those
conflicts and reach a good result.
After public presentation (T 17), students were
asked to vote for the best database, corresponding to
a class project. This selection was done through the
use of MOODLE. Students were able to make their
decision supported on what they truly think. Their
final decision was aligned with the one of the
The design of an online activity includes the
planning of a dynamic online interaction, an
essentially socio-constructivist view. The activity
described in this paper was seen as a way to develop
soft skills. Therefore, each one of the tasks referred
in Table 3 were planned to allow students to achieve
the soft skills referred in Table 2. In Table 4 soft
skills intended to be developed in each of the
activity tasks are presented.
Table 4: Soft Skills for each activity task.
Soft Skill Task number
Goal-directed management T1 T2, T3, T4,T5, T6, T7, T8,
T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14,
T15, T16, T17, T18
Team management and
T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T11,
T12, T13, T14
Written communication T16
Oral communication
T5, T17
Continuous improvement
and innovation
T5, T15
Critical thinking
T2, T3, T5, T15, T18
Conflict management and
emotional intelligence
T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T11, T12,
T13, T14, T17
3.1 How do Tasks Develop Soft Skills
All the tasks were defined through the specification
of clear goals, which groups have to achieve in order
to conclude them. Therefore, all the tasks were
designed to develop “Goal-directed management”.
During tasks T4 to T9 and T11 to T14, students
must mainly work as a team in order to obtain
results. They also have to interact with other groups.
In order to accomplish the tasks, students had to
develop team management capabilities as well as to
define/accept clear leadership.
The need to develop a user’s guide in task T16
was aligned with the development of “written
communication” skills. The need to develop “oral
communication” skills. We consider that these two
skills were very important in this particular case,
because students are from a communication degree.
“Continuous improvement and innovation” were
presented specially in tasks T5 and T1 during which
students tested, discussed and tried to present
innovative solutions in order to distinguish from
others. This was supported by “critical thinking”
which is the basis for improvement and innovation.
“Critical thinking” was also presented in task T18,
when students had to choose the best database.
Tasks that involved interaction and agreements
between different groups were the ones that were
more suitable to develop “conflict management and
emotional intelligence”. This is the case of tasks T5
to T9, T11 to T14 and T17.
3.2 Was the Activity Effective?
The evaluation of the effectiveness of the activity in
developing the desired soft skills was done
Concerning “Goal-directed management” it can
be concluded that this soft skill was developed. This
is due to the fact that all the groups concluded the
eighteen tasks through the conclusion of the defined
tasks’ goals, thus being able to manage their work in
order to achieve specific goals.
As for “team management and leadership”, most
of the groups had some problems. Students refer to
some conflicts during the development of the
activities. This occurred in particular during tasks T6
to T9 and T11 to T15 where an interaction between
different groups was needed. At the end, students
managed the problems and worked as a team and
interacted with the other teams. Some of the students
came out as natural leaders.
Written and oral communication were a negative
surprise since students from a communication
degree had difficulties in communicating their ideas
and some of the students had weak presentations in
task T4, and bad user’s guides in task T16.
Fortunately, they improved their skills and their oral
presentation in task T17 was better. In any case
students were advised on the importance to develop
these skills.
Students were able to develop “conflict
management” skills since several conflicts that
occurred during the entire activity were solved by
As for “emotional intelligence” we feel that there
is the need to deepen this aspect in the future.
If an institution adopts a Learning Management
System (LMS) it does not ensure the integration of
web technologies in the educational process
(Parlamento Europeu, 2002). The adoption of a LMS
may be viewed as an opportunity to improve
teaching-learning practices and soft skills
development. The clear definition of soft skills to be
improved, beyond cognitive objectives, gives
response to the demands of today’s professionals
and reflects the modernity of this vision. The
alignment of those objectives with learning
strategies avoids distractions and guides the path
directed to learning success. The activity presented
in this article showed that it is possible to define
ability objectives together with soft skills intended to
be developed. It also enhanced the importance of the
alignment with the evaluation process. As a
conclusion, we attest that the use of web technology,
in particular the b-learning environments, may
support all the referred elements.
Each school might experience a variety of
outcomes as a result of using b-learning technology.
We can increase students’ participation in the
learning activities. Simply by increasing the
diversity of training options and making training
more accessible, learners are more likely to take
advantage of learning opportunities. Learners have
different needs and many like the flexibility that e-
learning offers. In the past, learning programs might
not have been well integrated or consistent in their
quality. The use of b-learning has forced schools to
pay greater attention on how they use it. B-learning
might require a better planned approach and a
careful review of syllabus.
In many cases, introducing b-learning requires
experimentation and constant adjustments to
determine what works best in the process of
promoting the cognitive objectives and soft skills
It is straightforward to evaluate cognitive
objectives. Nevertheless, it is not straightforward to
evaluate soft skills achievement level. Some of
them can be observed, as is the case of “Oral
Communication”, which can be evaluated by
students’ performance during public presentations,
for instance. The evaluation of the effectiveness of
the activity in developing the desired soft skills was
done informally. Future work includes the study of
models that allows the evaluation of the soft skills
achievement level.
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CSEDU 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Supported Education