Development of a Maturity Model to Measure the Quality of Knowledge Intensive
Business Processes in Small and Medium Enterprises
Priscilla Heinze
Chair of Business Information Systems and Electronic Government, University Potsdam, Germany
Dennis Geers
Institute for Industrial Science and Process Management
Department of Quality Management,University Kassel, Germany
Keywords: Knowledge management, Quality management, Maturity model, Knowledge intensive business process.
Abstract: Up to now the isolated tools for quality, business process, and knowledge management can be integrated to
develop a suitable structure for SMEs to measure and gradually build up the competence for knowledge
processing. A maturity model is being developed for SMEs to measure and assess the quality of their busi-
ness processes. This enables the companies to determine their existing status, and to take the necessary ac-
tions for the competence development of their business processes, which should contribute to the attainment
of their knowledge management goals.
In the European Union, companies with 50 to 250
employees or having the total of up to 50 millions
Euros annual turnover is to be categorized as small
and medium enterprises (European Commission,
2005). Due to the given characteristic, they are
forced to draw profit on top of making ends meet by
spending the least of resources and costs.
Managing knowledge is certainly not only the
necessity of small and medium enterprises since
problems on dealing with knowledge emerge as well
in large companies. For them, however, knowledge,
in whichever form it may exist in the company, is a
fundamental asset that assures the continuity of their
North (2005) lists some typical problems faced
by small and medium enterprises according to their
type of nature. A family establishment faces the
typical problems of generation changes and
employee retirement as well as resignation. A
company with a mature market with high technical
know-how is often confronted with problems of
deficit of use and safety of specific knowledge. A
rapidly growing company in a fast changing
environment deals with problems of resource
insufficiency, lack of communication between teams
as well as project documentation, capacity
deprivation and the like.
Aiming to attend to this necessity, the Federal
Ministry of Economics and Technology in Germany
has been financing a collaboration project by the
University of Potsdam and the University of Kassel.
This project intends to develop a maturity model and
the associating self-assessment method to evaluate,
analyse and optimize the knowledge intensive
business processes in German’s small and medium
This paper will first address the characteristics of
a knowledge intensive business process. The
following chapter describe the development of its
maturity model. Subsequently, the role of the
maturity model in the quality management of
knowledge intensive business process will be
explained. The last chapter discusses the future
prospect of the project and the planned development
of the self-assessment tool.
Heinze P. and Geers D. (2009).
QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN KNOWLEDGE INTENSIVE BUSINESS PROCESSES - Development of a Maturity Model to Measure the Quality of
Knowledge Intensive Business Processes in Small and Medium Enterprises.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, pages 276-279
DOI: 10.5220/0002294002760279
2.1 Tacit and Explicit Knowledge
In order to define a knowledge intensive business
process we preliminary need to agree on the
meaning and characteristics of knowledge. Polanyi
(1958) classifies knowledge into two categories.
Tacit knowledge, the first category, is produced by
personal experiences and individual perceptions. It is
difficult to articulate and formalize. Tacit knowledge
is person-oriented.
The second category is called the explicit
knowledge. This type of knowledge is not bound to
person. Explicit knowledge can be effortlessly
transferred using a formal and systematic language
(Schmidt, Kiemele and Berdine, 1996).
Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) define the course
of actions that happen between the two categories as
knowledge conversion. They develop the Socialisa-
tion, Externalisation, Combination and Internalisa-
tion (SECI) Model (See Figure 1) to describe the
four conversions between tacit and explicit knowl-
edge (Froeming, Gronau and Schmid, 2006).
Internalization Combination
Explicit KnowledgeTacit Knowledge
Tacit KnowledgeExplicit Knoweldge
Figure 1: SECI Model (Nonaka und Takeuchi, 1995).
2.2 Knowledge Modeling Description
Language (KMDL)
A business process as knowledge intensive if its
value can only be created through fulfillments of the
knowledge requirement by the process participants
(Froeming, Gronau and Schmid, 2006).
The characteristics of a knowledge intensive
business process make it difficult to abstract and to
generalize. Therefore, the University of Potsdam has
been developing a method aiming to enable the
modeling of knowledge-intensive business
processes. This method is called the Knowledge
Modeling Description Language (KMDL) (Gronau
and Weber 2004).
Business process models generated using the
KMDL method can be viewed from two point of
views. The process view describes the course of
tasks and their possible alternative routes. The level
of detail in this view is held low in order to assure a
clear and structured presentation. This view has
process interfaces as crossing points at the beginning
and end of a process.
Not all tasks in a process are knowledge
intensive. Therefore, those who need to be identified
before the activity view was being substracted. The
activity view has a higher level of detail, in which
the single tasks are broken down into activities.
These activities represent the knowledge
conversions within the process.
The KMDL method comprises of 6 phases. In
Phase 0 and Phase 1 the project preparation activi-
ties, the project objectives and its object of modeling
is determined. The object of modeling is the scope
of area to be analyzed within the business process.
In Phase 2 the process view is captured by perform-
ing semi-structured interviews with the process par-
ticipants. The captured result is iteratively validated
and improved.
In Phase 3, the knowledge intensive tasks taking
place in the process view are identified. These tasks
are used as a basis to capture the activity view in
Phase 4. Just like in the process view, the captured
activity view result is iteratively validated and im-
In Phase 5, the captured process and activities
are analyzed. Within this phase, factors marking the
success as well as failure of the process are identi-
fied, suggested, classified and evaluated. KMDL
features formal methods for analysis based on previ-
ously collected patterns. In addition process analysis
is supported by reports and views (Fröming, Gronau
and Schmid, 2006, Bahrs and Gronau, 2005).
Based on the analysis, a to-be concept is devel-
oped in Phase 6. The implementation of the concept
follows in Phase 7 and the evaluation in Phase 8.
The KMDL method also includes formalized analy-
sis concepts, which is irrelevant in the implementa-
tion of this project framework, but have proven to be
reliable in the past projects.
In this project the KMDL method is used to
collect the initial data, which will be used as a basis
for the maturity level analysis. Apart from that, the
compilation of the gained experiences and analysis
results from the former projects will be used in this
project to develop a reference business process
serving as the exemplary best practice.
Model to Measure the Quality of Knowledge Intensive Business Processes in Small and Medium Enterprises
Different approaches have been suggested to deter-
mine the knowledge management maturity level
(Ehms and Langen, 2000).
However, since these models are mostly specific
to the evaluation of the entire knowledge manage-
ment activities of an organization, there exists no
connection to single business processes. A direct
assessment of processes is thus not possible. Signifi-
cant process improvement potentials in SMEs re-
main hidden because neither the information about
the improvement opportunities in the processes are
fully recognized and collected nor the quality of
design is improved.
Identification of the level of maturity serves as a
basis to uncover those potentials in SMEs. After the
maturity level has been identified and the actual
situation recognized, only then can SMEs set a start-
ing point for process optimization and goal
achievement (see Figure 2).
Figure 2: The central position of process assessments
(ISO/IEC 15504-01, 2004).
According to Mackie (2007) implementing sus-
tainable improvement requires people to recognise
opportunities for improvement. A process assess-
ment affords an internal benchmarking, which serves
to guide employees to adopt preferred similar ap-
proaches for appropriate knowledge intensive busi-
ness processes. The possibility to compare local
knowledge intensive business processes with those
of other market actors allow strengths to be consoli-
dated and weaknesses focused (benchmarking capa-
Process assessment also increases motivation for
change. It encourages employees to start implement-
ing possible improvements. By systematically ana-
lysing a process with using process assessment it is
possible to pinpoint potential improvements.
A periodically performed assessment forecasts
trend information. The improvement analysis dis-
closes indirect information on which improvements
provide an impact and conclusively, the level of
such impact. It also helps to explore needs. The inte-
grated reference processes could be used to build
new approaches and match new ventures.
The project evaluation model in development
based on the maturity level criteria can be used to
evaluate and analyze the business processes at the
outset. Based on this, an iterative development of the
performance ability takes place (see Figure 3). The
maturity level measurement provides a benchmark
as well as a reference value for the quality of knowl-
edge-intensive business processes. This measure-
ment is based on well-researched and classified
critical success factors that are to be transformed
into a knowledge intensive reference pattern at later
A specific questionnaire based on the formerly
gathered success factors and their particular indica-
tors enables a detailed data collection. Based on this
questionnaire and the maturity model an interactive
self-diagnostic tool will be developed in the later
project phases. SMEs should then be able to deter-
mine the maturity level of their knowledge-intensive
business processes without the need of any special
data, systems or advanced required skills.
The development of the maturity model begins with
the investigation of actual processes in the cooperat-
ing companies. As prototypes for further develop-
ment we decided to examine the customer relation-
ship management and innovation as well as product
development processes.
Ahlemann, Schroeder and Teuteberg (2005) de-
fine maturity model as an instrument that character-
izes different maturity levels using a specific compe-
tence model, in which it assesses the certain level of
requirement the competence object has fulfilled as
defined for the particular class. The suitability of the
maturity level model is constituted by taking into
consideration the requirements of objectivity, reli-
ability and validity, whereas consistency, replicabil-
ity and efficiency are the additional requirements to
be consider.
Firstly, the information obtained from interviews
will be codified and generalized in form of a process
model, which is repeatedly validated by the process
KMIS 2009 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
participants. The models serve as the prototype for
further analysis.
Then a complete range of factors are collected as
the results of expert interviews and by considering
the best practice models in selected firms from dif-
ferent application domains. The process of determin-
ing the success factors is validated through a two-
stage validating process by an interdisciplinary pro-
ject committee.
Subsequently, indicators are developed and de-
fined in order to confirm the success factors. They
should be measurable qualitatively and quantita-
tively. On this basis, a questionnaire to validate the
factors’ acceptance level is designed. The question-
naire includes not only knowledge-intensive busi-
ness processes success factors in general, but also
specifically those in customer relationship manage-
ment as well as for the product innovation process
domain. In turn, the maturity level model will be
deduced from existing established approaches. The
maturity levels will then be assigned to the success
factors and the factors to the indicators in order to
derive a classification of the maturity level.
Figure 3: Maturity Level Model.
The result of the maturity level determination en-
ables a simple derivation of measures for skills de-
velopment in relation to the handling of knowledge
and the design quality-oriented processes.
As part of the future advancement on the project, an
interactive self-assessment tool will be developed,
which aims is to facilitate the companies to evaluate
and determine the maturity level and the quality of
their knowledge-intensive business processes.
The tool will have an advantage over the pure
design method because it will allow the end
user/operator of the process to implement it at his
own. It ensures personalized solutions. Resistance of
change is expected to be considerably low compared
to the case where an external consultant was in-
Ahlemann, F., Schroeder, C., Teuteberg, F., 2005.
Kompetenz- und Reifegradmodelle für das
(Last accessed: 9th April 2009).
Bahrs, J., Gronau, N., 2005. Modellierung, Analyse und
Gestaltung wissensintensiver Geschäftsprozesse am
Beispiel eines Softwareentwicklungsunternehmens. In
HMD, Heft 246, 1st International Conference on Tem-
plate Production. dpunkt, pp. 29-37.
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Einschätzung und Entwicklung des Reifegrades im
Wissensmanagement. In KnowTech 2000, Leipzig.
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terprise and industry publications.
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of Software Engineering by Modeling of Knowledge-
Intensive Business Processes. In International Journal
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1st International Conference on Template Production.
IDEA Group Publishing.
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ISO/IEC 15504-1, 2004. Information technology – Soft-
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cabulary, International Organization for Standardiza-
tion. Genf.
Mackie, C., 2007. Process excellence and capability de-
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ISO/IEC 15504. Springer, pp. 130-139. Berlin.
Nonaka, I., Takeuchi, H., 1995. The Knowledge-Creating
Company - How Japanese Companies Create the Dy-
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Polanyi, M., 1958. Personal Knowledge - Towards a Post-
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Schmidt, S.R., Kiemele, M.J., Berdine, R.J., 1996. Knowl-
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Model to Measure the Quality of Knowledge Intensive Business Processes in Small and Medium Enterprises