Rahila Ejaz, Naveed Ikram
Department of Computer Science, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Salma Imtiaz
Department of Computer Science, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Variability Management, Product Line Engineering, Traceability.
Abstract: Variability management is an integral part of product line change management. The prerequisite for
effective and efficient change management is traceability information. Traceability information supports
understanding, maintenance and evolution of variability by establishing links between variability at various
levels of abstraction and across development phases. Therefore an effective traceability based variability
management is required for product line change management. But existing research on product line
variability management does not explicitly state the traceability information for all the core issues of
variability management which are variability identification, variability representation and realization,
product instantiation and dependency management. This paper contributes by identifying a comprehensive
list of variability management issues and traceability information related to these issues. We have proposed
traceability based variability management model which maps the core issues of variability to the respective
Variability management is an essential element of
product line change management which plays
important role in successful software product line
development (Van Gurp et al., 2001; de Oliveira et
al., 2005; Buhne et al., 2005).
It is defined as ability of a system or set of
artifacts to be changed in a specific context (Van
Gurp et al., 2001). Bayer and Widden (2001) note
that the need to manage variability increases as size
of the product family increases. Variability
management is crucial to satisfy the conflicting
customer requirements. Variability management is
also required when unanticipated variants emerge as
a result of new requirements (Mohan and Ramesh,
2002), or missing variation points in architecture are
realized later in the development lifecycle (Loesch
and Ploedereder, 2007).
Traceability based variability management has
been highly advocated in literature (Mohan and
Ramesh, 2002; 2003; 2007; Van Gurp et al., 2000;
Metzger and Pohl, 2006; de Oliveira et al., 2005). It
supports understanding, maintenance and evolution
of variability by establishing links between
variability at different levels of abstraction and
across development phases. However variability
management approaches in use tend to ignore the
explicit traceability links for all the core issues of
variability management.
We, in this paper have identified the issues of
variability management and have mapped them to
the respective traceability links in our proposed
traceability model.
Section 2 describes concepts related to
variability management, related work is discussed in
section 3 and section 4 defines the proposed model.
Conclusion and future work is presented in section
Ejaz R., Ikram N. and Imtiaz S. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 238-244
DOI: 10.5220/0002258602380244
Product proliferation, low cost and time to market
are the main motives behind the family based
development approach (
Mohan and Ramesh, 2003),
(Ajila etal, 2004). Proliferation in product variety is
achievable by introducing variability into families of
products to be developed (Vangurp et al,
2000;2001).Variability is a key concept of product
line engineering which is usually set by customer
specific requirements.(Ajila et al, 2004), (
al, 2009).
Variability refers to behavioral difference and is
made explicit through variant and variation points.
Variation point is a location that represents the
delayed design decision and variants are “set of
values” that must be filled into variation point (de
Oliveira et al, 2005), (Vangurp et al, 2001), (Bosch
et al, 2001).
Researchers have identified that core issues of
variability management are Variability
identification, Variability Representation,
Variability Realization, Product instantiation and
dependency Management. These are called core
issues because these are frequently reported in
literature in the context of variability management
(Bosch et al, 2001), (de Oliveira et al, 2005),
(Mohan and Ramesh 2002; 2003; 2007), (Theil and
Heindel, 2002), (Metzger and Pohl, 2006), (Lee and
Muthig, 2006), (Estublier and Vega, 2005).From
literature survey, we have further categorized these
issues into sub issues as shown in figure 1.
Variability identification
Sources of Variation
Evolution Aspects within a product
Variation Between different
roduct members
Variability Representation
Requirements Level (feature)
n Level
n alternatives
Variability Realization
Variation point(VP),Variant(Var)
Effects of variant on variation point
Tasks attached to an individual variation point
Product Instantiation
Application Specific Variability
stematic Reuse
Dependency Management
Components Dependency
Feature Tangling and Scattering
Figure 1: Core issues of variability management.
A good deal of work has been done in the area of
variability management with many people still
working on it. Among them the most significant
contribution is done by (Vangurp, 2000; 2001). Then
(Svahnberg et al, 2000) and (Becker, 2003) are also
among other contributors making variability
management an understandable and un-ignorable
concept for the product line engineering. (de
Oliveira et al, 2005) also share his contribution in
describing and improving the concept of variability
management by proposing a UML based variability
management process. Besides, there are several
others who worked in the same lines. (Kannan,
2003), (Metzger and Pohl, 2006),(Estublierand
Vega, 2005), (Buhne et al, 2005), (Deelstra etal,
The valuable contribution regarding traceability
based variability management is done by Mohan and
Ramesh (Mohan and Ramesh , 2002, 2003, 2007),
(Jirapanthong and Zisman,2005),(Berg etal,2005)
and (Kim et al, 2005).All of them emphasize on
capturing various fragments of variability
information like rationale of design decisions and
possible alternatives used in later stages of product
line development. Among them research work of
Kim etal (2005) is the only one who explicitly states
the traces for variability management however such
set includes traces only for variability identification
and realization and ignores other important issues of
variability management that are reported in
literature.(Becker, 2003), (Kim et al, 2005), and,
(Estublier and Vega, 2005).For this reason,
traceability based variability management model is
proposed that incorporate explicit traceability
information for all the core issues of variability
In this section, we describe the three staged model
proposed for variability management. Three stages
of the model are issues identification, issues
realization using traceability links and mapping
between issues and traceability information.
1. Identify core issues of variability management
2. Issues realization using traceability information
3. Mapping between core issues and traceability
Figure 2: Variability Management Model.
4.1 Identify Core Issues of Variability
In this section, we present the core issues (including
sub issues) of variability management which are
Variability identification
Variability Representation
Variability Realization
Product Instantiation
Dependency Management
4.1.1 Variability Identification
Variability identification is the first step in
variability management which includes
identification of variation points between products
(de Oliveira et al, 2005),(Mohan and Ramesh,
2002).Early variability identification in the life cycle
leads to better customization and improves company
economy by increasing products variety effectively
(Theil and Heindel, 2002).
Identification of variability includes
identification of all causes of variability. Frequently
reported causes of variations are
1. Change in market strategy, business needs or
advances in technology (Ajila et al, 2004),
(Faheem and Luis, 2007).
2. Stakeholders of the product line often have
conflicting requirements which is a main
source of variations, (Bayer. and Widden,
2001), (Ajila etal, 2004), thus these sources
along with their requirements should also be
3. Step wise extension of new requirements
may introduce new variants (Riebisch and
Plilippow, 2001).These variants should be
identified as early as possible to avoid the
architectural degeneration of product lines.
4. Evolution aspects within a product because it
helps to decide about timely incorporation of
a new member into product line
(Jirapanthong and Zisman, 2005).
4.1.2 Variability Representation
The explicit representation of variability is proven to
be essential in managing product line variability
(Sinnema etal, 2004), (Jaring and Bosch, 2002).
There are many ways to represent variability such as
feature models, meta models, ontology of variability
and UML notations. (Vangurp etal, 2000), (Metzger
and Pohl, 2006), (Theil and Heindel, 2002),( Mohan
and Ramesh ,2003).
Literature survey reveals that different modeling
approaches have been proposed by authors to
represent variability in different phases. E.g. feature
modeling approaches are used to represent
variability in problem space (Becker, 2003) whereas
variability representation in design and architectural
level is discussed by (Theil and Heindel, 2002),
(Bachmann and Bass, 2001).
Jaring and Bosch (2002) indicate that although,
variability representation is central to variability
management, no standard notation is available and
there is a lack of common frame of reference for
variability representation.
4.1.3 Variability Realization
Variability realization is done at the implementation
level. During variability realization, impact of
variations on different software assets are
understood and such variations are supported
through appropriate implementation mechanisms
(Becker, 2003).Variability realization includes
variation points, their associated variants, effects of
variants on variation points and tasks attached to an
individual variant point (Kim et al, 2005).In other
words, variability realization involves details of
variability so that complex dependencies between
different variations are comprehensible(Mohan and
Literature suggests various implementation
mechanisms to realize variability (Bachman and
Bass, 2001).Becker (2003) emphasizes that
variability realization is an important factor of
variability management as it ensures variability
implementation into product lines. Bosch et al,
(2004) illustrates the importance of variability
realization and concludes that without variability
realization it is difficult to see the impacts of
changes – which is essential for efficient and
effective change management.
4.1.4 Product Instantiation
Products instantiation is a way to promote product
variety for which reusability is known as a viable
approach. However, sometimes products
instantiation is not fully supported by reuse of core
assets due to application specific variability.(Bayer,
and Widden, 2001),(Kim, et al. 2005) which is
important to manage in order to deliver products that
are truly representative of customers’ requirements
but for product instantiation, reusability approach
has two pitfalls which are” Identification of reusable
components” and “selection of appropriate
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
configuration among the components “(Mohan and
Ramesh, 2002, (Estublierand Vega, 2005).
Product line is successful if components
presented in core assets are optimally used to
develop the new product variants but literature
highlights that complex dependency between
components’ variation points, makes components
configuration a tedious task (Theil and
heindel,2002), (Mohan and Ramesh,2002).
Moreover, third party components are increasingly
being used in product line based software
engineering that also complicates the variability
management process (Taulavuori, et al, 2004).
4.1.5 Dependency Management
Complexity because of complex interdependency
between different artifacts of the product line is
inherited attribute of product lines. Variation is
always a part of some artifact therefore in order to
manage variability, dependency management
becomes critical. In addition to this, dependency
management is important for variability
management, as variability cannot be localized and
it has widespread impact on product line artifacts
(Becker, 2003).Dependency management is
important due to
1. Components configuration because one
variation point may be associated to more
than one component, probably to be used in
different context (Theil and Heindel, 2002).
2. Feature tangling and scattering (dependency
between component and feature) is another
issue of dependency management (Theil and
Heindel.2002), (Sinnema et al, 2004),
(Loesch and Ploedereder, 2007) which
creates problem during maintenance due to
high rate of dependency.
3. Variability management requires consistent
change integration throughout the software
development lifecycle which is difficult due
to feature interaction (Vangurp et al, 2000),
(Lee and Muthig, 2006). Because features
dependency is complex (Mohan and
Ramesh, 2003) and impact analysis is
difficult to perform in case of changed
4.2 Issues Realization using Traceability
Next step, after issues identification is to identify the
traceability information for each issue. The purpose
is to elicit the traceability links for each core issue
and its sub issues .These traceability links assist in
providing a comprehensive overview about the type
of artifacts and system elements required to tackle
the different issues of variability management.
4.2.1 Traceability Information for
Variability Identification
Discussed below are the types of variations that need
to be identified. Requirements Variability
(Vangurp etal.,2000; 2001) identifies that variability
is generated in the form of requirements. It is then
refined by feature diagram (Lee and Muthig, 2006)
in the form of alternative, mandatory or optional
feature (Bachmn and Bass, 2001), (Vangurp etal.,
2001).This indicates that from requirement to
feature is an appropriate trace for variability
(functional) identification.
Product family has numerous members, each
having its own set of requirements. Differences
between them are inevitable which are utterly
essential to identify in order to manage. One way to
capture such differences is maintain traceability
between artifacts (horizontal/vertical) of product
members as discussed by (Jipanthrohg and Zisman,
2005).This trace helps to identify the differences
between different product members by comparing
the artifacts. In other words establish trace
documents of product members (e.g. req to req,
design to design, req to design etc.) to identify the
differences between product members. Conflicting Quality Attributes requested
by Stakeholders
Mohan and Ramesh, (2002) shows that it is
important to trace the sources that demand
conflicting quality attributes as it facilitates to justify
the implementation of same components for
different functionality. We can capture such
information with the help of maintaining from origin
to conflicting quality attribute trace. This trace is
also helpful to identify all the sources of variations
either internal or external. Evolution Aspects within a Product
Jipanthrohg and Zisman, (2005) discusses that
importance of identifying evolution aspects in a
single product member. Such evolution is
identifiable by maintaining the trace from feature to
architectural description to design documentation to
code. This trace shows change incorporated in
requirements and its effect on other artifacts. As a
result, it provides a complete picture of change
within a product.
4.2.2 Traceability Links for Variability
It is clear that variability representation is not
bounded to a single phase but it is an attribute of all
phases of software development life cycle. It implies
that this issue encompass artifacts of both problem
and solution space. Berg et al, (2005) defines
requirements related artifacts as part of problem
space and architecture and implementation related
artifacts in solution space. This indicates that
variability representation involves following trace;
from requirements to design to implementation. This
trace defines variability of requirements in the form
of features. Also it describes variability of
architecture in terms of variation points and how this
variability is then represented in design
documentations and finally variability representation
at code level; thus covering the whole domain i.e.
problem and solution space.
4.2.3 Traceability Links for Variability
In the context of variability realization, Kim, et al.,
(2005) has mentioned the artifacts and traces
between artifacts. Commonality and variability
specifications and Core asset model are stated
artifacts for variability realization. Variability is
specified in an abstract form by commonality and
variability specifications which is then realized and
refined by core asset model. In addition to this
(Estublier and Vega, 2005) defines that from feature
to product line architecture trace helps to realize
variability at design time.
4.2.4 Traceability Links for Product
Instantiation Application Specific Variability
Product derivation is incomplete until application
specific variability is not handled. To mange such
variability we require to analyze the application
specific features which are not supported by core
assets. For this purpose Kim et, al, (2005) suggests
application analysis model which includes details of
application specific requirements. As a second step
we need to identify the options and alternatives
available to satisfy these requirements. For this
purpose, researchers suggest decision model (Berg et
al, 2005), (Kim, et al, 2005), (Metzger and Pohl,
2006). Decision model contains details of
alternatives and solutions in the form of variations
and variation points. It implies that maintaining the
trace from application analysis model to decision
resolution model helps to map the application
specific features to application specific variability
and resolves the issue of application specific
variability. Identification of Reusable Components
Systematic reuse is proven to be an effective
approach during product instantiation for which
identification of reusable assets is critical.
Jirapanthong and Zisman (2005) identified that
maintaining the link from product line architecture
to product member assists in identification of
reusable components. Estublier and Vega, ( 2005)
support this idea and defines that maintaining the
link between abstract product line architecture and
reusable components facilitates in extracting the
functional components of product line which are
then used for product instantiation. Components Configuration
Reusable components should be configured
appropriately to reap the full benefits of reuse. At
the time of configuration, various choices are
available and selection of right choice is essential to
instantiate a right product. To do this, Bosch (1999)
emphasizes to maintain the alternatives and
constraints that lead to configurability of various
components. Mohan and Ramesh, (2002) argued that
maintaining such information also provides rationale
for various architectural design decisions. We call
this trace from origin to architectural decision. By
origin we mean alternatives and constraints of
configuration. We relate it to architectural decisions
because reusable components are designed during
4.2.5 Traceability Links for Dependency
During dependency management three issues are
reported (Theil and Heindel, 2002), (Loesch and
Ploedereder, 2007), (Kathrin et al, 2005) (Becker,
1. Component dependency (between
2. Features tangling and scattering (between
features and components
ICSOFT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
3. Feature interaction (between features)
This implies that maintaining the trace from
component to component addresses the issue of
component dependency and from feature to
is required for the issue of feature
scattering and tangling. For feature interaction we
need from feature to feature and, from feature to
architectural decision to design documentation to
implementation trace.
4.3 Mapping between Core Issues of
Variability Management and
Traceability Information.
In this step, we present the mapping between the
issues and related traceability links and summarize
them in the form of table.
Table 1: Traceability links and variability management
Traceability link Issue
Variability identification
From Requirement to feature. Variability in Functionality
From Origin to Conflicting
quality attributes
Conflicting quality attributes by
From Feature to architectural
decision to design
documentation to
Evolution aspects within a
product member
Relation between documents
of same/different type for
different product members
Variations among different
product members
From requirements to design
to implementation
Variability Representation
From Commonality and
variability model to core
From Feature to product line
Variability Realization
Product Instantiation
From application analysis
model to decision resolution
Application Specific Variability
From product line
architecture to product
From abstract product line
architecture to reusable
Identification of reusable
From origin to architectural
Components Configuration
From component to
Component dependency
From feature to component Feature Tangling and Scattering
From feature to feature Feature Interaction
Variability management is an essential part during
product line change management, contributing
towards successful software product line
development. Variability management is needed to
ensure successful product lines in terms of efficient
change management. Literature suggest traceability
based variability management as an effective mean,
however existing approaches do not explicitly state
the traceability links for all the core issues of
variability management. For the reason, the
objective of this research was to propose a model
that can manage variability whilst incorporating all
the core issues of variability management.
Outcome of this research is the mapping between
traceability information and core issues of variability
management. We intend to validate the research by
applying it in industry, to evaluate its effectiveness
in the context of product line variability
management. Incorporating the value based concepts
in this model is another future direction.
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