Felipe Marques Pires, Rodrigo Sanches Miani and Leonardo de Souza Mendes
Department of Communication, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, State University of Campinas
Av. Albert Einstein, 400, Cidade Universitária ”Zeferino Vaz”, Distrito Barão Geraldo, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Wireless sensor networks, IEEE 802.15.4, Metropolitan broadband access networks, Municipal monitoring
and control, ZigBee.
Advances in smart sensors, communication technologies and embedded computing allow to have an inter-
action between digital and physical worlds. This paper presents an architecture of combining ZigBee with
Metropolitan broadband access networks in order to build an architecture for monitoring and control in a mu-
nicipal scale. A prototype alarm system was implemented based on this architecture as a proof of concept.
However there is a wider range of applications that can be designed using this architecture to provide reliable
services for government and communities.
City environments monitoring and control represent a
class of municipal services with huge benefits for city
management, government administration and society
as a whole. The focus of this work is to present an
architecture to integrate physical characteristics from
the real world with computing systems through sen-
sor and actuator networks, and devices connected in
a metropolitan broadband access network (MBAN) to
reach municipal scale.
Our proposed architecture uses the ZigBee stan-
dard for implementing sensor and actuator networks
in a small scale that are connected through a gate-
way to the metropolitan broadband access network
enabling to gather information and send commands
to devices inside the environments from anywhere in
the city.
ZigBee is a wireless technology for inexpensive,
short range networks, ideal for control of a large num-
ber of devices and machine to machine communica-
tion over a network. Traditional sensors are not able
to obtain particulars inputs and reporting the data in
real time and with high spatial density as sensor net-
works are able to do (Horton and Suh, 2005). Due
to these characteristics mentioned, ZigBee is largely
used into field of automatic control, energy monitor,
light control, home security, remote control and smart
environments creation.
In this paper we present an architecture for mon-
itoring and control in the city environments. We also
describe some possible services that could be applied
in city environments. An alarm system implementa-
tion based on our architecture is also presented, which
is being developed in the city of Pedreira, Brazil.
The next section presents related works and success-
ful case studies. Section 3 introduces a background
of metropolitan broadband access networks and the
structure of the ZigBee standard. Section 4 describes
in more detail the proposed architecture. Section 5
presents the implementation of an alarm system as a
proof of concept. Finally, the last section presents the
conclusions and the future works.
Other works such as (Gniadek et al., 2008), (Mor-
reale, 2008) and (Mainwaring et al., 2002) also imple-
ment sensor networks for environmental monitoring.
Gniadeck (2008) presented their experience in build-
ing an infrastructure of combining ZigBee with Web
Services for remote accessing and control of a net-
work. A framework was developed based on above
infrastructure to implement a traffic monitoring sys-
Other implementation for traffic monitoring can
be found in (Morreale, 2008), Street Corners network
was deployed on the Kean University campus, which
Marques Pires F., Sanches Miani R. and de Sousa Mendes L. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 27-31
DOI: 10.5220/0002227700270031
is a network architecture to integrate active and pas-
sive sensors information gathered from urban envi-
ronmental sensing networks. Their implementation
uses sensors from Crossbow Technology, Inc., that in-
cludes IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee compliant processors.
Mainwaring (2002) presented a system architec-
ture for real-world habitat monitoring, specially to
monitor seabird nesting environment and behavior in
a small island off the coast of Maine called Great
Duck Island.
Discussions about design and metropolitan broad-
band access network implementation can be found in
(Alexiou et al., 2005) and (Balhoff and Rowe, 2005).
Case studies and successful deployment results of
MBANs are presented in (Ford and Koutsky, 2005)
and (Kramer et al., 2006).
We also propose an architecture for environmental
monitoring which has some relations with mentioned
works. However, our proposal presents considerable
differences and benefits such: Two way communica-
tion system, where monitoring and also control over
the environment can exist. Municipal scale monitor-
ing and control, the area covered by this infrastruc-
ture is highly large. Diversity of services that can be
offered to cities, the proposed architecture can be de-
ployed in a wide range of environments, bringing to
cities technology and comfort to its society.
3.1 Metropolitan Broadband Access
A Metropolitan broadband access network can be de-
fined as the integration of services, applications and
the infrastructure of a communications network of
a city. It works with high bandwidth transmission
capacity and can support information from a wide
range of services, all based on the Internet protocol
(Mendes, 2006).
A MBAN can be classified according to the three
layers model presented in Figure 1 (Miani et al.,
A Metropolitan broadband access network can be
based on four technologies: optic, wireless, dedicated
access (e.g. ADSL, cable network and frame relay) or
hybrid. The limitation of resources and the demand
for transmission capacity are some factors that can
be used to choose one of these technologies. A
MBAN can also be classified according to the type of
the points connected. There are three categories of
connections: i) public buildings (schools, hospitals,
ADSL, Optical fiber, Wireless
and Hybrid
Public buildings, private
buildings and residences.
VoIP, E-government,
Internet distribution
Figure 1: MBAN classification model.
etc); ii) private buildings (companies, industries); and
iii) residences.
Once the infrastructure is ready, several services
can be made available for the metropolitan network
users, as shown in (Ford and Koutsky, 2005) and
(Bauer et al., 2002). Some of these are: Internetdistri-
bution, VoIP, e-government systems, information pro-
grams for education departments, and video sharing
3.2 ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4
ZigBee is a wireless communications standard man-
aged by ZigBee Alliance, a group over 170 companies
creating ZigBee related semiconductors, developing
tools and products. Solutions adopting the ZigBee
standard are embedded in consumerelectronics, home
and building automations, industrial control, sensor
networks and so on. The ZigBee stack architecture is
separated in a set of blocks called layers. Each layer
performs a specific set of services for the layer above
(ZigBee-Alliance, 2008).
The IEEE 802.15.4 standard defines the respon-
sibilities of the physical (PHY) layer and medium
access control (MAC) sub-layer. IEEE 802.15.4
has two physical layers that operate in two different
frequency ranges, 868/915 MHz and 2.4 GHz. The
MAC sub-layer controls access to the radio channel
using a Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision
Avoidance (CSMA-CA) mechanism. MAC layer
responsibilities may also include transmitting beacon
frames, synchronization, and providing a reliable
transmission mechanism. The ZigBee specification
WINSYS 2009 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
defines the network (NWK) and application (APL)
layers (Gutiérrez, 2007). Figure 2 briefly describes
relevant layers and related information.
Figure 2: ZigBee stack architecture.
ZigBee was designed for low power applications
and it fits well into embedded system and those mar-
kets where reliability and versatility are important but
high bandwidth is not. Low power consumption en-
ables to deploy ZigBee devices and sensors in wider
areas where power supply is not presented offering
extended battery life. ZigBee also offers support of
large network size comparing to other technologies,
it has the capacity of supporting over 64000 devices
within a network, which makes it possible to deploy
sensor at a very high density, which is essential to cer-
tain applications such as monitoring and control in a
large scale.
Interfacing to the physical world involves exchanging
energy between embedded devices and their environ-
ments. Usually, each device is either a sensor node or
an actuator node. Sensor nodes translate a particular
form of energy or a phenomena (light, heat, vibration)
into information. Actuator nodes convert information
into action over the environment around them (Estrin
et al., 2002).
As stated earlier, the proposed architecture com-
bines ZigBee wireless technology with Metropolitan
broadband access network in order to create a large
sensor/actuator network to monitor and control city
environments such as hospitals, schools, health cen-
ters, government buildings, streets and other public
spaces. This architecture allows an interaction be-
tween physical characteristics from real cities with
computational tools, resulting in a system where in-
formation from real environments can be accessed
and manipulated by specific communities, govern-
ment employees, and also to be used to create smart
The architecture lowest level consists of the
sensor/actuator nodes that interact directly to the
environment based on their physical characteristics.
Nodes may be deployed around the environment
in a large number. The sensor nodes transmit their
data through the ZigBee network to the network
gateway. The gateway is responsible for trans-
mitting sensor data from the sensor patch through
the Metropolitan broadband access network to the
remote base station where a software application
processes the data and finally such information is
displayed to the users through an user interface.
The same happens with the actuator nodes, however
in an opposite way, data is transmitted by user
commands from remote base stations to the actuator
nodes which respond the request with actions over the
environment. The architecture is depicted in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Architecture model.
The number of remote base stations probably will
increase in parallel with new services. This reason is
because different environments should be monitored
and controlled by different people or companies. For
example, informations about all health centers should
be concentrated in a base station where people are ca-
pable to monitor and control these environments. In-
formation about traffic monitoring should be transmit-
ted to its specific base station and so on.
4.1 Services
A wide range of services can be developed using the
proposed architecture, and the most of them can be
used for government administration proposal. De-
pending on the cities needs new environmental mon-
itoring and control solutions can be developed, im-
provements in existing infrastructures can be made to
achieve a high spatial resolution, artificial intelligence
can be applied in some cases creating smart environ-
ments with a certain level of autonomy.
In our deployment, we are using XBee OEM RF
Modules from Digi International, Inc. to develop an
alarm system in Pedreira, a city localized in south
east of Brazil. Pedreira has a Metropolitan broadband
access network since 2007, it was a project developed
in agreement between the State University of Camp-
inas (UNICAMP) and the government of Pedreira.
The network infrastructure is constituted by a optical
backbone and wireless digital radio communication
as presented in Figure 4, which connects the city
health centers, hospitals, schools and other important
Figure 4: MBAN of Pedreira.
The XBee OEM RF Module was engineered to
meet IEEE 802.15.4 standards and support low-cost,
low-power wireless communication. The module op-
erates within the ISM 2.4 GHz frequency band. It
can operate in different topologies either point-to-
multipoint or ZigBee/Mesh topologies, depending on
the firmware configuration inside the module and for
what application is destined (Digi, 2008).
The gateway was developed using the same mod-
ule described above using an USB interface board,
which takes all data collected from nodes around the
environment and by a computer software transmits
all information through a TCP connection over
the MBAN to a remote base station. For software
implementation was used JAVA language. The OEM
RF Module and the USB interface board is presented
in Figure 5.
Figure 5: USB interface board.
The nodes embedded around the environment use
the same OEM RF Module to communicate with
the gateway. The module is mounted in a manager
board presented in Figure 6, which is used to imple-
ment sensor and actuator nodes, this solution also
enables to collect information from other instruments
through serial interfaces RS232, TTL 5V and TTL
3.3V, where data gathered is transmitted via ZigBee
network to the gateway.
Figure 6: Sensor and actuator board.
The alarm system is being implemented as a proof
of concept which consists of two motion sensors that
monitor intrusion in a public building from the city
of Pedreira. The sensors are spread through the en-
vironment, when a minimal motion is sensed by one
of the sensors a signal is sent to the gateway. The
gateway collects the signal and forwards a message
over the MBAN to a base station localized in other
building inside the city. The user interface receives
the message, processes it and alerts the user that one
of the sensors was activated. Also the user has the
possibility to control a device inside the environment
in anytime.
WINSYS 2009 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
City environments monitoring and control represents
an important class of municipal services and an inter-
esting application of sensor/actuator networks in mu-
nicipal environments. Our proposal differs from other
works specially for offering control over the environ-
ment instead of just monitoring. Another benefit is the
large scale infrastructure provided to cover city areas
and the diversity of services that can be integrated in
municipal scenario.
Our alarm system is the first implementation for
monitoring and control in such infrastructure. How-
ever, future works are expected which includes the de-
sign and implementation of new applications, devel-
opment of new hardwares for specific tasks, creation
of a platform to group data from related environments
in order to organize the base station and the types of
monitoring and control. Pervasive computing also are
being studied to be applied in some future implemen-
tation to achieve a certain level of intelligence in pub-
lic spaces.
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