Optimization of Layout with a Simple Genetic Algorithm
Luigi Troiano
University of Sannio, Viale Traiano, 82100 Benevento, Italy
Cosimo Birtolo, Roberto Armenise, Gennaro Cirillo
Poste Italiane S.p.A., Tecnologie dell’Informazione
Sviluppo Sistemi Informativi - Centro Ricerca e Sviluppo
Piazza Matteotti 3, 80133 Naples, Italy
Optimization of layout, Web Form, User Interface for Mobile Device, Genetic Algorithm, Prediction, Search
Based Software Engineering.
Filling out a form on mobile devices is generally harder than on other terminals, due to the reduced keyboard
and display size, entailing a higher fatigue and limiting the user experience. A solution to this problem can
be based on reducing the input effort required to the user by auto-completion, and re-organizing the fields in
order to provide first those with a higher prediction power. In this paper we assume to be able to predict the
user input and we optimize the fields layout aiming at reducing on average the input actions.
One of the main limitations in deploying a user in-
terface or a Web application to mobile devices is the
reduced size of their screen displays and keyboards.
The display size represents, as a matter of fact, one
of the main constraints in designing and organizing
interface elements for mobile devices. Selecting the
proper number and typology of elements, how to ar-
range them and splitting them in two or more pages
are issues a designer has imperatively to face, mainly
when the client device has a display with reduced ca-
pabilities. In order to ensure an appropriate level of
user-experience, particular attention must be paid to
designing those elements that gather information or
to encouraging the user interaction. As the keyboard
is the main mean the user interacts by, the reduced
number and size of keys can affect also the user ex-
perience, as entering data becomes a tiring task. On
the other side, forms are among the most interactive
elements of any Web application. They collect user
information by typing into text boxes, selecting an
option by radio buttons and check boxes, etc., thus
compelling a higher degree of user participation than
simply clicking hyper-links. The greater is the level
of user interaction, the more critical is usability. In-
deed, filling a form on mobile devices can be so tir-
ing that the task becomes frustrating to the user, espe-
cially when the application requires several forms to
be filled. From the user’s perspective, filling a form
is a cost to pay before to gain access to the service.
But, at the same time, forms represents a key feature
to make on line applications really useful. On mo-
bile devices a form usually appears as a list of labeled
input fields, generally arranged according to a sub-
jective priority, given by the designer. However, the
input effort can be reduced by predicting the user data
entry and auto-completion can drastically change the
order that is suggested in order to maximize the input
predictability. Assumed we have a model for predict-
ing the user input, this work focuses on presenting a
methodology aimed at ensuring an easy-to-use form
layout for user forms, especially in the case of in-
teraction through small mobile displays.In our work,
the form layout optimization aims at balancing screen
space requirements of fields with an easy accessibil-
ity and usability of the form. As will be explained in
details in Section 3, starting from the screen size, the
semantic relations between fields and past user inter-
actions, a genetic algorithm attempts to optimize the
fields distribution on the screen. In this way we can
provide a form layout able to considerably reduce the
time to completion that is the time to fill out a form.
In Section 4 we describe the characteristics of the ge-
netic algorithm used in our experimentation; Section
5 is aimed at presenting some experimental results
Troiano L., Birtolo C., Armenise R. and Cirillo G. (2009).
WEB FORM PAGE IN MOBILE DEVICES - Optimization of Layout with a Simple Genetic Algorithm.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 118-123
DOI: 10.5220/0002007001180123
and finally Section 6 outlines conclusions and future
The problem of designing a usable form as been re-
cently addressed by literature. As highlighted by
Wroblewski (Wroblewski, 2008), “a well–designed
form is barely noticeable. But does not mean the
design process is”. Indeed, a form layout can seem
obvious although its design requires a significant ef-
fort. This is common to many other user interface
design problems. Eye tracking can be used to as-
sess different alternatives and the resulting heat maps
and fixations are analyzed in order to better under-
stand which factors affect usability. For instance, an
excessive distance between labels and the related in-
put fields requires more time to users for complet-
ing the form. Instead, labels on the top of fields al-
low the user to capture both labels and input fields
with a single eye movement, entailing a lower com-
pletion time. Furthermore if you consider a mobile
device, usability becomes a key element. A usable
interface brings many benefits: users are able and
willing to use the various features and services sup-
plied by the operators, the need for customer support
decreases, and above all, user satisfaction improves
(Jokela et al., 2006). Given the typical input limita-
tions of a mobile device, Mobile Web Best Practices
(W3C, 2008) suggest to reduce as far as possible the
user input. Moreover they suggest to limit scrolling
to one direction and to split pages into more but us-
able parts. According to Nielsen (Nielsen, 1994) us-
ability is associated to five attributes: learnability, ef-
ficiency, memorability, error and satisfaction. These
attributes must be prioritized according to user and
task analysis, and then operationalized and expressed
in a measurable way. Lentz and de Jong (Lentz and
de Jong, 2005) analyze the form submission logs to
obtain a well-structured layout optimized to prevent
user errors in filling a form. They identify two factors
as crucial for usability: the sequence of elements in
the form and the spatial distribution of fields. Ahmad
et al.(Ahmad et al., 2003) propose the utilization of
fuzzy logic to obtain an automatic fitness evaluation
method that can overcome the trade-off between re-
quirements, often conflictive, and it is aimed at mak-
ing a usable web page layout, in order to meet user
preferences and to conform to standard guidelines at
same time. In a previous work (Troiano et al., 2008)
we have investigated the application of genetic algo-
rithms as a viable approach to optimize a menu lay-
out in order to maximize accessibility and compliance
to guidelines and user preferences. A related study
led by Google (Baluja, 2006) analyzes the problem of
browsing web pages on small screens. In particular
they adopt a Machine Learning Framework for seg-
menting a target front page. They segments the page
into 9 equally sized regions, each able to be enlarged
using the phone keypad.
The design of usable forms did not seem to receive
enough attention in the literature, although design-
ing a usable form is a challenging task (Lentz and
de Jong, 2005). Indeed a non-usable form, can lead
the user to make errors and to gain frustration, result-
ing in delivery failures and eventually loss of users
and customers. The issue of creating usable forms
becomes more critical in mobile devices, as the re-
duced screen and keypad size poses severe limita-
tions and constraints to the user experience. In our
work, the form layout optimization aims at finding a
trade-off between fields occupation and position with
form accessibility and usability. In particular we fo-
cus attention on mobile devices, and we assume that
a form is made of a set of input controls (i.e. text
fields, radio options, combo boxes, etc.) stacked verti-
cally. Each control is labeled on the top (Wroblewski,
2008). Each field has a fixed width in order to occupy
the whole display width; its height depends instead on
the font size and on the maximum number of allowed
characters. When we provide a form to fill out on
a small screen device the question that arises is how
to split the fields across different pages, which fields
to place on each page and in which order. Answering
this question, we should consider that a larger number
of pages is limiting usability as well: the number of
pages should be kept small. Another direction to im-
prove usability consists in providing auto-completion
features so that the input in some fields can predict
the values of other fields. Fields with higher predic-
tion capability should come first because the user gen-
erally fills out the field from the top to the bottom.
Looking for a solution able to trade-off these differ-
ent requirements can be regarded as an optimization
problem, in particular this problem is combinatorial
in nature as different placements of fields leads to dif-
ferent form layouts (e.g. re-arrangement of fields and
page splitting). Indeed re-arranging items (e.g. fields)
to fit into bins (e.g. pages) of fixed size is recognized
as “bin packing” problem that is a combinatorial NP-
hard problem (Dyckhoff, 1990). This suggests that
a Genetic Algorithm (GA) can effectively overcome
WEB FORM PAGE IN MOBILE DEVICES - Optimization of Layout with a Simple Genetic Algorithm
our problem. Therefore, starting from the screen size
and the space required by each field in the form, the
GA handles the fields occupation and determines if it
is necessary to organize them in more pages. By this
way, GA ensures that the screen space is not wasted
and that there is enough room for the input text at
the same time. Moreover, the distribution of fields
takes into the account the logic grouping of fields
and other designer preferences regarding the maxi-
mum and minimum number of fields in each page, the
order of fields and where they should be positioned.
We consider also the predictive power of each field
of the form, as those with a higher prediction power
should come first as filling them will make possible
to pre-fill the following fields. For this purpose we
adopted a Bayesian model aimed at predicting the val-
ues of form fields given the values on some of them.
The model is trained according to a log of past sub-
missions. Starting from these logs, we have built a
Bayesian Network (BN) to map statistical dependen-
cies between the data of past user interactions. More-
over we have assumed that each field of form corre-
spond to a node of BN (i.e. discrete random variable)
and so the different values filled in the same field be-
come possible states of node. When user fills out data
in some fields, which become “evidences”, the system
enforces Bayesian inference in order to calculate the
posterior probability distributions of all the other net-
work nodes. Therefore, for each field will be chosen
as “prediction the state having a posterior probability
exceeding a certain threshold (0.7). In order to char-
acterize the performance of a multi-words completion
(Nandi and Jagadish, 2007) we take into account two
quantities: precision and recall, where the precision p
is the number of the completions accepted by the user
over the number of all predicted completions, while
the recall r is the number of completions over the
number of all the possible predictions that is all the
fields without user’s evidences. Given the ability of
predicting field values, the genetic algorithm attempts
to arrange the fields so that they are able to predict a
larger number of values, placing on top most predic-
tive ones in order to reduce the user input and thereby
to improve usability.
This paper proposes the exploiting of a GA in order
to facilitate the user when filling the form by properly
re-arranging fields and predicting user-input. The al-
gorithm proposed is inspired to the Simple GA given
by Goldberg (Goldberg, 1989). The structure is out-
lined in Fig.1.
Figure 1: Algorithm structure.
After the problem is setup in terms of fields, layout
preferences and display requirements, the algorithm
is instanced and the initial population is randomly
generated. The algorithm body is made of evaluation
stage where a fitness score is assigned to each popula-
tion individual and genetic processing where individ-
uals are genetically processed by selection, crossover
and mutation. After K generations the best individ-
ual is obtained that is the individual whose phenotype
guarantee an optimized layout of form fields on dif-
ferent pages according to the specified mobile device
4.1 Chromosome
In our work we use a chromosome made by N genes.
Each genes represents a specified field that user has to
fill. Therefore the chromosome’s phenotype is a set of
N fields (Field 1, Field 2, ... , Field N) that compose
an e-service such as the money order. In this example
the phenotype is made by: Sender Name, Receiver
Name, Address, ZIP code, City, Amount, Number of
checking account and Description. Each gene is en-
coded by an integer a
[0, (NQ1)] with i= 1...N,
where N is the number of fields and Q is the number
of available positions in a page. A gene codes the
number of page (p) of the specified field and the po-
sition in the page (q) as depicted in Fig.2 and shown
in Eq.1.
= a
mod Q; p
= a
div Q
where p
is the page number the Field i belong to, q
is its position within the page p
is the module
operation, and
is the integer division operation.
Figure 2: Chromosome
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
We could introduce illegal individual in order to avoid
having two fields in the same position that is q
(i, j N), but it would cause an increased com-
plexity of the problem which has to consider a lot
of illegal individuals among the population. There-
fore we does not introduce illegality and we solve this
problem assuming that if two fields have the same po-
sition q we dispose them according the lexicograph-
ical order given by the chromosome. For instance if
Field1 and Field2 (see Fig.2) have the same value of
page (p
= p
) and position (q
= q
) the algorithm
will arrange Field1 before Field2.
4.2 Fitness
The fitness function for an individual x is aimed at
modeling the possible disposition of fields in several
pages, taking into account different requirements such
as predictability of single field for the other ones, se-
mantic information of the field, area, and preference
settings compliance. Thus it is defined as convex
fitness(x) = σ · P(x) + (1 σ) ·C(x) (2)
where σ [0, 1], P(x) is the degree of predictability,
and C(x) is the degree of constraints’ compliance. In
particular, P(x) is defined as a measure of prediction
power of a specified disposition.
P(x) =
(x) Case 1
Case 2
where in Case 1 the predictability occurs within the
page forcing to dispose in the first position of each
page the field with the highest prediction power in
the page (see Section 5.1), while in Case 2 the pre-
dictability occurs within the page and across the
pages forcing the arrangement of the fields with a
higher prediction power in the first page (see Section
5.2). Instead constraints’ compliance is defined as the
weighted mean:
C(x) =
· c
where m is the number of preferences, w
is the con-
straint importance, and c
(x) is the compliance of x
to a specific preference c
. Therefore, we assumed
a compensation among optimization criteria. Each
preference has a priority w
[1, 5], where 1 is the
lowest priority (i.e. not very important), 5 the highest
(i.e. very important). The default priority value is 1.
Preferences can be of different kind, in our work we
considered the following types:
Number of Pages (min, max) defines the min and
max number of pages;
Semantic requirement (field1, field2) defines if a
specific field (field1) must be coupled with an-
other field (field2) in the same page.
Preferred Position in the Page (field, atBegin-
ning): if atBeginning is equal to true”, field
should be in the first position, otherwise if atBe-
ginning is equal to false”, eld should be in the
last position.
Preferred Page (field, atBeginning): field should
be in the first/last page of form (atBeginning =
Dimension requirements (dimensionsOfFields,
priority) defines the height of each field.
In order to evaluate the behavior of our algorithm we
consider money order service of Poste Italiane. User
has to fill out 8 different fields in order to submit the
money order and these 8 fields are the phenotype of
chromosome (See Fig.2).
Figure 3: Fitness trend varying population size
We arrange the disposition of these fields in differ-
ent pages according to the different constraints such
as: the number of pages has to be between 2 and 4;
some fields are coupled, i.e. Number of Checking ac-
count with Receiver Name and City with ZIP code;
the arrangement has to minimize vertical scrolling in
a page, avoiding the horizontal scrolling and mini-
mizing the blank areas; some fields have to occupy a
specific position, i.e. Description on the latter pages,
preferably in the last one, Amount on the bottom of
a page and Sender Name on the top. In addition we
wish to minimize the number of fields to fill out and
to improve usability. According to Eq.3 we consider 2
WEB FORM PAGE IN MOBILE DEVICES - Optimization of Layout with a Simple Genetic Algorithm
different cases, each characterized by a different pre-
diction employment, although always aimed at reduc-
ing the user input typing: (i) predictability within a
page; (ii) predictability within and across pages.
5.1 Predictability Within a Page
In this case study we consider the prediction contri-
bution (see Eq.2) as the prediction power provided by
the first control of each page for the remaining con-
trols within the page. The prediction component is
expressed in Eq.5 as the sum of the root mean square
of precision p and recall r expressed in Section 3.
(x) =
+ r
where G is the number of pages of individual x, p
are respectively the precision and the recall evalu-
ated when we fill out only the field which holds the
first position in the page i and we use as testing set
the other fields within the page i. Therefore the fields
on the top of each page are expected to be the most
predictive within the page. In other words, the dispo-
sition of fields will be in according with an decreasing
prediction power from the top to the bottom of pages.
This will allow users to fill out the first fields obtain-
ing a good prediction of values in the remaining fields
within the page. Having the most predictive fields in
the top of page should lead to reduce the user-inputs
as users usually begins to fill the first part of the page
especially on mobile devices. In our experimentation,
we executed 5 runs for different problem configura-
tions. The average behavior of the algorithm is de-
picted in Fig.3, where the fitness behavior is studied
with 100 generations, varying the population size (i.e.
50,100,200 and 500 individuals). Elitism is 5. We
note that generally the population size does not play
a relevant role in the algorithm convergence, and also
with small populations it is possible to obtain good
results. The convergence behavior is confirmed by a
test made without elitism.
5.2 Predictability Within and Across
In this case study we consider a combination of the
two prediction schemes. We consider as prediction
factor (P(x) in Eq.2) the arithmetic mean of P
(x) and
(x) as seen in Eq.3.
(x) is expressed in Eq.5 as the prediction power
provided by the first control of each page for the
remaining controls within the page, while P
(x) is
the prediction between filled pages and the following
ones (See Eq.6) and is defined as the sum of the root
mean square of precision p and recall r.
(x) =
G 1
, t
) + r
, t
where e
is the set of evidences given by the fields of
the pages {1, 2, ..., i}, t
are the other fields within the
pages {i+ 1, ...G}, G is the number of pages of indi-
vidual x, and p(e
, t
) is the precision evaluated con-
sidering as evidence set e
and as testing set t
, at the
same time r(e
, t
) is the recall with those evidences
and those test samples.
Figure 4: Fitness behavior after 100 generations varying
population size.
In this case study we wish to obtain a form layout in
which top fields of each page are the most predictive
ones within the page, and at the same time, the whole
fields of first pages are more predictive than fields in
remaining pages. In Fig.4 we can see the fitness be-
havior after 100 generations. Each curve represent the
average of 5 different runs for each population size.
5.3 Qualitative Analysis
As result of our algorithm we optimized a typical
form of Poste Italiane made of 8 different fields.
We aimed at arranging fields in different pages ac-
cording to some constraints to satisfy as: number of
pages has to be between 2 and 4; Number of Check-
ing account and Receiver Name have to belong to
the same page; City and ZIP Code have to belong
to the same page; inserting Description on the lat-
ter pages, preferably in the last one; placing Amount
on the bottom of page and placing Sender Name on
the top of page. Furthermore we wish to arrange the
fields according to the second case study (see Section
5.2). The proposed algorithm evolved for 100 gen-
erations made by 200 individuals and proposes a so-
lution for the specified problem as depicted in Fig.5.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 5: Filling out a form on a mobile device in order to
submit a money order: The result of our algorithm.
The fields are split in three different pages (it satisfies
the first constraint) with a specific order. Furthermore
we can observe how the imposed constraints are sat-
isfied, there is no scrolling in the page and the blank
areas are minimized. Experimentally we prove that if
we fill out the fields of the first page we can see how
it automatically predicts the following two pages and
within the single pages the first field is holden by the
most predictive one which respects the specified con-
straints. The fitness value of this solution is 0.96848,
confirming a good trade-off between the conflicting
Designing a graphical user interface for mobile de-
vices must face many issues related to the limited
screen and keyboard size. This entails that assump-
tions used for designing desktop applications should
be revised in the spite of these constraints. Among
them there are form scrolling features and data en-
try. Both can considerably affect application usability.
Indeed, scrolling a form on mobile devices can be-
come an annoying experience, as being better to move
among pages. Higher usability on mobile devices can
also be improved by limiting the data entry effort,
employing predictive techniques regarding values the
user will enter in the form. In this paper we investi-
gated the use of genetic algorithms in order to auto-
matically support the process of designing a more us-
able form for mobile devices, that is how to organize
fields on different pages considering their predictive
power in determining the following field values. Ex-
perimental results proved that this approach is robust
and can support design decision. These results en-
courage in pursuing the research direction of investi-
gating how to automatically organize a user interface,
thus supporting a designer in choosing among differ-
ent alternatives. In particular, we aim at exploring re-
gards the optimization of more general Web pages for
mobile devices using genetic algorithms, and meta-
heuristics more in general.
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WEB FORM PAGE IN MOBILE DEVICES - Optimization of Layout with a Simple Genetic Algorithm