Alvaro Arenas, Benjamin Aziz
e-Science Centre, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX, U.K.
Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Reputation Management, Grid computing, Virtual Organisations.
Grid computing allows one to access, utilise and manage heterogeneous resources in virtual organisations
across multiple domains and institutions. The formation and operation of virtual organisations involve estab-
lishing trust among their members and reputation is one measure by which such trust can be quantified and
reasoned about. This paper presents a reputation model for Grid-based virtual organisations that can be used to
rate users as well as resources and their providers. The model is based on utility computing, which expresses
the satisfaction of an entity in its interactions with other entities with respect to some issues of interest. We
show how the model can be used to rate users according to their resource usage and resource providers ac-
cording to the quality of service provided. Finally, we demonstrate through Grid simulations, how the model
can be useful in improving completion and welfare in a virtual organisation.
A Virtual Organisation (VO) can be seen as a tem-
porary or permanent coalition of geographically dis-
persed organisations that pool resources, capabilities
and information in order to achieve common goals.
VOs are given attention by researchers within a wide
range of fields, from social anthropology and organ-
isational theory to computer science. Their impor-
tance resides in providing an abstraction to represent
organisational collaborations, a topic of fresh inter-
est given the current exploitation of Internet technol-
ogy to create virtual enterprises, or the sharing of re-
sources across different organisations as envisaged by
Grid computing (Foster et al., 2001).
This paper investigates how to exploit reputation
systems for managing Grid-based VOs. Reputation
is one measure by which trust among different mem-
bers of a VO can be quantified and reasoned about.
We focus on Grids where the availability of resources
and user tasks is highly dynamic, and both resource
providers and users have to compete for providing and
employing resources. Reputation systems are then
used to manage reputation of resource providers, ac-
cording to the Quality of Service (QoS) provided, as
well as reputation of users, according to their usage of
The main contribution of the paper is to study
the impact of applying reputation in Grid-based VOs.
Resource-providers reputation can be used by re-
source brokers in order to improve allocation of user
tasks by selecting reputable providers. Conversely,
users reputation can be used by resource providers in
order to define security level for users; low-reputable
users would be assigned tight measures when access-
ing a resource.
The structure of the paper is the following. Sec-
tion 2 describes our model of VOs. Then, section
3 introduces the reputation model used in the pa-
per, a utility-based model that uses information pro-
vided by monitors to rate entities within a Grid.
This reputation model is used in section 4 to model
resource-providers and user reputations. Next, sec-
tion 5 presents the system architecture and gives an
example of a usage scenario. Then, section 6 shows
experimental results and discusses the use of rep-
utation for both brokering and controlling resource
usage. Section 7 reviews related work and finally,
section 8 concludes the paper and highlights future
Arenas A., Aziz B. and Cosmin Silaghi G. (2008).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 538-545
DOI: 10.5220/0001925305380545
In order to support rapid formation of VOs, we use
the concept of virtual breeding environment (VBE)
(Camarihna-Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2003). A VBE
can be defined as an association of organisations ad-
hering to common operating principles and infrastruc-
ture with the main objective of participating in poten-
tial VOs. In this paper, we have adopted the view that
organisations participating in a VO are selected from
a VBE, as illustrated in figure 1. Such organisations
may provide resources, represented by ovals, and in-
clude users that utilise VO resources, represented by
small squares.
Organisations pre-register to a VBE via the VO
Manager component, including description of the re-
sources they are willing to share in a Grid and the
list of potential users belonging to the organisation.
When a user requires to create a VO, he assumes the
role of VO Owner and contacts the VO Manager with
the description of needed resources. The VO Man-
ager includes a resource broker component that select
potential resource providers. The VO Owner then se-
lects resource providers and define list of users of the
Note that a VBE can be seen as a market place,
where resource providers are competing to partici-
pate in a VO, and users within a VO are competing to
use resources. Reputation information about resource
providers can be used as another parameter for guid-
ing the selection of VO partners. On the other hand,
having reputation information about users could help
resource providers to implant tighter security mecha-
nisms for accessing resources. Next sections would
develop these ideas for Grid-based VOs.
Figure 1: VBE and VO Models.
The reputation model presented here is based on the
reputation model described in (Silaghi et al., 2007).
This section summarises the main properties of such
a model and adapts it for deadling with Grid-based
Central to our model is the notion of organisation;
the set of all organisations is denoted by Org. From
the perspective of the reputation model, a VO is rep-
resented just as a set of organisations; we keep track
of all VOs that have existed and use the set VOId to
denote the set of all VO identifiers.
The entities we want to keep reputation values are
defined as elements of the set Ent. An obvious restric-
tion is that an entity must belong to an organisation.
We are interested in some particular issues of interest
associated to an entity; the set of all issues of inter-
est is represented by Issue. The individuals that use
(consume) the entities and qualify them are members
of the set Cons. The sets Ent, Issue and Cons are
considered type parameters that will be instatiated ac-
cording to the domain we are interested in. Below we
represent above types and their associations as func-
tions, using the mathematical notations provided by
the Z specification language (Woodcock and Davies,
[Org, VOId]
VOS : VOId 7 P Org
[Cons, Ent, Issue]
EntOrg : Ent Org
EntIssue : Ent P Issue
EntCons : Ent 7 P Cons
Notation [Org, VOId] introduces Org and VOId as ba-
sic types. VOS associates a VO with the set of organ-
isation participating in it. Function EntOrg associates
an entity with the organisation to which belongs to;
EntIssue relates an entity with its issue of interests;
and EntCons associates an entity with its consumers.
In our model, it is assumed the existence of mon-
itors that deliver events indicating the current value
produced by an entity for a consumer in relation to a
particular issue of interest within a VO. We represent
an event as a tuple that contains at least four elements:
a consumer, an entity, an issue, and a VO. A trace cor-
respond to a sequence of events:
Event == Cons × Ent × Issue × VOId × ···
Trace == seq Event .
A utility function reflects the satisfaction of a con-
sumer in relation to particular entity. It relates an
event with a numeric value indicating what is really
expected by the consumer:
utility : Event R .
The complete definition of a utility function is consid-
ered to be domain specific.
Utility functions are used to define the reputation
of an entity in relation to a particular issue of interest
from the perspective of a consumer.
[Cons, Ent, Issue]
rep eic : (Cons × Ent × Issue × VOId) R
c : Cons, e : Ent, i : Issue, vo : VOId
rep eic(c, e, i,vo) =
evTrace{(c,e,i,vo,··· )Event}
where #s denotes the cardinality of sequence s and
s A denotes the largest subsequence of s containing
only those objects that are elements of A. Reputation
eic is defined as the average of the utilities ob-
tained from all generated events so far; it is defined
as a generic function paremeterised by sets Cons, Ent
and Issue.
Aggregating all consumers reputation about an en-
tity within a VO produces the reputation of the entity
in the VO. Let us first define the reputation of an en-
tity for the case of a particular issue of interest in a
VO as the aggregation of the reputation value given
by each consumer in the VO.
[Ent, Issue]
rep ei : Ent × Issue × VOId R
e : Ent, i : Issue, vo : VOId
rep ei(e, i, vo) =
rep eic(c,e,i,vo)
Reputation function rep ei is defined as a generic
function paremeterised by sets Ent and Issue.
The reputation of an entity in a VO is then the aggre-
gation of the reputation of each of its issues of interest
within the VO.
rep e : Ent × VOId R
e : Ent, vo : VOId
rep e(e, vo) =
rep ei(e,i,vo)
The reputation of an entity is an aggregation of its
reputation in all VOs in which it has participated.
rep : Ent R
e : Ent rep(e) =
rep e(e,vo)
#dom VOS
This section describes how above reputation model
can be used to keep reputation on both resource
providers and users within a VO.
4.1 Reputation Management for
Resource Providers
Here we aim at maintaining reputation for organisa-
tions (resource providers) within a VO and the VBE
according to the quality of service (QoS) of the re-
sources they provide. In this model, consumers corre-
spond to the users in a VO, denoted by VOUser, and
entities correspond to the VO resources, denoted by
the set Res. There are several options for selecting
issues of interest. We can have either a fine granu-
larity where each service level objective defined for a
resource can be seen as an issue of interest or a coarse
granularity where the whole QoS can be seen as a sin-
gle issue. For simplicity, we have selected the last
option, having the whole QoS as our only issue of in-
Functions UsersVO and ResVO represent the set
of users of a VO and the resources that an organisation
provides to a VO respectively.
UsersVO : VOId P VOUser
ResVO : VOId × Org P Res
This model requires the existence in the system of
monitors capable of detecting how the QoS varies
for a resource and generating events to inform the
reputation system about such changes. An event is
then represented as a tuple denoting the current value
of the QoS of a resource being used by a user within
a VO.
Event == VOUser × Res × {QoS} × VOId × R
where QoS is a name indicating the QoS issue.
In order to define the corresponding utility func-
tion, we introduce an auxiliary function indicating the
service level agreement (SLA) accorded between a
VO user and a resource provider for a particular re-
source within a VO.
SLA : VOUser × Res × VOId R
The SLA function represents the expected quality of
a resource. It is then used to define the utility (satis-
faction) a user gets when employing a VO resource.
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
utility : Event R
(u, r, QoS, id, v) Event
utility((u, r, QoS, id, v)) =
1 if v SLA(u, r, id)
if v < SLA(u, r, id)
We can now define the reputation of a resource using
the reputation functions defined in the previous sec-
tion. Here Res rep eic denotes the reputation value
given by a particular VO user to a resource in relation
to its QoS in a VO. Res rep ei represents the reputa-
tion of a resource taking into account its QoS in a VO;
it is an aggregation of the reputation of all users of the
resource in relation to the QoS issue within such VO.
Res rep e denotes the reputation of a resource in a
VO. Finally, Res rep indicates the reputation of a re-
source in the VBE. Note, since we have only one issue
of interest, Res rep ei and Res rep e are equivalent.
Res rep eic == rep eic[VOUser, Res, {QoS}]
Res rep ei == rep ei[Res, {QoS}]
Res rep e == rep ei[Res]
Res rep == rep[Res]
Using above functions, we can define the reputa-
tion of an organisation within a VO and in the VBE.
The reputation of an organisation in a VO, denoted by
Org rep VO can be defined as the aggregation of the
reputation of all resources it provides to the VO.
Org rep VO : Org × VOId R
o Org, vo VOId
Org rep VO(o,vo) =
Res rep e(e,vo)
Reputation of an organisation in the VBE can then be
defined as follows.
Org rep VBE : Org R
o Org
Org rep VBE(o) =
Org rep VO(o,vo)
4.2 Reputation Management for VO
Here we aim at maintaining reputation for users
within a VO and the VBE according to their usage
of VO resources. In this model, users, denoted by
set VOUser, are seen as entities who could execute
some pre-defined actions on resources following pre-
established policies. Resources, denoted by set Res,
are seen as consumers that qualify users in relation to
their actions. If a user attempts to executate an action
that is not allowed by the VO policy, it will be given
a ”bad qualification” by the resource that would be
reflected in the user reputation.
Set Action denotes the set of possible actions to be
perfomed on resources. A policy indicates the set of
actions a user can perform on a resource in a VO. It
represents the expected behaviour of a user.
policy : VOUser × Res × VOId P Action
A penalty function penalises a user with a value in the
interval [0, 1) if he executes non-permitted actions
penalty : VOUser × Res × VOId × Action [0, 1)
u : VOuser, r : Res, vo : VOId, a : Action
(u, r, vo, a) dom penalty
a 6∈ policy(u,r, vo)
Events are defined as follows
Event == Res × VOUser × {Usage} × VOId × Action
where Usage is a name indicating the resource-
usage issue.
Functions policy and penalty are used to define the
utility that a resource gets according to the actions
performed by a user in a VO.
utility : Event R
(r, u, Usage,vo, a) Event
utility((r, u, Usage,vo, a)) =
1 if a policy(u,r, vo)
penalty(u, r, vo, a) if a 6∈ policy(u, r, vo)
We can now define the reputation of a user using
the reputation functions defined in section 3. Here
User rep eic denotes the reputation value given by
a particular resource to a VO user in relation to the
Usage of the resource in a VO. User rep ei rep-
resents the reputation of a user taking into account
its resource usage in a VO; it aggregates the reputa-
tion of the user for all resources he uses in the VO.
User rep e denotes the reputation of a user in a VO;
it corresponds to an aggregation of the reputation of
all his issue of interest. Since we have only one issue
of interest, User rep ei and User rep e are equiva-
lent. Finally, User rep indicates the reputation of a
user in the VBE.
User rep eic == rep eic[Res, VOUser, {Usage}]
User rep ei == rep ei[VOUser, {Usage}]
User rep e == rep ei[VOUser]
User rep == rep[VOUser]
Here we present the architecture of a VO that uses
reputation management in order to facilitate the rat-
ing of both VO resources and VO users. The archi-
tecture is being implemented in the EU FP6 project
. In this architecture, the VO Management
subsystem consists of other services in addition to the
Reputation Management (RM) service, such as a VO
Manager (VOM), a Reputation-aware Resource Bro-
ker (RRB) and a Resource Usage Control and Moni-
toring (RUCM) service. These services are shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Reputation Management in VOs.
The VOM informs the RM service of the setting up of
a new VO, which includes the registration of the list
of VO resources and users, as shown in the following
VOM RM : setVO(VO ID, Resource ID List, User ID List)
RM VOM : ack()
Where VO ID is the identity of the VO being regis-
tered, Resource ID List is the list of resources of the
VO, and User ID List is the list of users in the VO.
On the other hand, the termination of an existing VO
is carried out through the following protocol:
RM VOM : ack()
Where VO ID is the identity of the VO being termi-
nated. The RRB service is used during the setting of
new VOs by the VOM. During this phase, the RRB
may request from the RM service the reputation of
a resource in a particular VO or in the general VBE
before proposing it to the VOM:
RRB RM : getResourceRep(Resource ID, VO ID)
RM RRB : return(Resource ID, Reputation Value)
In case the VO ID is assigned a NULL value, the re-
turned reputation will be the resource’s reputation in
the general VBE.
The RUCM service is a service that monitors
requests and replies sent to and from a resource in its
interaction with a VO user. The RUCM service can
detect any undesirable behaviour by the user in its
usage of the resource being protected by that instance
of the RUCM service. This could be for example the
excessive storage of data on the resource beyond the
user’s quota. Hence, the RUCM service can report
prohibited actions performed by the VO users to the
RM service as follows:
RUCM RM : reportUser(Resource ID, User ID, VO ID, Action)
RM RUCM : ack()
The RM service can also accept ratings by the VO
users of the QoS levels they have experienced in their
interactions with VO resources. This is done through
the following protocol, in which the user reports the
QoS value:
User RM : rateResource(User ID, Resource ID, VO ID, QoS Value)
RM User : ack()
Finally, any of the entities in a VO may request from
the RM service the reputation of a user:
Any RM : getUserRep(User ID, VO ID)
RM Any : return(User ID, Reputation Value)
Again, in the event that the VO ID is assigned a NULL
value, the returned reputation will be the user’s repu-
tation in the general VBE.
5.1 Usage Scenario
We consider here an example of a usage scenario of
the RM system as shown in Figure 3. We assume that
a RRB starts by querying the RM system for the rep-
utation of a couple of resources, Resource1 and Re-
source2, in order to join them to a new VO. After
that, the VOM signals to the RM system the setting
up of the new VO and informs the latter of the two
resources and three users, User1, User2 and User3.
Once this operation is acknowledged by the RM sys-
tem, the VO becomes operational and the users can
avail of the resources offered.
At some stage, the RCUM service at Resource1
captures a prohibited action performed by User3 and
thus reports it to the RM system. Based on the utility
function for Resource1 and the penalty for the pro-
hibited action, the RM system computes the satisfac-
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 3: Usage Scenario of the Reputation Management System.
tion of resource1 regarding this action and updates ac-
cordingly the different reputation values User3 * for
User3. Some time later, the RCUM service for Re-
source1 requests to obtain the new reputation value
for User3. Based on this new value, RCUM revises
its decision to grant access to User3 to use Resource1.
This may or may not change the access right for
User3. Finally, the VOM decides to end the VO (e.g.
as a result of achieving its goals) and informs the RM
system of this decision. The RM system acknowl-
edges this decision.
This section describes the results we obtained by per-
forming simulations with various VO setups. We
have run our experiments using the SimGrid simula-
tor (Legrand et al., 2003) on which we implemented
the following VO operation scenarios:
VOs with reputation-rated resource providers;
VOs with reputation-rated users; and
VOs with reputation-rated resource providers and
rated users.
In all simulated scenarios, we compared the results
against the case when reputation is not considered to
enhance resource management in VOs.
First, we considered a VO with users submitting
requests to resource providers for a service. We al-
low 20% of the providers to produce random QoS
values uniformly distributed in a variation band be-
tween 85 105% of the agreed SLA expected qual-
ity. For scheduling the requests to VO nodes we used
the Res rep e value and we allowed that each node
will obtain a number of service reuqests proportion-
aly with its reputation. For a batch of jobs originating
from the VO users, we computed the total completion
time and the total welfare produced in the system. To-
tal welfare is obtained by suming all utilities acquired
by the users for the submitted jobs. We varied the load
factors of the system. The load factor is defined as the
proportion of the requested system capacity at a given
moment of time vs the total available capacity to be
delivered by the VO. For comparison, we allowed the
resource broker to schedule the requests in a round-
robin fashion. Figures 4 and 5 show the results.
Figure 4: Comparing reputation-based scheduling with
round-robin: completion time.
Figure 5: Comparing reputation-based scheduling with
round-robin: welfare.
We should note that with using a reputation-based
scheduling, the total completion time is better with
around 25% for every load factor of the system. More,
the system produses 25% much welfare with reputa-
Next, we simulate the system with unreliable
users. An unreliable user tries to execute un-permitted
actions. We set the fraction of unreliable users to
20%, each introducing malicious actions with a sabo-
tage rate of 20%. Each action gets a random penalty
from [0, 1). Each un-permitted request is identified
and refused by the system after its execution and its
result gets discarded and never reaches back the user.
To simulate this setup, we use a resource centric bro-
kering approach: for an available resource, the next
action/job is selected from the available ones accord-
ing with the reputation of the user who entered the
action in the system. For reputation, we used the
User rep e value.
A more complex scheduling is the one that selects
the most reputable available resource and puts on it
the job of the most reputable user. This later setup
simulates the case of a VO with unreliable users exe-
cuting actions on unreliable resource providers. Our
scheduling intends to protect reputed providers by as-
signing on them actions from reliable users.
As a benchmark, we used the FIFO (round-robin)
scheduling, at each resource executing the oldest re-
quest in the system.
Figure 6 shows the simulation results. We counted
the total welfare (satisfaction) produced and we de-
picted the welfare acquisition curve for each of the
three cases described above. The Y axis plots the pro-
portion of the total satisfaction perceived by the users
during the time. We can note that the case when the
broker is aware both about the reputation of users and
of resources allows for a quicker welfare accumula-
tion. The case when scheduling is done on the basis of
first-come first-serve (in both regarding the resources
and the user actions) is the worse, letting the users to
accumulate satisfaction only latter in time. We should
note that by the middle of the simulation, for a total of
about 4% (20%x20%) malicious actions, we get about
10% more satisfaction acquired.
Figure 6: Reputation based scheduling with user and re-
source reputation. We allowed 20% of users to be malicious
and having a sabotage rate of 20%.
We should note that in VOs with reliable users and un-
reliable resources, the reputation-based approach in-
creases the overall system performance in the sense
that tasks get faster executed. With unreliable users,
using the reputation-based approach the system in-
creases the user satisfaction by allowing trustfull
users to benefit first. Furthermore, the reliable re-
sources are used more effective, in the sense that
trusted actions are assigned on them.
The work presented here builts on the utility-based
reputation model developed by Silaghi et al in
(Silaghi et al., 2007). We have generalised such
a model by making explicit generic types such as
Entity, Consumer and Issue so that it can be used for
maintaining reputation of several type of entities, as
shown in section 4. The model has also been simpli-
fied by not including the notion of time since similar
results can be obtained by interpreting indexes in se-
quence Trace as indicating the time at which an event
Silaghi’s model is based on techniques as those
presented in (Huynh et al., 2006; Sabater and Sierra,
2001), which creates reputation from impressions col-
lected after a transaction, similar to the events gener-
ated by monitors to create reputation. However, in
the utility-based model, several reputation events can
be generated by each transaction, resulting in a more
precise representation of the reputation value.
SECRYPT 2008 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Our model is close to PathTrust (Kerschbaum et al.,
2006), a reputation system for member selection in
the formation phase of a VO. When inviting members
to join a VO, the initiator selects only those mem-
bers whose reputation is above a certain threshold and
probabilistically selects a member to be in the VO,
as we did for reputation-based scheduling in section
6. The reputation is built by aggregating positive and
negative feedback the user submits after transaction
execution. We consider our model more suitable for
Grid systems, since it does not require direct feedback
from users, the utility functions measures directly the
users’ satisfaction.
The GridEigenTrust model (von Laszewski et al.,
2005) integrates trust management as part of the QoS
management system. They consider both direct and
indirect trust, acquired at the level of grid entities and
contexts (i.e. service delivery), after transaction ex-
ecution. It is grounded on the EigenTrust approach
(Kamvar et al., 2003), which uses the notion of tran-
sitive trust: a peer i has a high opinion of those peers
who have provided it good services and therefore,
peer i is likely to trust the opinions of those peers. The
idea of transitive trust leads to a system where global
trust values correspond to the left principal Eigenvec-
tor of a matrix of normalized local trust values.
In this paper, we defined a utility-based reputation
model geared for Grids. The system is general in the
sense that it can be used to rate both users and re-
sources in a VO with respect to issues of interest such
as QoS and resource usage. It also allows an entity
reputation to be aggregated to the level of the Grid in
The model constitutes the basis for a design of a
reputation management system that is being currently
implemented in EU FP6 project GridTrust. Finally,
we carried out simulations of the model to demon-
strate its behaviour regarding completion time and
welfare, both of which showed improvements over
non-reputation-based VOs. We plan to carry out fur-
ther simulations in order to understand better other
behaviour of the model.
This work is funded by the European Commission un-
der the FP6 IST project GridTrust (project reference
number 033817).
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