Fernanda Baião, Flavia Santoro, Hadeliane Iendrike, Claudia Cappelli
Mauro Lopes, Vanessa T. Nunes
NP2Tec – Research and Practice Group in Information Technology, Department of Applied Informatics
Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ana Paula Dumont
Department of Business Solutions for Petroleum Exploration and Production
Petrobras – Brazilian Petroleum Organization, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Ontology, Business Process Modeling, Data Integration.
Abstract: Information integration is still a challenge in the Information Systems research area. Domain ontologies are
intensively studied to solve this problem, since they allow people and software agents to share common
agreement about information and semantics on a specific domain of knowledge. However, for this
integration to be carried out effectively, the ontology should be kept up-to-date according to concept
definitions and current business rules. This may be very difficult to achieve in dynamic organizations. In
this paper we present an approach for developing domain ontologies from business process models, thus
helping in building integrated data models.
Building integrated technological solutions in an
organization without non-desired information
redundancy within several databases is still a
challenge in the Information Systems research area.
The maintenance of knowledge and consistent
databases is a difficulty faced, since in general,
systems are developed based on particular
requirements to support daily user activities, without
considering the way such activities are integrated to
the business as a whole. It is very difficult to find
real scenarios in which the system development
cycle includes activities for analyzing common
information manipulated and the possible integration
to existing databases, in order to prevent data
redundancy that can impact its consistency.
Noy and McGuiness (2001) recognize the use of
Ontology to share common agreement about
information among people and software agents.
Domain ontologies make the understanding of a
domain explicit, allowing reuse, separation from the
operational knowledge and analysis of the domain
knowledge. The concepts represented in an ontology
are a starting point for the logical and physical data
models, serving as a reference for data integration.
On the other hand, business processes models
include elements that express domain concepts and
therefore are able to facilitate the analysis of the
information from a conceptual point of view. The
modeling of business processes allows establishing
semantic relationships among concepts used in the
processes definition, and thus makes the creation of
common sense possible.
The goal of this paper is to present a method for
construction and maintenance of domain ontology
derived from business process models in which
information manipulated throughout its activities is
identified. We show that the association of
information and activities produces a resource for
conceptualization, minimizes the risk of bad
interpretation of concepts and allows keeping a safe
reference to carry out integrated data models.
The paper is organized as: Section 2 discusses
related works about business process modeling and
ontology; Section 3 presents the method proposed,
and Section 4 concludes the paper and points out
future work.
Baião F., Santoro F., Iendrike H., Cappelli C., Lopes M., T. Nunes V. and Paula Dumont A. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ISAS, pages 338-342
DOI: 10.5220/0001714303380342
According to Gruber (1995), ontology is an explicit
representation of a conceptualization, and can be
seen as a formal specification of concepts and terms
of a domain. Ontologies define the rules that
regulate the combination among the terms.
However, the conceptual modeling of a domain
through ontologies is a complex task (Guizzardi,
A domain can be represented through diverse
perspectives: What? How? Where? Who? When?
Why? (Smith & Welty, 2001). Thus, the
representation of a domain makes use of diverse
models for each perspective. These models may be
built complementarily, and contribute to the
agreement of the domain as a whole (Sowa &
Zachman, 1992).
The process perspective (How?) focuses on the
flow control representation, that is, the sequence of
activities. It may be expressed using, for example,
modeling languages such as Petri Nets (Keller &
Teufel, 1998;) or event-driven process chains (EPC)
(Scheer, 1997). By using the EPC language, the
representation of a business process model
encompasses several constructs. First, a business
process is represented as a set of activities that are
linked to one another according to certain execution
logic (that is, a syntactically correct combination of
and/or/xor connectors between activities). Second,
activities in a process may be triggered by events.
Third, it is possible to represent the set of resources
that are produced and/or consumed by an activity, as
well as input/output pieces of information that
comes to/from the execution of an activity, and
products that are delivered by each activity. Fourth,
one may explicitly relate activities to business rules
that constrain its execution. Finally, business process
models often represent relationships between actors
and activities (who are responsible for executing it,
who must be informed about it, who is involved in
its execution).
All the elements represented in a business
process model contribute to increase the
understanding of the domain of interest, and the
business itself. Accordingly, the business process
model can be defined as a set of combined views
that allow a proper agreement on the business.
There are some works in the literature dealing
with data models associated to business models.
Bringel et al. (2004) state that the understanding of
processes behaviour provides the means to reuse it,
and adapt its organizational concepts.
Koschmider and Oberweis (2005) discuss
process interoperability within organizations. In this
context, the authors present an ontology for business
process based on Petri nets. They explain that the
extraction of ontological descriptions from business
processes and mapping to the Petri net ontology
should be done during the modeling process and is
made automatically, not visible to the modeller.
Zhao et al. (2004) propose AKEM (Application
Knowledge Engineering Methodology), which is a
method to specify an ontology based on textual
descriptions of a business process (using a structured
natural language). The instrument for describing a
semantic space of business in AKEM is a story in
which the main elements are settings, characteristics,
episodes and scenarios.
Those works deal with data models associated to
business process models, highlighting the
importance of establishing an explicit source of
quality and representation of concepts. In our
proposal we try to reach to a conceptual domain
model by analyzing specific elements from the
business process model. While AKEM is based only
in textual descriptions of the process; our proposal
explores the graphical characteristic of the EPC to
obtain important information and create real links
among those elements: activities, business concepts
and supporting systems.
This work proposes an approach for deriving
integrated logical data models from business process
models. This derivation encompasses the elaboration
of a domain ontology. The knowledge from the
domain that should be represented by the ontology
(concepts, relationships, axioms) is captured from
the several elements existing in the process model.
The proposed approach consists of 5 phases,
described as follows.
Analysis of Glossary Terms. Terms and
relationships are extracted from the definition of the
glossary terms presented in the business process
model. The analysis of each glossary term must
consider its application context, that is, the set of all
process activities that are associated to that glossary
Terms and relationships extraction is text-based
and a linguistic activity. The ontology engineer
should identify key words and sentences of semantic
importance within the definition of a glossary term
(e.g., “oil”, “well”). The selected sentences are
translated into a structured form of a binary
relationship between terms (term1 relation term2)
(e.g., “oil isExtractedFrom well”).
For example, the “Oil Reservoir” concept is
defined as an accumulation of “Fluids” located in a
“Permoporose Stone”. This definition derives the
relationships “OilReservoir accumulates Fluid” and
“Fluid isLocatedAt PermoporoseStone”.
The set of extracted terms is then analyzed in
order to eliminate possible redundancies.
Analysis of Sets of Information. This phase is
responsible for identifying ontology terms, attributes
and relationships from the sets of information that
are consumed and/or produced by activities in a
process model.
The extraction of ontological constructs based on
the sets of information is simpler than in the
previous phase, since sets of information are already
structured elements. Each set of information is
mapped into one of the constructs of the ontology,
which is a matter of design rationale. Some works in
the literature (Guizzardi, 2005), (Medeiros &
Schwabe, 2007) discuss modeling guidelines that
may help the ontology engineering in choosing the
most adequate language construct to represent the
domain of knowledge without loss of semantics.
Analysis of Product-like and Document-like
Elements. This phase is responsible for identifying
terms in the ontology from additional elements of
the process model, such as products and documents
generated by activities during its execution. Products
and documents also define key concepts of the
domain. Therefore, each product or document is
analyzed to define terms of the ontology that may
not be defined yet.
Analysis of Business Rules. Business Rules guide
Business Processes, and may influence the behavior
of people (in the case of an operative business rule)
or their understanding of concepts (in the case of a
structural rule). The different categories of business
rules are (Wagner, 2005):
Integrity rules, denoting constraints (e.g., Rule I1:
“Each project must have one and only one project
Derivation rules, denoting conditions resulting in
conclusions (e.g., Rule D1: “the production
manager of the most productive well of the year
receives a bonus of 0.01% of the production
Reaction rules, in the form <Event, Condition,
Action, Alternative action, Post-condition> (e.g.,
Rule R1: “an invoice is received. If the invoice
amount is more than $1,000 then a supervisor
must approve it”);
Production rules, in the form <condition, action>
(e.g., Rule P1: “if there are no defects in the valve
then the valve is approved”); and
Transformation rules, denoting change of state
(e.g., Rule T1: “an employee’s age can change
from 30 to 31, but not from 31 to 30”).
For the scope of this work, business rules are
expressed informally, in natural language. Business
rules definitions are parsed in order to define
constructs in the ontology, according to the proposed
guidelines below. The three first guidelines follow
the ideas presented in (OMG, 2007) to relate
structural business rules to concepts of the domain:
Guideline 1: If a structural rule uses universal
quantification (e.g., “each” or “all”) to propose a
necessary characteristic of a concept, then the
structural rule proposes that something is always
true about all instances of the concept.
In this case, the referred concepts are translated
into terms in the ontology (if they do not exist yet),
and each characteristic of the concept is translated
into an attribute of the concept, or a relationship
between two concepts. For example, the integrity
rule I1 generates two terms “project” and
“projectManager”, and a relationship (project
“isManagedBy” projectManager).
Guideline 2: For each individual concept
mentioned in the business rule definition, the
instance of the individual concept exists.
In this case, each individual is translated into an
ontology instance or property value. For example,
take the derivation rule D1 and the following
individual concepts (or ground facts):
“John Doe was the production manager of the P1
well on 2006”;
“The P1 well was the most productive well during
2006”, and
“the production of the P1 well in 2006 resulted
in a $1,000,000 profit”.
The following constructs are defined in the ontology:
“John Doe”, as an instance of the
“ProductionManager” term;
“P1”, as an instance of the “well” term; and
“$1.000,000”, as the value of the“wellYearProfit”
property of the “well” term
ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Future queries may conclude that “John Doe
received a bonus of $1.000”, due to the inference
capabilities of ontology query languages.
Guideline 3: If a structural rule proposes
something to be necessarily true, then the rule may
generate either an instance or a property value in the
ontology. For example, suppose the two business
rules that follow:
“the oil production estimative of a well is always
verifiable”, and
“a verification procedure for oil production
estimative always exists”
The second rule follows logically from the first rule,
and generates an instance “verificationProcedure” in
the ontology, which is an individual concept.
Guideline 4: Structural rules may also derive
axioms in the ontology. In the given examples, the
following axioms could be defined in the ontology:
From Rule I1:
{ forAll p, exists (m1,m2) | project(p),
projectManager(m1), projectManager(m2),
equalTo(m1,m2), manages (m1,p)}.
From Rule D1:
{ forAll (m,w,a) |
productionManager(m), well(w),
b = p *0.0001, receivesBonus(m,b)}.
From Rule D1:
{ forAll i, exists s |
invoice(i), invoiceReceived(i, TRUE),
invoiceAmount(i,a), a > 1000,
supervisor(s), approvedBy(i,s)}.
From Rule P1:
{ forAll v | valve(v), numberOfDefects(v, 0),
approved(v) }.
Generation of the Logical Data Model. The
ontology is a representation of a semantically rich
conceptual data model, and as so can be used for the
derivation of logical data models. The benefits of
deriving logical elements from ontological
constructs, instead of from conventional conceptual
models, are that some inconsistencies could be
avoided. For instance, in the domain of Education,
the N:M relationship between “UniversityStudents”
and “Advisors” denotes that each student can be
advised by more than one advisor and each advisor
can advise more than one student during his career.
However, it is not clear which of the following real
scenarios occurs in reality: (a) an advisor can advise
more than one student simultaneously; (b) two
students can work together on the same project,
being advised by the same advisor; or (c) more than
one teacher can advise the project conducted by a
student. These situations may not be distinctly
represented using a conventional conceptual
modeling language, although each of them would
ideally generate a distinct logical data structure in
the relational model. There is a need to represent
specific properties of the relationship between
Student and Advisor, which may be done in the
domain ontology, so as to derive distinct logical
database models for each scenario, thus avoiding
integration problems.
This paper addresses data integration common
problems: inconsistency and redundancy within
organization’s databases where business concepts
are not always clear and shared among
professionals. We propose a method in which the
domain ontology is extracted systematically from a
detailed representation of business processes, and
provides a basis for generating logical data models.
By using our approach, the generated logical
data model will avoid data integration problems,
since it will be derived from a rich and shared
representation of the domain. We evaluated the
proposal through a case study, which was carried out
in a real and very complex domain of a Petroleum
company, in which data integration was defined as a
goal. Our results shown that business process
models helps to understand and to reach to a
consensus regarding the semantics of the concepts of
the domain.
As a future work we intend to accomplish case
studies in out other domains in order to validate our
results. Besides we are studying the possibility of
automate the method proposed using text analysis
and applying techniques to explore formal
relationships in the process model.
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ICEIS 2008 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems