Alan Massaru Nakai
, Carla Geovana N. Mac
, Edmundo Madeira
and Claudia Bauzer Medeiros
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Embrapa Agriculture Informatics, 13083-886, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Web Services Choreographies, Interorganizational Business Processes.
The main attractiveness of Web services is their capacity to provide interoperability among heterogeneous
distributed systems. Increasingly, companies and organizations have adopted Web services as a way to in-
teroperate with their business partners. In such a scenario, Web services choreography can be applied in
the specification of interorganizational business processes. However, the dynamic nature of business partner-
ships requires mechanisms for agile designing and deploying choreographies. In this paper, we present an
infrastructure that aims to address the above concern. Our approach aims to reach flexibility by providing
mechanisms for sharing, finding and executing choreographies in a friendly manner for the user. We also
present a prototype implementation.
Increasingly, companies and organizations have
adopted Web services to interoperate with their busi-
ness partners. Web services are applications that
are published, located and invoked over the Web.
The major attractiveness of this technology is that it
is based on XML standards and well known Inter-
net protocols, providing facilities for interoperabil-
ity among heterogeneous distributed systems. In the
business scenario, services are building blocks that
are used for the creation of interorganizational busi-
ness processes.
Web services-based business processes can be
specified as Web service choreographies, which are
conversations among multiple services that interact in
a collaborative fashion to solve a specific problem.
We envision three central issues that must be faced
in this approach. First, existing proposals for chore-
ography specification languages are not directly exe-
cutable. Thus, choreography representations need a
specific infrastructure to execute them. Second, part-
ners may not be known at specification time; hence, it
may be necessary to discover them at execution time.
Finally, the mechanisms for choreography specifica-
tion and deployment must be flexible enough to ac-
complish the changes of very dynamic business envi-
ronments. In this paper, we present an infrastructure
that aims to address the questions above.
In our infrastructure, interorganizational business
processes are described in WS-CDL (Web Services
Choreography Description Language), and performed
by a set of coordination managers that execute WS-
BPEL (Business Process Execution Language for
Web Services) compositions. WS-BPEL is used to
represent the specific behavior of one choreography
partner and to integrate its public behavior with its
internal logic. The infrastructure comprises a WS-
CDL to WS-BPEL translator that speeds up the gen-
eration of WS-BPEL code to be executed by coordi-
nation managers It reduces the possibility of errors
and inconsistencies in this task. A coordination man-
agement mechanism facilitates the specification and
deployment of choreographies, keeping choreography
designers away from details like partner binding and
context control.
A key feature of our infrastructure is a mechanism
for sharing choreography descriptions. This mecha-
nism allows organizations to discover choreography
descriptions through the use of semantic annotations
based on ontologies. We believe that choreography
sharing combined with our facilities for deployment
and execution of choreographies allows organizations
not only to adapt friendly to partnership changes, but
also to augment their range of possible partners.
The main contribution of our work is thus an in-
frastructure geared towards helping choreography de-
signers (our users) in the task of choreography specifi-
Massaru Nakai A., Geovana N. Macário C., Madeira E. and Bauzer Medeiros C. (2008).
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, pages 455-460
DOI: 10.5220/0001528104550460
cation. It allows these users to quickly find a choreog-
raphy that matches their necessities, considering both
syntactic and semantic issues. It also supports deploy-
ment and execution of the business’ portion of a pro-
cess, without the need to previously know involved
partners. This fosters flexibility and independence of
each participant in a business environment.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents some related works; an overview of the pro-
posed infrastructure is showed in Section 3; Sec-
tions 4, 5 and 6 detail our approach for sharing chore-
ographies, discovery partners and coordinating the
choreography execution; Section 7 presents some im-
plementation issues; finally, in Section 8, we present
conclusions and future works.
Several papers, e.g. (Chung et al., 2004; Caituiro-
Monge and Rodrguez-Martinez, 2004; Jung et al.,
2004), present solutions for executing Web service
compositions. Chung et al. (Chung et al., 2004)
present an architecture that uses a grammar to spec-
ify business processes. The architecture provides
mechanisms to discover services, bind them to pro-
cesses’ taks, and coordinate them. Caituiro-Monge
(Caituiro-Monge and Rodrguez-Martinez, 2004) in-
troduces a framework for Web services collaboration
in E-Government. In this framework, control data,
which is attached to service requests and results, is
used to control Web service invocations and mes-
sage forwarding. Jung (Jung et al., 2004) proposes
an interface protocol for incorporating existing work-
flows into interorganizational business processes and
an architecture to execute them. In our solution, like
in (Mendling and Hafner, 2005; Diaz et al., 2006),
Web service choreographies are executed through a
set of executable WS-BPEL plans generated from a
WS-CDL choreography description. However, our in-
frastructure adds a coordination logic on top of WS-
BPEL business logic in order to keep the choreogra-
phy designer away from details such as partner dis-
covery and context control.
Following the Semantic Web trend (Berners-Lee
et al., 2001), the Web service community has pro-
posed means to semantically annotate Web services,
allowing their automatic discovery and composition.
Examples of these efforts are SA-WSDL (Semantic
Annotations for WSDL) (W3C, 2007) and OWL-S
(Martin et al., 2004). SA-WSDL is a proposal for in-
creasing the expressivity of WSDL through concepts
of an ontology. OWL-S is a set of constructs, built on
top of OWL, for describing properties and capabili-
ties of Web services in an unambiguous form. In our
infrastructure, we propose the use of semantic annota-
tion at choreography description level in order to help
users to find descriptions that match their necessities.
In our infrastructure, choreographies are represented
in two levels: global views and coordination plans. A
global view is a WS-CDL document that defines the
role of each participant of a business process. It de-
scribes, from a global point of view, the interactions
among partners, the conditions for interactions to hap-
pen and the set of data exchanged during the collab-
oration. Each global view is assumed to be uniquely
identified by a URI. In the same way, each role that is
defined in the global view is uniquely identified by a
Coordination plans describe the individual behav-
ior of one of the roles defined in a global view. A
coordination plan is composed of a set of instruc-
tions that trigger requests to other partners, process
requests received from other partners and control the
flow of actions for that role. A coordination plan in-
tegrates the external logic defined by a global view
with the internal logic of an individual partner. We
have adopted WS-BPEL for representing coordina-
tion plans.
The constraints defined in a global view enable an
organization to generate a coordination plan that re-
flects its behavior in the corresponding business pro-
cess. A global view ensures that coordination plans
for distinct roles, generated from the same global
view, are interoperable. However, global views do
not define a partner’s specific internal logic. So, an
organization that wants to play a role in a business
process described by a global view must generate a
coordination plan skeleton from that global view and
then customize it, including the organization’s inter-
nal logic.
Figure 1 shows our infrastructure. It is composed
of four elements: the choreography repository, the
plan generator, the coordination manager, and the
participant repository.
The choreography repository stores and shares
choreography descriptions. It allows users to pub-
lish and discover choreography descriptions that ful-
fill their business requirements. Any organization that
wants to participate in a choreography can access a
choreography repository to obtain the corresponding
description. Such a description is used as the input
of a plan generator that creates a coordination plan
skeleton. If required, a programmer can customize the
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Infrastructure overview.
Figure 2: Example of a simplified choreography for supply-
ing raw material.
skeleton to include the organization’s internal logic.
Each generated plan implements the logic needed for
playing a role specified by the global view.
Once the coordination plan is generated, it can be
interpreted and executed by a coordination manager.
The latter is also responsible for discovering choreog-
raphy partners. The partner discovery involves the use
of the participant repository that allows coordination
managers (i) to discover a coordination manager that
is able to perform a given choreography role or (ii) to
resolve the endpoint reference of a coordination man-
ager that is already performing such a role.
To illustrate the use of our infrastructure, consider
a simple scenario: a manufactor M needs to imple-
ment a business process to order raw material. There-
fore, M searches in a choreography repository for a
global view that meets its requirements. Assume that
M chose the choreography described in Figure 2.
The choreography example in Figure 2 defines
three roles: client, supplier, and transport. The client
partner (1) invokes a specific Web service operation to
order raw material from supplier. Next, client (2) or-
ders transport service from transport. To perform its
portion of the process, transport needs to ask supplier
for load details (3). From the choreography global
view, M generates the coordination plan (plan-client)
for role client and deploys this plan in its coordination
To execute plan-client, Ms coordination manager
accesses a participant repository to discover partners
that are able to execute coordination plans relative to
roles supplier and transport. After having discov-
ered appropriate partners (consider S and T for roles
supplier and transport, respectively), Ms coordina-
tion manager can invoke their operations, according
Figure 3: Example execution.
to constraints defined by its plan. Partner Ts coor-
dination manager, in its turn, needs to interact with
the participant repository to obtain the endpoint ref-
erence of the specific partner that is playing the sup-
plier role in the current instance of the choreography
). Figure 3 shows an overview of the choreography
Our infrastructure supports choreography sharing and
reuse by means of the choreography repository. This
component allows business partners to publish the de-
scriptions of choreographies they are able to partici-
pate in. Once descriptions are published, other or-
ganizations can access the repository and discover
choreographies that fulfill their requirements. Thus,
they can generate their coordination plans and inter-
act with other choreography participants.
In order to help users in choreography discovery,
we propose the addition of semantic annotations to
the WS-CDL descriptions. Our annotations associate
the roles and relationships specified by WS-CDL with
concepts of an ontology. Figure 4 illustrates our se-
mantic annotation approach. Ontology terms are in
grey boxes and the choreography is specified in the
WS-CDL box at the top. In the figure, the annotations
denote, for example, that role A” is played by “Sup-
plierA”, which supplies products of type “ProductA”.
The semantic annotation allows users to discover
choreography descriptions based on roles and rela-
tionships among these roles. Examples of queries are:
Return choreographies that include a supplier
of “ProductA and a manufactory that produces
Figure 4: Semantic annotation.
Return choreographies that include two partici-
pants related by a “Supply” service.
Our approach considers the similarity of concepts
and properties provided by different ontologies. So,
one can search for choreographies using as basis one’s
particular ontology, without knowing the specific on-
tology used in WS-CDL annotations. This is done
through a service developed by (Daltio and Medeiros,
2007), which provides means for ontology alignment
and query.
Our semantic annotation can be complemented
by the use of SA-WSDL. The semantic information
added by SA-WSDL can be used for higher gran-
ularity queries involving, for example, details about
the SA-WSDL operations. Moreover, the adoption of
SA-WSDL may facilitate the automatic generation of
coordination plans.
Our infrastructure allows a choreography participant
to resolve partners at execution time with little effort
from choreography designers. Global views and coor-
dination plans can be designed at a partner role level,
regardless of who will play each role. The logic for re-
solving partner’s endpoint references is implemented
by the coordination manager and is almost transparent
for designers. The coordination manager can obtain a
partner endpoint reference in three ways:
Automatic partner discovery: the coordination
manager searches for partners in a participant
repository using the identifier of the role (chore-
ographyId + roleId) the partner must be able to
play (e.g. interactions involving partner M in Fig-
ure 3).
Automatic instance discovery: the coordination
manager searches in a participant repository for
the partner that is already playing a role in a
specific choreography instance (e.g. interaction
among partners T and S in Figure 3). The key
used for searching is the combination of the iden-
tifiers of the role and the choreography instance.
Static binding: the endpoint reference of the part-
ner is defined at deployment time of the coordina-
tion plan.
The coordination manager maintains a configura-
tion file for each coordination plan that it is able to
execute. This configuration file, which is created by
the plan designer, defines how to resolve the endpoint
reference for each partner.
An important issue when executing choreographies is
to preserve the context of their instances to ensure
that messages arrive to the right instances of coordi-
nation plans. Coordination managers provide a man-
agement abstraction that controls context, in a level
that is hidden from designers. It means that chore-
ography designers can design global views and coor-
dination plans without concerning themselves about
context control.
Interactions between two coordination managers
are preceded by a connection phase. In this phase,
coordination managers agree on the choreography to
be followed, the role to be played by each one, and
the context identifier that distinguishes the choreog-
raphy instance. To connect to a partner, the coordi-
nation manager resolves the partner endpoint refer-
ence (as shown in Section 5) and sends it a connec-
tion proposal. When a coordination manager receives
a connection proposal and it is not already participat-
ing in the related choreography instance, it starts the
appropriate coordination plan and registers the plan
instance in the participant repository.
All application messages those exchanged by
coordination plan instances carry, in their head-
ers, data used in context control and message deliv-
ery. Such data includes identifiers for: choreography
(ChoreographyID), choreography instance (CIID),
sender partner (SRID - Sender roleID), and destina-
tion partner (DRID - Destination roleID). These data
uniquely identify a connection between two coordi-
nation managers. Through them, the sender coordi-
WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
nation manager can retrieve the endpoint reference of
the destination one from a table of connections. In
other side, the destination coordination manager can
deliver the message to the right coordination plan in-
In order to validate our infrastructure, we have imple-
mented a prototype. The infrastructure components
were implemented using Java language. In this sec-
tion we present some issues about our implementation
7.1 Choreography Repository
Our repository is to be implemented as a Web ser-
vice that when it is necessary invokes the Aond
e on-
tology service of (Daltio and Medeiros, 2007). When
a user sends a request for a choreography based on
semantic annotations, the system checks against all
choreographies to investigate (a) which choreogra-
phies have these exact annotations, and (b) if none
is found, which choreographies would have similar or
equivalent annotations. The user provides a reference
to an input ontology and a list of terms in this ontol-
ogy that annotate choreographies. Let O be the ontol-
ogy used to annotate the choreographies in a reposi-
tory, and < O
, {T
} > the user input source ontol-
ogy, and terms of interest in this ontology.
If O
= O, then step (a) is executed, i.e., looking
for all choreographies that have been annotated with
some T
. All such choreographies are returned to the
user. If O
6= O, then step (b) is executed. The Aond
service is invoked with a request to align O
and O.
This request returns a new (aligned) ontology. An
ontology alignment is the process of determining se-
mantic correspondences between concepts of two on-
tologies, generating a third ontology to represent them
without modifying the original ones. From the align-
ments, the system will check which terms {T
, ..., T
in O
are equivalent with terms {O
, ..., O
} in O.
Choreographies annotated with terms in {O
, ..., O
are returned to the users.
7.2 Coordination Manager
Figure 5 shows the coordination manager architec-
ture. It is composed of two main components: the
execution engine and the management module. The
execution engine interprets and executes coordination
plans. It issues messages to the management module
Figure 5: Coordination Manager Architecture.
and processes messages that are delivered by it, ac-
cording to the plan flow control. We have adopted a
conventional BPEL engine
in our prototype.
The management module adds the management
logic to the logic defined by coordination plans. This
module is responsible for the interaction with other
coordination managers, participant repositories, and
Web services that represent the internal logic of the
organization. The management module implements
the logic for resolving partner endpoint references,
managing connections, forwarding messages that are
generated by the BPEL engine to destination partners,
and delivering messages that are received from part-
7.3 Participant Repository
The participant repository was implemented as a sim-
ple Web service that is able to register and discover
endpoint references. We have implemented only the
operations that are needed to validate our automatic
discovery mechanisms and test the coordination man-
ager functionalities.
7.4 Plan Generator
We have specified a set of rules for translating WS-
CDL global views to BPEL coordination plans. The
central idea of this translation is to generate a coordi-
nation plan skeleton for each role defined in the global
view. For each WS-CDL element that is related to a
specific role, a BPEL mapping is added in the cor-
respondent skeleton. Although our plan generator is
specific to our infrastructure, the basic ideas under the
translation rules are applicable to a generic WS-CDL
to BPEL translation. Table 1 summarizes the main
rules for mapping WS-CDL elements to BPEL ele-
We believe that an important issue in SOA environ-
ments is the flexibility to agilely adapt to business
ActiveBpel, available in
Table 1: Main rules for WS-CDL/BPEL elements mapping.
changes. Our solution aims to meet such flexibil-
ity by providing mechanisms for sharing and finding
choreography descriptions, based on semantic anno-
tations, and deploying and executing them with small
programming effort. The prototype implementation
shows our infrastructure’s feasibility.
A contribution of our infrastructure is a mecha-
nism that allows automatic partner discovery. This
feature allows business processes to be executed by
distinct configurations of partners. Another contri-
bution is the separation between business logic and
coordination management. Choreography designers
do not need to worry about the way context control
will be done or which choreography partners are con-
nected to the system. This transparency facilitates the
choreography design.
Our infrastructure also facilitates the deployment
and execution of choreographies. The plan generator
speeds up the generation of coordination plans; be-
sides, it reduces the possibility of errors and inconsis-
tences in this task.
Issues that will be addressed as future work in-
clude: (i) the improvement of WS-CDL semantic an-
notations to provide more refined queries; (ii) the au-
tomatic customization of plan skeletons based on SA-
WSDL semantic annotations; (iii) the improvement
of the coordination manager architecture to deal with
partner authentication, security and authorization is-
sues; and (iv) the provision of fault tolerance.
The authors would like to thank FAPESP (07/56423-
6), CNPq (472810/2006-5), CNPq WebMaps 2
project, and CAPES for the financial support.
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WEBIST 2008 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies