Osama Dandash, YilingWang
Faculty of IT, Monash University, Australia
Phu Dung Le, Bala Srinivasan
Faculty of IT, Monash University, Australia
Keywords: Internet Banking Payments, Fraud Detection, Dynamic Individual Key and Group Key.
Abstract: Fraudulent payments detection in the banking system is an extremely important form of risk management as
the industry loses close to one billion dollars annually. New techniques in detecting fraud are evolving and
can be applied to many business fields. However; there is still no efficient detection mechanism able to
identify fraudulent activity by employees. This paper presents a new Group Key Management (GKM)
structure to facilitate internal fraudulent banking payments detection by dynamically combining an
Individual Key (IK) and a Group Key (GK). The main objective of the proposed mechanism is to identify
internal fraudulent users and trace their records amongst other group members.
Internal fraud is the result of employees gaining
access to customer information, creating false
accounts and performing illegal transactions. Banks
consider internal fraud as more damaging than
external fraud (Zhuang and Fong, 2004).
Studies show that the internal fraud is defined as
“acts by employees intended to defraud their
financial institution by the misappropriation of funds
and the authorisation of loans to unauthorized
parties” (Patiwat P, 1996)( Zhuang Y, 2004). To
identify fraudulent behaviour, advanced detection
techniques are required and a high level
authentication mechanism needs to be in place. This
needs to not only identify fraudulent use but to also
trace the activity. Better fraud detection has become
an essential requirement for banks in order to
maintain a viability payment system.
At present, fraud detection is conducted using
data mining, statistics, and artificial intelligence
(Ghosh, S, 1994)( Joris C, 2002)( Ren, D, 2004).
Such methods still lack sufficiently secure payment
mechanisms to identify internal fraud and trace
fraudulent transactions.
Inadequate security operations, such as staff
identification, staff access control and staff record
tracing has resulted in insecure transaction (Jon M,
2003)(Medvinsky, G, 1993). To combat this security
breach, this paper proposes a new Group Key
Management GKM structure facilitates fraudulent
payments detection by dynamically combining both
an Individual Key IK and a Group Key GK. The
objective of this proposal is to detect and trace
fraudulent use by internal workers.
The proposed detection mechanism will record
the details of each user separately even if two users
from the same group access identical information.
The role of GKM is to restrict user access to
different objects in the system. GKM performs
communication securely and efficiently and consists
of a set of protocols that perform sensitive
information transactions.
This paper is presented in the following sections:
Section 2 relates to banking payments fraud
detection methods. Section 3 presents the proposed
GKM structure. Section 4 details the proposed
structure’s advantages. Section concludes our work.
Dandash O., Wang Y., Dung Le P. and Srinivasan B. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 57-62
DOI: 10.5220/0002356800570062
The following subsections provide an overview of
banking payments fraud detection methods to date.
2.1 Outlier Detection
An outlier relies on observation techniques to trigger
suspicion that it has been generated by a different
mechanism. It detects fraud in two ways: supervised
and unsupervised.
Supervised detection relies on stored fraudulent
transactions. This requires previous fraudulent use
before any future fraud can be detected.
Unsupervised detections does not rely on previous
fraud cases but focuses on unusual transaction
behaviour (Angiulli, F, 2006)( Ren, D, 2004).
2.2 CardWatch
This relies on the current patterns of use to detect
possible anomalies. A Falcon skilled at many
different types of propagation algorithms uses feed-
forward Artificial Neural Networks is used to detect
fraud (Ghosh, S, 1994).
Such training algorithms include machine
learning, adaptive Pattern Recognition, neural
networks, and statistical modelling. These are used
to improve the way the developed Falcon can predict
specific fraudulent transactions.
Neural MLP-based classifier is another detection
method uses neural networks. It does not rely on
previous fraud cases or historic data; instead it uses
the information of the operation itself and of its
instant previous history (Xiu Li, 2004).
Such technologies have the following
They only rely on fraud attempts that have
previously occurred to detect another fraud
They are unable to identify who has
performed the fraudulent transaction
They rely on users sharing the same fixed
secret information for a long period of time
and applying weak cryptographic keys that
could be attacked after a limited number of
They have weak fraud detection ability as
they don’t apply strong access rules.
They are lack of a mechanism to specifically
deal with security and trust issue, associated
with internal user behaviour.
Identifying internal fraudulent use and tracing the
activity is the most efficient way to deal with
security issues. This also allows evidence to be
harnessed to track down and prosecute the
perpetrators of fraud. Many group key management
approaches have been proposed and implemented in
the wireless and multicast environment. GK is yet to
be applied to Internet payments fraud. The most GK
efficient approach is the Logical Key Hierarchy
(LKH) (Harney H, 1997).
In LKH, a key tree is formed by GK and other
auxiliary keys, which are used to distribute the GK
to the users. Figure 1 depicts a typical LKH key tree
where users are associated with the leaf nodes. Each
user must store a set of keys along the path from leaf
node up to the root.
Figure 1: LKH Key Tree.
3.1 Notations
A/R: Accept/Reject
M: User
Req/Res: Request and Response
JReq: Join Request
AccReq: Access Request
AuthReq/AuthRes: Authentication Request
and Authentication response
Act: Activities
AC: Account
GC: Group Controller
IK: Individual Key
GK: Group Key
S: System
SP: Secret Phrase
BC: Banking Card
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
h(v): hashed value
H: History
T: Transaction
LT: Log on Time
3.2 Proposed System Structure (User
Authentication and Access
The banking system is divided into several
administrative areas. Each administrative area
consists of several branches and each branch applies
a GKM structure which will provide data security
and strong access control. The top level in the
banking structure is called a Centralised Key
Management (CKM). CKM is responsible for
coordinating the groups’ information in each branch,
generating group keys and distributing them to the
branches group members as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Proposed Group Key Management Structure.
Strong authentication, authorization and access
control policies are enforced in each department to
assign various roles to the groups and their members
such as executives, directors and managers.
Therefore, each group has different access privileges
in which a strict access control can be achieved to
allow only authorized members to access
confidential information.
When changes in membership status take place
(join leave), the re-keying procedure is invoked to
update the keys along the path thereby ensuring
security. In the banking system, the internal users
are quite stable and can be grouped by the branch.
Therefore they are physically and logically
neighbours in LKH tree. This significantly reduces
the communication cost during the re-keying
Based on this structure, each group member is
assigned, or holds, an IK and a GK. To trace each
payment transaction, the concept of dynamically
combining IK and GK to generate a tracing hashed
value h(v) is introduced into the structure.
3.2.1 User Registration
When users wish to join a group, they must register
with the Group Controller GC by providing their
personal information and biometric identification.
Registered users will be issued a Secret Phrase (SP)
and a Bank Card (BC) with a unique ID. This will be
combined with users’ unique ID to form an
Individual Key (IK). If registered, the BC will hold
users’ IK for later authentication and authorisation
The joining procedure begins with a registration
request sent by the user M to GC.
M GC: {JReq} (1)
Upon receiving, GC asks for personal information
and user’s unique ID:
GC M: {M
, M
, Req} (2)
= {Finger Print, Retinal Scan, DNA, Face or
Voice recognition, etc}
The user has to respond with the requirements to be
legible for registration:
M GC: h{M
, M
, Res} (3)
Based on the provided details, GC generates a GK
for the new member:
} (4)
GK will be stored on GC side for later authorization
while IK will be shared between GC and M.
3.2.2 System Accessibility (Dynamic Token
Registered users will need to have identified
themselves to their BC at the start of each
transaction by providing their registered unique ID.
M BC: h{AuthReq, M
} (5)
BC M: {AuthRes, A/R} (6)
If the provided M
is legitimate then authentication
to the BC will be granted. The IK will generate a
dynamic Token, which will be sent to GC to match
with the other token that is generated on GC side:
BC GC: {AccReq, Token} (7)
GC BC: {AccRes, A/R} (8)
If Tokens match, then GC will send a GK for that
registered M to grant access to S:
GC BC: {GK} (9)
The sent GK will be combined with the generated
Token on BC to generate a h(v):
BC S: h(v) (10)
h(v) = {GK, Token} (11)
The generated h(v) will be recreated each time an
individual accesses S, which makes it secure and
hardly guessable
3.2.3 Record Tracing
An internal M could emulate the holder of a genuine
client’s account and accesses S to perform
anonymous fraudulent transactions. To be able to
detect such behaviour, it is proposed that h(v) be
generated based on the users’ unique ID and his/her
GK. This means no authentication will be granted
for any user to the BC if he/she cannot provide a
genuine unique ID. No GK will be sent unless the
generated Tokens are matched.
Moreover, the proposed mechanism in
generating h(v) is more secure than the normal
authentication log on process as it attaches to a log
on sessions and allows the internal users to be traced
and all their details recorded into the system each
time they access it.
The recorded details will be the History (H) of
those users, which can be reviewed and checked in
the case of any suspicious activities or illegal
Let h(v i ) = {GK i , Token i } (12)
Where i is the index of the h(v),
h(v) traces and records users’ details. The recorded
details or H will consist of the users’ identity, their
activities and the Transactions T they have
H: = {M
, AC, T} (13)
M = {BC
, GK, login-name, LT, password}
AC = {M
, account holder name, transaction ID,
account balance, Date}
T = {Time-stamp, IP address, source transaction,
destination transaction}
The dynamic combination mechanism ensures that
every access to the system can be traced and will
discourage fraud attempts. In case of any fraud
reported, the system can easily identify the
fraudulent users and the details of their fraudulent
From a technical point of view, once a
transaction is detected as a fraud, then all the
parameters can be used to detect and trace any other
fraudulent transactions.
The GKM can assure access detection, record
tracing, identify data integrity and ensure high-level
authentication. In this section the advantages of the
proposal are detailed.
¾ The proposal provides a strong authentication
mechanism with dynamic IK generation.
Although the current existing authentication
systems use a combination of the user’s
personal details in addition to other technology
such as smart cards in identifying users, the
unique ID remains static (the same key is used
every time). This weakness gives intruders
enough time to reveal the secret and break into
the system. In the GKM system the focus is on
making the generation of the critical keys
dynamic. This makes the key unbreakable.
Intruders may decrypt the key in a very short
time with the explosive increase of computation
power but it is useless due to the constant
change of key generation.
¾ The proposal uses GK to enforce access control
restriction. It is applied to restrict the users to
critical data, which provides extra secure
protection to the access control. Due to the
stable organization structure of the banking
system, an optimized LKH algorithm is applied
to manage the distribution of GK. This
significantly reduces the communication cost
during the
re-keying. In traditional LKH, the
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
communication cost of new users and redundant
keys (joining and leaving) are
1log +n
and n
log , n is the number of
users and
is the degree of the key tree. The
cost in the proposal is as follows:
1log +
log (15)
Where, i is the number of branches.
¾ The proposal provides strong data integrity
which shows that the messages were generated
from the claimed users and are not modified in
transmission by group members or external
adversaries. This specification supports this
requirement based on the strict authentication
and through the use of a one-way hash function.
Each generated hashed message has a unique
value so that any change to the message will
produce a different value and will cause the
verification process to fail.
¾ The proposal provides user identification and
record tracing.
o The generated hashed value in conjunction
with the combination of unique ID and GK
can assure the identity of the originator of
the message. Also, the use of a one-way
hash function provides a high degree of
certainty that the message was generated by
M. A similar mechanism is used in the
response messages that sent back to M from
the GC, thus providing a high degree of
certainty that the response is indeed from
the GC. It is therefore a strong proof that
messages were transmitted by M and GC
o Each transmission performed by users will
be recorded in the system by the generated
h(v). The recorded parameters will provide
a complete tracking mechanism to identify
users and their activities. Therefore, users
cannot deny the actions they performed in
the system.
This paper proposes a new structure which can
detect fraud by dynamically combining IK and GK.
The new structure has the ability to identify users,
manage them into groups, trace their activities and
verify their authorization level. It also applies
restricted access control and employs security
policies which assign and manage different rules and
privileges for users that may belong to same group.
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