Karsten Tolle
Universität Frankfurt am Main - DBIS, Robert-Mayer-Str. 11-15, Frankfurt am Main, 60325, Germany
Valentinas Kiauleikis
KAUNAS University of Technology, Department of Computer Engineering, KTU, Studentu 50-215, LT-51368, Lithuania
Gerald Knoll
Fraunhofer IPA, Nobelstr. 12, Stuttgart, 70569, Germany
Claudia Guglielmina, Alessandra Arezza
TXT e-solutions, Via Frigia, 27, 20126 Milano, Italy
Keywords: E-business, Universal Business Language (UBL), New Member States, Federated Integration, Enterprise
Service Bus (ESB).
Abstract: Taking Lithuania as an example, we mention and explain the main barriers for interoperability between
different SME’s. There are barriers valid for any SME and other barriers that are special for Lithuania and
other New Member States. Inside this document we explain how we address these barriers with
technologies like UBL and by different modules and their interplay; building a federated integration
approach. As underlying technology to link these modules we are using an Enterprise Service Bus. Special
to our solution is that human activities are supported by the modules during the B2B process in such a way
that there is still enough freedom for them to interact directly with other trading partners, e.g. via phone,
without messing up the process.
In the last 2-3 years, the European Union has
performed its biggest enlargement ever, in terms of
scope and diversity. Since 1st May 2004, Cyprus,
Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,
Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia
joined the European Union (EU), raising the total
number of Member States to 25. In January 2007
Romania and Bulgaria joined too and further
acceding countries will follow.
From an IT and economy perspective those
countries are mainly based on Small and Medium
Enterprises (SME’s) without extensive IT
infrastructure and experience. Strengthen their
position and helping them to integrate into existing
IT infrastructure would have a very high beneficial
impact on European economy.
Our work concentrates on the integration
between SME’s taking the special situations and
needs of less developed and new member states into
account. As one example we choose Lithuania to
describe existing barriers and problems (see section
2). Nevertheless, we believe that our ideas and
solutions are also applicable to other states.
Section 3 of this paper describes our proposals to
address and reduce the mentioned barriers. These
proposals will be tested and according tools are
developed within the EU project ABILITIES
Tolle K., Kiauleikis V., Knoll G., Guglielmina C. and Arezza A. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - SAIC, pages 257-260
DOI: 10.5220/0002350602570260
(Application Bus for InteroperabiLITy In enlarged
Europe SMEs). In this paper we concentrate on
specific modules and functionalities to underline our
ideas. A more general presentation of ABILITIES
architecture can be found in (Bagnato et al, 2006).
As an introduction to the interoperability challenges,
the test case for Retail in Lithuania will be
elaborated in more detail. But, let us start with its
special situation: For Lithuania as for other east
europe countries, you need to remember that the
shift from Soviet System to an independent
Lithuania is just 16 years ago. Changing a system
does not change the people and their habits from one
day to another. Nowadays small and medium
business in Lithuania can be characterized as
1. A significant number of business people are
opening Lithuanian market towards both
Eastern countries and enlarged European Union
2. Enterprises in their everyday life accept only
profitable activities, but
3. Enterprises are ready to invest into information
technologies, if they can see obvious profits.
The first point is due to its location and to old
still existing relationships. Lithuania and similar
countries therefore can play the important role of a
stepping stone or mediator to combine European
Union markets with Eastern countries, like Russia.
The second point is due to the evolutionary effect
that took place the last years since having an
independent market, where many businessmen failed
or learned hard lessons. However, Lithuanian
businessmen are aware that they have backlog
demands regarding IT and they need to speed up to
include it into there daily work, if they want to
compete on bigger markets, as mentioned in point 3.
2.1 Potential
Lithuania shows a very high potential for IT
investments. For example in 2006 within the
manufacturing and supply sector 84,6% of the
enterprises where connected to the internet. The
network of internet centres is well spread over the
whole country. The same is true for the private
sector Lithuania (30%) overtakes EU countries such
as Greece (18%), Czech (26%), Cyprus (26%), Italy
(28%), Portugal (28%), Poland (29%) and stand near
Ireland (31%) and Hungary (34%) in respect to
internet connections. Lithuania even has the largest
penetration of mobile connections (138,53%) of the
world (by the data of international
telecommunication market research agency
“Informa Telecoms & Media” in December of
2005). This demonstrates that Lithuanian inhabitants
are willing to adopt and deal with new technologies
and it is only a question of time until the gap of not
existing skilled personal will be closed.
2.2 Barriers
When we talk about barriers related to introduce IT
to support interoperability between SME’s, there are
some very common, addressing nearly all SME’s in
the word and some are special to certain
circumstances. Let us start with the common ones:
1. Understanding the current Business Processes –
to introduce a new IT system the existing
processes need to be understood and mapped.
For SME’s it is not obvious that the BP is
already drawn somewhere using UML or
similar technologies. For SME managers it is
complicated to bridge the language gap
(business terms and thinking versa IT terms and
thinking) between them and IT specialists.
2. Change of current Business Processes –
introducing or changing the IT system most
times causes a change of the normal or used
way to perform business and to some extend
this is intended and should result into a benefit.
However, many big project failed because users
(employees) where not able to cope with these
changes. Already the change of the graphical
user interface bothers and annoys them.
3. Need for barging – SMEs’ need to be
competitive against big companies. Many times
this is achieved by supporting special customer
needs by customized products or special
services. Therefore, prices, product and delivery
details are more common to be under
4. Maintain and understand the technology – be
aware of all technology you rely on and that can
not be changed easily is a difficult task not only
for SME’s. For SME’s this is even more
complicated as they have limited skilled
personnel working for them.
5. Usefulness for the collaboration – when talking
about an collaborative IT system that should
connect SME’s, it only makes sense if a critical
number of partners are using the same system to
receive according benefit out of the investment.
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Of course there are additional common barriers.
Unfortunately, we can only list the most important
ones here. Other barriers are special or at least have
a special importance in case of Lithuania:
6. Language – Lithuania is a small country and
surrounded by a number of others with very
different languages. It is very difficult to find
appropriate ways to communicate, especially
because English, as a common intermediate
language, is not so common due to the old
7. Law – for the same reason (small country) the
different laws of various countries influence the
trade. Due to the young democracies these laws
are still subject of major changes. On top the
rules provided by government are sometimes
hinder IT solutions with electronic document
In our work we concentrate on the interoperability
between two enterprises (B2B) and not within
subsystems of one company. More precisely we
want to reduce the effort needed to perform the core
business transactions like order or invoice.
To do so, we think of a system that connects the
different enterprises with each other and serves as a
trustworthy mediator. From technology point of
view our solution is based on an Enterprise Service
Bus (ESB) where various modules are plugged-in to
support the needed functionalities. A more detailed
overview can be found at (Bagnato et al, 2006). This
system is meant to be provided by a service
provider, who maintains the system (barrier 4) and
supports SME’s in connecting their business to the
platform. Additionally, it will be also the duty of the
service provider during the build up phase to
convince enough relevant SME’s to join the
platform and to address barrier 5.
As a common starting point to exchange
documents we rely on the Universal Business
Language (UBL). UBL is an international, royalty-
free standard for business document patterns in
XML, managed by the Organization for the
Advancement of Structured Information Standards
(OASIS). Version 2.0 was approved as official
OASIS Standard in December 2006. To some extend
one can compare UBL with HTML in the sense of
being a common, low-level understandable
language. The advantage of UBL compared to other
approaches, e.g. EDIFACT, is the possibility to
customize the messages according given
requirements. On top the UBL Technical Committee
(UBL TC) encourages people to work on
localizations for different countries to provide
translations and to list country specific requirements
and constraints for validation.
By the flexibility of UBL documents we can
already address barriers 6 (Language) and 7 (Law)
we pointed out in the previous section as barriers. Of
course this customization of UBL documents needs
to be supported by appropriate tools. In fact those
two points probably are only needed once for each
country (and potentially slight changes are needed
for specific domains). Therefore, this should be done
by the service provider and it should not bother
SME’s too much.
In addition the flexibility of the documents can
be used to customize the documents according
special needs of each SME separately. This will
make it easier to connect to existing legacy systems
and the service provider can support these steps
without demanding a full understanding of the
underlying software. This also reduces the visible
change for employees of the SME, who will remain
working on their old system (addressing barrier 2).
However, slight changes of the business process
will occur and where these changes are planned this
hopefully results into an improvement. To do so, the
current BP needs to be understood and build into the
system. We generated a module, called Process
Designer, to address this. Here the SME manager
can draw their processes using a graphical
representation similar to BPMN (simplified and
more intuitive). Instead of drawing the complete
cycle, he only needs to deal with small, hand able
steps of the overall process and being supported by
the service provider. This way we address barrier 1.
What remains is barrier 3 “Need for bargaining”.
To address this we developed three different
modules focussing on different issues. Our central
hypothesis here: There will be no system in near
future for this task being flexible and intelligent
enough to be as efficient as humans. On top the
decisions will need to be done by humans anyway.
However, support the human being with tools will
increase his efficiency. Our tools therefore target:
1. Multimedia support linked or attached to the
exchanged documents;
2. Supporting human to human interactions by
the system;
3. Reducing barging process by a built in
negotiation system.
The first two are similar in the sense that we try
to include the human being into the system.
Multimedia resources are mend to be processed by
humans. There are cases a picture or voice stream
can easily express the needs and in a way that can be
easily understood by the receiving party. You can
think of this as an offline communication that goes
thru the system and will be documented.
The second module handles communications that
are online and do not directly go through the system.
However, the system will be aware that the
communication took place and minutes can be
placed, so, the results are visible (at least to
humans). These two issues reflect our idea that on
one hand side the system should be used as much as
possible but on the other side to allow users to
bypass the system in cases this is more efficient
without breaking everything up (Pataki et al, 2007).
Last but not least we developed a negotiation
system. Here the SME managers can define rules he
wants to apply depending on certain circumstances.
The most common example is a huge order beyond a
given threshold. In this case a predefined allowance
is granted. This rule can even be visible to
customers. By being aware of the rule the customers
might be motivated to order at least the amount
needed to reach the threshold.
Instead of changing directly the values, e.g. total
price, UBL has build in elements to handle
allowances or extra charges. Using these elements
provides better understanding for calculating end
prices and provides the possibility to track back the
applied rules.
Of course also the customer SME can have his
rules and without any IT support which results into a
loop of phone calls affecting even different persons.
We do not say that the negotiation system will do
everything automatically and will replace every
phone call. However, reducing the number of loops
within the barging process is already a benefit.
Think of the system as being a mediator helping
them to find together.
With the approval of UBL 2.0 by OASIS and
statements of UN/CEFACT to relay on UBL in case
of providing a similar standard (McGrath, 2006),
UBL was pushed and we expect a high acceptance
of this standard. In Europe UBL is already used for
e-invoicing for the Danish government since 2005.
The EU project GENESIS (GENESIS, 2006) is
more related to eGovernment. However, after the
great success in Denmark the plans are to extend it
and provide also for SME’s an appropriate platform
and services called OIO Service Oriented
Infrastructure (Brun, Lanng, 2006). Due to the open
architecture this approach is more flexible.
However, we believe that with our single service
provider platform based on an ESB solutions will be
easier and quicker to be reached.
With the described modules in section 3, especially
with respect to barging and negotiation, we try to
support SME’s without ruling them down. Our
approach is not “all or nothing” instead the platform
supports human-to-human communication when
needed and this way following a more federated
integration approach. Our modules and ideas where
generated together with SME managers and
therefore will hopefully meet their requirements.
However, ABILITIES is still a running project and
final results how SME’s adopted the overall
platform are still under evaluation. They are
expected by end of 2007.
The work presented in this paper is partly funded by
the European Commission through the ABILITIES
STREP. The authors are solely responsible for the
paper's content.
Bagnato, A., Guglielmina, C., Knoll, G., Tolle, K., 2006.
Federated Message-based Architecture for eBusiness
Interoperability in New Member States SMEs.
eChallenges 2006, Barcelona, Spain
Brun, M. H., Lanng, C., 2006. Reducing barriers for e-
business in SME’s through an open service oriented
infrastructure, ICEC’06, Fredericton, Canada
GENESIS: Enterprise Application Interoperability –
Integration for SMEs, Governmental Organizations
and Intermediaries in the New European Union,, EU Project, started 2006
McGrath, T., 2006. UBL and UN/CEFACT a status report,
presentation held at UBL International 2006,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Pataki, B. E., Kovács, L., Guglielmina, C., Arezza, A.,
2007. ABILITIES to Support a Federated Architecture
Based Interoperability Bus with Groupware &
Multimedia, I-ESA 2007, Funchial, Portugal
ICEIS 2007 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems