Learning to Segment Objects with Latent Aspect Models
Diane Larlus and Fr
eric Jurie
one-Alpes, France
Object segmentation, Latent aspect models.
We propose a new method for learning to segment objects in images. This method is based on a latent variables
model used for representing images and objects, inspired by the LDA model. Like the LDA model, our model
is capable of automatically discovering which visual information comes from which object. We extend LDA
by considering that images are made of multiple overlapping regions, treated as distinct documents, giving
more chance to small objects to be discovered. This model is extremely well suited for assigning image
patches to objects (even if they are small), and therefore for segmenting objects. We apply this method on
objects belonging to categories with high intra-class variations and strong viewpoint changes.
The problem of image segmentation and labeling im-
age region is one of the key problems of computer
vision. It consists in separating or grouping image
pixels into consistent parts, brought to be elements
that humans consider as individual objects or distinct
object parts. This problem received a huge amount
of attention in the past, and was originally addressed
as an unsupervised problem. Many different methods
have been developed, using various image properties
such as color, texture, edges, motion, etc. (Haralick
and Shapiro, 1985). It eventually turned out that im-
age segmentation and image understanding were two
closely related problems which cannot be solved in-
dependently. After being abandoned for a while, im-
age segmentation came back into favor recently, tak-
ing advantage of recent advances of machine learning.
The goal addressed here is the segmentation of
objects belonging to a given category ( the so-called
figure-ground segmentation problem) assuming the
category is defined by a set of training images. This
is illustrated in Figure 1 for the “bicycle” category
which is a very challenging category. The overall ob-
jective is to classify image pixels as being figure or
ground. Objects can appear in any size and any posi-
tion in the image. They can occur with widely varying
Figure 1: We show an image of the “bike” category, with its
corresponding hand-made segmentation masks. Our goal
is to design algorithms able to compute automatically this
In such conditions, object segmentation is
strongly linked to object detection and recognition.
Indeed, segmenting objects requires learning object
models from training images, as well as to search for
occurrences of these models in images.
For this paper we will focus on difficult real-
condition images where the objects can present ex-
treme appearance variations (see Figure 1).
1.1 Previous Work
The method proposed in this paper is inspired by sev-
eral related recent works, summarized below.
Leibe and Schiele (Leibe and Schiele, 2003) were
among the first authors proposing to learn how to seg-
ment objects. Their method generates object hypothe-
ses, without prior segmentation, that can be exploited
Larlus D. and Jurie F. (2007).
CATEGORY LEVEL OBJECT SEGMENTATION - Learning to Segment Objects with Latent Aspect Models.
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - IU/MTSV, pages 122-127
to obtain a category-specific figure-ground segmenta-
tion. Training images are used to build a visual vocab-
ulary of interest points, containing information about
their relative positions as well as their corresponding
segmentation masks.
Borenstein et al.(Borenstein et al., 2004) use the
same idea of selecting informative patches from train-
ing images and then use their segmentation masks
on new unseen images. They combine bottom-up
and top-down approaches into a single process. The
top-down approach uses object representation learned
from examples to detect an object in a new image and
provides an approximation to its segmentation. The
bottom-up approach uses image-based criteria to de-
fine coherent groups of pixels that are likely to belong
to the same part. The resulting combination benefits
from both approaches.
Several approaches propose to use Conditional
Random Field (CRF) for part-based detection (Quat-
toni et al., 2004) or segmentation (Kumar and Hebert,
2006). The previous authors extend the notion of
CRFs to Discriminative Random Fields (DRFs) by
exploiting probabilistic discriminative models instead
of the generative models generally used with CRF.
Kumar et al. (Kumar et al., 2005) propose another
methodology for combining top-down and bottom-up
cues with CRFs. They combine CRFs and pictorial
structures (PS). The PS provides good priors to CRFs
for specific shapes and provides much better results.
None of the previous approaches is able to cope
with occlusion. Win and Shotton (Winn and Shotton,
2006) were the first to address specifically this prob-
lem using an enhanced CRF. Their approach allows
the relative layout (above/below/left/right) of parts to
be modeled, as well as the propagation of long-range
spatial constraints.
1.2 Description of our Approach
Our approach shares many common features with the
previously mentioned approaches. First, it combines
bottom-up and top-down strategies.
The bottom-up process consists in sampling, and
normalizing in size, dense image patches (small
square image sub-windows), as in (Kumar and
Hebert, 2006; Winn and Shotton, 2006), represented
for subsequent processing by SIFT descriptors (Lowe,
2004). These descriptors are then vector quantized
into a discrete set of labels so called visual words.
Each patch is described by the word of the nearest
centroid. This process is illustrated Figure 2. From
this stage, images are seen as sets of visual words oc-
currences. As the process assigns figure/ground la-
bels to patches, the pixel level segmentation requires
Figure 2: The visual vocabulary is obtained by vector quan-
tizing a set of image patches descriptors.Images are mod-
eled as sets of overlapping documents, each document be-
ing a set of patches.
an additional process, responsible for combining la-
bels carried by patches into pixel hypotheses.
The top-down process embeds object models and
uses them to obtain a global coherence, by combining
local information provided by the bottom-up process.
Most of the models previously used in this context
cannot be used here, because of the strong variation
of object’s appearance. Geometric models such as
the Pictorial Structure (Kumar et al., 2005) or the Im-
plicit Shape Model (Leibe and Schiele, 2003) would
require a huge number of training images in order
to capture the large variability of appearance. Ap-
proaches based on characteristic edge patches (Boren-
stein et al., 2004) are only usable when object outlines
are sufficiently stable. As a consequence, it appears
that a more flexible model is required to address such
object categories.
For the recognition of complex object categories,
the bag-of-words model (Csurka et al., 2004) has been
shown to be one of the most effective. It was inspired
from text classification; the text framework becomes
applicable for documents corresponding to images,
once images have been transformed into sets of vi-
sual words. More recently, techniques based on la-
tent aspects were developed on top of this unordered
word based representation and were applied first for
text classification (Griffiths and Steyvers, 2004), and
then for image classification (Sivic et al., 2005). Such
models are usually coming from the probabilist La-
tent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) (Hofmann, 2001) or
its Bayesian form, the Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) (Blei et al., 2002). Visual words are consid-
ered as generated from latent aspect (or topics) and
images are combination of specific distribution of top-
Using this latent aspect based framework for seg-
menting images is appealing for several reasons. First
because object appearances (topics) can be automati-
cally discovered and learned, limiting the amount of
supervision required. Second, the flexibility of such
a framework can handle large variations in appear-
CATEGORY LEVEL OBJECT SEGMENTATION - Learning to Segment Objects with Latent Aspect Models
The estimation is done according to the maxi-
mum likelihood criterion: We collect N images and
observe the set of patches (x
, w
), . . . , (x
, w
We want to compute θ and φ maximizing
, w
), . . . , (x
, w
)|θ, φ, α, β).
Since the integral of the observation generation
probability (equation 1) makes the direct optimization
of the likelihood intractable, we estimate variables of
interest by an approximate iterative technique called
Gibbs sampling.
During this process we estimate topic affectations
(hidden variables of the model) jointly with θ and φ.
θ and φ are never explicitly estimated, but instead the
posterior distribution over the assignments of words
to topics P(z|w) is considered. This process has been
proposed by (Griffiths and Steyvers, 2004) for the
LDA model. Gibbs sampling works as follows: doc-
uments are initialized with equiprobable distribution
over topics, then we iterate to estimate the posterior
distribution P(z|w).
In practice, the model includes only two topics,
one for describing foreground patches, the other for
background patches. However in a totally unsuper-
vised framework, as we presented so far, foreground
objects might not be automatically chosen as a topic
of the model. The multi-documents model might cap-
ture other more frequent aspects of the image.
This is the reason why some extra supervision
is added during the learning stage. A set of train-
ing images with possibly different levels of super-
vision is used to estimate foreground topic distribu-
tion over words. This is done with a standard LDA
model (Blei et al., 2002) which is able to capture effi-
cient topic distributions even with small supervision.
This learned distribution is then used as a prior on the
φ distribution for the test images.
It should be noted that for making the estimation
possible we only process one test image at a time.
We typically have thousands of documents per image.
Processing all these images simultaneously would be
infeasible. As a consequence, documents of different
images become independent.
The hyper-parameters α and β play an important
role as they allow to control topics and visual words
distribution. For α, a small scalar value has been
taken as in (Griffiths and Steyvers, 2004) in order to
produce sparse and therefore specialized topics dis-
tribution. For β the knowledge acquired during the
training stage has been used. We used values propor-
tional to the number of patches affected to topics and
words. This prior has large values as the knowledge
acquired by LDA model is strong, but during the es-
timation the φ distribution can still be adapted to a
particular test image.
2.3 From Patches to Segmentation
At the end of the estimation process, all patches have
a probability of being generated by one of the fore-
ground/background topics. These patches correspond
to the squared sub-window’s pixels used to build vi-
sual words. To compute the probability for a pixel p
belonging to an object class (corresponding to topic
z), we accumulate the knowledge on patches P con-
taining the pixel. This is modeled by a mixture model,
where weights (probability of a pixel to have been
generated by a patch P(p|P )) are functions of the dis-
tance between the pixel and the center of the patch.
We have P(class(p) = z)
= z)P(p|P
where t
stands for the topic of patch P
This can be seen as a summary of all labels pro-
vided for the same pixel. In regions where neighbor-
ing patches disagree, the confidence will be low; in
contrast if neighboring patches agree, the probability
for the pixel to belong to the object becomes higher.
We tried to evaluate the soundness of our method
by comparing segmentation it produces with hand
ground truth segmentation. We chose to use the bike
class of the Graz-02 dataset
because of its high com-
plexity. It contains images with high intra-class vari-
ability on highly cluttered backgrounds. The ground
truth is available for 300 images. It is given in terms
of pixel segmentation masks (one example is shown
Figure 1). These masks will be used to evaluate the
quality of our segmentation.
Methodology We have shown in section 2.3 that
our algorithm computes the probability for each im-
age’s pixel to belong to an object of a given category.
On the other hand, we know ground truth pixels la-
bels, given by the provided segmentation masks. It
is therefore natural to evaluate the performance by
computing a ROC curve for each image. The ROC
curve represent the true positive rate (T P) against the
false positive rate (FP), i.e., the rate of correct classi-
fication for the category of interest against the rate of
object pixels misclassified. The true positive rate at
equal error rate (EER) is the true positive rate at the
curve point where T P = 1 FP.
Experimental settings Patches are chosen at differ-
ent scales according to a dense grid. This sampling
is dense enough for all pixels to belong to several
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CATEGORY LEVEL OBJECT SEGMENTATION - Learning to Segment Objects with Latent Aspect Models