Rui Lopes, Hugo Sim
oes, Carlos Duarte and Lu
ıs Carric¸o
LaSIGE, University of Lisbon, Edif
ıcio C6, Campo Grande, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
Rich Digital Books, Automated Book Production, Behavioral Dimensions, Web User Interfaces.
This article presents an architecture for the production and delivery of Rich Digital Books on the Web. These
books are transformed and enriched with supporting media, like images and sound, pursuing the goal of reach-
ing broader audiences and enlarging usage possibilities. The architecture affords for the production process’
automation, and thus has the potential to increase digital books’ availability. The architecture also enjoys a
high flexibility degree, allowing the production of books that can be read with Web-based technologies, such
as Web browsers.
Before digital libraries, several barriers were in the
way of everyone’s right to information, ranging from
availability to information retrieval. But digital li-
braries radically changed the way people look at
books. Nowadays, space congestion problems and
maintenance costs are reduced, in comparison to tra-
ditional libraries. On the other hand, users are able to
read books in the comfort of their homes and quickly
search for information.
Since the ground basis for digital libraries has
been widely deployed, other issues became more rel-
evant. Digital libraries and digital books should be
accessible for any user, in any usage scenario. Vi-
sually impaired persons, children, students, and aver-
age users should have access to information. How-
ever, current digital book technologies do not cope
with these specificities. Consequently, digital books
must be tailored and enriched to users’ needs. As it is
impossible to have a single environment to cope with
all usage scenarios, different user interfaces must be
provided by different reproduction platforms.
With this range of possibilities, manually produc-
ing Rich Digital Books (RDBs) will be time consum-
ing and error prone. Therefore, it should be as auto-
mated as possible, driving the focus of manual tasks
to specialized activities (e.g., describing multimedia
contents’ semantics). Having the ability to deliver
automatically multi-device Web-based solutions en-
ables a wider acceptance and dissemination of pro-
duced books.
This paper focuses on an architecture for auto-
mated production of RDBs targeted for Web-based
reading activities, covering the different requirements
on multimedia content, users’ profiles and usage sce-
narios. Some examples of Web-based reproduction
platforms are also presented.
Reading is highly influenced by the reader’s goals.
Whether reading a novel for entertainment purposes,
or studying a textbook, these activities engage the
reader with different levels of commitment and atten-
tion. To portray different kinds of reading, a catego-
rization of reading situations based in two dimensions
(nature of engagement, and the activity’s breadth) was
proposed (Schilit et al., 1999): passively reading a
single text; passively reading multiple texts; actively
reading a single text; and, actively reading multiple
While understanding the text is a common goal
for all reading situations, they pose different prob-
Lopes R., Simões H., Duarte C. and Carriço L. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 248-253
DOI: 10.5220/0001269402480253
lems. Situations encompassing multiple texts entail
the need to manage multiple documents and the dif-
ficulty of finding needed information. Active reading
(Adler and Doren, 1972) involves underlining, high-
lighting and annotating, either on the text or in a sep-
arate notebook, thus demanding for annotation man-
Digital books and digital libraries contribute to
mitigate some of these problems. The latter make it
possible to manage large book collections, and to cre-
ate and explore relations between books, while books
offer the possibility to record, organize and search an-
notations, increasing the possibility of sharing per-
sonal annotations within a community (Kaplan and
Chisik, 2005).
Besides this, the book’s digital support opens up
the possibility of enriching its content with support-
ing media (Carric¸o et al., 2003). If allowed by the
reproduction platform, the book can have its content
enriched with additional multimedia content. In such
a platform (e.g., Web browser), the book’s content can
also be narrated in addition or in alternative to the
visual presentation, similar to Digital Talking Books
(DTBs) (ANSI/NISO, 2002).
RDBs must be able to reach a heterogeneous audi-
ence in a variety of situations (researchers, students,
occasional readers, children, elderly, the blind, etc.).
Thus, reproduction platforms should be tailored for
usage patterns and user profiles, coping with a spe-
cific set of features: support advanced annotation
mechanisms (multimedia annotations, filters, etc.),
advanced navigation (table of contents, lists, etc.), sit-
uational awareness, and interaction with a multime-
dia repository in order to augment RDBs in playback
All these requirements will directly influence
books’ characteristics. To be able to meet them, the
book must pass a production stage. This will ensure
not only that the book’s format will be presentable in
the selected reproduction platform, but also that addi-
tional enriching materials will be coherently selected.
If book production can be automated, all books in
a digital library can be converted to a common format,
and benefit from the possibilities offered by the repro-
duction platform. Having this automation on produc-
tion also opens the way on information repurposing
and creative combination of media contents, allowing
authors and publishers to manage different book edi-
To fit all these different aspects in an RDB cre-
ation process, production architectures must be mod-
ular to leverage book creation and maintenance. Con-
sequently, the following production time require-
ments must be taken into account: provide a modu-
lar and composable content processing configuration;
define a strict content format, rich enough to support
multimedia composition; add content to a repository,
regarding transclusion scenarios; support addition of
new material to the initial content; provide a clear sep-
aration between book content and its user interface;
define a reusable specification of user interfaces, en-
forcing coherence amongst usage scenarios; and ease
prototype features testing.
Having flexibility in the book production process
raises issues regarding production time users. As
such, three user profiles must be supported: top level
user, power user, and developers. The first is a user
with less technical expertise, whose tasks relate to
manage and annotate content, or control bookset pro-
duction. The second relates to those who have high
knowledge over digital publishing, requiring a full
control of book production to create production pro-
files. Lastly, developers are specialized in creating
digital publishing components.
In order to support different RDBs scenarios, a
multimedia repository must be available both on pro-
duction and reproduction times. Consequently, the
following activities must be supported regarding mul-
timedia content management (Cybulski and Linden,
1999): continuous identification, classification, and
organization of multimedia items; converting, and
structuring data into a normalized format, in order to
be indexed and stored in the repository; establish re-
lationships between media items, based on different
criteria (e.g., semantic, composition based, etc.); and
support online query and retrieval of those items, to
be integrated into manual and semi-automatic content
production tools.
Based on these requirements, a flexible architecture
for automated production of RDBs has been defined.
Figure 1 presents the proposed production architec-
ture, divided into different concerns.
Interaction Presentation
Behavioral Dimensions
Figure 1: The production architecture.
The initial set of inputs is fed to the production ar-
chitecture, where it is transformed, augmented, and/or
simplified according to a given production profile,
through content processing and structure repurpos-
ing concerns. A multimedia repository is available
to both concerns as a way to enhance the book’s con-
tent. Afterwards, the target reproduction platform is
chosen, by specifying the required output format con-
cern. Finally, to increase the flexibility of the produc-
tion architecture, a set of behavioral dimensions can
be filled by interaction and presentation concerns, or
left to be dealt by the target RDBs player. At the end
of the architecture, an RDB is available for the se-
lected reproduction platform and user profile. Having
modular concerns as mechanisms to handle the differ-
ent aspects found along the production process, meets
the production requirements gathered previously.
Each production time user’s specific issues are
supported by the production architecture. At a lower
level, developers define processing tasks for each con-
cern. On top of it, these tasks are aggregated into
production profiles, regarding specific requirements
(e.g., user profile, publisher’s presentation specifici-
ties). Finally, top level users control batch production
of books, selecting appropriate concerns or produc-
tion profiles.
3.1 Content Processing
The increase on production and use of rich contents
requires an efficient, and reliable multimedia content
management. However, this presents unique ques-
tions, such as the wide variety of complex formats, or
the need to associate these with the proper application
information. To handle these issues, the processing
architecture’s first concern deals with different tasks
centred on book content processing. As a wide range
of data formats is potentially available as input (e.g.,
DTB, HTML, PDF, timed text, etc.), an initial con-
tent format normalization task is required. This nor-
malization uses a book content format rich enough
to cover the complex tasks to be applied later, along
the lines of hypermedia reference models (Hardman
et al., 1994).
After this step, content reasoning tasks are per-
formed. These can be classified as manual, semi-
automatic, or even fully automated, depending on the
content’s complexity. For instance, a semantic analy-
sis of a book excerpt is difficult to be performed au-
tomatically, while a syntactic analysis requires little
to none user intervention. Therefore, a multimedia
repository was created, to sustain these tasks on RDB
production, mainly through its multimedia content in-
dexing and retrieval facilities. This eases RDB’s rich
content access and distribution.
Integrating such a repository of semantically in-
dexed media will assist the production of media en-
riched books. Figure 2 illustrates how the content
reasoning tasks were designed. This repository needs
to be able to store both raw (e.g., acquired from the
Web) and processed items (e.g., obtained from clas-
sification and composition components). Moreover, a
multimedia content manager component needs to pro-
vide repository indexing and retrieval facilities.
Media Classifier
Multimedia Content
Indexing Retrieval
Text Classifier
n-Media Classifier
Multimedia Items
Figure 2: Classifying and storing multimedia items.
The media classifier component aggregates a wide
variety of dedicated classifiers, each one accountable
for a specific media type (e.g., text, image, video,
etc.). Each classifier performs two tasks: extract con-
tent features and create or reuse existing multimedia
ontologies, providing a semantic description for the
media item. The first task is performed by a feature
extraction component, responsible for content reason-
ing at different levels. This task is geared towards text
categorization, understanding portions of an image,
analysing an audio item, or establishing relationships
between different elements.
The multimedia interpretation and annotation ca-
pabilities must be supported either by manual, semi-
automatic, or automated tools. Hence, concerns deal-
ing with semantic multimedia analysis and annotation
must be followed. For instance, in the case of image
annotations, pattern features extraction for edge de-
tection, regions or texture analysis must be employed.
Afterwards, decisions have to be made on how to rep-
resent the extracted features, and describe methods
for their representation. To do this, a multimedia on-
tologies component provides an adequate way for rep-
resenting the generated annotations.
To support these media annotations, this compo-
nent is expected to follow a compliant format and al-
low authoring of semantically annotated documents.
In this context, knowledge is represented with RDF
and ontologies. A set of ontology derived seman-
tic tags must be created to describe annotated media
content features. This component may use new on-
tologies for media-specific domains, but it can also
import and extend already existing ontologies (such
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
as MPEG-7 Visual Part to describe and relate media
features). Having this normalization assists interoper-
ability and information reuse and availability through
multimedia ontologies.
Another component relates to media composition,
regarding future usage scenarios. This component
is able to compose raw or already composed multi-
media items. The rules for the composition process
can be defined by simple attributes (such as match-
ing metadata), or by complex algorithms (e.g., seman-
tic inferences). Afterwards, the resulting composition
is stored in the repository, for further processing in-
The last component of content processing tasks
is the multimedia content manager. This component
has to support semantically indexed media, and ade-
quate retrieval facilities in a flexible and efficient way.
This information is stored and indexed in a multime-
dia repository, coupled with their structured descrip-
tions. Additionally, media should be retrieved based
either on simple queries, or even based on semantic
relationships of different media contents.
3.2 Structure Repurposing
The second concern relates to content structure repur-
posing. Initially, different tasks should provide pow-
erful content reasoning features, for instance, mul-
timedia repository bi-directional feeding, enforcing
content reuse mechanisms and repository enrichment
with the RDB’s content (to be used in other process-
ing instances).
Afterwards, structure extraction tasks can be ap-
plied to the normalized content. A simple example is
the extraction of a table of contents, an image list, or a
table list, as independent structured content modules.
Decoupling these structures can be helpful for content
Lastly, some control over content structures could
be performed, regarding the deepness of these struc-
tures. This type of task should be applied, for in-
stance, if a book is being processed towards lower
computation resources.
3.3 Output Format
The third concern in the production architecture re-
lates to output format conversion. This concern must
define tasks for the conversion of normalized con-
tent structures, regarding the requirements for the
target reproduction platform. As different scenarios
must be taken into account, different formats must
be supported. Richer formats allow the creation
of specific interaction and presentation capabilities,
whereas more limited platforms require simpler con-
tent formatting. Examples of target output formats
are HTML+TIME (Schmitz et al., 1998), SMIL (Jeff
Ayars, Dick Bulterman, et al., 2001), or DTB.
Afterwards, different tasks can be applied to the
current processed book content state, integrating user
custom constructs (such as skeleton structures for
bookmarking and annotation). These tasks should be
applied if applicable within the chosen output format
platform language.
This concern provides the minimum output to be
played on an RDB reproduction platform, as some
platforms are rich enough to provide flexible inter-
action and presentation capabilities. Therefore, the
specificities for these two concerns are optionally
used later on.
3.4 Interaction and Presentation
After the playback platform is chosen and the book’s
content is transformed into an output format, be-
havioral dimensions are introduced in the produc-
tion architecture. These dimensions define how a
reproduction platform should handle book interac-
tion and presentation concerns. These are introduced
as mechanisms to handle playback platforms’ limita-
tions around these behaviors in production time.
The first concern to be applied after book con-
tent output format choice relates to interaction mech-
anisms tasks. If the previously selected output format
allows the specification of interaction, specific tasks
implement different navigation interaction mecha-
nisms regarding specific interaction devices (e.g.,
mouse, keyboard, speech). Two types of interaction
capabilities can be defined: the first enables the user
to jump towards specific points in a book (e.g., di-
rect click on the content), being the latter based on
navigation patterns (e.g., table of contents interaction
triggers a shift in the content presentation focus).
This concern must take into account the different
limitations on interaction defined by production pro-
files. These can relate to overly simplistic output for-
mats, reproduction device capabilities, reader limita-
tions and disabilities, or even the reader’s surrounding
environment. Nevertheless, these limitations can be
overcome by introducing tasks, for instance, to limit
speech recognition vocabularies in crowded environ-
Finally, the last concern in the book production
defines how an RDB is going to be presented to the
user, based on miscellaneous constraints. To ease pre-
sentation configurability, and to keep user interface
coherence amongst different output formats, the ar-
chitecture uses presentation profiles. Each profile is
defined by a set of presentation rules, applied to the
RDB’s current content state. By combining different
rules, different profiles can share common presenta-
tion features, thus enforcing user interface coherence.
Presentation rules implement a rich set of features
based on users’ requirements and device capabilities.
Different patterns for presentation are defined by each
rule (e.g., sound volume, coloring, dimensioning, re-
source limitations, etc.).
As a result, processing tasks must be provided in
the presentation concern, per output format. These
must be selected accordingly to apply a selected pre-
sentation profile into the RDB’s current state. More-
over, by selecting richer presentation profiles, stricter
behavioral dimensions are fed to the reproduction
The flexibility of the production process allows output
of digital books tailored to a reader’s desired format.
This means that rich digital books can be available
early for immediate presentation, tailored to different
devices and Web-based platforms. These include out-
put formats that combine text with audio (e.g., SMIL),
or even HTML+TIME documents, presentable using
Microsoft Internet Explorer, as shown in Figure 3.
Here, a book is presented with direct content navi-
gation, as well as navigation capabilities of table of
contents and sidenotes., coupled with synchronization
guidance between text and audio.
Figure 3: HTML+TIME book in Internet Explorer.
Towards minimal playback platforms, SMIL is ad-
equate for RDBs. It integrates no navigation mecha-
nisms, although the display of current table of con-
tents item is allowed, next to the main content. The
display of these contents is synchronized with the au-
dio file, regarding the granularity chosen at the struc-
ture repurposing level.
Audio-only books can also be reproducible on a
SMIL player. This kind of presentations introduces an
audio guide (in the form of a beep played in parallel
with the main audio), to help on synchronization as-
pects. Sound volume leveling between the spoken text
and the synchronization guides is also taken in con-
sideration. Other document formats, targeted at more
specific user populations, may also be generated, like
a Braille version of the book, for print disabled read-
ers, demonstrating the production process flexibility.
Nowadays, DTB production is usually performed by
experts, through automated or manual methods. As
DTBs are mainly targeted to the blind, frameworks
do not take into account other user profiles or usage
scenarios. On the automated approach, text-to-speech
is used to generate audio tracks and synchronize text
with audio, leading to bad acceptance from users due
to its robotized voices, and to ambiguous interpreta-
tion of textual content. In opposite, manual produc-
tion becomes too expensive for book collections, due
to synchronization efforts.
RDBs can be generalized to the notion of time-
based hypermedia, having different content sources
with linking capabilities and time composition. Based
on this, automated architectures have been pro-
posed (van Ossenbruggen et al., 2001), allowing for a
constraint-based automated creation of media-centric
presentations (e.g., devices, user models, presentation
specifications). At the end, only SMIL contents are
delivered, therefore lacking text-based formatting.
Regarding reproduction, a list of playback devices
capable of simple DTB reproduction was made avail-
able (Daisy Consortium, 2006). However, no player
meets all the requirements gathered before, and, in a
previous evaluation of their features, some usability
and accessibility flaws have been uncovered (Duarte
and Carric¸o, 2005). This set of limitations is over-
come by the reproduction platforms described in this
paper. Extending these platforms outside the Web
has been done previously (Duarte and Carric¸o, 2006),
to be able to cope with richer reproduction scenarios
(i.e., real-time user interface adaptation engines).
To increase digital books availability, it is essential
to upgrade production processes towards automation.
This evolution will increase digital books acceptance
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
and, combined with Web-based reproduction plat-
forms, can lead to a greater adoption. This paper
presented an RDB production architecture to move
us closer to such a vision. The proposed architecture
supports goals such as providing the same “brand” for
a digital library, or preparing special editions of books
targeted to impaired audiences, people with learning
disabilities, or children learning to read.
To allow for the production of such books, the ar-
chitecture is concerned with mechanisms to normal-
ize content, repurpose structures, and output format-
ting. The preparation of special editions is made pos-
sible with a close integration of a multimedia repos-
itory, to enrich books’ contents. Moreover, books’
contents are also added to the repository for future
Different capabilities are provided by reproduc-
tion platforms, pushing the limits of each Web-based
technology supported by the production platform.
This enforces RDB adoption, increases the spectrum
of readers and reading situations, as presented in this
This work is being funded by Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
e Tecnologia, through grant POSI/EIA/61042/2004,
and scholarship SFRH/BD/29150/2006.
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